#like i said. we shippers have our own bubbles. im not stealing from someone elses bubble to show off my own ship
femme-malewife · 1 year
Tbh in regrards to Honeyworks, I consider the novels and MVs to be what’s canon. The MVs highlight the important things, and the novels expand on it. I don’t consider the anime to be canon.
The games, it’s a little more tricky to say? Because they do pretty much copy/paste from the novels in their precious stories, but they remove things too. Like in the Romeo precious story, it pretty much simply followed the entirety of the Romeo novel, except they took away pretty much all of chapter 5, in which Aizou and Yujiro go to the aquarium together and Aizou wins a stuffed penguin and gives it to Yujiro when he saw how disappointed he was, then in the Kyoto event, it said Yujiro never went to an aquarium before.
But anyway.
With the anime, I do take some things as canon- things that end up getting expanded on or make sense.
Like in the novels, Yuko was never around. Only mentioned in flashbacks. Why? The movie says it’s because she’s in France, and tbh, I can buy that. I can consider that canon, since...well, where else would she be? You can’t exactly prove she’s still in Japan.
And like in Heroine Tarumono, Nagisa happened. I personally like the hc that the whole Asuka incident happened first, and then the Nagisa thing happened later. Otherwise, what was the point in making a whole MV, a whole novel dedicated to it???
Normally, I would say they’re two separate things, but given that Honeyworks is starting to give Nagisa a bit more spotlight and giving him songs like “I lied to the girl I love” and Hiyori’s song continues with her singing about her confused feelings for Nagisa, which apparently is said to take place after Heroine Dev and Herotaru, then I would assume both happened, but the anime couldn’t show it because Ascana graduated, connecting Hiyori and Nagisa’s episode to the MVs.
Am I wrong? Maybe. Who knows? I don’t think the staff of Honeyworks themselves know tbh.
But if anyone gets into Honeywoks- whether it’s through Herotaru or anything else, I strongly recommend the MVs first, the novels afterwards, and take the anime with pinches of salt.
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Heroes Fjeast Talk ep 105
Ladies and gentleman, welcome to another episode of Sofía Overanalyzes Everything With Shipper Googles. I hope you’ve missed my stupid long-ass metas because I’m about to peak apart that conversation the M9 had with Jester during their Heroes Feast and I’m gonna do it mostly from a Fjorester POV so if that’s not your cup of tea, not even from a purely meta standpoint, I suggest you get off this ride now. Otherwise, please keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times because I’m about to yell, use all caps, bolded letters and a ton of screenshots. 
Ok? Here we gooooo
First of all, when Jester starts talking about The Traveler, Fjord looks so concerned but clearly seems like he doesn’t want to step in while she’s talking about this, like he’s afraid she’ll deflect. That is, until she looks straight at him while saying: 
“I know all of you [looks at him and quickly looks away] are concerned that maybe he’s [looks at him again, holding his gaze] taking advantage or he doesn’t have our best interest.”
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And Fjord lets her talk about how important The Traveler is to her and how she still wants him around even if he doesn’t want to be a god. And Fjord insists on why did he want everyone to come here in the first place then, but before Jester can answer Beau brings up the memory-stealing issue with this island.
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So Jester admits The Traveler knew. And Fjord. Is. Pissed.
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Right up until Jester turns to talk to him again, trying to explain The Traveler’s plan and he’s trying to understand this “unloading of people”
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But he’s not happy and you can see clear as day how the dots connect for him, between “getting read of people” and Jester being one of those people, too.
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He even nods when she explains the thing about The Traveler wanting to be “not as available” anymore because, for the third time, Jester turns to him in her efforts to explain The Traveler’s actions, looking for support and reassurance. 
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“But he sent you here,” he protestes softly 
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AND THEN THEY SHARE A LOOK FOR LIKE 3 SILENT HEAVY SECONDS BEFORE SHE SAYS “YEAH” AND HE INSISTS “what if you forgot him?” but seriously that look is so long and charged with silent words i could dieeeeeeeee
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“He promised me he would save me... and us, he said all of us.” I love how Jester and Fjord just zero in on each other during group conversations, like you can tell when they are speaking to all of the group and when they just enter this little bubble when it’s just one on one. You can see it here, by the way Jester is telling him she’d be alright and then she’s like !! well all of us, and turns back to the group. 
