#it makes me question even more why Sonic shakes his head in the second gif
corffee · 4 months
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Sonic, what’s with you and giving Shadow full body looks?
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halacake · 5 months
title: "His Embrace"
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☁️ warnings// none ^^ (mature language)
characters: Hongjoong + San (Hongsan)
summary: hongjoong happens to be watching a horror movie, expecting himself to be brave but in the end ends up being scared and found in sans embrace.
"jeez! can't someone like actually have common sense!?" the short boy frowned as he watched the character on screen go into the obvious mysterious room. "where did everyone's mind go when they made this," he rolled his eyes with a small huff but continued to watch with full interest, curious of what would happen next.
hongjoong blinked with a small tilt to his head as his interest grew higher, obviously oblivious to what's gonna happen next. he only knew that this was a horror movie and that he "prepared" himself for this.
the small boy let out a scream whenever the scary scene popped up on the screen, instantly closing his eyes with his hands as his heart raced rapidly.
"s-shit-" he mutters to himself. calming down after a few seconds and peaking through the small gap between his fingers. the small boy only regretted his action as the same horrifying character stayed on the screen.
hongjoong continued to close his eyes until the sound of the front door clicked into his mind, smiling immediately but never once allowed his hands to remove themself from his face.
"joong? babe, what are you doing" san had asked looking at his boyfriend with furrowed brows, questioning his actions.
he knew hongjoong wouldn't just act like this without a reason, so he looked at the screen and got the answer just by the picture. san only shook his head as a small chuckle left his lips.
"hong, why are you torturing yourself by watching this?" the taller boy had asked while walking up towards the smaller one, "hmm? you can open your eyes now sweetie, im blocking the sight from you."
those soft words san had said made hongjoong move his hands away from his face, instantly hugging the air out of san. normally he wouldn't be the one who did this, since he "hated physical affection". but today and the events of today made him think differently.
san didn't complain, he only hugged the older just as tightly, smiling softly and giving him soft comforting circles on his back. "hey hey, okay honey, i need answers. why on earth are you watching a horror movie."
the older sighed pulling away from the hug, "well- i thought id be brave enough to like watch such a movie but that fucking shit is traumatizing and never will you ever see me watch a movie like that."
san laughed quietly, "uhm well i bet-" the younger got cut off by a soft smack on his forehead by the older.
"don't laugh, it's not funny." he glared into sans soul before huffing and looking away.
"ouch, you bully me," the taller one pouted while dramatically rubbing the spot the smaller hit. causing hongjoong to roll his eyes.
"now come here and cuddle because maybe then i won't be so paranoid" hongjoong only smiled while making an excuse just to feel sans warm body on his.
"don't you get a little commanding sometimes you think?"
"i do know that, but just come here!"
san chuckled with a small shake to his head before fulfilling the smaller boy's wishes. placing himself next to him on the couch while wrapping an arm around the waist of joong, pulling him closer to his side.
"your body is always so warm, i don't even need a blanket because you're that warm," the older smiled as the words escaped his mouth while nuzzling himself more onto sans body.
san only shook his head while rubbing comforting circles on the olders waist, sighing in content before kissing his forehead. "i love you joong, don't forget that"
"yeah yeah, i love you too"
the younger giggled before turning something else on the tv, "look this is less torture for you!" he pointed to the screen that had showed tails and sonic doing an adventure.
"well i can suit well with this" the smaller had said before averting his gaze on the screen, ignoring the feeling of a sudden drowsiness.
just him and san in the moment is all he needed.
We have come to the end of my first story on here ^^ i hope you enjoyed it despite it being a bit short. I just simply thought it was a cute story to start. :] However readers, i do wish you a happy new years and may you have the best entrance to 2024. Stay safe, take care, and enjoy life while you have it :].
bye bye ! 🌟
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slurrmp · 3 years
                                          sensory prompts : 41:  A door closing
well - hello ... it’s been well over six months since my last fic and i just feel so bad about that. so here is my attempt at TRYING to get back into the swing of the things since the teaser for season 13 dropped a couple of days ago. everyones favourite reader is back and she’s just as hungover and depressed as ever. i hope y’all still enjoy my content sjakdhsl. 
warnings: alcoholism, withdrawal symptoms. typical j!reader swearing
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it had been a whole year. a year and three days. a year, three days and four hours since you started traveling with the doctor and her friends. the adventures had been odd to say the least, but it was nothing that you couldn’t handle. hell, you had been handling cheating spouses and upset mothers for the past three years, a change of pace had been nice for a change. you hadn’t thought about home for the last six months, the idea that the world wasn’t your problem anymore seemed to lift the weight off your shoulders and you felt a lot better about your situation.
But when you had asked for a trip back to your apartment, to make sure that you had everything in order before you disappeared again, was of course the wrong thing you could have done. The Doc had said it’d been only a couple of weeks since you had left and the amount of mail shoved underneath your door almost caused you to panic slightly, apparently people still wanted your help with finding lost animals, children or catch their cheating husbands, wives in the act. The Time Lord was trailing behind you (Yaz and the others had decided to explore downtown New York.), she was rambling something about one of the times she was in New York. The Empire State Building had been over run by Daleks, wanting to make human hybrids or something like that - truly you had tuned out when she said that they had created pig humans. That was a little too much for this early in the morning, that’s when you reminded your self that you should grab some Red Bull before you disappeared again. It wasn’t until your were close enough, that you noticed your front door was cracked open slightly and your hand shot out behind you - waving around slightly, until your fingers gripped onto the sleeve of the Doctor’s coat.
Coming to a stand still, your head tilted to the side ever so slightly - you may not have super hearing but you did know your level of the apartment practically had no one living on it anymore - so the rustling and the slamming of cupboards had to be coming from your place. “Planning on having visitors?” The Doctor questioned and looked back at you, the excited expression she had been wearing earlier was gone and replaced with a much more serious look. You knew that she had better hearing than you did and you now had to rely on her to give you the go ahead to step foot inside your home.
