#it wasn't easy but he managed to convince him somehow LMAO
driftingmoonmenace · 2 years
"You brought me breakfast?" "Well you said you always forget to eat before you go to work, so I thought I'd make sure you ate something."
For the prompt!! ♥ —Naff
HI NAFF!!! 👀💕 Oh man I actually have a great idea for this!! (And once again this ended up way longer than I planned so enjoy another huge drabble LMAO)
The Daycare was almost empty, save for a few straggling kids who were settled at a craft table not too far off from you, keeping themselves busy with the plethora of markers, crayons, and other bits of craft supplies that littered the area.
Sun happily sat with them at the table, slightly bouncing along to the Daycare theme song in his criss-cross position, as he watched their little hands scribble furiously on their papers. Occasionally making jokes with over the top gestures and unnatural contortions that were followed by smiles and little giggles. Something you yourself couldn't stop from smiling fondly at as you watched on.
It was the end of the day for them, and they were using the crafts as a means to pass the time while waiting for their parents to arrive to take them home.
Your day, on the other hand, had just begun as you finished making yourself comfortable at the security desk, like always, it seemed these days. A little 'home' away from home in the massive mall-like building.
Pulling out the tablet from one of the drawers, you set it up in front of you before grabbing a little bluetooth keyboard from its case to start typing up your report. It beat trying to type on the screen which always felt like it took too long to write just one sentence. It's not like you needed to be near Sun at the moment anyways so you left him be for now. You could wait until all the kids left before you really got started.
As you were setting up your area, you didn't notice Sun give the children a 'one moment' hand gesture before jumping up and making long, bouncy strides out of your line of view, before bounding over to the security desk from where he'd run off to.
"Hello, Sunshine!"
Startled, you whipped your head up to look at the tall sun-themed animatronic that was leaning eagerly over the desk towards you. You couldn't help laughing nervously at the close proximity. "H-hey there, Sunny! You and the kids doing ok?"
Sun bounced back on his heels to his full height with his ever present smile, giving you a little relief, before clasping his hands in front of him. "Oh, yes yes yes! We're doing just fine with arts and crafts!" His rays excitedly rotating side to side. "But actually, I came over because I have something for you!"
This caught your attention that had previously shifted back to setting things up so you could steady your nerves from Sun's lack of boundaries. You raised an eyebrow as you turned your gaze back up at him. Curiosity completely making you forget your task. "Oh? Whatcha got for me?"
Seemingly out of nowhere Sun pulled out a small box with the 'El Chip's' logo plastered on the top. Showing it off briefly before setting it down in front of you. "I got you this!"
You looked down at the box, then back up at Sun, and once again back down to the box. Gingerly you opened the top to reveal nacho chips with a cup of nacho cheese on the side. "You brought me breakfast?" You were too busy looking at the chips to notice that Sun's demeanor had turned a little south. "Well, you said you always forget to eat before you go to work, so I thought I'd make sure you ate something!" His notorious hand fidgeting started to begin. "It's not the most nutritious, but we don't have a fridge in the Daycare. So hopefully it's ok!"
You looked back up to see the nervous state Sun was putting himself in, feeling a little bad at the lack of immediate positive reaction on your part. "Oh, Sunny, it's more than ok, thank you! That was really thoughtful."
This seemed to help as Sun perked up, his rays doing their little excited dance around his head. "Oh, good good good!" His hands ceased their nervous fidgeting and were back to being clasped in front of him once more.
"I actually really like nachos, so it's a good breakfast to me!" You smiled up at him sincerely though a sudden thought crossed your mind.
"Wait, how did you get these? I thought you weren't allowed to leave the Daycare?"
Sun seemed to stiffen, his rays freezing in place, and he looked as if he'd become a statue. There was a long silence between the two of you before the sound of his voice box cracked to life.
