jewelry3dstudio · 1 year
Iron Lion Pendant Rhino 3D CAD Model.
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piettro-jewelry · 1 year
Iron Lion Pendant Rhino 3D CAD Model.
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midwrites · 2 years
I miss writing for the DA boys soOOoooo much, you have no idea :'D
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not-poignant · 9 months
I haven't been around the Dragon Age fandom for a while, but recently, a friend who also writes IronLion told me about your new fic and I got!!! So excited!!!
I remember reading Stuck on the Puzzle back in the day as it slowly came out, and even if I don't think I'll be able to do the same with A Game We Can Play due to irl stuff, I'm so SO pumped to dig in!!!
Ahhhh I hope you enjoy it when you get to it, anon! :D :D
It didn't even come out that slowly tbh, it started in November 2015 and was completed by May 2016, so y'all got the equivalent of 2-3 standard novels in 7 months.
Which is actually ridiculously fast for a serial. Or just about anything at all. x.x
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sic-sempervirens · 3 years
Gravity assist [ARTWORK] by sic_sempervirens
You wanted Cullen getting the D. You got it. Click on over to see the full version *fingerguns*
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shutupaboutandraste · 3 years
Welcome to the DADWC! Here is a prompt for you! Restaurant AU, with the characters of your choice!
Thank you so much for the prompt! I hope the drabble is to your liking. 
Word Count: 1655
Pairing: Cullen/Bull
For @dadrunkwriting
Going to restaurants was an added benefit of being friends with Vivienne. Madame De Fer’s Critiques was the formal review column that she ran, seemingly dictating the future of upper echelon restaurants. This was not one of those restaurants. A greasy hole-in-the-wall bar and grille had been Bull’s desired stop of the night. She had dragged her friend around all day from place to place all weekend. Now out of reviewable restaurants, Bull had desired food with fat and grease and everything else bad for you.
“Couldn’t have picked a place a little cleaner?” she asked, her nose turning up as she sat down at the bar with Bull. 
The place was smoky with dark lighting, harsh yellow incandescent lamps hung from the ceiling and came out of the wall at each booth. The ones at the booths had a dirty stained glass look to them, mixes of the deep yellow with rich reds and blues. The cushions were worn red leather. Booze wafted around them, mixing in with the scents of mouth-watering food.   
A gleeful smile crossed Bull’s face as he shook his head, “Absolutely not. You dressed me up for your fancy shit, now we get to eat where I like, Ma’am.” 
Vivienne tutted, “I’m a fine dining connoisseur. This bar food won’t impress me unless it tastes like gold.”
“I hope not,” Bull told her, “I think gold food would taste pretty shitty.” Vivienne groaned. 
From behind the bar, a curly-haired blond man approached, shaking a martini mixer vigorously. That certainly caught Bull’s eye. Firm fingers held the silver cups, curling at the tips to keep the glass in place. A wry smirk came over Bull’s lips as the man’s rhythm slowed before he poured the drinks before carefully sliding them to another couple of patrons. A tired, but gentle smile was turned his and Vivienne's way, reaching beneath the bar and pulling out two menus, placing them before the duo. “Welcome to Herald’s Rest,” he said, “My name’s Cullen--” 
“Bull,” he interrupted with a wink. 
Cullen seemed taken aback, no doubt trying to figure out if that was deliberate or a blink, but did his best customer service smile. Bull avoided cringing. Okay that was the wrong move for this guy, then. 
 “Nice to meet you,” Cullen said before diving into the specials for the evening as well as the unique drafts they had that night. 
Vivienne actually looked almost impressed at the selection, which was probably the best this place would get from her. Both of them ordered their meals in quick succession-- a whiskey bourbon burger for Bull and a salmon salad for Vivienne. She wasn’t sure she should trust the fish here, but Cullen assured her that they always bought their fish fresh every morning. The owner would allow nothing less than perfection when it came to quality. 
“I will be the judge of that, dear,” Vivienne had told him. 