“Not that I remember,” you mumbled back - fingers gripping on her sleeve a little tighter, until you pulled her to stand next to you. Letting go, you looked over at her. “Unless I planned an appointment while drunk.” Hazel eyes narrowed down at you and you couldn’t help but shrug your shoulders. “I need employees.” The sound of glass smashing coming from inside your home caused your heart to jump in your chest, it was time like these that you carried something other than your strength and fists. Shaking your head slightly, the pair of you made your way to the front door. A deep breath in and your eyes caught the Doctor’s one more time, before she nodded her head and you pushed the door open and the pair of you stepped inside.
You were certain that you hadn’t left it in such a terrible condition, even if your home was sparsely filled with furniture, you knew that you did take care of the few items you owned. “I remember it being tidier than this,” You mumbled mostly to yourself, but the Doctor hummed in agreement as she stepped out in front of you, the light buzzing of her sonic screwdriver filled your ears as she moved down the corridor, making her way down to the even sparser living room. You took a left and stepped inside the small kitchen, eyes automatically landing upon the empty bottles of booze that were spread across the counter. The crunching sound underneath your foot caused you to look down, well - there’s the broken glass. Your hand started to twitch at the loss of the booze, brows furrowing deep on your brow, as a whine escaped your lips. “Who the hell got rid of my booze!” You exclaimed picking up the empty whiskey bottle that was precariously leaning just over the edge of the counter. Your lip curled upward and you had to close your eyes for a second. The twitching of hand caused your cheeks to flush and press it into your stomach. It was a little sad that the thought of no alcohol in your house was triggering your withdrawal symptoms. Letting your eyes open, after taking a deep breath in, they wandered over the bench until they noticed a piece of paper to the left of the sink. The white paper, with thick black marker on it was damp in a few places (either the alcohol, or water) Shoving the rest of the bottles out the way (a couple falling off the bench and smashing to the floor as well), you picked it up and squinted - the writing was eerily familiar.
        humanity sucks and they don’t deserve saving. why don’t you                                        join me instead, detective?- O
your brows furrowed even deeper on your forehead but before you could even comprehend the note, the sudden slamming of door off to your right caught your attention, paper falling to the floor instantly as you turned on your heel. Whiskey bottle clattering into the sink as you made your way out of the kitchen. “Doctor!” You called out, looking down the corridor, you couldn’t see her signature lilac coat and it was suddenly quiet no whirring of the sonic screwdriver. “Doc?” You called once more, cursing under your breath when she didn’t reply again. Shaking your head, you squared your shoulders and made your way down the corridor, only to turn into the bathroom - which connected to your bedroom. It was only until you came to the opposite door inside your bathroom, that you heard voices. 
“And hear I thought you only chose pets with a pure heart.” The voice was deep and oddly familiar, like you had heard it somewhere before and your eyes narrowed, as you tried your best to remember where it is you had heard this voice before. “This one - well she could fall off the wagon any second now.”
“What are you doing in her home?” That was the Doctor and she didn’t sound too happy - more shuffling around your bedroom, a bed creaking and you had to stop yourself from barging in right then and there.“How did you even find her home?”
“It wasn’t exactly that hard,” the other person continued. Your name fell off his lips and a shiver ran down your spine, you didn’t like the way that he said your name. “...one of the most notorious private detectives in the Hell’s Kitchen and Manhattan area.” A whir of something, that sounded like the screwdriver but you weren’t too sure. “She’s got quiet the reputation around here and well, wasn’t exactly that hard to find.” You shoved passed clothes that were still strewn on the floor, pressing an ear against your bedroom door. “Well, that is until you decided to intervene and taken her away.”
“What do you want with her?” The Doctor questioned and there was a manic laugh and suddenly the door you were leaning against was no longer underneath you and you were falling forwards, your eyes snapped shut as you just acceptedthe fact that you were about to fall flat on your face.But when you didn’t hit the hardwood floors, your eyes snapped open and you were suddenly staring into dark brown eyes.
“You!” You gasped and had to fight to get out of the grip he had around your waist. His lips pulled into a manic grin and the laugh returned, you saw the Doctor shift in her position just behind the pair of you but she didn’t intervene - at least not yet.
“Me.” The Master stared down at you and your heart couldn’t stop itself from beating overdrive. “Oh this is going to be so much fun!”
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moon-in-daylight · 4 years
Under your control / Dhawan!Master x reader
Summary: Facing a supposedly inevitable death isn't as bad as being rescued by an enemy.
Words: 2591
Notes: It’s been two months since the season finale and I’m still thirsting over The Master. Someone please send help.
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Running as fast as your legs possibly could and following The Doctor’s orders, you went hiding into one of the rooms in the ship.
You had been travelling with her long enough to see all kind of beings and places, and you should have probably been prepared to face anything. But nothing you had experienced before could have made you prepare for this. This time you felt that the situation was completely out of your control and that, with every passing minute that you remained in that place, your chances of surviving were more unlikely.
That adventure had begun like any other, with the TARDIS casually landing in a random spaceship drifting through the edge of the universe. The empty hallways and deafening silence had been a sign of warning, but you were already used to that kind of scenario. Wherever The Doctor went, that was where the trouble was. You had seen that same scenery almost a hundred times, so your immediate guess was that some kind of alien bacteria had infected everyone on board, or maybe that some evil species like the Daleks had taken over the ship and killed most of the people there.
It was the usual routine when aboard of the TARDIS. All you needed to do was to find out if there were any survivors and get them safe. Relatively easy.
At first, the whole place seemed desolated, but when wandering around, you and The Doctor had found a surveillance room. The power was off, but with her sonic she had been able to reconnect the energy again. And through the cameras, she had discovered that at least three people were hiding in different levels of the spaceship. Using the equipment in front of her, she tried to reach them through radio. The captain was the one to answer.
“Those creatures…” You heard his frightened voice. The system was still malfunctioning and the connection was faltering, so you couldn’t fully hear what he was trying to say.
Out of the corner of your eye, as The Doctor was trying to recover the radio signal, you saw something you hadn’t seen before. You turned your head towards the object to find the statue of an angel covering its face with its hands. Observing it for a few seconds, you tried to come up with an explanation to where it had come from. It was made of stone, so it was too heavy to carry, although maybe it had been teleported there. Or maybe it had been there since the beginning, and could be you hadn’t noticed it.
