#install a blink smart camera
franklyshipping · 5 months
Tickle-Hungry ~ A Markiplier Ego Fanfic
Here we have our next glorious anon prompt, this one pertaining to an interesting ship between the snazzy Bim Trimmer and courageous Silver Shepherd! Let's explore this cute union and DO THIS!
TAGGING: @bimlee-trimmer @bim-trimler and @silvlee-shepherd
Silver Shepherd, as usual, was being a complete and utter sweetheart, and Bim Trimmer was smitten. The charming gameshow host had taken a swan-dive into the whole “new year new me” vibe, and had begun this process by giving his studio a complete revamp in anticipation of a new panel show he was going to be filming. All the basic decorating had been done and everything he needed was on-site, but now it was a case of getting all the heavy apparatus and props in position… and the workforce he normally used had all come down with the flu! Naturally of course, Silver Shepherd was eager to jump to the rescue and be the hero of the hour, and for the past few days had been placing podiums, installing rows of seating, as well as positioning heavy cameras and light fixtures.
Bim was helping too of course… though mostly by bringing Silver drinks and snacks whilst he himself mostly watched the hero at work. Silver didn’t mind, and honestly was glad because the last thing he wanted was for Bim to pull a muscle! So he accepted the sustenance and chat happily, honestly loving having Bim’s constant company… and the occasional subtle flirting that came with it. Silver pretended not to notice, but he saw how Bim would glance over at him (or sometimes just straight up stare) whenever he stretched or flexed amidst his work. Silver found it very flattering, and as a result had slowed his pace a little, just to make the fun last.
‘Where do you want this camera going?’
‘Just over there please, we’ll use that one for the wide podium shots.’
‘Okey dokey!’
Silver went about moving it, his shirt raising as he did so, and Bim had to bite back a grin when he got the chance to catch yet another glimpse of Silver’s delectable midriff. Bim didn’t know what was coming over him, but something about spying Silver’s adorable tummy or waist made him feel–
‘So what’s it about?’
Bim blinked at Silver, realising Silver was stood in front of him, smiling curiously.
‘The new gameshow! Is it a quizzy one?’
Bim used all his willpower not to blush as a charming smile appeared on his face, and he laughed lightly.
‘O-Oh, hah, yeah yeah it is.’
‘How will it work?’
Silver asked, his eyes bright with curiosity which made Bim feel like his heart was going to melt. Bim subtly neatened his hair as his smile grew, subconsciously trying to look smart and charming as he replied.
‘Well um, the questions are in different categories. If you answer enough questions in one category you can get prizes related to it, and there are a list of themes people can pick from. For example if someone went with the theme of Italy and they answer three questions right, they’ll get a dinner for two at a 5 star Italian restaurant. Answer six questions right they’ll also get a six year supply of authentic gelato, and if they answer all ten questions correctly then they also get an all expenses paid 4-night holiday to Florence! Also all the questions are multiple choice, so it’s not super hard.’
Silver looked utterly awestruck, mainly because the prizes sounded so generous!
‘Woah, that sounds so cool!’
‘You really think so?’
Bim asked, and Silver nodded as his beaming smile grew.
‘Yeah! I mean… I think all your ideas are awesome.’
Silver’s words hit Bim like a freight train. Bim was used to compliments, he got them from colleagues and fans practically every day… but to hear words like these from Silver just got to him in a totally different way. Bim couldn’t hold back the warmth blooming on his face, and when Silver saw he’d made Bim blush he himself felt his own cheeks turn rosy. But of course that’s fine between really close friends! Silver figured it was totally normal that his tummy was full of flutters and that his fingers were twitching with the urge to play with Bim’s hair and stroke his face– oh boy. Silver blinked, getting his thoughts straight, and opened his mouth to ask what Bim wanted moving next.
But he didn’t have a chance to get his words out, because Bim too had been swirled about in his own head. All he could think about was how damn kind and sweet Silver was, how generous and selfless… but also how goddamn pretty he was. I mean he was a superhero for goodness sake! Not only that, but he was so strong, so soft looking… and that midriff was a whole treat all by itself. Bim couldn’t resist anymore… and so he pounced.
‘So shall I do one of the podiums next or–AHH!’
Silver’s words were cut off as he suddenly found himself pinned to the floor, eyes wide. As he locked eyes with Bim he spotted a twinkle… a very, very familiar twinkle. Silver had been tickled by Bim before, so he knew what his ler mood looked like… but for Bim this was even more than that. There was something feral in that twinkle, and for a moment Silver could have sworn he saw his eyes flash violet and his teeth momentarily gleam with sharpness.
‘B-Bim what the heck?!’
Silver giggled nervously as he squirmed, but Bim’s hold was strong as he kept him playfully pinned down. Slowly he leaned in and whispered in the hero’s ear.
‘Do you have any idea… how tempting you are?’
Silver’s pink cheeks suddenly darkened to a distinct red as he stuttered.
‘T-Tempting? H-How?’
Bim chuckled fondly down at him, and gently lifted up Silver’s t-shirt to reveal his stomach and waist. With a few fingertips he started tracing the bare skin, and he purred in a low voice.
‘Soft, sensitive… tasty looking…’
Silver’s eyes went wide as he realised what Bim was getting at, and the traces already got his giggles started. Bim’s way of tickling was legendary in the manor…in the most wild and chill-inducing way. Bim slowly licked his lips, grinning and revealing his teeth as his face hovered closer and closer to Silver’s stomach.
‘N-Nonono Bim Bim w-wait yoou know I c-can’t take it when you–EEEEP!’
Bim pressed his open mouth against Silver’s stomach…and started nibbling. In an instant Silver was struggling wildly as he giggled and snorted, his blush creeping down his neck and he started babbling.
‘Nohohoho stahahahappit! Yohohour teheeth ahare shahaharp!’
‘Mhmm, all the better to tickle you with!’
Silver giggled even harder as Bim nibbled all over his soft, plush stomach. He wasn’t leaving any marks to speak of, but those canines in particular was just impossible for Silver to ignore. Plus with Bim holding his hands down, their fingers interlaced together in a totally normal friend way, there was nothing he could do to fight back!
