#isobel & alex fic
cruciomione · 7 months
headcanon for sydcarmy that I've had for months now that i was reminded of rewatching Fools Rush In yesterday (rip Matthew Perry) and reading @ambeauty 's new fanfic.
i love the unplanned pregnancy trope with them and also the idea that they would do every milestone backwards or hit them super fast in terms of their relationship. hear me out
what i love about sydney and carmy is how intense they are about each other while not knowing each other for that long. carmy spends braciole acting like a heartbroken widower and ends the episode by planning on revamping his family restaurant with a girl he's only known for a couple months. the restaurant dream he thought died with his brother, the person he loved the most (woah). while sydney is her most emotionally vulnerable with a guy she barely knows (and physically too, i.e the hug after the fire suppression test and the table scene) and constantly gives him second chances when he doesn't deserve them.
they are weird and intense about each other even with all these platonic and professional boundaries they put in place.
in my mind that is rotting from tumblr and ao3, when those boundaries disappear they will do the relationship shit on speed drive. oops they get pregnant after a few months of dating or a situationship. whats having a baby when you have a restaurant? they are already the mom and dad of the bear!
they would elope randomly on a tuesday afternoon after dating for a couple months bc they practically eat sleep live and breathe each other every single day anyways? carmy tells syd he doesn't want to wait when he already knows she's it for him. syd says he's crazy but she may just be crazier for agreeing (also grew up with hearing her parents love story who got married super young and fast so why cant she?)
oh they just started dating a few days ago? syd moves in or they start looking for new places. shes already here all the time when they menu plan. carmy already buys her fave snacks, subscribes to a couple streaming services for the first time bc syd loves to binge-watch shows, and has a couple of her scarves laying around.
and i love that this could go really bad, how intense and how much they love each other (bc im an angst enjoyer) or most likely really great bc these two losers want to practically live in each other's skin and make each other better.
side note: after watching fools rush in again...need a sydcarmy au bc the premise of two people from different cultures, values and perspectives foolishly rushing into a big thing like opening a restaurant having a baby is so them!
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aydann-runs · 7 months
Michael steps through the door to the Crashdown, removing his hat and scanning the cafe for Alex. He was supposed to meet him half an hour ago, but a challenging repair kept him late, and now Michael’s hungry on top of being frustrated. It’s a bad combination that’s not improved when he catches sight of Isobel, who–if body language is any indication–appears to be in the midst of an argument with Alex. He’s not even sure what Isobel, and Valenti, too, are doing here, since he’d only expected his husband.
Alex and Iz are leaning across the table of the corner booth, practically in each other’s faces, while Valenti plays on his phone. He’s very obviously staying out of the middle of whatever this is, and Michael’s more than half-tempted to follow his lead and just sit at the counter. Instead, he sighs and heads for the corner where two of the most important people in his life are currently at odds.
“...not going to change my mind,” Isobel is saying as Michael approaches the table. She gestures in Alex’s face with a french fry, and Michael rocks back on his heels in surprise when Alex snatches it out of her hand. With his teeth.
Isobel laughs, and Michael knows his sister, can tell it’s her delighted to be sparring with an equal laugh, and he relaxes for the first time since he left work. If Alex is feeling playful, and Isobel is amused, then whatever they’re arguing about can’t be serious.
“Hey, perfect timing!” Alex says as Michael slides in beside him. “Tell Isobel that dipping your fries in your milkshake is a game changer and she’s missing out.”
“It’s disgusting, Alex, and I can’t believe you still do it,” Isobel retorts.
“Wait, hold on,” Michael interjects. “This is what you were fighting about?”
“We weren’t fighting, Michael,” Isobel disagrees.
“Yeah, it was more of a debate,” Alex adds. “Isobel refuses to even try it, even though the saltiness of the fries actually enhances the sweetness of the milkshake. It’s food science, you explain it.”
Michael looks at Valenti, who’s just now coming out from hiding behind his phone. “A little help, bro?”
“Nope, I know better than to get between my girlfriend and my best friend,” Kyle says with a grin.
And that is really good advice. Michael’s pretty sure he’d be the biggest loser if he chose sides between Alex and Iz.
“Hey, you like what you like,” he equivocates, eating a few fries off Isobel’s plate and washing them down with a swig of Alex’s milkshake.
He doesn’t miss the triumphant smile his husband gives his sister, or her answering glare.
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riproswell · 8 months
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Slice open your pumpkins, grab your candy and costumes, dust off your creepy décor... and polish up your most ghastly creations! We're down to one week till the 5th annual RIP Roswell! We'll be kicking our spooky shenanigans off next Friday. In case you forgot (or missed it), this years prompts are...
