#is it a new idea? probs not
vault81 · 2 months
I've finished my Fallout OC Character Sheet! this is my first time making something like this, but I like how it turned out!
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PSD below cut!
Compressed Version!
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new-revenant · 9 days
A cute idea on how plushy Danny eats. One of his powers is turning food into yarn shaped like said food and he just sucks it up like spaghetti
Pretty funny imagery. Makes me think of that one Kirby game where everything’s yarn. Very cute, much love.
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akashis-waifu · 6 months
Might just create a Wriothesley x Furina fic just to end the Wriolette vs. Neuvifuri war. Seeing the shipping nonsense in Genshin Twitter is like watching a garbage truck on fire.
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im still puzzling out how to draw him but... hes a good model anyway <3
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thepoisonroom · 6 months
that post that's like "learning social skills helps with social anxiety" applies to dating also btw
#i guess they have a circular relationship because also going on lots of first dates was really trial by fire for me in learning lots lf#new social skills#meeting new people was never my strong suit and i was very afraid of it and would avoid it but like!#when i first tried going on first dates i learned a lot about how to meet people and met types of queer people i'd never met before#and actually it was good for me even though it was often weird and stressful#and it was a lower-stakes way to practice social skills that i otherwise would've just avoided using until they atrophied#anyway whenever i see a dating profile that's like 'i'm afraid of talking to women lol' i'm like ok relatable but what's your plan to learn#i think also just like it doesn't have to be through dating but it is good for you to meet other gay and trans people offline if possible#when i moved to wisconsin i only knew my coworkers who were mostly also twentysomethings who'd been hired straight from college#and it was good for me to meet and make friends with other local gay and trans people who were involved in different stuff#idk i just don't know how many more 'i'm obsessed with romance but scoff at the idea that i should do anything about that' posts i can read#like if i said i wanted to run a marathon but i never practiced running people would fairly be like okay that's prob not gonna happen#idk i know it's no skin off my nose i'm just like. if you never take any steps towards expressing your desires#how do you think they're going to just happen to you#personal nonsense
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tears-of-taelia · 4 months
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#pokemon rejuvenation#ren#player character#aevia#(appearance-wise)#her new design is EVERYTHING#spoilers in tags#i love ren's arc#i'm so worried about him#it's not that i wanted him to die in renegade but somehow the idea of him being necessary for the bad ending is even more terrifying#after the whole amber situation#(which i am still in the process of recovering from)#i feel like they're going to make the deaths of these characters are tragic as possible (from a thematic perspective)#so for “the boy who wanted his loved ones safe and well”#who lost his dad#and then melia#then destroyed his life for the chance it could bring his friend back...#it seems p inevitable he's going to go out in a way that forces him to hurt his friends and family#he's prob going to be used as one of the four prophesized darknesses against his will#you know#the whole “betrayal” thing#and the prophecy reina keeps bringing up#team xen has control of his body and soul so that's concerning#he's been playing with fire for far too long tbh#id say his greatest hope is nastasia swooping in but i still don't fully trust her#when he revealed that he snuck out of xen hq in his real body and he sTILL WENT BACK ANYWAY i screamed at my computer screen#the paragon quest where u found the seven wonder beads together was so cute and i feel like the rugs abt to get pulled out from under us#contextless i prob sound like a lunatic rn#if you made it this far though you prob know what i'm talking about#anyway lol thanks for reading my dumb tags!
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ashipiko · 1 year
</3 nui thoughts
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+ bonus
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moongothic · 6 months
It is interesting though 'cause, since we have no fucking True Clue what the hell Crocodile's actual real End Goal with Cross Guild is right now (does he want to get One Piece and fight the Strawhats+Shanks, does he want to get Pluton from Wano (and/)or does he want to destroy the World Government?? We don't know), that we just have a fuck ton of theories on what could happen, but no way to really tell what the actual direction this entire plot thread is going to be
And one I've seen a lot of people suggest was Cross Guild recruiting more of the former (/OG) Shichibukai into their ranks
And I just find that idea so fucking interesting
Because this is where one needs to remember that Oda based the OG Shichibukai on the Seven Heroes from Romancing SaGa 2. The Seven Heroes were a legendary group who once in the past saved the world from a great evil (before disappearing and turning into an evil for the game's protags to defeat). Just reading the descriptions you can see how each of the OG Shichibukai match up to one of the heroes respectively. And the inspo would be fine and dandy by itself, like just some fun trivia about what inspired Oda. But the Seven Heroes were specifically created and lead by Wagnas, with Noel as his right-hand. Wagnas happens to be the character Crocodile matches up with, and Mihawk just happens to match up with Noel. And here we have Crocodile starting a new organization with Mihawk by his side, with unknown true goals. And we do have that one World Government that needs to get overthrown so the world can be "saved". So like.
Suddenly, the idea that Cross Guild could recruit some of the other former Shichibukai (to maybe help take down the World Government?) doesn't sound too out-landish at all
Especially because Moria alone is already like an actual contender for someone who could maybe join Cross Guild. Like, assuming he's alive and made it out of Fullalead with Perona. 'Cause with Absalom dead and Hogback gone with the wind, Moria should have like nothing else left but himself and Perona. And while knowing Moria he's going to be Very Happy about reuniting with Perona, like... where's he gonna go? What's he gonna do if the two escaped Fullalead? But because Perona and Mihawk already know each other, Perona could very easily become a bridge to getting Moria with CG, especially if he's still wounded etc from the escape, Perona would want her boss' to survive and she'd trust Mihawk to help probably. And god knows, if Blackbeard tried or even succeeded at stealing Moria's Fruit, the man could have some legit good intel on Blackbeard (and how he steals powers) that he could then share with CG, something Crocodile could appreciate. Also, if Crocodile and Mihawk want to ensure the Marines are too scared to come after them, getting Moria in their ranks would help with that.