‘Mmm, has anyone ever told you that you taste as good as you look?’
Silver was flustered into near speechlessness as he gazed up at Bim, gaping and stuttering.
Bim laugh, giving Silver’s lower belly a nip as he growled warmly.
‘Aww, did I embarrass you?’
Silver resumed his wild giggles and little shrieks as Bim’s teeth continued their tickly feasting. The rest of the hero’s energy translated into him frantically kicking his legs as he replied.
‘Why ahahare yohou dohoing thihis toho mehehehe?!’
‘I already told you, because you’re just so tempting!’
Bim retorted, nipping at one of the hero’s hips to make Silver squeal and whine.
‘Buhuhuhut why?!’
Silver’s eyes were wide with cute confusion, and Bim hesitated as his own cheeks got hotter. He decided to hide his face by bowing it to nip Silver’s hip again – but even as the hero squealed… he caught the edge of Bim’s smile as it turned noticeably shy.
‘Maybe I… like you.’
Silver’s breath hitched and both men went still. Silver’s smile didn’t fade as the tickles paused and Bim gently released his hands, sitting up and clearing his throat softly as he glanced away from Silver. Bim’s heart and head were racing. Did he really just say that? Would Silver be happy because of what he said? Would Silver know exactly what he meant when he said that he liked him? Bim’s mind was threatening to run away with him, until he felt a squeeze on his hand.
‘You like me?’
Silver whispered, and when Bim looked at him he saw an expression full of a smile, a blush… and hope. Bim cleared his throat softly, gently resting his chin on Silver’s tummy as he nodded, looking at Silver tentatively. The Silver’s face was hot as his mind raced with his own thoughts. Was this really happening? Did Bim say what Silver thought he said? Did they both have the same feelings? Silver knew how he felt for Bim, that’s for sure… he’d felt things for Bim for such a long time, but a lack of confidence had always gotten in his way. Until now. Silver reached out and gently stroked Bim’s cheek, encouraging him to look at him.
‘Maybe… maybe I like you too.’
Bim’s face lit up, and he instinctively pressed his cheek against Silver’s hand. One look in his eyes told him that he and the hero were on the exact same page. Bim also saw that the smile on Silver’s face was vibrant, and a tad cheeky. Flirty. Bim grinned, and leaned down to nuzzle Silver’s already pink hip – he figured there was no harm in flirting back, just a little.
‘Oh really?’
Silver squeaked with surprise… but didn’t push Bim away as he continued to softly nuzzle along his waist. He hid his face in his hands as he giggled, nodding as he peeked at Bim through his fingers. If Silver had been looking for confirmation of their relationship, this was definitely it. Bim chuckled, showing of his pearly whites as he grinned broadly. This was the best day ever.
‘I think you like it when I nibble you, don’t you?’
Silver got butterflies in his stomach at the thought of admitting that of all things… and he also liked the thought of keeping up that subtle cheeky streak he had bubbling in his chest. He snorted softly as he mumbled.
Bim smirked at that, raising a playful eyebrow. He could tell Silver was playing coy on purpose which he thought was adorable… and he knew exactly what the perfect response would be. Bim took a deep breath, and started blowing raspberries along Silver’s exposed waist as he chuckled.
‘Only maybe? Are you sure?’
Needless to say, Silver was an absolute giddy mess of shrieks and yelping-laughs as his eyes widened cutely.
‘I am being nice, I’m giving you one of your five a day!’
Bim continued his raspberries as Silver kicked and batted at him. Though he didn’t fight back with any genuine force, it didn’t take long for the one-sided tickles to transform into a full-blown tussle of pokes and half-hearted wrestling. Neither man could stop smiling.
‘Yohohou’re ahaha meheanie!’
‘You take that back!’
‘Oh you’re really gonna get it now!’
Silver’s giggles were bubbly and full of squeaks as they continued wrestling, and Bim’s giggles were similarly unstoppable. He leaned in close with a growl, and the hero shrieked and flails when he felt a sloppy raspberry against his ear.
‘Ooohhh, I didn’t know your ears were so ticklish!’
Bim laughed, and playfully grazed the shell of his ear with his teeth.
‘Aww, so sensitive and delicious! I think these might be my new favourite snack!’
Silver was a mess of flustered laughter, but once again wasn’t truly trying to push Bim away. In fact, he was doing the opposite. His arms were wrapped around Bim’s waist, keeping him snug and as close as humanly possible, which was keeping Bim’s heart racing with delight. He treated both of Silver’s ears to a load of nibbles for a while, before he dimmed down to more soothing kisses, until finally leaning up and having mercy. Silver was panting as he giggled residually, and he beamed when he saw the shy smile return to Bim’s face.
‘Was that… okay?’
Silver giggled, and didn’t hesitate to nod.
‘Yeah… more than okay.’
Then, before he could let his nerves cloud his judgement, Silver leaned up and gave Bim a peck on the lips. Bim’s face lit up, his eyes flashing with those magical glints of violet once again… and he kissed Silver back. They were connected, warm and soothed for a few sweet moments before they briefly parted for air, and Silver whispered.
‘Do you still want me to move stuff–?’
‘Are you sure–?’
Bim cut him off with another kiss, making the hero giggle and melt – if he had to pick between moving light fixtures and kissing the most handsome gameshow host in existence, he was going to choose the latter every time. Especially when said gameshow host pulled him to his feet with a grin and a growl, holding his hand and pulling him out of the study and he mumbled about still being hungry. Silver figured his grin was probably permanent now, and his step had a skip to it as he interlaced his fingers with Bim. After all, he wasn’t the only one hungry for tickles – and that, darling readers, is the greatest prize of all.
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kqltlc · 2 years
kinda want to get back into writing and I thought of this earlier so ayo, scuffed piece go brrr.
tl;dr: short scene where villain frees hero from supervillain's imprisonment. villain swears a bit. heh.
'This... is troubling.' Hero thought with a resigned sigh, slumping into the shackles that bound them so relentlessly.