And, to Bull’s surprise, she judged it quite well. Much to his delight, he watched her sneak out her phone, quickly tapping away some notes in the folder that held her restaurant reviews. As Cullen made his way back over to check on them, she quickly slid it back into her purse. Her shoulders rolled back into a confident smile while Bull leaned forward on the bar. 
“I hope everything is to your liking,” he said, taking away Bull’s empty glass, “And you’d like a refill?” 
“Please,” replied Bull. Cullen quickly got to work mixing a cocktail for Bull. Normally, he went for straight liquor, but oh what those hands could do. 
Vivienne told him that everything most certainly was. They chatted pleasantly while Bull watched, silent and studying. Their bartender was certainly well-kpet-- firm stubbled chin, a lip scar that seemed to enhance his face rather than detract, perfectly curled and styled hair, even his shirt-- a black tee that had ‘Herald’s Rest’ emblazoned on it in bold letters-- was fitted to perfection. Eventually, of course, a crack had to show. As Cullen finished pouring the drinks, he set down the shaker to clasp his fingers. To the naked eye he might have just been trying to crack his knuckles, but Bull could see that they were shaking. 
“You alright, man?” he asked, with a mark of genuine concern in his voice. 
A real smile crossed Cullen’s face this time as he nodded, “Yes, my apologies, I’ll have your drinks in a moment….” True to his word, Cullen was able to give them their drinks, though Bull watched as the man kept his eyes trained on his fingers, as if waiting for them to betray him. Thankfully, they lasted long enough to deliver them safely. He nodded, “Let me or Sera know if you need anything else.” 
At hearing her name, the other bartender, a blond elven woman with hand-cropped hair, looked up. Cullen gave her a nod which she nodded back to before moving to handle her customers again. Bull turned to make sure his good eye watched Cullen slip into the kitchen. A small frown took over his face-- Vivienne would say he was pouting, but he didn’t pout. 
Though, instead, finishing her meal, Vivienne slipped out of her chair, “Unfortunately, I need to use the powder room.” 
“Have fun with that,” snickered Bull, casting her a wry glance before turning his attention back toward the door. 
He stayed like that for a while before he heard someone huff. He turned to see the elven woman--Sera-- looking at him, grabbing some empty dishes and glasses from the couple next to Bull and Vivienne who had just left. Instead of speaking, he just shrugged at her. 
“Don’t worry ‘bout ‘im,” she said, “Takes a bit ‘fore he can come back. Shakes and all.” 
“He okay?” asked Bull. 
“I jus’ said don’ worry ‘bout ‘im, right?” she told him, “Yeesh.” 
True to her word, Cullen did reappear just as Sera said no more than five minutes later. Vivienne still hadn’t come back from the bathroom, which was concerning. He hoped that fish had been up to quality despite how the bar looked. Bull watched Cullen flex his hand, leaning against the wall as he looked nervously at the bar. Bull slipped out of his seat, taking Vivienne’s purse with him. Mainly, because she’d kill him if he didn’t. 
“You gonna be okay?” he asked. 
Cullen looked up at him like a deer in headlights, his fist curling up protectively. That was good-- the man had fighting instincts from somewhere. Layers laid beneath that pretty face. It wasn’t unusual for Bull to flirt with a bartender, but Cullen had been a fun puzzle to figure out and Bull wasn’t quite done. No… He might need a few more visits before he had completed it. 
“Yes,” he replied, sighing, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to leave you unattended.” 
“You’re good,” Bull rumbled, “Ma’am’s at the bathroom anyway.” 
“...You call her Ma’am?” he asked, head tilting as though he were a young Mabari and not a full grown man. Bull couldn’t help but stare openly, a smile echoing on his face. 
“Friend of me,” he clarified, “She hates Viv and Vivienne is too long to say.” 
Cullen actually let out a soft chuckle, “Ah, I see. Well, I hope she finds our restrooms to her liking as well. Not every day a critic walks into our bar.” 
Now that had caught Bull’s attention. Vivienne made extra precautions to make sure no one discovered that there was a food critic in her midsts at any restaurant. It came with the territory of getting an honest review. Yet, her Cullen had stated her profession like it was plain as day. Bull crossed his arms. 
