#chasing lights au
driftingmoonmenace · 9 months
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dangerous hand holding
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lyss-butterscotch · 10 months
what does grey winds slugcat do
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Gonna answer all this at the same time.
This is Rhine aka The Haulier. Their first role is literally just as extra lights for Wind when he's examining minerals. Their second role is to be sent to Wind's mines to retrieve specific gems that can't be mined industrially (aka rare gems he needs a small amount of).
Courier is Wind's king vulture. Their role is to carry Rhine around because Wind has alot of mining sites and Rhine was not made for extended travel. No they can't carry puppets. Sorry no art i dont feel like drawing a vulture .-.
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missadmyre · 2 months
Date Night at Ghost Town
It wasn't often that his mentee, Randy, would invite him to do little activities such as fishing inside the Nomicon, such moments he appreciates as it reminded him of the peaceful memories he once had back at the living world.
When Randy had intivited him to come with him at the Celebration of the Founding of Sanctus Civitas in the Ghost Realm, he couldn't believe at what he was being offered to. "A trip to the Ghost Realm?" He asked.
The teen then replied, "Yeah, Danny invited me and Jake to come with him to the Ghost Zone for the celebration. Since you're some kind of spirit or something, maybe you could also have a chance to go there? I mean, it's gotta be kinda wonk to be lonely inside this book."
The First Ninja denied Randy's invitation at first, skeptical as he finds it nonsensical but also dangerous, given that he is the very foundation of the Nomicon. Should he be absent from his duties, he feared that an unexpected force would invade at a time of weakness, something of which he wouldn't allow.
Yet, even PlopPlop started to bug him about the boy's invitation, finding it weird that his ally had also approved of the boy's attempt. Eventually, he decided to go, finding it hard to resist two of his people and their charm to annoy to him.
As he tries to find an appropriate attire to wear, he discovers an elegant robe from back when he was alive, a kimono that dates back to the Kamakura Period. A gift from his fourth brother, a craftsman at heart.
On the day of the celebration, he, along with Randy his friends set off to the Ghost Realm, finding themselves in a dense forest with a jagged dirt pathway. Following the path, they reach the marble stairs, climbing up as they were greeted by a Torii Gate with two bells hanging on each side.
Ringing the bell four times on each bell while citing a chant that guarantees their entry, they soon were able to enter through the gate and into the celebration. The place was brimming with energy, hundreds of ghosts, spirits and souls running around around having fun.
The setting was beautiful, a dreamy dawn accompanying it. It was like a mix of a fairground and a ceremony, which would happen later that night as the procession of the Hyakki Yagyo would happen later that night. Stalls of food and games were placed left and right, attracting attentions of passerbys.
As he was about to ask the boys about his purpose in this, he was confused to find him, the warlock. Snarling, the First Ninja asked "What are you doing here?". The warlock chuckled, "Oh my, ask your kid, he did set us up for our date". Eyes twitching, he turned around to find Randy and his friends smiling, telling them to have fun as they ran away to enjoy the event.
Sighing, he faced Chase as the lizard hybrid held out his hand, "May I accompany you?". He begrudgingly accepted, knowing damn well that he himself won't be able to disagree.
Randy, while walking with Jake and Danny, smiled as his plan worked. He had planned it since the day he realized both their feelings are mutual, just way too stubborn and prideful to recognize them. He pleaded PlopPlop to go along with his plan, which after many attempts and bribery, he finally agreed.
Jake had been able to contact Chase, it wasn't hard considering that their main topic would be about the First Ninja, but what was hard was to convince the lizard hybrid that none of what they were planning is a trap.
The two heroic teens had known about their guardian's feelings about each other for a long time, even more so when they received the news that they were practically married. Grimacing at their pining, they planned to get the two to spend time with each other to work out their feelings.
When Danny had gotten an invitation to the Celebration of the Founding of Sanctus Civitas, they knew it was their chance to set the two immortal men on a date, letting Danny in on the plan as they tried to make their invitation look natural.
"Hey Randy, I know you set this up and shit for a long time, but come on! Let's enjoy the event, man!" Jake exclaimed.
"Hold on a minute, gotta take a picture of this." Pulling a camera out of his pocket, he placed it at the direction of the two immortals who were walking by the crowd, zooming in and pressing the button as it emitted a flash.