Supervillain had done it. Not only did he manage to capture and restrain Hero, but he had gone the extra mile with making absolutely sure Hero wouldn't be able to weasel out of this one. Anything Hero tried, any step Hero took, it felt like Supervillain was ten steps ahead of them.
To say Hero was stumped was an understatement.
A sudden laugh from outside the cell made Hero jump, their eyes darting over to the owner. Standing there, laughing like she was told the best joke ever, was Villain.
"God you look so pathetic, mind if I take a picture? Of course you don't, thank you!" She pulled out her phone and took one anyway, her laugh turning into a chuckle as she began typing away at the screen seconds after, "Content creators are going to love this when it shows up on their trending pages later."
Hero's voice was flat as they glared at her, "What are you doing here."
Villain slipped her phone back into her pocket before looking to her right and pressing a button, "Helping the local dumbass out, duh."
All at once every measure Supervillain took to keep Hero contained - every shackle, every bar, every obstacle - just fell away, freeing Hero of its hold.
Hero was struck with disbelief as they got to their feet, "Why?? Aren't you on his side??"
Villain's grin instantly faded, replaced with the most disgusted look Hero had ever seen and the most venom in her voice Hero had ever heard, "I hate that fucker so much. I disliked him before but now he's fucking intolerable."
She eyed Hero, her voice swapping back to her usual tone as her grin returned, "I knew you wouldn't run from a fight with him, your dumbass probably got captured or something so I tracked you down. Thank fuck Supervillain is as stupid as he is smart, bitch didn't consider someone like me waltzing in and pressing all those little buttons his lazy ass installed everywhere for convenience."
Hero blinked as they stood beside Villain, more surprised at Supervillain's lack of forethought than Villain's excessive use of swearing. Did... did Supervillain really make it that easy from the outside?
A click of a security camera sounded before alarms started blaring, "E-PE21, Prisoner has escaped south-east ward. Starting Protocall C-EP45, all units mobilize," the automated message announced, followed by the echoes of urgent voices in the halls.
Villain scowled, annoyance flickering in her eyes as she turned to start walking down a hallway, "You owe me a free robbery later."
Hero followed after, "How about a chance to take down Supervillain?"
"... You know, I'd love to kick in that fuck-ugly face of his. Sure."
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bonzatrading · 7 days
Secure Your Home with Blink Wired Floodlight Camera
Ultimate Security, Ultimate Peace of Mind
Introducing the Blink Wired Floodlight Camera, the cutting-edge solution to home security that offers more than just surveillance. With 2600 lumens of bright LED lighting, you can illuminate any corner of your property, ensuring no detail goes unnoticed. This state-of-the-art security camera not only keeps watch over your home but actively enhances your safety with its advanced features.
Why Choose Blink Wired Floodlight Camera?
HD Live View
Experience crystal-clear video with HD live view, giving you real-time monitoring capabilities. Whether you're at home or away, keep an eye on what matters most with the highest video quality.
Enhanced Motion Detection
Stay ahead of any potential threats with enhanced motion detection technology. The Blink Wired Floodlight Camera can detect and alert you to any suspicious movements, providing instant notifications on your smart device.
Built-in Siren
Deter unwanted visitors with the powerful built-in siren. With a simple tap on your smartphone, you can activate the siren to scare off intruders and alert neighbors to potential danger.
Alexa Integration
Effortlessly integrate your security system with Amazon Alexa. Use voice commands to control your camera, check the live feed, or review recorded clips. Seamlessly manage your home security without lifting a finger.
Key Features at a Glance
- 2600 Lumens LED Lighting: Bright and powerful illumination to cover every corner.
- HD Live View: High-definition video for clear and detailed surveillance.
- Enhanced Motion Detection: Advanced sensors for precise and timely alerts.
- Built-in Siren: Activate a loud siren remotely to ward off threats.
- Alexa Compatibility: Full integration with Amazon Alexa for hands-free control.
Simple Installation, Comprehensive Coverage
Setting up your Blink Wired Floodlight Camera is a breeze. With straightforward installation and easy-to-follow instructions, you can have your security system up and running in no time. Plus, its sleek white design ensures it blends seamlessly with any home exterior.
Protect What Matters Most
Don't leave your home security to chance. Trust the Blink Wired Floodlight Camera to provide the ultimate protection for your property. With its advanced technology and user-friendly features, you can rest easy knowing your home is under constant watch.
Special Offer
Ready to upgrade your home security? Order now and receive a special discount on the Blink Wired Floodlight Camera. Secure your peace of mind today with this limited-time offer.
Experience the future of home security with Blink Wired Floodlight Camera. Buy now and take the first step towards a safer, smarter home.
Learn more
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lorryelectronicblog · 1 month
10 Exciting RP2040 Project Ideas
The Raspberry Pi Pico, powered by the RP2040 microcontroller, has taken the maker community by storm with its affordability and versatility. If you're looking for some exciting project ideas to try with your RP2040, you're in the right place! In this article, we'll explore 10 innovative projects that showcase the capabilities of the RP2040 and inspire your next creation.
The RP2040 is a powerful microcontroller that can be used in a wide range of projects, from simple LED blinkers to complex IoT devices. Its dual-core ARM Cortex-M0+ processor and generous amount of RAM make it ideal for multitasking and handling various tasks simultaneously. Let's dive into some exciting project ideas to unleash the full potential of the RP2040.
1. Blinking LED
A classic project for beginners, the blinking LED demonstrates the basic functionality of the RP2040. By controlling the GPIO pins, you can make an LED blink at different rates, creating various patterns and effects.
2. Temperature Monitoring System
Use the RP2040's ADC to read temperature values from a sensor and display them on an LCD screen. You can also set up alerts to notify you when the temperature exceeds a certain threshold.
3. Motion-Activated Camera
Create a motion-activated camera using the RP2040 and a camera module. The RP2040 can detect motion using a PIR sensor and trigger the camera to capture images or videos.
4. Smart Weather Station
Build a weather station that collects data such as temperature, humidity, and air pressure using sensors. Display the data on an OLED screen and upload it to a cloud service for remote monitoring.