Friday, October 27th: Book of Shadows Gothic Literature, dark romanticism, the uncanny and macabre, classic horror monsters and tropes Saturday, October 28th: It’s Hauntingly Beautiful Ghosts, spirits, messages from beyond, unquiet places, lost and found, the past unburied Sunday, October 29th: Crystal Ball Hocus pocus, tricks and treats, mystical abilities and connections, transformations and charms, tarot and palm reading, covens and familiars
Feel free to put your own creative spin on any of the prompts, and as usual all are encouraged to participate and all types of fanworks are welcome. Any questions can be submitted to the ask box and the ao3 collection can be found here.
Please don't forget to tag your spooky creations with #riproswell so we can be sure to see and reblog them.
We can't wait to celebrate our favorite aliens, witches, and mad scientists with you all! 🛸🔮🧪🦇
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pleasantfanartist · 1 year
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Inspired by this fic by @jesmme
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burntotears · 2 years
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all alex & isobel scenes (1/?) | 202 ladies and gentlemen we are floating in space
And the specimen. Noah's in there? What's left of him.
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arielana · 2 years
Really, Michael?
A ficlet for Michael Guerin Week 2022, Day 1: “Is that how you wanted this to go?”
Very inspired by various “did you get probed”/“probe and tell” gifsets and the thought of Michael and Kyle as potential future brother-in-laws.
“Seriously Valenti, if I’d known the person you were making ’getting probed’ jokes about was my sister…” Michael takes a swig of his beer, very pleased with the scandalized tone he manages to pull off, and taking great joy in the way Kyle instantly turns beet red and starts to splutter, giving Michael a betrayed look. 
“What? That’s not what— I— I didn’t— You were the one who said—” His eyes flicker desperately between Michael and Isobel. “Is, I swear—”
It’s almost too easy. Valenti’s clearly let his guard down now that they’re practically brother-in-laws. This should teach him. Michael half turns towards the kitchen to hide a satisfied smirk as Kyle struggles to put a sentence together, but he’s of course immediately stopped in his tracks, deer in headlights-style, when he’s met by an unimpressed look from his husband, eyebrows arched, back from picking up the wine much quicker than Michael’s expected.
Alex has certainly perfected his ’Really, Michael?’ expression, Michael notes, and he puts it to good use. If Michael thought he was well acquainted with the look before, it’s nothing compared to life as a married man. (Despite Michael generally being very well behaved, if he can say so himself.)
He tries to look innocent, shrugging lightly. What does Alex expect from him anyway?
He is being nice to Valenti. Like, whose idea was it to invite him and Isobel over tonight? It most definitely wasn’t Mr Alex ’Ugh, other people. Let’s just get takeout and watch a movie on our own’ Manes (Guerin he corrects himself, a pleased little shiver running through him. Each time.) 
Because really, Michael is making an effort—being a good brother, a good host—in fact, he’s making what he knows is one of Kyle’s favorite dishes tonight (and isn’t it crazy that he even knows that?) A little light teasing should definitely be allowed, just enough so that Kyle doesn’t get too comfortable. Michael’s had to listen to enough self-righteous lectures—ok, some pretty good advice as well, he has to admit—through the years. Michael should get to torment him just a little. It’s only fair.
Isobel huffs, and Michael turns back towards the living room.
“Oh sweetie,” she says airily, stroking Kyle’s arm, “don’t worry about him. You’re doing amazing.” She flicks her ponytail back, rolling her eyes. “He’s just sulking because he and Alex are a boring old married couple now. He wishes he could get a good probing.”
Michael hears Alex practically hiss behind him. 
Ignoring them, Isobel resolutely grabs Kyle's face with both hands and pulls him in for a kiss with way too much tongue for a dinner with family. Michael would never.
After a long minute, Isobel steps back with a pleased hum, lovingly patting Kyle on the cheek before releasing him. He takes a few wobbly steps backwards, clearing his throat and trying to regain his composure, while Isobel calmly smooths her hair back and checks her lipstick, after giving Michael a smug look.
Ok, well Michael should have seen that coming he guesses. Isobel refuses to be embarrassed by anything sex related. And he loves her for it.
“Is that how you wanted this to go?” Alex mutters grumpily as he comes to stand next to Michael. “We could have been cuddling on the sofa by now, instead we’re stuck watching your sister make out with Kyle, and being insulted in our own home. ’Boring’.” He spits out the word with as much disdain as possible. 
Michael just grins, not sorry in the slightest.  
First of all, he can’t think of anything better to do with the rest of his life than getting to be a boring old married couple with Alex. A dream come true, really.
And second, he knows exactly what happens when his husband’s competitive streak is activated, and there’s no way Alex will idly stand by and accept the implication that Kyle Valenti’s sex life is better than theirs.
Michael’s in for a wild night once the others have left, if he plays his cards right.
“It’s ok, honey.” He places a chaste kiss on Alex’s cheek, humming thoughtfully. “I guess it’s true what they say—the magic has to go eventually. Routine can be good too.”
The glint in Alex’s eyes tells him he knows exactly what Michael's up to, but also that it’s definitely working. Oh, it’s on.