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ghost-bxrd · 14 days
Back again with another Calvin in Owl Song thought 🦉🦉🦉:
So Calvin is working for the Court still, and somehow they end up assigning him to work for the Joker for a night. All hes doing is being extra security, and making sure the Bat doesn't find the Clown too soon, easy enough.
Until Sheila sells Robin out. Until the Clown starts beating him.
Until Robin starts calling out for his dad, asking his mom why she would do that. And Robin is a kid, he's a scrawny little kid, scared and confused and wanting his parent's protection, and Calvin can't do this.
He kills everyone in that warehouse, he can't leave any witnesses, then he grabs Robin and flees; he can't return to the Court after this, nor will Robin return to the Bat, who didnt save him.
Bruce still gets to the warehouse, but just as he gets there, it goes up in flames. When he frantically searches the rubble, there's blood and gore but burned beyond recognition; he has no way of identifying if it's Jason's or not. He has no way of knowing his son wasn't in that warehouse, no way of knowing Jason's still alive.
He plans a funeral and buries an empty casket. Dick loses his mind at the loss of his beloved owlet.
Meanwhile Jason is on the run with Calvin, who refuses to let the little bird out of his sight. The kid clearly doesn't have good parents, so it's up to Calvin to protect him.
And Jason already knows how to deal with Talons, how to communicate with owl noises and body language. He also knows that this Talon cares for him, feels protective of him, but won't let him leave, and he knows he can't run from a Talon; Dick would always find him whenever he tried to hide, for whatever reason. So all Jason could do was try and convince Calvin to take him back to Gotham.
Except as soon as he manages that, assuming Nightwing is patrolling, Dick notices a Talon's presence in the city. Of course he does.
He thinks nothing of it when he catches glimpses of Jason; hallucinations are becoming increasingly normal for him. But what chills him to the bone is that whenever he sees his owlet, the Talon he's noticed is never far behind; always watching, always there.
Calvin means it as protection, Dick sees it as a threat.
Eventually everything comes to a head after tension builds; maybe Dick somehow realized Jason was alive and thinks he's being stalked by the Court as a prospective Talon, so he lashes out at Calvin who fights back and eventually Jason has to get between them and explain everything.
Except Calvin has gotten attached at this point so he ends up getting dragged to Wayne Manor where he's accepted with open arms; Dick likes that he protected Jason and killed both Joker and Sheila, and everyone already knows how to deal with Talons so he's in good hands.
(wow this came out longer than I expected lmao)
Omg poor Dick would feel like he’s perpetually haunted by glimpses of the past because— that Talon could very well be himself. Or he’s reminded of alternate universes and is heartbreakingly relieved that at least one version of him didn’t let his precious owlet die….
Meanwhile Calvin has hardcore imprinted on Jason, and Jason… well, he’s got experience wrangling Talons. This one obviously needs his help. Also, he may be a teeny-tiny bit pissed at Dick and Bruce. So, no going back home until he’s blown off some steam. Socialized Calvin. All that.
And with Jason and Calvin both busy navigating life (and some awful injuries), they both miss the nuclear fallout of Robin’s death….
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anxious-witch · 5 months
Sooo, since like, literally three people asked(like I need more enabling lmao) here is a drabble/snippet from poly!JO soulmate au from August. It isn't finished and kinda a kess so read at your own risk, definitely not up to my usual quality.
Tw for alcohol, vomiting, character's drink being spiked (if I forgot anything, please let me know)
Bojan was born with four stripes on his stomach. Yellow, red, purple and blue. It reminded him of a mini rainbow. When he was little he used to trace them. Wondering how it related to his soulmate.
His parents seemed reluctant to tell him. And Bojan didn't understand. Not until his sister pulled him aside one day before he started school and explained. Soulmate marks indicated something about his soulmate, but his was special. Bojan remembered that she specifically used the word special.
Not weird, not odd. Special.
She said that since his has more than one color, it probably means more than one soulmate. That there was nothing wrong eith that, but that he had to be careful since not everyone would understand. 