5. Home Automation System
Control lights, appliances, and other devices in your home using the RP2040 and relays. You can create a mobile app or a web interface to control the system remotely.
6. Game Console Emulator
Turn your RP2040 into a retro game console emulator by installing emulators for classic gaming consoles. Use the GPIO pins to connect controllers and play your favorite games.
7. MIDI Controller
Build a MIDI controller using the RP2040 and potentiometers, buttons, and sliders. Use it to control music software or hardware synthesizers.
8. Internet Radio
Create an internet radio player using the RP2040 and a Wi-Fi module. Stream music from online radio stations and control playback using buttons or a web interface.
9. AI Voice Assistant
Build an AI voice assistant using the RP2040 and a microphone. Use services like Google Assistant or Alexa to control smart devices, play music, and answer questions.
10. Conclusion
The RP2040 opens up a world of possibilities for makers and hobbyists. With its powerful features and affordable price, it's the perfect platform for experimenting with electronics and programming. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced maker, these project ideas will help you get started with the RP2040 and unleash your creativity.
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shaggybaba · 2 months
Best Indoor Security Cameras To Buy Right Now
In today’s digital age, home security has become more accessible and advanced than ever before. With the rise of smart technology, homeowners now have a plethora of options to choose from when it comes to monitoring and protecting their living spaces. In this article, we’ll delve into the features and benefits of three popular smart home security cameras: Ring Indoor Cam (2nd Gen), Kasa Smart, and Blink Indoor (3rd Gen).
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Ring Indoor Cam:
The Ring Indoor Cam offers comprehensive home surveillance in a compact package. With its 1080p HD video quality and Color Night Vision, you can keep an eye on your home day or night with crystal-clear clarity. One of its standout features is the Advanced Pre-Roll, which records a few extra seconds before every motion event, ensuring you always have a complete picture of what transpired. Privacy-conscious users will appreciate the manual Privacy Cover, allowing you to disable the camera and mic whenever needed. Additionally, the Ring Protect Plan offers extended video storage and sharing options, making it a versatile choice for home security enthusiasts.
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Kasa Smart:
The Kasa Smart camera boasts a wide range of functionalities designed to enhance your home security experience. Its Pan/Tilt capabilities provide a 360° horizontal and 113° vertical field of view, ensuring no corner goes unnoticed. Motion Tracking and instant push notifications keep you informed of any detected activity, while the 2-Way Audio with Built-In Siren adds an extra layer of protection. Whether you’re using it as a baby monitor or a pet camera, the Kasa Smart camera offers seamless integration with Alexa and Google Home, making it a convenient and versatile choice for modern households.
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Blink Indoor Cam:
The Blink Indoor camera stands out for its wireless and battery-powered design, making installation a breeze without the need for professional assistance. With infrared night vision and long-lasting battery life, you can monitor your home day and night with ease. Customizable motion alerts ensure you’re only notified when necessary, reducing unnecessary disturbances. The Blink Home Monitor app allows for live viewing, two-way audio communication, and easy setup, catering to users looking for a straightforward yet effective home security solution.
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In conclusion, each of these smart home security cameras offers unique features and benefits tailored to different user preferences. Whether you prioritize high-definition video quality, advanced motion detection, or easy installation, there’s a camera that suits your needs. The Ring Indoor Cam, Kasa Smart, and Blink Indoor exemplify the innovation and convenience of modern home security technology, empowering homeowners to monitor and protect their spaces with confidence.
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mobilelocksmithnc · 3 months
Different Ways to Improve Home Security Monitoring
Ensuring the safety of our homes is a top priority. By making some simple changes, we can significantly improve our home security monitoring. In this blog, we will explore three easy and effective ways to enhance the safety of our homes.
Locksmith Near Me Suggest to Install Innovative Locks for Ultimate Security
Locks are like the guardians of our homes, and upgrading them can make a big difference in keeping intruders out.
Smart Locks: These high-tech locks allow you to control and monitor your doors remotely. With features like keyless entry and real-time alerts, you'll always know who is coming and going.
Biometric Locks: Imagine using your fingerprint to unlock the door! Biometric locks add an extra layer of security by relying on unique physical features, making it nearly impossible for intruders to break in. Locksmith Near Me always suggest to install all these security devices for better security system.
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Better Eyes with CCTV Security: Watching Over Your Home 24/7
Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) systems act as the eyes that never blink, providing constant surveillance. Upgrading your CCTV security can make a significant impact on your home's safety.
High-Resolution Cameras: Investing in cameras with high resolution ensures clear and detailed footage. This makes it easier to identify faces and capture important details in case of any suspicious activity.
Smart Monitoring Apps: With modern technology, you can now monitor your CCTV footage from your smartphone. These apps allow you to keep an eye on your home, no matter where you are, providing peace of mind.
Neighborhood Watch: A Community Approach to Security
Sometimes, improving home security isn't just about the gadgets; it's about the people around us.
Community Watch Programs: Collaborating with neighbors to keep an eye on each other's homes creates a strong sense of community security. Establishing a neighborhood watch program allows residents to look out for one another.
Sharing Information: Keeping each other informed about any suspicious activities or recent incidents in the neighborhood helps everyone stay alert and take necessary precautions.
Incorporating these simple changes can significantly enhance your home security monitoring. Whether it's upgrading your locks, improving your CCTV system, or fostering a sense of community, taking these steps will help create a safer and more secure living environment for you and your family. Remember, a little effort goes a long way in keeping your home safe and sound.
Finally, investing in an inclusive security system is one of the preeminent ways to make sure your home stays safe and protected at all times. A upright system will not only alert you if there are any interlopers on your belongings but will also monitor smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms so you can rest guaranteed knowing all probable hazards are being monitored in real time.
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smarthometekkie · 3 months
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360homesecurity · 3 months
Are you’re looking for a doorbell camera without a subscription in the UK, here are some excellent options*:
Eufy Video Doorbell 2K: Price: £119.00
2K footage and good battery life (also available wired).
All features accessible without subscription.
Footage stored on the base unit in your home.
