#it was a mix for logan/veronica and the only other thing i remember about it is that it also had this great bittersweet kesha song on it
tfw you've been trying to find a beloved song you first discovered on a livejournal (rip) fanmix ever since you gave up the cd you burned it to but over the years you forgot the name of the band and the song itself and only remember vague qualities about it that can’t be looked up on spotify then today you finally found it and it’s like getting back a tiny piece of your heart you didn’t even know you lost
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scabopolis · 3 years
Hope that I do this properly 🙃
I would adore a XO between Veronica Mars (LoVe) & Once Upon a Time (C/S).
PROMPT: "I’m really competitive and drunk and I just told a rival that my relationship is way better than theirs, but they don’t believe you exist (but I’m too stubborn to admit they’re right)" OR really anything you'd like. Honestly, I'm dying to see Logan and Killian interact/co-swagger.
And / or another installment of "Come Rain or Come Shine" from In Lovers Meeting because I love it with my whole ❤️.
Thank you so much for doing this. You made my day,
Oh @jjmazzy​ you bring my heart so much joy! I didn’t feel quite up to the task to do a crossover between OUaT and Veronica Mars so I went straight for a OUaT AU. I hope that’s okay? 
This is just a silly little thing that I am realizing only fulfills about 40% of the prompt, but I think it’s cute??
ANYWAY! Enough hemming and hawing xx *** Title: Of Expats and Onion Rings Rating: PG Fandom: Once Upon a Time Pairing: Killian Jones/Emma Swan (mentions of Robin/Marian and a smattering of other characters) Additional Tags: Two out of three of my OUaT fics feature Killian as a bartender, silliness and only half a prompt, probably way more fluff than is medically recommended Word Count: 1,500
Every Friday night, Emma Swan sits on the same barstool at the same bar in the same restaurant. This Friday night has her staring into space as she lets the sounds from the kitchen and the bar swirl around her. It’s busier than usual, with almost all the booths and tables filled and the bar area half-occupied. In fact, when she first walked into the bar, she worried there wouldn’t be a seat for her. But the bartender caught her eye and waved her over, a menu and a glass of water waiting for her in her usual seat at the end of the bar. 
Said bartender slides her an Old Fashioned, extra maraschino cherries on the toothpick per usual. 
She takes a small sip of the drink. “Why is it so busy?” 
Killian’s eyes roam about the room and then come back to rest on her. “Some magazine labeled us the best kept secret in Portland, Maine.” 
“And in doing so—”
“Assured that we would never be a secret again. Yes.” 
“The pitfalls of fame.” 
“Burger or chicken sandwich?” 
“Burger. Any chance—?”
“Aye, probably a very good chance, but only because Graham is sweet on you.” 
Emma feels her cheeks redden. “He’s not sweet on me.” 
“Sure he isn’t.” 
She watches Killian step away from the bar and into the kitchen to talk to Graham. How Graham can manage to listen to anything given the noise of the dining room and the kitchen she’ll never know. Graham and Killian both look over at her. Graham rolls his eyes but nods, and Emma raises her glass in thanks. 
“Okay,” she says to Killian when he’s back at the bar. “He might be a little sweet on me.” She takes a long sip of her cocktail. 
Killian’s brow is knit with concentration. “Long day?” 
She nods. “I had a run in with Zelena.” 
“Ah. The wicked witch of the northeast. What’d she do this time?” The ticket printer next to Killian’s till spits out a long drink order, but he listens even as he mixes drink and pours glasses of wine. 
“She got engaged over the weekend and hasn’t shut up about it. And today, she took great pains to ask me, in front of everyone in the faculty lounge, if I’d be okay if she didn’t give me a plus one.” 
“Bit rude, isn’t it?” 
“Right? But then she kept going on and on asking how long it’d been since I dated someone, and did I know that after 35, forty-five percent of women’s eggs are considered genetically abnormal and her fiancé is a very wealthy furniture manufacturer and she’s certain he has some less attractive less wealthy friends he could introduce me to and on and on and on.” 
“Does she truly want you at her wedding?” 
“Oh, yes. She said she wouldn’t take no for an answer.” She runs her finger along the condensation of her glass. “Which is when I did something very very very stupid.” 
“Smacked her?” 
Emma snorts. “I wish. No I—” Her explanation is interrupted by the arrival of her burger and the plate of special order onion rings. Onion rings which are technically available only as an add-on to the steak sandwich but that Emma has a 80% success rate of cajoling the kitchen to make her a plate of. 
She eats her meal with one eye turned to Killian, waiting for a long enough lull in the drink tickets to finish her story. She’s almost finished her burger when Killian slides another Old Fashioned in front of her.
“What was this very stupid thing you did?” he asks, leaning towards her. 
“I told her I was dating someone.” 
Killian remains where he is but she notices the clench of his jaw. “Ah,” he says. “I was unaware.” He seems to hear his own words as he says them because he cringes. “Not that there’s a reason you would tell me. I mean, we’re friends, but friends in that way that I get you drinks and —”
Emma rests a hand on Kilian’s to stop the rambling. “I’m not. Dating anyone, that is.” 
“Then why—?”
“It just popped out. I’m not sure who was more surprised, me or Zelena.” 
“So, this fake boyfriend of yours. Just who is he?” 
“Well, okay, so this makes sense when you remember it’s Friday, and I knew I’d be coming here.”
“Right,” he says, equal parts cautious and curious.
“I told her my boyfriend was British.” 
Killian shakes his head. 
ExPats has been her weekly haunt for close to a year now and while not everyone who works there is a British expatriate, with Killian as bar manager, Robin as front of house manager, Graham as chef de cuisine, and Phillip as pastry chef, it kind of feels that way.
“And that he had blue eyes,” she continues. 
“Ah, I see,” he says, teasing her. “Are you telling me you’re sweet on Graham too?” 
“Not Graham.” 
“In that case, Marian is likely going to have a big problem with you trying to date her husband.”
“And, uh,” she clears her throat, “I told Zelena he has dark hair.” 
Killian wings an eyebrow. “How dark?” 
“Uh, right about your color probably.” 
“My color?” 
“Probably. I said probably.” 
“Interesting.” Emma takes a sip of her drink. There’s a delicious, hazy feeling brought on from the second cocktail washing through her veins. “So, you and I are dating?” he asks. 
“Stupid. It was so stupid.” 
“I wouldn’t say that. I mean, I’ve been meaning to ask you out for months now. This might be just the little push I need.” 
“What did you just say?” 
“What now?” he asks in return, the picture of innocence. 
“You’ve been trying to ask me out?” 
“Not as such, no.” 
“Oh.” She sinks back in her seat, disappointed.
“I didn’t want to risk you running scared and not being here every Friday night.” 
Emma perks right back up again. “Oh?” 
“You already said that, love.” 
Emma looked down at her plate, the remnants of the crispy bits from her onion rings on her plate. Something occurs to her then. “Graham doesn’t give these to me because I want them. Does he?” 
“Excuse me?” 
If she’s not mistaken the tips of his ears have gone a little red. She loves his little elf ears. “He makes these for me because you ask him. Don’t you?” 
“I might have told him they bring you an inordinate amount of joy.” He scratches idly at a spot on his arm. “And that it brings me an inordinate amount of joy to see how happy they make you.” 
“Did you know my weekly ExPats date used to be on Wednesdays?” 
She can see him try to mentally adjust to the change of direction in the conversation. “Really?” 
“I only came in a few times, but then one week, I had parent/teacher conferences so I came on Friday. And there you were.” Emma shrugs. “Your Old Fashioned is better than Will’s.” She bites off one of the maraschino cherries from the toothpick. “Your smile is better, too.” 
“Emma, darling, are you flirting with me?” 
“What? Suddenly it’s a crime to flirt with my boyfriend?” 
Killian laughs and it makes her heart hum. She likes the clean line of his throat as he tilts his head back. “Your boyfriend? I don’t suppose you’d want to go out on a date with, then?”
“I’m free on Wednesday.” 
“Funny that,” he says. “That happens to be my day off.” 
“Is it?” 
Emma would be content to sit at this bar all night and let Killian smile at her and make her drinks. It seems like Killian is having similar thoughts, until something seemingly flies out of nowhere to hit him in the back of the head. 
Killian reels around to find Robin standing there, arms folded across his chest. 
“What’d you throw at me, you git?” Killian asks. 
“A dinner roll.” Robin gestures at the drink ticket printer. A ticket printer which has at least 10-tickets waiting to be fulfilled. “Pardon, Emma. Mind if he stops flirting with you long enough to fulfill the drink orders?” 
“You’re fired,” Killian says. 
“For the last time, mate, you can’t fire me. My name is on the lease right next to yours.” 
“Murder it is, then.” 
“Make the nice customers their cocktails and then you can murder me.” 
Robin walks away, and Emma notices it’s not just her at the bar who finds herself charmed by the whole display between the two men. She thinks she might see a small group of women sneakily taking a cell phone video, giggling as they watch it through.
“Emma, I’m sorry, but I—”
She waves him off. “Do your thing. I’ll be here.” 
“Yeah?” he asks, and when she nods, he beams. “Good, because if we’re in a committed relationship I’m probably going to need your phone number.” 
“Pour the drinks, you goon.”
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allthevmff · 3 years
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Find Afrocurl’s work // AO3 // LJ  interview from vmfictitious // originally posted Mar. 20th, 2011
How did you get into Veronica Mars fandom?
Somewhere in the middle of S2, a friend of mine from high school started to talk about this show and how much I’d like it. At the general description of a high school detective, I borrowed her S1 DVDs and devoured the show in three days.  After that I started to discover fandom, mostly because I used Inigo’s transcripts to keep myself up with what the show was doing before I could watch live.
Shortly after starting the show, I had this job where I spent too much time in an office and was easily bored. I used a bunch of downtime to read fic and post in a message board (FanForum for anyone curious.)  When that job ended (thankfully) I had all of this spare time and just sort of fell into writing.
Were you an experienced writer when you started writing for VM?  If so, what kind of writing had you done, and/or what fandoms had you written for?   If not, was it really intimidating to post your first story?
I’m a little fuzzy on these details right now, but I wasn’t that experienced when I started writing in VM. I think I had a story or two written in The OC before I posted here, but I had some great support from a few friends (sarah_p //  Sarah's Crack ) for one was a big support) when I did post my first story.
What was it about Veronica Mars that interested you?  Why did you feel compelled to write for this particular show?
I really fell for the characters when I started to watch. Veronica was such a compelling character, and as I kept watching I fell more in love with Logan, too. I felt compelled in that post-S2 summer to see the relationship between Logan and Veronica explored (as so many other people did.)
Are you creative in other media for fandom (vidding, icons, etc.)?
I pick up making icons here and there, but I don’t think I have the same skill as many other people do. It’s a different creative medium, and one that I think stretches a different part of my brain.
What was the best moment for you, in fandom?  (Not necessarily a moment in the show, but fandom itself.)
I think it was the moment when I found myself in a position to go to all of these events around LA and San Diego. I found that people around LJ were interested as a result because there was something for people to enjoy that I had been able to capture.
If you had a magic wand, and could change VM fandom in any way, past or present, what would you do?
I wish S3 hadn’t been so divisive—it’s spoiled so many people on the show, and when you still love parts of it, but not all of it, it’s hard to stay positive around other people.
Of your accomplishments in fandom/cyberspace, which are you most proud of?
Weirdly, I think it’s little things I’ve done that bring a smile to my face. Sharing my time with the cast with others in any way. That’s not just the picspams when I went to an event, but these moments where I could get autographs or phone calls to other people. At different times, I’ve been able to make a friend’s birthday just a little brighter with a message from the cast (Sarah and another friend M.)
What’s your favorite VM episode and why?
I go back and forth on this answer all of the time, but I think it’s Ain’t No Magic Mountain High Enough. In part because it was the first episode I remember watching live, and also because I’m a sucker for banter between Logan and Veronica. That whole episode is filled with it, even if they aren’t together as a couple.
What’s your least favorite episode and why?
Blast from the Past—I just can’t get behind the mystery of the week, or what Jackie does to Veronica as a way to keep Wallace to herself.
How do you feel about season 3?
I’m a mixed bag on the subject. I think that the first arc has promise, though it didn’t do much to satisfy my need for Logan and Veronica in a healthy relationship. I’m not a fan of how Piz was introduced, or what his purpose was in the long run.
The Dean O’Dell arc lacks heart (and the Hearst rapist does too when I look at it), and the last five are just all over the place.
In total, I haven’t brought myself to rewatch the whole season since it aired, but I made a promise to myself at some point I would (I plan to live-blog all of the episodes, but I only managed to finish the first three.)
If you met Rob Thomas, what would you say to him?  (Assume that you have taken magical drugs that enable you to not be tongue-tied and you can completely speak your mind.)
I briefly met him and talked to him during season three, but if I could have a longer conversation, I’d really want to understand what his motives were for Logan and Veronica in that season. It seemed that the show always had Logan and Veronica together off screen so that the audience had no real reason to understand those later break-ups.
If you could talk to the writing staff, what question(s) would you have for them?
I’m always interested in some of the specifics of the room—are there any writers who cater to writing for certain characters? What characters do you like to write more than others? I think I’m just interested in their process more than anything else.
Which story of yours is your favorite, and why?
I’m really a fan of “The Black Hole” because I think it was a different sort of writing exercise for me. I also think I was really into the moment when I wrote it, and it shows. I can’t remember how long it took me to write, but I think it was a pretty quick write once I had the idea solidified in my head.
Are there any stories of yours that are (to your surprise) fan favorites?
Not really a surprise, but I love the reaction I had to Rational Thought. My Piz issues just got one big escape in that piece and everyone who read it had a similar reaction.
Do you (or did you at first) feel uncomfortable posting R or NC17 rated stories?
I think I was a bit apprehensive the first time (especially since it was my first fic in the fandom), but as I’ve written more and more of those fics, I’m more comfortable with the ways of writing it. I also love all of my betas who help me through the mechanics of writing it.
If you could start over and rewrite any of your stories (assume unlimited time and you would be paid for your efforts, because this is a fantasy), which story would you choose, and what changes would you make?
I’m not proud of Compulsion as it was written in the end, so I’d work there and really craft the narrative more than it is now. It’s not that it’s not beta-ed, but that it wasn’t really planned or structured beyond what is written. I think there was promise in the beginning and it floundered.
Do you write for any other fandoms?
I write here and there in a few other fandoms, but most of my work is in VM.  Some of the other shows are harder to get a feel for, so much that I don’t know if I have the character voices down.
Do you write any original works, and if so, can we see any of them?  Have you ever taken any writing classes?  Have you ever published anything? Won any competitions?
I wrote a few pieces of original fic, which are at my writing community. I haven’t been one to take a writing course, but in high school I had an award-winning poem at the local county fair.
That piece, I wrote was in my junior year of high school, spring semester (so let’s call is March 2000.) We had to write an emulation of Langston Hughes’s “I Am”, and I went all out—confused kid to the max. My teacher ate most of it up, and had me submit it to the Fair.  It went on to win the best poem for high schoolers, the best high school piece and Best in Show for all student work. I have three lovely ribbons, a paper weight to show for it.
What other VM author influenced you the most?  Do you have a favorite VM story (by another author)?
I spent most of my time reading things from Loveathons and Fic From Mars when I was reading, so I guess any of those authors. I really love dark_roast’s ( dark_roast) style. I think mutiousmuse and truemyth (TrueMyth) each have some amazing pieces, too. What’s great about being part of fandom is learning how much else you have in common with authors you love. I’m still friends with Musey and Truemyth after I met them at Comic Con in 2006.
Overall, I think my favorite story is Finite Erasure (TW), which puts me in the camp of loving angst. I worked with Trixx (Trixx) as she wrote it and I think I fell for the story she was telling and how much it hurt along the way.
What fanfic do you wish you’d had the idea for and written yourself?
If I had a mind for her particular brand of crazy, I’d have love to have written One True Pair, because the creativity and perspective amaze me.
Who are your favorite traditional authors?  Do you have a favorite book or series?
I love Oscar Wilde’s wit; I love Fitzgerald’s use of flawed characters. When I was in college I became a huge fan of Isaac Bashevis Singer. Sadly I’m not a huge book fan, though I do love words and compelling stories. Persuasion is one of my favorite stories, along with The Alchemist. I found myself more easily distracted by television as a kid and when I do get a book, I tend to read some fluffy chick-lit.
 Getting to Know You
To which character in VM do you feel you are the most similar, or what situation in VM reminds you of your own life?
Even though I don’t write her enough, I feel like I’m a slightly less tech-savvy version of Mac. I wasn’t one to have boyfriends in high school, and I think that just influences my outlook now.
Share a fun memory with us, something related to fandom.
This moment at an event in San Diego where my friends and I spent a good five minutes trying to remember the Eleanor Roosevelt quote from Logan’s voicemail.
Or the time I had Jason write a message to my journal without him really knowing where it was going.
Dog person, cat person, neither or both?
Cat person! My cat Auric loves everyone he meets, and wants to keep me from my computer when I leave it open in his presence. He really loves to sit on my keyboard when I’m not around.
What was the happiest day in your life (that you can share with us)?
December 12, 2000—the day I got into college. I’m pretty lame most of the time.
The apocalypse is on us.  You’ve got five minutes to gather your stuff before you flee (assume that your loved ones are already safe).  What do you take?
This is going to be pretty typical, but my laptop, and external hard drives, so I’m not without my pictures. Maybe a few of my autographs and old-school photos too.
What don’t we know about you, that we should know?
I’m not nearly as interesting as I sound on the internet. ;)
 The Nuts and Bolts of Writing
Do you consider yourself a stickler for grammar, or do you prefer a more casual approach?  Specifically, serial comma: for or against?
I’m weirdly a stickler for grammar when I’m not the one writing. I’m usually for the serial comma, which I blame on years of it being grilled into my head from school.
What grammar issue do you constantly have to struggle with?
 Spelling—I’m horrible at it most of the time.
 Do you have any writing reference books you can’t live without?
 I have a few copies of writing guides tucked away in my garage, but I don’t regularly look at them when I’m writing.
Are you a plotter or a “pantser”? (Do you outline your stories or do you write “by the seat of your pants”?)
It really depends on the story. I have some basic idea of a fic when I start to write it, but there are times when I only know that general outline and other times when I have a better plan.
There’s one story that’s been buried on my computer that’s plotted more than anything else I write. There are notes on how each chapter should work, but I only did that because it was a true multi-chapter fic.
My other fics that have turned into WIPs are not as plotted as they should be.
 What’s your favorite point-of-view to write?
 I love third-person more than anything else. It gives you the flexibility to talk about more than one person in the context of the story.
What type of writing is your favorite to write (dialogue, plot, action, interior monologue, description, sex scene, etc.)?  Your least favorite?
Dialogue—no questions. I love banter as much as anyone else.
My least favorite—probably sex scenes. They’re awkward to figure out, positions, how clinical but not too clinical.
Do you listen to music while you write?  Do you listen to different music depending on what you’re writing?
I do, unless I’m watching TV. My music doesn’t change depending on what I write, though maybe it should. My poor iTunes has been known to be demonic when I read fic, though it doesn’t do that as often when I’m writing.
What inspires you to write?
 I like motivational moments that can drive a point home—so I tend to write shorter pieces that are about emotions instead of plot driven.
What blocks you from writing?
Lack of time. The inability to express what I’m looking for.
 Specifically for Afrocurl!
What surprised you the most about Jason Dohring in person (that you can share with us)?
He’s a genuinely sweet person who adores his fans and what they do for him. I’d never had too many experiences with actors before I met him and he set the stage for being kind to fans.
How is he like Logan?  How is he not like Logan?  Did he do anything that freaked you out after watching him on TV so much?
I think he has Logan’s physical ticks—hair rakes and the like.
 He’s not as precise with language as Logan. In person he’s sort of like any other California guy I’ve met.
Which story of yours would it appall you the most to find out that Jason had read?
