#its different than taking away their main design aspects that are specifically tied to race
reggiestein · 1 year
seeing art or like fanfic of him where they try to like make him normal or overly hot/cute makes me SICK. KEEP HIS GREY SKIN. KEEP HIS AWKWARDNESS. KEEP HIS VOICE CRACKS. KEEP THE FACT THAT HES KINDA CRINGY ITS OKAY. KEEP THAT HES GOOFY PLEASE its literally what makes him so great stop being scared of his flaws
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meganbarnesdaly · 7 years
The 12 Principles of Animation
Squash and Stretch
A bouncing ball constructed on “Maya” shows a ball bouncing with a rigid,
non- dynamic movement. However, by using the "squash” and “stretch” tool, this creates a rebound from the fall. The movement also accelerates during the start of the fall, and slows down towards the end.
Eadweard Muybridge captured photos of a race horse galloping which later became a sequence. The horse's body demonstrates squash and stretch in very natural way. One of the most important principles is "squash and stretch”. The purpose of which is to give a sense of weight and flexibility to the objects. It can be applied to basic objects, like a bouncing ball, or something more complex, like the human face. You can create a more comical feel by exaggerating a figure, (“stretching or squashing” the object). In realistic animation, however, the most important aspect of this principle is the fact that an object's volume does not change when squashed or stretched. If the length of a ball is stretched vertically, its width needs to contract to ratio out the mass horizontally.
Anticipation is used to prepare the audience for an action, and to make the action appear more realistic. A golfer has to make a swing having to swing the club back first. The technique can also be utilised for less physical actions, like a character looking off-screen this in turn anticipates someone's arrival.
This principle is similar to staging in a theatre. Its purpose is to direct the audience's attention, and make it clear what is of most significance in a scene. Whether the idea is an action, a personality, an expression, or a mood. This can be done in numerous ways, such as the placement of a character in the scene, the use of light and shadow, or the angle and position of the camera. This principle is used keeping sole focus on the relevant objects, and avoiding unnecessary details. 
 Straight Ahead Action and Pose to Pose
These are two different approaches to the actual drawing process. "Straight ahead action" means drawing out a scene frame by frame from the beginning to the end. Alternatively, "pose to pose" is where you start with a drawing producing a few key frames, and then filling in the intervals later. "Straight ahead action" creates a more fluid, illusion in terms of movement, and is better for producing realistic action sequences. However, it is hard to maintain proportions, and to create life-like, realistic throughout this process. "Pose to pose" works better for dramatic or emotional scenes, where composition and the surroundings are of greater importance. A combination of the two techniques is often used to create a piece.
Computer animation removes the problems of proportion in regard to "straight ahead action" drawing; however, "pose to pose" is still used for computer animation, because of the advantages it brings in composition. The use of computers facilitates this method, and can fill in the missing sequences in between poses automatically. However, it’s still considerably important to oversee this process and apply the other principles discussed.
 Follow Through and Overlapping Action
Follow through and overlapping action is a general heading for two closely related techniques which help to create movement with a more realistic style, and help to give the impression that characters follow the laws of physics. "Follow through" means that loosely tied parts of a body should continue moving after the character has stopped and the parts should keep moving beyond the point. "Overlapping action" is the tendency for parts of the body to move at different rates - an arm will move on different timing of the head and so on. A third, related technique is "drag", where a character starts to move and parts of him take a few frames to catch up. These parts can be inanimate objects like clothing or the antenna on a car, or parts of the body, such as arms or hair. Body parts with lots of tissue, such as large stomachs or the loose skin on a dog, are more prone to independent movement than bonier parts of the body. This technique if over exaggerated, can produce a comical effect, while more realistic animation must time the actions exactly, to produce a life-like result.
The "moving hold" animates between similar key frames, even characters sitting still can display some sort of movement, such as the torso moving in and out taking breaths.
 Ease In and Ease Out
The movement of the human body, and most other objects, needs time to accelerate and slow down. This is what creates a convincing animation, if it has more drawings near the beginning and end of the action, it emphasises the extreme poses. This principle goes for characters moving between two extreme poses, E.G sitting down and standing up. This also applies for inanimate, moving objects, like the bouncing ball an illustration.
Most natural action tends to follow an arched trajectory, and animation should also stick to this principle by following implied "arcs" to create a greater realism. This technique can be applied to a moving limb by rotating a joint, or a thrown object. The exception is mechanical movement, which typically moves in straight lines.