Amcrest 1080P Video Doorbell:
Price: Not specified
No subscription required as recordings are saved to an SD card.
Compatible with NVR, DVR, or Blue Iris.
Recordings must be viewed on a PC.
Blink Video Doorbell:
Price: £38.99
Cheapest option on the market.
Amazon brand, so it has full Alexa integration.
Requires the Sync Module for offline storage.
Eufy Dual Camera:
Price: £179.00
An alternative option from Eufy with two front-facing cameras.
Get notified of package delivery.
Dual motion detection.
Arlo Video Doorbell:
Price: £87.48
Very reliable device with fast alerts.
Footage saved to the hard drive via Arlo Smart Hub (sold separately).
Some premium features do require a subscription.
Remember that these doorbell cameras offer various features, so choose the one that best suits your needs! also don't forget we also offer installation service and set up options.
*information Base available on FEB 2024 from individual brand information that was available on their internet website
Secure | Protect | Monitor
🌐 www.360homesecurity.co.uk
☎️ 0203 189 1312
📱 07415 88 1919
✅ Fully Insured.
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✅ Technomate | Puretech Approved Installer.
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homecctvsystem · 4 months
Keeping an Eye on What Matters: The Home CCTV System Guide
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In the cozy corners of our homes, where laughter echoes and memories are made, the thought of security adds a layer of comfort to our peace of mind. Imagine your home as a fortress, not with towering walls or moats, but with the vigilant eyes of a CCTV system, guarding your haven 24/7. In this article, we delve into the world of home CCTV systems, unraveling the mystery thread by thread, to help you weave a blanket of security around your loved ones.
Understanding Home CCTV Systems
At its core, a home CCTV system acts as your eyes when you're away and your guardian when you're asleep. It's like having a personal security guard that never blinks. But how do you choose the right one? It starts with understanding the basics – from cameras that can see in the pitch dark to systems that alert you on your smartphone about any unusual activity.
Key Features to Look For
When hunting for the perfect home CCTV system, think of yourself as Goldilocks. You're looking for features that are 'just right' for your home. High-definition video, motion detection, night vision, and remote access are just the tip of the iceberg. It's about finding the balance between advanced features and simplicity.
Installation Tips
Installing a home CCTV system isn't rocket science, but it does require some planning. Positioning cameras at strategic points is like placing chess pieces – each move is crucial. Think about entry points, high-traffic areas, and blind spots. Remember, the goal is to cover as much ground as possible, without turning your home into a Big Brother set.
Wired vs. Wireless: Making the Choice
Choosing between a wired and wireless system is like deciding between a classic vinyl record and a streaming service. Both have their charm. Wired systems are reliable and uninterrupted, while wireless systems offer flexibility and a cleaner look. Consider your home's layout and your specific needs before making a decision.
Navigating Legal Considerations
It's essential to remember that with great power comes great responsibility. Ensuring your home CCTV system respects privacy laws and neighborhood etiquette is crucial. It's about security, not spying. Always make sure cameras are focused on your property and not intruding on others' privacy.
Maintenance and Upkeep
Maintaining a home CCTV system is like caring for a garden – it needs regular attention. Regularly check camera lenses for dirt, ensure cables are intact, and update software to keep your system running smoothly. A well-maintained CCTV system is a reliable one.
The Role of Smart Home Integration
In today's digital age, a home CCTV system that integrates with your smart home devices is like having a symphony orchestra at your fingertips – everything works in harmony. Controlling your system through voice commands or a smartphone app brings convenience and efficiency to your doorstep.
Cost Considerations
Setting up a home CCTV system doesn't have to break the bank. There are options for every budget, from basic setups to high-end solutions. It's about investing in peace of mind. Consider it a long-term investment in your home's security and your family's safety.
Top 5 Home CCTV Systems
Navigating the market for home CCTV systems can be overwhelming. From industry giants to innovative newcomers, we've narrowed down the top 5 systems that offer reliability, quality, and user-friendly features, ensuring there's something for every homeowner.
DIY vs. Professional Installation
Deciding between DIY and professional installation is like choosing between a home-cooked meal and a gourmet restaurant. Both have their merits. If you're handy and enjoy a weekend project, DIY installation might be up your alley. Otherwise, professional installation can save you time and ensure your system is set up perfectly.
Enhancing Security with Additional Tips
A home CCTV system is a strong link in your security chain, but it's not the only one. Reinforcing doors, securing windows, and good lighting can significantly enhance your home's security. Think of it as a multi-layered approach to keeping your sanctuary safe.
In the tapestry of life, where every moment is precious, a home CCTV system provides more than just security; it offers peace of mind. It's about knowing that your home is watched over, even when you're miles away. As we wrap up, remember that the best security system is the one that fits your unique needs, blending seamlessly into the fabric of your daily life.
1. How much does a home CCTV system typically cost?
The cost can vary widely based on features, brand, and installation complexity, ranging from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.
2. Can I install a home CCTV system myself?
Yes, many systems are designed for DIY installation, with user-friendly guides and customer support.
3. Do home CCTV systems require a lot of maintenance?
Regular checks and updates are recommended, but modern systems are designed to be relatively low maintenance.
4. Can I access my home CCTV system remotely?
Absolutely, most modern systems offer remote viewing through apps on smartphones or tablets.
5. Are wireless home CCTV systems reliable?
Wireless systems have improved significantly, offering reliability and quality on par with wired systems, depending on your home's layout and Wi-Fi strength.
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remedbeauty · 7 months
Best Wireless Security Camera System
Arlo Pro 4: Arlo cameras are known for their wireless capabilities and high-quality video. The Arlo Pro 4 offers 2K video resolution, a wide field of view, and a variety of smart features.
Ring Spotlight Cam Battery:
 Ring is another well-known brand in the home security camera market. The Spotlight Cam Battery is a wireless option that includes built-in LED spotlights and a siren. It's easy to install and integrates well with other Ring devices.
Nest Cam Outdoor:
Nest, owned by Google, offers the Nest Cam Outdoor that provides 1080p HD video and works well with other Nest products. It offers features like motion and sound alerts and has a weatherproof design.
