#it's a messy vent ik i'm sorry
dead-twink-detectives · 3 months
Jake peralta x reader requests? Girl I have SO MANY ideas for this, like I daydream about that man basically 24/7 (it’s a problem 😅) anyways if it’s cool with you I’ll just list out a few thoughts and if anything gives you inspiration to write then please do! If not then no worries just lemme vent out all my silly romantic frustrations 😅 sorry this is long and btw anytime I say reader this goes for plus size reader or however you wanna write the reader, I’m a plus size girl myself but I don’t mind it’s up to you!
1, Jake & reader have a series of bets (sorry Amy, I’m taking your man & his games!) like reader bets Jake can’t go a week without sugar/coffee, Jake bets reader she can’t take something out of holts office without him noticing etc ect.
2, elevator make outs!! (This could build on the bets like in relationship Jake & reader have bets on how long they can kiss in the elevator without getting caught, or they have a no kissing rule at work that one of them breaks in the elevator!)
3, reader is a barista in a little cafe/bakery place and Jake comes in, she thinks he’s cute so she gives him a free pastry and flirting happens! This occurs over several weeks until reader gets in trouble with her boss and Jake overhears then offers to take reader on an actual dinner date to pay back all his freebie’s (and because he likes her obviously 😂)
4, reader teaches Jake how to cook, lots of mess & failed attempts happen but also it’s flirty & fun! Kitchen kisses 😘 (I am yearning!!)
5, reader is a prosecutor working a case with Jake, as they go over evidence they develop a mutual respect & attraction that ends up flirty & either Jake kisses reader for luck before she goes to court or after winning the case reader kisses Jake to celebrate!
6, reader is coming over to Jakes appartement for the first time and the squad makes him paranoid about her hating his messy place so he tries desperately to tidy up but struggles & gets stressed but when reader comes over early and sees him spiralling she settles him down and says she’s not bothered by his mess, she knows him and loves him regardless! Maybe also offers to help sort out a few things with him (*cough cough* mail tub)
7, reader is harassed/bullied on the street (or in another precinct as a new detective) and Jake sees & goes hard defending her! (I love it when jakes gets angry and protective)
8, insecure reader and/or insecure Jake. Both have a hard day and don’t feel great about themselves but when the other sees them upset they immediately go to cheer them up, showering them in love & compliments and they end up cuddling 🥰 ik this is vague but just comforting vibes are needed!
9, Mafia Jake.. does anything! I’m obsessed with him in this era and there is barely anything about him 😭 reader could be his fbi contact who helps him with his new role, or in adjusting back to normal life after the case is done (also in getting over Amy, sorry again girl but how tf could you let this man go?!) OR reader is in the Ianucci (idk how to spell 😅) family but wants out/isn’t a criminal and so Jake helps her, or is assigned by the family to protect her, or she’s a rival and Jake has to intimidate her but they end up flirting! Sorry that one has so many alternatives but my god the world needs more of mafia Jake!!
So sorry this is super long & weird 😅 I have more but didn’t wanna be extra annoying 😂 again feel free to do whatever you want with these prompts! Hope you have fun writing and much love to you 😊❤️
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ASK. I think I'll work on one for right now but I'll also work on the others soon because all of these are so amazing
Also if you ever wanna talk about Jake I'm here I could always use a Jake/Brooklyn nine-nine friend
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hypergamiss · 3 months
hello queen, I have a pathetic question about dating: how to not feel jealous at those who seem like they’ve found “the one” already? Ik all that stuff about everyone being on their own journey and stuff, but it does hurt sometimes. I’ve never even dated so seeing everyone find their one is heartbreaking sometimes. Ik there’s the bad parts of dating such as my friend saying her guy is the one and love of her life (they recently bought a house together) but also that he plays video games often and she feels bored and lonely at times. Sometimes tho I just want that relationship for the dumb sake of saying I have a boyfriend, or that attention. How the hell do you get over it and be content with yourself? It genuinely feels like no one is single around me /: maybe I’d feel differently if I had some single friends to relate to? Idk I just feel jealous all the time, and it isn’t good for me or my future. I should be focusing on creating the best version of myself but this insecurity is holding me back. It feels like a what do these girls have that I don’t? My friend told me a lot of ppl just settle and that’s why they’re in relationships but it didn’t make me feel better. I just want to find my “one” perfect ambition, hard working guy already. Sorry for venting, I love your account and advice.