As an object's speed or momentum increases, arcs tend to flatten out in moving ahead and broaden in turns. An object in motion that moves out of its natural arc for no apparent reason will appear erratic rather than fluid. For example, when animating a pointing finger, the animator should be certain that in all drawings in between the two extreme poses, the fingertip follows a logical arc from one extreme to the next. Traditional animators tend to draw the arc in lightly on the paper for reference, to be erased later.
 Secondary Action
Secondary Action: as the horse runs, its’ mane and tail follow the movement of the body. Adding secondary actions to the main action gives a scene more life, and can help to support the main action. A person walking can simultaneously swing their arms or keep them in their pockets, speak or whistle, or express emotions through facial expressions. The important thing about secondary actions is that they emphasise, rather than take attention away from the main action.
Timing refers to the number of frames for a given action, which in turn translates to the speed of the action in the animation. On a physical level, correct timing makes objects appear to follow the laws of physics; for example, an object's weight determines how it reacts to a push. Timing is critical for establishing a character's mood, emotion, and reaction. It can also be a device to communicate aspects of a character's personality.
Exaggeration is an effect specifically useful for animation, as animated motions that attempt a perfect impression of reality can look fixed and dismal. The level of exaggeration varies on whether one seeks realism or a particular style, like a caricature or the flair of a specific artist. The classical description of exaggeration, engaged by Disney, was to stay true to reality, just exhibiting it in a wilder, more extreme form. Other methods of exaggeration can involve the mystical or surreal, alterations in the physical features of a character; or basic fundamentals in the storyline itself. It is important to utilise a certain level of limitation when using exaggeration. If a scene contains several components, there should be a balance in how those elements are exaggerated in relation to each other, to avoid confusing or intimidating the viewer.
 Solid drawing
The principle of solid drawing means taking into account forms in three-dimensional space, or giving them volume and weight. The animator needs to be a artist competent and has to understand the basics of three-dimensional shapes, anatomy, weight, balance, light and shadow, etc. For the conventional animator, this involved taking art classes and doing sketches from life. One thing in particular that Johnston and Thomas warned against was creating "twins": characters whose left and right sides mirrored each other, and looked lifeless and uninteresting. Current computer animators draw less because of the facilities computers give them, yet their work benefits greatly from a basic ability to put to use the animation principles, and their additions to basic computer animation.
Appeal in a cartoon character corresponds to what would be called charisma in an actor. A character who is alluring is not necessarily compassionate – villains or monsters can also be engaging – the important thing is that the viewer feels the character is real as well as interesting. There are several ruses for making a character interact better with the audience; for likable characters a symmetrical or particularly baby-like face tends to be most effective. A complicated or complex will lack appeal, it may more accurately be described as 'captivation' in the composition of the pose, or the character design. 
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techdomes · 6 years
  At its core, Insomniac Games’ new adventure strives to make you feel like Spider-Man. And, thankfully, Marvel’s Spider-Man on PS4 succeeds at nearly every swing across Manhattan’s rooftops. I was left delighted at nearly every step of its 15-hour adventure thanks to a surprisingly deep tale that mines the plights of both Spider-Man and Peter Parker to great emotional success. Underpinning that engrossing narrative is an excellent set of webswinging mechanics, which — combined with fun gadgets and plenty of puns — makes for thrilling action in both the massive setpieces and in the quiet, confined corridors of tense sequences. Insomniac’s first foray into the realm of Marvel superheroes is a continually exciting adventure whose open world and combat are only occasionally caught up in a web of overly familiar trappings. Swinging around feels, quite simply, spectacular. There’s a small learning curve, but after getting comfortable with the basics, it’s nearly effortless to make Spider-Man look graceful in every swing, leap, and lunge. And man does it feel good to find the right mix of jumping, crawling, web zipping, and wall running.
I’ve spent hours just soaring around the skyscrapers of New York City, testing the momentum of my swings to find just the right point to gain an extra boost of speed, or leaping off the Avengers Tower to test how close to the ground I could fall, just to swing out in the nick of time. Similar to how God of War’s Leviathan Axe felt so good to throw around, Insomniac has found web-spun gold with Spider-Man’s swinging mechanic, enhancing it with additional moves like a focal point webzip that allowed me to turn any ledge, beam, or satellite tower into a jumping off point to continue my non-stop movement. Open-world traversal hasn’t been this smooth since Sunset Overdrive (which, not coincidentally, Insomniac also developed).
