#it's fine. they're gonna discuss how to not be toxic to each other as soon as they make up 😌
hood-ex ¡ 1 year
The way that I need a dickroy jealous boyfriends fic after watching Ian beat up Mickey's "boyfriend" and Mickey sucker-punch Ian's date.
Roy: beats up Dick's date for talking shit about Dick behind Dick's back.
Roy's date, watching the fight: "Look at my man. Don't take no shit." Proceeds to go into explicit detail about what he's going to do to Roy later that night.
Dick: punches Roy's date in the face.
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fallinglikemagic ¡ 5 years
Okay sooooo Suakko where they're both madly in love with each other but too scared to confess, and legit EVERYONE at luna nova is fed up with their antics, so on valentine's day they come up with a plan to help the useless gays out
OK I meant to save this to upload on Valentine’s Day but then I got busy and forgot so this is slightly late whoops
(I’ll reblog with a link to the AO3 since I’m pretty sure tumblr’s still doing that dumb ‘no links allowed’ thing)
“So, we’ve all arrived,” Lotte stated, adjusting her glasses which reflected the light of the lamp on the nearby table, blocking her eyes from sight. “Do we all know why we’re here?”
Constanze and Jasminka nodded silently. Amanda opened her mouth to complain about how silly and unnecessary all this, but shut her mouth upon receiving a punch on the arm from her silent teammate. She sighed, nodding and playing along.
Diana nodded too, understanding Lotte’s pain - having to watch her only two teammates dance around each other was one of the most frustrating things the blonde had ever experienced. She turned to the two who had caused her such a grievance, who were mostly just annoyed that Lotte had decided to hold this meeting in their dorm at 11pm at night.
“Can’t we do this in the morning?”
“Yeah, it’s late!”
Lotte shook her head. “If we had this discussion during the day, Akko would find some way to eavesdrop. It has to be when she’s asleep.”
Barbara sighed sleepily, falling back into Hannah’s lap. “Fine, just get on with it already.”
“Alright, what’s the plan?” Amanda asked, also annoyed to have been woken up.
“Well, Valentine’s Day is coming up soon,” Lotte said, pulling up the date on her globe. “We have 3 days to come up with a plan to get them together.”
“Are you sure this is alright?” Diana interrupted. “Perhaps it would be best to simply let them figure it out on their own. Getting involved in others’ relationships is rather invasive.”
“Yeah, like you didn’t do the same for us,” Hannah muttered, her and Barbara both glaring at the blonde, who adamantly avoided eye-contact.
Lotte lowered her head slightly.
“You have no idea just how bad it is,” she began, her voice taking a darker tone. “For weeks I have watched them. Akko blushes whenever Sucy makes contact with her. Sucy keeps messing up her potions because she can’t stop thinking about her. Akko won’t stop talking about her and even Sucy will often talk to me about Akko - admittedly in an annoyed tone. They come so close to confessing but keep backing out. It’s infuriating and I can’t take it much longer.”
Constanze silently placed a hand on Lotte’s arm, giving her a single pat and a nod before walking away again.
“Thanks Constanze,” the redhead sighed. The mechanic gave her a thumbs up.
Diana nodded as well. “I understand. Very well - what’s the plan?”
“Why am I here again?”
“Because these chocolates are from you!” Jasminka scolded, tying the back of her apron.
Sucy raised an eyebrow - or both, it was hard to tell when one is covered up. “So? I’m not exactly the cooking type.”
Jasminka picked up the wooden spoon and pointed it threateningly at the Filipino. “If you can make potions, you can cook chocolate. Now hurry up and put on that apron.”
Sucy wasn’t really intimidated, but she was rather surprised to see Jasminka so stern, so she decided to play along for now. She tied on the apron with a groan, making sure Jasminka could hear her - if she had to help out then she might as well enjoy herself a little.
Sucy walked back to the counter as Jasminka pulled ingredients off the shelves. The alchemist turned to her teammate, who adjusted her glasses proudly. “So what’s the point of this again?”