“You figure that out on your own?” he asked. 
Cullen shook his head, “No… Someone like her doesn’t normally walk into The Rest for… obvious reasons. I mentioned it to our assistant manager, Leliana. She’s the one who said she was, uh, oh… that Orlesian blog I can never remember the name of. Madame something. Made sure to treat her as anyone else. Leliana believes special treatment gets you caught once you know.” He chuckled nervous, reaching up a hand to rub the back of his neck, “I.. should get back to work.” 
“Let me do the honor of escorting you,” Bull said, motioning toward the step toward the bar. That little jibe managed to get Cullen to snort a little before hurrying over back behind the bar with a quick, yet confidant gate. That was a military man’s walk. Just who was this bartender? 
Bull followed, taking his seat again and resting down Vivienne’s pocket book. Behind him he heard her starting to walk up.
“Of course!” a woman with a thick Antivan accent said, “We’d love to be featured! I can get an interview with our owner, of course. I’ll call Ms. Cadash right away.” Bull and Cullen shared a knowing glance, but pretending as if Cullen was simply cleaning a glass from the dryer. 
Vivienne took her seat, smiling at Cullen, “Feeling better?” 
“Yes,” he said, “Thank you. Refill?” Vivienne nodded. 
“A new drink, please. Fanciest you have, dear, for me and my friend,” she ordered, “I’m not sure what it will be, but surprise me. I don’t get to find such diamonds in the roughs, often.” 
“Because you never go to them,” laughed Bull. 
Cullen quickly got to work going through what they had until he actually managed to find a nice bottle of champagne which Vivienne said would do nicely. Vivienne toasted Bull for his find, though she admitted she was not going to be kind about the décor. Still, no matter how a place looked, good food would always be good food. 
They made sure to tip Cullen handsomely. And, if he found a slip of paper with a string of digits on them, well… Bull would leave it up to him to call.
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 3 years
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sketch for the cover art for my WIP that is the prequel to the Vampire Western WIP  The plan is to make this a fully painted piece so like pray for me and my ability to complete things.   Cullen is the new sheriff in Skyhold and has to clean up some supernatural unfinished business and some unruly dragonlings eating livestock, but the man he’s investigating for murder has hired The Iron Bull and his chargers to solve the exact same problem.  Is this grounds for Rivalry? Collaboration? Bull’s only in town until his contract’s up....
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redxluna · 4 years
I feel like The Annoying Friend™ here for always coming to you with the same ship even if I enjoy a bunch of the ones you write for, but I was going through the "send me a ship and I'll tell you" post, and had to pause for a hot minute thinking of the CullenxBull Werewolf-Hunter scenarios. 'Cause BOTH options are so incredibly appealing in their possibilities, Cullen and Bull as hunter and wolf and viceversa, that my single braincell ended up overheating
Oh God, no, you have nothing to apologize for! This pair is still such a rare one that finding someone that ships it too is continually lovely. But also I see your point because...
1) Cullen is something of an outcast hunter, having too much of a conscious to butcher without question creatures that still show a hint of humanity. But he’s drawn to run about undercover in a small town where the body count seems to be rising and there’s a pack of wolves run by a far too charismatic man.
2) Bull might have broken free from the all too strict code he was raised under, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t aware of just how vicious and cannibalistic creatures can become when they go too far. That Cullen, the sweet, handsome man that serves him coffee each day, seems to decide he needs to become Bull’s new guard dog in his wolf form is...well it’s a thing, just not whatever Krem’s snickering about.
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callili · 6 years
The One
A collection of my favourite fanfic per pairing. The One, if you will.
Loki/Thor (Marvel) 
Rebuild all your Ruins  14K, Explicit
Post-Ragnarok, feels like everything my Thorki heart hoped for and built up to.
Alistair/Zevran Arainai (Dragon Age)
Off Label  64K, Explicit, BDSM
Technically this is cheating, cause it’s a series. BDSM with a new and learning dom, beautifully emotional.
