#it is very messy pls this was meant to be a doodle
saik0m0che · 2 years
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I like to headcanon that Tom is the more cuddly type as opposing to Janna who almost can't stand it. But every once in a while she opens her arms and let's him hug her all he wants and he gets excited each time :(
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a-black-pegasus · 6 years
Written Love
Part 1
Because Tony Stark deserves love and here it is. Soulmate Au with Tony Stark and borrower Reader
Tony wrote out an equation on his forearm. Only about two years ago did his "sign" come up, signaling that the freaking universe has suddenly decided he was allowed to have a soulmate.
The thing with soulmates was not everyone had one. You never knew knew when, or if a sign would show up on you, or not. People said that if they did appear, that it meant you were destined for something special.
But lots of people who didn't have a sign accomplished amazing things all the time! And up until recently tony had thought he was one of those signless greats.
The pattern on his wrist seemed to scream the opposite. It was a vine, twisted around a needle layed on what could only be his arc reactor.
Whatever, a sign didn't make you anymore special than anyone else. Save for one small thing....
As he wrote out a formula for one of his smaller, more public projects on his arm, question marks began showing up. His soulmate, whoever they were, never had a single clue as to what his notes meant!
Stark loved it! He loved the idea that someone, somewhere was staring down at their arm completely baffled at the meaning of his notes.
He laughed out loud, and grinned. "Well, not everyone can be a genius." Tony shrugged.
The thing with soulmates was that once the sign showed up, whatever you drew on your skin showed up on the other person in the same location, and his soulmate was an artist! They had to be, judging by the things they drew. Flowers from odd perspectives, millions of dotted stars in a few inches of skin, smooth swirls that slowly transformed into cats or birds as he watched...he had to wonder if they were maybe a tattoo artist.
"Love you..." He murmered as he wrote it out on the back of his hand.
He waited a few minutes, and then words came up! Excitedly, he lifted his hand higher, and waited for the message to fully appear.
"...You think you do."
Tony frowned, and wrote back. 'Of course I do, I would even more so, if you told me where you were.' He scribbled out with a black marker.
'...I can't. I'm sorry.'
'Why do you always say that? Why not?' Tony wrote back, a weight growing in his chest.
It was several moments before more words came up, Tony almost thought he had annoyed them away— but then...
'Because it's for the best, and I don't want to talk about it'
Tony wrote back quickly, not wanting them to leave. 'Ok ok, we don't have to talk about it'
Sometimes if Tony pressed the issue to hard, it would be weeks before he heard from them again.
More words showed up. 'Thank you. I'll talk to you later, I have to go.'
He sighed, 'Alright.' and drew a messy wrench. Within seconds, a pine tree grew besides it. At least this means they weren't annoyed.
His father, his grandfather—hell, even his great grandfather, none of them had soulmates; but he did! It was incredible, and amazing! If only he could see, or talk to them face to face. He would just have to be patient.
One day he would find them.
You sighed as you read the writing, and finished up drawing your pine tree. Your soulmate was a human! It was almost unbelievable.
Within days of your mark showing up, enough words and equations to fill a book had spread over your body! It was ridiculous! Numbers wound around your arms, and comments spread down your legs, questions dotted around your torso— even a few doodles covered your face!
(You quickly, and rather irritatedly put a limit on where he could write after that)
What gave it away were the words he wrote. They were things only a human would ask.
'Whats your number? Did you go to college? Whats your favorite type of coffee? Do you like the beach? Did you see the new movie trailer for Jurassic world? Hey, wanna meet up and go biking?
His name was Tony. No last name, just Tony apparently. He seemed to be a math teacher, or some sort of engineer if the math jumbles scrawled out on your arms were anything to go by.
You almost wished you could meet up, just to see what he looked like, but the best you would have to settle for would be writing or drawing to him.
You had to admit you were getting good at it. You had never been a big talker, so you tried to put some effort into your scribbles. It was mostly just flowers, stars, or animals you escaped from on an almost weekly basis.
But putting that aside, It was time to borrow some much needed things; Having recently moved indoors due to the coming cold seasons, you needed to make stores of things like food, water, and bedding. Really anything you could get your hands on.
As you exited the hole, you looked around to check if the coast was clear. Hopefully this place would have fewer animals than outside.
Once you deemed the room clear, you ran out from the wall. The hard wood floor felt alien against your bare feet, and without the grass to offer cover you couldn't help but feel exposed, as if you were already seen.
Suddenly the very ground rumbled. Stumbling, you whipped your head around to look for the source. The ground never shook outside! Unless their was....
A human!
The smooth floor trembled more than any dirt ground! It was a struggle just to make it under the couch in time. Once there you let out a sigh of relief.
You were safe!
Tony's jaw dropped.
Had he really just seen....? No. He couldn't have! Could he? Clearing his throat Tony spoke.
"Um,... Friday. Am I drunk? Or did I really just see a tiny person running under the couch?" It was a bit early in the day, but hey! There were worst things he had done.
"Yes boss" Friday confirmed. "Do you want me to replay you the security footage on your tablet?"
