#it's not about you
darth-sonny · 2 years
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Mikey paused.
The cat's cradle in his hands was unfinished - halfway done - but that didn't matter anymore.
Leo spoke. Spoke for the first time in weeks ever since they brought him back home...
And Mikey was confused as to the meaning of his brother's first words.
"What did you say?" he asked.
Leo raised a heavly bandaged hand - his only hand - and slowly pointed one finger at him. Mikey could see with crystal clear clarity how heavy the way Leo's arm shook, as if the action alone was so physically daunting that it tired him in just a few seconds.
Mikey was ready to gently take Leo's hand and lower it down when his brother spoke again, voice raspy and so, so different than what it had been weeks ago.
With his brother's hand pointing at him, Mikey connected the dots.
"I'm... I'm Box?"
Leo nodded. "Box," he repeated again.
Mikey tried to smile, he did, but the way Leo's eye went to look down at the blanket covering him in shame made him realize that his smile was more or less of a grimace.
"Ssso-... orry..."
"It's okay!" Mikey chirped, wincing a bit at how Leo flinched at the loudness. "I'm fine with a new nickname!" He hummed, making a show of thinking the name over. He even scrunched up his beak. "Hmm, Box... Box... I like it! Box! We can add that to the list-"
"Na-... name..."
Mikey blinked. "What?"
Leo leaned forward, his face twisting in pain just a bit as his finger poked Mikey in the middle of his plastron.
"Box... is y-... yeerr... na-name..."
Leo's face then changed to one of confusion.
"Wha-... what's a-a ni-nick... name?"
lots of severe head trauma + deliberately messed with memories + recently getting possessed = amnesia
(mikey is box and raph is brute. the rest of the fam will get theirs once i decided on what they will be)
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introvertedlass · 3 months
As a white cis women I'm going to remind my fellow skin kin that it is not our place to tell marginalized communities how to feel about transgressions against them. It's just not.
If you want to be an ally stop talking, listen and ASK how you can best support them.
And, whenever possible call out shit when you see it.
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existennialmemes · 4 months
A skill I really wish People on the Internet would practice, is the delicate art of
Rolling Your Eyes and Scrolling By
Every post isn't for every person. If it doesn't resonate with you personally: Just Roll Your Eyes and Scroll on By.
Instead of complaining every time something isn't specifically catered to you and your personal interests.
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momentsbeforemass · 4 months
It's not about you
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"If the world hates you, realize that it hated me first.”
It sounds odd (it’s the start of today’s Gospel), but Jesus is actually pointing to a universal truth. Marcus Aurelius says it this way,
“When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: the people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous and surly. They are like this because they can't tell good from evil.”
Meaning that? It’s not about you.
If people are awful to you, it’s not because of you.
If people are awful to you, it’s because they are who they are. Because they don’t know any better.
And you’re thinking, “But they were awful to me. And it sure hurt like it was about me.”
It absolutely does hurt when people are like that. And it feels personal. Because the ones who are good at what they do seem to know how to punch our buttons.
But the truth remains, it’s not about you.
They were awful to you because you were the available target.
If someone else would have been available? That’s who would have been on the receiving end of their garbage. And it would have felt just as personal to them.
Which goes to the point Jesus is making. The people who were awful to you would be awful to anyone. Even the only perfect person who ever walked the earth.
So why would they treat normal people like you and me any differently?
Which reveals that the thought process behind how they treated you is about as deep as the thought process of a small mouth bass rising to the bait.
Just like the bass, it’s a reflex. They couldn’t keep themselves from doing it if they wanted to. Because they don’t even realize they’re doing it.
Any deeper meaning we’re seeing is actually something we’re projecting onto it - while we’re trying to make sense of what happened.
Because if we could see it from their perspective, what they did was about as meaningful as the reflexes of that bass.
Knowing this, how seriously should you and I take the people who are awful to us?
Right. So why should you and I let them get under our skin? Why should we let them get between us and God?
Don’t pretend it’s not messing with your emotions. But instead of feeling hurt, grieve the loss of who you thought they were.
Pity them. After all, they’re stuck being them.
They’ve shown you who they are. And if you cared to keep watching them, all you would see is them doing it again to someone else.
Which means you don’t have to hold onto any of it.
Because it’s not about you.
Today’s Readings
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selenophobic-werewolf · 2 months
how about you stop spamming reblog bait and actually try to actually make your blog a safe space for people? Like blocking the haters?
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secretariatess · 5 months
Saw people insisting on normalizing wearing white to a wedding.
It's one thing if you're not from a culture like America's where white is reserved for the bride.
But if you are in a culture where white is for the bride, just stop.
It's entitled behavior. It doesn't matter if white's your favorite color, or if your favorite dress is in white, do not normalize white at a wedding. It just shows that you don't care about the bride, and you think it should be all about you.
Yes, I know there are exceptions, like if it's specified and okayed by the bride to wear white, but it's not for the guests to normalize.
Have some decorum and decency, for pete's sake.
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psychologeek · 5 months
It's not about you
We are tired, and
as you keep pointing fingers and getting offended by our struggles,
This isn't about you
This is a process the word "Goy" did
From meaning "a nation" to
"a non jew" to
An Outsider
It's the way we clinge to eachother,
Pressing our hands together in frustration,
In a hope for understanding,
In a silent question
It's not about you.
It's a tap on the shoulder,
Telling someone
They'll never get it anyway."
As my grandma said:
"stop fighting Goyim in your phone and eat something!"
It's comfort and warning
The oldest explanation in the book.
(They wouldn't get it.
Don't trust them -
they won't be there.)
It's not about you
(but you keep proving it)
Shabbat shalom.
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headpainmigraine · 11 months
As a disabled person, it's not up to me to 'help you grow' as a person.
I don't have a responsibility to cheer you on along your path to having the most basic level of decency as a human being.
I have too much to do being full time disabled, in chronic pain and constantly exhausted.
If my lack of awarding you ribbons and rosettes for not being a dick of a person causes you to give up on not being ableist-
If the anger and resentment of the marginalised group you're prejudiced against makes you decide to just continue to be prejudiced against them, you're a trash person.
Not mistreating a group of people shouldn't be dependent on whether one of that group was mean to you one time.
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saopaulo1834 · 1 year
The UK was like, "The 'Uk' in 'Ukraine' stands for 'United Kingdom.'"
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marciliedonato · 1 year
Oh so they ARE doing the whole winners singing Beatles and British hits thing bc it's Liverpool hosting.... May I remind you you're just the holder and the host is UKRAINE.... British people gonna British people I guess - _-
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thuriweaver · 2 years
You know what really sucks? When a friendship ends not because you don’t get along, and not because you don’t like each other, and not because you don’t have anything in common, but when you have competing needs that just can’t be reconciled.
It’s not fair that there isn’t some kind of recognized period of grief for losing a friend like there is for losing a romantic relationship, no standard advice or structure for what you do when someone you were talking to every day blocks you because it really is better for both of you not to talk to each other. It was the right thing to do, we’re both better off for it, I don’t regret severing the tie, but...
But I miss her, too, and I still see things I know she’d like and want to show her, and I can’t, and there’s that ache...
It’s for the best. But damn, it hurts.
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icepandawarrior · 2 years
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chiisana-lion · 3 months
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whiteshipnightjar · 4 months
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Zoozve, my beloved
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koobiie · 27 days
shoutout to everyone who wants to infodump but cant string together coherent thoughts to form sentences and instead just look at you like this
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