“They’re killing-machines.” Once again, the captain’s voice could be heard.
You turned to The Doctor as she was still using her sonic on the panel, regaining contact with the survivors still on the ship. It was just a second before you turned your head back to the statue, feeling movement behind your back. When you looked at it again, you realized it had gotten considerately closer to you.
“Doctor…” You called for her. “I think that statue just moved.”
As soon as The Doctor saw the creature in the room, she ordered you not to blink.
She explained you that those beings were known as weeping angels, that they were highly lethal but that they could only move when they weren’t being seen. It didn’t seem that hard to handle with them at first, so you enthusiastically started your attempt to save those helpless souls still on board. But as the hours passed, you saw how those creatures killing everyone on the ship, one by one. And soon, it was only you and The Doctor left there.
Losing all hope, the both of you decided it was time to go back to the TARDIS and get out of there. The problem was that the time machine was on the opposite side of the ridiculously large ship. Plus, you didn’t know how many angels were in the middle of your way. Trying to find a way to get you out of there safe, The Doctor had told you to run and hide while she followed you closely from behind so she could keep an eye on them.
You were now hidden in what, for the noticeable small size of it, could have been a maintenance room. You were fully alert, prepared in case that any angel appeared out of nowhere, but what you weren’t expecting was for the door to suddenly get closed on its own right after you walked through it. The room went dark, so you quickly turned on your phone’s lantern just to find one angel staring at you, only a few steps away. Doing your best to calm your unsteady breathing and keep your eyes open, you made your extremely careful way to the door and tried to open it. It was locked.
“Y/N?!” You heard The Doctor’s voice from outside as she looked for you.
“I’m in here.” Swallowing the lump in your throat, you tried to sound confident. But you were more scared than you had ever been before. “I’m trapped.”
For a moment, hearing the sound of her sonic being used on the door, you held onto hope. But when the door remained closed you feared the worst again.
While you looked at the horrendous face of the angel – though it seemed more like a demon to you – you felt your eyes itching, and your eyelids getting heavier. You struggled to keep your eyes open, but your body wasn’t cooperating with you anymore.
You were too tired, too scared. You didn’t want to fight the angels anymore. All you longed for was to close your eyes and finally get some rest. Sweet, permanent rest. As you took what was about to be your final breathe, you gave up and closed your eyes, accepting your fate.
It was a surprise for you when opened your eyelids again and found that nothing had happened.
The weeping angel was still there, in the same position where you had saw him the last time. You didn’t understand what was going on until you heard a familiar voice.
“Hi there, love.” The Master’s cocky, playful tone echoed in your ear. You noticed his proximity to your trembling body as he leant over to you, embracing your body from the back and getting you closer to him. How had he gotten there? “Long time no see.”
“I can’t open the door!” The Doctor’s frustrated voice came from outside the room. “Are you okay in there?”
“Don’t tell her I’m here.” He immediately commanded in a whisper. “Tell her you’re trapped with the angel.”
“I-“ You hesitated for a moment before finally doing as you were told. “There’s a weeping angel in the room.”
“Stay calmed and don’t close your eyes. I’m going to get you out of there.” The Doctor told you.
“Now do me a little favor and keep your eyes on that thing for a minute, will you?” His voice was carefully low. He was trying not to be overheard from the other side of the door.
Without questioning, you obeyed The Master and kept looking at the horrendous angel. You had a lot of questions roaming through your head now. What was The Master doing there, and why was he helping you? Was he even helping you? That wasn't like him. You didn’t have a single answer to any of those questions, but the one thing you knew was that you were still alive. Considering that you had been given a second chance, you weren’t planning on wasting it.
“Don’t blink yet.” His voice ordered. His body was so close to yours that you could feel his chest vibrating against your back as he spoke.
“Y/N!” The Doctor calling your name got you out of your thoughts for a second, but you didn’t move a muscle as you did your best not to lose the weeping angel out of sight. “Everything okay?!” She checked on you while trying to open the door.
“Don’t answer.” The Master commanded in a still low, harsh tone. You had never thought a whisper could sound so powerful, so demanding.
You heard the lock getting picked and the sound of a click indicating that it had gave in. But just when The Doctor was about to open the door, The Master took a step back, pressing himself against it and making it impossible for her to get inside the room. Having his arm around your waist, he dragged you back with him.
You kept your stare on the angel despite that abrupt and sudden movement, but it was already getting harder to keep your eyes open.
“What’s going on in there, Y/N?!” The Doctor desperate voice asked as she pushed hard against the door. When it finally opened, all she saw was the weeping angel staring back at her.
As your body materialized inside of The Master’s TARDIS, you finally closed your eyes and let out the breath that you had been holding.
“You did so well, pet.” You heard him chuckle on your ear.
The Time Lord’s grip on you was still strong, his arm around you to keep you close to him. He held you in place for just a second before finally letting go of you. He rushed himself to the console under your incredulous gaze.
Your body was still shaking in fear, adrenaline bumping through your system. You weren’t sure of what had just happened but you knew that the only reason you weren’t dead by now was that The Master had decided to help you. The Doctor’s enemy, and therefore, yours.
The more you tried to find a reason for him to have done that, the less you understood any of it. Why he, of all people, had teleported himself to that ship just to get you out of there? Or had he been there since the beginning and, seeing you struggling, he had decided to do good for once in his life? It was unlikely, but the fact that he had gotten you out of that maintenance room had also been quite odd. He wasn’t known for being one to help those in need.
“What happened back there?” You finally worded your thoughts, looking at the man in front of you in confusion. He didn’t bother to look at you or give you an answer. “What were you doing on that ship?”
“Just checking something.” He didn't even look at you as he spoke, his attention settled in whatever he was looking at the console’s screen.
“What were you checking?” Silence took over the room for a few seconds after you asked that. You watched him expectantly, waiting for a more concrete answer.