Doing What a Spider Can
And, happily, no aspect of New York’s architecture can really stop Spider-Man. Discovering how a powerful, but nimble, Spider-Man tackles fire escapes, both vertically and horizontally, or watching him slip through the metal grating of a water tower is endlessly entertaining. His animations are so detailed that no matter the obstacle, I got the sense that I could truly do whatever a Spider-Man could.
That was surprisingly true of indoor locations, too. The main story missions often took me into large-scale interiors, sometimes for light puzzle solving, and occasionally for stealthy takedown scenarios. For anyone who’s played the Batman: Arkham franchise, the framework is largely the same: enter a room, avoid being detected, and use a mix of gadgets and (relatively) quiet web takedowns to take down the crowd.
Insomniac has found web-spun gold with Spider-Man’s wonderful webswinging.
These stealth scenarios perfectly highlight Spider-Man’s talents — especially his love for designing gadgets. There’s a methodical thrill to plotting out the order I wanted to web up enemies, whether luring an enemy out toward me for a stealth takedown or by firing off a web trap that would stick them to a wall. There’s enough enemy variety (some react differently to your webbing than others, like big brutes that can’t be taken down as easily) that I always enjoyed the light bit of strategy these sections demanded, and would happily work my way through a dozen more.
Of course, Spidey gets up close and personal with foes a lot of the time, too, making for combat that’s equally fun, if a little slow to show its true depth. At first, I found myself pretty much just punching and dodging, occasionally webbing up a foe so I could focus on a more powerful baddie. But as I unlocked more skills from Spider-Man’s skill trees and gadgets, combat became an improvisational delight. After some leveling, I could pull an enemy’s gun away and smack him in the head with it, while a previously planted web trip mine strung two other enemies together. I’d then web-zip my way to a floor above me to smack an enemy off a railing while simultaneously sending a spider drone after two more foes. That balancing act consistently delivered on the powerful and fun fantasy of being Spider-Man. To be fair, Spider-Man’s combat owes a lot to the aforementioned Arkham franchise, right down to the slow-motion crunch when you take out the last baddie in a bunch, but that template is sped up dramatically in order to take advantage of Spidey’s nimble nature.
That feeling of fluid movement only falters during boss battles. Insomniac throws in some big and exciting boss fights full of tense action. They’re sparingly involved, as many of the more fascinating setpieces of the story don’t involve one-on-one fights. But because the adventure is both front and back-loaded with boss fights, there’s an odd lull devoid of huge bouts right in the middle of the story. That’s not inherently bad, especially as a lot of great character work is done in the second act alongside those blockbuster action sequences. But because the first couple of bosses boil down to round-based pattern recognition, they felt a bit simple and rote. Unfortunately, that becomes pretty noticeable with the huge gap in major villain encounters. Still, there are some smart and fun twists in boss battles toward the end of the campaign to look forward to.
The combat and gadgets fulfill the fun and powerful fantasy of being Spider-Man.
The variation in Spider-Man’s fighting style and inventive gadget arsenal — which is hardly a surprise given Insomniac’s knack for wacky weapon wheels in series like Ratchet & Clank — is also extended to Spider-Man’s wardrobe. His portable closet of unlockable Spidey suits all come with their own powers. Each power can be used independently of the outfit once unlocked, which is a godsend. It’s a joy to swap among some of the unexpected late-game duds, though I’ve become quite fond of this Spider-Man’s new main suit. That said, I largely relied on the first couple of powers for almost the entire campaign. The singular power to fill out your focus meter for special finishers or to restore health from Peter’s white-spider costume was so consistently useful that I didn’t want to give it up, and I never felt like the world encouraged me to use the others. Swapping between mods to adapt to specific side challenges — like one that could prevent my combo counter from immediately resetting with each hit — was always more useful than swapping between different abilities.
  Concrete Jungle
Spider-Man’s New York is an absolute blast to swing around, in part thanks to how gorgeous the shiny skyscrapers of the city look. Spider-Man does have its graphical hiccups — for example, the faces of Peter and other key characters are spectacularly animated while less notable characters are flat and often out of sync with dialogue. But its New York City is undeniably gorgeous, particularly on a PS4 Pro. Swinging around at dusk as the calm oranges of the setting sun hit the reflective glass of New York’s skyscrapers at just the right angle evoked some of the most calming, zen-like gameplay sessions I’ve experienced in awhile.
