#my game crashed in the middle of taking pics for the next scene
seaslugsims · 2 years
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old preg pics of Inola
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
5 times eddie singled out steve during a concert and the one time steve did it back
Corroded Coffin fans were no strangers to the deep love shared between frontman Eddie and his boyfriend Steve. To the point where magazines barely cared to feature any candid pics of them unless Eddie was flipping off the camera. "Two Very in Love People Share a Kiss at Cafe Date" didn't really sell much when it was the 50th story like that.
So when Eddie slowed things down in the middle of the concert, getting that very familiar 'heart eyes' look.
"I know my baby's in the audience. Even though he has a very comfortable room backstage. Show me where you are beautiful." Eddie's voice was slightly rough from the first half of songs.
His eyes scanned the audience until he heard a bunch of screaming from his right. The crowd was vibrating and he knew someone had spotted Steve.
"There you are." Eddie bit his lip, grin threatening to split his face. "This next one's for you."
The crowd was a mix of screams and awws as the beginning melody of It's Always Been You was heard.
2. Another day, another venue. This time, the afternoon crowd at a music festival. It was one of Eddie's favorite kind of scenes. People of all types, letting the music take them in broad daylight. A good mix of diehard fans, casuals, and people who had never heard them play before.
Eddie knew for a fact that Steve was sitting in a little foldable chair, with some drink from one of the booths. He always looked so unassuming with his soft hair and even softer clothes. But Eddie could never let him forget his inner badass. Nor did he let anyone else forget.
"Lil pop quiz for my fans", Eddie started. "One of our fan favorites The Knight's Arrival is inspired by someone very special in my life. Can we get a chant going for the man who has always been my knight in shining armor?"
A very enthusiastic chant for Steve started and Eddie thought his heart might burst. It was like a triumphant reprisal of those times the school would cheer on the ex-king on game night.
3. Sometimes the band put an age restriction on a concert. Now Eddie was of the mind that children didn't need to be coddled or have things censored for them. But also, he didn't need to lay it all out when there was a kid in the audience.
It was these kinds of shows that Eddie let it all hang out. More than one song was inspired by his nights with Steve. His angel's voice even featured on one track, letting out husky moans as Eddie brought him to the brink in the recording booth.
And tonight Eddie was hot. Hot enough to have already taken his shirt off and throw it to the audience. Hot enough that when he went backstage and saw Steve, he was only thinking of one thing. Eddie kissed him deep, tongue licking at the roof of his mouth before a word could leave his lips.
Crash was keeping the audience going with a drum performance. One that started with a simple beat that slowly intensified.
"I want them to hear you", Eddie said against Steve's mouth.
Steve's hair was already tangled in his hair. "You wanna dangle me in front of them?", he smirked.
"Show them you're mine", Eddie started nibbling at his jaw. "Show 'em how good I love you down."
Eddie got the headset mic rigged onto Steve. His sweet boy was already hard, just as turned on from seeing Eddie in his element as he ever was. Eddie slid down to his knees and unzipped his boyfriend's pants.
It started quiet. Not even audible as Crash really got going on the drums and got close to the climax. The room erupted as he reached the end. And it was in the calming of their cheers that they finally began to hear it.
"Eddie, mmmfuck."
They stirred in unison. Steve's voice rang loud and clear as he received a pleasure the rest of them could only speculate on.
"Fuck, sso good. Don't stop. Don't stop-ahh."
For a moment all they heard was Steve's quickening breaths before he called out Eddie's name, dragging it out like he was falling down a well.
Eddie came out moments later, licking something off his lips to cacophonous cheers. The bassline to Take a Bite began. He wished he could've told his high school self that one day he'd get a standing ovation for blowing a guy.
4. "Before we get started tonight I gotta make an announcement!", Eddie came out, already on 100. "First, where's my angel baby. Help me find him."
As usual, a particular part of the audience went wild and moved in a way that could only mean Steve was there.
"Can I get a parting of the Red Sea?", Eddie asked, moving his hands apart and getting that part of the mob to split like Moses. Steve stood there in the middle.
"Get used to that gorgeous. My fellow rockers, scholars, and mischief makers - I am officially a kept man." He flashed the ring on his finger to a din of screams. "Wedding's next fall and we're registered at every corner liquor store! 5-6-7-8!"