The Weevil and Logan story. I think he’d blush and be shocked at the subject more than anything.
Which of your celebrity encounters thrilled you to death, but the rest of world could care less?
The girl who loves politics was thrilled by meeting Justice Scalia at my college. Though I’m sure I’m the only one who can appreciate it now.
We know you do a lot for charities.  Do you have anything coming up that we should know about, that you’d like us to support?
Since Sweet Charity has ended, I haven’t done much work for charity recently. I’ve been a little too busy with the rest of life to help out with the Queensland floods and the like.
What’s your dream job?
Working at a high school teaching either Government or US History, maybe AP if that’s an option.
Your life seems to be going through a lot of changes right now.  How do you see yourself ten years from now?...family, job, hobbies, etc., anything you want to share with us.
I’d love to have a stable job, with friends and family nearby for support. I can’t hope for much else than that right now.
 Find Afrocurl’s work // AO3 // LJ
Source: X
reposted from vmfictitious // originally published on Mar. 20th, 2011
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vmheadquarters · 4 years
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We’re still playing our game of written hot potato! Dozens of your favorite authors are taking turns to tell a Veronica Mars mystery story. Each writer crafts their chapter and then “tosses” the story to the next person to continue the tale. No one knows what will happen, so expect the unexpected!
Follow the “vmhq presents” and “murder we wrote” tags for all the installments, or read the story as it develops on AO3. --Chapter Twenty-Four of MURDER, WE WROTE is written by @livinginsunnyhell​​. And stayed tuned next week for Ch.25 from @kmd0107​ - tag, you’re it!
CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR by @livinginsunnyhell​
Carrie Bishop was pissed off that she was in this situation. Not only had she been about to make it big in her singing career (her manager had just booked her the music spot on SNL), but she’d started seeing a hot new male model who found her both charming and talented. He’d invited her to spend the weekend with him down in Palm Springs at a little villa he’d splurged on, but instead she was here, being hunted by some psycho killer.
Thanks Susan, again.
She turned to look around the room and spied Dick who was mixing another round of Godiva chocolate martinis. God, she was sick of those things. All they were doing was adding to her anxiety about the situation.
And giving her bad gas. She kept having to go to the bathroom to relieve herself. Right on cue, her stomach cramped in pain and she scowled as Dick asked the room who else wanted some chocolate martinis.
“Susan, I have to go to the bathroom,” Carrie announced pointedly raising her eyebrows at her friend who was chatting with Kimmy and Cole.
Susan frowned, “Carrie, can’t you take Dick or someone? What use would I be fighting off some killer?”
Carrie sighed and rolled her eyes, “Remember how in high school I told everyone I slept with that creepy weirdo teacher to cover for you? Remember that! Well now, I’m asking you to come with me to the freakin toilet! Is that so hard?”
When Susan just stared at her, Carrie huffed and stood up.
“God, Susan, can you be more self-involved?”
With that, she left the three 09ers and walked toward Dick who was shaking the martini mixer vigorously and shaking his hips. She doubted he even realized they were being hunted and taken out one by one.
“Dick, come with me to the bathroom,” she demanded.
“Seriously? I’m busy here, Carrie. Ask someone else, like Casey or Luke,” Dick said pouring the martinis out and handing her one.
She waved it away and looked around the room to find someone to escort her to the bathroom. Watching her old classmates lazing around, flirting with each other, she decided what the hell and grabbed a fire poker as a weapon.
Anything was better than listening to Cole drone on about life at some small school in Rhode Island or Luke try to convince people he didn’t have same sex tendencies or Gia’s obsession with her shoes.
Exiting the room, she advanced into the mansion looking around for the bathroom. Every time she left that room, it seemed further and further away.
She used her phone as a flashlight to light the way and nearly screamed when she ran into Veronica and Logan coming from the kitchen.
“What are you guys doing?” she snapped.
“Snacking, thinking, trying to figure out the mystery of who is trying to kill us,” Veronica said eyeing the poker in her hand.
“Where are you going?” Logan asked, tightening his hold on Veronica who was leaning into him to keep her weight off her ankle.
“Bathroom, Susan wouldn’t come with me,” Carrie said rolling her eyes.
Veronica and Logan traded looks and looked at Carrie with concern.
“We’ll come with you,” They said in unison.
Carrie rolled her eyes and muttered a ‘whatever’ before moving forward and going toward the bathroom. She glanced behind her to see Veronica and Logan waiting right where she’d run into them. Giving them an uncharacteristically grateful look, she stepped into the bathroom.
It was dark and she wasn’t sure where the lights were. No matter how many times she’d been in here since this whole thing started, she couldn’t remember if the switch was on the right or left hand side.
Stumbling further into the bathroom, her hand felt something mushy. Suddenly, something was falling on her and a warm liquid dripped down her front. “What the--” she began, her hand finally finding the switch.
Light filled the bathroom and her eyes landed on the dead body of a woman who she’d never seen before. Her neck had been sliced and blood had flowed down the front of her body, covering her clothes in dark liquid. She screamed alerting Logan and Veronica, who raced over and peered over her shoulder.
“Who is that?” Veronica asked as Carrie hurried forward to the sink and began to wash the blood that had gotten onto her clothes.
She screamed again when it didn’t come immediately off. “That’s all you have to say? She could’ve attacked me!” Carrie howled in anger.
By now, the rest of the partygoers had made their way toward the screams and were peering into the bathroom.
“Bummer, Carrie,” Dick said, drinking his martini and eyeing the woman on the floor. “Coulda just waited for Casey or I to go with you.”
“Does anyone recognize her?” Veronica asked, staring down at the bloody woman.
She frowned as she noticed the weird lopsidedness of her hair, her eyes were wide open in shock, and while her makeup may have been impeccably done before, now it was smudged from what Veronica could only assume were tears.
“Why’s she wearing a wig?” Logan asked and reached forward to remove the blonde wig.
Veronica moved to stop him so his hand prints wouldn’t be on anything and then grabbed a towel and removed it herself. “Don’t want your fingerprints on it,” Veronica muttered, removing the wig.
“What about my fingerprints?” Carrie whined as she finally got the blood off.
Veronica glanced at her, but chose not to respond. Instead, she stared at the ratty blonde wig and then back down at the dead woman. “Anyone recognize her now?”
“No, but winged eyeliner is so passe,” Kimmy said. Rolling her eyes, she stepped out of the bathroom. Carrie followed after her, not wanting to look at the body that had basically molested her.
That left only four people in the restroom, not including the body.
“Wallace? Mac?” Veronica asked as her two trusted friends advanced forward to look at the woman.
“That’s Della Pugh!” Wallace said upon closer inspection.
“Who?” Veronica asked, confused.
“You know, she was that one girl who was in the talent show when we were Juniors, I think. Everyone laughed at her when she tried to do a cover of some song...it was really bad,” Wallace said, frowning as he remembered how mean the 09ers had been. He shot Dick and Gia an accusatory glare as they giggled together, not in the least concerned about the dead body of an ex-classmate.
“I don’t remember this at all. What talent show? And what was she doing here?” Veronica asked, bewildered.
“And why is she dead?” Logan added.
They shared another look and then glanced at the rest of the 09ers who seemed to have lost interest since it wasn’t one of their own. Veronica watched as the last stragglers headed back toward the large room they had turned into their main headquarters.
“Should we check to see if she has anything in her pockets?” Mac added, looking at Veronica nervously.
“Maybe she was a guest?” Wallace said, bending down.
Veronica bent down as best as she could with her ankle and used the towel to touch the body, she couldn’t find any pockets or anything out of order, except for the blonde wig. However as Veronica continued to jostle Della’s blood soaked clothes, there was a soft clink of glass on the tile floor.
“Maybe she’s the one who has been watching us,” Logan suggested right as Veronica exclaimed out in triumph.
“What is it, bobcat?”
“I’m not sure, it’s a small vial of...something. I don’t think we’ll find out what unless we get it into a lab. Wait, there’s a label, it’s faded but I think that says…’arsenic?’” Veronica muttered squinting at it and then looked at the other three of them in alarm.
“She had arsenic in her pocket?” Logan asked, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her closer.
Staring down at the body, all four of them felt panic begin to rise and a question burned in their brains: Why had the woman had arsenic on her?
“So she wasn’t a guest...but the killer? But then who killed her? And why?” Logan asked.
“Maybe someone didn’t like that ratty ass wig,” Wallace muttered.
Veronica nodded. “Do you think she was watching us?”
The four of them shared a look, unease clouding their faces.
“Veronica and I were thinking that maybe--”
“Veronica! Come quick!” Kimmy shouted, darting back into the bathroom. She grabbed Veronica’s arm and yanked her forward causing her to stumble. Logan yelled and grabbed Veronica’s waist to stop her from falling and then glared at Kimmy.
“What’s wrong?” Logan asked, batting Kimmy’s hands away from Veronica’s arm.
“Cole! Cole! He’s gone!” Kimmy shrieked, tugging on her arm again to come back into the main room.
Veronica groaned and the five of them hobbled back into the room to find everyone looking agitated.
“We came back in here and Cole was gone! No one has seen him since we heard Carrie’s scream!” Kimmy yelled in a panic.
Veronica frowned as she looked around the room to see who else was missing. “Duncan’s gone too,” she said, turning to Logan who looked down at her.
“Do you think--”
“I don’t know,” Veronica whispered.
“We should go look for them!” Kimmy exclaimed, looking around the room.
“Nope, I’m staying here. Finding one dead body was enough for me,” Carrie said, rolling her eyes. She glared down at the offered chocolate martini from Dick and moved across the room to settle next to Susan.
Dick began to hand out martinis, until he came to Veronica and Logan. “Dude, you want one? I know your girl is working, but you can partake,” Dick waved the martini glass.
“I’m not sure if we should be drinking anything at all, we found arsenic in Della’s pocket,” Veronica said, glaring at Dick.
She didn’t really think that there was any arsenic in anything, whoever killed Della had obviously stopped her before she did anything since the liquid was still in the bottle. But she was tired of Dick’s comments and his drinking, so scaring him a bit was probably best for all of them.
His face blanched and he stared at her in shock. “You really think this is poisoned?”
Veronica shrugged, returning her focus to see if anyone else was missing from the room.
“We need to find Cole!” Kimmy kept shrieking again and again.
“And Duncan,” Logan added, as everyone looked at each other nervously.
“We shouldn’t split up, though, right?” Casey asked.
“Probably not, but we can’t just leave them out there,” Wallace said looking at Veronica.
Veronica nodded and leaned against Logan. “We could split into two groups. The injured stay here and a group of four go and look?”
“I’ll go,” Kimmy said.
“I guess, I will,” Luke said. “Better than sitting around here and waiting to die.”
“Casey, Alexis, come with me,” Kimmy whined.
Casey rolled his eyes, but got up anyway and Alexis followed. The four of them looked around for a weapon, Kimmy took Carrie’s fire poker and then they left.
Veronica watched them go and then began to search the room for clues. With the help of Logan, who was supporting her weight to keep it off her bad leg, she moved around the room tentatively.
“What’s that?” Logan asked, bending down as he saw a slip of paper. It was half hidden under one of the couches, the very one Duncan had been sitting on earlier.
“What does it say?” Veronica asked.
Logan frowned. “It’s one of those character descriptions. It says… ‘Campbell Scott ex-boyfriend of Enid Curtis. Broke up when she found out he’d drugged and taken advantage of her at a party. Best friends with Mason, but stopped being friends when Mason stole Enid away from Campbell. Campbell is attending the weekend to convince Enid they should get back together and take out Mason. He plans on doing this by--”
“By what?” Veronica asked wide eyed.
“Paper’s ripped.” Logan said, handing it to her.
Veronica scanned the piece of paper again, unsure what to make of it. She looked up at Logan who was staring out the window. She frowned thinking that he should be more concerned that Duncan’s sole reason for being here was to get her back...but then she reminded herself it was initially just a game, right?
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
“I think I see someone outside,” he said causing the remaining people in the room to come over to them.
Veronica squinted through the darkness searching for some figure in the storm that had picked up again and sure enough, she saw a large figure moving in the distance.
“Do you think it’s Duncan or Cole?” Wallace asked quietly.
“Or someone else entirely?” Logan added.
Looking up at him, Veronica could see he thought something worse was headed their way.
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knightthunderis · 4 years
Once Upon A Time
Have you ever had one of those days when your past and present lives end up colliding and intertwining somewhere along the way?  I know it may sound crazy but hear me out.  I guess to fully understand how crazy things can get when your true love and soulmate are involved is to start at the beginning.  We all have three personalities, our royal form which in his case is Karyson Gabriel Wolfe of Thaddea, his human and present form Tristan Michael Llewellyn, and his hero form Knight Wolf.  But somehow his royal side got separated from the other two parts of his personality and landed back in Thaddea with no memories of our past together. This is the story of how through a crazy case of mistaken identity, lies, deceit, rivals, hidden agendas, conspiracy, invasion of privacy, blackmail, and manipulation my true love and I as Reimeiko Thunderis made it back to each other and full circle.  I am known as Reimeiko Christyne Amaryllis Thunderis Wolfe by royal standards, Queen of Thunderia and Thaddea thanks to my getting married to Karyson before the last battle with Darcien’s forces. My father, his Knights and fellow royals had to use their combined powers to send us here to be reborn and find each other again.  The problem was none of us had any memory of our pasts until our respective guardians found us and reunited us.  But that is another story for another time.  Anyway, when we were all reborn here, I was born Jamison Logan McKagan the eldest daughter of Robert and Veronica McKagan also known as Thor and Kyiandra Thunderis of Thunderia.  But you already know that, if you know my story.  Anyway, I am getting outrageously off track.  But when this all started, I had no doubt how it would end because of Karyson and our past together.  But boy was I wrong.  I had never felt so betrayed in my life.  How I came into this as Reimeiko Thunderis instead of who I am in the human form?  Well I will tell you.  It all starts here at the Coronation Ball.  On this night, not only will Garyson be taking his place as king, but he will also be choosing his future bride.  At the doors of the grand ballroom stood Jamison Logan McKagan Llewellyn also known as Reimeiko Christyne Amaryllis Thunderis Wolfe of Thunderia and Thaddea.  The Lady Knight of Thunder was getting ready to make a grand entrance.  Tonight was the night for her.  As she entered the ballroom, the herald announced her.
        "Lady Reimeiko Christyne Thunderis." the herald announced. She walked further into the ballroom spotting her friends and Knights from back home as well as some of the friends she had made along the way or so she thought.  Her brother and sister in their Knight forms showed up close to her speaking telepathically.
     (I know that the connection between Karyson and Reimeiko is solid.) Knight Shadow said. (But you might want to take the connection between Jamison McKagan and Tristan Llewellyn into consideration.)
      (Tristan is Karyson’s human form though, remember brother?) Knight Nova replied. (They were separated into their own individual personas somehow and we must figure out how to reunite them, but now is not the time.  The Knights are all stationed throughout the palace grounds, fully powered but dressed for this ball.)
      (Do you not think that you are overdoing it just a bit?) She asked. (How are all the background checks into the key players going?  One cannot know how to play the game without a scorecard and details on everyone involved especially who gains and loses the most.  There are a lot of secrets here and I want to know all of it.  Not just the key players but the background players too.  Leave no stone unturned, leave no passage unexplored.  We had orders to do that before we left.)
(Our wisdom knights are taking care of that and have been since before Dad debriefed us.) Shadow replied. (Anyway, we will keep in close contact with you as the night progresses)
Shadow and Nova made their way into the crowd to check in with the other Knights as Jamison glided over to talk to two other suitors in the competition.  For some reason, she suddenly felt uneasy, why, she did not know.  Granted, she had seen and dealt with her share of evil tyrants, love rivals, band rivals, and threatened hostile takeovers, but she and her Knights had always made it through almost unscathed.
    “Reimeiko, you look so beautiful.” Elenia Zhang gushed. “The prince will not be able to take his eyes off of you all night in that gown.” Jamison drifted back and forth between the first debriefing and present day.
    “First off we have Elenia Zhang.” Marco said. “There is not much known about her and her family except that they are Thaddean nobles who live outside the typical line.  In addition to being a Thaddean noble, Elenia is multi-talented which will be one of her strengths and make her a good ally as well.  Knowing you Jamie, you would have her and everyone else won over in no time.”
    “Hah, he might like the way she looks,” Lamani Evander sneered. “But when it comes to choosing his future queen, he knows who will be able to rule by his side and that woman will be me and me alone.” Back to the debriefing.
   Lamani Evander, she was so evil that she made Dariana Lanoson look and act like an angel, but even though she could scare or intimidate others, she did not scare or intimidate Jamison or Reimeiko.  Long before, Jamison had faced off with the Federation of Evil’s many different factors, love rivals, rival bands, threatened hostile take-overs and she knew how to fight dirty if she had to.  In her royal form of Reimeiko Thunderis, she fought like a man although she was a woman.  Along with her siblings and fellow Knights, she trained from the time she was young to be able to take down and fight the forces of evil who continued relentlessly to take them down and take over the universe.  Reimeiko and Jamison were rejoined or reunited when Jamison was fifteen and was discovered being Princess Reimeiko Thunderis while in her hero form of Knight Thunder and her boyfriend Tristan Llewellyn in his hero form of Knight Wolf was discovered as being Prince Karyson Wolfe of Thaddea which was who Jamison and the others were vying for.  She knew something about Karyson, his true siblings Corydon and Racine, and Samuel and Francine that the other people present did not know.  Samuel, Francine, and the Thaddean Trio were immortal like Reimeiko, her siblings, and Knights; and no matter what the other ladies of court thought, Karyson was Reimeiko’s eternal soulmate.
“Well I can say this without any conviction.” Jamison said. “It will be his choice who rules by his side not yours, and may the best woman win.” To herself she said. “I know it will be me because I have been to the future, I am the Queen in it and none of you are there.”
“I am sure that I will win because I have known him all his life.” Lamani replied.
Jamison rolled her eyes and shook her head as Lamani walked away.  The only other woman in the running so-to-speak was a woman by the name of Almeda Fitzgerald who was being sponsored by the present queen Alyssa Candelaria.  No one had really seen her through the competition because she had been staying close to the queen.  Just then a trumpet sounded, and a herald announced the arrival of Karyson Tristan Michael Llewellyn Wolfe Prince of Thaddea and he was heading right in the direction of Jamison and Elenia.  He took her hand and bowed. “Princess Reimeiko, may I have the pleasure of the next dance with you?” Prince Karyson asked.
“You want to dance with me?” Jamison asked. “I am ready to do much more than just dance with you, but I would love to.”
“I was hoping you would say that.” Karyson replied. He took her hand and whisked her away to the dance floor of the grand ballroom.  As the orchestra plays, he leads her into a waltz around the room her gown swirling as they glide through the steps.
“To think a few months ago as Jamison McKagan,” Jamison acknowledged. “I did not even know the first steps to the waltz.”
“And now no one would ever know that your human form was not born into this life.” Karyson replied. “I hope you never have cause to regret coming here.”
“What do you mean?  Why would you say that?” Jamison asked. “You and Tristan will be reunited before this crazy adventure is over, then so will we be.”
“So much has happened.” he said pausing as the song winds, his hands lingering on her waist and his eyes searched hers which were filled with uncertainty, fear, and confusion. “I need to speak with you.”
“Is something wrong?” Jamison asked, fearful of what the answer would be.  Despite the soulmate connection between them, she knew that something was not right.
“There is nothing really wrong per se.” he replied. “It has been nearly impossible to even get a moment alone with you these last few days, but I need to know--”
“Prince Garyson, may I be so bold as to cut in?” Duchess Lamani Evander asked.
“Oh yes of course.” Karyson replied. “Do not worry, Reimeiko, we will talk later.”
[Yeah right] Jamison thought sourly.  As Lamani and Karyson glided away, Jamison found herself wandering off the dance floor and running into a familiar face in the crowd. “Derrick? I did not know that you would be here tonight.  You look so handsome in your formal uniform instead of your usual mix of clothes.”
