I genuinely thought it was canon that Sylvia cheated on Dal with Tim. I genuinely believed it. Now, im sitting here, at 7:44 in the morning, asking myself "is it actually canon?"
Boy howdy do I have a lot to say about them-
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sweet-child · 7 months
insanityexistsalone -> sweet-child
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Pony kept Johnny's jacket. He doesnt wear it often cause he doesn't want it to loose his smell.
He'd doodle Johnny's and Dal's face, scared to forget what they looked like. Instead, he slowly forgets the faces theyd make when they were happy, joing around, excited, etc.
He'd write letters to Johnny. Maybe they werent everyweek, but atleast once a month. He'd never deliver them, though.
He hardened. He 'got wise' like Dallas said.(" You better wise up, Pony. You better wise up, man. You get tough like me, and you don’t get hurt! You watch out for yourself, and nothing can touch you, man"). He did it without realising it.
You now how in the book Dallas was blonde? So blonde his hair was almost white? Ponyboy kept his hair bleached, but he grew it out longer. For Dallas. This is all i could think of for right now, but I might have more later lol.
I am screaming. Blond Pony is one of my favorite things and I love when people remember that he liked to draw. And getting tougher! Ugh, that’s real. I really, really dig that one-
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47! Cowboy/Saloon Au with either you or a boy of your choice (platonic for the latter camp)
47. touching their elbow to get their attention
Dillo looked up when he felt the the tap to his elbow and turned from the drink he was shaking, coming face to face with Ash. He grinned and stepped to her. “Whatcha need, baby?”
“Just wanted to say hi,” she murmured, slipping her hand into the curve of his arm to pull him a little closer.
He pressed a smiling kiss to her temple before pressing one to her cheek. “Well then. Hello to you, hon. Ya want a drink or something?”
Ash smiled and gave him a nod. “That’d be nice, my love.”
Dillo pressed another kiss to Ash’s cheek before waving her to the other side of the bar and turning to fix up her favorite drink.
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I genuinely think that Staceys Mom is RADIATING Two-Bit (and a hint of Steve). I genuinely think he would love milfs. I think they would bond over the milfs they see in the street.
Yes!! Very accurate.
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Cowboys, yk?
I very much know.
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@insanityexistsalone you asked to be tagged baby!! @the-kneesbees you said you were interested-
Lemme tell you something-
Tim. Dallas. Sylvia. The cheating scandal. I’ve got a ton of thoughts but I’ve gotta clarify some stuff first.
I’m gonna be talking about True Canon, Sophie Canon, and Dillo Canon and I intend to make it very clear which is which, but y’know, don’t hate on me if I say something you don’t agree with. I’m just a dude running a blog, okay? If you don’t like it, you don’t gotta stick around, this is all just for fun and all interpretations.
I’ve got a lot to say so it’s going under a cut- sorry about that folks-
So! Let’s start with True Canon!
As far as I remember, cause I don’t have my book in hand at the moment, Dallas says that Sylvia’s been two-timing him while he’s in jail and that’s why they called things off. True Canon!Sylvia has a history of running around on Dallas and flirting with other people, for example Johnny. At the same time, True Canon!Tim is True Canon!Dally’s fre-enemy. Dal slashed his tires, Tim still visited him in the hospital.
As far as True Canon goes, as far as I remember True Canon to go, it never explicitly says who Sylvia was doing the two-timing with. Just that Sylvia was messing around while Dally was locked up. And that’s True Canon. Simple enough.
(Again this is all from memory but if I’m wrong, someone please correct me, please, I’m not joking-)
Now! Let me introduce you to Sophie Canon.
Written by my wonderful friend @sophie-i-guess13, Sophie has an extensive take on the inner workings between Sylvia, Dallas, and Tim. I’ve spent countless hours talking with her about how the three of them work, their history, their future. We’ve talked. A lot. And that’s not to say that I impacted Sophie Canon, she came up with almost everything and I cheered her on and fooled around with her ideas like they were my personal dolls
(I highly recommend reading everything she’s ever written I love all her pieces and she’s got a lovely writing style that I would kill for, check her out here and on her AO3, I’m not even joking, her works changed my whole outlook on the fandom)
But in Sophie Canon, Sylvia and Dallas have one of those on-again, off-again relationships where they break up every other week. Sylvia and Tim are also childhood friends. There’s break offs and AUs that she’s made too so that sorta changes thing, but at the baseline, Dallas and Sylvia are a problematic relationship and Tim and Sylvia always end up as an endgame relationship, no matter if it’s platonic or romantic.
In Sophie Canon, as far as I can remember, Sylvia never really cheats. Dallas’ is just very jealous and Sylvia knows that she gets attention from him if she flirts a little with other guys.
