#it'll be so chaotic and funny and i'm already smiling like an idiot lol
jewvian · 9 months
Trivial pursuit tntl edition with Amanda and Angela????? Oh baby oH BABY!!!!! I am in comedy heaven right now brb!!!!!!
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natigail · 2 years
do you have any stray kids video series recommendations? I've listened to their music for a long time and I love them but I've never found the time to actually get into them and learn the members beyond like. recognizing some of them from gifs and mvs and stuff. so I've been wanting to actually get into them but I'm not sure where to start lol. do they have any video series sort of like how bts has run bts?
AHH! Hi Lena, I want to just start of with saying this ask excited me so much. I love those boys so much and I'm more than happy to share ways to get to know them better.
They do have a video series similar to Run BTS! (It seems to go for a few weeks at a time with weekly uploads and then pause and resume - new episodes starting again on Wednesday). It's called SKZ Code and it's so chaotic and fun, full of games and chaotic times, and I highly recommend. Here is the official playlist on YouTube. I'd say just start from the beginning and have fun! And this is definitely where I recommend starting.
They've done similar games and activities series on other channels as well. Such as Fandom Tour on The K-POP. Or Finding SKZ - God Edition on M2. Both of these are great as well.
They also do this thing called 2 Kids Room, or variants thereof, where members sit down and just chat. They done different series on it through the years but they are doing one right now where you can literally see every single 1-1 combination possible chat about their friendship, as well as the others chiming in. I find it very insightful to learn more about them. Official playlist on YouTube here. Just three or two more episodes and it'll be completed.
They've also do great and funny role play videos for STAY's anniversary - one here as a family (a big fave of mine) and as colleagues in an office.
They are also fairly active on their VLIVE channel, in particular Bang Chan does weekly lives, usually on Sunday, where he chats and plays music. Live shows isn't everyone's cup of tea but I always find them very nice. One iconic live with Stray Kids' producer unit 3RACHA - consisting of Bang Chan, Changbin and HAN - comes to mind. I adore these idiots.
I know you said you already listen to their music - (and yay! please if you ever want to talk please know my inbox is open) - but they also do these videos called SKZ Player where they do original songs on the side of their official ones or choreography covers. It's so dope. Playlist is here.
That was all a lot, sorry if it's a little overwhelming. But I hope you have fun! I discovered the boys last autumn and it was such a joy to dive into their content and just find so much content. I had the same feeling getting into BTS originally, and Seventeen about a year prior.
(Also another sidenote, but I see you in my notifications often and it's always putting a smile on my face)
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