Marvel’s Spider-Man doesn’t offer a a 1:1 recreation of New York City, but most of the key landmarks — including my old apartment — are recreated faithfully. Neighborhoods have distinct enough character to be discernible as I swung from one to the next. Yes, certain aspects of the city, like water towers or certain building fronts, can start to feel repetitive. But Insomniac has done a pretty great job of capturing the city’s look with the sheen I’d expect for a world full of superheroes and super science.
That feeling is only magnified by the score. Spider-Man’s main theme recalls the triumphant horns of the MCU Avengers score, rising at just the right moments as I raced to stop a crime or to save some locale from a villain’s evil plot. Outside of the main campaign, there are dozens of other side objectives scattered throughout the city, which add another 15-20 hours of exploring, though my enjoyment of them varied greatly. I was never outright bored by any task, but some were reused so often that I found myself running through the motions of scenarios I once found exciting. The fourth or fifth time you figure out how to take on a horde of enemies committing a crime or fend off waves of enemies at an outpost is still entertaining — the fortieth is much less so. It dilutes what starts as a fun, heroic act into a repetitive, going-through-the-motions activity that often had a knack for popping up just as I was making my way to a major story mission. Outside of stopping those optional crimes, Taskmaster’s tough combat, race, and stealth challenges kept me coming back for better scores. And though finding landmarks and backpacks encouraged me to hit every corner of the city, the activity itself was pretty easy. Peter outside of his suit can also engage in a couple science minigames, one of which is essentially the pipe challenge from the original BioShock. I have a soft spot for that type of puzzle activity, but their inclusion contributes to some of the campaign’s odd pacing issues. They’re introduced just after your first real taste of being Spider-Man, and then interrupt the action anytime Spider-Man needs to do something science-related within the story.
The brilliance of what the world could have been can be seen in a handful of brilliant side missions. One tied nicely into the main story, culminating in an optional boss fight. Another suite of tasks forced me to actually have a good sense of New York’s neighborhoods. These sidequests helped bring the world of Spider-Man and its open New York City to life — I just wish a few more of them cleverly gave the world and my actions more significance.
Update: A day-one patch for Spider-Man has introduced a wonderful photo mode to the experience. It feels like the next evolution of photo modes before it, being so bespoke to Spidey himself. Being able to create comic book covers or panels is a delightful twist, and effectively allows you to create your own Spider-Man comic books should you want to.
Slow-Spinning Redemption
Thankfully, the story consistently delivers that sense of weight and impact, albeit after a somewhat slow start. Insomniac’s Spider-Man is one who has a history in this world, and it feels earned thanks to smart integration of familiar villains rather than throwing them at the screen for the sake of fan service. The script allows time for the central villains (and Peter’s relationship to them) to believably develop, making for some emotionally powerful scenes toward the end that definitely had me misty eyed on a couple of occasions.
I appreciated Insomniac’s surprising amount of restraint when it came to villains, but I loved the focus it put on Peter Parker and his relationships even more. I played Spider-Man to be Spider-Man, but I’m so happy I got to be Peter, too.
I played Spider-Man to be Spider-Man, but I’m so happy I got to be Peter, too.
Peter’s story is one of mentorship, smartly showing how he can simultaneously look up to one mentor, while becoming one, too. That dichotomy offers Spider-Man voice actor Yuri Lowenthal a chance to convey Peter’s various facets, and he does so with an emotional honesty that made this version of the Spider-Man one of my favorites on screen. Peter is someone who can succeed while he makes mistakes, and that juxtaposition offers a wealth of relatable material that carried me through much of Spider-Man’s story.
I won’t spoil Miles’ part in the adventure, but I enjoyed his inclusion and, thanks to a charming performance, I was as endeared to him as I was to Peter.
Spider-Man’s story is as captivating as anything the MCU has offered
Perhaps most of all, though, I loved Peter and Mary-Jane’s relationship. It’s well-trod territory, but Insomniac injects new life into it, in part thanks to Spidey and MJ actors Lowenthal and Laura Bailey’s performances. These are two people who have a history together, and watching them try to figure out what future they have, if any — as friends, coworkers, or more — is an absolute joy to watch.
