#it’s not cute it’s literally disgusting and illegal and nasty as fuck
mouthfullofmunson · 25 days
Tw rant
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musashi · 6 years
i’ll reiterate. i am attractive. i am not conventionally attractive.
conventional attraction means nothing. it is literally just a bunch of men in power over the course of several generations of humanity who got into a room and decided that only certain traits are Acceptable for women to have. that’s literally it.
these standards are completely eurocentric, misogynist, and impossible. they’re a joke. i realized pretty early on they were a joke, and started painting my fucking lips black and dressing like a goddamn vampire. then i got real fat and was like, hell yeah.
there is no part of me that believes i’m not a straightup fucking sexual goddess. i really cannot stress this enough, how hot for myself i am. i have made out with mirrors while under the influence of illegal substances. i take probably upwards of 50 selfies every time my outfit is even a little cute.
but when talking about experiences being “the ugly friend” it is important to note that just because i and many others (with taste) consider me attractive, that does not mean my traits hold up against the, again, impossible standards set by the patriarchy. like i said, i am fat and short and have a huge nose and my smile juts out all crooked from eight long years of sucking my thumb like the autistic bitch i am. to top it all off i went ahead and developed a pretty nasty attitude toward All Men who dare look at me in a way that displeases me, and they can smell it radiating off me like disgusting feral hounds.
none of this means anything to me. i love all these traits about myself, because they collectively make up my favourite person of all--me!
but that doesn’t mean i don’t still get The Ugly Experience. I’m not ugly, I’m Ugly Passing :P
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darkangel0410 · 7 years
can you literally not add those nasty ass tags onto a post with alex nylander in it that literally didn't even have anything to do with the gross shit you're talking about? that's literally nasty, disgusting, and illegal. take your perverted creepy shit somewhere else because incest is fucking nasty and not wanted here.
It’s real cute that you : 1. Think I care what anyone else thinks of my tags and 2. That you’re complaining about something you voluntarily went and read, especially since you probably don’t follow me. And even if you do follow me, I tag all my incest ship stuff with a ‘sibling incest’ tag, so if it’s as disgusting and upsetting to you as you claim, you should have it blacklisted. Or you could just unfollow me. Trust me, I won’t miss you.
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hug-girl · 7 years
Okay I have to say something
I was aware that some antis are sending death/rape/choke threats to shalladins. But not to which extent. I am honestly horrified of how people in this fandom act. Telling people publicly to die?? Has this fandom really sunken so low? Do antis even know that saying those things to anyone is fucking illegal?
I realise I’m young, and I probably don’t understand a lot of things that are happening right now.
When threats were first sent to bex, i had no idea who she was. I only found out thanks to a friend, a wonderful person and an amazing artist. And from what i’ve seen, Bex is super cool, she’s funny, she interacts with the fans, she stands for what she believes in and I’m generally super proud we have such an amazing VA. But. There is this one post. She talked about stopping sexualizing breasts, after reblogging a comic with a half naked Pidge. And she. Got. Death Threats. Over. It.
What the actual fuck people. First of all, she’s right. They’re organs made for feeding. You don’t go telling people it’s nasty they’re feeding their baby. That’s wrong.
And second, the artist from whom she reblogged the comic clearly stated in the tags it’s “non-sexual nudity”. THEY LITERALLY DENY ANY SEXUALIZATION OF PIDGE! Like, are you literally stupid enough to send death threats over this? Really ?
I would stay half naked around my house if it wasn’t drilled into my head that i shouldn’t, and if i was comfortable with the people around me and they with seeing me naked. I believe the comic was posted on a nsfw blog only because we sexualize nudity. Esspecially female nudity.
And now back to antis, bc I’m not done. I honestly understand that it may seem pedophilic. But it actually isn’t. I’m sure that when we ship Pidge and Shiro we age her up. Because yeah 14/25 isn’t my piece of cake either (and that’s mainly bc of personal issues/experiences). And I wasn’t all that happy with it, but once I realised that “hey, she’s just a fictional character, i can age her up anytime. It doesn’t matter.” And still. The care they have for each other? I love it? Thank you??
I personally used dislike Sheith with a passion. But then again “hey, if someone ships it then it’s their business, not mine.” I’ve learned to accept it as part of the fandom. And all the fucking possibilities? Amazing?? Of course.
When i first saw Kallura I was like ew, why, no. But, they would be so cute together? The angst. The mutual respect. So good. So pure.