Wyze Cam Outdoor:
Wyze is known for providing affordable yet reliable smart home products. The Wyze Cam Outdoor is a budget-friendly option that still offers 1080p HD video, night vision, and two weeks of free cloud storage.
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EufyCam 2 Pro:
Eufy, a subsidiary of Anker, offers wireless security cameras with local storage options. The EufyCam 2 Pro provides 2K resolution, advanced AI detection, and a long battery life.
Blink XT2:
Blink, owned by Amazon, offers the XT2 as a budget-friendly wireless camera option. It's easy to install, has two-way audio, and provides free cloud storage for recorded clips.
When choosing a wireless security camera system, consider factors such as video quality, field of view, night vision capabilities, motion detection, storage options, and integration with other smart home devices. Additionally, read customer reviews to get an idea of real-world performance and reliability.
Certainly! Continuing from where I left off:
Reolink Argus 3:
Reolink is known for its affordable yet feature-rich security cameras. The Argus 3 is a wireless outdoor camera that offers 1080p HD video, a rechargeable battery, and the option for solar power, reducing the need for frequent battery changes.
Netgear Arlo Pro 3:
The Arlo Pro 3 is an upgrade from the Arlo Pro 2, offering 2K HDR video quality, integrated spotlight, color night vision, and a 160-degree field of view. It also has a built-in siren for added security.
Cloud Storage or Local Storage Options: Consider how the camera stores recorded footage. Some cameras offer cloud storage options, while others support local storage through SD cards or external hard drives. Choose the option that aligns with your preferences and needs.
Google Nest Cam IQ Outdoor:
If you're looking for a premium option, the Nest Cam IQ Outdoor provides high-quality video, facial recognition, and integration with Google Assistant. It's weatherproof and designed for outdoor use.
Amcrest 4MP UltraHD Wireless Camera:
Amcrest offers reliable and affordable wireless security cameras. The 4MP UltraHD model provides clear video footage, two-way audio, and remote pan/tilt functionality.
When selecting a wireless security camera system, it's essential to consider your specific needs, such as the desired camera placement (indoor or outdoor), power source (battery, solar, or wired), and the level of integration with other smart home devices.
Additionally, check for any subscription fees associated with cloud storage or additional features.
Remember to check for the latest product reviews and updates, as technology evolves, and new models may have been released since my .
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papa747 · 8 months
Blink Outdoor 4th Generation Smart Camera
Blink cameras, a product line by Amazon-owned Blink Home Security, are popular for several reasons, which contribute to their reputation as good home security cameras. Here are some key features and advantages of Blink cameras.
All-New Blink Outdoor (4th Gen) Blink cameras, a product line by Amazon-owned Blink Home Security, are popular for several reasons, which contribute to their reputation as good home security cameras. Here are some key features and advantages of Blink cameras: Wire-Free Design: Blink cameras are wireless and battery-powered, which makes them easy to install and reposition as needed without the…
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myyvideosblog · 8 months
Budget-friendly 4K security camera
Best 4K Security Cameras In 2023 The relevance of surveillance technologies in a constantly changing world where security is important cannot be overstated. With unmatched clarity and detail in surveillance footage, 4K security cameras have changed the game. These high-resolution cameras are more accessible and sophisticated than ever as 2023 draws closer. To assist you in making an informed choice about the security of your home or place of business, we'll examine the top 4K security cameras on the market in 2023 in this post.
In the market for 4K security cameras, the Arlo Ultra 2 is still a strong competitor. This camera gives a breathtaking degree of clarity that removes all doubt thanks to its 4K Ultra HD resolution. A 180-degree field of view on the camera enables you to capture a large area with just one device.The integrated flashlight and color night vision of the Arlo Ultra 2 are two of its most notable features. This makes it possible to watch full-color video even in low light. Additionally, it features an integrated siren that may be activated remotely in the event of an intrusion. The Arlo ecosystem offers practical cloud storage and clever Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa connectivity. The Arlo Ultra 2 is on the more expensive end of the price spectrum, it should be noted.
Easily portable and reasonably priced, the Ring Stick Up Cam Battery is a security camera. Although not quite 4K, the 1080p HD video quality is outstanding and adequate for the majority of security requirements. Its ability to function as a wireless camera, which simplifies installation, is one of its main features. For homes wishing to improve their security, the Ring Stick Up Cam Battery is a cost-effective choice.
The Nest Cam IQ Outdoor is another product from Nest, a well-known brand in the smart home market. Although it lacks a 4K sensor, the 1080p video quality it provides is clean and clear. Its use of Google Assistant sets it distinct and transforms it from a simple security camera into something more. Face recognition on the Nest Cam IQ Outdoor enables it to discriminate between known faces and possible invaders. Additionally, it is waterproof, making it appropriate for usage outside. The firmware of the camera is updated frequently, guaranteeing that it stays a good option.
Budget-friendly 4K security camera choice with plenty of capabilities is the Blink Outdoor 4K. It provides 4K video quality and smoothly connects into the Blink ecosystem, which is made up of a number of smart home appliances. The Blink Outdoor 4K's long battery life, which means less problems with charging, is one of its noteworthy features. Cloud storage is another feature, however without a membership, you can only store brief video clips. For people who value price and usability, it's a great option.
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etmonks · 9 months
How to Set Up a Flood Light with a Camera  
Home security has never been more accessible and efficient with the Floodlight Camera. This state-of-the-art device boasts a plethora of features designed to provide you with peace of mind and convenience. In this article, we will walk you through the setup process, installation tips, and how to make the most of your floodlight camera.
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Key Features
The Floodlight Camera offers an impressive array of features that make it a top choice for home security:
Crystal Clear Full HD Image: Regardless of lighting conditions, this camera delivers a crisp, Full HD image. With color night vision, you'll never miss a thing.
Two-Way Communication: Engage in simultaneous two-way communication, allowing you to interact with visitors or deter potential intruders.
Super Bright Light: The integrated floodlight provides exceptional illumination, enhancing security and deterring unwanted visitors.