A number of Peter and MJ’s scenes feel instantly relatable, from the two having their first dinner in months together, navigating whether they’re comfortable with one another, to Peter trying not to lose his cool over a misinterpreted text. It’s one of my favorite romances in a game ever, and contributes to a story with personal stakes as captivating — and often much more — as anything the MCU (and most superhero movies) has delivered.
The Verdict
I wanted Marvel’s Spider-Man on PS4 to make me feel like Spider-Man: To sail between the highrises of New York City, to nimbly web up hordes of enemies, and tussle with familiar, animal-themed villains. Insomniac Games’ first foray into the world of Marvel handily delivers on all of that. But what I didn’t expect from Spider-Man was to come away feeling just as fulfilled to have inhabited the life of Peter Parker. Aside from a few odd pacing issues, which momentarily took me out of the experience of being a superhero, and a world of optional missions that don’t always quite live up to the heft of the main story, Insomniac has delivered a Spider-Man story that both surprised and delighted me, coupled with gameplay that made me feel like Spider-Man nearly every step of the way. The Wall Crawler’s open world doesn’t consistently deliver the thrilling moments of its main campaign, but the foundation laid here is undoubtedly a spectacular one.
                         TechDomes Score: 10
Marvel’s Spider-Man PS4 Review
0 notes
vernicle · 7 years
Aion A Story Of A World Shattered
Around the time you close in on level 20, the progression of the story will take you to cities that are near gates that allow members of the other faction to slide through. At this point the game takes on a different dynamic and instead of being a player-versus-environment game, it opens up to the player-versus-player aspects. Alas, Aion, the latest massively-multiplayer online gaming release from NCsoft, falls partially into that category. The game's pacing is great through the tutorial and even into the initial foray after leaving the lands of the tutorial portion.The game has a wide variety of quests that steep players in the lore of the game, drive plot points, and give a sense of the world dynamic. You will find quests for hunting, to combat the forces in league with the other faction or those groups that are simply profiteering off the nearest available target – which happens to be your factional group, either Elyos or Asmodian.
Aion is the story of a world shattered, with two races growing up separately with a racial hatred of the other side. The Elyos are pure and representative of the ‘light' side of the world, with white wings (once they have ascended to level 10 and become a Daeva – more on that in a moment), while the Asmodians are a bit darker, with clawed feet and fingers and black wings, with a world that is seemingly in a perpetual dusk. The game does have a robust customization selection in the character creation so while there are some physical attributes particular to each race (as well as armor that is bit more finite in looks at the start), you can create your own look for your character.
2、Comprehensive guide of Aion
There are four profession archetypes, that each break down into two sub-classes: warrior breaks down into gladiator and templar, priest goes to cleric and chanter, scouts can become rangers or assassins, and mages can choose the path of sorcerer or spiritmaster (pet class). There are beginning towns that have a series of quests designed to introduce the game to players as well as get them to level 10, which is when players ascend to the rank of Daeva and get their wings, as well as determining what class they will play through the rest of the game with that particular character. As your character advances, you buy skill books to learn the skills commiserate with your level and class. The wings players get at level 10 truly offer an interesting dynamic to the game. First off, they are not a form of transportation that can take you all over the world. The wings are on a timer and can be zone specific – in that you can fly in some zones, but not in most of the land-quest zones. However, you can still glide by double-tapping the space bar and this can help you traverse hostile territory faster, or even chase down a running enemy, if you can find a bit of a hill to use as a launching point for the glide mechanic.
Skill books can be bought from class trainers, and sometimes can be purchased from other players or off the player market – this is a world market, based on faction, where players can put an item up for sale while setting the price for the item. Players can also set up their own private store, assuming a camping position and walk away from the game. This might seem like a good idea, but when you zone into an area and find it jammed with private stores, that idea seems to take on a less-than-spectacular aspect. While the folks at NCsoft have tried to ban the accounts of gold farmers, the proliferation of these people is blatant and obvious – at least in the first months of the games release. And there are also expenses incurred through travel. You can bind to a certain location, but that will cost a nice chunk of currency, and should you choose not to, you can travel via ghostly bird within the region you are in, or teleport to another region. The bird flights are relatively inexpensive compared to the costs of teleporting.