“Just wanted to see if your death was a fixed point in time.” He finally explained, making you frown. Far from giving you an answer, he was only causing more questions to arouse inside your mind.
“What do you mean ‘a fixed point in time’?” Your voice was weak as you spoke.
“Doesn’t The Doctor explain her pets the basic stuff?” Groaning in frustration, he turned to you. “There are certain events that are meant to happen in order for the universe to keep functioning correctly. If changed, fixed points can tear apart the fabric of the universe.”
You stared in his direction silently, waiting for him to continue. He knew you were going to die there, and he had decided to go and avoid it, but what for?
“I thought it would be fun, having you being the end of everything.” He smirked, looking at you with certain amusement on his features. “But we’re still here, so I suppose it wasn’t a fixed point after all. My bad.”
“So what are you going to do with me then?” You asked in concern.
You couldn't help but to feel tremendously exposed in front of him. Knowing that your life was practically in his hands now was terrifying. Knowing that, as easy as he had saved your life, he could and would end it in less than the blink of an eye. Your eyes were on him as you watched him finish whatever he was doing in the console and approach to you again.
“Don’t worry, I still have plans for you.” The Master assured you, placing his body barely inches away from you and staring directly into your eyes. You had no idea of what was going on inside his twisted mind, and you weren’t sure you wanted to figure it out. “You’ve been really obedient earlier, maybe you can be of some use…” He cupped your face in between his palms as he observed you closely, a smirk spreading across his face. “Just imagine The Doctor’s face when she finds out that you’re alive and under my control.”
“I’m not under your control.” You protested, trying to stand your ground. “I would never betray The Doctor.”
As much as you tried to sound confident, you felt your knees trembling. Truth was, you weren’t sure what you feared more, the weeping angels or the man standing in front of you. For a second you almost wished he had left you to die on that ship.
“Oh, but love, you’ve already betrayed her.” He pointed out, getting even closer to you. “Or how do you think she’s going to see the fact that you lied to her and ran away with me?”
“She’ll understand that I had no choice.”
Taking a deep breathe, you did your best to hold his gaze. It was even harder looking directly at him for less than ten seconds straight than it had been looking at the angels for literal hours. He was as threatening as the most dangerous being in the universe, but his presence also made you feel thrilled to the point you weren’t sure you wanted to escape from him. You were his prey and the worst part was that you enjoyed it.
“But you did have a choice.” His dark eyes were piercing right through you, every word that came out of his mouth bringing your defenses down. “You could have ignored me and told her the truth, but you still decided to listen to your Master, didn’t you?”
You swallowed the lump in your throat as you looked away from him, your heart racing inside your chest. The last thing you wanted to do was give him the pleasure of seeing you surrender to him.
“You can deny it all you want, but there’s a reason why I always was quite fond of you, pet.” His voice got your attention again. Carefully, you turned to him to find him scanning your face carefully. “You would do anything I’d ask you to.”
Under your attentive gaze, he moved his face closer to you. You could feel his hot breathing hitting your face when his lips slightly brushed against yours, his eyes looking into your pupils with a playful spark on them. That was the moment you knew you wouldn't fight him anymore.
Closing your eyes, you felt him finally closing the distance left between the two of you. His lips moving eagerly against yours as his hands held your head in place, his kiss being almost as rough and passionate as he was. You did your best to follow his pace as you kissed him back, feeling the way he playfully bit your lower lip.
"We're going to have so much fun together, pet." He assured you in a whisper before kissing you again.
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alison-anonymous · 4 years
flawsome bandits pt. 3 ♡ sonic
Flawsome Hotel-Bound Feelings
Warnings: some sad feelings, but mostly a lot of bonding fluff 
Welcome to part 3!!! I've been so excited about this fic that I've been writing every night so if you're reading, please let me know if you think I should keep uploading parts! I love hearing from you guys!! Love you all, darlings, enjoy😘💙
“Did you see how much toilet paper I used?” Sonic gushed as he jumped up and down on the bright red motel bedsheet. “The next time someone goes in there, they’re going to have to use their hands!”
Y/n giggled, standing up on her knees and turning her hands into a finger gun, pointing it at the lampshade while Tom scooped up some homemade ice packs. “The brawl was intense, hands being thrown in every corner of the bar. The odds were against us…”
“But no one could best the Blue Blur, Star Chaser, and Donut Lord!” Sonic finished for her. “Scratching another one off my bucket list!” He flopped down to the nightstand and scratched off the one labeled “start a bar fight.”
“Very ambitious of you,” Y/n joked, flopping onto her back and letting her hair dangle off the side of the bed. Tom made his way over to the other bed and sat down on it, handing Sonic and Y/n each an ice pack while pressing his own against his face.
“You are one weird little dude. You’ve got a lot in common with Y/n,” Tom sent her a smug smile. She brushed some loose strands of h/c hair back and pressed the ice pack against her throbbing temples. Y/n had been one of the lucky few to have not gotten punched in the face, but she did get hit in the head by some airborne nachos. Sonic watched the two for a little bit and mimicked Y/n, pressing it against his cheek. 
“So what are we going to do now?” He asked excitedly, his ever constant adrenaline still pumping and ready to jump at whatever was next. Tom began taking off his shoes and plopping them on the floor as he glanced over at the TV set.
“I’m going to pass out watching TV, and the two of you should, too.” 
“But it’s my last day on earth!” Sonic protested, leaning against Y/n’s stomach. She slowly pushed herself up to sitting position and glanced over her shoulder at her dad. 
“I mean, he has a point,” she nodded. He sighed.
“Alright, well, anything the two of you can find in this room that might be noteworthy, have at it.” He plopped down onto the bed and in a couple of minutes, Y/n and Sonic could already hear the soft snores coming from his mouth. And he didn’t even have to turn the TV on. Sonic took this as his opportunity and flew around the room, tossing toilet paper like confetti, screwing with the TV guide, and doing… something in the bathroom. In a matter of seconds, he was already back on the bed next to Y/n, wearing a towel on his head and no shoes.