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stillcarmine · 1 month
Some scenes for that marvel au where Leo gets abducted by aliens like in guardians of the galaxy:
I think it'd be funny if Leo doesn't show up until the absolute last second, like the beginning of Mark of Athena and his crash landing is basically what kicks starts the war.
He'd have to have some contact with the rest of the seven for this to work, and Octavian probably spins it as the quest group harboring an enemy of the state or something.
Also this means that Annabeth would have taken his spot on the Lost Hero quest, which is kind of funny, because she'd be stuck with a emotionally and logically confused Piper and Jason, and we'd actually get some conflict stemming from the differences in Roman and Greek leadership.
They're all angry- Piper because her dad is in trouble, Annabeth because Percy's still missing and Jason because he can't remember a goddamn thing- and easily irritated and about one second away from exploding and eventually they all do.
The Greeks probably make some generic ship for them to travel on, and maybe Leo upgrades it with alien stuff.
It's like. Glaringly obvious that Leo does not know anything about the mythical world.
He's actually been raised on stories of the Norse gods, so his knowledge base is inaccurate and misplaced, because like, the Norse gods on Earth are not the same as the Norse gods that he's heard about. But since none of the others know that there are terrestrial Norse gods, that doesn't come up.
So, they're trying to explain that no, the gods he's heard about aren't a thing, and Leo's like… squinting and fiddling with his fork before gesturing back and forth between the Romans and Greeks. "Okay, but y'all thought the Greeks didn't exist and the Roman's didn't exist until now so…"
No one wants to think about this on top of everything else, so they just let Leo believe what he believes. (He's right, sort of, anyway. Annabeth is not going to want to admit as much when she learns about what Magnus is up to lol)
When they're discussing rescuing Nico from the jar, Leo looks side to side and asks, "Are they trying to pickle him or something?"
Hazel's about ready to kill him, but Frank is just like. very confused. "Like cucumbers?"
Leo shrugs. He's had a childhood of threatening to be eaten, so it isn't the largest jump in logic for him.
Anyway, since he's got no opinion about either camp, he isn't opposed to going after Nico, though he does pull out a holographic battle map and starts suggesting some strategies.
Annabeth and Frank are very reluctantly fascinated.
Hazel and Leo are always commiserating or fighting over the bathrooms because Hazel's always sea sick and Leo's always throwing up from food poisoning because he's not used to earth germs.
He doesn't realize this is the issue and there's an unfortunate mishap where he tried to bond with Frank by offering him some of his snacks from space and... yeah, that was a bit of a setback on the making nice thing.
Percy took one look at Leo's leather outfit and went "Ares."
He tries to let go of this prejudice.
All the monsters they have to deal with are like, nothing compared to what's out there in the rest of the universe and Leo is deeply unimpressed by the creatures attacking them.
He doesn't have a bronze or gold weapons (and at least here that oversight makes sense).
At some point, they're fending off some beast and Leo just glances between it and the way the other demigods are fighting it with knives and swords and pulls a gun from his jacket.
It probably shouldn't work, but it's not bullets as ammo, instead some kind of energy beam doodad and the monster careens over a cliff side. Leo just leans forward to watch it fall and then goes "…cool." and walks off.
Festus has still been running wild at camp this whole time and now he's like, sensing his future buddy and waylays the quest group before they leave the States. Maybe it happens when the Romans catch up with them and Festus unintentionally saves them/ buys them time to escape.
THIS GUY, Leo is impressed with.
They don't realize what the storm or fire line means for the LONGEST just because Leo just never thinks about his fire. Like, he didn't tell any of them about it, he kind of came to think he had some kind of alien ancestry over the years and so it doesn't have anything to do with this mythic stuff in his mind yet.
Anyway, that means that Jason and Frank think it's about them (ayyy frason ) and that's just a whole big thing when Leo realizes what's going on. It would have been pretty interesting if the final outcome of the prophecy had come down to a decision made by both a Greek and Roman actually. Hm.
Anyway, with all of this in play, it might actually come down to Frank dying to stop Gaea instead of Leo, simply because the expectations were different, and that Leo doesn't have as strong of connection to this world or the rest of the seven. Which is an interesting take/explanation for Nemesis's warning to him about never finding a place with his brethren. Hm...