My own favourite ship headcanon is Polydins. Like. All . Of . Them. W/ or w/out Allura. Just all the love and the bonding. Give it to me.
And guess the best part. NONE of these pairings have to be sexual. Literally none of them. Ever heard of queer platonic? Boundaries respect? Consent? Mutual respect?
I have no idea where I was going with this post. But the thing is: chill the fuck out. Please. You see a pairing you don’t like? Ban the tag. Something is actually pedophilic? Explain kindly to the artist/ writer/ whoever made the post why it seems pedophilic, there’s a chance you misinterpreted something. They insult you/ refuse to modify the post (in case you were right)? Report/ block/ unfollow them.
I don’t wanna offend anyone. I really don’t. And I don’t want to start a discourse/ discurse or whatever ( i don’t even know what it means man). But I was browsing through a ship tag and the sheer number of death threats i saw honestly disgusted me, and I guess i couldn’t stay silent.
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shidgers are the worst shaladins. like holy fuck. what in the devils seventh hell do they think makes it even slightly okay for a LITERAL FIFTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL who hasn't even gone thru puberty yet to engage in a romantic and usually sexual relationship with a guy old enough to be her teacher. with a guy ten years her senior and not even notice/care about the obvious age and maturity gap. like holy fucking shit. it's disgusting.
(2/2) they come w that argument “my grandparents are 10 yrs apart and their relationship is perfectly healthy and cute!!!!!!” like okay. sure. your grandparents prob didn’t meet when the youngest of them was 15. and that was like 60+ years ago??? it wasn’t illegal then but it is now !!!! like it’s not okay and it never will b okay like Jesus fuck. stop glorifying that fuck shit because it’s disgusting as hell. and even if they were aged up 10y it’s still fuckin nasty.
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hategana · 5 years
bonfire tricks & the houdini murder
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[ BASICS ... ]
FACECLAIM : park chaeyoung / rose - anne
BAND : black pink
STATUS : active
[ PROFILE ... ]
NAME : park clemente illaria
AGE : 34
RACE : dopped equine mounting an owl exlcusively on pornhub
PLACE OF BIRTH : lugano, southern switzerland
CURRENT RESIDENCE : thread dependent; south korea by default
OCCUPATION : caretaker of marine specimens at the museum of natural sciences; part-time deep sea diver; destroyer of illegal fishing ships
when clemente recounts the events of the summer of 98, she remembers a tragedy, though she has been told numerous times that what she calls a memory is in fact a misleading dramatization of what had actually happened.
regardless, as clemente started to say, when she recounts the events of the summer of 98, she remembers a tragedy. truthfully speaking, the fact that she wound up developing a crush whilst at the summer camp she had been forcefully signed up for by her frolicking parents in a bid to make their 3 month vacation a little less stressful, is enough of a disaster to end the tale right there.
alas, more horrible events followed shortly after clemente developed a nasty crush on one of the counselors supposed to overlook a group of about 20 rowdy prepubescent kids she unfortunately and unsurprisingly was part of. the counselor wasn’t that much older than her; he certainly was no 30 something disgusting man with no purpose in life other than to ogle at kids. from the information clemente had managed to gather from the other counselors that were quickly taken with how sweet, and polite, and adorable she was being, he was just shy from turning 17.
clemente happened to be a very serious and passionate girl, even at that age, and thus, put all of her energy and charm into trying to woo this older boy, and eventually make him realise just how mature she is for her age, how genuine her feelings are, and just how perfect they would be for each other. looking back at that moment in time, clemente always feel the need to vomit; she feels the cringe penetrating her soul in ways no other thing has ever managed to do. at the very least, she comforts herself, nothing inappropriate ever happened.
not because the boy knew any better, because while he didn’t see her as a potential romantic partner and never touched her in an inappropriate way, he did try to make her join his cult and view him as humanity’s savior. to her younger self’s credit, she never was on board with the whole thing; clemente didn’t quite believe the guy, even with how cute he appeared to be to her. guess she can give herself some points for that.
however, despite not taking the guy very seriously, clemente did try her hardest to play along, which, eventually, landed her in an even bigger shit storm.
the camp wasn’t the fanciest around; far from it, actually. owned by a couple of vegan hippies who cared a tad bit too much about the environment than they did about human life, they relied mostly on donations and recycling when it came to their facilities, including their library. while there weren’t all that much stuff to do to occupy your time with, clemente could appreciate the variety of books present in the library, especially since she managed to find something to aid her in her plan to the older guy.