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“Good times,” he smiled. The girl couldn’t help but giggle, leaning back against the headrest of the bed and staring at the TV. Sonic had left it on the news, and just as she concentrated on it, she suddenly saw two photos float across the screen.
Her stomach dropped.
“Y/n and Tom Wachowski have been accused of committing acts of domestic terrorism. They are to be considered armed and dangerous. Any information of their whereabouts must be-” She quickly shut off the TV before she could hear any more. Her breath caught in her throat as she stared blankly at the spot where she had seen her mugshot. 
“Hey, N/n, you okay?” Sonic’s voice snapped her back into reality. She glanced down at the hedgehog sitting cross legged in front of her, looking into her e/c eyes with pure concern. 
“I’m fine,” she offered him a half-hearted smile, running a shaky hand through her hair. “Just a little nervous… hey, what is this new planet you’re heading to like?” Sonic’s expression grew solemn as he began messing with the fabric of his gloves.
“It’s pretty horrible really… it’s a world full of nothing but mushrooms and breathable air, no humans. No friends. No Donut Lords or Star Chasers…” He drew off. Y/n felt her heart ache for him. She felt horrible knowing that her one new friend was now being forced to live on some planet with no other humans on it, and all because of what? Because he was different? When it came down to it, Sonic was probably one of the greatest, funniest, kindest people she had ever met.
“I’m really going to miss it here… I know I have to leave earth to keep everyone here safe, but what if Longclaw was wrong? What if I could have a life here on earth?” He closed his eyes for a moment and sighed. Y/n felt her heart deflating in her chest. It was so sad, so heart wrenching to watch this little blue ball of excitement become so dejected. All that he wanted was a home, someone to hang out with and love. People who wanted him to be around. 
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“I don’t want you to leave either,” she spoke slowly, almost as if she were afraid to say the words. "It isn't just because of the deja vu, I swear. You just… you're the only true friend I've ever had. And I hate seeing you unhappy…" His emerald eyes widened to the size of saucers as he stared at the girl before him in shock. The whole time he was on earth, he had to stay a secret. The only friends he had ever truly had were himself, no one even knew he existed until now. So the fact that this beautiful girl was sitting her in front of him, telling him that she didn’t want him to leave and that she hated to see him so unhappy? Well…
"That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me,” Sonic breathed. His heart pounded against his chest so loud he was scared that she would be able to hear it. Luckily, his fur was able to hide the blush that was rising on his cheeks. What was happening? Why did he feel like throwing up rainbows? 
Y/n smiled warmly at him, her eyes glittering from the faded light of the lamp. “You’re the only friend I’ve ever had, or that I can remember having anyway. That’s what friends are for.” Sonic leaned back on his hands, eyes scanning Y/n’s thoughtfully.
“Has anyone ever told you that you are insanely easy to talk to? I don’t know, I just feel like I’ve known you all my life,” he chuckled softly, being serious for a rare moment. Usually he was all hyped up and sarcastic, but right now was one of the times where he was completely and utterly serious. Y/n pulled her legs up to her chest and hugged them, resting her chin on her knees.
“I mean, maybe we did at one point. Who knows? I don’t remember a thing of my life up until I was twelve and got found in the woods.” Sonic went quiet for a moment, debating whether or not the question he wanted to ask would come off as offensive. But finally, he decided to put on some big boy pants and ask.
“...What is it like?”
“What’s what like?”
“Not remembering who you are,” Sonic spoke softly, terrified to hurt her feelings. But luckily, Y/n simply gave him a small smile and looked down at the rough bed sheets, collecting her thoughts in her head. She grew silent for a moment before she finally lifted her head up once again.
“It’s… complicated. Every morning I wake up. I can hear the sound of my mom cooking breakfast downstairs. It’s gotten to the point where I can guess what she’s making by the sound of the utensil she’s using. I get up out of my bed, and leave my room, and walk down the stairs and give my dad a hug just before he leaves for work. And then I have breakfast with my mom and we talk about anything and everything. And… for a little while, I feel like I actually belong there. I feel like they are my actual family. But then I go outside, and things… are different,” she sucked in a shaky breath though her lips. “Everyone else knows exactly who they are. They know what weed killer works the best for their plants, they know where they were born, who their parents were, what they looked like when they were babies, what their favorite midnight snack is… what their last name is…
“And then I’m just standing there, not knowing any of that. There aren’t any records of me in any of the hospitals or law agencies. It’s like I didn’t even exist on this planet. And while some people can be patient and loving with me, others… can’t. My heart is still beating, and I’m breathing and I’m here. But for what? What purpose could I possibly have when I can’t even answer basic questions about myself? Tom and Maddie have been the only people to make me truly feel welcome… and then you came along.” The smile slowly returned to her lips at the mention of him. He waited patiently for her to continue, hooked onto every word she was saying. “I’ve never met anyone like you before, and not just because you’re a hedgehog. It’s just… you. You make me feel like I belong somewhere, and, god, I’ve never laughed harder or had as much fun as I have with you with anyone else. You make me feel like I’ve known you my whole life and yet I’ve only known you for a day. It’s insane,” she chuckled, shaking her h/c locks. 
Her laugh was contagious as Sonic found himself chuckling before long too. 
“Well, I still made a promise to you that I plan to keep,” he began. “I will find a way to help you remember. Everything will be okay in the end.”
“How do you know?” Y/n asked curiously. Sonic simply shrugged, smiling.
“I just have a feeling.” A moment of comfortable silence floated between the two as they stared at one another. Y/n felt her stomach become full of butterflies, then finally giving up their hesitance to fly around freely in joy. The feeling of nostalgia had become something that she enjoyed experiencing as it helped her feel like she had a closer connection with the bright blue hedgehog. Maybe they did meet sometime in her life and she just forgot about it for whatever reason. Perhaps Sonic could help her find a way to remember, though she had no clue how he planned to try and accomplish it. Sonic hadn’t the slightest clue either, but he did know that he would be willing to run to the ends of the earth in order to make her happy. 
No, it couldn’t be. It wouldn’t make any sense! Were they… falling in love? 