“Karyson insisted.” Derrick replied. “I guess I should congratulate you.  You look exactly like one of them.  I guess you are one of them now in these days.”
“Please do not lump me in with those two-faced, hypocritical, narcissistic fleet of bozos and bimbos.” Jamison pleaded. “Real people like you are more fun to be around.  You and I are cut from the same cloth.  We do not fit into their world of snobby losers and I thank God that we do not.”
“This time tomorrow, you might be queen and then our lives are going to go in very different directions.” he said.
“If I am chosen to be his bride, but I have a sick feeling that I will not be,” Jamison said. “I will still be me.  Titles do not make me who I am or who I will be.  Nothing will take me over.”
“Looking at you right now, it is hard to believe that.” Derrick said with a sad look. “This place has a tendency of changing people, and some of us like the woman you used to be.  You know, that right?”
“I promise, I am the same person I was from the beginning, even under this fancy, hard to breathe in a ball gown.” Jamison replied. “Despite everything that has happened, I have not changed.  I am the same Reimeiko Christyne Amaryllis Thunderis, Jamison Logan McKagan Llewellyn.  If there is ever a time you feel that I get too cocky, just remind me of the first time we met, I was taking out the garbage to the big dumpster outside and waiting tables at Russo’s bar and grill.”
“It does feel like it was so long ago.” Derrick acknowledged. “I cannot believe that it has only been a few months since this all began, and it feels more like once upon a time now more than ever after everything.”
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marshmallowatheart · 5 years
To All The Boys I've Loved Before (Part 46)
Standing with five hours of sleep, Veronica mixes together the ingredients for her classic Christmas sugar cookies.
Heather strolls into the kitchen, plops on the chair opposite her sister about to complain about her hunger when she notices Veronica's visible eye bags and drawn in expression. She knows something is wrong. She knows something's been wrong ever since she got back from her trip. "Ronica?" The girl in question hums as she focuses on her task at hand. "Are you okay?"
Veronica looks at her sister and gives her a mild nod accompanied with a reassuring smile. "I'm just tired."
she stares at her sister's face and says, "You look like a zombie."
Veronica halts in her movements, gazes up to her little sister with a mischievous quirked smile as she holds up her flour covered hands out to Heather's face and in her best zombie voice says, "I want to eat your brains."
Heather's eyes widen, shocked and panicked as Veronica rounds the counter with her messy hands. With a high screeching yelp, the little girl leaps off her chair and runs away.
Backup scurries to his feet, alert and looking for danger and then wags his tail wildly when he realises that there's no real threat to be seen.
Veronica grins, making a show of chasing her for a minute before retreating back into the kitchen, Backup follows and reverts back to laying down.
It doesn't take long for Heather to come back into the kitchen, this time with her purple skipping rope in hand. "Are you gonna be human again or do I have to restrain you to get my breakfast?" She asks, tilting her head with an arched brow as she pulls her rope in a tight straight line.
Veronica cocks a brow, eyes settling on her sister's. "That depends. Are you gonna be insulting again or do you wanna be my breakfast?" She grins, not at all threatened as she wiggles her fingers, showing Heather that she isn't afraid to get messy.
Heather swallows, lowering her skipping rope, she settles, "The option that gets Froot Loops in my mouth." She says it in the way that makes it seem like she's not at all forfeiting as she walks to the cupboard.
"The option that gets you Froot Loops requires you to wait 'cause Meg and Dad are out grocery shopping," Veronica tells her as she meshes together the dry ingredients and the wet ones.
"Urg," Heather groans, closing the cupboard door. "I'm starving," she complains, slumping onto the bar stool.
"You want some eggs?" Veronica asks, the first thing coming to her mind that she knows she had enough of.
"With some cheese?" The little Mars perks up in her seat. "And buttered toast?"
"Sure," she shrugs. "And I'll even throw in some hot chocolate if you help clean up afterwards," she bargains.
Immediately, she quizzes, "Do I get the tiny marshmallows?"
"Sure," Veronica agrees, setting aside the cookie mix for the time being as she goes to rinse off her hands and prepare the eggs.
Heather stays put, humming, hands on the counter her eyes follow her sister and then asks, "Is Logan coming to the Christmas party?"
Veronica stills at the question. She hadn't spoken to her family about Logan, about Aspen, about last night. She hasn't told them anything; she didn't know what to say to them. She doesn't know how to explain her situation with Logan without telling them everything that's happened and she doesn't want to tell them. They don't need the heartache. What good would it do them to learn about Lianne? There's no reassuring answers that mummy loves us in this tale and she doesn't want to bring that burden to her family. They deserved more than that.
"I didn't ask him," she answers in the most honest way she can. She gets why Logan's made the decisions he's made. Even when she'd thought the worst of him, she couldn't stop her heart from loving him. Right now, she just needs time to figure out how to trust him again.
He's kept this big thing from her, she knows he had the best intentions but his choices still hurt her.
Heather inquisitively continues to question her sister, "Why not?"
Dismissively, Veronica replies, "I don't think he wants to hang out with a bunch of deputies. Can you pass me the salt, please?"
Heather drags herself out of her chair and obliges, remarking, "I think he'd like to hang out with us."
Veronica knows she can't argue about this with Heather so instead she asks her to check on Backups water and fills the minutes it takes for her eggs and toast to get ready with menial tasks to avoid further questioning.
When Keith and Meg come back home, Heather's got The Princess Bride playing on the television, munching on popcorn as Veronica doughs together another recipe off the list.
"I hope you're hungry, 'cause we've got Mama Leone's," Keith sings, dangling the bag tantalizingly in the air.
Veronica breaks out into a wide grin, "My favourite."
"I could eat," Heather calls out from her seat still munching on her popcorn.
"Veronica!" Meg loud-whispers, coming around the counter with a giddy smile. "You'll never guess who I ran into!"
"Hmmm," Veronica hums in fake thought, rolling out her cookie dough. "Was it Carlita, Biff, or Rocco? They always were our favourite imaginary friends."
Meg rolls her eyes good-naturedly, her smile never falling from her lips as she says, “Hamilton Cho.”
Veronica’s brow quirks at the enthusiasm radiating from the name. She knows him. Everyone does. His father owns Cho’s Pizza. He used to be in Meg’s class but she doesn’t recall them being particularly friendly. She doesn’t know how to respond to it so she says, “Was it awkward with you carrying takeout from Mama Leone’s?”
Her brows furrow at the question, shaking her head she dismisses it and continues, “Did you know he goes to NYU too? I mean, I’ve never seen him before.”
“It is a big school,” the petite blonde offers, shrugging.
“He wanted to hang out,” she says, biting her lip and eyes bright. “I asked him to come to the Christmas party.”
Duncan flashes through her mind like a red stop light and she fights the urge to question her sister about Duncan and if she’s sure about this. She fights it because the familiarity of standing in their kitchen with her hands pressed into cookie dough as they chat about anything and everything is something Veronica’s found herself needing ever since Meg left – and especially since Meg came back home.
Instead she grins and teases Meg with everything she knows about Hamilton Cho.
“The food is getting cold,” Keith calls from the lounge.
“Inconceivable!” Heather mimics loud enough for her sisters to hear.
Without missing a beat, Veronica quotes back in response, “You keep using that word, I don’t think it means what you think it means.”
"What?" Veronica asks, she's got her leg up on the bathroom sink and tries to shave as quickly as she can without cutting herself while Mac's stands behind her, grinning as though she's got an inside joke with herself.
The brunette shakes her head, letting out a silent chuckle. "Miss Mars uses Venus razor."
Amused, Veronica smiles and remarks, "Because if she doesn't, her legs look like Pluto’s."
"And she's down-to-earth to boot," Mac quips with a grin and Veronica laughs.
For the last few days, Veronica had been cooped up at home baking for the upcoming Christmas party or helping Inga with the planning arrangements or at work. Wallace – demanding BFF time – had convinced her to take time for a beach trip. She knows he just wants to test out his toy plane (he’d just finished fixing it after an unfortunate collision with the wall).
"Man, this new wet suits like a cheap motel. No ballroom," Dick says, snapping the latex suit against his crotch as he walks with Logan up shore. They’re both dripping with water having just finished a much needed surfing session. 
Logan shakes his head at Dick, carrying his surf board with one hand and running his fingers through his wet hair with the other. They come to a stand still when a flying object comes crashing into the sandy ground. “Hey, look a toy plane,” Dick says, going to pick it up.
”Don’t touch the plane,” Wallace shouts from a few feet away, jogging to catch up to his plane while Veronica and Mac follow behind him.
Everything fades into background noise when Logan sees her, she stops shortly in front of him, her blue eyes staring into his and he silently sucks in a breath.
"Hey," she says, offering a half smile without turning her gaze away from him.
His eyes solely focused on hers as he takes in her presence and lets out, "Hey."
It’s in this moment that she truly feels how much she’s missed him, it’s only been a few days and this tug in her heart makes it feel it’s been months. She mentally checks herself, remember the rules, Mars – no pining, no whining. Keep it light.
“Hey hey, look who’s slumming it at the beach,” Dick grins, head bobbing up and down as he checks out both the girls. "Hey, we're blowing off a little dead-week steam if you kids want to hang.”
While Wallace tends to his crashed plane, the rest of them make themselves comfortable on the benches - except it’s Dick that makes himself comfortable next to Mac and Veronica’s left to fill the space next to Logan which makes it all the more difficult for her to keep her cool.
"So,” he starts, eyes drifting over her form to the fading fire. He has so much to tell her. He wants to tell her how much he’s missed her. He wants to tell her that it seems like even his mother and Trina miss her. He wants to tell her that she’s all he thinks about even when he tries not to. “Heather wants me to come to the Christmas party," he glances at her and sees her brow pick up in surprise and her gaze land on him. "Is that cool?"
"You've been talking to Heather?" She swallows, trying to keep her emotions at bay but his question brings about agitation in her and she feels warmth surging from within; it’s this convoluted package of feelings that she had needed a break from so she could sort out her feelings between her head and her heart. Seeing Logan, being with Logan, speaking with Logan makes it impossible for her to make sense of anything.
He tries to keep his tone as casual as possible but he knows he’s not as nonchalant as he wants to him. Even a simple hey makes him feel things. "We have our matches more often now that she's on break.” He pauses, letting her process, assuming that this hasn’t come up in conversation between the two sisters. “She asked me if we broke up."
A quiet gasp escapes her and she stares at him in shock. “She asked you that?” She lets out a breath. “What'd you tell her?"
They were playing together in an online Mario Kart championship when she'd broached the subject of his and Veronica’s relationship. He'd tried his best to not say much, lightly joking that they were on a Christmas break - he hadn't wanted Heather to worry but in the saddest and quietest of voices she'd asked him, "Don't you love her anymore?"
It's the way she sounds that makes him wish he had lied and given her an excuse for not being physically present. "Of course I do," he says, honest and soft.
"Then why are you on a break if you still love her?" She asks, urgent and confused. She tries on concentrating on the game but she's more in tuned with the sound of his voice.
He sighs and he knows he can't explain everything to her so he gives her half a truth because despite his want to lie to Heather, he can't really bring himself to it. "Because I screwed up."
"How?" She demands, completely losing focus what's in front of her as she listens.
"I did something I shouldn't have," he vaguely says, knowing he should stop talking about this with her now. There's nothing more he can tell her. "Look, kid, you’re falling behind," he intentionally remarks on the game trying to take her focus from his relationship back onto the game.
Ignoring his last comment, she insistently asks, "Did you tell her you were sorry?"
"Yes," he sighs.
"Like, in a way so she knows you mean it?"
"Yeah. Look Heather, don't worry about it, okay? You need to keep your mind on the race, you're getting beat, kid."
"The truth,” he confesses. “The parts of the truth that I could tell her anyway. I didn’t know how to not tell her."
“She’s too nosy for her own good,” Veronica grumbles, sighing. She wonders if Heather gave the same inquisition to Duncan when him and Meg broke up or if she's over compensating now because she didn't.
He chuckles, teasing, “It must be in the genes."
She gives him a half-hearted huffing laugh before turning it into a little smile. “Thank you.”
His heart thumps. “For what?”
“Keeping your promises,” she softly tells him.
Heather happy bounces in her room with the phone in her hand, Ophelia shakes her head chuckling at her overly hyped best friend.
“Hello?” Comes the voice of a groggy Logan.
Without wasting time on pleasantries, she speedily explains, "I called KRAC like two hundred times. I kept getting this recording, and then finally, I got through. They're gonna play my request."
“I really wish you hadn’t done that,” his soft voice comes through.
Heather chooses to ignore him, opening her room door, she yells with the phone pressed to her chest. “Ronica! You've got to turn on the radio."
"Why?" Her sister shouts back from downstairs.
Impatiently, Heather demands, "Just do it!"
“To a very special girl. So, if you're out there and you're listening, Veronica...”
Veronica’s eyes widen, she stills frozen in time as she listens to the DJ.
“This is from Logan. He's sorry, girl, and he wants you back.”
Meg lets out an audible gasp, eyes wide and giddy as the oh my god slips out.
Upstairs, Heather stands with complete and total satisfaction as she listens to Nick Lachey’s What’s Left of Me play from downstairs. “You’re gonna thank me,” she says with her smuggest tone as she ends the call.
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elowynlavellan · 6 years
Veronica Mars: Secrets.
Been rewatching Veronica Mars recently and decided that my feelings for Logan have to be expressed somehow, so why not write a quick Reader x Logan one shot? I love Veronica and Logan together, but I felt more inspired to write it for the reader instead. 
Prompt: You’re crashing at Logan’s hotel room, to get away from family & friends, when he brings home a girl...
Word count: 2,400
Warnings: None
Pairing: Logan x Reader
Logan almost flipped out when he walked into his Neptune Grand hotel room and saw you eating out of a bag of crisps on his couch in front of the TV. Not only did he not expect to see you there, it being only just after school and all, but also was just about to bring in the girl who's father had testified against him in the murder of Felix Toombs. His brown eyes widened at the sight and he stumbled back towards the door where Hannah was, stammering out something like, "Oh, I think I might've left something in the car..." 
You take this single moment to dash into his bedroom, turning the TV off, crisps in hand, you close the doors behind you. Your room, or the room that you've been staying in for the past few weeks, is on the opposite side of the hotel room, the one Duncan Kane used to occupy before he fled the country. But because Hannah would've seen a stumbling teenager with a bag of crisps and wild couch hair run past Logan... well, that idea was of course completely off the table. Instead, you'll just have to hide in here and hope for the best -- that they don't need the bedroom to do what they want to do.
You hear them settle on the couch as the TV is switched on, so you relax a little and thank your lucky stars that this room has a bathroom suite. You turn over on the mattress and plug earphones into your MP3 player, jamming them into your ears so you don't have to listen to their lovey-dovey talk. Logan has been a friend to you for the past couple of months, nothing more, and you're still not so sure how you feel about that. But now that he's bringing girls over... well, it doesn't fit so comfortably with you after all. You chuck him a text, letting him know how much crap he'd be in if you didn't practically leap from the couch and tumble into his room in time.
You: You're lucky I'm so quick and agile. BTW -- plugged in some music so u can make out all u want. Just don't moan too loudly or I might vom.
Logan: I thank you and thank you again. DW not 2 much making out happening here, but ty 4 the heads up. FYI do NOT go looking under my bed. U don't wanna c what's under there. Tootles.
Sometimes you admire how well Logan uses text-talk but most of the time it irritates you, and he knows it, so he does it more than often.
Not too much making out? Now that's a lie you'll never forget, why else bring the her home to a hotel room where no parents can keep a watchful eye? And the part about not looking under his bed? Of course you would snoop, it's almost what you do best, other than sleeping over everyone's houses in Neptune because going home is just too much right now, of course.
You glance at the closed door and then duck down close to the bedroom floor and peer underneath the bed. A few boxes lay close together, some odd dirty laundry the cleaners never found... and a white coloured CD with black marker writing: Mix For Y/N. 
You quickly shuffle around through Logan's belongings, hoping to not find anything too incriminating, and finally pull out his old CD Walkman. You plug in your earphones and slip the CD inside, then press play. Immediately your ears are engulfed by loud screamo, intense guitar filled music and you almost yelp loudly-- almost. You pull the earphones away, still hearing the echo of the music even when they're no longer in your ears, and then find your phone to text Logan once again.
You: Wow. U are an idiot.
Logan: Hey! I told u not 2 look!
You: My ears are suffering.
Logan: UR own fault
You laugh quietly to yourself over his last text and then decide that chilling on Logan's bed with your own, non-screamo music plugged into your ears will just have to do for entertainment until his girl leaves. You've grown used to the Logan Smell, and it's not a bad smell either. You hope he doesn't mind you snuggling up in his blankets... soon, your eyes grow too heavy and sleep overcomes you all too quickly.
Hannah leaves, thankfully only a small kiss goodbye, and Logan's thoughts go suddenly to you. He feels guilty that he had to push you out of the living room, but thankful that there didn't seem to be any complaints. You don't know a lot about the murder case, but you believe Logan when he says he didn't do it. You don't know Hannah's connection to the case, or how her father falsely testified because of his link to the Fitzpatricks. 
Logan walks quietly towards his room, carefully listening out for any sound from within. He hears nothing so he decides to knock but there's no answer. When he opens the doors he immediately spots you curled up on top of his bed, wrapped loosely in some of his blankets, your MP3 Player still on and playing tunes. He nears the bed and watches you breathe rhythmically before carefully pulling away your earphones. He goes to leave but then notices the blankets aren't over your body completely, so he tucks you in and then closes the bedroom doors while he awaits his next guest outside on the couch. 
You wake up and notice your turned off MP3 Player, wrapped up in your earphones on the bedside table. You remember you're inside Logan's room and wonder if they've finally left or not. You rub the sleep from your eyes and get up from the bed. You twist the doorknob and open the door barely, to see. You hear voices, Logan's and a girl's. Blonde. But different, not the girl who was here before. Jeez, how many girls can he have over in one night? She turns around for a quick second and you realise it's Veronica Mars. You gasp close to inaudibly and back away from the door, right now you're on good terms with Veronica so if you walked out from Logan's bedroom... well... you know the history they have.
"It's alright, Y/N, you can come out."
Your eyes widen as you hear Logan speak and suddenly wonder if you could just hide under the bed instead. However, you know you can't just sit here now that he's mentioned your name, so hesitantly, you walk out of his bedroom, meeting eyes with Veronica. She smiles, although you can never tell if she means the friendliness behind it or not.
You smile back, "Hi... Veronica," you glance quickly at Logan who only seems to be amused by this, "It's seriously not what it looks like."
Veronica looks between both you and Logan.
Logan laughs, "Yeah, I had a surprise visit by a girl I've been seeing and... well Y/N had to go hide for me."
Veronica shakes her head, "Right, that girl, Hannah, huh? How's that working out for you?" You notice an edge to her voice, and wonder if it was on purpose or not.
He looks away, as if ashamed, and you suddenly wonder who this Hannah girl really is... "Fine Veronica. Just fine."
She then looks over at you, still no emotion that you can properly identify, and you're unsure if your good terms just turned to bad terms, "Are you staying here?"
You glance again at Logan who only shrugs at you, "Yes... Yeah, I am."
"You know, your friends are worried about you."
He quickly interjects, "Why would her friends be worried?"
She rolls her eyes, "Because Logan, Y/N hasn't been going to school much lately and she isn't staying at her own house anymore, clearly."
Logan looks to you, as if questioning you. He knew you weren't at home much these days, because of your being here obviously, but he didn't know you weren't making much of an appearance at school. You blamed him not seeing you on the very different class schedules you have, besides Journalism, but you would just excuse yourself by claiming you were busy taking photos for the articles. He usually didn't think much of it, at least, until now.
"You haven't been going to school?"
You look to your feet, "I... uh..."