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dr-lizortecho · 5 months
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Liz’s whole body feels heavy as she walks into the house, the deceptive warmth of the living room feels like a sick joke as she hangs her keys up beside Max’s hat. The one she’d so ceremoniously returned to its hook before heading out to Rosa’s grave that afternoon. The felt of it was always smooth beneath her fingers as she brushed the brim, letting a happy memory wash over her before going into the room set up like a pop up clinic. It was too cold in there, with the sound of machinery drowning out Max’s breathing.
She’d startled awake a few too many times in fear because his chest looked too still or she couldn’t hear his shallow breathing. Leaving her exhausted and anxious by the time she made it to the lab in the mornings. She’d taken to sleeping curled up beside him on the king sized bed, fingers delicately pressed against his pulse point.
Liz kicks off her shoes and shrugs off her jacket as she makes her way to the bedroom. Her muscles ache, lack of sleep and bending over Petri dishes in her lab for fourteen hours didn’t make a great mix. She flexes her fingers trying to chase the stiffness away, already thinking about what new methods she would try in the morning. The regenerative process of the pods would have to be escalated to even put a dent in the weakness of Noah’s heart, and that was ignoring the complications with injecting it into Max’s body. It was vastly more complicated post surgery, but Liz would figure it out. She had to pull through, not only for her but for Isobel and Michael too.
The twins are a heartbreaking sight as she walks into the bedroom. They had always been inseparable- for as long as Liz had known either of them. It was Max and Isobel Evans, the twins who wore matching clothes through most of elementary school. The first time Liz had seen Max he walked into the first grade classroom hand in hand with Isobel. And though they stopped wearing outfits that complimented each other and stopped holding hands everytime Max was anxious, they were still the same amount of inseparable. Apparently even in death.
Isobel looks up at her with a soft smile, something like hope glinting in her eyes. “Any progress?”
Liz sets her mouth in a thin line as she shakes her head. “The process has been infuriatingly difficult.”
read on ao3
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dayscrazed · 2 months
Chapter 3 of my Malex Oklahoma AU!
Chapter based off of the song, "I Can't Say No" Michael and Isobel have a much-needed chat during Max's recovery. Michael finally confides in her about a lot of his feelings about Alex.
Fun chapter to write!!!! Particularly inspired by: "I've never been able to say no to you." ~ Michael Guerin to Alex Manes 2x01
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alex-guerin · 1 year
To write a Malex WWII pilots fic...or not to write a Malex WWII pilots fic...that is the question.....
...the answer is yes, I will probably write the Malex WWII pilots fic cuz I’m a sucker for WWII pilots and there needs to be Alex as a fighter pilot and Michael as the mechanic romance in my life.
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lovecolibri · 2 years
Happy pre-Malex wedding everyone! And happy anniversary to this fluff- fest that is entirely self-indulgent and one of my favorite things I've ever created, which also, coincidentally mentions Plant Daddy Michael and Malex being ridiculous and in love so...glad I totally called that!
It also birthed this meme thanks to one of the comments which made me giggle so I had to make it.
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female-overlord-3 · 2 years
Settle Down
Part 1- Part 3
Penguin Daemon AU!
Read on AO3
Zero Gravity Ch 1.5
It takes the rest of the school year and the first month of summer before they come to some form of agreement but the main one being: No one can know until after Alex's service is done.
It'll be hard and both of them are a little terrified but they want this, Andy and Deva are absolutely certain, and they know this will be one of the most important things they'll ever want for themselves.
Other rules and agreements they've made are for safety as well.
They will only use the cabin sparingly or for emergencies. Michael will help out the Ortecho’s at the Crashdown on weekends and start working at Sanders Auto during the week while his hand is slowly healed by Max. There's an old airstream Old man Sanders has that he offered Michael to fix up and use on his off time.
Something Rosa kept demanding was that they will take the time they have and enjoy it, to hold on to these memories while they wait to be reunited. Alex was still terrified about his father but with having the Crashdown, Jim's cabin, and now Sanders Auto yard, it felt like he at least had more options to get away when he needed to. It helped that Jesse seemed to let him enjoy his dwindling time left, probably feeling triumphant that he got what he wanted so whatever Alex does now doesn't matter to him.
The most important thing that everyone agrees on, except Deva and Andy of course, is that they cannot have a handprint.
Michael has no idea what it does especially to a human and he's terrified of hurting Alex, so he's been able to pull away or stop it from forming. It's just that Andy and Deva are smart little brats who know it's getting harder and harder for Michael to resist.
Their first month is bumpy until they finally find a balance. Their second has a few scares here and there but for some reason the town leaves them alone, turns a blind eye knowing this fated pair's time is starting to run out. The final month starts to make them desperate, careless because their time is almost up.
It was a rare morning when Alex allowed himself to stay with Michael at Jim's cabin, in the hidden room underneath. They still have less than 2 weeks but they've been making due, fitting any moment or spare time they can.
Last night they stayed up as long as they could, talked about everything and anything that came to mind as they enjoyed the temporary feeling of being safe, being happy, and possibly being in love.