She told him it was easy enough to cover with clothes, but in case he needed to, she showed him how to hide it with makeup.
Bojan hadn't been seven for awhile now. He was twenty four and he understood much, much better why his sister was so careful about all of it. At best, people with multiple marks were looked down upon. And Bojan didn't always have the best of luck, either.
He wished he could say that the reason he wanted to convince Kris to join the band was purely because of talent. Not that Kris wasn't extremly talented because he was. Bojan was already laying groundwork to ask him to join. And then Kris tied his hair back in a ponytail, revealing his soulmark.
Four stripes. Red, pink, purple and blue. Perfectly lined up. 
Bojan had to swallow past the lump in his throat. Found one of you. 
He didn't want Kris to join the band because of that thiugh. So instead he did his best to charm him. Teasing and laughing and promising. Kris agreed, under the condition that Jan may join too.
"He is my best friend and my soulmate. I am not going anywhere without him."
How could have Bojan refused?
Kris and Jan were polar opposites that somehow managed to work in perfect harmony. Kris charmed you with his cute laugh and politeness, while Jan disarmed you with flirting and downright filthy things he could say with a straight face.
Bojan planned on telling them about his mark. He really did. It was just that everytime he tried, fear of rejection wrapped itself over his chest.
What if they didn't want him? What if it would make things weird? 
He was a coward. He knew as much. He just couldn't bring himself to tell them. 
His mark ached sometimes. Especially when he saw how gently Jan would kiss the mark on Kris's neck, or Kris wrapping his fingers around the one on Jan's wrist. 
Jan made it worse with the way he wore his so openly. Like a badge of honor. Bojan suggested him to put a bracelet or some makeup on it once, to hide it.
He remembered Jan's fury to this day.
"What, do you have something against it? Do you think I should be fucking ashamed of my soulmates?"
Bojan took a step back, raising his hands in a placating gesture.
"No, of course not...I just think it might be wise not to show it off. People get beaten up for less. I don't want to see you hurt."
Jan looked at him for one very long moment. Bojan felt like he was being carved from inside out and examined.
"Let me worry about that. What business of yours is that, anyway?"
Bojan's mark pulsed under his shirt. He resisted the urge to rub the pain away. He shrugged.
They never spoke of it again. Years passed and Bojan got used to the yearing that came with being so close and yet so far. 
And then Jure came along. Bojan was still sad because of Matic leaving. That's the only excuse he had for not noticing Jure's mark sooner.
It came to a head during summer vacation. Jure joined them at the pool. And on his leg, just under his knee, was a mark. Four strips. Yellow, pink, red and purple.
Bojan heard Kris gasp from somewhere far away. His own mark throbbed underneath the band aid he put on. The lie he said was that he had a scar from surgery that he didn't want to show. Jan teased him for being vain, but no one ever questioned it. 
He and Martin exchanged a glance. Silently agreeing to leave and give them a moment. If Bojan's heart felt heavy or his mark burned, knowing he belonged there too, well. That was only for him to know.
Bojan was running out of excuses. Jure made a perfect new addition to Kris and Jan. While they certainly took some time to find a way to navigate a new configuration, they did work it out. Sometimes Bojan was so jealous he could taste it. 
Which usually meant he got hammered and left with the first person who wanted to take him home and fuck him. 
Other times, he just got hammered and called Luka through Skype. Luka who'd cursed him out and scolded him for being an idiot, but would still try and get him to take care of himself. Made sure he drank water and had a bucket nearby.
That was probably more than he deserved.
"So let me get this straight. Three of your soulmates recently got together. Which disproved your theory about them not wanting you because they are monogamous. Shocker, really. And instead of telling them now, you got hammer."
Bojan raised a finger in the air.
"And made out with a girl at the party in front of them."
Luka pinched his nose. He took a deep breath.
"And made out with a girl in front of them. Great! Lovely! What's the next step in your brilliant, self-destructive plan?"