Listen, social media is a dating reality show edited to make you feel like a loser. All you get are the bouquets and champagne dates, never the screaming match about dirty dishes. But lemme tell you, relationships are WORK. Even those picture-perfect couples have their "Why did I do this?" moments and silent car rides filled with unspoken resentment. That's just reality, even if it doesn't fit on an Instagram caption.
Being single can be tough, but let's not pretend relationships are a magic fix. It's about trading one set of problems for another, usually spicier ones. Don't get me wrong, the right person is worth it, but life isn't a fairytale. Notice how those couples with the constant PDA often go silent when things get messy?
Here's where self-discovery comes in. Sometimes those relationship cravings are masking something else – a need for excitement, validation, whatever. Figuring that out is way more productive than doom-scrolling relationship goals.
You think having a partner is this automatic happiness upgrade, but I've been on the other side, in a relationship feeling lonelier than ever. Trust me, it's a mind-blowing kind of awful, followed by a new level of depression. That's the thing nobody talks about.
So, I rock my single status because guess what? I've got standards. Settling for mediocrity just to avoid being alone? Nope. I'd rather invest my energy elsewhere. Because contrary to all that rom-com nonsense, you can't outsource your happiness to another person. You gotta build that for yourself.
A healthy relationship is two happy people adding to each other's lives, not draining each other dry with emotional baggage. That's why I'm perfectly content rolling solo until the right one comes along. Do you want dependence and drama? There are plenty of trashy reality shows for that.
Yeah, it's different from the usual "find your soulmate" BS, but it's REAL. You want fulfillment? Build that life for yourself first. The rest either falls into place, or you realize you're happier without another person's dirty socks in the mix.
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thyandrawrites · 2 years
Your post replying to the 'what would Touya be like if he stayed home' made me shed a tear lol, ur metas are so good I cant describe it😭 anyway in that post you said something on the lines of 'the family did love him as much(as he did)'. Is that just referring to Enji, or the whole family in general? And the line after saying that if they did the abuse would have stopped, Clearly the kids wouldnt be able to do much on their own, so was that just the case in Touya's point of view? If to Touya his family didnt love him as much as he loved them, how do you suppose in the present they(Rei,natsuo and fuyumi, Maybe enji?) could start to show him that they do love him? This is all in the case that Horikoshi reunites them permanently which I'm pretty confident will happen at this point. Sorry for the long ask😭 Ik the wording is messy, so dont feel you have to answer this! Have a nice rest of your day!
thank you so much for reading and enjoying my meta!
To answer you, while I think the weight of the abuse rests solely on Enji and Rei, I also think that the whole family contributed to making Touya out to be a bad sheep. Like, I was mostly talking about Enji and Rei, who both admitted to neglecting him and not even looking at him. Enji most obviously so as he never made time for him and turned him down every time Touya asked to be followed during training. But Rei too, who canonically played favourites and ended up acting more like a loving mother to Shouto than she ever did to her other three kids.
But I was discussing it as a family issue because all of them more or less act on the example that the parents (mainly Enji) set out. In the fam dynamic, Touya used to be the problem child, the one who couldn't just take his issues elsewhere or swallow down his unhappiness for the sake of pretending to be a real family. We are shown tiny glimpses of this, and not just on the parents' side.
Fuyumi for example doesn't understand why Touya cannot give up his training, and though she speaks from a place of love and worry, the underlining implication is that Touya would be happier if he just stopped causing his own problems. Which is, you know, an oversimplification. While it's true that stopping the self-harming training would improve Touya's overall wellbeing, it also wouldn't cancel out the fact that Touya's psychological distress is caused by Enji's neglect. And please don't take this as Fuyumi hate because I love her and I'm her self-appointed defense lawyer, but. Obviously as a child she didn't fully understand that she was unconsciously blaming the wrong person for Touya's unhappiness, but her words clearly made Touya feel even more alone and misunderstood. He took them as condescension, as Fuyumi not being on his side, as her thinking he should "stop" like his father constantly also told him to. That was obviously not Fuyumi's intention, but it was what Touya heard all the same.