Alex wakes to curls tickling his nose and the heat that radiates off of Michael, from the breath on his neck to the almost full body press of skin that just melts Alex further in place. Michael is softly snoring into him, another moment he savors then tucks away for what he's only been able to label as Later.
Slow and light kisses are what Michael wakes up to. It's warm and safe and nice so he lets himself get lost when Alex finally puts more into them. It’s the even push and pull as things slowly start to burn hotter and more intense. Michael can feel it, the need to bond with Alex as his hand starts to warm as it presses into Alex's bare chest.
He needs to tell him so that-
"It's okay."
Alex of course reads him so easily. Michael swallows at that and nearly gives in, the temptation and need are filling him to the brim with the echo of Deva adding to it. It just seems too easy and he still doesn't know what it could do to Alex, how it might change them.
"We still don't know what it'll do." It's a whisper, like a hushed confession with his head bowed as his hand grows hotter.
Alex just gently lays his hand over his and presses down in answer. Michael's hands twitch at that, the scars still present but now no longer hurt in agonizing pain like before. A physical reminder of what was lost but also what was gained.
He lays over Alex as his free hand braces against the bed to keep him up with their legs tangled and eyes slowly traveling back up to Alex's who continues to try reassuring him.
"If I can feel it too then it's meant to happen. Andy and Deva are sure about it so it's okay."
Those last two words again.
It's okay .
Michael takes a deep breath and tries to trust those words.
His hand glows bright as energy begins to funnel to it, to grow hotter and hotter even with the usual fear still there but then Michael sees the want on Alex's face, the flash of desperation that turns to determination.
It really is too easy as the instincts he's been holding back with sheer stubbornness come front and center.
Rosa takes one look at them before pointing to her car as she stomps to the driver's side.
The car starts moving before either of them are buckled in but they've grown used to it after the last few months. They pass through the town then the open desert on a well known path that leads to their cave.
That's a new location they've added for getting space. Michael had taken them to the turquoise mine where his pod stays hidden but their cave is specifically theirs, a place not even Isobel and Max know about.
"So when'd you do it? Don't think I didn't notice you're both holding each other's daemon without going all zoned out. You're also wearing an extra layer Alex."
Indigo is hanging off the headrest and combing through her hair calmly but both boys can feel his judgmental gaze that they guilty ignore in favor of focusing on the daemons in their lap.
"We're fine." Alex glances at Michael then away as they both try to fight the smile that wants to break free. "Kinda perfect actually." He adds.
They pull to a stop and Rosa whips around to glare at them.
"We said no handprint. Michael didn't know what it would do besides whatever Max did with healing and… That night with Noah, which we still barely understand what happened."
She throws open her door and gets out, not waiting for either of them.
Any reminder of that night is still a sore spot for them, Rosa especially because of… the whole night in general, but making this cave their own has helped a bit to take back a part of themselves they feel like they lost.
Andy and Deva wiggle out of their arms to have their own seat and leave the boys to talk with Rosa.
"Have fun. We're gonna take a nap." Andy let's Deva get comfortable first before settling, the two happily pressed against each other as they drift off to sleep.
Michael stares at them with fond betrayal because if anything they'd be able to explain this better. They just look so cute he can't bear to say anything about it.
A surge of love pulses through him, then nerves and guilt that he echoes until it settles on determination.
"You need to help me practice more because it is so unfair how well you can do that."
Alex nudges him to start moving and he quickly gets them out so that Deva and Andy can sleep.
Alex takes Michael's hand and holds it carefully up to his face, to just hold it against his cheek for the buzzing sensation that thrills him.
"She's probably noticed this too but those two being so far away will freak her out." He gives it a quick kiss before letting their hands drop between them.
"Well how else are we going to tell her that your enlistment will be somewhat easier now."
It's still hangs over their heads, like a dark storming cloud but now it's gotten smaller, a dark gray instead of black. Not feeling the strain or pain of distance from your daemon is a perk and one made even easier with Andy and Deva both  being the small type. They're not sure if it's the handprint specifically or just what they are to each other but now they at least have some time to see and maybe figure out how this whole alien handprint works.
Rosa is standing and staring hard at the small array of candles they've brought to provide light as Indigo hangs from the few ropes Michael attached for him to the ceiling.
Michael and Alex take their usual seat, an old truck bench seat from Sanders destroy pile.
"You never answered my first question." Her voice is still angry but she shifts her weight and sinks into her own chair, some of the angry doing the same.
"You guys both agreed right?"
"We did." Comes out rushed and giddy.
Rosa finally looks at them and they can see it takes her a second before realizing somethings missing.
"Please explain so I have an idea of what you idiots did."
Michael and Alex share a look before Alex pulls his sweater off then pulls down his shirt to show her.
Rosa tries to fight the fear that slowly creeps into her, to stay present instead of going back to that night. The happiness on both of her boys faces help, even if they still look a little guilty and nervous.