Weatherproof Design: Built to withstand the elements, this camera is designed to keep working in rain or shine.
Secure Cloud Storage: For added convenience and peace of mind, secure cloud storage is available through the Roku Smart Home Subscription. Plus, you can activate a loud siren to scare away intruders when necessary.
Setting Up Floodlight Camera
Before you embark on setting up your Floodlight Camera, here's a list of what you'll need:
Floodlight Camera: Ensure you have the floodlight camera unit ready for installation.
Mounting Hardware: Most floodlight cameras come with the required mounting hardware. Double-check to ensure all components are included.
Phillips Screwdriver: You'll need a Phillips screwdriver to secure the camera in place.
Ladder: Depending on the camera's installation height, you may require a ladder to reach the installation spot.
Power Source: The floodlight camera needs to be hardwired to an existing junction box that provides 110 to 120V of power and has proper grounding. If you are replacing an existing light, ensure the junction box is suitable. If not, consult a licensed electrician to install the appropriate box, following local building codes.
Wi-Fi Network: The floodlight camera requires a 2.4GHz wireless network connection with WPA/WPA2 security standard.
Smartphone or Tablet: You'll need a smartphone or tablet to download and install the camera's companion app for setup and control.
Installation your floodlight camera
Selecting the right installation location is crucial. Here are some tips:
Install the camera in a grounded junction box approximately 10 feet above the ground, with a motion detection range of up to 30 feet.
Common uses include home security and capturing wildlife activity.
Ensure an unobstructed 130° field of view for your camera, with a motion detection area spanning 270°.
Avoid installing in direct sunlight, near high-traffic areas, or amid dense brush.
If you choose a ceiling location, you can easily flip the camera image after setup is complete.
Also read, Garmin Dash Cam Mini 2 Review
Getting Started
Safety should always come first. If you lack an appropriate junction box, consult a licensed electrician to install one and ensure compliance with local regulations. Before starting, disconnect power to the junction box using the fuse or circuit breaker.
To guide you through the setup process, you can refer to a tutorial video or the Quick Start Guide provided with the camera.
Understanding the Status Light
The status light on your Floodlight Camera conveys important information during setup:
Red (Solid): Powered on and initiating setup
Red (Flashing): Ready to connect
Red and Blue (Flashing): Connecting to Wi-Fi
Blue (Flashing): Connected and setup complete
Blue (Solid): Connected and operational
The Roku Smart Home mobile app is your key to configuring and controlling your Roku home monitoring system, including cameras, video doorbells, plugs, bulbs, and light strips. Download the app for iOS and Android from the respective app stores.
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Connect Floodlight Camera
Ensure your smartphone or tablet is connected to your 2.4GHz Wi-Fi network. Launch the smart home app and either create a new Roku account or sign in with your existing credentials. Follow these steps to connect your camera:
Tap the "+" sign to add a device in the Roku Smart Home mobile app's navigation bar and select "Add device."
Choose "Cameras & doorbells" and then "Floodlight Camera."
Follow the in-app instructions to install and mount your floodlight.
Once powered, the camera will remain active for 30 seconds and start flashing red.
Lift the camera from the motion sensor and press the SETUP button. Listen for "Ready to connect," then proceed.
Connect to your 2.4GHz wireless network, enter your password, and scan the QR code.
After hearing "Setup completed," the status light turns solid blue, indicating your camera is ready to use. Name your floodlight camera and press Finish.
With a Wi-Fi connection, your camera can record videos to the cloud with a Roku Smart Home Subscription, offering instant recordings on motion and sound detection, as well as intelligent person, pet, and object detection.
Using Your Floodlight Camera
Once the setup is complete, the status light serves as a visual indicator:
Blue (Solid): Connected and operational
Red (Solid): Viewing live stream or recording in progress
Red (Quickly Flashing): Siren in use
Should you need to adjust the brightness of your floodlight, simply open the smart home app and follow these steps:
Select your blink floodlight camera from the Home screen.
Tap on "Settings" in the top corner of the Roku Smart Home mobile app.
Under "Accessories," choose "Floodlight."
Adjust the brightness using the slider.
By following these steps, you can successfully set up and use your floodlight camera to enhance your home security and keep an eye on your property. Enjoy the added peace of mind that comes with increased visibility and surveillance capabilities.
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newmaniawe · 1 year
How To Remove Vivint Doorbell Camera From Wall?
Vivint doorbell cameras are excellent security devices that provide an added level of safety to your home. However, there may come a time when you need to remove the camera from the wall. For instance, You may be moving to a new home, Home renovation is needed, or you want to reposition the camera to get a better view. Whatever the reason, it's important to know how to safely remove the Vivint doorbell camera from the wall without causing any damage. Key Takeaways: Remove Vivint Doorbell Camera From Wall in a few steps: Turn off your Vivint Doorbell camera system Disconnect the wiring and remove power source. Remove the doorbell camera cover Remove Screws and Wires Remove the Mounting Bracket Reassemble your panel
Remove Vivint Doorbell Camera From Wall in 7 Steps
Arrange Necessary Tools Before, starting the removal process of your Vivint Doorbell Camera, make sure that you arrange the relevant tools as mentioned below: Philips screwdriver Pair of gloves A tester to ensure 0 Current Disable Vivint smart home system The Vivint Doorbell system is quite intelligent and it is Theft-proof. Actually, Vivint Doorbell system connects to sensors that produce an alarm in case the sensors feel touched. Now, Go to your Vivint app and remove the warning notification which means that you have disabled the Vivint system. You can check the setting in the app and confirm the whole Vivint system has been disabled and removed carefully.
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Turn off the Power Make sure that you remove your doorbell camera from the power source carefully. Remove all the direct wiring from the outlet. Locate the circuit breaker that controls the power to the camera, and turn it off. This will ensure that you can safely remove the camera without the risk of electrocution. Related: How to Remove Nest Doorbell Note: Always set aside your Doorbell’s wiring and connection resources to ensure that no live wire can harm you. Remove the Panel Cover First, check the current supply has been stopped and it is not passing through the doorbell because, even after removing the power source, there is a possibility of current. So, you can use a Tester and if tester’s light blinks, it means the current is still passing through. Now, when you have cleared and ensured that there is no current, take a screwdriver and remove the screws from the panel. Push the tab gently and pull the cover out and down. Hang the panel cover on the backplate.