Then there's Natsuo, who was Touya's sole confidante. That time when Touya wakes him up to vent to him, Natsuo is tired and wants to sleep, not listen to his brother's complaints. But when he tells Touya to go to Fuyumi, Touya feels as though Natsuo finds him a burden too and cries that he's telling him to, and I quote, "buzz off, too." Of course, brushing him off once while sleepy doesn't mean Natsuo didn't love him, or didn't want to listen to him, but it contributes to making Touya feel like the concerns he raises about the family aren't heard. That Natsuo, too, just wants Touya to shut up and move on or to find someone else to talk to. The reaction we see from Touya is heartbroken, and that's probably because he's equating Natsuo washing his hands of his brother to the way their parents washed theirs of dealing with Touya's moods. Just like how Enji and Rei wanted him to be a "normal" boy who made friends and moved on, in that moment Natsuo posed like someone who wanted his brother to just leave him alone and talk to someone else. To just... Quit being so difficult all the time.
Of course, just like Fuyumi's case, it goes without saying that this isn't the case. Natsuo was eight and he couldn't have done anything more to ease his brother's pain at the time. But his siblings were still part of a dysfunctional family, and as such, they sometimes repeated the patterns they saw from their parents, and that contributed to Touya's overall isolation. By virtue of the fact that no one except Touya himself ever aimed any criticism Enji's way, but instead treated the eldest like the real problem, they were perpetrating Enji's scapegoating pattern.
Even now, as adults, they have all yet to realize that they're still doing the same thing. By treating Dabi like the bad sheep of the family, someone on whose behalf to apologize (Rei), someone to fight (Enji), or someone whose messes to clean up and bring back home (Natsuo and Fuyumi), they're all still repeating the same dysfunctional patterns without even realizing. That's why I've always thought that they cannot heal so long as they don't stop aiming the blame at the right man. Enji. And ask him to clean up his act.
But you ask how can they start showing that they do love Touya (unconditionally, I want to add). Well. If they stopped scapegoating him, that would be an excellent start imho.
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bakugoslefttestical · 2 years
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ok ik i haven’t posted in a long long time but i wrote this cuz it’s been an idea for a while and i hope anyone who comes in contact with my story enjoys ever not of it :)))
Night with Toji
NSFW 18+ 3.3k words
Overview- Everyone in this story is aged up so like 21 so it’s not weird lol. Toji Fushiguro is hot and you all’s think so teehee. After your break up you need som good lovin’ from a man. This is also a one shot. Does not follow JJK storyline like at all lol.
Warnings- Unprotected sex, breeding kink, praise, SMUT, pussy eating, female bodied y/n.
Frustrated, furious, disappointed, disgusted. Every ugly emotion. That's how you felt. Not just one word could describe how you felt in this moment.
How dare he. How could he? How was he able to do this to you? The one he claimed he loved. Fuck him. He acts sweet.. he is sweet. Why did this happen? I wish we could go back in time and erase it. Avoid the conflict, the whole problem.
Yuji Itadori. My ex boyfriend for about 30 minutes now. I’m not even crying. Why aren’t I crying? I should be devastated, shouldn't I? I was crying during the fighting and the arguing. Why not now? I feel kinda free.
* buzz* buzz*
My phone lights up with my childhood best friend's name.
Megumi Fusiguro<3 :
Hey are you alright?
I'm not sure. Did Yuji tell you?
Megumi Fushiguro<3 :
Yea, i just wanted to see how you're doing.
Do you think I could come over to vent about everything?
Megumi Fushiguro<3 :
Yea of course.
Putting my phone in my pocket, I started walking to Megumi’s house. The walk there was beautiful, big cherry blossom trees shaded me from the afternoon sun. The birds singing in the trees accompanied me on my lonely walk. A stream of water was the tune of the outside world
I approached the door to Megumi’s house, it was a little large for living by himself with occasional visits from his father. I’ll have to admit Megumi’s father, Toji Fushiguro, was absolutely stunning. He’s a beast of a man, standing at 6’4 and pure muscle. Everytime I see him I’m blow away by his beauty. To be completely honest I've always wondered how his scared lips would feel against my soft skin. But anyways..
I knocked on the door to be greeted by Megumi only a few moments later. Now Megumi was also beautiful to say the least. He is lean but pure muscle with the most mesmerizing dark blue eyes. His dark messy hair made him look like a puppy, but his aura made him intimidating to say the least. I gave Megumi a smile and he reciprocated only his was weary. It made me sad to see that.
His eyes were cold. I could tell he tried to muster a better smile than he gave me. A+ for the effort. As I walked into his home he embraced me with strong open arms. I held him tight as tears that wouldn’t dare leave my eyes began to fall. I pulled my head away to be met with soft tender lips on the top of my head. It made me think of when we were kids, every time I’d cry he would give me a kiss on the head to try and comfort me.