Lotte glared out of annoyance before forcing a sweet smile onto her face. “As I said before, with Jasminka’s help, you’re going to make the perfect Valentine’s chocolate for Akko! You’ll give it to Akko, tell her how you feel, and she’ll immediately leap into your arms!” Lotte paused upon noticing that her glasses had almost slipped off her nose in her excitement. She smirked as she pushed them back up. “And you’ll live happily ever after!”
Sucy stared blankly for a moment before her eyes lit up, smirking. “I get it - you want to sneak a love potion into the chocolates-”
“NO!” Lotte and Jasminka both shouted at the same time.
Sucy went back to being skeptical.
“You really think regular chocolates will be enough?”
Jasminka glared, seeming offended at her chocolate being called ‘regular’, while Lotte just nodded.
“It may not seem like much for us, but it’s a big deal in Japan!” Lotte stated.
“Yes! In Japan, people only buy Valentine’s chocolate for their friends!” Jasminka added enthusiastically. “The person they like gets much more special treatment, making handmade chocolates for each other!”
Lotte smiled. “I did realise you knew so much about this, Jasminka!”
The Russian chuckled. “If it’s about food, you can rely on me!” she said sheepishly.
At this point, Sucy was already bored.
“Well, you two nerds have fun,” she said, starting to walk towards the door. “I’m just gonna go-”
She was cut off by a firm hand on her shoulder.
Upon turning around, she was faced with a smiling Jasminka, emanating some kind of monstrous energy, almost like a mother bear who refused to let her child leave the den and would break their neck if they tried. Sucy would deny that she felt a chill up her spine.
“You’re not leaving until we’re done.”
Sucy groaned, knowing she was in for a long afternoon.
“Akko, what are you doing?” Diana sighed, crossing her arms as she looked down on her friend, who was crouching on the ground and glaring at a plant.
“This flower looks weird.”
Diana raised an eyebrow, bending over next to Akko to take a look. “That’s a Snapjaw Orchid.”
“Snapjaw?” Akko replied, clearly not fully listening to the blonde.
“Yes. It gets its name from its tendency to attack those who get too close.”
“What do you mean?” Akko asked, reaching out to touch one of the flower’s petals. As soon as her finger made contact, the flower flipped, it’s innocent appearance changing to resemble the jaws of a dragon as it grabbed Akko’s finger in it’s thorny ‘teeth’.
“OW OW OW” Akko shouted, tugging her finger away and stumbling backwards, falling onto her back.
Akko groaned as she sat up, rubbing her tailbone as Diana stepped over with a role of her eyes and held out a hand. Akko smiled gratefully as she took the blonde’s hand.
“That is what I mean.”
“Yeah, I can see that now,” Akko sighed.
Diana gave her a small smile before turning around, resuming her stroll though the forest path. “We need to stay focused. This forest is known for its many rare and unique species of fungi, but we won’t find them until we go deeper into the forest.”
“And you’re sure this is a good idea?”
“You want to make Sucy happy, do you not?”
“Of course I do!” “
Then this is your chance.”
“But why do I have to give them to her on Valentine’s Day?”
“You never know what might happen if the timing is right.”
Akko paused, squinting in suspicion. “You’re planning something…”
“You only caught on now?” Diana asked with a smirk. “We simply want you to and Sucy to find happiness with each other.”
“It isn’t just me,” Diana stated. “It’s glaring obvious that you two have feelings for each other, and to be honest we’re getting rather annoyed at how you two keep dancing around each other.”
“There’s no way Sucy likes me that way…”
Diana had to suppress a groan. “This is exactly what I was talking about.”
“Regardless, would it not still be nice to bring her a gift of some kind?”
“W-well, yeah…”
“Then there’s no reason to complain.”
Akko thought for a second before nodding. “Yeah, you’re right,” she turned to Diana. “Thanks for coming with me by the way! I’ve wanted to do something like this for a while but I never even knew where to start looking!”
“Of course,” Diana nodded. “I’m always willing to assist a classmate and friend.”
Diana veered off the path, approaching a makeshift entryway created by a tangle of vines and leaves. “I believe there should be a cluster right through here.”