5. Eddie felt like he was home. In the middle of a set, shredding in a way that made him feel alive. The current song made it even better. One of the best collaborative efforts of the band. All of their fingerprints were on this track.
The crowd was just as amped up, giving back everything they got. There truly was no place he'd rather be.
Then he caught sight of his Steve, standing just off stage in the wings. And he was overcome. None of this would be possible without him. And even if Eddie and his boys somehow made it to stardom, it all meant nothing without his sweetheart.
Eddie casually walked over, fingers still moving as he got closer to Steve. He only took his hands off his guitar to grab his fiance and dip him as they kissed. Steve wrapped his arms around Eddie's neck. This wasn't his first time being kissed on stage.
And just as other times, the crowd went wild, while Jeff, Gareth, and Crash rolled their eyes through the playing.
6. Steve watched, absolutely lovestruck as Eddie sat on the couch, eating cereal. Dustin's baby, little Deana was propped up on cushions next to him, clearly satisfied as she sat there content. They were uncles babysitting for the weekend.
Steve walked over and grabbed the remote from off the coffee table, holding it like a mic. "All the babes out there, are you ready to rock?", he pointed to Deana.
Her new eyes got large at the movement and sound and her little fists waved in the air.
"But before I go on, I gotta give special love to someone tonight", Steve turned his gaze to Eddie. "To the greatest thing since sliced bread, I could watch you eat Coco Puffs all day."
"You're such a cornball", Eddie beamed, cheeks turning pink. "Can't believe you're doin it in front of a baby."
"Oh, don't tell me the god of rock is getting bashful? So when I wanna shout you out in front of our niece, it's cheesy. But when you call me out in front of thousands-"
"Shut up and kiss me." Eddie put the half finished bowl on the floor and grabbed Steve by the wrist, pulling him right into his lap.
Steve let out a little breath between kisses. "Dustin's gonna have a fit if he finds out we made out in front of his baby."
"What he don't know won't hurt him."
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yhluda · 4 years
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  *  ◟  ―  🍓 hello my angels !! ok so after impulsively joining i literally did this post during acceptances, my tab crashed and i quite literally ragequit ... much like my new muse does ! hi everybody, my name is aria and this is miss BAE LUDA , a daebak house member & twitch streamer ! she’s you’re everyday cyberpunk, rainbowcore, soft girl aesthetic hybrid ?? phew the chaos. but anyway i truly don’t want this to crash again and cry so here we go !! below you’ll find her info, and please like this post if you’re interested in plotting ! mwah !
i’m going to skip her backstory but her bio is fairly short and you can read all about that here !! and a profile is coming soon uwu
comes from a mid-upper class background, though she doesn’t enjoy wealth much, but came to the hill bc she wanted excitement and a change of pace ! but she couldn’t be bothered w all the classes & more petty family drama, she just wants to have fun !
as i stated, she’s a twitch streamer who streams under the name lucida !! but on ig she’s @luucida with two us, since lucida was taken lol. anywho i messed up the explanation on her bio ( i was writing it at 4am pls forgive me ), but it’s a play on of her name and the concept of lucid dreaming ! she calls herself that because first, she thinks she’s got a dreamy appearance, but also because she feels that like lucid dreams, when she plays games she’s in control and can make the impossible possible !
on her twitch she does up the cute a little tbh, listen she knows the market and def does feed into it for the cash ! has regular donators whom she’s kinder to, and borderline flirty but doesn’t take it to the next level you know ??
also does cosplay and shows it on her ig ! though she also does have a patreon where she shows the behind the scenes of making her costumes, as well as exclusive livestreams, and unposted pics ! she just wants her coin !!
and lastly, her most chill platform is youtube, where she’ll literally record in pajamas and react to things ! it’s called relax & react, and is v fun for her ! started the channel after her twitch took off once she became comfortable w her personality on camera !
goes through v strong emotions ! she can b very excitable, when she’s grumpy she’s Grumpy, and also quite the hothead ! doesn’t like losing or being proven wrong due to how competitive she is, though she’s trying to work on it !
always always dying her hair !! if she doesn’t have a wig she’s cutting or dying it, much to her parent’s horror. it currently is short & blonde, her favorite of all time !