Veronica turns to Logan quickly, "She's been staying here but you haven't noticed her disappearance from school? Are you kidding?"
He throws his arms up, while sitting down on the couch, out of frustration, "Haven’t you noticed I've been a little busy, you know, trying to clear my name of murder?" 
She shakes her head and doesn't reply.
You sit on the edge of the couch, looking at him apologetically, "Logan, I... I'm sorry I lied--
"If I ask how your day has been at school and you tell me that it was fine, I expect you to have actually been there--
You roll your eyes, this conversation quickly starting to sound like the ones you have with your parents on a daily basis, "Since when did school matter to you? Didn't you just blow off like two months of it with Dick and Beav's step-mom?"
Logan sits back into the couch defeated, although definitely pissed. Veronica doesn't say anything, although you do spot a sense of enjoyment out of all of this.
Veronica packs up her laptop and slings her bag over her shoulder, "I should probably get going, we can talk about your case tomorrow if you want." She passes Logan and heads towards the front door, "See you Y/N!" 
You sigh and regret what you said about Logan and Mrs Casablancas. "Logan, things at school," You sigh again, "Things at school are shit right now, and I didn't want to tell you about it all because you've let me stay here for the past couple of weeks and... I guess I didn't want to mess that up."
He doesn't look at you for a moment, but when he finally does, he seems to understand. "Why has it been shit?" His voice is quiet and genuinely caring; concerned.
You shrug, "Those friends Veronica were talking about... let's just say them worrying about me is a total lie. They just like to gossip. And my parents, well, you know all that."
He scoots closer to you on the couch, an arm wrapping around you to bring you closer to him, "Neptune is a shithole." His statement is so matter-of-fact you can’t help but laugh.
Shaking your head you reply, "I really am sorry though, I shouldn't lie to you if I'm staying here."
He sighs, "It's okay. I guess I don't expect you to tell me everything..."
You look up at him with a grin, "Why, because you don't tell me everything?"
His eyes widen, and he feigns shock, "Excuse me?"
"This Hannah girl, huh?"
He shakes his head, "That is nothing to worry about."
You screw your face up in confusion, "What's that supposed to mean?"
He leans his face close to you, his cheek brushing against your face, his nose almost touching yours, "It's just something I have to do."
"Something to do with the case?"
"Yeah," he says it quietly, almost too quietly, and you know whatever it is he's doing, he's not so proud of it.
"Don't get into any more trouble."
His body shakes with the laughter, "Starting to sound like... hmm... everybody I know."
You look into his eyes meaningfully, "I'm serious Logan, that night on the bridge must have been scary enough for you, you don't need anything else right now..."
Logan suddenly thinks back to the van that swooped him away unconsciously one night, after the bridge incident, when he woke up in some shed or warehouse with a man pointing a gun at him, playing Russian roulette with his dick. He hasn’t told anyone about that, and he probably won’t be sharing it with anyone any time soon. He looks at you seriously, no more Logan wit or sass, "I promise, I won't do anything to cause me anymore trouble, okay?" Although he says it, he’s not so sure how true that claim really is.
You lean in, only slightly closer, and squeeze him with your arms around his neck. “I know you hate it, but I’m only saying it because I care.” 
You begin to release him from your hug, but before you can settle back into the couch, he turns his head and follows you back into the cushioning. His lips touch yours and at first your startled by this kind of affection from him, but you kiss him back, your hands sliding up the back of his neck into his hair. He pushes you back so you lie down instead of leaning upwards, a gentle hand on your waist and the other leaning on the couch cushion. You continue kissing as his body brushes over yours, heated and impatient, your hands fumble at his shirt. He slips it off with ease and your unfortunately reminded of the many times he's had practice with all of this, but you push it to the back of your mind, well, more like it's forced back as he unbuttons your own shirt. He dips closer to you, his heated kisses leaving your lips and instead pressing on your neck, a trail of them left towards the center of your chest. 
Suddenly, two sharp knocks bang against the front door and your both apart in seconds. You look at Logan and he looks at you, him shirtless and you as good as it, both surprised but not regretful. His eyes cling to yours for a moment but then the door shakes again with a couple more knocks and your both reminded someone is waiting to be answered. He quickly kisses you again before picking up his shirt, telling you that whatever it was you both were doing is most definitely not over yet.
"Hello, guys? I left my phone!" Veronica's voice echoes from outside the hotel room and you quickly do up your shirt in haste as Logan answers the door.
Veronica walks in and quickly retrieves her phone but as she heads back towards the front door she eyes you, "Y/N, your buttons aren't done up right. Maybe I should knock a little longer before--
Logan shakes his head, pushing her out the front door, "Annoy, annoy like the wind, Veronica!" As he comes back towards the couch he smiles at your blushing cheeks, "Oh don't worry about it, Veronica isn't a gossip, just nosey." He kisses you gently and slowly, drawing it out for a moment before breaking away, "Now, where were we?"
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Ch 1 Once Upon a Time
Have you ever had one of those days when your past and present lives end up colliding and intertwining somewhere along the way?  I know it may sound crazy but hear me out.  I guess to fully understand how crazy things can get when your true love and soulmate are involved is to start at the beginning.  We all have three personalities, our royal form which in his case is Karyson Gabriel Wolfe of Thaddea, his human and present form Tristan Michael Llewellyn, and his hero form Knight Wolf.  But somehow his royal side got separated from the other two parts of his personality and landed back in Thaddea with no memories of our past together. This is the story of how through a crazy case of mistaken identity, lies, deceit, rivals, hidden agendas, conspiracy, invasion of privacy, blackmail, and manipulation my true love and I as Reimeiko Thunderis made it back to each other and full circle.  I am known as Reimeiko Christyne Amaryllis Thunderis Wolfe by royal standards, Queen of Thunderia and Thaddea thanks to my getting married to Karyson before the last battle with Darcien’s forces. My father, his Knights and fellow royals had to use their combined powers to send us here to be reborn and find each other again.  The problem was none of us had any memory of our pasts until our respective guardians found us and reunited us.  But that is another story for another time.  Anyway, when we were all reborn here, I was born Jamison Logan McKagan the eldest daughter of Robert and Veronica McKagan also known as Thor and Kyiandra Thunderis of Thunderia.  But you already know that, if you know my story.  Anyway, I am getting outrageously off track.  But when this all started, I had no doubt how it would end because of Karyson and our past together.  But boy was I wrong.  I had never felt so betrayed in my life.  How I came into this as Reimeiko Thunderis instead of who I am in the human form?  Well I will tell you.  It all starts here at the Coronation Ball.  On this night, not only will Garyson be taking his place as king, but he will also be choosing his future bride.  At the doors of the grand ballroom stood Jamison Logan McKagan Llewellyn also known as Reimeiko Christyne Amaryllis Thunderis Wolfe of Thunderia and Thaddea.  The Lady Knight of Thunder was getting ready to make a grand entrance.  Tonight was the night for her.  As she entered the ballroom, the herald announced her.
        "Lady Reimeiko Christyne Thunderis." the herald announced. She walked further into the ballroom spotting her friends and Knights from back home as well as some of the friends she had made along the way or so she thought.  Her brother and sister in their Knight forms showed up close to her speaking telepathically.
     (I know that the connection between Karyson and Reimeiko is solid.) Knight Shadow said. (But you might want to take the connection between Jamison McKagan and Tristan Llewellyn into consideration.)
      (Tristan is Karyson’s human form though, remember brother?) Knight Nova replied. (They were separated into their own individual personas somehow and we must figure out how to reunite them, but now is not the time.  The Knights are all stationed throughout the palace grounds, fully powered but dressed for this ball.)
      (Do you not think that you are overdoing it just a bit?) She asked. (How are all the background checks into the key players going?  One cannot know how to play the game without a scorecard and details on everyone involved especially who gains and loses the most.  There are a lot of secrets here and I want to know all of it.  Not just the key players but the background players too.  Leave no stone unturned, leave no passage unexplored.  We had orders to do that before we left.)
(Our wisdom knights are taking care of that and have been since before Dad debriefed us.) Shadow replied. (Anyway, we will keep in close contact with you as the night progresses)
Shadow and Nova made their way into the crowd to check in with the other Knights as Jamison glided over to talk to two other suitors in the competition.  For some reason, she suddenly felt uneasy, why, she did not know.  Granted, she had seen and dealt with her share of evil tyrants, love rivals, band rivals, and threatened hostile takeovers, but she and her Knights had always made it through almost unscathed.
    “Reimeiko, you look so beautiful.” Elenia Zhang gushed. “The prince will not be able to take his eyes off of you all night in that gown.” Jamison drifted back and forth between the first debriefing and present day.
    “First off we have Elenia Zhang.” Marco said. “There is not much known about her and her family except that they are Thaddean nobles who live outside the typical line.  In addition to being a Thaddean noble, Elenia is multi-talented which will be one of her strengths and make her a good ally as well.  Knowing you Jamie, you would have her and everyone else won over in no time.”
    “Hah, he might like the way she looks,” Lamani Evander sneered. “But when it comes to choosing his future queen, he knows who will be able to rule by his side and that woman will be me and me alone.” Back to the debriefing.
   Lamani Evander, she was so evil that she made Dariana Lanoson look and act like an angel, but even though she could scare or intimidate others, she did not scare or intimidate Jamison or Reimeiko.  Long before, Jamison had faced off with the Federation of Evil’s many different factors, love rivals, rival bands, threatened hostile take-overs and she knew how to fight dirty if she had to.  In her royal form of Reimeiko Thunderis, she fought like a man although she was a woman.  Along with her siblings and fellow Knights, she trained from the time she was young to be able to take down and fight the forces of evil who continued relentlessly to take them down and take over the universe.  Reimeiko and Jamison were rejoined or reunited when Jamison was fifteen and was discovered being Princess Reimeiko Thunderis while in her hero form of Knight Thunder and her boyfriend Tristan Llewellyn in his hero form of Knight Wolf was discovered as being Prince Karyson Wolfe of Thaddea which was who Jamison and the others were vying for.  She knew something about Karyson, his true siblings Corydon and Racine, and Samuel and Francine that the other people present did not know.  Samuel, Francine, and the Thaddean Trio were immortal like Reimeiko, her siblings, and Knights; and no matter what the other ladies of court thought, Karyson was Reimeiko’s eternal soulmate.
“Well I can say this without any conviction.” Jamison said. “It will be his choice who rules by his side not yours, and may the best woman win.” To herself she said. “I know it will be me because I have been to the future, I am the Queen in it and none of you are there.”
“I am sure that I will win because I have known him all his life.” Lamani replied.
Jamison rolled her eyes and shook her head as Lamani walked away.  The only other woman in the running so-to-speak was a woman by the name of Almeda Fitzgerald who was being sponsored by the present queen Alyssa Candelaria.  No one had really seen her through the competition because she had been staying close to the queen.  Just then a trumpet sounded, and a herald announced the arrival of Karyson Tristan Michael Llewellyn Wolfe Prince of Thaddea and he was heading right in the direction of Jamison and Elenia.  He took her hand and bowed. “Princess Reimeiko, may I have the pleasure of the next dance with you?” Prince Karyson asked.
“You want to dance with me?” Jamison asked. “I am ready to do much more than just dance with you, but I would love to.”
“I was hoping you would say that.” Karyson replied. He took her hand and whisked her away to the dance floor of the grand ballroom.  As the orchestra plays, he leads her into a waltz around the room her gown swirling as they glide through the steps.
“To think a few months ago as Jamison McKagan,” Jamison acknowledged. “I did not even know the first steps to the waltz.”
“And now no one would ever know that your human form was not born into this life.” Karyson replied. “I hope you never have cause to regret coming here.”
“What do you mean?  Why would you say that?” Jamison asked. “You and Tristan will be reunited before this crazy adventure is over, then so will we be.”
“So much has happened.” he said pausing as the song winds, his hands lingering on her waist and his eyes searched hers which were filled with uncertainty, fear, and confusion. “I need to speak with you.”
“Is something wrong?” Jamison asked, fearful of what the answer would be.  Despite the soulmate connection between them, she knew that something was not right.
“There is nothing really wrong per se.” he replied. “It has been nearly impossible to even get a moment alone with you these last few days, but I need to know--”
“Prince Garyson, may I be so bold as to cut in?” Duchess Lamani Evander asked.
“Oh yes of course.” Karyson replied. “Do not worry, Reimeiko, we will talk later.”
[Yeah right] Jamison thought sourly.  As Lamani and Karyson glided away, Jamison found herself wandering off the dance floor and running into a familiar face in the crowd. “Derrick? I did not know that you would be here tonight.  You look so handsome in your formal uniform instead of your usual mix of clothes.”
“Karyson insisted.” Derrick replied. “I guess I should congratulate you.  You look exactly like one of them.  I guess you are one of them now in these days.”
“Please do not lump me in with those two-faced, hypocritical, narcissistic fleet of bozos and bimbos.” Jamison pleaded. “Real people like you are more fun to be around.  You and I are cut from the same cloth.  We do not fit into their world of snobby losers and I thank God that we do not.”
“This time tomorrow, you might be queen and then our lives are going to go in very different directions.” he said.
“If I am chosen to be his bride, but I have a sick feeling that I will not be,” Jamison said. “I will still be me.  Titles do not make me who I am or who I will be.  Nothing will take me over.”
“Looking at you right now, it is hard to believe that.” Derrick said with a sad look. “This place has a tendency of changing people, and some of us like the woman you used to be.  You know, that right?”
“I promise, I am the same person I was from the beginning, even under this fancy, hard to breathe in a ball gown.” Jamison replied. “Despite everything that has happened, I have not changed.  I am the same Reimeiko Christyne Amaryllis Thunderis, Jamison Logan McKagan Llewellyn.  If there is ever a time you feel that I get too cocky, just remind me of the first time we met, I was taking out the garbage to the big dumpster outside and waiting tables at Russo’s bar and grill.”
“It does feel like it was so long ago.” Derrick acknowledged. “I cannot believe that it has only been a few months since this all began, and it feels more like once upon a time now more than ever after everything.”
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thelillykane · 7 years
logan/veronica + things you said on new years eve (for @querulousgawks) ~
Veronica stares at the soft cream invitation and is proud of the way her hands don’t tremble. 
Her dad leans over and glides the invitation across the length of their kitchen counter and it travels as if it is weightless, inconsequential. 
“It was nice of them to invite us,” her father says after a moment, his voice rehearsed in its diplomacy. 
The invitation is cold and clinical, no warmth in the simple “Mars Family” scrawled across the front in perfect rich, black-inked calligraphy. It’s handwriting Veronica recognizes from the handful of school forms Logan didn’t forge: elegant and precise in a faint, gentle manner. 
Logan and Lynn make their F’s the same way, and Veronica wants to rip the invitation into pieces. 
Veronica decides to go to the party two days beforehand and her mom insists on going shopping with her -- spending money they definitely don’t have -- to buy Veronica a deep blue dress and sparkly kitten heels. 
“It’s New Years Eve, baby, you have to dress up,” her mother states, and for once her breath doesn’t smell cloying, that unfriendly mix of sharp disinfectant and melted cotton candy. 
Her dad has to work, so Veronica and her mom show up together, their arms linked as though nothing is wrong, as if Lianne’s activities haven’t been reduced to passing out on the couch, jumping at the slightest noise, and insisting that they need to move to a new city. 
Veronica does an automatic sweep of the room, looking for Lilly, seeking out her best friend’s bright laugh and carefree grin as she steals champagne glasses from the waiters. 
Veronica remembers that Lilly will never do any of those things ever again and disengages from her mother’s grasp, too heavy to pretend. 
An hour after she has lost visual on her mom and her face aches from pretending to smile at rich people she has never heard of, family members or friends of Logan’s he’d never bothered to mention he had, she slips away and makes use of the far left staircase, the one for the servants, and Lilly when she was sneaking into Logan’s and too drunk to climb up to his window. 
Veronica had only been in Logan’s house a handful of times during their friendship, but she’s reverently grateful now for all of the stories the others have told, wild antics where they had to sneak Logan out of his house and then later sneak him back in, naturally while he was tripping on acid. 
She knows which floorboards creak, which window’s have the motion triggered alarms on them -- activated every night from 9pm to 7am --, and which rooms she’s likely to stumble across Logan’s parents in at the most inopportune of moments (the first floor study, the half-glass sunporch, their bedroom located on the second floor and spanning the entire right side of the house, complete with a private staircase entrance). 
Logan’s room is chilled when Veronica enters, lacking the holiday warmth orchestrated downstairs, but still smelling of the sugar cookie candles Lynn had dispersed across the tables. As usual, Logan’s room doesn’t reflect anything on Logan -- it’s too neat, everything stacked in organized little piles, the walls and single, lone bookcase adorned with expensive paintings and figurines she knows Logan hates. Even the books on the shelf aren’t titles that Logan would read, rather ones he would pick first to use as kindling at a bonfire. 
The only reflection of Logan in the room is on the magnet board hanging behind his desk, featuring a scrap of paper, and a picture of Lilly herself, smiling wide, her arm draped around Logan, who, for once, has let himself be immortalized on film, gazing at Lilly with adoration. 
She’s transfixed, which is why she startles when Logan leans over and yanks the photo off of the board, holding it close to his chest and staring at Veronica with hard, wild eyes. 
(She hadn’t seen him downstairs, not that her secretly-a-sentimental-sap self had been looking. She’d seen Duncan, briefly, out by the pool, flanked by his parents on either side, looking down at the water’s edge like he wasn’t there at all). 
“Is this something you do now?” Logan’s voice is brittle, but sober, and Veronica can’t tell if that will make this worse. “Invade people’s homes and try to seduce them dressed as some low-rate Vegas whore?” 
Veronica sucks in a deep breath and lays her hand flat against the cool surface of his desk top, stopping herself from fiddling with her dress, cut lower than Veronica would have preferred and higher than Lilly would have wanted, both at the chest and at the hem. 
While she’s distracted, off kilter, Logan reaches his hand out and yanks Veronica’s camcorder off of her wrist, the tie she used to wear it like a wristlet leaving behind red, raised marks and faint droplets of blood from the motion. 
(She forgot she was wearing it, had slipped it around her wrist along with her clutch instinctively: hanging out with Lilly and the boys, must bring video camera). 
Veronica is vocal about the pain, but Logan is talking loud and hysterical over her outcry. 
“Were you planning on filming it? Getting me all drunk and sad and then releasing the tape for the whole world to see like your Dad did with the videos of Lilly’s body?”
“Give it back,” she says through low, clenched teeth. 
Lilly gave her that camcorder for Veronica’s sixteenth birthday. Logan knows this because he was sitting next to Lilly when Veronica opened the gift, got a mouthful of her hair when she leapt across the coffee table to throw her arms around Lilly in thanks. 
She makes a move towards Logan and he stretches his arm high above his head, a game they used to play where she’d have to jump to get the remote control out of his hands if she didn’t want to watch another Charmed re-run. 
Logan isn’t playing now, and he makes it clear by walking backwards towards the staircase bannister and dangling the camcorder out over the edge, his eyes dead locked on Veronica’s the whole time. 
“Don’t you dare,” Veronica half pleads, half threatens. “Lilly gave that to me, you know Lilly gave that to me.” 
In response, he opens his hand and one of her last, tangible links to Lilly begins to plummet towards the floor. He catches it before it falls out of reach, but not before Veronica has begun crying, her eyes closed and her hands clenched into fists at her side. 
The fast approaching click of heels has Veronica opening her eyes again, and Logan wordlessly passes the camcorder back to her. 
Lynn says nothing as she observes them: Logan’s head bowed studiously towards the floor, his fingers twisting nervously into the sleeve of his dress shirt, while Veronica hitches her breath and tries to pull herself together, unwilling to cry in front of Logan’s mom, unwilling to cry in front of him. 
“I didn’t drop it,” Logan half whines as Lynn remains quiet. “It was a joke, Ronnie just over-reacted.” 