Bojan shrugged. Luka sighed again.
"You are a menace. But you are also my friend. Which means I want you to be a happy menace. Please tell them."
"I'll think about it."
Luka shook his head and looked at him sadly.
"Sure you will."
He didn't end up telling them. In his defense, he really was preoccupied. Few days later, Martin told him he was leaving the band to concentrate on finishing college.
Bojan grieved the loss of another friend, as ridiculous as it sounded. While Kris and Jan loved Martin as well, it was different. They had each other and Jure now.
So Bojan arranged everything for Martin's last concert with them. And looked for the replacement. Which was how he found Nace. 
Bringing Jan along was his first mistake. Perhaps if he hadn't it could have been avoided. 
Nace fit into the criteria to perfectly replace Martin on stage. Jure even joked they looked similar enough that fans won't even notice the difference. Bojan would, though. He wasn't only losing a friend who he worked with since the beginning, but also his last line of defense. 
His mark ached harder than before ever since Jure joined in. 
He and Jan interviewed Nace and it was all going well. Bojan was finally starting to relax, realizing Nace would be a good fit. He was responsible, but knew how to joke still. They did need someone to keep them in check on occasion. And Nace didn't drink. His guitar skills were amazing too. All in all, perfect.
Up until he took off his leather jacket and stayed only in short sleeves. Showing off a soulmark on his right biceps.
Four stripes. Yellow, pink, red and blue. Bojan froze. 
"Nace," Jan said, sounding almost breathless, "is that your soulmark?"
Nace looked at him in confusion. Jan raised his hand to show off his wrist and Nace's eyes widened. 
"You are-"
"Yes. And I have found the other two. You are the forth."
Bojan felt like he was watching a private moment. Nace seems to be at a loss on what to say, simply looking at Jan like he was a miracle.
"So...only one remains."
A lump formed in Bojan's throat. His mark burned viciously. As if it was screaming: I am here!  Bojan got up.
"I'll leave you to settle...um. This. I think we can conclude Nace is a good fit by what was said already anyway. Have fun."
Jan's heavy gaze followed him until he took a turn in the alley, away from the view of the café. 
The next few weeks were torture. Watching them was torture. The way they all balanced each other perfectly. Jure's jokes and pranks contrasted Nace's mature, thought out responses. Kris' anxious energy was match by Jan's always relaxed state. They mixed and matched and still-
God, his mark burned. Bojan had too many moments where he had to excuse hinself and just breathe. Will the pain away. 
They were all there. Missing only one puzzle piece. All he had to do was go there and tell them. Just-
"Bojan?" Nace gently called out, startling him.
He turned from where he was leaning on the sink in the kitch to face him. Nace was always so measured in his movements, in his words. He told that that was because he used to be wild in his teenage years. He appriciated measured, gebtle approach a lot more now. 
"Sorry, I got lost in thought. Did you need something?"
"I just wanted to talk to you, if you have a minute?"
Bojan shrugged, even as his defense mechanisms rose up. Did he know? How would he have even realized? No. Impossible. 
"Sure. Shoot."
Nace's gaze traveled over his face and Bojan had the urge to squirm. All of them were attractive of course, but Nace and Jan had this odd ability to make him feel like they knew all his secrets. Bojan didn't have time to unpack why he was bith terrified and attracted to the feeling.
"I know this whole thing can't be easy for you. With all of us being bonded, you must feel left out. And I am sorry if I contributed to that by joining the band."
Bojan bit his lip. Oh. That was so thoughtful. He felt even more guilty about lying now. 
"It's not your fault. And I'm-I'm glad you guys found each other. It just gets a bit...much, sometimes."
Nace nodded.
"I can imagine. Kris told me you haven't found your own match yet, so it must be doubly hard for you."
God. He could just tell him. Bojan opened his mouth.
"Nace I-"
Jure came running, to show Nace a very specific cat video. It broke their moment and Bojan's sudden bravery disappeared.