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Remove the Mounting Bracket When you have opened the panel cover, you will see two sets of wires. One is used to direct the current to the circuit while the other wire is for batteries. - Power wires are connecting externally. - Battery wires are insulated internally in the doorbell. Identify Which Ring Doorbell You Have Now, you have to remove the external wires connecting to the doorbell. You can use a simple tool such as a screwdriver to remove the power wires from the panel. Don’t forget to remove any cable wiring connecting to the outside internet mediums.
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Here, you can see screws that have tightened the doorbell with the wall. Once, you remove the screws, you can detach the doorbell and mounting plate from the wall.
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Disconnect Power Wires When you remove the mounting bracket from the wall, you can see wires from the wall which are known as power wires to supply current to the doorbell. Pull out all the wires and save them aside to use again when you re-install the doorbell.
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Patch the Holes With the mounting bracket removed, you may be left with holes in your wall. To patch these holes, you'll need some spackle or putty. Contact Us If you need any further assistance regarding your Vivint Doorbell, please contact Vivint. Enjoy Reading Too: Can I View Ring Doorbell on TV How my Dog sees himself when Doorbell rings How To Sneak Past Ring Doorbell
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I delete my doorbell camera? Go to your doorbell app on your mobile. Find settings from the menu. Click Delete from the settings. Now, your doorbell account will be removed from the app. Can you delete camera footage on Vivint? No, camera footage or any activity on Vivint can’t be edited or deleted. Do I need any special tools to remove the Vivint doorbell camera from the wall? No, you don't need any special tools to remove the camera. A screwdriver and wire cutter or pliers should be What should I do if I accidentally damage the wires while removing the Vivint doorbell camera? If you accidentally damage the wires, you may need to hire a professional electrician to repair them. Avoid using the camera until the wires are properly repaired to prevent any electrical hazards. Can I reuse the mounting bracket after removing it from the wall? Yes, you can reuse the mounting bracket if it's still in good condition. Make sure to keep it in a safe place until you're ready to reinstall the camera. Can I remove the Vivint doorbell camera from the wall without turning off the power supply? No, it's essential to turn off the power supply before removing the camera to avoid damaging the device or receiving an electric shock. What is the Voice alert of the Vivint doorbell camera? The voice alert feature of the Vivint doorbell camera allows the device to provide an audible notification when someone presses the doorbell or when motion is detected. This notification can be heard inside and outside the home and can be customized to play a pre-recorded or a default message. For example, when someone presses the doorbell, the device will play a chime sound and say "Someone is at the door." If a motion is detected, the device will play a different sound and say "Motion detected at the front door." Does Vivint Doorbell Camera Record All the Time? Vivint Doorbell only records when it detects an event such as a visitor passing through and all its recording is saved through cloud storage. Can I Still Use My Vivint Camera Without Service? You can use the Vivint camera without the internet. But, if you want to view the Live interface, connect it to the internet. Does Vivint Remove Equipment? You can either remove your system yourself or a Smart Home Pro can professionally remove your equipment for you for only $149. About Author Read the full article
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mamajecshub · 1 year
Blink Smart Home Doorbells and Cameras: The Ultimate Security Solution for Busy Parents!!!
Protect your kids with Blink’s security! Grab this and install it in your home!! available at amazon click here >>>>> https://amzn.to/3ThNxIo As a parent, the safety of your children is always a top priority. And when it comes to keeping your home and family secure, there’s no better investment than a reliable home security system. That’s where Blink Smart Home Doorbells and Cameras come in –…
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fitmintwear · 1 year
Are my devices spying on me?
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What if we tell you that your smart dishwasher can blink its lights on for no reason, your smart oven can start itself without receiving a command from you, or even worse, your robot vacuum cleaner (with in-built camera) could actually stalk you around your house. We would never wish that you find yourself in such a scenario, but if you do, we suggest consulting a cyber security expert before calling for an exorcist. Why? Because more than evil spirits, hackers are trying to take control of your IoT devices to fulfill their malicious purposes. If it has left you wondering how in this world can a hacker potentially harm you with your home appliances, such as a robot vacuum cleaner (of course not by crashing it into you), we have some news for you.
The reason your IoT home appliances or other devices, such as television, are called smart is because they are powered with AI and connected with the internet, so you can turn on the geyser or switch on the AC right from your phone, minutes before reaching home. Due to the versatility of the technology, there could be several loopholes or bugs in the security with which a hacker could break into the system. In 2016, Check Point security researchers disclosed how a vulnerability in one million LG smart devices exposed users to the risk of unauthorized remote control of their home appliances, including air conditioners, dryers, dishwashers, washing machines, ovens, refrigerators, and more.
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The hacking does not end here, as tracking your location is one of the many things that cyber criminals could do with your devices. Imagine someone keeping an eye on you in your bedroom through your smart television’s camera and recording everything that lies in the camera’s sight. Such type of hacking is usually done to blackmail the victim and then to demand ransom. Cyber criminals can hack television by getting access to its user settings and then installing malware in the television. Worst part about it is; hackers can watch you even while television is on standby.
Even though companies are working day & night while investing millions of dollars to make their devices hack proof, cyber criminals are managing to stay one step ahead with more innovative ways of hacking. One such example is the use of ultrasonic waves to take control of your smart voice assistant and use it to gain access to your house, unlock your car, or even make online purchases. Interestingly, your smart voice assistant might not be smart enough to differentiate between your voice commands and a silent ultrasonic wave’s command. Since ultrasonic waves could penetrate through physical obstacles, the hacker could be sending the waves from 100 meters away from your device.
Amid tussle between cyber criminals and security system developers, it is the user that suffers in countless ways. In the last two decades we have witnessed the evolution of hacking from sneaking into someone’s mailbox to potentially killing a person by hacking their insulin pumps.
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