also has adopted a dog after moving to the daebak house, and it’s a golden doodle ! and yes, her dogs name is snickerdoodle what about it !!!
she’s v gen z i will not lie !! she just ... loves referencing tiktoks, vines, all that jazz, jokes about her detrimental problems and just chaotic !! therefore ,,, probably gets along well w most the daebak house members majority of the time !
in fact, she probably gets along with most, as those who are her friends she’s v loyal and friendly too ! however if she senses any sort of fakeness, superiority complex, any of that off you ?? it’s a whole 180 she’s not going for it !
also her aesthetic cannot be put into one she’s literally got 3 totally different vibes ??
loves loves rock infused music tho. and 2000′s music ! therefore rina sawayama’s the perfect blend of those vibes, and she will always be found blasting xs. 
also a power bi. straight down the middle ?? loves her daily dose of awkward boys and soft girls. either get her a goth gf or she will be a goth gf lmao !!!
wanted connections:
video game buddies of course !!!
best best friends ... perhaps even opposites of each other ? someone who, unlike her, is more quiet and in their head ?? or someone equally chaotic !!
drinking buddies please !! she loves to party and is always down for some sort of good time. maybe even bad influence thread ?? or someone who’s a good influence on her !
someone to get high ( or just super sleepy ) and talk about the meaning of life at 2am ?? in secret when everybody’s sleep of course. bonus if they make a convenience store run and try to act normal lmao !!
a girl or boy to crush on or vice versa !!! more on the casual side for now but just two people who truly are simps over each other ??
alternatively, fwb that get complicated ! perhaps even someone who was like a summer love, sort of thing ??
any halloween threads literally !! she will put on a brave face and swear she’s not scared at all but like luda why are u running ... why are u running ??
more to come !! i just want to post this before it crashes again rip !
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shinobicyrus · 7 years
“Tooth and Claw”
Haven’t written much Phandom stuff lately, so I thought I’d try something for this year’s Ectober. This one’s for October 26th: TEETH
It was probably a bad sign how long it took for Tucker to figure out which of the tech in his bag was beeping. Had to crouch over it on the sidewalk sifting through a tablet, an old phone, his backup battery charger, two different generations of game boys, his backup-backup charger; Sam always warned him he was slowly sliding down a slippery silicon slope into pseudo-hoarding.
He found the culprit near the bottom of the bag: a Fenton ecto-scope tangled up in some old  cables for a model of PDA he…didn’t actually own anymore. Sam must never know. 
It was a cobbled-together monster made from grave-robbing radio-shacks and amateur soldering kits. Taking it out of the bag only made it vibrate and beep more urgently. The scope took some finagling with a few stuck knobs and dials before the static on screen resolved into something informative: the pixelated silhouettes of trees and a cold-spot slithering past them in toxic, neon green.
Tucker lowered the scope and squinted down the block. The park was that way. Damn. Rustling through his pockets, he pulled out his main phone and pinged Danny on the secure messenger app they’d set up for Phantom stuff- because it wasn’t paranoia when the government really was hunting you down.
You: Code Green in the park You: class idk whatever the hell AW SHIT THAT’S BIG is Danny: ok I can be there in 8 Danny: keep your head down till I get there
Tucker typed back ‘You know me,’ and added a scardey-faced emoticon. 
Danny: :/ You: I choose to interpret that as loving concern for my safety You: don’t text and fly have you learned nothing from the billboard incident You: such a bad role model You: Thing of the kids You: *think You: Plz hurry
Tucker pocketed his phone before Danny remembered the talk-to-text feature. Or if Sam logged on. Like he needed their reminders not to try stuff solo. He was fully capable on standing on a streetcorner like a good sidekick and wait for the big kids to come and-
A scream cut through the night, echoes elongating on concrete and broken asphalt. 
From the park.
Where the monster-ghost was. 
Tucker groaned. “Aw hell,” and ran down the street towards it. 
Being a technophillic pseudo-shut-in whose primary mode of exercise was patrolling haunted warehouses and fleeing for his life, Tucker was pretty unfamiliar with the park. The light from the scattering of streetlamps following the paths was too few and far between, and the shadows from the trees offered too many places for an attack to come from. Honestly, even without the ghost this place was a deathtrap. 