He didn't tell him.
Which was why he ended up at the bar again. This time, without any of them around. He chatted up a guy who vaguely reminded him of Nace. Accidentally of course. 
It tricked his brain into feeling safe. So Bojan wasn't watching his drink as attentively as he should have.
He only realized his mistake when the room started to spin. Panic gripped him. If he went to the bathroom, he was going to show he was suspicious. But what could he do?
Now, Bojan will admit he wasn't someone who ever studied the soulmate bond. But even he knew about it. In theory. He tried to block in out of his mind most of the timez terrified of exposing himself.
But in his panic and confusion, he found it. He could feel faint flashes of what the other four felt. And he, idiotically, pushed all his fear and panic through the bond. 
The closest way to describe the feeling was smashing the fire alarm. 
Suddenly he could feel all of them. As if they they were reaching out to him. Jan's fierce protectiveness, Kris gentle reassurance. Jure's playfulness was there, even with his worry. And Nace was a warm, stable presence of comfort.
Bojan's phone rang. The guy he was drinking with seemed annoyed, but it gave him an excuse to step away and answer the phone. 
He managed to make it out of the club, to the fresh, cold air. 
"Bojan, where are you?"
Jan's voice was sharp and urgent. It immediately brought tears to Bojan's eyes.
"At the bar near my apartment. I'm sorry I-I think the guy put something in my drink. Everything is kind of spinning and I swear I only had one drink! Jan, I'm scared."
He heard Jan swearing at the other end, and there was such an intense wave of protectivness that came through the bond that Bojan felt like it wrapped around him. 
"It's okay. We are coming to get you. I will give Kris the phone now, okay? Stay on the line."
He sat on the ground, to get the spinning under control. He was so tired.
"Bojan? Can you hear me?"
"Kris," he sighed contentedly. 
Kris had such a nice, soothing voice. Bojan wanted to fall asleep to him talking.
"Yes, it's me. Can you tell me how are you feeling?"
Bojan hummed, thoughtful. Woth everything they were feeling, it was hard to pinpoint how he felt.
"Tired. Kinda sick? Not like I'll throw up but like I didn't eat something right. And everything is still spinning."
Kris kept talking to him and asking him irrelevant questions just to keep him on the line. Bojan fought against drifting off, but it became harder.
"Kris," he whined, "I am so tired."
He gently shushed him.
"I know sweetheart. Just a bit longer. We'll be there in a minute."
The rest was a blur. He remembered them picking him up and driving him home, but drugs made everything hazy. Last thing he remembered was being put to bed and then everything going dark.
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whats-the-story-tc · 4 years
17th of March, 2020
"The One with the Messages Upon Messages"
Sit down for this. Grab some refreshments. It's gonna get real.
It was 8 AM in the morning when I checked the platform mentioned in my previous post and saw that our class chat was the only empty one. (Well, okay, it's technically a chat for both classes in our year but whatever.) So, it's empty, right? After about five minutes of persuading myself to be brave, I sent the following messages:
S: "...and this is the only empty one left. 🦗🦗"
S: "We officially start [classes] tomorrow, right?"
It didn't take a minute for me to get a response that made my heart stop.
V: "Yes. 🙂"
I completely freaked out, let me tell you. I was not prepared to see that name and profile picture flash up, especially not that soon.
S: "Nice. Until then, I'll learn how to use this platform somehow. 😅"
Bookworm Friend (BWF in texts): "Me too, I think. 😁"
V: "Won't be much of a secret 🙂"
V: "If you'll want to use the video, you'll need a webcamera/your phone's camera and a headset/phone."
S: "I'll manage that, thank you. And I'll find an acceptable backdrop somehow. 😂"
[A/N: When V said you, she was only talking to me. In our native tongue, the singular you, which she was using there, differs from plural you.]
I was ecstatic! 8 AM of Day 0 and we'd already had a conversation. Things simply couldn't get any better than that...