He calls her Ronnie to downplay his actions (and the things he said to her in his room), to brush it under the rug and act like it was a lighthearted thing among friends, and that -- hearing Logan’s old nickname for her whenever he was trying to convince her to let him copy her homework, or sneak out of her house and come to the Kane’s to go middle of the night swimming -- is what finally sets her off. 
“You’re an asshole, Logan,” she hisses with all the venom she can muster and Logan’s face twists into something mournful. 
He opens his mouth to volley something insulting back but Lynn reaches out and wraps her hand around his wrist, tugging on it gently to get him to look at her. 
“I don’t want to see you doing something like that to Veronica again, do you understand me, Logan?” 
Logan does a one-shouldered shrug and then squirms a lot, tentatively trying to free his wrist from her grip. Lynn patiently waits him out and finally Logan scowls and spits out, “Yeah. I understand.” 
Lynn doesn’t make Logan apologize, instead embracing Veronica with her free arm and hugging her close.
“I’m glad you could make it, sweetheart,” Lynn says. “You’re welcome here anytime, you know that.” 
Veronica sniffles in response and Lynn releases her, absentmindedly brushing a lingering tear off of Veronica’s face as she does. Out of the corner of her eye, Veronica can see Logan’s face fall, the energy slipping out of his limbs, the cruelty out of his eyes. 
Lynn kisses Logan on the cheek as she goes to leave. “Come back downstairs before the ball drops, okay, angel?” 
She leaves without waiting for a response, and Logan stares at the spot where she disappeared from view for a beat, that same raw look on his face. 
Logan turns to go back into his room; Veronica follows. 
It’s five minutes till midnight and Logan is rummaging through his closet, The Same Boy You’ve Always Known playing low in the background. 
When he emerges it’s with a small bottle of absinthe that he wiggles in front of her face for consideration. 
“No,” Veronica responds flatly, and he scrunches up his face before disappearing again.
This time he exits with a standard bottle of champagne, pouring her a cup full of the room-temperature stuff, the liquid sloshing over the sides when he hands it to her. 
He sits down next to Veronica on the bed, close enough that their legs and arms are brushing against one another, and takes a long pull from the bottle, sputtering it out onto his shirt when Veronica pinches him hard in his inner thigh. 
“You can’t drink until it’s midnight,” she scolds, plucking the bottle out of his hands. “You’ll earn this back after the ball drops.” 
To be difficult, she sips on her champagne after her proclamation, Logan pouting at the unfairness while he rubs the sting away. 
There’s no tv in Logan’s room anymore (she knows there used to be because the summer before Lilly started high school the four of them holed up with Logan and watched endless random movies, while Logan was mostly delirious with fever, curled up on his side with his head and upper chest in Duncan’s lap, his legs sprawled across Lilly and Veronica), but they can hear the tipsy voices downstairs counting down from ten, nine, eight...and then it’s midnight and all of the faint, distant voices cheer and whoop. 
Veronica and Logan sit in stillness, watching the clock roll from midnight to a minute past. 
“I want you to leave now,” Logan says. 
Veronica obliges. 
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lavellenchanted · 7 years
What are your top five fics, according to kudos?
I was tagged by my partner-in-memeing @theawkwardterrier, thank you Leah! I fully expect this to be an ego check in terms of how good I think my fics are compared to how good other people think they are. 
1. Tomorrowland, 237 kudos Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)
In the aftermath of the war, Harry still has plenty of demons left to fight.
This is the longest fic I’ve ever written, and the fic I’ve been writing for the longest (although I started posting on AO3 in 2013, I started writing the first draft round about 2010), so it’s very gratifying to know it’s also the most liked of what I’ve done. Rereading as I work at a snail’s pace on the next chapter, I think some bits could have used extra polishing, but there are also some parts of this I’m really really proud of. It began just as an exercise in writing and what I thought should have happened post DH, but has since grown into something much bigger. And it’s still only about a third done, and I can only apologise to people still waiting for me to update.
2. Roommate Wanted, 152 kudos Logan Echolls/Veronica Mars (Veronica Mars)
When Veronica finds herself without a place to stay three days before she's due to start a new photojournalist job L.A., she answers a roommate wanted ad on Craigslist. It's a risk, but her new roommate, Logan Echolls, might just make it a risk worth taking.
This was a silly little oneshot based on a Tumblr prompt that somehow became a three-parter, and I’m still surprised that it’s as liked as it is. Mostly I remember being really nervous about this because it was my first time ever writing Logan and Veronica and I was not at all sure I’d be able to do their quickfire banter justice. But people liked it! So I guess I did?
3. The Things We Love, 144 kudos Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)
A collection of Luna x Harry drabbles written for Tumblr prompts.
Do fic collections count for this? Well, I’m counting it. This is where I’ve cross-posted and stored all the ficlets and drabbles I’ve written from prompts here, some of which I like a lot more than others but all of which I’m glad to say people seem to like. 
4. Better When He’s Here, 124 kudos Logan Echolls/Veronica Mars (Veronica Mars)  
Veronica hired Logan Echolls as a nanny for her four-year-old daughter in an effort to make her life less complicated. Instead he seems to be making it more so.
Again, this was a prompt that spiralled into a multi-parter thanks to comments and encouragement from people who liked it. This is one of my favourite AUs that I’ve written, and the final scene where they discuss their relationship has some of what I consider to be my best Logan and Veronica dialogue.
5. The Right Partner, 120 kudos Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers (Captain America, MCU)
Various Steve/Peggy fics based on Tumblr prompts.
Another collection, this time of my Steve and Peggy ficlets and drabbles. Again I think this is a little bit of a mixed bag, but most I’m proud of and quite like, and there a couple where there are phrases and descriptions I think are some of my best, where clearly I was just in the right headspace when I was working on the prompt.
(Just as a bonus note, my next fic down was Smiles and Kisses, the first DA fic I wrote about my Inquisitor OC and is very special to me, so it makes me very happy that people have liked that).
I think most of my mutuals who I know have AO3 accounts have done this, but I’m going to tag @youareiron-andyouarestrong, @nevertothethird and @thesokovianaccords - if you haven’t done it, you’re up!
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chikabiddy · 6 years
Chapter 10
Much later than I like, but I present the next installment to Building Bridges.
Here is the ao3 link!
Logan paced nervously outside Veronica’s apartment. He’d already knocked, and it was taking Veronica longer expected for her to answer the door. Maybe breakfast wasn’t a great idea. The door swung open as he lifted his hand to knock again. Veronica stepped out of the apartment, locking up behind her, and turned toward Logan with a shy expression. There was a weird energy in the air which set Logan on edge. Veronica kept her distance from him, back brushing against the side of the apartment complex almost as if she were avoiding any contact. The tension threw him off, and he let the silence get uncomfortable.
“I think I was promised pancakes?”
At least she seems interested. “Oh, yeah. Sorry. You ready?”
“Naw, I just came out here to tell you I need another 15 minutes.” She gave him her classic head tilt, easing the tensions enough for Logan to relax. “Shall we go?”
Logan motioned for Veronica to walk ahead of him as they made their way to his car. He planned to open the door for her, but she was too fast; her door was open, and she was in the car before he reached the edge of the sidewalk. Probably good. Opening the door for her might have been excessive for apology pancakes… He jumped in on the driver’s side and tried to determine the best way to start up the conversation. Do I bring up the case? Or should I save that for the breakfast? Or maybe ease in with the case and then bring up being worried about DK? Rebuilding a friendship shouldn’t be so difficult. Although, he’d never had to rebuild a friendship before; he’d never cared enough to, which left him without a good comparison point. Glancing at Veronica, he realized she had her fists clenched and her jaw was tight. She looks as uncomfortable as I feel. Great job. You’ve successfully made it awkward. Bang up start to the friendship rebuilding.
“So… what do you have planned for the rest of the day?”
“Hmm?” Veronica seemed dazed as her attention pulled back to Logan.
“I just asked if you have plans later today.”
“Oh. Nothing much.”
“Smooth, Veronica. Nice and vague.”
“Well, what about you, Logan?” Her response had a sharp edge. He rubbed the back of his neck, unsure of how to proceed or what caused her to respond with such a tone.
“Uhm, I don’t really have anything going on.”
“No surfing? No hot dates?”
“Not unless you’re volunteering.”
“Uh, I don’t think –”
“I’m joking, Veronica.”
Her tightly balled fists relaxed against her thighs and her lips quirked up at the end, visibly relaxing. Their conversation flowed much more easily until they reached the restaurant.
Logan knew two things: exactly what Veronica would order and that she would be hungry this late in the morning. Since he honestly did believe he owed her, he called ahead to the restaurant and placed their order. Thank god the Echolls name is good for something. They got their food almost as soon as they were seated. Veronica gave Logan a look which mix somewhere between quizzical, exasperated, and admiring. He smiled with a shrug and dug in to his own pancake stack, ignoring the implications behind her expression. Shaking her head, but mercifully offering no protest, Veronica followed suit.
“So, will I ever hear about this case your wrapped up?” Logan dipped a piece of bacon in some syrup and looked over the table at Veronica, taking a bite of the bacon.
Veronica fumbled around the pancake in her mouth, swallowing hard. “Oh, yeah.” She reached for her glass of water and swigged some down before continuing. “There’s this kid, a freshman, and he wanted me to find his dad, right?” Logan nodded, encouraging. “Well I spent all this time with Wallace mailing out letters to this deadbeat – his name is John Smith, by the way. Can you believe it? The kid wanted me to find a guy named John Smith. Do you have any idea how many John Smiths there are? Over 100, just around here – anyway.” Veronica stabbed her fork into a pancake, looking down as she did so. “As you know, I’m familiar with the deadbeat type,” she forced out, voice angry. “I don’t even think this guy is worth the trouble, but Justin, the kid, insists he just wants to find his dad. Gives me zero real leads. It was a mess.”
She grimaced, dropping her fork with a clatter. “But I committed.” She rubbed her temples. “So, Wallace and I spend all this time mailing out letters to every single John Smith in the area. $150 in postage!” She crossed her arms with a huff. “Then, Wallace gets this kids file –” A hand flew to her mouth and her eyes grew wide. “Oh my god, I did not just tell you that.” She reached out and gasped Logan’s arm. “He could get in so much trouble, Logan, you have to promise you won’t say a word.”
Logan was taken aback by Veronica’s intensity but noted with some satisfaction that her regret for telling seemed to be more about Wallace than himself. She told me a secret. Maybe by accident, but she still did. Forcing back a victorious grin, he covered her hand with his own and leaned forward slightly.
“Don’t worry, Veronica,” he offered with a laugh. “I may be many things, but I’ve never been a snitch.” He winked but pat her hand in what he hoped was a reassuring manner. “Plus, Wallace and I are…” he hesitated, how do I explain what we are without giving away our investigation into Troy? “Well, we’ve come to an understanding, I guess you could say.”
The look in Veronica’s eye told Logan he would be hearing about this later, but he was determined to get the rest of her story first.
“He’ll never know you told, promise.”
The stiffness in her shoulders relaxed and she squeezed his arm, gently removing her hand. She picked up her fork and refocused on her plate, taking another bit of pancake.
“Wallace got the file…” Logan prompted, with a wave of his hand.
“Mmm.” She nodded and finished her bite with a gulp of water. “Yeah and get this: the kids dad died. When he was in kindergarten!” The last sentence was a barely contained yell.
“He asked you to find his dad, but his dad was dead? Did he know his dad was dead?” he asked, genuinely interested in the case.
“Yes!” she exclaimed. “He knew the whole time! This little weasel wasted my time, my money. God, I was so mad.”
I see now why she railed the kid in the hallway. He really pissed her off. She’s still mad.
“Was?” Logan quirked an eyebrow at her, amused.
“Okay, I might still be a little upset.”
“A little?” He cracked his lips into a wide grin, purposefully provoking her. She reached across the table and pushed his shoulder. “Hey now, you’re just proving my point.”
“Well I mean, come on! Like I don’t have a thousand other things to worry about. And this little punk just wastes my time for no reason?”
His laugh was full now. I can’t believe Veronica, queen of ferreting out secrets, doesn’t know what’s going on here.
“What?” Her eyebrows furrowed, and her lips tipped down at the ends which only made Logan laugh harder. “What?” She insisted more emphatically.
“You really don’t know why he wanted you to ‘solve a case’ for him?” He emphasized with air quotes.
“He’s a ridiculous time waster?”
“Not even close.”
“His purpose in life is to irritate me?”
“Getting closer.”
“He’s a terrible gremlin the ghosts of my haunted past sent to torture me, so I can never find peace or true happiness in my life?”
           “Somehow both closer and farther away,” Logan snickered.
           Veronica linked her fingers and rested her chin on her hands. “Okay, I give. Explain it to me.”
           “Someone,” Logan leaned in, conspiratorially, “has a crush.”
“What?” She shot straight up. “No way.” He nodded, smiling wide. “Come on, he’s like… a baby.”
“Babies can have crushes,” he countered.
“They cannot!”
“Babies that kid’s age can. I was ages younger than him when I got my first crush.”
“Oh my god, you’re the worst.” She dropped her head to her hands.
“What? It’s not my fault he got a crush. Really, you only have yourself to blame.”
“Excuse me?”
“I said you should blame yourself.”
“Why? What did I do?”
Logan gestured towards her. “All that! You can’t prance around in miniskirts, combat boots, and ‘fight me’ written all over your face and be surprised when you start getting fanboys.” He crossed his arms, giving her a pointed look. “You know how guys are with female superheroes. There is no part of your ensemble that doesn’t say ‘I’m tough, be terrified of me’, and that is always incredibly hot.”
Logan realized what he said when Veronica stared at him, eyes wide. A memory of their last Homecoming flashed through his mind. He rubbed the back of his neck, anxiety fluttering through him. I bet that look means she remembers, too. I don’t think our friendship is quite ready for that kind of admission.
“What I mean is, kids like him always find that look hot,” he backtracked. “You know, the guys who have comic book fueled fantasies about what women should be?”
She hadn’t stopped staring. Fuck. Ten minutes in and I already ruined it. He stabbed awkwardly at the pancakes, giving himself somewhere to look that wasn’t Veronica’s obviously unhappy face. Gotta fix this… fuck. He glanced up, noticing she was chewing slowly on another bite. Avoidance and distraction… I can work with that. Cutting out his own bite, he searched for some way to get back to their previous banter.
“If he had a crush,” Veronica broke the silence, “why would he send me after his dead dad?” Thank god. She’s letting it slide. “I mean, he knows my dad is a PI. He knows I work with him. Did he just assume I’m terrible at my job and would never find out?”
Logan refocused on her, studying her face to gauge her motivation. She’s legitimately confused. I think she is genuinely asking me my opinion on this. “Well, he probably underestimated you.” Her eyes narrowed, opening her mouth to respond, but he cut her off. “I mean, I’m sure he knew you’d figure it out eventually, but he probably has no idea what actually goes in to detective work. So, in his mind, he gave you an impossible task which would give him lots of time with you. Misguided, but not impossible to understand.”
She crossed her arms, leaning back in the booth. “That’s stupid. It took me less than 24 hours to figure out his dad was dead.”
“Like I said, he completely underestimated you.”
“Ugh,” Veronica grumbled.
“He’s an idiot.” She raised an eyebrow at him. “Well come on. Obviously, the best way to spend time with you is make some excuse to owe you a meal.”
Veronica scoffed, lips twitching in an almost-smile. “That’s why you gave me a migraine? To spend time with me?”
“Nothing else was working.” Logan made his face as nonchalant as possible, but his stomach was in knots. Dangerous territory. Step carefully. He fidgeted with his fork, dragging a bit of pancake around on his plate. “Maybe drastic, but I was running out of cards to play.”
“You could be a normal person and just have invited me out for pancakes.”
Logan’s mind went blank. I could’ve… what? “Uh,” he cleared his throat, giving himself a moment to regroup. “You know me, Veronica. Normal is predictable, predictable is boring, and boring hurts my carefully crafted image.”
“Oh, I know all about your carefully crafted image.”
Logan frowned. What’s that mean? “You do, huh?” What, exactly, does she think she knows about me?
“I’ve known you since we were twelve, Logan. Of course, I know all about your image.” She propped her elbows on the table, eyes sparkling. Logan scrunched up his face and tilted his head. “You’re a master of misdirection.” Excuse me? “You put on a show, recently it’s been the psychotic jackass show, to keep people from knowing just what a big ol’ teddy bear you are.”
“I am not a teddy bear.”
“Ugh, definitely not.”
“Hm.” Veronica shifted back, face falling. What’s that about? “So, what are you hiding then?”
“A fragile heart?”
“Come on, Logan. Be serious a second.”
I was… “I’ll tell you what.” He crooked his finger, leaning in. Veronica matched his pose. “I’ll trade you a secret for a secret. I’ll tell you what I’m hiding if you promise me a truth in return.”
Veronica’s eyes narrowed, and she poked a bit at the remains of her pancake. After a moment, she scrunched up her nose and let out a deep breath.
“Fine, okay.” Logan rubbed his hands together, face mischievous. “Don’t get too excited. I’ve got a condition.”
“Of course, you do.” His eyes hadn’t lost their twinkle. “Condition away.”
“I get veto power over the truth.”
“Total veto power doesn’t seem fair. How about you get one veto?”
“No way. You’ll just waste a question and ask me something worse next.���
“Fair,” he conceded. “How about this: I give you three options and you pick one of the three?”
“What if I don’t like any of the questions?”
“Well maybe I don’t like yours, but I said I’d answer it. It’s about trust. And, you know, just a touch bit of emotional distress.”
Veronica laughed, light and easy. Okay, maybe she’s on board.
“Okay, Logan. Three questions and I’ll pick one of them.”
“Okay, give me a minute. I’ve got to make all three good ones. ‘What are you hiding’ level good.”
“Take your time,” Veronica said with a wink.
I’ve got a chance to get real answers. He tapped his fork against his plate, deliberating. She won’t answer any questions about getting beat up, but I could use that as a throw away question potentially. I could ask her about why she keeps going all hot-cold on me; she might actually answer that one. Depending on what it is. Veronica was staring at him expectantly. Gotta think of something good. Okay, three questions. What happened the night she called me… oh! I could ask how her date went! Not too serious, but I could get her perspective on Troy. So, question two about the date. And question three… about her going hot-cold, or about Weevil maybe? She seemed pretty against telling me anything about Weevil before...
“Okay, Veronica. Here’s the three questions: What happened the night you called me?” She physically flinched back away from him. Not totally unexpected, but that seems a little extreme. “Question two: How was your date yesterday? Or, question three, why do you keep going from super friendly and open to avoiding even looking at me?”
“Should’ve known you wouldn’t go easy on me.” Veronica rubbed her temples, giving Logan a sheepish smile. “Alright, you tell me your thing and I’ll have figured out which question I’m answering.”
“But you will answer one?”
“I said I would, didn’t I?” She frowned at him.
“Alright, alright. Sorry. What am I answering? Oh, right. What am I hiding.” How honest do I want to get here? He took a breath and started from the beginning. “My dad… has never been particularly loving. And emotions, or caring, never seemed to help anything. Sometimes made it worse, actually. I learned pretty early on not to show my hand. And then, with Lilly…” Logan picked at the edge of the table, stumbling a bit over how to proceed.
“I… god, I loved her. But you know how she was: full of life but never one to get too attached.” He tapped his fist on the table, glancing up at Veronica. Her eyes were soft and wide, and she leaned toward him with her arms half extended across the table. “Honestly, you and Duncan were the only ones who ever seemed to want more than the Logan Echolls TV personality. To answer your question, I guess what I’m hiding is myself. … Good enough?”
“Uh,” Veronica cleared her throat, tapping her hands on the table and tilting back. “Yeah, Logan. That was… more than I expected.”
“Your turn.”