"It healed us too." Michael whispers and slowly takes his hand out from where he was hiding it in his hoodie. What used to be a jagged scar with a couple misshapen fingers is now almost whole. The scar is still there and there's the barest curve to the two most damaged fingers, but it looks years healed instead of the few months it's been.
"It doesn't hurt anymore?" She's reaching across to gently stroke his hand but Michael yanks it back.
"It's… sensitive?" He seems a bit unsure like that's not the right word.
"It's only been 3 days but every time someone else tries to touch us… it's sorta uncomfortable."
Alex and him press closer together at some memory.
"It's like how your arm falls asleep, it tingles and isn't the best feeling but bearable."
The urge to touch them out of spite is strong but Rosa resists.
"The fluff balls?" The strangeness of not seeing someone's daemon is starting to freak her out, like she can tell that Nova and Andy aren't here instead of hiding in their hoodies.
"Guess there's no limit now which is like, really cool and freaked us out the first day." There’s that Michael nerdiness Rosa secretly loves because she misses Liz like her heart is gone. The last part makes her squint at him.
“I’m sorta scared to ask but what do you mean by ‘first day’?”
Michael launches into the whole explanation of how they experimented the distance when they noticed the first night. Essentially the handprint created some sort of infinite tether to each other so regardless of how far any of them are from each other, there won’t be any pain.
“I mean that sounds cool but why would you even want to be that far away from your daemon?”
To that they both shrug.
“I mean I'm an alien: how do I even have one?” Michael settles to lay his head in Alex’s lap so his boyfriend can pet through his curls. “I try not to think too hard about it. Not a fan of headaches.”
Rosa continues to ask questions that both boys try to answer as best they can until they get to the last one.
“Has it faded since?”
The one Rosa got that night never fully formed, disrupted and quickly faded the next day but now she’s curious about what she might’ve gotten if things went differently.
"Took a day to fully form and it's been bright but I think it's slowly dulling." Alex pulls on his shirt to check. "Ya the edges are slightly disappearing so I guess it should be gone by the end of the week. Hopefully."
It lulls into a comfortable silence while everything they've said has settled in their heads.
"I guess it's not so bad and while I'm still annoyed you did it… I guess whatever alien bio you've got pushed you cause Alex is gonna be gone for a bit."
A sad look befalls both boys but Rosa didn't bring it up to make them sad, they need some reminder about reality.
"We've got a plan in place and like 2 backup ones. Hell now that your daemons can travel then maybe we can add that in too."
Alex and Michael slump closer together but there isn't an air of defeat hanging around them; just mild unease. The future is still unknown, a big daunting question that demands to be answered louder each passing day. Each hour. Each minute if they really think about it but they don't and won't until their shrinking time finally runs out.
"Ya maybe."
Rosa can't tell who said it or if both of them did, the things her mind is questioning about the handprint and all the things they don't know still freaks her out, but now that's a few less worries weighing them down and her boys are happy. That's all she's asking for at the moment.
It doesn't take long for the town to realize that Michael and Alex's daemons match. A penguin is a very unique type of animal already but to have one settle when you live in a desert is even more.
It becomes one of those unspoken things, the town may sometimes roll their eyes about being known for aliens but this is more special, this is something real and rare enough to be regarded with silent awe.
So Michael and Alex are left alone as the majority of the townspeople turn a blind eye when the two boys can be seen roaming around town together or sneaking away once it gets dark, keeping the Sergeants attention when he is near, and most people casting a sharp eye to silence those that try to say something about two boys being that close.
It takes awhile for Rosa to convince them, and even longer to be a little bit less cautious when they're together, about what the majority of town is doing.
Andy and Deva make it even more obvious because they have absolutely no cares about the town like their counterparts. Both can be seen huddling together and always close, always touching.
Maria once commented that it was cute but she was worried how possessive Deva seemed of Andy.
"Highschool romance never lasts, especially with distance. Not like friendships."
Alex holds his tongue and brings Andy into his arms to stop her from hurtling at Maria and Brunir.
Deva appears a few moments later and chirps, calming her beloved instantly so Alex lets Andy down to go to her.
The raised eyebrow Maria gives him only seems to prove her point as the two waddle to Michael who waves at them then to Alex.
Later on their way home he listens to Andy's grumbling about Maria's comment.
"She's rude!" Feathers puffed up and fins extended out to appear bigger. "And her daemon isn't even settled yet so obviously she's just jealous about that and that I can't stand Burnir."
Said daemon is currently a type of wild cat and his eyes are always following them.
"He always looks like he wants to eat me."
Alex can tell she means in the literal sense. "It's unnerving and creeps me out."
Andy pauses and looks down curiously and pecks around until she does a happy wiggle at what she's found.
"This one! Add it to the collection please."
All Alex can do is smile as he pockets the small rock.
"How many more do you think?"
Andy goes quiet in thought before lifting her fins up to be carried.
"Maybe 9 more before there will be enough for a nest."
The warm happy feeling that flows through both of them takes them all the way home.
"What about this one?"
Alex slides the book between them.