Akko nodded enthusiastically as she followed Diana into the grove, hoping that the blonde was right about Sucy’s feelings.
Sucy fidgeted, getting bored as she waited in the courtyard, the box of chocolates in her hands starting to feel heavy. She wasn’t nervous, she didn’t get nervous, she was just sick of waiting and wanted to get it over with, that’s all. That’s all it was. Her heart always beat this fast. She was only sweating because of the heat. That’s all it was.
Akko ran over, waving with one hand, the other behind her back.
Sucy rolled her eyes and stood up, slouched, maintaining a calm demeanour as she put the box down on the bench.
“Took you long enough.”
“Sorry, sorry!” Akko apologised, bent over as she caught her breath. Seconds later she sprung upright, energetic as ever despite the panting and the obvious sweat dripping down her forehead. “I’m surprised you waited this long!”
Sucy shrugged. “I was curious. Besides, we both know better than to piss off Diana.”
“Y-yeah…” Akko agreed with a shudder. She shook her head. “Anyway! Um…” Akko moved her hand from behind her back, holding out a very full satchel, the top tied shut with a small, fraying rope. “Here!”
Sucy raised an eyebrow at the bag, slowly taking it from the brunette and opening it. Inside were dozens of mushrooms and rare herbs - even without properly searching through it, Sucy could see there were many different kinds, common and rare, safe and toxic alike.
“D-do you like it?” Akko asked, nervous. “Diana helped me find a spot where I could find them, I can take you there whenever you want!”
Sucy cleared her throat, realising how almost happy she had looked, before closing the satchel. “It’s…nice. Thanks.”
Akko beamed as she sighed in relief. “Phew! I was so worried I’d gotten the wrong mushrooms and you’d be mad or something!”
“I-I dunno, maybe I got some bad mushrooms or something? I was just nervous I guess!” Akko said sheepishly, staring at the ground.
Silence fell between the duo. Sucy had to admit, this was a really thoughtful gift. She’d never actually received something like this before…even past gifts were usually basic equipment and recipe books, but never ingredients. As much as it was out of character for her, Sucy was really…touched.
But then again, this was Akko after all. That girl always managed to make Sucy feel weird things. When she was around Akko, she felt more…alive.
And that was why she’d agreed to make those chocolates that were still sitting on the bench behind her.
Sucy took a deep breath to steady her nerves - jeez, she hadn’t done that in years - as she picked up the box.
“I’ve…got something for you too.”
Akko tilted her head. “Really?”
Sucy held out the box. “Just take it already.”
Curious, Akko carefully took the box from the alchemist, evaluating it’s weight. Sucy tapped her foot, impatient and starting to grow antsy. After an excruciatingly long amount of time (30 seconds), Akko pulled at the dull grey ribbon roughly tied around the similarly coloured box, lifting the lid.
The sweet smell of chocolate wafted through the air, Akko’s eyes going wide as she stared the misshapen, but delicious looking chocolates. The brunette took one, taking a small bite. Her eyes lit up and she tossed the rest of the piece into her mouth, practically inhaling it as she threw another one into her mouth. She offered one of the larger pieces to the girl across from her.
“Sucy, twy one!” she said through a mouth full of chocolate.
Sucy gingerly took the piece, taking slow bites. Soft, creamy cocoa melted on her tongue, the sweet flavour filling her mouth. It was…actually really good.
“Where di’ oo ge’ dis?” Akko asked before swallowing. “It’s really good!”
“I uh…made it.”
Akko blushed slightly. Seems Jasminka was right about that Japanese tradition.
“Well, I had some help…you don’t seriously think I’d be capable of making something non-poisonous without help, do you?” Sucy smirked. “And trust me, I sure was tempted to sneak a potion or two into the mixture.”
Akko didn’t seem to care, still awestruck, looking away and trying to hide the red dusting her cheeks. “I…thank you, Sucy…”
“Y-yeah, no problem.”
“No, really,” Akko put the lid back on the box and stepped closer. “T-thank you.”
Akko lightly brushed her lips on Sucy’s cheek before pulling back. “I-I’ll go take these to our dorm room, thank you again!”