“Uhm, yeah. So. All your questions were terrible, and you’ve really put me on the spot by being ridiculously honest.” Her eyes flit around the room, fidgeting with her fingers. She interlocked and released them, biting her lip and rocking her head back and forth for a moment. “It’s only fair I do the same, so… I was working on a case and the people I was tailing noticed me.”
What? Is she telling me about that night? God, what happened on her date??
“They, uhm, noticed me taking pictures…” her voice was soft. “So,” she sighed. “I tried to drive away but… but my car wouldn’t start. One of the guys, he, uh,” she cleared her throat again. “He broke my window. I hit him with my tazer and got out the other side of my car. Ran down an alley and hid.” Logan clenched his fists under the table, jaw tightening. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. “I, I thought… well I tried to call Weevil to come help me, but… one of the guys found me…” God, I don’t want to hear this. “He, uhm, well… He… so he grabbed me, and I tried to get away and…” I don’t want to hear this, god. Fuck. “Well, you know.”
Logan took steadying breaths, grinding his teeth. I asked. And she told me. I’ve got to calm down. He rubbed his hands on his thighs and willed his heartbeat to slow. Veronica was popping her mouth open and closed, so Logan focused on himself to give her time to form her thoughts. She’s fine. Veronica is fine; it’s over. The thumping of his pulse quieted, and Veronica spoke again.
“They, god I haven’t told anyone this… uhm. The guy who… did this,” she gestured to her face, “he, uh, he knew my name. …And he stole my camera! God, that’s going to cost so much to replace.” She crossed her arms on the table and dropped her head.
“Oh, I knew that. I heard him.” Logan latched to the first bit of the conversation that he’s already had time to process, and therefore didn’t send his blood boiling.
“I forgot I called you.” She lifted her head again. “Must have done it when I tried to call Weevil…”
“Why were you calling Weevil?”
She looked at him narrowly, lips tipped up. “That’s an extra question. Does that mean I get another one?”
Logan smiled softly. “If you want.” I’m going to replace her camera. Who would know the best camera for what she needs? Other than Veronica…
“How about we postpone our little truth for truth game for another day?” She shoveled another bite of pancake in her mouth.
“Sure,” he accepted with a chuckle. “If we compromise and do truth or dare next time. It’s way more fun.”
Veronica rolled her eyes. “Yeah, we’ll see.”
Well, this has been almost normal… Veronica reveled in the comfortable silence she and Logan had lapsed into while they finished their breakfasts. I still can’t believe he opened up about Lilly. That was… unexpected. She ran a bite of bacon through some syrup. And he was suspiciously cool about the marks knowing who I am.
“Not to dwell on uncomfortable topics, but you were a lot calmer about… my truth than I expected you to be.”
Logan kept his eyes on his plate, poking his fork around before answering. “I’ve had a few days to… temper my initial reaction. And honestly, I feel better knowing at least a bit about what happened.”
“If we’re being all honest today, it actually was kind of nice to talk to someone about it.”
“Oh.” He gave her a puzzled look. “I assumed you did talk to someone. Like the police, or your dad… or your new BFF…” he drew out the letters in bff longer than necessary, lacing them with sarcasm.
Veronica frowned at his bitter tone, folding her arms across her chest. “I told everyone everything I needed to.”
“Oh, really?”
“Now I’m regretting telling you anything.”
“Look,” he gritted through his teeth. Then he exhaled long and splayed his fingers on the table. “Look. You don’t need to get defensive and sarcastic. I’m not going to go around spilling your secrets.” Drumming his fingers on the table, he looked up piercingly. “But I’m not going to pretend it doesn’t bother me. From what I can tell, you know exactly who did that to you and you’ve elected to let them get away with it. That’s a problem for me. It’s your choice to make, but it shouldn’t be surprising I’m unhappy with letting the guys who’ve already shown they don’t care if they hurt you run around unchecked.”
He has no right to say any of this. No interest other than torturing me for a year, and now all the sudden he gets to pass judgement on my life? I don’t think so. She turned her face away, not even in the mood for pancakes anymore.
“It’s not your problem, Logan. You’ve got no right to an opinion on the subject.”
“So, we aren’t friends, then?”
“I don’t know what we are!” Veronica lost her temper. “I think I’d like to go home, now.”
A soft growl from Logan caused her to look up. He was scowling at her, hands balled into fists. What new insult is he arming this time? She waited, gritting her teeth against every insult with which she wanted to preemptively strike.
“If you want to go, Veronica, I’ll take you.” She did not expect his soft tone. All her prepared darts fell from her mind. When did Logan get reasonable? “But I think we are friends. Or at least I’m trying to be. So, I guess the rest is up to you.” He looked at her, fidgeting with the ends of his sleeves. “Let me know.”
God, what do I want to do? I can’t believe I even agreed to come… She dropped her head to the table, groaning.
“Well that’s encouraging.”
“No comments from the peanut gallery,” she shot back. Peaking up at him, he gave her a small smile. “Okay. Okay, I want to be your friend, Logan. I do. But, god I don’t know. It’s hard. And, I’m, just not… I don’t know what all I have to give right now.”
“You don’t have to give me anything. God, Veronica. I don’t want anything from you.” His volume was steadily increasing. “I know that might be hard to believe. But I really just want to be friends.” He took a deep breath, releasing it slowly. His next words were much softer in tone. “I just want to be there for you, in any way you’ll let me.”
“I… I don’t really know how to do that… anymore.”
“Well, we used to be friends…”
“Yeah, a long time ago…”
“It wasn’t that long ago.”
“Long enough…”
“Well, maybe, we can try being friends like we used to be?”
“We aren’t those people anymore.”
“Then we start new.”
“Don’t you think we have too much history for that?”
“No, I don’t.”
Veronica was surprised by his vehement response. We don’t have too much history? Really? Disbelief froze any response she may have made in her throat.
“Don’t get me wrong,” he continued. “We have loads of history. But I don’t think it’s too much. It’s only too much if we let it be, ya know? It’s up to us, the both of us, to decide if we can make it work.” He sounds so sure. Like people are ever so simple. “However we decide, if we decide, it’s possible.”
“When did you become an optimist?”
“Maybe you’ve inspired me.”
“Can you be serious for like, a second here?”
“I am. I’m a textbook pessimist, but for this… for you… I want to be an optimist.”
Veronica was not comfortable with the butterflies taking flight in her stomach. He’s talking about a friend relationship, Veronica. Chill out. Belatedly, she remembered the pancakes sitting in front of her. She poked at the congealing mess for a distraction. Can I do friendship? What do I want, if not friendship? Definitely not a relationship, right? Wrong. Definitely a relationship. But that’s crazy. So, friendship. I can do friendship.
“Yeah, alight. Friends. Whatever that means for us.”
Logan cracked a wide grin. “Okay then, friend: I have a conundrum. You up for it?”
“A conundrum?” She tapped her fingertips together. “My bread and butter. Let’s hear it.”
“I had a weird run in with Duncan…”
Duncan? Her stomach clenched at the mentioning of her first love. Logan was obviously trying to gauge her reaction, so she hardened her face neutral. Why would he come to me about Duncan? He’ll have better insight there than I will… Apparently assured of Veronica’s willingness to hear him out, Logan continued.
“He’s been… different since Lilly. Almost empty, ya know? Vacant. But recently he’s gotten a bit of his old self back. Less like a zombie.”
Veronica nodded. She’d seen Duncan joking and laughing in the last two days; and Logan was right, it was an improvement.
“So, he’d doing better, right? But then the other day he has something like a panic attack. I can’t get through to him and he just runs from the room, all pale and clammy. It wouldn’t be too concerning, but I saw him do something similar after he… uhm… after he…” He cleared his throat, eyes darting around.
“Logan, whatever it is just say it.”
“…yeah. Well, it was after he broke up with you.”
“Ah.” Veronica tipped the corner of mouth down. “Well you would know more about that than I would. My interactions with Duncan have been limited to my thinking we were a couple and him ignoring me until I got the message that we weren’t.”
“If I knew what was up with that, I would have told you when it happened.”
“Yeah, it’s fine. Been long enough for me to get over it, so whatever. I’m sure you didn’t bring this up to rehash my issues of the heart.”
“Ah, no. Yeah, I was hoping you could help me make sure he’s okay.”
“You want me to… what?” She was confused. Why does he need my help with this? “Like, I get what you’re asking, but he actually talks to you. So… what exactly do you think I’m going to be able to do?”
“Whatever his issue is, he won’t talk to me about it. You think I haven’t tried? I’m hoping you can do… whatever it is you do and see if you can find something.”
“What’ll that do? You think knowing is going to help you? Or him? That hasn’t been my experience. People think they want to know, but they never actually do.”
“Don’t you want to know?”
Damn him knowing too much about my personal, private life. “I try not to care too much about Duncan.”
“But you do, right? Care?”
Is he really going to make me say it? Fine. “Of course,…” unsure, then more confidently “Of course, I do. You don’t stop caring about someone who used to be important to you.”
“So, will you help me?”
Veronica’s phone chimed, saving her from having to answer immediately. Shit. Weevil. She sent a quick confirmatory message and refocused on her pancakes. Utensils clinking on a plate reminded her Logan asked her a question.
“I’ll help you. If Duncan’s in trouble, I want to help him. So, I’ll see what I can find.”
“Thank you, Veronica. I really appreciate it.”
“Do you have any idea what it is? You don’t think he’s just… upset about Lilly still?”
“I’m not sure he ever processed it, honestly. It could be part of it. But, I don’t know… It’s a gut feeling I guess.”
“I can work with that, I think.”
Okay, Duncan… what’s going on with you? She thought back to when they were dating but couldn’t think of anything which would point to a current problem. He’d always been respectful, pretty vanilla if she was being honest, and nothing stood out as a potential issue. Would you have told me, Lilly? If he had a problem would you have told me? He wouldn’t have… but you should’ve. Maybe this has something to do with why he iced me out. At least I have an excuse to dig now. Considering the best method to find information would be to look at personal, private, and difficult to access medical or psychological records, Veronica hadn’t convinced herself it was worth it before. Now, she had just enough of a reason to get past her hesitation.
“Are you okay, Veronica?”
“Uhm, yeah. Yeah. Just… I guess I have another puzzle now. My mind’s just running through it.”            “Oh, god. I didn’t even think about that. This is not a priority, seriously. Take care of yourself. I know you have so much to do.”
“It’s fine. Really. I’ll do what I can.”
“Appreciate it.”
Veronica checked her watch: half an hour. Gotta finish my pancakes. She felt Logan staring at her, so she pulled her gaze from her cold breakfast and raised her eyebrows at him. He finally spoke up.
“You have somewhere you need to be?”
I do not want to have this fight. “Uhm, yeah I’ve got some errands I have to run. I don’t have to go yet, but in the next half hour or so.”
“Yeah, okay.” He almost looks disappointed. “What errands? Anything I can help with? I’ve got nothing else going on…” Does he want to spend time with me, or spy on me?
She tensed up, contemplating the implications of his question, and decided based on the last few days he genuinely wanted to spend time with her. The thought was surprising. He wants to spend time as friends, which sucks because I want… I want what? A slightly hysterical laugh escaped her before she could lock it down. I have to give him some excuse… quickly. She’d been silent and crazy far too long already.
“Uh, sorry, no. Personal stuff, you know?”
He looked crestfallen, swallowing hard. “Of course,” his voice sounded forced. No way he is that disappointed he isn’t running around doing errands with me… “I’m sure there’s a party out there somewhere.”
“You’re…” A jumbled mixture of confusing emotions hit her all at once, stealing the words from her mouth. “You want to go to a party?”
“No. I want to help you with your errands.” He’d rather be with me than at an 09er party? Her heart skipped a beat and she had to slam her lips in a hard line so she didn’t break into a massive grin. “But a party will be somewhere to go that’s not home. So…” he shrugged.
Don’t get excited. He just wants to be friends. Calm down. Veronica tapped the table a moment. Can I really bring him along? Maybe I can adjust my schedule a bit to accommodate an accomplice. “Okay, I could use a sidekick today. If you promise to hold all your questions until our game of truth or dare.”
He held his hand up, “Scouts honor.”
“You aren’t a scout,” she laughed.
“The sentiment still applies. Hold on a minute, I’ll get the check and you can teach me to be your Starsky.”
“Hold your horses, dude. I’ve still got some food left on my plate.”
Logan’s eyes widened. I bet he forgot we even had food left to eat. “Oh, yeah. Right. Sorry.”
She offered a smile, trying to communicate she wasn’t bothered and was mostly joking. Unsure what to say to help him relax, she decided to try for comedy. Reaching across the table, she stole the bite of pancake he was cutting and popped it in her mouth. Logan looked at her, mouth agape. Smiling smugly, she finished off the bite and reached for more.
“Hey!” he protested. “You have a literal plateful right there.”
“Yours taste better.” Veronica shrugged.
Logan pushed his plate to her, snatching hers for himself before she could react. “There,” he said. “Now you can have them all to yourself.”
She was stunned; he had successfully outplayed her. While she wracked her brain for some way to get back at him, she figured she may as well finish the pancakes. They ate in comfortable silence, both trying to maintain some dignity while shoveling the last of the breakfast in their mouths. Veronica’s mind began to wander. How do I keep Weevil and Logan separate? I’ve got to meet with him. He’s got that list for me. Maybe Logan will wait in the car? She immediately dismissed that idea. Logan is not one to stay sidelined. If I bring him with me, he’ll expect to be in 100%. With whatever we do today, at least. As much as she was looking forward to a few extra hours with her new-old friend, not a single part of her was ready to let him in on everything. I don’t even tell my dad everything, and he’s the only one who has earned it. Well, if I won’t be sharing everything I have to decide what I am sharing… and how to make sure only that is on display today.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Logan’s, well MY, plate was emptied of the last of their breakfast.
She realized she’d stopped eating and had been staring at the wall for at least a minute. Rather than responding she folded up and stuffed the last of the pancake into her mouth. Logan scrunched his face at her, obviously frustrated. Snorting at his reaction, Veronica almost choked on the food in her mouth. Logan’s expression went from one of frustration to one of alarm in an instant. He moved to her side of the booth as she reached for her water, but he got to it first and tried to help her drink it. What is he doing? She was still coughing out bits of pancake while fending off Logan’s mothering. God, I’m not a baby. Finally getting the water from him, she gulped some down and stopped her coughing. Belatedly, she realized he was drawing slow circles on her back. She leaned into his touch, enjoying the warmth spreading from his contact. Moving his arm up around her shoulders, Logan snuggled closer to her and laid his head on top of hers.
“You okay?” he whispered softly, voice laced with concern.
“I’m fine,” she sighed into him, enjoying the moment but knowing it wouldn’t last. Friendship cuddling, that’s all this is. Comfort from a friend.
Giving her a squeeze, he shifted away enough to break their contact.
“You ready to go?”
“Yeah.” She coughed the last of the food from her throat. “Yeah, yeah. Let’s go.”
“I’ll get the check.”
Logan waved down their waitress and requested their check.
“That reminds me,” she drew Logan’s attention back to her, “how much does it cost to have breakfast made to order before you even get to the restaurant?”
He chuckled, electing to pay the bill instead of answering. I guess that’s fair. I’ve side-stepped my fair share of questions today. She followed him from the restaurant, contemplating how many favors he had to trade to arrange their breakfast. A girl could get used to this. There weren’t many things Veronica missed about being part of the 09er royalty, but days like this reminded her of the good times. Lilly used her family’s name like an all access pass, and she always brought Veronica along with her. It may not have been the most productive, or fair, but they always came away with a story. I miss you, Lilly. What would you think of this? Logan and I, doing whatever we are doing?
She often wondered if she was betraying Lilly with every spark of feeling she felt for Logan but had thus far been unsuccessful in squelching them. With their history as complicated as it was, Veronica surprised herself with the depth and intensity of what she was beginning to feel. There was no comparison point for her; what she felt with Duncan didn’t come close. She didn’t doubt what she felt for Duncan was real, but it was more of a comfortable closeness than the fire she felt with Logan. Fire? Nice to see I haven’t lost my flair for dramatics…
“Hey.” Logan placed his hand on her shoulder and she realized they made it back to his car. His eyes bore into her, intense and questioning. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
Veronica thought back to the last week. Logan had been a constant fixture since she had her… accident, and it had been more than comforting. It’s been… exciting? Maybe? More than anything else it was wonderful, and she didn’t want it to end. I want him here, with me.
It was a startling revelation, and it put her off-kilter as Logan brushed a strand of her hair back behind her ear, hand lingering on her cheek. She felt safe and protected in a way she hadn’t in far too long.
Leaning up, she pressed her lips gently to his for a moment before pulling back and examining his face for a reaction. Surprise was etched in his features, mouth agape.
Oh god. Oh god, oh god. What have I done?
0 notes
vmheadquarters · 4 years
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We’re still playing our game of written hot potato! Dozens of your favorite authors are taking turns to tell a Veronica Mars mystery story. Each writer crafts their chapter and then “tosses” the story to the next person to continue the tale. No one knows what will happen, so expect the unexpected!
Follow the “vmhq presents” and “murder we wrote” tags for all the installments, or read the story as it develops on AO3. --Chapter Twenty-Eight of MURDER, WE WROTE is written by @his-beautiful-girl​​​. And stayed tuned next week for Ch.29 from @louzeyre​ - tag, you’re it!
CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT by @his-beautiful-girl​
Logan’s brows furrowed, lips turning downward, “Just how the hell did Van of all people become a publisher? Just last year he was still principal of Neptune High.” 
It was Veronica’s turn to grab her phone and do some googling. “It says here that he formed the company ‘Trident Publishing’ three months ago. My guess is that Ruby’s book would have been his first, but with as explosive as it would have been…” 
“Van would have ended up a very rich man.” Logan finished for her. “I can’t speak to his personal life, but he wasn’t above taking bribes for school, Sugarpuss.” His mind drifted back to a conversation after he and Weevil had dismantled Mr. Daniel’s car and then re-assembled it around the flagpole. How a pair of Aaron’s boots had made sure that Weevil was unexpelled. 
She nodded. “I knew he did it for money for Neptune High but I never got the impression that he was trying to gain anything personal from it. Well, other than the time he set it up so I would discover that Moorehead was Trina’s biological father. But that was to oust Moorehead so he could become principal. Not really any financial gain there.” 
Logan rose from the couch, walked to Veronica and wrapped his arms around her, kissing the crown of her head. “Something is really bothering me, Vee. How does she know about Shelly’s party? Book you calls Duncan out for rape.” His voice turned tender, dropping low. “That’s not a detail that you could get from a source, baby.” 
“I don’t know.” Veronica’s voice came out fragile, and he tightened his arms around her protectively. Rested his cheek on top of her head and rocked them slightly. “I only told you and- I- I admitted it one time during the therapy we had to take in school at Stanford. The only other person who knows is Duncan himself, and he would never admit to it being what it is.” 
She turned in his arms and he cupped the back of her head with one hand while running the other up and down along her spine, letting her hide against him. Felt her drawing deep breaths in and out and centering herself again while he continued to offer her love and comfort. Logan smiled against her hair when she stood straighter and drew in a deep breath. It’s true that they differed from when they were in high school and in college. They had gotten their shit together and learned communication was the key. But some things remained the same, and he was glad for that. His girl was still strong and determined. He knew if anyone could solve this, it would be Veronica. He was there for the assist. 
Logan pressed another kiss on the crown of her head before she pulled back slightly, face tilted upward, allowing him to brush his lips across hers tenderly before she murmured. “After this is over, we should go on vacation. Someplace warm and sunny and with no murder, please.” 
He nodded in agreement. “That sounds perfect.” 
They stayed quiet, holding each other for a few long moments before the reality of the situation broke through their peace. 
“So I think the question we need to ask ourselves is whether the focus of this book is on exposing Neptune, or whether it’s a book on exposing the Kanes.” Logan finally allowed himself to break the silence. “I know there is a lot… okay, most of the focus is on us, but what if we’re just the players that are being moved around to tell the story? Especially given that we had such close ties to the Kanes or to the events meant to expose the Kanes.” 