They've been scouring the small library determined to figure out what type of penguin their daemons are in Alex's last week.
They're hidden away at a small table in the back, the only computer already taken but it probably would've taken them forever since the thing is ancient.
From the very limited books Roswell has to offer, it took a little bit longer to find the right books and then some time to go through all the information when trying a kids animal book didn't show anything promising even with illustrations.
Andy and Deva aren't Emperor chick's since they don't have the black top on their heads, more of a light gray. They're too dark to be Chinstrap's but are lighter than Adelie, King, and African chicks. It would've been adorable if they were Macaroni's but Deva and Andy have a bright orange color for their beaks. The section Alex finds matches exactly how they look.
"They've got the right beak color, size, and coat. I think our girls are Gentoo penguins."
Michael rubs both their chins with pride as Alex reads some more from the passage.
"So that explains the rock obsession. It says here that's how they court and stuff. They're like arctic magpies or crows."
He thinks of the small but growing pile he and Andy have been building.
"I'm building the nest while Deva finds our rock."
Deva of course preens at this and nuzzles Andy's neck.
"I'm gonna find the best one."
The echo of that giddiness pushes Michael to be nearly in Alex's lap and press a quick kiss to his cheek.
"It's surprisingly not my tech."
The words brush against his heated skin, the statement causing happiness to burst in Alex's chest that nearly makes him laugh loudly in the quiet.
"Well maybe there's something more? Something different she'll be able to find and just know it will be perfect."
Alex brings both daemons into his arms to kiss both their heads, Michael and Deva going absolutely limp at the feeling.
"Don't start something you aren't going to finish baby."
Alex just holds them closer as he stands then drops a kiss to Michaels curls.
"Put these back and clear the table. I'll be waiting at the front." He takes a step before pausing. "The normal way."
Michael grumbles at the request but quickly does it.
They spend the rest of the day out in the desert with food from the Crashdown courtesy of Rosa and Arturo, enjoying another beautiful sunset.
They enjoy the last rays of sun before the skyline goes from a soft orange to red that fades into pink then deep Indigo as the stars brighten and twinkle against the dark backdrop.
Once it's officially dark enough they can barely see past the brightness of the truck's headlights, the mellow comforting mood starts to solidify and settle to something more serious as they make their way to the turquoise mines.
Alex grabs a blanket while Michael brings their chair, the girls already ahead of them to meet their waiting guests.
Isobel is sitting in front of her pod, staring silently at the man floating in it.
"I felt it again." She whispers as the soft glow of the pod illuminates her stricken face. "I know it's different but I don't- I don't like that I can feel it again."
Michael comes to kneel next to her and hold her close, Alex getting only the slightest flicker of his worry now. He moves to her other side so she can rest her head on his shoulder, a reflex now after the past few months since that night.
"You've gotten stronger and we think being in your pod may have helped him heal better." Alex offers as he gets the blanket around them.
"Seemed more sane. Stable." Giel lifts up from her shoulder to rub against her cheek. “Not safe but not crazy.”
All Isobel can do is sigh but having them both here is nice.
They all sit in silence until Isobel sighs again, one that's more tired but steadier than the first one that was just sad.
“Back to reality I guess. You’re sure I’m still allowed to have your party- sorry dinner? It really will  just be a small get together and Max will be on his best behavior or banished to his room.”
Alex isn’t entirely feeling a ‘party’ that’s celebrating him leaving, but he knows Isobel needs a distraction and to get some control right now.
“I’m sure. It’ll be nice to see everyone who actually cares about me.”
She leans more into Alex in thanks before staring down at their blanket in intense concentration. It slowly moves and then lifts off of them before dropping.
“Better.” Michael praises but he’s smirking as he easily brings the blanket into his arms.
“I will be better than you just you wait.” She grumbles as her and Alex help each other up.
With everything packed up and the entrance closed then hidden, they all linger between their cars.
Alex knows he has to ride with Isobel with it being so late but he really doesn’t want to leave Michael and Deva just yet.
“Oh my god i’ll just follow you to the main road and then you can ride with me. It’s not like we have anything to do for the next few days and I need a bit more time to compose myself before Max bombards me with questions.”
Michael and Alex try to spend as much time together the next few days, to enjoy each other and love each other, even if they haven’t said the actual words yet. Alex is a bit hurt when Michael finally confesses to not wanting to see him off, but the nagging feeling of unease that’s still strong even though their handprint is just fading fingertips makes sense now. It almost turns into a fight but this isn’t how they want to spend their last day together for who knows how long.
Surprisingly it’s Max that talks Michael into changing his mind.
“I still regret not seeing Liz before she left. Whatever’s going on between you two- I guess I get it so I don’t want you to regret doing this.”
Things have been tense between them since that night, when all Max wanted to do was leave everything for Rosa instead of helping her because she was older and they were her ‘friends’ but Michael finally put his foot down instead of letting Max take the lead. It was their alien stuff too and they can’t keep hiding it forever, especially after Rosa being saved meant she was part of things now.