Akko ran off, leaving Sucy stock still, mouth slightly open, holding a hand to her burning cheek, not noticing the cheering from behind the nearby bushes.
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itoshit ¡ 3 years
Speechless, I didn't add anything, half listening to what Senju was saying. She gave me a place and a time to meet. It was in less than thirty minutes, so I'd to leave now.
Standing up and picking up my phone, I didn't even notify Haruchiyo of my whereabouts, as if I was in a daze. And I was, probably.
Hopping in the driver seat, I quickly started the engine, my leg bouncing with anticipation. The drive seemed to pass fast enough, or maybe I drove a bit too rapidly. The journey was a big blur.
Finally arriving, two minutes early, I received a text from Senju, telling me that they were here.
Head resting on the steering wheel, knuckles turning white with the pressure I put on them, I breathed deeply, in and out. Like Shin taught me when I was a kid and my panic attacks were appearing. Eyes closed, I focused on me, my heart threatening to stop beating. Opening the door, I looked around for a while, only to spot Senju from afar, sitting at a coffee table, facing a guy, back turned to me.
Black hair.
Walking to them, I kept my gaze high, trying to imagine how the discussion would go.
Jiro! It has been so long since the last time we saw each other. Jumping on me, Senju hugged me tightly. Patting her back, I lowered my eyes, meeting Takemitchi's ones.
You haven't changed a bit, Takemitchi.
Mi-Mikey!! Tears running down profusely on his cheeks, I couldn't help snorting.
Once a crybaby, always a crybaby right?
Sitting next to Senju, face to face with him, I stayed silent.
How are you...?
Hm. Hard question, not good, not bad. Just vibin'.
I've heard you tried to kill yourself?
Eh?? How do you... Nevermind, I've learnt that your ways were almost like stalking. Very borderline.
Shrugging, Senju simply smiled at me after.
So. Why the fuck am I doing here ?
Listen Mikey. I know... I know what happened between you and the guys back then. You- I know that since Emma-
Don't mention her name. Don't mention them too. If it's about recalling our cute moments back to Toman's era, I don't have your time. And delete my number, Senju.
Standing up almost making my chair fall on the ground, I was about to leave, but Senju gripped my wrist tightly, forcing me to sit down.
I'm gonna talk now Takemichi alright? Jiro. He's one of the people I was in contact with during all this time. Believe it or not, but some people want to see you get better and find happiness. You've become uncontrollable, and Bonten isn't helping you. Your executives are the worst, and I've one in mind in particular.
Enlighten me then?
Sanzu Haruchiyo. You should keep your distance with this man, trust me.
Your brother is part of my organization.
Takeomi isn't better. I've already told you that. Our goal isn't to worsen your life, but to improve it. You need to get away from all those toxic people.
Scoffing at her bold words, I sighted, before answering.
What d'you really want ?
Save you. Bring you back to us. Draken, Chifuyu, Hakkai and-
I despise them. And you too, Takemitchi. Don't make me laugh, save me? But I'm the one who chose this lifestyle. How would you react if I shot you in the leg now hm? Would you still want to save me ?
... yes. Mikey, as you did years ago with Toman, dismantle Bonten. I'm getting married soon, you're invited. I want you to come, everyone wants you to come.
Good for you, but I'll have to decline the invitation. Checking the time, I realised that I was almost an hour late to pick up Venus.
I need to go. Don't-
They're not good for you, Jiro. They're rotten to the core. I can't tell you yet, but you need to believe us. All the evidence suggests that some of them, if not all of them, are with you only to manipulate you.
My head was ready to burn with all the information. I couldn't possibly listen to her, but Senju saved me on multiple occasions during these past months, and seemed to know things that I didn't. Sighting once again, I turned to Takemitchi.
What about you?
I fully support Senju. And I'm not going to let you go this time, Mikey.
Pff. I really need to go but-
Could you give us a ride though? Someone brought us here.
Rolling my eyes at their demand, I played with my key before nodding.
I need to pick Venus up so you'll have to wait a bit.
His whore.
Sorry, didn't mean it.
When we reached my car, Senju sat in the passenger seat, next to me, while Takemitchi went behind her.