Veronica’s eyes narrowed, and her teeth sank into her bottom lip. “You could be right. Maybe we’re the red herrings. It’s about exposing the Kanes without just writing a direct book about them. That still doesn’t explain so much of the information that this source and/or Ruby has though.” 
“Also, this ‘Jen’ person is still bothering me. I know we can’t find any clue she exists, and she wasn’t a roommate of Mac’s but I feel like she represents someone. This might be the one person Ruby used a pseudonym for.” Veronica stepped away from him and paced in front of the enormous windows in Dick’s living room, looking out into the ocean. “Logan, I want to get into Ruby’s apartment to see if I can find anything.” 
He nodded; this request not surprising in the least. “Van first? Then Ruby’s? Then how about we pick up dinner and eat at your dad’s tonight? I’m missing my other favorite girl and you could use some Pony snuggles of your own.” 
Logan’s heart jumped as her face lit up at the mention of their dog, and he knew it was the right call. Now they just had to get around town, unnoticed by the paparazzi. 
An hour later, Logan and Veronica stood on the front porch of a nice, but modest residence. He rapped on the door sharply three times and they waited. He always found it interesting the way they stood when working on a case together. At any other time, they would hold hands or his arm would be around her shoulder and hers around his waist; however, in situations like this they stood together with their sides barely touching, both drawn to their full height. Both aware of the other and yet wanting to radiate that they were each dangerous on their own to whoever they were about to crush. 
Logan was about to rap on the door again when sounds within indicated that the first knocks were being acknowledged. Locks clicked and then the door itself swung open, revealing a haggard-looking Van Clemmons. “Veronica Mars and Logan Echolls. I wondered when you would show up. Come in, please.” 
“Well, you said that life had gotten boring without me.” The words dropped wryly from her mouth and the corner of Logan’s mouth twitched in response. 
“Life without you is always boring, Bobcat.” He cast an adoring look at her before turning his attention back at the man waiting in the doorway. 
Mr. Clemmons stepped back and gestured with his hand for the couple to enter. Placing his hand on the small of her back lightly, Logan let Veronica go first and then followed. Not that he felt Clemmons was a threat, he just felt better having her back protected. 
The living room was to the right of the entryway, and Clemmons indicated they should go there. “Please, take a seat and make yourselves comfortable. Can I get either of you something to drink?” 
Both shook their heads, taking a seat on the couch, before Logan smirked. “Are you getting the sense of what it felt like to be on the other side of that desk of yours, Van?” 
“Mr. Echolls, I seem to remember you being on the other side of that desk more than a few times.” Van’s voice came out dry but heavy, tired beyond his years. 
Veronica snorted, very unladylike, which made Logan grin. “Yeah, and how often were there actual consequences for any of those incidents? Just how much money did you make for the school? More importantly, how much of that money made it to your pocket rather than the schools?” 
Clemmons held up his hands placatingly and sighed. “I know what you must think but the only time I ever did anything for my benefit was when I used you to expose Principal Moorehead. I admit to taking money in return for punishments not happening, but all of that money went to Neptune High in one way or another. I made sure the students had the best that I could give them in my years as principal.” 
“Why did you retire? Why suddenly go into publishing? Not your typical career move and you don’t have the background for it. It also begs the question of the money issue. Where is the money coming from to start the business?” Veronica fired off the questions one after the other, and Logan tried to tell himself that being turned on right now was not the appropriate response. 
Van dropped his head into his hands, scrubbing it hard, and muttered. “I have a silent partner who put up the money after they heard the pitch for the book.” 
Logan leaned forward. “What was the pitch for the book exactly? Because it isn’t about some murder mystery, even if that is what it’s trying to pass itself off as. So why don’t you just tell us the truth. Someone is already dead. I wasn’t her fan, but I never would have wished Ruby dead, and I don’t think you did either. But you both got yourself mixed up into something deep. You know, the only person who has a chance at figuring this out is Veronica, so let her, Clemmons.” 
The silence that took over the room felt heavy and oppressive. Minutes ticked on and on and he wondered if they would get the information they were after or not. After an interminable amount of time, the older man nodded in agreement, letting out a loud sigh. “Yes, maybe you are the only ones I can trust with this.” 
Logan started when Veronica’s hand slipped into his, but was more than happy to thread his fingers through hers. It felt like they might finally get somewhere with this. Finally, get some answers that could make things make sense. Nothing could have prepared him for what came next. 
“Della- I’m sorry, Ruby came to me with the idea she had for a book. Claimed she had been doing research for the past year and wanted to write a book about a powerful family that had their claws in everything. A family that rolled around in the dirt and was covered in mud, though nobody could see it. She also claimed that members of this family had hurt people badly, and she wanted to right some wrongs and give those that they had hurt justice. She was talking about the Kanes and I should have known better--” 
Clemmons scrubbed over his face again, and when he looked up, his gaze focused on Veronica. “But I knew she was right. I knew a lot more than I could ever tell. I listened to the stories during those years at Neptune High, and I even did some of my research. I may not know all the stories exactly, but I know that the Kanes are responsible for so many things behind the scenes in this town. When she told me of the way she wanted to write the book without coming right out and accusing them I thought it would be okay. I went to Casey Gant and floated a semblance of the idea around to see if I might get him interested, but he turned it down. Then I got a surprising phone call from someone willing to not only put up the money to publish the book, but wanted me to be the face of the publisher. I let greed take over my thinking.” 
Van’s head dropped into his hands again, and Logan couldn’t decide whether or not to feel sorry for him. Veronica vibrated next to him, like she would explode if they didn’t find out who this mysterious person is and within the next minute. 
“Who?” The question was more a demand and came out sharp on her tongue. “Who is it?” 
“Troy Vandegraff,” Clemmons muttered into his hands. 
“Well, fuck me sideways. I did not expect that.” Logan breathed out, wide-eyed while turning to stare at Veronica, who looked just as taken aback. 
“Who was Ruby’s source, Clemmons? You must know. She couldn’t keep a secret to save her life.” The words came sharp and to others may sound bitter, but Logan knew the truth. That hardness Veronica projected was covering the hurt that she felt over Ruby’s death. Solving this case was the only way she knew how to help find some closure in this. He squeezed her hand gently in support. 
“I was, or at least I was one of them.” A familiar voice jerked their heads up and their attention to the hallway where a pale, thin figure stepped out of the shadows. 
Logan felt his gut churning, blood getting hot. He pulled Veronica closer to him protectively. “Lianne Mars.” He spit out the name like a curse. 
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vmheadquarters · 4 years
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We’re still playing our game of written hot potato! Dozens of your favorite authors are taking turns to tell a Veronica Mars mystery story. Each writer crafts their chapter and then “tosses” the story to the next person to continue the tale. No one knows what will happen, so expect the unexpected!
Follow the “vmhq presents” and “murder we wrote” tags for all the installments, or read the story as it develops on AO3. --Chapter Twenty-One of MURDER, WE WROTE is written by @DRiver2u. And stayed tuned next week for Ch.22 from @amypc1​ - tag, you’re it!
—————————————————————————————————— CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE by @DRiver2u
The noise in the room was a low pulse of small groups talking among themselves. The conversations were not enthusiastic or lighthearted, but the former classmates were speaking just to have something to do. Whenever the din let up, someone new took over with a tale from the exploits of high school past. No one wanted to admit that, now they had eaten, there was time to start exploring the mansion for a murderer.
Hovering off to the side, as she so often did in social situations, Veronica's thoughts were exploding as quickly as she felt her ankle swelling. Her injury didn't hurt as much as she thought it should, and she wondered if she was in shock, rather than having an actual physical ailment. She plotted about how to move to another part of the house, so she could test the theories running through her brain. The crowded space in her mind needed an escape, and if she was being honest with herself, it wasn't the only part of her that needed a release.
She caught Logan's eye as he looked up from the drone of Casey's story, and she gave a quick tip of her head towards the direction of the kitchen. "Meet me there," she mouthed from across the room as she pointed with her pinky finger. She assessed her wonky situation and dropped her elevated foot, rolled to her stomach, and one-legged-downward-facing-dog walked herself to a standing position. For a moment, she steadied herself, using one flat foot and the tips of her toes on the other before trying her balance. She hobbled on her bad ankle and made a comment under her breath, just loud enough for the scrum of former classmates in the middle of the room to hear her complain.
"You rang," Logan quipped, as he turned to see her push through the kitchen door. "Or muttered, I guess would be more accurate." He watched as she moved from limping to balancing herself on the kitchen counter, and then doing a half-twisting boost onto the island. The gymnastics of the moves were worthy of more than a participation certificate. Logan studied her as she forced out a sigh and regained her composure. His mind filled with other uses for those skills. "Your powers never cease to amaze."
"I need some ice for my ankle, but I've been thinking, and I might want to reconsider something," Veronica cooed as her finger made its way between her teeth. Before Logan could head towards the freezer, she commanded, "Come closer."
Logan advanced and slid between her dangling legs. Veronica's citrus shampoo, the acid from the tomato ragu, and the yeast from a green bottle of Heineken left near the Belfast sink sent mixed signals to his brain. This wasn't the time or the place, what with the dead bodies, secret passages, and unknown assailants only a few feet from what he hoped would be their suction-cupped bodies, but he couldn't stop the fantasies entering his brain. Veronica stared into his eyes, hoping he would be able to read her mind. The drip of the faucet and the hiss of the radiator under the stained glass windows broke their silence.
As Logan leaned in to kiss the blonde in front of him, he felt the cool thickness of the marble countertop as it hit him just below his waistband. His mouth hovered near her lips, but he turned his head and teased her with the breeze that swept by her mouth. She grabbed the back of his neck demanding to be closer to him, to touch his sweetness. He was stronger than her, and pulled back, watching as her eyes slid shut. As his hands wrapped around her waist and his thumbs pushed into her hips, she let out a small whimper and her breathing quickened.
It was the panting and the moaning that made him pull her closer. He wanted this, she wanted this, but they had made a deal to slow things down this time. He could wait. Could he wait? Anticipation was a hell of an aphrodisiac.
When he finally kissed her, would she taste like roasted garlic, red wine, dried Parmesan cheese, or chocolate mousse? Whatever was left of their dinner would be lost as his mind cleared of all but the softness of her lips. Logan gazed into Veronica's eyes before kissing her wordlessly. Only seconds later, Veronica released her hands from his hair and scrambled to tug his thermal base layer from the waist of his trousers and ran her hands towards his brawny chest, feeling multiple indentations as her fingers spread.
"We need to reconsider that we may have only two days left to live, so three dates seems too long to wait to get naked," she said, at a much higher volume than Logan found desirable. He tilted his head as he tried to shake the noise and vibration out of his eardrum.
"I think you're out of practice on the whispering of sweet nothings," Logan grumbled. "The key to that phrase being 'whispering', sugarpuss."
Veronica reached up and took his face in her hands, then bent the side of his head towards her mouth. "We're being watched, right?" Logan nodded his head and wondered if this new taste for voyeurism would be part of their future escapades. He swallowed at the thought and caught himself breathing harder than only a few seconds ago. Veronica continued her train of thought in his ear. "Let's find out if this is really about us. They're watching, so if they see us, uh you know, all hot and heavy, they may try to break in and stop it."
Logan dropped his head, realizing this was nothing more than part of the game, part of her desire to solve this riddle. "I don't know if I feel like a mark, the bait, or a damsel in distress." He swallowed and took a deep breath.
Veronica kissed him softly and met his eyes. She didn't need words to explain to him that her brain was working overtime. It wasn't desire he had seen in her eyes when they started this rendezvous. But it was passion--just not the kind of passion he was hoping to experience.
"Enid Curtis," Veronica whispered again and gave him a mischievous smile before returning to his ear. "How many people do you know who are named Enid? Not one, I bet. Enid Curtis and Mason. Flip them letters around and what'd ya get? DIES UNROMANTICS." She gave him a quick kiss at his temple, but she wanted to give him a high five.
Logan chuckled before bending his head and raising his eyes to meet hers. "A bit of a grammar cock up, wouldn't you say?" He paused and tilted his head until his mouth met her ear, his hands continued to meander under her shirt. "If you're going to slip down the Enid path, it seems impossible not to bring up Tennyson. You should know to leave the English stuff to me."
Veronica inched away from him and stared at Logan. "So, you think there's a book on one of the shelves by Alfred, Lord Tennyson that'll help solve this riddle?" she asked in a low voice.
"Well, I'm more of a Keats guy myself, but it's tough not to respect a guy who came up with the lines, and I'm paraphrasing here, 'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all' and 'Theirs is not to reason why. Theirs is but to do and die'." Logan turned the words over in his mind. Loss and death weren't nearly as appealing to him as Keats' haunting words about beauty, joy, love, and truth.
"Yeah, it's the 'do and die' part that makes me a bit worried," Veronica chided. "And what's that got to do with Enid?"
"I'm saying that Tennyson wrote Idylls of the King. In it is a poem about the perfect love Enid has for her husband." Veronica stared blankly at him before he continued. "He gets jealous, but she stays faithful. He thinks she cheated, but she stays faithful. He treats her like dirt, but she stays faithful. Seeing a pattern?"
"So Enid is perfect?" Veronica asked with a sly smile.
"It used to be a real compliment for a woman to be referred to as an 'Enid'," Logan remembered from a group project about Victorian poets. Who knew those trivialities might one day prove to be important?
Logan continued after a small pause, clearing his throat. "Oh, and Tennyson influenced the Pre-Raphaelite artists with his sumptuous verses. God, they painted some majestic stuff. Dead women, lots of flowing hair, unrequited love. Come to think of it, one was even of Enid, I think." He smiled at the idea of his mother and said, "First ones I saw were at Andrew Lloyd Webber's estate, because my mom dragged me there when she was desperate to get a part in a possible West End Cats revival."
"Keats, Tennyson, and Raffi," Veronica scrambled, only half listening to the other voice in the room. "I don't see the connection. Unless someone thinks I'm the perfect mate?" Veronica's mind danced with the knowledge that she may have an admirer rather than a stalker. She heard Logan snicker and watched as he shook his head.
"Raphaelites, bobcat, but who am I to doubt the perfect bit," he mocked with a chuckle. "Maybe Enid and Tennyson mean nothing. Maybe you were on the right track with the scrambled letters. Or maybe this mysterious host is telling you to ask others for help with this riddle. 'There's no I in team', 'It takes teamwork to make the dream work', 'Collaborate before we evaporate'. Etcetera, etcetera."
Veronica squinted at him, but only grunted out a, "Huh?"
"OK, maybe I made some of those up," Logan laughed. "But we're all here for a reason, and I don't think it's just to be dead bodies, cute faces, or red herrings." They both stayed quiet a moment and realized their musings had blown their cover. Their so-called tryst had turned into a book club.
"Ice," Veronica directed, and Logan grabbed the hand towel near the stove as he sauntered towards the industrial-sized refrigerator. "But now what?"
"Lead on, perfect Enid," he quipped. He took a deep breath as he felt Veronica going back into her brain. "OK. If you want to stick with rearranging letters, we can do that, but I prefer NUDES IS ROMANTIC."
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vmheadquarters · 5 years
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We wish you a Happy Birthday, We wish you a Happy Birthday, We wish you a Happy Birthday filled with fanfic and cheer!
Happy Birthday @catefrankie!
And to kick-off our wish of fanfic for you, here’s the start of a Christmas tale written by our own @susanmichelin. Hope you enjoy! 
Mars and the Real Meaning of Christmas
Thursday, December 20, 2007
“I need your help, Logan.” Already this felt wrong. It was supposed to be the other way around. It was ALWAYS the other way- HIM coming to HER for help. Find my mother, I was falsely accused of murder, locate my sister’s scumbag boyfriend, false murder rap (again), missing trust fund money. Logan was the one who needed HER.
“What is it, Veronica? I’m kinda busy.”
He leaned against the doorjamb, looking better than an ex-boyfriend had a right to look. Wasn’t it a law that all exes needed to get Santa-Claus-fat? Maybe even bald? They were NOT supposed to get buff. And they certainly were NOT supposed to come to the door wearing nothing but a pair of a shorts with water droplets sliding over their chest and down rock-hard abs.  
Kinda busy. The words poked at her. Kinda busy doing... what? Or who? She gritted her teeth. Who Logan was doing was none of her business. “I need your help.”
“You said that already.”
Should she come right out and ask? Remind him of his promise, if you ever need anything. She bit her bottom lip. That was before Madison. Before Piz. Before they splintered each other’s hearts into tiny shards of sharp edges. Why did she think this was a good idea?
“Me” —he pointed to his chest— “Losing interest, fast.”
Bored, jackass-Logan. Veronica blinked. “Forget it; I shouldn’t have come here.” Turning on her heel, she stalked down the short driveway.
“Veronica, wait!”
Ignoring him, she made the left on the narrow street running behind his house and continued in the direction of her car. He caught up to her at the corner; his hand landing on her shoulder. “What’s wrong?”
She spun around to glare at him. Crossing her arms over her chest, she lifted her chin. “Why do you think something’s wrong?”
“My mistake.” He backed up a step. “You came to see me after months of not speaking to what… ask for help moving? No wait, you need a ride to the airport. Or did—”
“My father’s missing.”
“He’s an adult; I’m sure he’ll come home after he’s slept it off.” His gaze moved past her to a spot beyond her shoulder. “Ah, my company’s arrived.” A smirk spread across his face as he glanced at Veronica. “Weren’t you just leaving?”
One of those sharp pieces of her heart shifted, slicing her lungs and making it difficult to breathe. Without saying anything, she dropped her arms, and continued for her car. It was her fault for thinking… She shook her head.
There was no point in analyzing her FEELINGS. She was the one who’d told him it was going to take time and obviously he’d decided waiting around for her to forgive him wasn’t worth it - leaving Hearst while she was in Virginia and moving away from the Grand.
“Hey,” he called after her, but she refused to turn around. She didn’t want to see his face again and she DEFINITELY didn’t want to see his ‘company.’ Rooting through her purse, her fingers closed over her keys. Only a few more steps and she could drive out of his life forever. Logan stepped in front of her, blocking her path and foiling her plan. “Why do you think Keith is missing?”
Right. Her father. Missing. “Don’t worry about it; I’ll figure something out.”
She didn’t have a lot of rich friends. Okay, so she had exactly NO rich friends. Acquaintances? Eh, maybe. There was Dick —he was still floating around campus, presumably going to class— but the idea of letting him touch her was… nauseating.
Logan ducked his head to see her face; concern furrowing his brow. “Let’s start over. You can come inside and tell me about Keith and I’ll promise to dispense with the sarcasm.”
It was her turn to smirk. Logan without sarcasm was… her brain tried and failed to come up with an adequate analogy. What was that impossible? Unassisted human flight? Finding a unicorn in her dorm room? “I don’t want to interrupt your afternoon TRYST.”
“You always go there first. God, Veronica do you think about anything other than sex?” He arched his eyebrows and widened his eyes, faux-shocked. “I do have other interests.”
“Name one.”
He glanced over her shoulder again and held up a wait-one-minute index finger. And again, Veronica resisted the urge to look. An expansive grin spread across Logan’s face as he recognized the effort needed to thwart her curiosity. “Well...proper nutrition is important to me.”
Veronica rolled her eyes. INFURIATING. That was the word to describe him. Irritating, smug, and—
A shouted, “Hey!” from behind them interrupted her silent tirade. “Do you still want this, or what? I don’t have all day.”
She turned. A delivery guy in white t-shirt and red ball cap was holding an insulated warming bag, and glaring at Logan. I know how you feel, buddy. “Pizza? THAT’S your idea of nutritious?”
“Says the woman who eats ice cream for dinner.” Logan jogged toward the house. “Plus it’s from Bronx Pizza”—he called, over his shoulder—“extra cheese, pepperoni.”
Two of her weaknesses. Three, if you counted Logan himself, which she definitely DID NOT.