“Um,” Y/n cleared her throat, the time suddenly becoming very apparent to her as she glanced down at her snoring father. “We should probably get to bed. He wants to leave by eight.”
Sonic nodded rapidly, tossing the towel off of his head and onto the floor. Y/n chuckled, not having even realized he was still wearing it. “Right, I can take the floor.”
“Don’t be silly, you can sleep in the bed too,” Y/n moved the comforters down and slid her legs underneath the sheets. “I’m not going to make you sleep on the floor and my dad tends to be a cover-hog.”
Sonic scrunched up his features in slight uncertainty, not wanting to make things awkward between him and his new friend. However, she had already made up her mind.
“Sonic. Get in bed.” She ordered. He quickly nodded and dove under the covers, snuggling up on to the pillow and letting out a surprised sigh. Back in his cave, he had only ever had a bean bag chair that he absolutely adored to sleep on. But a bed? It was like what he imagined sleeping on a cloud to be like. The pillow molded around his head and the blankets kept his body warm. It was like being wrapped up in a hug by a marshmallow. Y/n couldn’t help but giggle at his reaction.
“Never slept in a bed before?”
“It. Is. Amazing.” He slowly lowered his face under the covers until only his eyes could be seen, staring straight at Y/n. She laughed, getting comfortable in the bed as well after turning off the lamp next to the bed. As they settled in the darkness, staring at one another (hopefully without the other knowing), their breaths began to slow down as the drowsiness finally kicked in. But just before they nodded off, they were reminded of each other.
“Goodnight, Y/n.” Sonic whispered.
“Goodnight, Sonic.”
♡ a.a.
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giggleandtears · 5 years
Crimson Renegade, Part 2
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Look into your eyes (I’m drownin’ in em)
Summary: The newest transfer sees her new quarters and has a long awaited meeting
Pairings: OC/Jim Kirk(Platonic), OC/Leonard McCoy(Eventual Romance)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
“We can argue that point later but in the spirit of friendship, what will it take for you to put this minor miscalculation behind us?” I say, using my most innocent of voices.  
“You mean what will it take for me to forget you tried to manipulate me into getting your way?”
I mumble a nearly indiscernible ‘yes’ before snapping to attention, staring Jim squarely in the eye.  
“Wait a minute! Why do you get to take the high ground? Don’t act like you haven’t whipped out those baby blues on me to get me to do your bidding.”
“To get a phone number or a free drink, not get out of a mandated physical.”
“Says the man, sorry, Captain, that’s run from every hypo since birth.”
Jim’s piercing gaze volleys back and forth, as if the air itself would supply a worthy retort. His quick wit momentarily slows to a halt until a mischievous simper appears.  
“So Danny, why do you need exclusive use of hold 626-E again?"
All joking aside, my eyes are sharper than Jim’s jawline. “You wouldn’t?”
“Try me.” Leaning forward over my shoulder, Jim stage whispers in my ear. “You know you’re not getting out of this, right?”
Pinching the bridge of my nose, I let out a sigh.
I did bring this on myself
“What do you want?”
“You know there’s only one thing I want, Gem.”
“First, you know how I feel about you calling me Gem.” Jim’s devilish grin widens but with a nod he relents. “How long am I to be at your mercy Oh captain, my captain?”
“I’m sure we can come to some sort of arrangement.”
“That's what I'm afraid of.”
In the corner of my eye, Spock’s face is a vision of pure Vulcan horror, if we can call it that. The speed in which he’s quantifying our non-verbal cues to discern the level of misconduct he is witnessing is dizzying and rather funny. Spock could teach a master class on body language akin to psychotherapist. However, the shrewd Second in Command is, as always, at a loss as to the emotion behind them.  In all likelihood Jim did in fact just proposition me and I reluctantly accepted. But that has never been the type of relationship Jim and I have ever had. How could our fearless leader, not poke the Vulcan teddy bear when he’s so flagrantly missing something.
“Don’t worry Spock. It’s completely consensual.”
“I was not aware the nature of your relationship had changed in the interim of our last meeting.” Spock says, in his cool timbre. 
“Hey, cool it Casanova.” I say, directed at Kirk. Stepping off the lift, I try to clarify the situation for my ever-processing Vulcan friend.  “Spock, Jim wants to take Artemis for a ride, not me.” Jim quietly snorts as we make our way down the corridor. Spock is none the wiser. If only Vulcan humor included double entendre. “And to answer your question, that you didn’t quite get to finish asking, I can get the sample for you after my physical or Scotty can. He has security clearance to access Artemis as well.”
“Thank you. That will be most useful.” Jim keys in the generic code to my new quarters and steps through but Spock remains rooted to his spot. Placing his hands behind him, Spock patiently stands, awaiting my attention. “Commander,” he says after a pause. “I am never one to question your abilities. Your skill as an engineer and subsequently a pilot is well documented. However, was it necessary to disregard my transmission before it was completed?”
“I think I heard a compliment in there somewhere but we’ll unpack that later.” I say with a smile.  “But, if I had allowed you to continue, am I correct in assuming that you were going to express concern for my life?”
“That is an affirmative.”
Taking a moment, I think of what was going through my mind in the split second I chose to execute my plan. In truth, not much. Yes, I deliberately chose to proceed before hearing the consistently sage words of my comrade. But I had the means to keep my weakened crew safe. They could escape due to my actions. How could I not act with the utmost decisiveness?  
“In this instance I refer you to the words of a very wise man, ‘The needs of the many outweighed the needs of the few, or in this case, the one’.”  
Almost instantly, Spock’s brow quirks in what I believe is appreciation. With a smooth nod he utters a simple reply. “Understood.” No further logic needed.  
Returning his attention back to the opened door, Jim hands back the PADD to Spock’s out-stretched hand.  
“Thank you, Mr. Spock. Keep me apprised of the repairs.”
Bowing one last time, Spock turns and leaves at Jim’s polite dismissal.
Stepping away from the door, Jim gestures me inside like a smartly dressed doorman before following behind me. Dropping my bag, I’m astounded at the quarters I’ve been assigned. The pristine grey and white surfaces make the space seem all the grander, in size and amenities.  