Yeah. I guess I didn't know what was gonna go down yet.
It was about 11:40 AM-ish when I got a Google Classroom notif which made me stop cleaning in my room. There she was, Miss V mode activated, with one bloody long message. Even here, we had to share a course with the other class. Fantastic. I was just about to complain into my diary when a message notification from The Platform That Shall Not Be Named flashed up, sent by someone with a Very familiar profile picture. But only upon opening it, after screaming about it profusely, did I realise that it wasn't sent into the class chat.
V sent me a DM.
V: "Would you please tell [Curly Friend] to give me a valid e-mail address, because I can't send him the classroom code.."
I was bloody losing it. She could've chosen anyone from his class (WE AIN'T EVEN CLASSMATES) or who's friends with him, but no. For whatever reason she might have had for it, V approached me. She wanted my help. And I was honestly incredibly honoured that she did.
S: Sure!
And I immediately slid on over into Curly Friend's DMs to tell him about it. Okay, it was moreso me screaming at him to message her before I die from a cardiac arrest. His response? "Ok calm yo gay ass". Lmao. Nobody's ever told me that before but it was long overdue. And as I was speaking to him, I got another message.
V: "thank you 🙂"
I really need to make a "Thank you!" counter. I'm still entirely sure it's what we say to each other most often.
V: "but you can invite him here, too"
S: "To the English server? I just need to send him the code for that, right? 😅"
V: "yes, i think he'll know what to do"
S: "He definitely will. I'll send it right away."
And then, all was silent for until about an hour, when the folks from the other class started getting active in the chat. And with them, so did V, chatting as eagerly as I've never heard or seen her before. Of course. Classic introvert. Put her behind a screen and she'll thrive. When some guys tried to convince her to give us unlimited time for the upcoming test, she even sent a selfie (A FUCKING SELFIE) where she's with her cat, saying "The kitty tells me not to listen to you." YOU DON'T GET IT THAT IS THE CUTEST SHIT EVER.
Then things went apeshit. From my idiot of a cousin using informal pronouns with V to invite her to a video call (she was chill about it though, just told him not to do it with a smiley) and people cursing casually in the general chatroom meant for everyone in the server, to the other class boys adding some guys who haven't gone to my school for about 3 years now and have nothing to do with V. Things started turning into an animal farm instead of a server and me and my friends were outrageously bored. It took them some convincing, but the result was this DM:
S: "Miss, I know, saving space and we're covering the same thing and stuff, but... can't we separate the two classes instead? Just here, on [The Platform That Shall Not Be Named]. Some of us are starting to go mad."
My friends' circle kept on fuming and I waited. The response arrived in some 10 minutes.
V: "Well, we could."
S: "If it's no trouble for you, Miss, we'd be thankful 😅"
And thus, the woman of so many of my dreams stepped into action, changing from dorky, fun, lower-case-and-emojis V to serious, determined, pristine grammar Miss V seemingly in the blink of an eye. She created two separate chats. Of course, it was not an easy or a fast process, inspiring messages like "put me back into [my class] bitch", that made my blood boil. She threw one of the additional boys out and demanded the other's name. "Those, who won't disclose their real names will be kicked out. Sorry." After he made up some silly ass fake name, V just wrote: "I don't have a student like that, ban." And as we all reacted to it with hysterical laughter in the form of emojis, V just writes: "That's that." AN. ICON. Go home, everybody. V wins.
The next minute, in our fresh, new class chat for only my class this time, the following message arrives:
V: "Dear [Class], I separated the two bunches, because they couldn't behave."
The six thank you–messages that followed (one of them mine) is pretty telling. And V was pretty fucking mad. Before I texted her about it, she was completely silent, but now, she was agitated. Her later message to a girl looking for the class chats writes: "Everyone can only see their own [class], because SOME PEOPLE started trolling the others."