We sat on the couch as I calmed myself down. “So what happened?” he asked. “Well me and Yuji have been in a rough patch for about a few weeks now. Today was the breaking point. We always fight about little things so I probably couldn’t tell you exactly what happened. All I remember is him telling me I was the worst thing to ever happen in his life, then we broke up.” I answered in a small voice. He looked down at his hands trying to understand how Yuji could be so cruel. I was trying to wrap my head around it too.
Megumi grabbed my hand while still looking down at his own “Y/n I’m so sorry.” His voice was comforting. It made me want to hug him and never let go.
By this point we had dinner and it was getting pretty late. Megumi had to get up early due to his morning classes. With that he left me with the demon dogs watching cartoons. I felt pretty gross from crying. I got up and walked to the bathroom. Looking myself up and down in the mirror made me want to scrub my skin off. How pathetic, crying over a boy who couldn’t even please you. Yuji was big but he didn't have the motion of the ocean that you craved him to have.
Ugh why am I even thinking about him? He’s a boy. Not even a man. My mind started to wander to the man I’ve had my eyes on for a while. The ultimate eye candy, Toji Fushiguro. Total dilf if you ask me and any other that looked in his direction. God would send me to Hell if he knew the sinister things I’ve thought about Toji.
Slowly I stepped out of my clothes turning the shower to the hottest temperature it would go. I thought about his big calloused hands as I stripped the clothes off of my body. How small I am when he towers over me. Stepping into the shower I let the water engulf my body. I shampooed and conditioned my hair. Grabbing the body wash I put some in my hand and lathered it all over my body. In doing so I imagined someone else washing me instead. It used to be Yuji who washed me but now I was left to use the power of imagination. My hand slipped between my folds and I let out a small moan. Oh how I wanted him to touch me. Make me feel good like I know he could. He could give me what I craved. Release.
My fingers found their way to my bud and rubbed slow circles. The shower was only getting hotter. I was breathing heavily thinking of his hand between my legs. His eyes staring into mine while I tried holding back my moans. My free hand came up to cover my mouth. A feeble attempt at silencing myself. Unfortunately my attempts failed and the man on the other side of the door heard everything.
Little whimpers of his name that sounded like a prayer fell off my tongue. His name slipped so easily from my mouth just how my fingers slipped inside of my aching hole. If I could scream for him I would. His fingers would be able to reach places mine couldn’t. Toji could make me feel better than anyone has.
Pathetic little girl.
Once done I grabbed my towel and stepped out of the shower. I barely even attempted to get myself dry. Walking out of the bathroom still dripping from the steamy shower, I walked to the kitchen to make tea and go to bed not noticing the large figure sitting on the couch. “What are you doing up so late?” his deep voice echoed through the darkly lit living area making its way to my ears. A shiver ran down my spine knowing exactly who was talking to me. I cleared my throat “Just making tea before bed.” he looked at me from where he was seated. I felt like a bunny being watched by hungry eyes. “You're walking around only in that?” I could walk around in less if you wanted, I thought to myself. He got up and started stalking towards me. My whole body was shaking. This didn’t go unnoticed by the man.
“Let me help you make your tea darling.” Now I'm even more wet. I looked up at him like a deer caught in the headlights. I felt mesmerized watching the way his body moved. “Megumi told me what happened, why you're here.” MEGUMI DID WHAT? Oh god he must think I'm naive. Now Toji would never want me. His next words brought me out of my bewildered state “It’s a shame. I never knew someone could be such an idiot. To think a pretty girl like you is back on the market might not be such a bad thing though.” I watched as a wicked grin plastered his face. The heat in my cheeks rose. There’s no way he thinks I'm pretty. keep your cool. “Now tell me Y/n, did he ever make you cum?” I shook my head no in response. “Tch. Pathetic little boy couldn’t please you. Why did you even stay with him if he couldn’t make you feel good? Hmm?” “Uh I- I don't know sir.” I felt so embarrassed, I looked down at my lap. Toji walked over to me and took my chin in his fingers and angled me to look up into his beautiful gaze. “Don’t you want to know what it’s like to be worshiped like the gorgeous woman that you are? Also call me Toji.” The way he looked at me made butterflies arise in my stomach “Yes I do. So badly, Toji.” my words came out like a whimper. I felt like a cat in heat from how badly I needed him to touch me. “Oh tell me how badly you want it darling.” His face came dangerously close to mine. By this point we both had forgotten about the tea. “Mph so badly Toji, please please show me how to feel good.” My words came out laced in lust. His eyes flicked to my lips then suddenly my long awaited dream came true.