Veronica trailed behind the delivery guy, watched Logan pay him and carry the pizza inside, leaving the door open. It was invitation enough; she walked into the living room.
After seeing Logan live in the overly-decorated, tacky surroundings of his parent’s house, and then in the sterile, impersonal suite at the Grand, she wasn’t sure what to expect from a space designed by him, for him. The beach was a given, and it didn’t disappoint. The view was stunning. Large, folding glass doors were pushed open, accordion-style, creating a seamless flow from living space to deck.
“I’m going to take a quick shower before we eat and then you can tell me about Keith.” A wry grin. “Don’t make yourself at home.”
To hide her annoyance, she averted her face, and focused on the painting above the couch - a print of Hopper’s Rooms by the Sea. It was a metaphor for silence and solitude. But the other name for the painting—The Jumping Off Place—made her frown. It could be taken either way, as something dark, or hopeful. A final ending, or the point from which something is begun.
Veronica glanced back at the wood-and-glass spiral staircase, but Logan was already gone. Seconds later, the sound of running water said he’d started his shower. She relaxed, wandered across the sisal area rug to explore.
A blue-gray sofa with welted cushions and funky striped throw pillows stood under the Hopper. Club chairs in the same striped pattern were positioned for optimal viewing of the large flat-panel television, and instead of a coffee table, he had a cocktail ottoman printed with coastal beach signs - sand, sea, surf.
The kitchen was separated from the space by a large island and stools—no dining table—and Veronica opened and closed cabinets as she moved down the line. Bright, multi-colored Fiestaware, drinking glasses, pots, and pans - a fully stocked and functional kitchen. She peeked inside the filled-with-healthy-food refrigerator.
She shouldn’t be surprised. Logan had been taking care of himself, in one way or another, since childhood. It was just strange to see him ADULTING. It was hard to imagine him cooking and cleaning and paying bills. The only thing missing was any indication that Christmas was five days away.
Crossing the floor, she looked up the stairs as she passed—no sign of Logan—and moved to the wall behind them. Three custom bookshelves made of walnut and steel were crammed with a mix of hardcovers and paperbacks. Veronica perused the titles. The Count of Monte Cristo, Catcher in the Rye, The Call of the Wild.
She fingered the leaves of a nearby potted palm, wondered why he didn’t have a Christmas tree.
“It’s real,” Logan said, springing down the stairs. “So did I give you enough time to search all the drawers and cabinets, or should I go change again?”
Her cheeks warmed. “Haha.” For something to do, she pulled out one of the saddle-seat bar stools, and flipped open the pizza box. “What made you leave the Grand?”
Shrugging, he handed her a plate, took down two glasses, and poured them both soda. Instead of answering, he said, “Keith. Missing.”
He was right; this wasn’t a social call, but the reminder that they weren’t friends, still stung. Swallowing her sigh with a bite of pizza, Veronica watched him through lowered lashes. Leaning on the opposite counter, half-turned away from her, he was eating his pizza over the box top, and he looked just as good fully-clothed as he did when wet and in swim trunks.
Shaking off the thought, she asked, “Do you remember Deborah Daily?”
Logan’s grimace said he did. “Sure, who could forget the socialite of Debbie does Daddy Dearest fame?” He dropped his unfinished slice back in the box. “Is she still floating around Neptune? Pun intended.”
Deborah had lost her status as trophy wife when she was discovered in flagrante with the pool boy. “No, she’s living in Aspen now, working as an event planner...of sorts. Really she only works for one place - this very exclusive, luxury ski resort called The Glen?”
He nodded. “I’ve been there.”
Of course he had. “Anyway, they’re hosting this five-day Christmas event billed as a ‘traditional’ holiday getaway for couples only.” She finished her pizza and, without having to ask, Logan slid a fresh slice onto her plate. Veronica smiled her thanks, and he rolled his wrist for her to continue. Smile fading, she peeled the pepperoni away from the cheese. “Part of the festivities is a lavish Christmas Eve party, complete with a full orchestra, dancing, and a charity auction.”
“Oh the rich, whatever will they think of next!” Logan clapped his hands together. “Christmas shopping that’s also a tax write-off!”
She ignored his mocking. “Debbie’s been arranging the auction for months, collecting big-ticket items—Harry Winston jewelry, a classic Ferrari, private plane—you get the idea. And then, about two weeks ago, she started to get worried.”
“That her guests weren’t rich enough to afford such baubles?”
“Not quite. She began to suspect the charity was a fake. On paper it looks legit- an outreach program for troubled teens, but when she finally met the CEO...she had doubts.”
“And she hired Mars Investigations?”
“You don’t need to sound so surprised; my dad is very good at what he does.”
“Oh, I wasn’t disparaging the...efficacy that is Keith Mars; I’m asking, why not a firm in Colorado?”
“She didn’t want her boss to find out. If the charity’s a scam, not only will she lose her job, but she’ll be blacklisted. She remembered my dad from his investigation into...”
“Aaron’s stalker,” Logan finished her sentence. “And why should I care about Deb’s future job prospects?”
“I’m not asking you to help HER; I’m asking you to help ME.” Logan gave her a non-committal, hmm, and tapped his wrist like her time was running out. Veronica pushed away her plate, started to stand, changed her mind. She HATED needing him, but she did. “Dad went undercover as a member of the staff; he’s playing Santa Claus at the party, and—”
Logan smirked. “So in essence you’re investigating the case of the missing Santa?”
“I’m GLAD you’re finding this so amusing.”
Something in her tone, wiped the smirk from his face. “I’m sorry, Veronica; finish your story.”
“He checked in with me on Tuesday night, but I haven’t heard from him since.”
“That’s only two days”—Logan looked at the clock above the bookshelves—“Not even. Maybe he’s busy chasing down a lead or--”
“No, we had an arranged check in time; he would call me every night at six while the staff was eating dinner, and he missed last night’s call.”
“Maybe he couldn’t get a signal or his phone died?”
Veronica shook her head. “He has a SAT phone WITH a tracking feature AND global positioning. Even if he couldn’t call me, I’d be able to track his location, and I can’t. Someone disabled it, Logan.”
“Have you called the police?” She just stared at him, and he held out his hands. “What? That ‘waiting-period to file a missing person’s report’ thing is only a Hollywood myth.”
“I know, but I don’t have any proof of foul play, or even that he’s in trouble - other than my instincts, and they’re telling me something’s wrong.”
“And how exactly am I supposed to help you with this?”
“Did you miss the part about it being a COUPLES retreat? I need you to come with me, pretend to be my boy—”
“Husband,” Logan interrupted. “Your better half, the old ball and chain.”
Veronica rolled her eyes. “Fine, whatever; we leave first thing tomorrow morning.”
“Yes, dear.” Picking up his pizza, he folded it, and took a healthy bite. “See, we’re already playing our roles to perfection. You, the demanding, nagging wife, and me, the henpecked, lazy husband.” He wiped his mouth on his sleeve. “Just out of curiosity- what was your backup plan? You must’ve had one when you stormed off all indignant-like.”
“To find another bored rich 09er to go with me.” He raised an eyebrow, waited for her to elaborate. “I was going to ask Dick.”
He shook his head. “I don’t think even YOUR acting skills are that great.”
“Well, we’ll never know.” She slid off the stool. “Our flight leaves at six a.m. so I’ll pick you up at four.”
“Pretty sure of yourself there, Mars, making flight reservations in ADVANCE.” He tossed his pizza crust in the trash. “Going to ask Dick,” he scoffed under his breath.
“Just be ready when I get here.” She shouldered her purse. “We have a layover in Phoenix, but we’ll get to the resort in time for the welcome lunch at noon.”
“Layover? God, I hope it’s not COACH.”
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vmheadquarters · 6 years
Here’s this week’s Ask the Fandom question:
At Shelly’s party, Luke gave Dick two doses of GHB. Did Dick slip BOTH in Madison’s drink? If he did, then Veronica was given twice as much as the recreational “go to a rave” dose Logan gave Duncan - does this change how people view Duncan’s actions? And if people give Duncan a pass because “he was drugged too” - what if Dick did NOT put both doses in Madison’s glass? What if he took the second dose? Does Dick get a pass on his actions because he was drugged?
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And here’s what you had to say:
@ktbugee--That’s a really excellent question. I could be wrong but I seem to recall there being a very short second where you see dick take the dose. If that’s the case, I still don’t think he gets a pass. 1) he knew he was taking drugs and was therefore prepared for it (ie hydrated, eaten, mentally ready, whatever sort of preparation one does before taking GHB). 2) he is a much larger person than Veronica. She is teeny tiny. That same dose would have a much stronger affect on her than it would on him.
@lessawildmoon--The size of the dose that either of them got is irrelevant. Double or single they were both under the influence enough to remove their ability to consent, this was clearly shown (Duncan actually more so than Veronica, as he knew they were 'siblings' as still went ahead). Describing choosing NOT to blame a rape victim for being raped as 'giving them a pass' is despicable, and exactly why so many rape victims are too scared to come forward.
@kerali --I tried to stick to the questions, but I think I failed.  I’m a clinician that works with adolescent sex offenders, so this is one thing I can go on and on about.  My group of kids also talked in their group this week about responsibility for their decisions and not blaming outside influences or experiences, and I’ll be honest, my mind goes to this scenario when my group talks about this topic.  I think Dick is capable of using two doses on Madison, but no matter what, he wanted to use her for sex and when she was sober, he targeted Veronica and likely other vulnerable girls.  But even wasted, he knew not to have sex with Veronica himself (even though he still wouldn’t see it as rape), and that was probably more about feeling that she was beneath him.  I can’t excuse Duncan’s actions, because although he was drugged unknowingly, he still made a choice and still was responsible.  The fact he was drugged might lessen his consequences, but not his responsibility.  I think characters in the show let him off the hook for their own reasons, often to make themselves feel better, Veronica included.
Dick was likely drunk, but still did not rape Veronica.  He was not responsible for Cassidy’s choice.  Dick bullied him, but he didn’t threaten him, and Cassidy was a budding sociopath that took advantage of the opportunity and that no one would suspect him.  I think the show gave Dick a pass in later seasons, because they liked Ryan Hansen and the potential they saw with the character, if only you get past him setting Veronica up to be raped.  I think the fandom is a varied group of people who approach the show and plots with their own thoughts and opinions and experiences that may influence how they see different characters and their actions.  I see the 09′ers as the epitome of white privilege and teenage entitlement, and the sexual harassment that occurred probably occurred at most of their parties.  I’m also not so sure that Veronica, Lilly, Duncan and Logan wouldn’t have been a part of it, or at least cheered it on.  Out of the male characters that played a role in Veronica being hurt at that party, Logan is the only person that I remember as expressing real guilt or regret over that night.  I think he doesn’t want Duncan to be responsible because he feels guilty for drugging him, even though he had nothing to do with the rape.  Veronica clings to her forgiveness of Duncan, because it gives her a resolution that she can accept.  It lets her feel like she is not a victim anymore and that it wasn’t that bad.  I have empathy for Veronica and can appreciate Logan’s ability to have empathy for someone he cares about.  Duncan can justify most things in his mind if it lets him get what he wants, and the rest just don’t really care, so I don’t have much empathy for them.
Adorkable Author‏ @AdorkableWriter  (via Twitter)-- I think she only got the one dose. If Dick is to be believed, he was going to take the other dose himself. The alcohol mixed with the GHB is what caused the blackout. And V had a lot of alcohol that night, between the first drink and the shots Logan and Sean were giving her.
As far as Duncan's actions, I don't see how he could perform with his "sister" and while drunk/drugged. I wouldn't have dated him again, but I'm not sure what he did was rape (since he was also drugged against his will). It's complicated, to be sure.
Dick does not get a pass because he intended to take advantage of Madison from the get-go. His intentions with the drugs were as impure as you can get. Duncan gets a bit of a pass, though it's uncomfortable, because he didn't know. I do believe V likely gave him a drugged approval.
Merrick Green‏ @MerrickGreenVM  (via Twitter)--Double dosage doesn’t seem pertinent-since Dick was pouring Vodka down V’s throat (and Duncan presumably heard/saw some of this) we’re already at point where V would be more impaired than Duncan (not to mention weight/size difference), and Duncan should have some notice.
Dick doesn’t get a pass if he drugged himself. He did that to himself on purpose, so even if he blames some actions on impairment, it’s his fault he was impaired.
Did Dick double dose (not that it matters), I think no. Double dose GHB likely makes “unrousable”, giving V dose that makes DICK happy would be significant OD for size/tolerance reasons. She was semi-conscious, so likely only one Dick-sized-dose. https://erowid.org/chemicals/ghb/ghb_dose.shtml
Isa‏ @Isazu  (via Twitter)-- I think Dick only put one dose on Madison's drink, the other he had for himself "to have some extra fun". Now about Duncan I think he was under the influence of the drug so he let all his reservations go, still he was (I think) in a better state than Veronica.....but the issue aside of what he did in the moment for me was the way he acted afterwards. Now about Dick, he sucks he was the worst human ever in this case, he tried to drug Madison so he could have sex with her.
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allthevmff · 5 years
Spring Break Diaries
By Irma66 / @nicemom93 http://bit.ly/2DOYLi6
Chapter Text
Veronica clicked the mouse to accept the Skype call, then moved to her office door to push it closed, calling over her shoulder as she went.  
"Hey, Q, I'm here. Just shutting my door so we don't bug Dad." 
She moved back around the desk and sat, then bent over to grab the sandwich Logan had made for her out of her bottom drawer. "Okay, so what did you find? You made it sound really urgent."
Veronica straightened, then sat back in her desk, focusing for the first time on the screen. Mac stared back at her, her face still and pale.
"Nothing's wrong. I just thought you needed to know what I found as soon as possible." Her voice sounded strained, with no hint of the teasing snark so frequently found in their internet chats.
"Okay," Veronica said slowly, dragging the word out. "Gotta say, not really buying the nothing's wrong statement."
Mac gave a quick shake of her head, but seemed to skip right over Veronica's comment. "So, I went on a hunt for information about the hotels that have been bombed, like you asked. All different owners."
"Huh. Okay. I guess that's a dead end."
"Not done. All different companies owning the four properties that have been bombed, but those companies had parent companies, who had parent companies, who had parent companies. Get about four or five layers in, and things started to come together."
Veronica raised an eyebrow, speculating. "So that does leave the potential that it's the properties being targeted and random people dying, rather than people being targeted regardless of the property. Not definite one way or the other, but it leaves the possibility that the principal victim could be the property and the guests are just collateral damage."
"Definitely seems possible." Mac's gaze shifted away from Veronica's, seeming to fix someplace beyond the camera. 
"Q? What else is there? Do they all end up with a single parent, or grandparent maybe would be a better description."
Mac rolled her eyes and looked into the camera again. "Try great-great-great-great-grandparent. And yes."
"What's the company name? And do you have ownership information?"
"Once I saw the company name, I wanted to bring you in. I haven't gone any further yet." 
"Really? Something we know?" Veronica gasped. "Ooh, like Kane Software?"
"Nope. This is not your way to them." Mac sighed. "Phoenix Land Trust."
Veronica frowned. "Should I know that? Seems vaguely familiar, but..."
"You don't remember." It wasn't a question, just a flat statement, and Veronica thought hard, trying to pull whatever nagging trace of familiarity that Phoenix Land Trust held in her brain. Mac's short, bitter laugh pulled her attention back. "I'm not actually surprised. You had so much going on senior year and he wasn't really on your radar."
"Senior year?" She'd been thinking more recent. Now she scrunched up her face, wracking her brain to expand her search.
"Don't hurt yourself," Mac said, her voice lighter. "It was Cassidy's company. The one he put together after his dad ran off. The one he was using to bet against incorporation. Buying up the properties outside the proposed parameters of the new city, cheap, when it looked like they would be devalued outside Neptune's future city limits, then they'd come back up after Woody's incorporation proposition was defeated."
"Huh. Cassidy." Not her favorite topic, and in fact, she hadn't thought about him in years and she wouldn't have minded keeping it that way. She suddenly remembered the sandwich in her hand and took a bite, letting a smile creep across her face at the taste of roast beef and homegrown heirloom tomatoes. Mmm, Logan does make a good little housewife.
"Okay, so, I see you don't really know about this. I do, because I designed a website for him. And because we were..." She paused. "You know, that was when we were starting to...date."
Veronica nodded. "All right. Well, he's not part of this, obviously. Did the business go to Dick? Or his dad?"
"He had a partner. He wasn't eighteen yet, so he needed someone older." Mac wrinkled her nose. "It was his stepmom, the last one, the really young one. Kendall? Did you know her?"
Veronica groaned. "Yeah, our paths crossed. More than once. Fun fact...she was actually in with the Fitzpatricks. If she's the owner still, and the FitzP's are pulling her strings, we might have a connection here." She paused to consider. "It's been years since I heard anything about her. Maybe she's living somewhere with no extradition treaty. I have no idea why the Fitzpatricks might be blowing up their own properties, or maybe it's a gang war and some rival gang is trying to cause them trouble. I don't know. I'll run this information by Dad and see what he knows about the Fitzpatrick businesses these days. Things changed while I was...out of town...but he'll know who's who in the Clan Fitzpatrick."
"Clan's more of a Scottish term, Bond."
"Whatever. Hey, thanks for the information. If you could keep looking into who the principles are of Phoenix Land Trust...see if Kendall's still in the mix, and let me know." She scribbled 'PHX Land T' and 'KenCas (ugh)' on the notepad in front of her. "So, when are we going to see you next, Q? It's not the same with just me and the old man here."
"I'm not sure. Mama Sinclair keeps adding destinations to this trip. She's pretty committed to us visiting every place that they ever went with Madison. She hasn't said that, of course, but I know that's what this is about...I've seen her list. She writes down what year they'd been anyplace she's included. It's been fun, with her and Lauren, although I've been calling Mom, my other mom I mean, pretty much every other day. She says that she wants me to have this time, with Lauren especially, but I know she's feeling a little threatened."
"If that bitch Madison would just—"
"I know, believe me, I know. She refuses to have anything to do with the MacKenzies. I wasn't sure at first that I wanted her to have a chance at MY parents, but now, with her acting like they don't exist...God, I want to beat her ass."
Veronica gave a small snort of laughter. "I'm with you. Just let me know where and when you want to meet. Logan's got me kickboxing now; I can take her down."
Mac laughed. "Cool. I'll let you know."  She sobered, her mouth twisting in what looked like disgust. "I guess i shouldn't be surprised that she ended up ignoring the MacKenzies; she sided with her dad in the divorce so it's not like her priority is good parental connections. I know she was betting on him coming out on top financially, and it served her well. He totally cut Lauren off since she wouldn't take his side between them, so Madison's basically an only child now."
"So you've got a super dad and two great moms, plus a brother and a sister, and all she's got is a cheating dad. Sounds like you got the better end of the deal."  
"You know, I agree." She smiled and opened her mouth to speak again, but Veronica saw the door behind Mac open and another voice broke in.
"Mac, come on, we gotta go. Sunset walking tour."  Lauren appeared next to her sister, looking startlingly like Mac, the college years. "Hey, Veronica, how's Neptune?"
"Same super awesome place you left. Where are you guys now?"
Lauren turned to shake her head at Mac. "Don't you tell her anything?" She focused on Veronica again. "Madrid. We're supposed to be going on a sunset tour through the city, so I've gotta steal her from you. Sorry."
"No problem at all. She gave me what I needed and she's all yours. Have fun, guys." She glanced at Mac. "Thanks, Q, hopefully we can get somewhere with this and by the time you guys repatriate, this will be all solved. Let me know if you find anything else, okay?"
"You got it. Talk soon." The screen went dark and Veronica took another bite of sandwich, then rose from her chair. Time to talk to Dad. 
Veronica Mars FF (IFTTT) via AO3 works tagged 'Veronica Mars - All Media Types' http://bit.ly/HeCC5o May 5, 2019 at 01:12AM
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