That evening I had homeroom over The Platform That Shall Not Be Named, as my homeroom teacher finally learned how to use it since yesterday's Messenger call, when she mentioned asking V, who was sitting next to her during the faculty meetings all day, to teach her. I would've paid good money to see that, to be honest.
See, guys? This is why I'm so in love with who V is. She's a lovable little dork, yeah, but she's so much more. Always right there when you need her, whatever for, and takes it incredibly seriously until the very second the deed is done. I couldn't be more thankful for having her in my life.
~ S ♡
[Every story I share here, no matter how specific I get with my wording, depicts actual events from my own life.]
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thedispatched · 3 years
Ok so I finally read the soompi post defending Lucas and I wanted to share my thoughts:
They presented some strong points, but their bias is also pretty obvious and they always land with such bold assumptions that just don't make sense. It makes me a bit skeptical.
Anyway, I'll start with the information they got from the ooooshiiim account and the twitter prediction account:
The user ids they represented are def real, that can be easily confirmed by going to websites that translate user handles to ids.
But them comparing one manga character to lucas and assuming that somehow that disproves OP 1's claims is hilarious LMAO. The description of the fictional character would literally fit most male idols, idk how they went like "oh this guy severely resembles lucas, another evidence yay!"
As with the Instagram account, I can't seem to find it?? If, say, it's really OP, did they happen to find the soompi post and decided to delete the Instagram account/change the username? This is also poses the possibility that the Instagram account isn't actually real, but I guess we'll never know.
I also wish the soompi lumi provided a link to the account and some more elaboration on how their cyber investigator found it through the twitter acc's digital footprints. The manga part is very elaborate but most else is just pretty vague which I find a bit questionable?
The said fabrication of the chat records: doesn't the gaps depend on what version of WeChat it is? I searched for "wechat screenshots" and some gaps can indeed be as big as the ones in the chat records.
It would also have been better if they highlighted the gap inconsistencies/misalignments they are pointing out because personally I don't see it(but maybe it's just my eyes bluffing).
I don't have much to say about the schedule parts since I don't follow their schedules closely and I'm too lazy to search for it, but I guess what those fans said do make sense.
The voice messages: I don't have much to say either since I don't speak korean. But last time I heard the alleged voice message and the bubble one lumis are using as proof, they didn't sound alike. But then again, I don't know korean.
The sasaeng photos: I guess it also kinda makes sense. But I feel like the fan who said they got the same photo OP 1 had provided should have just showed a screenshot of her conversation with the sasaeng she claims to be selling them, I mean, the photo is already out, so what difference of not specifying which photo it is/not showing the screenshots of her conversation with the sasaeng would make?
The ring part: the soompi lumi's argument also seems pretty valid. It really does not look like his finger.
The OP 2 part: I don't know mandarin or cantonese so I can't really comment on the nuances the fans are trying to point out. I don't understand the red boxes though, were those part of the original photos OP 2 provided or are they highlights of the misalignments lumis are trying to point out?
The OP 3 part: Oh they can definitely be a guy, but it's also possible that they didn't use their actual gender in the account(I myself do that all the time, for privacy reasons). But once again, we will never know which is true.
The photo is indeed very questionable. Why is the background blurred? Why are there plushies everywhere? Why is there a reflection of what seems like a man in the glass when they're supposedly alone? But there seems to be a door and a small hallway reflected on the glass too? It looks clean and hotel-like. And the one who took the photo seemed to be sitting right besides him based on the photo's angle. If it's taken by a sasaeng staff as fans have claimed, how did the sasaeng staff secretly took a photo like that while literally sitting besides lucas and with other people around them(like the "man in the glass") without the other people in the dorm questioning what the fuck is that staff doing? But another explanation I can think of(if the photo really came from a sasaeng staff) is that a member took the photo(with Lucas being aware of it) and somehow the sasaeng staff managed to get it?