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And then Yasha asks how Jester feels about the Traveler sending people here and she’s so sad. She tries to turn to Fjord as she explains how the Traveler doesn’t always care about how he affects people and Fjord is not happy about that because we know WE KNOW that that is his main concern when it comes to Jester’s well being. Also, the fact that just as he turns to look at her she looks away?? i cry
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“To him we are like ants sometimes, you know? We don’t think about the fact when we squish an ant, you know? It doesn’t mean anything to us but the ant is just... really sad.” LOOK AT HOW SHE’S TRYING TO TELL HIM SHE’S SAD
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And there’s this pause that you might miss... where all of the M9 are at a loss for words. They all want to help, you can tell, but they don’t know how to. And when Fjord looks out to them, like he’s expecting someone else to intercede, they are all looking at him... expecting him to helm this conversation, even if he didn’t start it. I love that. I love that the M9 collectively acknowledge the depth of the bond Fjord and Jester share and when it comes to this, they often defer to either of them to help the other. 
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“Jester, we all want what’s best for you, of course. Have you talked to him at all about things going back to how they were when you were little? Just being... your best friend.”
But I love that Fjord is really really really really trying not to come off as judgmental or disapproving of the Traveler. Like, we know that he’s not his biggest fan, but Fjord has repeatedly acknowledged how important he is to Jester, so he tries to come up with solutions that involve trusting her belief in him.  
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And Jester is so frustrated, getting increasingly upset as she speaks about the Traveler becoming more distance. And I love that, again, when it becomes a little too much and her voice begins to break, she turns to Fjord for support and he gives her the softest nod showing he understands her being upset. “Before he used to be here all the time, you know?”
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“You’ve done so much for him and I know he’s done so much for you but trying to make him happy in this, it puts you at risk... it has put you at risk, and us. That doesn’t seem, like you said, the most considerate thing.”
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But also I wanna talk about how Fjord seems to be talking about himself a little bit here? About how much Jester has done for him?? and how, sure, he’s also tried to do things for her and support her but maybe he’s worried that his shit will put her at risk with the whole Uk’otoa thing still lurking around??? LOOK LOOK LOOK I KNOW THIS IS GOING INTO DEEP META TERRITORY BUT I’m just saying, Fjord has a tendency of projecting what he wants to tell to her onto other people (like when he compliments Marion and talks about how lovely she is) so I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that his concerns about her relationship with The Traveler are a reflection of his own worries??
Anyway moving ooon
Conversation deviates to Beau’s offer to kill The Traveler and to whether or not Jester more/as powerful as he is. And, here’s the thing, Jester doesn’t seem very comfortable with either of those premises. First of all, she loves the Traveler, he’s her friend and even if things might be strained right now between them I don’t think she wants him killed anymore than she’d ever want any of the M9 killed. Second, the power thing is not how clerics work? AND implying that power is all Jester’s and wasn’t given by the Traveler —while it might be a comforting thoughts for others and comes from a well meaning place— is again putting too much responsibility on her shoulders and she’s losing that support that she’s already mourning when it comes to the traveler being always there for her. 
I think Fjord sees this, which is why his train of thought goes else where: he doesn’t point out her awesome magic or her powers (though we know based on his conversation with Beau after the reveal that he thinks what she can do is very impressive)... instead he focuses on what makes Jester special that is intrinsic to her, the things that no god can give or take away and what makes him value her so much. 
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“And you care, about people you know, about people you don’t know. You cause chaos but in the end you don’t wanna hurt people. You care. In many ways you’re much more than he’ll probably ever be.”
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This line destroyed me because i remember that one talks where Travis explained how much Fjord values Jester and how that was heightened after he momentarily lost his sword back in Xhorhas because it made me realize that powers weren’t as important or constant for him as her unwavering support and he realized that was what had true value for him. So him deviating a talk about whether or not she’s powerful to highlight her kindness and how that is what makes her so much better than The Traveler could ever dream of being?? Im fine im fine im fine im fine im fine
also that look full of yearning and love and admiration he gives her after?
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so of course the talk goes on about how cool Jester is and how much the M9 love and admire her and iT’S WHAT SHE DESERVES AND IM SO GLAD THEY SAID IT and then Fjord —bless him— gives us the ultimate golden way to close this with the truth about found family that he struggled to understand for so long as he came to terms with his relationship with himself, power and vulnerability... he says the one thing her constant support and love has taught him:
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“And, if you ever want to, there’s life beyond The Traveler. We are here.”
