#it doesnt feel 'spicy' either so I don't think it's allergies
r0semultiverse · 10 months
Anyone know why America's sour/green apple artificial flavor makes people cough more when inhaled through candy spray or jolly ranchers? 🍏 I know we have way less food safety regulations than Europe, but what the fuck is in these little bastards that makes that kind of reaction? 💚
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Here's just a bit of information!
Goldenrod is a plant that a lot of times people blame for allergies because it blooms the same time other plants that cause allergies do. But the pollen is actually too heavy to float in the air and has anti allergenic properties! Also if you make a honey that includes goldenrod a lot of times it'll be darker colored and strong flavored, but if you make a monohoney (honey made from one flower) with goldenrod it'll be super clear almost like water and it'll be kind of spicy!
Also did you know that when copper oxidizes it forms malachite?? I didn't know this, and when I first looked it up I thought the internet was lying to me so I looked it up more. It's really interesting I actually learned how malachite is formed out in the wild, and that it's one of the strongest things to come from copper (I forget the official fancy terminology lol). So I'm unsure on whether it formed the layer of malachite or just turns into malachite, probably forms a layer but yeah! So the Statue of Liberty has a good amount of malachite on it and you can oxidize pennies for malachite if you practice witchcraft or just like stones! Or if you just like colors and small cute shiny things like me.
(everyone I know is probably tired of me telling them about oxidized copper lmao but this was actually a massive piece of information to me, like I completely didn't see this coming and it's so cool!)
One last fact before I stop because this might be a bit too long and I don't know how to format things properly, yarrow is used in a lot of different rituals and traditions ect to either start or stop nose bleeds, and almost all of them that I've read about tie into finding true love whether that be romantically or with a true friendship! Another code name for yarrow is nosebleed which is fitting.
I hope you have a nice day!
First off, never feel like you cant send me a long ask, especially when your telling me about cool shit. Ive never been too plant savvy so i didnt know about the golden rod thing. We have a lot of that stuff where i live and its definitely a good thing it doesnt actually do anuthing bad, especially considering how pretty of a plant it is.
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I didn't know about the mapachite thing either but thats bery cool! I of course knew about copper turning green as it rusts but i didn't think it could technically make a stone. Malachite is also definitely on the list of crystals i want to get (i mainly collect them cause theyre pretty to look at, i personally have never had a huge interest in the science behind them) and knowing this makes me wamt to get it more. Plus i love that shade of green. I also didnt even know tne name of yarrow until you pinted it out. Thats enother thing i see around a lot (either that or something that looks just like it) but ive never known what it was called let alone that it could stop a nosebleed, which i think is fantastic.
Info dump to me!
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