Then there's Kuma. And. Well. Assuming Kuma doesn't kick the bucket in the next few chapters. If Kuma is still somehow alive and his soul/memories can be put into a body (some people have been suggesting his memories could be implanted maybe into a Pacifista or that giant robot on Egghead or maybe even his Seraphim, or maybe just memories could be returned back into his original body), and if he'll still have the ability to near-instantly travel across the planet then I'm putting my money on him returning to the Revolutionaries to be honest. But if he loses that ability, I don't think he's going to be sticking with the Strawhats to be honest. That said, he'll still need somewhere to go (with Bonney?), and with the rest of the Revs on the other side of the Grand Line... Cross Guild could, potentially, be the nearest, safest place for him, if for no other reason than the other former Shichibukai might be his safest bet right now. Especially if Crocodile ever did have any involvement with the Revolutionaries. But indeed, this assumes Kuma isn't Turbo Perma-Dead Forever, which remains to be seen.
I know a lot of people love Doflamingo and would love to see him back. Personally I want him to stay in jail, where he deserves to be. <3 Also I don't think Crocodile would ever want Doflamingo working for him, let alone go out of his way to travel to Paradise to let him out (though if they did, they could also release Weevil while at it, since he's also stuck in Impel Down) (But honestly, unless someone else goes to break Weevil out and Doflamingo just escapes while he's at it, don't think he's getting out)
Quick honorable mention to Law, since he is also a Former Shichibukai. His crew got nuked by Blackbeard but I doubt he'd join Crocodile and Mihawk for any reason, especially if he's still in the race for One Piece (assuming Cross Guild isn't) (Like Buggy is but Buggy might skedaddle for all we know)
But with the Shichibukai, this just leaves us with Hancock.
Thing is, last we saw her she was still in Paradise, wanting to reunite with Luffy. It is entirely plausible she could (or may already have) set out for the New World if she feels like she has to leave Amazon Lily to protect her home-- which she might have to, considdering without her warlord status the Government has gone after her. But indeed, if Hancock is on the run and heading to the New World, surely she'd want to find Luffy. So why would she ever join Cross Guild? She doesn't like men (aside from Luffy), so surely she wouldn't trust that disaster crew with a clown for a mascot. But again. This is where "what the fuck is Crocodile's end goal" comes in again. Because if he wants to destroy the World Government and wreck the Nobles' out of orbit... Well. I don't think convincing Hancock to go back to the place where she was kept in slavery for years would be easy. But also. Perhaps, just perhaps, she could be persuaded into committing some delicious revenge under the right circumstances (whatever that might be).
IDK man, there's potential here, things could get so interesting with Cross Guild and whatever the fuck Crocodile is planning (vs how Buggy's mutiny rolls out)
It is kind of funny though, how like the best case scenario for Cross Guild Shichibukai Reunion would be like. Kuma and his daughter. Moria, Mihawk and their collective daughter. Crocodad and his sharp boyfriend. And Luffy's wannabe fiancée. (The clown is optional)
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infamous-if · 10 months
every time I get a new message or ask about a typo/error a piece of me dies
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whatwooshkai · 3 months
more thoughts on the monk au. it would take place on cybertron because that's more interesting. buster would be some kind of cybertronian type dog, a peripheral like saint or maybe a cassette, but she's attached to thundercracker. her voicebox is broken so she "barks", and thundercracker is barely getting by with this job so they can't afford to have it fixed. ultra magnus is a former enforcer who after some major traumatic event that is an overarching mystery that spans the series that I haven't decided on yet had a major nervous breakdown and was removed from the force. prowl is stottlemeyer. bluestreak is disher. thundercracker took this job because he was in medic training and needed the money to finish school, now he's too attached to quit. his real passion is film and likes to write screenplays based off their adventures, kind of like a watson to ultra magnus' sherlock holmes
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on the one hand listening to music while drawing is an easy solution to wanting uninterrupted background noise While I Draw however the downside is every time a new song starts theres a 50/50 chance that ill remember how i wanted to make an animatic/comic for it and ill scream inside
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kxllerblond · 2 months
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❝ Boundaries...❞ he said again, turning now-—his chosen cufflinks still gathered in his hand. His expression was expectant, then slightly confused. ❝ You know...? What you discuss to during the planning conversation? The conversation you have before you go live with any sort of covert operation we need to be on the same page about? You didn't think we would just wing it...did you? ❞
His brows knit as he slowly began to pin his cufflinks in place, all the while squinting at his partner for the evening. ❝ You have done this sort of thing before, right? ❞
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b4kuch1n · 5 months
what if I stream tonite. for dragon business
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nugget-of-terror · 1 year
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 years
my friend reminded me yesterday of an au concept we had brainstormed about if Luke had succeeded in pulling Percy into Tartarus in TLT with the winged shoes trick and how that would have most likely meant Kronos possessing Percy instead of Luke. So i have a lot of thoughts about that & related right now.
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wexhappyxfew · 4 months
omg just scrolled the masters of the air tag and now have an OC idea that i was not anticipating 🫣
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