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bhadpodcast · 7 years
Know Your History aka Here’s Why You’re Wrong aka Thanks, Dan!
It’s amusing to me when people who are new to the fandom and don’t fully understand the festering cesspool that is Teen Wolf fandom, do the barest amount of research into the drama and THEN create elaborate defenses to validate their stanning. 
I’ve accepted that Sterek fandom is still very much a threat to Teen Wolf and to their general Scott McCall / Tyler Posey stanning collective and because of that they like to make giant posts filled with lies and misconceptions to make Sterek look like we’re the villains. 
The good thing is that all you have to do is click around the comments or do even the bare minimum of research and their arguments fall apart.  The bad news is that so many new stans won’t do this. 
I started watching the show spring of 2014, I was into the fandom by that June and I was a full fledged Sterek by July.  I was a HUGE Posey fan and had loved him in Lincoln Heights and White Frog.  All of my fist fics were skittles or sour!skittles.
I’m telling you this to let you know that I get it.  As a woman of color, the opportunity to have a ship that consisted of a character of color was huge to me.  I didn’t understand why it seemed like Stereks hated Posey/Scott.  I knew vaguely about BWT, but at the time I was so much more involved with the way the show mistreated him, I shrugged it off as “crazy fans, mad because they didn’t get their ship”.  
Then I started interacting with some stereks because of the podcast and I would hear them reference things from a viewpoint I’d never even considered.  I went back and did the research and I found out about the true reason and fallout for BWT-gate, I found out about Jeff’s exoduc from Twitter, and the thing that tipped it for me?  Cookies4Sterek.  They LITERALLY ATE OUR COOKIES knowing full well they were going to screw us over royally in the coming seasons!
Anyhow, this isn’t entirely what this is about.  This is about knowing your history kids.  I was commenting on a post and of course a Posey stan came in talking about how Tyler Posey was sunshine and roses and blah blah blah, but then they gave their own reasons for why BWT wasn’t only not so bad, but in fact, was necessary.
justaddgigi: So that how it's works. You do gay charity work and make a few half assed apologies and that automatically erases all the homophobic shit you do.
tylerscottpupper: @justaddgigi If you honestly believe Posey is homophobic, you seriously need to open your eyes and explore him more. He wouldn't hurt a fly, much less be/do anything against the LGBT community. He had to apologize because a harmless statement was turned into a butchering knife by and to the LGBT community.
stickykeys633: Oh Scott stan, the irony of telling someone to do research on Posey. I  love the idea that we wouldn't jump at the chance of someone supporting LGBT. That we just misunderstood him and it's nothing to do with his pattern of homophobic behavior
tylerscottpupper: @stickykeys633 Pattern of homophobic behavior? I think you mean "the fandom perceived pattern of homophobic behavior." Posey has done nothing remotely homophobic. It is the fandom that twists it into being homophobic, which it is not. Not once has he said something negative about the LGBT community. He has made harmless jokes, which I'll reiterate, were turned into "insults" towards the community. So, yes, you are misunderstanding him. Horribly, I might add.
stickykeys633:  Bwt was not a harmless joke, fake coming out was not a harmless joke, trying to grab his friend's dicks or trying to shove their hands into his pants is not a joke. I know you think he's sweet but you honestly don't know him. And it takes more effort to excuse the things he does than to just admit he's got a lot of growing to do. He hurt people and he didn't apologize point blank. That makes him a dick and he'll be one until he changes.
tylerscottpupper:  @stickykeys633 BWT was not a joke, it was a thing that needed to be said. If you watch the show for just Sterek as Posey says, you are watching the show for the wrong reasons. It wasn't directed at the shippers. His coming out joke was personally funny to me, and I don't see how it could actually hurt anyone. (Im an out Bisexual myself.) Quite honestly, I do know him, far better than you do apparently. He is not homophobic, and even so, he made a 3 part apology on Twitter after making the lamp joke. He saw that people didn't catch the joke and were getting offended, so he apologized. So yes, he did apologize after "hurting people." (I reiterate, if you get hurt by a lamp/sexuality joke, toughen up.) I don't need to excuse him because he hasn't done anything wrong. The fandom is the one who skews everything he says into a personal attack.