But whatever, he was committed. He had a Fenton wrist blaster raised and trained on anything that sounded bigger than a grasshopper while he followed the chiming ectoscope.
It all resembled a scene from one of Sam’s Femalien movies a little too close for comfort: the squad of buff, hypermasculine space marines of the spacepatriachy, gung-ho and completely unaware how quickly their collective space-asses were about to get wrecked.
He kept walking. The ectoscope pinged faster. Danny said eight minutes, right? And that was…not eight minutes ago, but sooner than it was earlier. All he had to do was rescue the nice human people from being chewtoys and preferably not get full-ghosted himself.
A twig snapped. Tucker almost shot a startled rabbit, eyes shining on the edge of a streetlight. It hopped away until it melted into the long shadows of the mini-woods. 
“This is a good plan,” Tucker decided. Out loud. On the record. 
Further down the path, where the path looped around a copse of trees and the scarce light flickered weakly, Tucker heard another scream. 
He ran towards it. Look out, creatures of the netherworld, it’s a coward with a guuuun!
Around the bend, the lights were completely out, smothered and snuffed by a low buzzing hum that smelled like ozone and made the ectoscope sputter into a snowstorm of static. There was still plenty of light to see by. Sick, witch-cauldron green radiating from the ghost swimming ethereally in the air like a giant watersnake, only segmented, SUV-sized, and a head that was more a gaping chasm of sawteeth than actual head. 
That sarlacc mouth was perfectly sized to swallow up a lady in jogger clothes, who was pretty much paralyzed with fear…or maybe it was some kind of hypnotic gaze? Maybe that was what the noise was: lulling the prey just long enough to send them to the Boba-Fett Place. 
Tucker threw the ectoscope aside, braced the arm with the wrist-blaster, and shot right down the thing’s ugly mouth.
The low buzzing in the air cut off into a gurgling screech. It reared up, spitting up ecto-bile and vaporized gullet. Tucker’s next two shots hit along its body, making it spasm mid-air like a breathless fish to crash writhing into the grass. 
“Wha-?” The lady said, either broken by the spell or just plain baffled by daring rescue. Tuck ran up to stand between her and the ghost, blaster at the ready.
“Just go, I’ll hold it off!” Tucker yelled over his shoulder. “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be-”
Annnddd she was already gone. Oh wow she could really book it. Guess that explained the jogging shorts. Still. 
“What, not even half a second of hesitation?!” Tucker yelled at the receding sound of her shoes. “I know I told you to run, but jeez, a little concern for- oh hi you’re up.”
The baby shai-hulud had risen back up, not floating but still long enough to cast a shadow over him. From that close, its outraged roar smelled a little like sun-rotted roadkill. 
 “Okay, you’re a little mad, I hear you,” Tucker leveled the blaster at it. “But here’s my rebuttal.”
Then the blaster didn’t fire.
Tucker rapidly thumbed the firing switch again. A third time. The blaster shuddered a bit on his wrist, made an sad, tired electric whine. It sounded too much like a whomp whomp on helium. 
“Uh…I don’t suppose you’d let me find someplace to plug this in?” He yelped and dove to the side when the ghost lunged at him. “AH! Guess that’s a ‘no’!”
Oh God how had he thought this was a good plan.
Tucker ran, pulled out every stop he knew from years of tactically fleeing horrifying undead monsters. Thankfully however he’d hurt it before kept it from flying after him, and it didn’t seem smart enough to phase through the trash cans, streetlights, and park benches that got in its way. Or maybe it was just super pissed.
Somehow he managed to pull out his phone in the middle of a zigzag, checked the time. Another three minutes? Two? Like Danny was ever freaking on time for anything in his half-life. “Call Danny!” He yelled. 
The phone showed him a profile pic of Danielle and Tucker cosplaying at last year’s nerd-con. “Calling ‘DANI’…”
“Wrong one stupid clone-racist phone! CALL DANNY!”
“Calling ‘DADDY…’“
“How the fuck even?!” 
Technology you’ve failed me. I’ve shown you nothing but allegedly obsessive love and you do me like that.