Driving a while, the two were fucking exhausting talking loudly, we finally arrived at Vee's building, and she was still waiting in front of it. Guilt was spreading through my body as I honked at her, and she looked mad.
I've waited for one hour. Do you-
Heya Venus! You look good.
Biting my lip, I turned to Vee.
Yeah so, I got a mishap.
A big one. I agree with a false smile, staring right at a beaming Senju whose ass is currently occupying the passenger seat—my seat. I’m rooted in my spot for a few seconds, not making any move to get inside the car, only staring at her. Senju’s not stupid; she knows exactly what she’s doing. So when her face slacks in some sense of pseudo-enlightenment, I don’t buy it for a second.
Oh— did you want to sit here, Vee? she asks, body shifting as she reaches for the seatbelt.
No, stay there, I instruct, catching Mikey’s stare right when I say it. His eyebrows furrow at my words. You were there first, after all.
I crawl into the backseat with that, but not without a noticeable and tense slam of the door. Senju always seemed to come around the second Mikey and I were warming up to each other. It’s like the bitch had a sixth sense for when he was on thin ice with me. Rolling my eyes, I throw my bag beside without looking, and I’m immediately shocked by the grunt that sounds shortly after. The source of the sound is a dark haired man with his eyes shut in obvious pain… and my bag is the one responsible for it, lodged between his legs and telling by his twitching hands, directly on his crotch.
I’m so sorry! I apologize profusely. I didn’t even see him. Need me to run back inside and get some ice?
It’s fine, he insists through shaky laughs, waving away every apology I give. ‘m fine, promise! My name’s Takemichi Hanagaki.
Venus, I reply, offering a hand to shake. Sorry again, I don’t usually try to castrate men I just meet. Are you a friend of Senju’s?
And Mikey, he adds and I’m surprised. He doesn’t look like a guy Mikey would touch with a ten foot pole. Unless he needed a spy or something, then this harmless, innocent looking man would be perfect.
He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. We haven’t been in contact in a while, but yeah.
I hum at that, totally understanding. Mikey definitely wasn’t the type to rekindle lost relationships, even if he really wanted to. You’d have to come find him. The little shit’s lucky people still scare enough about him to look.
How did you and Mikey meet?
Senju answers for me. They fucked, then Mikey thought she was a mole then kidnapped her, then they forgave each other, and then she got kidnapped by the yakuza, so Mikey had to rescue her. How’s your thigh anyway, Venus?
Why the fuck would she— breathe, Venus. Great. I beam at her, face falling when I meet Mikey’s eye again.
The yakuza? Takemichi’s eyes are wide, scared.
Long story, I dismiss. The last fucking thing I wanted to do was go down memory lane of a fucked up time with Mikey, a stranger and Senju. While I couldn’t quite put my finger on what exactly Senju felt for me, I knew how I felt about her, and with the way I felt about her, we couldn’t stay in the same vicinity long. I tap Mikey’s shoulder from the backseat.
Can you take me to my car? It’s still at the bar where I left it. You guys should get back to what you were doing.
That’s a great idea, Jiro. We still were catching up, after all.
Jiro… crescents indent themselves in my palms as I clench my fists, the only thing preventing me from slamming her head into the dashboard.
See, Mikey? Senju thinks it’s a great idea.
0 notes
eurazia ¡ 7 years
1) Don't let the hate get to you. They act that way because deep down they're scared and insecure about their own beliefs, while we're enjoying our ship as if it's a given it'll happen. They can't stand our confidence, but can't win against us with arguments, so they resort to hate and name-calling. Our convictions and beliefs are strong and unshakable like Charioce himself. We've got facts on our side, we've got logic, we've got the support of the writers, we've got the official materials and
2) everything points at charinia, while they have nothing other than ‘oh but everything can happen, Nina can still end up with Azaz*l’. They’re mad, because they assumed on their own that Azaz*l was the main hero in VS, so of course he’d get the girl, but then they’ve been constantly proven wrong and people don’t like to be proven wrong. So they cling to their misconceptions and biases, because at this point it’d be humiliating to admit the other side may have been right all along, especially
3) when they consider us cocky and arrogant. So just ignore the hate. Block more toxic people for your own mental safety. Or just let them hate only to drink their tears when every single hope of theirs gets crushed by canon. We have done nothing wrong. We’re just super enthusiastic about our ship, and we have legitimate reasons to be, which is what they can’t stand the most. If they could bring us down in a civili discussion, they would, but the thing is, THEY CAN’T. We’re just too strong.