Michael makes a compromise. He won’t see Alex board the bus but he does wait out at the Roswell sign with his own sign. He makes sure that Rosa tells Alex to look for it but not why, though he’s sure it should be obvious for Alex to figure out.
Michael is grateful to Max because the last thing he saw is Alex’s smiling face.
Now the only thing to worry about is school, work on mending things with Max, finding more pieces of his ship, and not thinking too much about missing Alex.
They have a plan. They made a system. Things will be okay.
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riproswell · 2 years
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The 4th Annual RIP Roswell is preparing for another three nights of ghoulish Halloween delight!
Saturday, October 29th - Classic Creatures prompts & themes: witches, vampires, werewolves, ghosts, zombies & other classic creatures
Sunday, October 30th - Aliens & Other Unknowns prompts & themes: aliens, alternate dimensions, time-travel, cryptids & other other-worldly unknowns
Monday, October 31st - Halloween Hoedown prompts & themes: corn mazes, apply bobbing, costumes & other Halloween festivities 
All are welcome to participate in whatever fashion you can imagine. Use as many or as few prompts and themes as you want. Mix and match, get creative! Just remember to use the tag riproswell on your post so we can see and share. See you at the end of October!
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writingmochi · 7 months
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loading interface...
you have reached year 2
lissie: greetings, visitor! this is your flight director speaking~ welcome to the two-year anniversary of this blog (freaking awesome if you ask me). thank you so much for reading, indulging, and/or interacting with this blog, me, or my works. the sentence before cannot describe the gratitude i'm expressing towards all of you. this is a yearly recap for me and maybe for new visitors who come to know what has happened on this blog for the year.
before we get to it, i'm doing a survey to get to know my audience better (and more research). if you have spare time, do fill in the survey so that i get to know more about the visitors, the works, and the audience on tumblr in general! (average time is around 3 minutes~)
survey link! (survey closed)
all research done (read: works written and released)
troubled pixies | txt's taehyun (2 parts; 52k [novel])
smirch episode 2: jay | enhypen's jay (27.4k [novella])
isobel | txt's soobin (43.3k [novel])
pizzeria run | enhypen's sunoo (17.9k [novella])
total: 4 works (1 two-shots, 3 oneshots) and 140.6k words written
all the navigators connected (read: mutuals i got within the year. check last year's recap if you didn't find yours!)
@it-rains-blue (via @itz-yerin)
yerin! the other biggest bamtori i know here! gosh i hope you're doing well irl and online... hope for the best for your confession cafe >> check it out folks @the-love-cafe
hey jazmine! i notice you haven't posted in a while now. so i'm hoping your doing okay, okay?
@tyunlatte / @wave2tyun
alex! if you are lurking, i hope you're doing so good irl! live your life for the best (edit: alex's back!)
1/6 angels: ilem istg! hi! you've been like one of the constant presence when i check the discord server. hope you treat yourself well!
2/6 angels: whenever i see a heart, it always reminds me of you, angie. i think you're busy currently, so the best i can say is that hope you have a good rest cause you need it and always hydrate ;)
3/6 angels: hey lex! i just saw the band au teaser on your blog and i wanna punch myself for not noticing that sooner! /j hope you have a great time writing that one :D
4/6 angels: sof!! i gotta have to consult you more for street spirit cause just the way you work with the album for angel is just *chef's kiss*
yuan~~ ngl i can't wait to read your kei lovesick series (tho i'm hoping to staying loyal to yixiang) can't wait to see more of your &team fics. check the blog out for &team content, folks!
5/6 angels: saph !! thanks for the tag and hope your hiatus is treating you well~
6/6 angels: lee~ i've just seen that you also like riize like akfjbaieufiw okayyyy i hope you have a good day/night whenever and wherever you are!
hi nida! tbh you have so many side blogs i'm confused in which one you post your writing (so i'm tagging your main account). feel free to consult me if you have any wips you wanna let out lmao >.< n thanks for joining the txt hub server, i won't know you if not from there...
@pyeonghongrie (via @pyeonghongrie-main)
rie! thank you so much for letting me in the cult (mueheheheh) and hope we can interact more here or on the server
welcome to the roster, ada! thanks for letting me join the soobin collab and nice to see you!
director's journal entries (read: all the rants i have thought out the past year. some are genuine, some are sarcastic):
wow… i freaking broke tumblr huh
i shouldn't have been too ambitous fook me
bruh my body's crumbling…
i swear i hate college for not allowing me to write
i broke tumblr twice w/ a txt fic alsnskdams
tumblr can’t handle things :(
is my mind running too fast or is it just harder for people to understand me? annoying much…
i’m literally a step away from going out of the kpop fandom. this kind of fan behavior is sickening
^ and the fact is: i’ll probably survive
kinda wish someone could appreciate my writing just like i do for other people here
is there something wrong with how i write asks? i should have put more tone indicators…
the desire for me to revert back to web 1.0 is crazy. like, me owning a blog? ughh yes pls!
i’m getting freaking frustrated!!!