Sophie canon has greatly impacted and formed my opinion on this matter and is a big contributor to Dillo Canon.
Dillo Canon is exactly what it sounds like. My canon.
In Dillo Canon, Sylvia never cheated. Sylvia never cheated. Sylvia Never Cheated. SYLVIA NEVER CHEATED. And she definitely never did it with Tim.
In Dillo Canon, Sylvia and Tim and Dallas grew up together. They were buddies and Sylv and Dal did their off and on dating thing as they grew up and Sylv and Tim were friends long before Dal rolled into town and stayed friends long after he died.
Dal was jealous of the close bond Tim and Sylvia had and often accused them of having feelings for each other, even when Dal and Sylv were dating. He’s an insecure hood who’s had a rough life and a tough time with relationships, alright? No one said he was perfect.
So honestly? Here’s how it went down in Dillo Canon.
Dal came home from his stay in the pen, found Sylvia staying at Tim’s because she’s got shitty parents, just like everyone else, and Dal thought something was going on between them. So they broke up, Dal took his ring back, and that was that. They would’ve gotten back together within the next week or two because they always end up together again, no matter what either of them say <3
That’s what I have to say about that!
If anyone wants an elaboration on anything, feel free to ask, I can talk lore all day long-
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Patience by Guns N Roses can be 2 things. Either Curly missing his partner in the reformitory, or Sodapop missing his family and his partner at war. But with Soda's, theres a follow up. November Rain by Guns N Roses. Patience isnt that sad, but with November Rain paired to it makes the song sadder. But, we can make this even more depressing with Live and Let Die. Specifically with Pre Chorus and Chorus. I just- augh. My mind cant quite with imaginging Curly sitting around in the reformitory, thinking about his lovely partner. I find it sweet. (Im personally imagining his lovely partner as Loop.) And with Sodapop? Him pulling out pictures of his brothers, his friends, and his girl everynight before bed. He thinks to himself "For them. Thats why im doing this." And it scares him that he wont be able to see them again, but he imagines hugging his brothers when returning home. He imagines cracking a beer with the boys and seeing the smiles on their faces when hes returned home. He's probably called his lovely partner when he can, and always says "We just need a little patience." Months pass while he was drafted, and he gets shot on the battlefield. His mind wonders back to his brothers, upset that he has to leave them behind especially after Johnny and Dallas. One day, theres a knock on The Curtis door. 2 Soldiers, both in formal unforms. No one ever knocks on the door, but Steve answers it. "Hello. This is the Curtis residence, correct? We are on the behlaf of the United States Army. May we come in?" They say, and Steve nods as he lets them in. Ponyboy, who was laying on the couch, sits up and turns off the TV. "Are you Darrel Curtis?" An officer asked Steve, to which he shook his head. "No, he's not here right now. He's working." "Please, call him. Its important that all close kin are here. When Darry arrived at his house, he wasnt expecting two military officers to be in his living room. "Darrel Curtis?" An officer asked, to which Darry slowly nodded "Whats going on?" "Please, sit down." Darry complied, wearily. "I am Corpral Jones, and this is Private Staples. " He finally introduced themselves as they both stood infront of the group of boys. "The commandant of the United States Army has entrusted us to express his deep regret that your brother, Sodapop Curtis, was killed in action in Veitnam. " "Live and let die"
(this aint 100% accurate, i did my best)
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Oo what happened at the rodeo???
There was this guy who totally broke his arm after he got thrown from a bull and the little kids riding sheep (mutton busting) were absolutely adorable and the barrel racers were fantastic and the ropers were amazing and the bull fighters were so good-
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Me rn
(I miss you)
Aw baby, I’m here for you whenever, DM whenever you want, I’ll give you all the attention you want <3
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👉👈 can I have the picrew link
Course! Right here! There’s another one that I used a long time ago, more feminine based, it’s not picrew but it’s the same style vibe, I can give you that one too? If you’d like?
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I want your hat to be hanging on either my door handle or the head of my bass when I'm (we're) asleep.
You make me so crazy, you know that-
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Just wanted to tell you that I want your boots underneath my bed.
You can’t just say things like that in my inbox and expect me to stay normal-
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Drinking water rn. It still has ice from this morning at 8 when I filled it with ice. (Currently 3:07). Its not much, but it still cold. Hhh water tastes so good but now I have to pee.
The perils of hydration-
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Hi 🤭🤭
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Hi there baby 🤟
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I wore Dillo's hat 🤭🤭🤭
so politely, quit flirting (:
(was I polite enough my love?)
Ehhhhhhhh it works I suppose-
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