#is this worht self reblogging LOL
skyloftian-nutcase · 2 months
Oh hey look it's an AU of my AU because my brain won't shut up :D
Ganondorf dragged his feet, slowing his pace as he stared at the deli.
"No," Nabooru immediately cut in. "I know what you're thinking."
"I want some," he said simply, stubbornly, resolutely.
"You're not a child," Nabooru argued. "Have some blasted self control. It's not on the grocery list."
As the pair argued, Link wandered over, a box of goldfish in hand. Nabooru immediately raised an eyebrow at him.
"My budget," he reasoned with an innocent shrug.
Nabooru sighed. "Fine. Put it in."
"Oh, so he gets to grab anything he wants, but I can't?" Ganondorf grumbled.
Nabooru rolled her eyes. "He is paying for his own groceries. How old are you?"
As the two continued to bicker, Hemisi poked Link, motioning with her phone. "You've got to see this meme, it's hilarious."
Link peered over her shoulder, eyes curious as a smile pulled at his lips. Meanwhile, Ganondorf finally conceded, glaring into the void as they continued their trek beyond the beloved meat section.
When the family got home, Link helped Ganondorf unload the groceries, setting his own aside, while Hemisi and Nabooru greeted their poodle and made sure he had dinner. Eventually, everyone settled, with Ganondorf and Nabooru humming along with the radio while they meal prepped for the next day, and Hemisi and Link relaxing on the sofa together, both on their phones. Occasionally the teenagers exchanged memes and videos, giggling.
When the parents were finished, Ganondorf moved to dismiss Link for the night when he saw that both children had fallen asleep on th sofa. Hemisi was laying across it, her legs draped over Link's lap while he sat slumped on the corner, arms resting over her. Nabooru smiled at the pair as her husband sighed.
"The boy might as well move in," Ganondorf half joked. "He almost always falls asleep here."
"That's a dangerous idea having them actually live together while they're dating," Nabooru chuckled. "I can't watch them 24/7."
Ganondorf hummed in agreement, walking over and gently picking up his daughter. Yes, she was fifteen, but he didn't care - she would always be his little girl, and he was gentle enough that she didn't wake up. He tucked her in to her bed and watched her a moment, smiling.
Meanwhile, Nabooru grabbed a pillow and helped ease Link to lay down across the sofa, covering him with a heavy blanket and kissing him softly on the temple. "Rest well, baby."
The parents stayed awake a little while longer, chatting quietly at the table as they sipped some hot tea. When Link abruptly startled awake, falling off the sofa and nearly hitting his head on the side table near it, the pair rushed into the room to settle him. His nightmares weren't too frequent, but they came often enough that both were familiar with it.
"Link," Ganondorf said gently, grounding him as he gasped for air. "It's all right. Relax. You're safe."
Link stared at him, disoriented, and the man sighed, pulling the teenager into a hug. Eventually, he picked him up, settling on the recliner and letting Link rest on his lap. He yawned as he rubbed the boy's arm calmingly.
"Maybe he should move in," Nabooru said with a half smile as she threw the blanket over them both. "You gonna stay here for the night?"
Ganondorf grunted in the affirmative, and Nabooru's smile grew. "Perfect. That means I get the bed to myself. Come on, Ghirahim!"
Their poodle trotted happily after his mother as Ganondorf scowled, but he got over his grumpiness soon enough. The house grew still, and peace filled the air.
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