I rubbed my thighs together in anticipation. Toji’s arm wrapped around my body pulling me flush against his chest. His tits were huge. The way they rubbed up against my body was something out of a dream. I couldn’t believe Toji Fushiguro and I were having a hot make out sesh in my best friend's kitchen. He pulled away and a whimper of want left my mouth. His lips approached my ear and he whispered “I want you to call out my name just like in the shower princess.” OH MY GOD darling and princess this man has some serious game. “Ugh Toji.” I cried out. “Yea that's right princess. Chant my name like a fucking prayer, lord knows I’m the only one you’ll be getting on your knees for tonight.” He chuckled and I felt my body weaken.
Next thing I know I was lifted into the air. My fingers ran through his hair while our lips continued to dance with each other. Thankfully the spare bedroom was on the other side of the house. That’s where he was carrying me to. The kiss broke and I giggled “What’s so funny darling.” He asked with an amused smile plastered on his face. “Oh nothing, just happy I can make all the noise I want over here.” Tojis cock jumped at hearing the words slip off my tongue so easily.
Once we got to the room Toji slammed the door shut. I was thrown on the bed and I got the perfect view of him taking off his white button down. Toji also got a perfect view of my damp naked body laying on the bed. He was glad the fall to the bed dropped the towel. Both of our pupils were blown with lust. Toji stalked over to the end of the bed and yanked me over to him. He leaned down and took his thumb to spread my wet hot folds. A deep growl left his chest making my core flutter. Cold air hit my clit and I jumped. He stuck out his tongue and licked a long stripe up my folds. My back arched off the bed as a moan left my mouth. Piercing blue eyes looked up at me from between my legs.Toji couldn’t get enough of the sight, if he could take a picture to save this moment forever he would. He wanted to make me into his personal little pornstar.
If he asked I’d let him.
The eyes of the man in front of me were hazed over and hungry. The sight of him made me drip down onto the sheets. Toji watched as my pussy dripped. He sent a devilish grin my way. Sticking out his tongue he licked up from my ass to my clit. I squealed. He started sucking and licking at my clit with an experienced tongue. It was nice to have someone able to find my clit for the first try. He gently inserted one of his long girthy fingers into my aching hole. His movements were a type of euphoria I had been dying to feel. The curl of his fingers hit my spot so beautifully. He was perfect. I was a panting, moaning mess with the most beautiful being between my legs. My fingers were laced in his hair. Holding so tight as if to tell him his place in this world was to please me. He felt my core twitch. I could feel myself getting closer. Closer to release. He wanted me to cum on his face. On his finger. He wanted to hear the noise I made when white hot pleasure washed over me. Then he pushed another finger into my hole. I gasped from the stretch of him. I felt the coil in my lower abdomen wind up tight. Ready to break. “Oh fuck Toji I’m gonna cum!” I cried out in pleasure. I felt him humm as if already knowing this fact.
The feeling of ecstasy shot through my body. I had never felt so good in my life. The fact that this beautiful man was able to make me cum all over his face and fingers was electrifying. He licked up everything. Not wasting a single drop. He lifted his head and started leaving hot open mouth kisses all over my thighs. “You taste amazing, princess.” I couldn’t respond. I was too high on the feeling. The feeling of him. His low laugh was like a symphony to my ears. I felt him trail up marks on my body slowly making his way to my neck. Whispering in his ear “Kiss me so I can taste myself on your tongue.” Our kiss was so hungry it drew blood from both sides. I loved the taste of blood. His blood in my mouth. Slipping my tongue into his mouth to taste even more of him. Absolutely delicious.
I reached for his black work pants and started undoing the button. Once they were finally off I was able to see his bulge. He was huge. I couldn’t wait to feel the stretch of him. Toji was about 8 inches hard. Way bigger than any boy I’ve ever had. I rubbed my hand over it. He hissed at the contact. He wanted to feel you, be inside you, feel your tight wall squeeze the life out of his cock. He wanted to breed you. Make you Megumi’s step mommy.