“Um, Jim? How are these my quarters?”
“Perks of being a commander.”
Pockets of light splayed around the room set an uncharacteristically cozy atmosphere. The illuminations warmer tinge mimics that of a candle alight, sans the continuous flicker. That small, seemingly insignificant detail, betrays the common star ship adage, ‘efficiency before comfort’.  
“I’ve been a commander for 4 years and my quarters have never been this-” I trail off in awe as I begin to take in more of the details that surround me.  
A small kitchenette sits on the far-right wall, a gleaming replicator at the ready. Trills of excitement run through me at the sight of a small French press on the counter. I can already smell the heady aroma of my first cup of coffee. In the corner, along the same wall, is a doorway of what I believe is the bathroom. Situated in the middle of the room, is a modest entertaining area, fit with a round coffee table and love seat. The darker grey fabric is soft to the touch but undoubtedly durable.  
“Is Spock’s room this big?”
“Let’s just say we won’t be having game night in here.” Jim says, with the utmost diplomacy.  
“Good to know.”
Only a small space separates the back of the couch and the bed. And what a bed it is. Two people, if not three, could easily rest inside its plush borders. Why my mind decides that’s an adequate number, desirable even, I haven’t a clue. Shaking that thought away, I notice more of the small touches unique to the Enterprise.  
A thin strip of light wraps around the bed where the base and mattress meet. Efficient if emergency lighting is ever needed but will also combat the horrid stubbed toe when nature calls in the middle of the night. But suddenly, I’m drawn to the window in front of me. Beyond it is the clearest view of a nebula I've ever seen. Did my head get knocked around more than I thought? Because I swear, I can see individual particulates swirling. Reaching out, I place my hand against the glass. Oddly, its warm against my palm, not cold as you’d expect from something that touches the frigid harshness of space.  
“I knew you’d like that.” Jim says warmly, coming to stand beside me. “Who needs a telescope when you have one of these?” I retract my hand as my brow raises in silent question. Jim just chuckles. “Computer, on.” At once, the “window” comes to life and re-centers on a particular area of the nebula. Scrolling data on the right of the screen details all the atmospheric levels found there. “Now you can explore without ever leaving your room or if you want, your bed.” Jim enlarges a small section of the screen. The seemingly devoid area erupts into various embedded hot stars as it expands on the display, all possibly never seen by the human eye.  
“Jim, this is amazing. Truly.”  I say, meeting his eyes in a glassy side-long glance.
Jim rocks on his heels, hands tucked in his pockets. The corner of his mouth ticks up in a soft smile.  
“After everything you’ve been through,” Jim starts in a hushed tone, “who knew a simple planetary magnification display would be the thing to make you cry.”
A watery chuckle escapes me as Jim bumps my shoulder against his own.  
“We both know there’s nothing simple about this.”
Such sophisticated long-range tech is relegated to what is commanded by the Bridge or specialty items designed specifically for a project. It is most certainly not used for a personal window display of a curious commander.  
“I know, but I think it’s about time we gave a little back. Don’t you?”
“We?” I ask, not fully understanding why the lavish comforts I’ve been credited now originates from a plural body of unknown origin.  
“The Federation. Starfleet. Your crew.” Jim states simply, with a nonchalant shrug.  
I’m not exactly sure if I deserve this level of hospitality and universal concern but I nod at the underlying sentiment of displaying gratitude to those that have served honorably.  
“Why don’t you go change and I'll meet you in Medbay. I need to check in with the bridge.”
I raise my hand in a dramatic mock salute. “Aye, aye Captain.”
Jim smiles in rueful admiration while shaking his head then turns to leave. Before he reaches the door, I call out to him. Facing him fully, I try find the words to adequately express my immense thanks. It’s not just about today but that he’s been championing me even while I was earth-side and he’s light-years away. Without the barrier of space or hologram display, my well-prepared thank-you-for-your-friendship speech dries on my tongue.  
With that bright grin of his, Jim senses the cause of my frustration and lets me off the hook.  
“Anytime, Danny.”  
After Jim leaves me to my own devices, I grab my bag and head to the bathroom to freshen up. Stripping off my jumpsuit, I step into the shower. I'm surprised to see there are two control panels.  
Sonic capabilities and real water. Now I’m just being spoiled.
I choose a sonic for its expediency and in short order I’m ready to pull on a new uniform. The uniform in my bag is perfectly suitable but it isn’t needed. Hanging by the shower is a fresh uniform, newly pressed. Lifting it to the light, a small white tag dangles in my view. It reads, ‘Welcome to the Enterprise’ in neat type. A warmth spreads throughout my chest as I shimmy into my crimson and black ensemble. Taming my bounteous curls takes longer than expected but eventually its slicked back in a neat bun. Admiring myself in the mirror display, I finally look like a proper commander.  
Leaving my quarters behind, I make my way to the Medbay. A soft burst of air brushes against my face as the doors automatically open at my approach. Blindly surveying the open space, every cataloged item is meticulously placed. The CMO must run a tight ship. You'd never know 11 patients came and went in less than an hour. Actually, make that 10 patients. A doctor, clad in science blue, leans over the only occupied bed. I'm sure, if he were to shift towards me, his medical insignia would be clearly visible. Ever so gently, he runs the dermal regenerator over the brow of his patient.  
Cocking his head to the side, he finally acknowledges my presence with a quick glance in my direction. I assume by the angle that he’s sitting, he’s only able to verify that there is in fact a person standing in his vicinity and the color of my uniform. Not bothering to break his concentration from his patient or call a nurse, the dark-haired doctor proceeds to inquire about my current physical condition.
“Cut, burn or concussion?” He says, with a weighty sigh.
“Excuse me?” I ask, coming closer.  
“Did you get cut, burned or whacked in the head?”
“None of the above, although you didn’t say anything about palpations, fever, or hives?” I add with blatant sarcasm. “Don’t mind me. I’ll be quietly dying in the corner over there.”