1、Aion' glory
The game itself has base elements that are standard with most MMOs. You get a series of quests designed to draw you through the lore of the game as well as level you up. You level, you get better skills and better equipment. There is also a harvesting and crafting element to the game that will give players who want to take a break from the fighting something to do. The harvesting can be tied to the quest lines and thus keeping your harvesting skills up for the zone is advisable. For example, you may get a quest to harvest a certain material that requires you to have a level skill that is 85. If you have not harvested your way through, because of inventory space considerations, in order to do that quest, you will have to backtrack to the younger zones, and grind your way up. You don't always advance your skill for each item harvested. Sometimes you may have to harvest multiple items to get one point in harvesting skill. Plus, each resource node allows for (generally) three harvests per node and then the node disappears. You have to wait for it to spawn again to move forward and continue that particular grind.
Aion's glory is also a warning post for the player base – this is not a world where a player can waltz through it with hardly a thought for strategic elements or group dynamics. The Shattered World is a harsh place where beauty can host peculiar wildlife that will do you in quickly and effectively. But more so than the player-versus-environment (PvE) elements, the world of Aion is also player-versus-player (PvP). And you don't get a choice of whether you wish to participate. If you are in the same zone as  players from the other faction, they can attack you and likely will if they see you. If you are Elyos and work your way up to the Eltnen Fortress, you may find the woods outside the citadel a haven for Asmodian raiders. There is value in gaining rift points, and that means hunting and killing the players of another faction. If that happens, expect the ranger to curl up into the death posture. The fight won't last long, the sorcerer will get abyss points and the ranger will be paying for soul healing and perhaps transportation back to the zone (if he or she did not bind there).
2、Compare Aion to anyother game
You can earn Abyss (which is an open PvP zone players can get to after level 25) points through killing players of the other faction. But it does not matter if you are simply trying to quest or not. Every player is fair game in an open-PvP setting. That is a reason why Aion is not for the more casual MMO gamer. You need to be on your toes and watch to see if a rift has opened. While Aion is a beautiful game, the number of quests drop off as you get into your 20s and some quests will involve you running all over to different zones, all at a cost to you, the player. This is a silly notion, especially when you are charged a ridiculous amount of coin for the transportation. Juxtaposed against the reward, this sometimes seems hardly worth the effort. The problem with the game, though, is that it is a grind and at a certain point the story ceases to matter as much and raiding becomes the focus. That, and the economic woes, may be the undoing of this game.
The game also allows for crafting and like much of the rest of the game, you have to grind up – it also requires coin to purchase some materials and inventory space. The actual act of crafting is sandwich time – make sure you have the right number of materials, select a recipe and the total number of units you wish to make, hit the craft button and walk away. There is nothing you can do to improve the rate of success or chance of failure; it is all arbitrary. You will sometimes succeed, sometimes fail and sometimes elevate your skill. You can learn all the crafting professions in the game, to a certain point, but with the inventory stress, unless you have a deep bank, this might seem impractical. Aion offers some new ideas and the whole wing dynamic is wonderful. The game is a real treat for the eyes and there is no ugly race. Players can, however, choose to create a beautiful being, or an ugly creation – mostly tied to Asmodian – in the character creation process, though. Even the starkness of some environments contain some amazing elements and interesting creatures.
3、Scoring Details for Aion
The farmers are out in full force in this game, and you no sooner ban one than another pops up to spam you. It's annoying and irritating. Couple that with the fact that you have a finite number of names you can block and you soon have to start playing with the list – unblocking the old to block the new. Yes, NCsoft is working to ban them, but between the spam and the player stores that block up areas and cause some lag through sheer volume, the game takes a hit. The player community can be nice, but sometimes finding a group for quests that are obviously geared for the quest dynamic if you are hunting at your level is hard. Character creation and the flight dynamic are definitely worth a look, but the main problem is that while the gameplay is inviting enough initially, it starts to bog down as you near level 20 and there are not as many quests.
Another thing you will want to compare is price.While there are thousands of different Aion kinah selling sites available to you – not all are created equal. I checked out some sites online and did a price comparison and without a doubt the price of this sites are all different. The prices in some sites may be twice than other sites. If we choose a much cheaper site, we can save a lot of money. However, we shouldn't just choose a website for its cheap price. There are many rip-off website who use the lowest price to attract the buyers. We should check whether the website has a good reputation. A reliable website should have perfect live chat support, good prices and a refund policy. As previously mentioned, buying Aion Gold is the best way to increase your performance when playing Aion.