The ghost’s glow cast behind him warned Tucker just in time to skid beneath a low-branch and let it ram into the tree instead. Wood crunched and he shuddered thinking of being chewed and ground down to the bone between those teeth.
 It was okay, the plan was going great. He was still alive, stalling for time. Danny would get here, follow the sound of ghost roars and Tucker’s manly not-panicking screams, thermos the worm, then grab some nice post-hunt midnight bro-grub and crack jokes about how Tucker almost got eaten by-
Something snagged his ankle, cutting Tucker’s speed from adrenaline-fueled to face-meets-ground with gravity-speed. Screw you too, psychics. 
He managed to throw up his arms in time to shield his face. Pain lanced up his forearm and burned scraps into his palms. His glasses where askew, the world gone crooked and blurred. Neck twisted to follow the cold, wet feeling slowly dragging him through a bed of dead leaves. 
A long, slick glowing tendril coming from the ghost’s mouth pulled him closer and closer into its waiting maw. The hum turned into hungry, gleeful gurgles. 
Oh. This was. This was not in the plan. 
Tucker dug his raw hands  into the ground, dragging fistfuls of leaves and wet dirt. The light from his phone screen was just an arms length ahead, pulling away, no matter how much he kicked and scrambled and tried to pull himself forward. He thought there’d be more screaming and babbling on his end. Instead he was focusing every molecule of air on breathing, trying to get his crappy body Sam used for workout fodder to fight, stop that grinding progress towards it. 
He was close enough to kick it, watch its expectant slobber dribble on his ripped cargo pants. Stupidly, he adjusted his glasses; got a nice, non-blurry view of that garbage disposal mouth, a hungry pit lined with thumb-sized teeth he could reach up and touch.
Tucker’s entire life, the whole of him, boiled down to this. He always figured his last thoughts would be of his mom, crammed between Sam and Danny on his too-small bed binging bad anime, the way Ingrid bit her lip nervously before she decided to give him his first kiss.
Instead, he just swallowed and said: “Oh Grandmother, what big teeth you have.”
Jesus, good thing no one was around to hear that. 
A furious growl tore through the trees- a wrecking ball of black and green slammed into the side of the ghost-worm. It reared up and shrieked with pain, the tendril around Tucker’s ankle somehow slack and severed.
The smart thing would be to move. Tucker numbly continued to sit there, jaw hanging as his rescuer clung to the side of the ghost-worm and tore into it with massive claws. 
The ghost-worm bucked and wiggled, then body-slammed itself into the ground, forcing Wulf to leap off and land on all fours. His eyes were solid green and burning, snarling something in ghost Tucker couldn’t catch. They went at each other, tearing the small forest around them apart. The worm’s hide was pierced and bleeding in a dozen places, but it had desperation and a metric fuckton of bulk to throw around. 
Wulf took cover in the trees, leaping from branch to branch, constantly circling and taking advantage of every opportunity to claw at its blind spots (how did it see though? did it even have eyes where the hell were its eyes?). Tucker realized his mistake when it dawned on him how much energy Wulf was wasting trying to keep that thing’s attention off of him, how Wulf was trying to protect him. 
The worm must have realized it at the same time. Tucker saw it coming, tried to yell and warn him, but it came too fast- Wulf was blindsided by the worm’s tail end, flew and hit the trunk of a tree and went down hard. Pulled himself up with strain shaking his shoulders. 
The worm let out a skree of victory and hurled itself towards Wulf. Faster than Tucker could shout, he saved himself by cutting a portal into solid air and diving in just before the worm hit, flattening itself and splintering the tree like a brittle toothpick.
It rolled and flopped on the ground, like it was having some kind of tantrum. Pulling itself back up, its mouth-head swiveled around, searching for some sign of Wulf, until it settled back on Tucker.
“Don’t look at me, I don’t know where he went.” 
A muffled, tearing noise came from somewhere in the worm’s middle.
Wulf burst out of worm’s midsection claws first with a howl, an explosion like a sledgehammer to a watermelon that splattered Tucker and everything in sight with green. The worm didn’t even have any breath left inside, much less insides at all, to even make a dying noise as it fell over like a deflated hose. 
Panting, splattered with goopy green chunks on his claws and in his fur, Wulf stood in the clearing and panted hard. His eyes were still narrowed and dangerous, ears flat against his big head and hackles raised. Tucker had forgotten how big he was, half again as tall with enough shoulder width and muscle that would have brought Dax Baxter to weep impotent tears. 