Angel/Lindsey McDonald  (Angel)
U Turn  33K, Explicit
Peeta Mellark/Katniss Everdeen  (The Hunger Games)
Ashes and Flame (Every You and Every Me)  4K, Mature
I read this every time I finish the books, cause it feels just like an epilog, really perfect closure for the canon.
Empty Graves  6K, General
Perfect story focussing on the amazing Martha Kent, no pairings.
Bruce Banner/Tony Stark (Marvel)
Irreconcilable Differences  130K, Explicit
Team bonding, perfect characterization, Pre-Winter Soldier
Kylo Ren/Hux (Star Wars)
Anyone But You  14K, Explicit
College AU, from sex-to-love, lightside Kylo, because he is friends with socialist!Rey :D
Rick Grimes/Daryl Dixon (The Walking Dead)
Rome Wasn't Built In a Day  10K, Explicit
Story is set after the cure is found, in a wold trying to recover. Pre-Season 5
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
Stand Fast in Your Enchantments  76K, Explicit
Magic!Stiles AU, they are both kidnapped, locked in a cabin and try to escape. Oh, and Derek is locked in beta shift. Realistic realationship building after trauma.
Iron Bull/Cullen Rutherford (Dragon Age)
Stuck on the Puzzle  235K, Explicit
BDSM, maybe the best kink negotiation and healthy relationship building story ever. Two broken characters, whose edges fit deliciously together.
Iron Bull/Dorian Pavus (Dragon Age)
Keep moving in opposite directions  12K, Explicit
What if, could be canon compliant, pre-canon. BDSM, A Tevinter party with a special centerpiece.
Iron Bull/Cullen Rutherford/Dorian Pavus (Dragon Age)
Exit Light  77K, Explicit
Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier (X-Men)
Anarchy In The U.K.  162K, Explicit
British Royalty AU. You never think this could work, but oh boy does it.
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thebombproject · 4 years
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Finishing off that lower-outer guard I started yesterday, with a donated arch piece from the busted blue guard Brett gave me a few weeks back. Bit of a fiddle but got there in the end. Just starting to realise, too, that jeez I love welding 😍 #TheBomb #thebombproject #rustrepairs #tinwork #weldlikeaboss #hrholden #hrute #holdenute #myfirstcar #restorationproject #restomod #ironlion https://www.instagram.com/p/CHUPPHTATFW/?igshid=kswwuzvxyfql
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thisisthedayevents · 4 years
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A toast to the Kings & Queens of August. 👑 #stillcelebrating #birthdaybehavior #ironlion #leo (at This Is The Day Event Planning & Design, LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDzPzt2BvnG/?igshid=7iascmcood7k
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gmh672 · 4 years
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#IronLion #Kingswood @matt_hudson_ https://www.instagram.com/p/CB-QAL3hbNSVyjyXsi4rwG3haEZkVBEmL_UXDY0/?igshid=1lrgpgujo3776
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midwrites · 3 years
So @sic-sempervirens is the sweetest and the most amazingly talented person and drew some really heartwarming Bull/Cullen for my birthday🧡
The horn scritches are killing me, but so are Cullen's and Bull's expressions of tenderness and warmth too. Imma cherish this piece forever :'D
Thanks so much again Jane, you're super cool and kind, I feel so deeply honoured to be able to call you my friend 🥺🧡🧡
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leoranks1 · 4 years
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#leoranks #ironlion (at Port-au-Prince, Haiti) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_IBnRNHP0g/?igshid=3p1scb6t4vlh
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sic-sempervirens · 3 years
Current mood: Cullen laying on Bull’s back.
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ironlionhealth · 4 years
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Good morning #IronLion #FAMILY - just wanted to reach out and ask if you would join me in prayer for my Uncle who is scheduled to have a hip surgery on Feb 10th. TIA💪🏼❤️ Post in the Comments how we can be #praying for you🦁 https://www.instagram.com/p/B8EdJpuJaI_/?igshid=1jpbywr4rkug4
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