4、Most complaints about Aion
Completely, utterly, and indescribably untrue. Every class has a toolkit to work with, and when you fight another class you know which tools to use from it almost immediately if you're any kind of seasoned PVPer. That is a stupid argument in the first place, as timing, reaction speed, and prediction are all part of being a skilled PVPer, more than just "hitting buttons". If you play Street Fighter casually you can probably play with your friends and mash buttons, and somehow observe that Street Fight is just a "button masher" fighting game. The competitive player will laugh at you and tell you the exact opposite, and find a science in the game that makes it impossible for "button mashers" to win, because the competitive player understands the game, the casual player only observes it. Completely untrue. While some RNG does affect it, IE having a stun resisted or dodged, the assassin who is not on top of their game will almost always lose. Watching buffs like Focused Evasion and knowing not to use a stun if it is up, knowing when to use our own FE and Aethertwisting to seal a victory are all valuable skills to have as an assassin.
I think that just about covers my feelings about Aion PVP. Overall there is a lot of technical skills to be learned by most players. How to use distance to their advantage with each class, how to fight in the air better, how to counter other classes and use your toolkit to its fullest. The players who sit and cry that the game sucks and the PVP sucks, really do not understand how to PVP in the first place. They don't understand how to play their class or are too stubborn to learn. Like the scrubby Street Fighter player they just insist that Class X is cheap and all you have to do is mash buttons, but all they're doing is criticizing their own failure.
5、Is Aion dying out already
Then, there's the people, like me, who are just too distracted playing other games. Torchlight, Dragon Age Origins and Fallen Earth seem to be the most popular. I still like the game. I can't decide if I'm clinging to it because it's the online MMORPG style I'm familiar with, or if because I genuinely do enjoy the game. I wasn't having much fun when I transitioned from Altguard to Morheim, the jump in mob difficulty was painfully noticeable. No longer was I taking mobs with ease, in fact the very first mobs right after you zone through were dropping me to half health each time. (I was 21, they were 23)The other night I decided to go and have a look at Brusthonin because it's apparently meant to be slightly easier. And it was, remarkably so. That is, when I could actually get to a mob. The fact that there is no mob tagging in Aion is one of my biggest leveling frustrations at the moment. Over the grind and everything! With my lag, buffing takes me a good 5 seconds, and then there's the slight delay while Alexan aligns the arrow in her bow and fires it. Most times someone has jumped in and taken my mob by this point, regardless if my arrow lands or not.
I'm a nice player, even though I saw it first, and technically I started attacking first – it's not my fault my arrows have to travel – I leave the mob to who ever jumped in. The same courtesies are not repaid. Even when I do manage to get the first damaging attack in, if there was a spell caster mid-cast, they keep attacking. Hell, some even go as far as to start attacking a mob I'm already on if they think they can out-damage me! Spending 10 minutes fighting to get a single quest mob is not fun. This didn't happen in WoW, once you got that first point of damage in, the mob was yours. If you survive your encounter with Bubblegut, but fail to kill him and use up both of your Slime Immunity potions, see Geolus for more. See our (soon-to-be-posted) Quick Trips Category for a free (no Kinah necessary) shortcut from the Tainted Swamp back to Geolus, the Frillneck Woods, and the Southern Tolbas Forest. You will have to get back up to Bubblegut after you see Geolus. A quick return to Verteron Citadel and a flight to Pilgrim's Respite is your best bet.
6、Aion Kinah Making Tips
Gathering is a good way to make Kinah. Everyone needs resources sometimes for things like crafting, enchantments, potions, and gear. No matter what resources you gather, they will sell out all the time, as long as your prices are reasonable. If prices are lower at the moment than you want to sell for, just wait a day or two and they will probably change. In Aion there are a lot of items that look cool, but don't do too much for your character's stats. Many of these good-looking items can be sold for a very high profit. People will othen use these items to change the model of their current gear if it has good stats, but looks like an outfit they stole from a clown. Use your private store(for more than just going AFK)! Everytime you go AFK, make a store. Put anything in that you think another player could even have a remote possibility of wanting. You might get lucky and some player will come by and buy some unwanted item from you.