Anyway, either Leo dies, or Frank dies and Leo has to like. Actually, face reality because he's lost someone again and he blames himself for that death and he can't keep running, but it's not so simple because he doesn't know where or what home is.
He'd probably end up going back to space, but eventually he'd have to come back for his own peace of mind.
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anns-works · 2 years
Percy, crab-walking around Annabeth: If I was Sisyphus I'd eat a bit of dirt off the slope every time on my way down until the slope is no longer steep enough for the boulder to roll down. It would be the end of suffering in 47 days.
Percy, waddling behind Luke: If I was Atlas I'd shake the sky up and down to make the laminated wobble sound worldwide everyday and piss Zeus off enough to kill me or himself.
Percy, cart-wheeling in front of Thalia: No idea how I'd cope being Prometheus. He died so we can light joints I wish him the best.
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s0lar-ch3ri · 18 days
i love to be silly in the apocalypse
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i wanted to show off my art for once!
this is a just roll what if that the server made up! it features both actual jrwi characters and jrwi ocs! its very fun, and i didnt make the idea myself, all credit to the actual story belongs to my friend HD!
@que3rduckling (one other person kinda in the rp who wanted to be tagged :D)
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chandralia · 2 years
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#resisting the urge to tell people I just met that Hori drew them as Godzilla and Mothra who are canonly the King and Queen of the Monsters#that the tarot cards for vol 33 have bkdk standing in The Lovers position#that Deku’s favorite meal is katsudon.. like KATSUKI’S NAME#and that their eyes are complementary colors#Toga’s words of ‘You wanna be the person you love’ when Ochako is asking ‘what would Deku do?’#ONLY FOR DEKU TO ASK ‘WHAT WOULD KACCHAN DO?’ and constantly mimic him#that the 2nd User used ‘hokan’ when saying ‘The one who can complete Midoriya Izuku now is…’ THEN BAKUGO APPEARING IN THE SKY LIKE AN ANGEL#those official rings that have quotes from characters saying things to Deku but DEKU’S RINGS are something said to Bakugo only#’You looked like you needed saving’ and ‘I spent my life chasing after you’#that Deku said ‘I can’t imagine a world in which Kacchan doesn’t exist’ in a light novel#and Deku KNOWING Bakugo had a fever just by how he acted and checked by touching his forehead-#only for Bakugo to angrily check DEKU’S forehead later with ‘You’re burning up too idiot’ IN THE TENT FROM ANOTHER LIGHT NOVEL#AND THE FACT THAT couples in mha LOOK LIKE bkdk… Bakugo’s parents resemble them- Shindo and his GF look identical to them-#Toga and Ochako have the sharp eyes/round eyes thing too !!#the fantasy au ending song was WRITTEN for them as said by LiSA herself#‘I imagined what it would be like if Izuku were singing his honest feelings to Katsuki. This is a song dedicated to Katsuki from Izuku’#and in all the official art from Hori for that au Deku and Bakugo are wielding the same sword from All Might broken right down the middle#*out of breath* ​there’s a million more but bkdk are always shown side-by-side drawn as equals two halves of the same whole#’win to save save to win’ you know???#I’ve said this already but this story started with them and it will END with them#bkdk#dkbk#bakudeku#dekubaku#:’)
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and-stir-the-stars · 9 months
saffron michael gifts Vanessa with light-up sketchers that have blue and red lights. Ness is very confused, then annoyed when Mike says it's in case she "has to chase a criminal on foot"
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yaoicoreren · 1 year
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heqrts4chuuya · 3 months
Currently trying to make an outline of one of my Aus and I have found myself at a crossroads.
I doubt anyone will see this but if you do please vote‼️
For context no matter what they will meet him in the same way and also Adam is human in this AU.
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am i even invested in a story if i dont have a Beetlejuice AU, yet to see the light of day that is solely based off of one couple that i think fits Barbra and Adam?
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driftingmoonmenace · 4 months
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have these old unfinished Chasing Lights AU doodles from like a year ago ✨
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okay NOW I've got to finish reading Purity through a Prism
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kisari-v · 6 months
Kylie and Chase's Fairy Forms are done woohoo!
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Edited their forms!
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still can't get over "there's no homophobia in ofmd!" claims, as if we don't get a flashback of childhood stede being the target of a rousing game of "smear the queer"
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theendofuno · 1 year
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hiii i’ll start posting less bcs my drawings are ending lmao
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