This, my friend, was needed. Luckly enough I chilled out pretty soon, but I’m glad I have now the chance to express what I feel about all this mess.
Which is, this is tiring. A lot.
I can’t really stand to go into the main tag and see multiple posts about the same topic all over again; we’re getting into a vicious circle of opinions that nobody actually wants to read because what really matter is we disagree with each other.
STOP. WE GET IT. WE DISAGREE. FINE. Let’s move on, pretty please?
I’ll follow your advice, I won’t let the hate get me, but it really sads me when I can’t go look for new s n b material to share, because there’s only bitching here and there.
Now. I can see the point of an az*//nin* shipper (actually only one by now lol but yeah) in which they feel bad to read about their own ship called delusional and such. I can see that. I’m not arguing about defending the ship, because if someone would do the same with my ship and someone did that, not gonna lie I would be upset too. You can delete the posts,but that still hurt. (The thing is tho, I haven’t seen this crude way to spit on ships they were talking about, so I wouldn’t be able to judge that by myself. Besides, this is my reaction based only on what I saw and read.)
That said, I’m here, not properly upset, just sad. Maybe it’s just me not being actually able to argue that well.So, for this time and for all, I’m gonna state something probably useless, that will just let me off steam and nothing else. Because, again, I’m tired of this sensless chaos.
Whatever you think, whoever hurt you, whichever is the reason, calling names is bad and childish. Just do not.No one here is denying anything. Charioce is a killer? Charioce is a tyrant? Charioce is evil, Charioce is soulless? FINE, YOU’RE RIGHT.
Satisfied much? I am. Do I like the man? Yes I do. Does it make you feel disgusted? I’m sorry to hear that, but that’s what it is and nothing else.I personally do not excuse him in any way and I think a lot of other charinina shippers do the same. (and this brings me to the next point)
Whenever there’s a post trying to explain - and not excuse, explain - Charioce’s behaviour in the most civil and placid way, it isn’t overflowed by unrelated comments of any kind. I wish there was more posts of this kind in the main tag. And also about different topics more plot related, but yeah
Last but not the least, two things I really have close to my heart (and here I’m gonna quote my previous tags):
1)Everyone. can. ship. the fuck. they want.Everyone. can. like. the fuck. they want.Az*z*l. and. charioce. are. at the same. level. No one of them is better than the other in the ethical way. Period.2)Karma is not justice. I repeat, karma is not justice. If Az is having his karma in s2, that’s not as he’s been forgiven for what he did. He still did what he did.So, why it’s okay to like him, but liking Charioce isn’t? What makes you think Az wouldn’t kill and slave humans back in s1? He killed Favaro and Kaisar’s fathers, and I believe he’s still not sorry for that (which is definitely as it should be, knowing his character and all. And on a side note, I like him for who he is! Really!)
**TL;DR**: There’s no meaning to all of this. Shit storming on Az or Char is nonsensical, seen that they pretty much resemble each other, and it’s the same with shit storming on ships. 
Idek how many times more I have to repeat myself, but letting things flow it’s the solution. Ever. And after this post I’ll probably do so. Black list, black list everything. Block who you should block, let this craziness cease.
**VERY IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE**: I’m intentionally not tagging this with the main tag. I don’t want to spread the nth discussion. I appreciated the anon, it helped me move on from my sadness that’s it. I’m not even try to be “the good one” here, because there’s no need for that. So. No more bulshitting and fighting from both sides, okay?
I completely understand we all (as the whole fandom) get defensive when we feel pushed or mistreated, but if we ourselves don’t want to stop this from the start, it will never end. 
Just… let’s think about it. And thank you for reading until now.
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