"Huh, and they say seeing is believing." Stark waved his hand. "Ah no. No that's not necessary." He said, stepping over to the couch. Getting on his hands and knees with a sigh he looked underneath.
You shrieked, and reeled back. His face filled up the space in front of you. You drew your needle.
"Stay back!" You demanded shakily. "I'm warning you don't come any—Ah!"
His arm reached out, and grabbed you! You plunged the needle into his knuckle, but he didn't let go.
He gasped in slight pain, and winced. Standing to his feet he went over to a bar, and grabbed a cup. You could tell where this was going.
"N-no...No! Pl-please!" You cried.
"Calm down." He said putting you down. You scrambled to run away, and slammed into glass after only a few steps.
"Look," he grunted, pulling out the needle. "I'm gonna go make sure this doesn't get infected, and then uh... we'll talk. Name's Stark by the way. Tony Stark. Welcome to my house." He said sarcastically before putting a heavy ceramic bowl on top of the cup, and leaving you alone.
"No...no, no no no no!"
Tell leaked out of the corner of your eyes as you slumped against the glass. You curled your legs up tightly as you waited.
On your hand words formed.
'You'll never guess what happened. I just got stabbed with a needle!'
You could have laughed at the irony. Digging around in your bag, you took out a felt marker tip, and unwrapped it.
Rolling up your sleeve, you wrote. 'Wow, I literally just ran into Tony Stark' You waited for him to write back 'haha' or 'seriously?' To which you would have replied that you were just kidding, but that's not what happened.
Instead, Tony Stark came running back into the room, and slid to a stop in front of you. Wiping away your tears, you shoved your marker back into the bag.
"Show me your arm." He demanded.
You quickly rolled your sleeve back down rebelliously. "Why?"
Tony moved the bowl off the cup, and lifted the cup. You toppled back, but before you could even stand to your feet, Tony pushed you down flat against the counter with his fingers. Holding your arms out on each side as you struggled, he pushed your sleeves back.
"L-let me go!" You nearly screamed, trembling. What did he want? What was he doing?
Imediately his eyes widened as he read the tiny words on your arm, and saw the tree. Letting you go, he backed up, and ran his hands through his hair, mumbling under his breath.
You pushed yourself back till you bumped into the small counter rise. Frantically you looked for an escape as Stark rambled incoherently to himself.
After some moments he turned to look at you. "It's you..." Tony said loud enough for you to hear.
"M-me?" You stuttered.
Tony's hand darted out, and wrapped around you, bringing you closer to his face. You threw your hands up to protect your head only to feel something soft and somewhat prickly pressed against your side briefly.
Cracking your eyes open you saw his lips, and a peppered beard....did he kiss you?!
"I can't believe it! You're my soulmate.... you're... It's you!" He said absolutely ecstatic.
You flinched at his loud voice. "Wh-at? No. Not you! I..." Your voice trembled. This couldn't, not him! A million thoughts raced through your head of the things he could do to you for money, more fame, or I the name of science.
Tony couldn't keep the hurt from his eyes. "Not me?" He thought. Then he saw your face, you weren't just shocked or surprised, you were terrified.
Of him.
Gently, he set you back down, and let you step back. "I... I'm sorry, I just.. I just had to see if, and then you were— and I was so happy to finally meet you. Your Y/N right?"
You nodded. You had given your name on a whim way back, and now you wished you hadn't. "What now?" You questioned wrapping your arms around yourself protectively.
"What now? Er... Well." Tony scratched his beard. "Well now I, I can make you a place to stay if you want...where do you even live?"
Shuddering, you shook your head ignoring his question. You didn't want this. You didn't want to be some prisoner or pet.
"What? Well, well what do you want to do?" Stark asked.
"I..." You bit your lip. How were you going to escape? "I'm hungry." You lied. The last thing you wanted was food, you didn't even know if you could stomach it right now, but it was all you could come up with.
"Food?" Tony tilted his head. "...Yeah, yeah of course. I can do that. What do you want? Chinese, pizza, I can get you whatever you want. Anything at all."
"Do..." You had to think about it, a way to gethim to leave. "I saw someone making soup or something... It smelled good. C-can I have—"
"Yeah of course!" Stark cut off. "That was Happy's chili. But I warn you." He said with a slight chuckle. "It has some kick. You sure you want some?" Tony saw your quick nod. "Right. I'll be right back."
As soon as he left the room you took out your hook, and began climbing down. He was still gone when your feet hit the floor, and as you ran back to the hole.
Free! You were free! And you were never going to see Tony again if you had anything to say about it!
When tony came back with a small bowl of steaming chili, you were gone. Completely disaperared!
A stone settled in his chest. They left him.
Wiping his eyes he took a breath. He had only himself to blame after everything he did. Of course they would want to run.
Guilt and fear racked him. Did the universe make a mistake? Was he not compatible with them? No. He had seen the mark on their wrist, and the words on their arms. It was the same as his.
He could find them, He would just have to be patient for a little longer.
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