#it means there's a new chapter on cubari too
skyekurisu · 11 months
New chapter on MangaDex!
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teawaffles · 11 months
yuumori: the remains ch5
Now on: Cubari / Mangadex
Thank you for waiting! Somehow we're right on schedule this month (๑˃ᴗ˂) Also, Volume 1 of The Remains will be released with the next chapter on 4 Aug, and the next chapter will have a colour spread too 💕
Spoiler-y footnotes for this chapter under the cut:
Callbacks to the light novels
On Page 1 of this chapter, Louis mentions some tales in passing. In order of appearance, these are: Book 1 Story 2 (Louis and the Aquaria), Book 1 Story 3 (Albert’s Drinking Contest), and Book 2 Story 2 (There’s No Business Like Show Business).
Callback to Ch71
William’s handshake with Helena Curtis mirrors the same scene with the other Helena in New York, in Ch71 of the main manga.
The Girl Who Sees Rainbows…?
The official English title given for this story is “The Girl Gazing at the Rainbow”. This is due to the use of 視る rather than 見る in the Japanese title — while both words mean “to see”, the former kanji is used to emphasise “looking intently”, and hence “gazing”.
While I will be using the official English title in this arc's chapters, I still stand by my original version of it (“The Girl Who Sees Rainbows”) in the light novel translation, as I think it sounds more natural and succinct in English. 😅
Where might The Remains be going next?
My sensing is that subsequent chapters will adapt the rest of the third light novel, since [spoilers!!] the three stories within it are all connected 😆 That would mean the rest of the cast will be getting some time to shine too (including the 221B gang!) ☺️
Really hope they’ll adapt Forbidden Games (Book 2 Story 1) in between those chapters — maybe as a side story/minor digression from the plot? It would be such a missed opportunity if it doesn’t turn up in The Remains ( ; ω ; )
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teawaffles · 2 years
yuumori ch70 & 71
Ch70: Cubari and Mangadex Ch71: Cubari and Mangadex
Thank you so much for waiting! I’ve actually moved back home this week (and crossed many timezones); so while the chapters were finished earlier this week, I hadn’t had time to upload them until now 🫠 what with all the unpacking and admin work…
I still aim to get Ch72 done before July ends, but I’ll probably be cutting it a little close _(:3 」∠)_
Also, a shoutout to ashas for helping to proofread these chapters 💕 Looking forward to working with you on subsequent ones too! ☺️
New Cubari link
If you’ve been using Cubari to read the chapters, do note that I’ve moved the page to a new URL! This is because the service used to generate the old page URL (git.io) has been deprecated, which means the URL will break when GitHub eventually terminates the service at some unknown point in the future.
I’ve updated the link in the intro post, and will be linking to the new page everywhere from now on, so it should be quite a seamless transition for everyone ✨ The old page will left as-is, but will no longer be updated.
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