at first, the book appeared to be nothing special, except for how old and ragged it was, and with how many ear-dogged pages it had. it took a bit of investigation and batting of the eyelashes for clemente to discover that the book was part of a large donation that came from the family of an old devout christian woman who had passes away not that long before. clemente didn’t think that woman’s family paid too much attention to the things the granny had in her possession, for they would have for sure noticed that this book of her was quite literally filled with things that went well and beyond christianity; almost completely against it.
regardless of the suspicious circumstances, sweet clemente wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth and not take this chance to impress the counselor with her findings. well, while that was clemente’s initial thought, she had decided after some deliberation that simply presenting the book to the attendant wouldn’t be enough to convince him of her devotion to him; she had to go above and beyond that to overcome their age gap and make him come to his sense, and the best way to do that? perform a ritual from the book herself to prove not only her supernatural aptitudes, but also the validity of the book.
truthfully speaking, clemente hadn’t expected the ritual to amount to anything, really. she had placed her bet on the guy’s imagination and hope that whatever had convinced him of the shit he was spewing was going to work its magic in her case as well, and have him seeing ghosts and ghouls coming up from behind her.
it appears that while love makes you blind, it also robs you of any fucking common sense and renders you legally stupid.
at this point, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the ritual clemente had done ended up working, actually working, the way the tragic fate of the creepy counselor shouldn’t be unexpected. whatever that book was going on about, was the real deal, and apparently native to the area, for the beast rose from the small swamp in the forest, as long as any horror producer directing a gigantic equine monster movie could imagine, and clamped its jaws down on the older boy without hesitation. sincerely, clemente wishes that in that moment she could’ve found it within herself to care about the sudden death of the counselor, but her mind was entirely fixated on the monster before her; she was damn near ecstatic and impressed that what she had uttered moments before uncertainly had somehow worked. while her mother did reassure her time and time again that clemente was meant for truly amazing things in this life, clemente isn’t certain her mother had meant something this…special.
the beast was intrigued by her, or at least, that’s the way it appeared. it also seemed to be enough to have it hesitate eating her whole, not that clemente was complaining in any way. she honestly was a bit stumped–whatever the next step was, it evaded her completely. was she supposed to say thank you? to let it devour the rest of the people currently at the camp? was she supposed to banish it for the rest of the eternity? the book that laid at her feet said nothing about the process after the summoning.
thankfully, the creature did not allow her to be the one making the decision. it had simply stared her down for a little while longer, before retreating back into the abyss it had originally come from. at this, clemente exhaled utterly relieved. she would’ve for sure made a piss poor decision. feeling somewhat guilty for what had just transpired, she began gathering all of the things used in the summoning, tucking them away carefully into her backpack. nobody would ever suspect her of having anything to do with the counselor’s disappearance, especially when virtually everybody at the camp was aware of the crush she harbored for him. besides, with the guy’s cultish tendencies, clemente doubts he would’ve wound up becoming some genius doctor or scientist that would find the cure for cancer.
if that whole experience had taught clemente anything, is that turning your back after playing with the dark forces is perhaps the most stupid move you could ever make. not long after she had started to make her way back to her cabin at the summer camp, slowly walking around the edge of the lake that came with the property, clemente felt fingers wrapping around her ankles, and found herself being dragged to the bottom of the lake the very next second.
the creature that had ended up targeting her was decisively not the swamp monster clemente had summoned; most likely it was a creature attracted by the display of magic. whatever the creature ended up doing to her during the time she had spent at the bottom of the lake, clemente isn’t sure, but it certainly wasn’t something good, for when she woke up, clemente was almost glued to the trunk of a tree by some sort of liquid. after squirming a bit around in confusion, clemente dropped to the ground, sticky all over and annoyed. however, nothing would have prepared her for the shock she was about to experience when she realised that what had cushioned her fall was none other than a chunk of the counselor she had witnessed being devoured.
whatever had ended up happening during the time she was unconscious, clemente didn’t stick around for long to figure out. she limped to her cabin where she took a pipping hot shower to get that stickiness off of her body and continued her day as if it were any other one, even though she could clearly hear something slithering in the shade of the trees, never too far off from her.
that sound never did end up leaving her.
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