#it’s 3.30am why is the football still going on!
whinlatter · 4 months
ask game -- ginny and seamus, harry and tonks , ron and sirius, hermione and neville
gorgeous options for the characters and dynamics ask game, thank you anon 🤙
ginny and seamus: seamus hated ginny for years. he did NOT want to believe that man-stealing harlot had good craic. ginny, on the other hand, was vaguely aware there was an irish guy around sometimes. then they fought in the DA together under the carrows and seamus had to begrudgingly accept she is actually exceptionally good vibes and ginny had to learn his name. and then they became good mates and ginny ships deamus like it’s her job and they have a lovely rewarding funny friendship which is only partly based on their shared acute mummy issues
harry and tonks: the fact that harry sort of thinks tonks is fine but low key annoying is an extreme source of amusement for me. other characters like tonks a lot but harry’s like - meh! she literally has his dream job and he’s unimpressed. when she’s introduced in canon his grouchy narration is like, can you stop fucking knocking things over? and then when she does up lovelorn over lupin in HBP he’s actively pissed off that she’s not very helpful lmao. gossiping about her to hermione like, ew is tonks in love with her cousin? huge ick if so. i know sirius was fit but come on. also when tonks shows off her wedding ring and harry yelps ‘you got MARRIED?!’ like ok judgy judgerson! you know when he had to step in to fix tonks and lupin’s marriage that the boy was tired
ron and sirius: ok i think about this one too much. but one of my favourite things about ron and sirius is that while ron really respects sirius, he doesn’t think the sun shines out of his arse like harry does, and worries about sirius as someone self destructive that harry reveres in a slightly troubling way. at the end of the day, ron more closely aligns with hermione’s view of sirius than harry’s, and that’s visible in their dynamic: friendly, but restrained. i think sirius thinks highly of ron and is kind to him, but he’s singularly focussed on harry, and not hugely interested in building a relationship with harry’s mates (and, obviously, he clashes more openly with hermione, and ron rides hard for his lady at all times). i think sirius sees ron and harry’s dynamic as something very different to his and james’, because ron doesn’t enable harry and the two of them aren’t troublemakers in cahoots, and that makes him feel a bit blah (because he senses, a bit guiltily, that harry and ron are more mature than he was at their age, and that ron looks after harry in a way that reminds sirius of the guardians that have been missing in his childhood)
hermione and neville: neville's first crush one hundo. hermione had to let him down easy i am convinced of it. neville makes a joke about it at romione’s wedding and sends ron spiralling when he realises that all of the occupants of his dorm bar seamus at some point either wanted to bang his sister or his wife
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