#it wouldnt be right to snag something that yuuhiyo shippers enjoy and use it for my own ship
femme-malewife · 1 year
Tbh in regrards to Honeyworks, I consider the novels and MVs to be what’s canon. The MVs highlight the important things, and the novels expand on it. I don’t consider the anime to be canon.
The games, it’s a little more tricky to say? Because they do pretty much copy/paste from the novels in their precious stories, but they remove things too. Like in the Romeo precious story, it pretty much simply followed the entirety of the Romeo novel, except they took away pretty much all of chapter 5, in which Aizou and Yujiro go to the aquarium together and Aizou wins a stuffed penguin and gives it to Yujiro when he saw how disappointed he was, then in the Kyoto event, it said Yujiro never went to an aquarium before.
But anyway.
With the anime, I do take some things as canon- things that end up getting expanded on or make sense.
Like in the novels, Yuko was never around. Only mentioned in flashbacks. Why? The movie says it’s because she’s in France, and tbh, I can buy that. I can consider that canon, since...well, where else would she be? You can’t exactly prove she’s still in Japan.
And like in Heroine Tarumono, Nagisa happened. I personally like the hc that the whole Asuka incident happened first, and then the Nagisa thing happened later. Otherwise, what was the point in making a whole MV, a whole novel dedicated to it???
Normally, I would say they’re two separate things, but given that Honeyworks is starting to give Nagisa a bit more spotlight and giving him songs like “I lied to the girl I love” and Hiyori’s song continues with her singing about her confused feelings for Nagisa, which apparently is said to take place after Heroine Dev and Herotaru, then I would assume both happened, but the anime couldn’t show it because Ascana graduated, connecting Hiyori and Nagisa’s episode to the MVs.
Am I wrong? Maybe. Who knows? I don’t think the staff of Honeyworks themselves know tbh.
But if anyone gets into Honeywoks- whether it’s through Herotaru or anything else, I strongly recommend the MVs first, the novels afterwards, and take the anime with pinches of salt.
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