“Uh…Wulf? You okay buddy? Amiko?”
Wulf’s ears shot up, the hunch in his shoulders straightening as he spun around to look at Tucker with huge, concerned eyes. “Amiko Tuck!”
He dove at him, predator fast, and before Tucker could even flinch Wulf’s huge paws picked up Tucker and held him at Wulf’s eye-level. “Ĉu vi estas bone? Ĉu ĝi vundis vin?” His muzzle scrunched adorably as he sniffed Tucker up and down.
“Ah-ah!, that tickles! Haha- okay okay I’m fine, man. Ne…ne- nenio estas rompita.” He smiled with a split lip. “Danke al vi.”
“Sed,” A paw easily braceleted around Tucker’s wrist. “Viaj manoj…”
“Just a scrape man, really,” Tucker assured him. “It could have been- would have been a hell of a lot worse.”
Wulf’s left ear flicked, then looked pointedly at Tucker’s hands. Shaking like leaves in Wulf’s grip. It hurt his palms for Tucker to clench his fist, but it stopped the worst of the shakes. There was nothing he could do to stop the shaking in his heart, how hyperaware he was of his own pulse, the distant but twinging pain in arm, his ankle. The pressure behind his eyes. 
“Please don’t tell Danny and Sam?” He asked, voice a little weaker. “I-I don’t want them to know how close it was. They’d only get worried.”
“Por bona kialo,” Wulf reprimanded him gently.
“Please? Bonvolu?”
It was funny to see a wolf’s brow furrow with deep thoughts, until finally Wulf hugged Tucker tight to his chest. A giant, fuzzy, protective barrier he could wrap his arms around. 
“Thanks Wulf, you’re the best.”
“I know,” he managed, then touched his big, wet nose Tucker’s.
Heat flooded his face. “Oh my God did you just give me a dog-kiss? Is that a thing you just did?”
“Not dog,” Wulf corrected him. “Lupo.”
“You are missing the point of-”
“Tucker!” A voice dropped in from the sky.
Of course this is when Danny would get here. This is his life, this is what he deserves.
Danny floated above the torn up ground and pulverized trees and gaped at the slowly melting leftovers of the ghost-worm. “What the hell- what is Wulf doing here?”
Tucker crossed his arms across and played up snuggling against Wulf’s ghost-hoodie. Not like they weren’t both covered in worm-goop anyways. “Lucky for me you’re not the only ghost-friend I have and this one is both cuddlier and more reliable.”
“I thought I told you to sit tight until I got here!”
“An innocent midnight jogger with bad judgement and possibly insomnia was in danger. What was I supposed to do, ask it to hold up until the real hero showed up?”
That seemed to cut off whatever else Danny was planning to say. “I. There was- yeah okay that’s fair. Good work, Tuck.”
Wulf and Tucker cleared their throats. 
“Both of you. Thanks for having Tucker’s back, Wulf.”
Wulf shrugged, “Ne dankinde. Tucker havis ĝin sub kontrolo.”
“I’m…going to assume that means ‘you’re welcome.’“
“Dude,” Tucker said. “Duolingo. Esperanto ain’t that hard.”
“Iz not.” Wulf said. “English.”
Danny and Tucker both laughed at the smug look on Wulf’s face. 
“Well you two look thoroughly disgusting,” Danny said. “Want to skip the traditional after-hunt bro-snack and get you home to get cleaned up?”
“Hell no,” Tucker said mutinously. “Wulf and I can go back to the apartment to get cleaned, you can pick up some burgers for all three of us for being late.”
Wulf’s tail swished away some stray leaves behind him “Burgers?”
Danny blanched at the thought of paying for enough food to satisfy two grown men and a giant werewolf-ghost, but between Tucker’s guilt-trip look and Wulf’s puppy eyes, he sighed. “Okay, okay fine, I’ve got food duty. But he stays in your room until you two get that crap off you. I don’t want the whole apartment smelling like double-dead worm monster and wet dog.”
“Lupo,” They said together. Wulf’s ears perked and he grinned at Tucker with a mouthful of fangs. 
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