With OP 3's chat records, again I don't see the gap mistakes or misalignment they are pointing out, I again tried to look at WeChat examples on the internet and the difference between the size of the messages and the dates is a normal thing, so is the gap between 2 messages vs the gap at bottom of the chat. And the "difference" between the two s's in lucas's username they are pointing out is honestly ridiculous. The photo is taken from an asymmetrical angle, of course the sizes would look unequal.
The sleeping photos: the plushies' textures don't look the same, dorm plushie looks more rough while the plushie Lucas is sleeping with looks softer and fuzzier. And if it was taken by a sasaeng in the wayv dorm as fans have claimed, how the hell is the sasaeng within such a close proximity? There's so many people in the dorm and I doubt they'd be all asleep at that time to not notice that a sasaeng is right besides their sleeping member literally photographing him.
The jacket and photo receipts: Oh I've seen this on another article. I'm convinced with the debunking of the jacket part, and receipts are everywhere in the internet. I guess it isn't impossible that OP 3 might have just took the receipts somewhere online.
OP 4's surfing video: Yes, same pose, but different angles? That does not look exactly the same as the one he showed in his socials. But that black spot is definitely questionable.
OP 4's WeChat records: Oh another questionable one. Especially the imbalance in the color value. But once I again I think it would have been better if they provided the links to the other debunk posts they included because man I can't see the cutting traces in the chats that they are pointing out.
OP 1's second post: again I think the difference in wechat date layouts depend on the version? And why did most koreans themselves didn't question the difference in OP 1's wechat? Like if korean wechat really don't look like that, wouldn't they point it out?
"their account creation dates and account activity all falls within the same time period." Um no?? 2015, 2019, 2018 are same time periods??
In conclusion, as I said before, I think the soompi lumi presented strong points that really make you question the credibility of the allegations, but their intense bias towards lucas makes them quite questionable, too. And the way they treat every debunk post like the absolute divine truth is pretty off-putting.
I'm convinced not everything in the allegations are true. I'm just curious about the severity of his actions. Maybe he dated them, but maybe he wasn't an asshole? But if that's the case why would they try to ruin his image if he treated them right? Or maybe he really was an asshole but some of the story isn't true? Ah I'm still so confused of what to think but I believe there has to be some truth in the story, but just how bad is the truth???
thank you for sending me your thoughts! it's always interesting to see what other people think. (and sorry for the late reply!)
i'm not gonna say much as i've talk about my thoughts on the post already.
i agree about the manga, it's absolutely ridiculous how comparing one manga character to lucas debunks their claims. that's just one example of one of the far fetched assumptions that made me lean more towards not believing the article.
part of me also wondered if they created the ig account for their article but like you said, we’ll never know.
even if it doesn’t look like his finger in the messages, I’m pretty sure he mentioned winwin in the texts ??
I know some people blur the background of photos for either aesthetic, or mostly for privacy reasons.
I honestly don’t know how people are seeing a man in the reflection. It’s a literally blob. You can’t make out any (person) shape.
The jacket and receipts is the only thing I took away from that article that I actually kind of believed. I talked about this with another anon. That is super easy to fake, but the photos were also originally blurry so a “blur” around the words would be hard to solidify as evidence unless the photo is in ultra hd or something lol. But to me this is the most believable to be fake.
I once saw a twitter thread pointing out how the messages weren’t photoshopped and explained why they looked “misaligned” or whatever but I can’t remember what it said exactly besides auto translations. I won’t be able to find it again because it was so long ago :/
Someone can correct me if I’m wrong but wechat is more of a China thing? Like not a lot of people outside of China/non-Chinese use it. You’re right about why Koreans didn’t point it out, but I don’t think they’d know if they don’t use it ??
You asked a lot of questions and pointed out a lot of things that are something to think about, but I don’t think anyone has a clear answer unless you have an extreme bias.
I also wondered the severity of his actions. I think this whole thing is a mix of truth and lies. We all want to know the truth and the worst part is we never will. Like you said, how bad is the truth?
(I might edit this later and add some stuff 😅)
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