I hear a soft snort from the lounging figure on the Bio-bed before turning away to meander around. I wish I could see the doctor’s whole expression but the tightening of his jaw will have to do. Dark hair, probably an impressive scowl and distinct southern drawl. Why is that combination so familiar? Wait, did I just meet-
“Bones!” Jim bellows, as he walks into the Medbay.  
“Dang-it man, must you yell every time!”  
“I voluntarily came to Medbay. I thought you’d be happy.” Jim challenges, with a smirk.
Dr. McCoy straightens an imaginary crook in his neck with an audible growl, and continues his work.
I’ve heard quite a lot about the good doctor. Such as his snark and quick wit, lover of all things sweet and covered in honey, and his unlucky (his words) position as Jim’s best friend. But my favorite is his petulance for hating the color red and all the problems that shroud it in infamy, much like the ensign he just dismissed.  
“You’re all done, kid.” McCoy says, stripping off his gloves with a sharp pop. “Next time, try not runnin’ full speed into hangin’ debris would’ya?” McCoy stands and shoos his patient off the bed.
“Yes, doctor.” The young ensign says. He only pauses a moment to acknowledge Jim, quickly muttering ‘Captain’, before scurrying out the door.
It doesn’t escape my notice that unlike the newly healed ensign, Dr. McCoy is completely ignoring Jim and is in no rush to rectify it. Picking up the PADD clipped at the end of the bed, he scrolls and intermittently taps on the screen. Glancing up, his Jim sized problem has yet to disappear.
“What do you want Jim? I have a Medbay to run.” McCoy says, pinching the bridge of his nose after placing the PADD back in its place with a clatter.  
“Aw come on Bones. We live to explore another day and besides, I have a surprise for you.” Jim says jovially, clapping McCoy on the shoulder.  
“How ’bout you keep that to yourself. Your surprises tend to leave my antibiotic ointment supply low and my nurses skittish.”  
Now it’s my turn to snort into my hand. That’s all the confirmation I need that Jim is still, very much, still Jim. Somehow that’s both a comfort and deeply unsettling.  
“I just wanted to know if our latest transfer came by yet.” Jim says. Shifting his stance to the side, he meets my eyes expectantly. With McCoy’s back to me, he has no idea the new transfer is waiting patiently behind him to introduce herself.
Jim has wanted me to meet McCoy for quite some time. He often said his chosen drinking crew was in need of new blood, better bourbon and definitely new stories. He may have added something about thinking I was the best person to properly distract McCoy when he got in a mood. After threatening Jim with a hypo concoction that would leave him very excited and pitifully flaccid, he never brought that particular distraction up again.  
McCoy and I have had a few chances to meet over the years but something has always gotten in the way-class schedules, injuries, being in a completely different star system. You name it. Even in this short interaction between Jim and McCoy, I can already see I’ve been deeply deprived.  
“No, and why am I just seein’ him now. He should have been in here months ago.” McCoy says in exasperation, throwing his hands up. “No tellin’ what he’s been spreadin’ around.”  
“I assure you I haven’t been spreadin’ anything around,” I say, pulling the attention of both men. “We can confirm that whenever you’d like.
Walking towards them, McCoy’s gaze follows me from the tips of my toes until he finally meets my eyes. He keeps his composure far better than most men I’ve met but his eyes still round in surprise. My height usually has that effect. We meet men, women, and all those that fall in between. They vary in color, creed, planetary origin and corporeal state or lack thereof. The permutations are unfathomable and from youth onward, we’ve been taught not bat an eye. But a woman that can look you in the eye is still shocking. Coming closer, McCoy stands the tiniest bit straighter.  
“But no rush. I just hitched a ride on four starships, tracked you here using virtually scraps of data, and drained my ship in a battle protecting you. But please, take your time.” I relax my hip against a cabinet and twirl some sort of metal apparatus I picked up from the counter around my finger. Facing me head on, McCoy crosses his arms as he stares me down. I don’t think he likes the notion of anyone presuming to put him on their timetable.  
“Wait, that was you doin’ all that fancy flying?” He asks me incredulously.
“Is that your version of a thank you? Oh, I forgot. Unless an engineer is under your watchful eye, we pose an imminent threat to ourselves but most importantly, your sanity.”
McCoy next words halt as his mouth hangs slightly agape. A rapid flutter of confusion passes over his eyes as his lips purse in contemplation.  
“You’ll have to excuse me but, have we met?” McCoy finally says.  
“Not officially. I'm just the red that was slowly dying from an arrhythmia, pyrexia, and anaphylaxis.”  
McCoy’s eyes begin to narrow in what I can only guess is his favorite go-to glare and I nibble the inside of my cheek to keep my burgeoning smile at bay. Flicking my eyes to Jim, his smirk has grown into a knowing cheshire grin. He’s thoroughly enjoying the volley between McCoy and I. Honestly, so am I.
“You also may have heard about me from a mutual friend.” I continue.  
Jim has never squandered an opportunity to regale me with the many shenanigans he’s dragged McCoy into. More often than not, he whines about how McCoy takes sick pleasure in smothering every idea he has in common sense before he can fan it into a career defining romp. It’s astounding how easily Jim shrugs off the irony of that statement. Sadly, I think McCoy fails far more than he succeeds. So, I have no doubt Jim’s spoken of our previous escapades as well.
Laying the metal thing-a-ma-bob back down, I extend my hand toward McCoy. “Commander Gemma Danvers. Nice to meet you.”
Flashing a devastatingly handsome crooked smile, McCoy grasps my proffered hand with a soft pressure. “Pleasures all mine.” Gentle creases line his eyes from finally putting a face with the name. “Leonard McCoy.”  He says, introducing himself. “But somethin’ tells me you already knew that.”  
Hmm, where did Lieutenant Grumpy Pants go?
My own smile grows wider in response. “And you’d be correct.” McCoy’s warm gaze draws me in further. I should feel awkward that our joined hands are still slowly moving in unison but watching such a bewitching shade a green has left my senses muted to anything else. After McCoy releases my hand, I quickly clasp them behind my back and take a minuscule step back. Time to get down to business. “So, do you have time for a physical?”
“Always.” McCoy says, without hesitation.  
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