To conclude: Posey is not homophobic in the slightest. BWT needed to happen because Sterek was poisoning the fandom. Nothing Posey has said has hurt anyone, period. In fact, what the fandom is saying/has said to him has hurt him far more than you think he is hurting us. (A point which had been proven even by his late mother.) His behavior is a little quirky, but that's just Posey. He's different, and that's partially why I love him.
Now let’s break this down:
BWT was not a joke, it was a thing that needed to be said. If you watch the show for just Sterek as Posey says, you are watching the show for the wrong reasons. It wasn't directed at the shippers.
No.  You can twist this into anything, but it’s simply not true.  There are no right or wrong reasons to watch a show.  Also, Posey’s statement was fueled by bitterness which automatically makes it suspect.  You think Posey cares about the lore?  He can’t get half of the fantasy elements right now, you think he actually cares about werewolf mythology?  Nope, he cares about the fact that people are watching a show with him in it and not for him. So even if he’s right, he’s still wrong. 
Also, shippers are viewers and they’re the ones he deemed not watching for the right reasons so OF COURSE the comment was aimed at them.  If not, then whom?  
His coming out joke was personally funny to me, and I don't see how it could actually hurt anyone. (Im an out Bisexual myself.)
Then my guess is your white and VERY closeted. 
Quite honestly, I do know him, far better than you do apparently.
Oh dear heart... you don’t. You know the part of yourself you see in him, sure, but that’s not the same thing.
he made a 3 part apology on Twitter after making the lamp joke. He saw that people didn't catch the joke and were getting offended, so he apologized.
No, he was told to apologize and only did it because he had to.  And that apology skated so far on the “I’m sorry you’re offended” line, I don’t even know if it was worth it. 
So yes, he did apologize after "hurting people." (I reiterate, if you get hurt by a lamp/sexuality joke, toughen up.)
Dictating the experiences and reactions of others based on nothing but your own limited view of the world?  Oh you are bright white and no one knows you’re bi.  I’m not even really going to touch to rest of that paragraph because that’s another post entirely on his own, but if you really think Posey is different, then you’re more sheltered than I thought.  He is the definition of typical, and that’s what makes him so sad.  
BWT needed to happen because Sterek was poisoning the fandom.
This is what I really want to talk about.  This idea that what Posey said was a response to mistreatment by stereks is WRONG WRONG WRONG.  Stereks poisoned the fandom?  Stereks BUILT THE TEEN WOLF FANDOM.  How many viewers do you know who saw OUR photosets, OUR fics, OUR gifsets, OUR drabbles, OUR meta and decided to watch the show?  Stereks literally brought them hundreds of thousands of new viewers and the show LOVED IT.
Y’all love to forget that the very first fanfic competition hosted by the show had a sterek fic as the winner.  You forget the endless articles that mentioned us from Entertainment Weekly, TV Guide, Backlot, Logo, The Advocate and so many more that brought more and more viewers into this show.  You forget the conversations between Greg Berlanti and Jeff Davis about how great Sterek was and how Greg was gonna steal it from Jeff (and god I wish he had).
You forget that RIGHT BEFORE poseygate, Stereks created the Sterek Campaign which raised over $7000 in Posey’s name.  That helped save actual wolves in California and purchased Posey a lifetime membership.  You forget the creation of Team Lionheart aka McHaleinski aka sour!skittles was a creation and effort of Stereks to show that even though we were stereks, we still love and respected Scott.  
And it was never enough.  Posey was feeling pressure from the network and losing control of his show so rather than fight tptb and risk losing his show, he decided to punch down.  He punched down, completely and shellshocked an entire base of shippers who were suddenly being told we were part of the problem.  We were told to leave and when we did, we still got blamed for everything else wrong with the show.  Posey never apologized and the show even gave us that award as a way to apologize without having to involve Posey, but as with anything messy, what goes around comes around and he couldn’t even do right for that.  Passing the trophy off not only to a fan, but to one of the most notorious SDCC anti Sterek fans out there. 
So while I understand that as a young bisexual you feel no one got hurt, I invite you to tell that to the thousands of people who did and the amount of people that STILL feel the effects of Poseygate and the shunning of the show.  Get out of your bubble and actually see this mess for what it is, or mind your business and shut up.  Either way, just do better.  
And encourage your boy to do the same.  
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