Toji took his cock in hand and collected the slick on his tip. He rubbed his length on your pussy, wanting to bottom out. You were a pretty little mess all for him. All for me, all mine he kept repeating those words in his head. A prayer to anyone who would listen. You would be his. “Toji, I want you.” “Tell me exactly what you want princess, use your big girl words.” “I want you to fuck me Toji.” The devilish grin returned to his face. Ugh if you didn’t know any better you’d think you were in love. He eased his tip in and you squealed. Excited to feel all of him inside of you. “I’m gonna make you feel better than any little boy ever could.” With that he grabbed your waist with both hands and sheathed himself all the way inside of you. A high pitched scream came from your lungs. It was a good hurt that you felt, one that you wanted to feel more of. He started to rub soothing circles into your sides. Tears pricked your eyes. They fell down your cheeks. He wiped them away with his thumb. The way you looked underneath him. Tears falling from pleasure. Pleasure from him. He wanted you. Every part of him burned to have you be his. “You're so beautiful underneath me princess.” “ You look even more beautiful on top of me, Toji. I want you to fuck me.”
With that he started thrusting. Moans of his name spilled from my lips. He couldn’t get enough. He couldn’t wait to cum inside of my pretty little pussy. To be able to claim it for himself. Drool started to dribble from the corners of my mouth. A complete mess all for him. His dick felt so good. The way he filled me up completely with each thrust was insaciable. The way his features contorted from the pleasure I was able to bestow upon him. I reached my hand up to pull his face into mine. He set his forehead on mine. Looking into my eyes while he fucked into me.
He pulled out harshly. Grabbing your waist and flipping me over onto your hands and knees. He slipped himself back inside of my gpussy. Grabbing at my ass harshly. There would definitely be bruises in the morning. He leaned over my small figure and started rubbing circles into my perfect little clit. “OH GOD YES JUST LIKE THAT FUCk!” I whimpered. He growled at the dirty words I chanted to him. He’s surprised he's even lasted this long. I came all over him. He loved seeing it collect at the base of his cock. “Ugh Toji you're so big mmh.” Pride filled his chest knowing that he felt so big inside of me.
He grabbed my hair and pulled. The way my back arched was stunning. It reminded him of a painting. Reaching his hand around my neck he pulled me up. His chest against my back. His head dipped to whisper in my ear “You’re so good for me aren’t you princess.” Tojis statement went straight to my core, making me feel like I was on fire. I screamed his name. The way his hand wrapped around my neck felt so good. Toji then reached down to rub circles into my clit. The fire that burned in me only grew from that point on. I felt the coil begin to tighten once more. The feeling was even more intense this go around. His thrusts didn’t slow down. Not once did his movements falter. One, Two, Three more hits and I was a cumming mess. Slumping in his arms from the lethargic state coming over me.
Toji was close to cumming. His hips faulterd, I knew he was close. “Cum in me Toji.” my words shocked him. “You want me to fuck my babies in you huh, princess?” I shook your head yes vigorously. With that he came inside of me. Now having both of our fluids mix together turning into one. Both of us collapsed on the bed, while his cock softened inside of me.
Toji and I were now spooning all while having his cock plug his cum inside of me. Both of us wanted to have each other's babies. And this was a good way to ensure I would be the mother of his next child. His arm was holding me close around my waist. His fingertips began drawing soothing circles into my belly. Toji kept kissing me everywhere and anywhere his lips could reach in this position. I could feel the cum dripping out onto my thighs. I drifted off to sleep in the beautiful man's arms. Wishing to stay by his side for the rest of forever. Watching me sleep made his chest flutter with adoration. He wanted to protect me. His new little piece of property is what I was. His fingers found the cum leaking onto my thighs and collected it with his fingers. Using his fingers he stuffed the cum back inside me whispering to my sleeping figure “You will be mine darling.” ending with a kiss on my head.
We were both asleep now, cock still stuffed inside of me. The moonlight spilling through the windows carving out our features. Glistening in the after glow of the best sex of our lives.
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myherorambles · 5 years
Hey sof, just needed to vent about my life problems lmao So i'm now a drop out college student who for the love of god can't get her life together (college just killed my mental health and raised my anxiety whoopsiedoo) and now I am so tempted to cut off my close friend (I found out he has a crush on me/I've been avoiding him like the plauge) I don't do romantic feelings irl. Literally your blog is the most happiness I've been receiving lately so ily -messy anon
omg i’m so sorry you’re going through all this!! :(( ik u didn’t ask for advice and i’m def in no position to give some to you, but pls feel free to vent whenever you need to 💛 i hope things will get better soon :( i’m always here if you need me and i’m glad my blog could be of some help !! xx
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