… will i ever … :")
*queue yoda's voice* you pushing back more wips i see
how the fuck have i made fewer works yet the wc is 20k away from last year's result? (166k for 12 compared to 140k for 5 works)
^ it's quality over quantity now darling
^^ and the fact that the year 3 count will get higher because of the fics you've delayed
notable moments from the past year
established @a-dream-bookmark, a rec blog + kpop writer & reader network
reaching 200!
started writing for ateez!
joining @kflixnet, @k-labels, and @cultofdionysusnet networks
what’s next?
lissie: if you haven't seen it, i'm starting a new big-scale series called terra incognita for enhypen's jake, do check it out if you like cyberpunk, or dystopian fics! also, i an doing the wips that i promised will be released this year (will prioritize evaluation and subterranean homesick alien first)
lissie: once again, thank you so much for following me on this journey! cheers~
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burntotears · 1 year
Title: Just for the Thought of You Tags: The Holiday AU, Inspired by The Holiday (2006), AU - Human, Texting, Phone Calls & Telephones, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Angst, Slow Burn, Inconsistent Burn From A Faulty Oven, Single Parents, Family Dynamics, Family Drama, Singing, First Kiss, First Time, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Implied/Referenced Abortion, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Good Brother Gregory Manes W/C: 35,242 Summary: When Isobel Evans decided to look into her birth parents, she met Alex Manes and they easily became best friends despite the physical distance. Now they just want to spend a little time away from their normal lives, so they decide to swap houses for two weeks during the holiday season. But unforeseen complications make it far from the secluded getaways that they had in mind. Playlist: Listen Here
@rnmnewyear2023 Day 3, 4, & 5: Movie Adaptation, Vacation Getaway, & AU (w/side rare-pair)
Thank you so much to my betas @im-the-punk-who & @bloggingbisexually for your invaluable help taming this wild beast. 🧡
“Are you sure that we can trust this woman with our place?” Greg asked for what was probably the hundredth time as they loaded Alex’s bags into the back of the Explorer. Alex loved his brother, really he did, but he was kind of looking forward to the two weeks away from him. They’d grown close in the years since he’d moved back to Roswell, but becoming roommates last year had reminded Alex of how much he liked having his own damn space.
“The woman’s name is Isobel, and yes, everything will be fine. Stop worrying and go have fun on your cruise with Zoe already. You’re annoying the shit out of me.” He shoved at Greg’s shoulder when he gave him an unimpressed look, but Alex could tell he was excited about the trip too.
“Yeah, whatever. It’ll be nice to be out of Roswell for the holidays for once. Just seems kinda weird that you wanna go out there by yourself.” Greg pulled Alex into a hug when they rounded the vehicle to the driver’s side.
“It’s gonna be fun! Iz has a ridiculously big house and there’s way more to do in the Dallas–Fort Worth area than there is around here.” He smiled when they pulled back from one another. “I’ll be fine, Greg, seriously. Now fuck off to your boat and try not to sink. Love you.”
“Love you too, asshole.” He waved Alex away and went back into the house as Alex headed to the airport.
[ Read on AO3 ]
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arielana · 1 year
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)
Fandom: Roswell New Mexico (TV 2019) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Michael Guerin/Alex Manes
A New Year’s Eve party at Planet 7 where someone's past comes back to haunt them, and amuse everyone else.
Written for the Roswell New Mexico Count Down to New Year 2023 event Day 6: Cozy Nights In/ Party Nights Out @rnmnewyear2023
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dr-lizortecho · 11 months
It’s festive. Every single week without fail. Arturo goes all out as soon as the Crash Down’s doors are closed. Their best dishes and silverware laid out, candles lit and happy music playing. Sunday dinners are something that mean the world to him. Because it’s a set aside time for his daughters.
It’s mainly their little family, the Ortechos and Max. But on occasion, if schedules allow, it sees rotating members of all their families. Kyle and Michelle, Max’s siblings, Alex and Maria. And every so often a member of the Crash Down family, whether Carlos and his eight or so children, or Vanessa. Though this week is much smaller, just the Ortechos and the Evanses.
Which of course doesn’t keep it from being loud, between the clanging of pots and pans as they cook and Liz and Rosa scream-singing along to the jukebox.
“And I'll do anything you ever dreamed to be complete, little pieces of the nothing that fall!” Liz and Rosa sing, Rosa spinning Liz in a circle. “Oh, Mayyyy.”
And then Liz is dancing towards Max, wrapping her arms around her waist and pressing a kiss to the back of her shoulder.
“Hey babe,” Max smiles, turning in her arms to grab at Liz’s waist and press a kiss to her forehead.
“Dance with me?” Liz quirks a brow.
Max laughs. “I’m in charge of simmering sauce.”
“No fun,” Liz pouts. She gets up on her tiptoes and presses a chaste kiss to Max’s lips.
“Yuck!” Isobel and Rosa say in unison.
read on ao3
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