There is so much happening in-game with such great graphics that I sometimes find it difficult to locate my team. Ok, I admit I can get lost in the mayhem or absorbed at the Broker.Anyway, those floating icons that the group leader can place over group members' heads really help! The icons are visible from a much greater distance than the individual characters are. It's also quite amusing to see a huge smiley face, heart, star, etc. bouncing along in the air and emerging from a valley or village, etc. Using icons can also facilitate coordination of group attacks if the group leader places an appropriate icon (the skull leaps to mind) over the head of the current target. We did experience some temporary loss of icons at times during the beta. They seemed to drop off for some, but not all players, but would reappear if the group leader placed them again.
7、How to Defeat Poisonous Bubblegut
Most players, regardless of class, should be able to solo Bubblegut by level 17, or at least by level 18.  Numerous players have difficulty with ol' Bubblegut, (what a name!) and most of the difficulty stems from failing to use the provided Slime Immunity potions at the proper time. The quest to defeat Bubblegut is the fighting portion of the "Source of the Pollution" quest chain. When you are done, remember to stay and talk to Kato, and then return to Spatalos to inform him of the result and pick up your quest reward. If you are traveling at night (in game time) in addition to the Broken Rock Kalgolems that are always there, you have to beware of the Ancient Elysean Spirits who stand about at the side of the roads.If Bubblegut is out and about in battle with another player, take this opportunity to target him and look for the green square representing the Slime Spouting buff below his name. This buff is the key to defeating him.
If you find Bubblegut outside the swamp with his buff already up, you can attack him and use your Slime Immunity potion.If Bubblegut does not have his buff up, you have to attack him and get him to put it up BEFORE you use the Slime Immunity potion. Geolus does give you two Slime Immunity potions, so you can run away and try again. Try using it a second time, if your attacks do not seem to be doing any damage to Bubblegut; he sometimes puts up his Slime Immunity buff a second time right after you neutralize it with your first potion. If worse comes to worst, and you find yourself in front of the Obelisk by the Soul Healer, bent over, clutching your chest and gasping, with no more Slime Immunity potions in your inventory, don't give up! Simply return to Geolus, and he will give you two more potions.
8、Gulux – the Asmodian version of Paksigue
You've probably seen our post on Paksigue aka Crab Norris, the level 13 Elite that roams about Verteron Citadel cutting short the lives of unwary low level players. Well, the Asmodian equivalent is Gulux, a level 13 Elite Demi-humanoid ice creature that follows a path in the Altgard Ice Lake around Altgard. Like Paksigue, Gulux has a 7 meter aggro range and pre-emptive attack. For whatever reason, Gulux does not seem to have developed the same reputation, notoriety, and fame as our buddy Crab Norris. Rifts join Eltnen to Morheim and Beluslan to Heiron. There are seven rifts in each direction.We have labeled the Elyos entrances and exits with numbers and the Asmodian entrances and exits with letters.
The entry point for each rift is stable for both factions, but the exit points may vary slightly. No doubt this is intended to prevent defending players from camping the spot where incoming opposition players arrive. We have done our best to mark the maps accurately.There are limits to the number of players who can enter each rift; see the charts for the rifts in each area. There is also a level maximum for entry into each rift, probably so that very high level players cannot suddenly appear in the lower level areas.
9、Gathering and Extracting With Gatherer Hat or Macros
Whether you are gathering for a quest or just to level up your skill for future high level items, gathering everything from Rubis to Aether can be frustrating if you are having difficulty locating the item you have to gather. There are a couple of items available to help with gathering once you have ascended (from level 10 on up.) You can spend some of your hard-earned Kinah (Q) and buy a vitality or aether gathering hat, called a Gatherer Hat or Aether Gatherer Hat. Gatherer Hats are available from the Vitality Extraction and Aether Extraction item vendors in the Vitality and Aether Extraction areas of the Artisan's Hall in Sanctum for Elyos, or the Aether and Vitality Extraction Training area for Asmodians in Pandemonium.
With so many expenses competing for your attention a Gatherer Hat may seem too costly. After all, you still have to expand your cube and warehouse space, pick up some new armor or weapons, and pay to level up your crafting skill. A Gatherer Hat, it is true, goes one step further than a macro and tells you what gatherables are available in any given area, but it may be cost prohibitive for lower level characters. It is also amusing when using macros to put your character on autorun, periodically click your macro, and find your character suddenly veering off to one side and running head-long into a barrier in an attempt to reach the item the macro is set to gather.
10、Paksigue – aka Crab Norris
If you haven't met him yet, Paksigue is an Elite Level 13, a giant crab that roams the sands surrounding Verteron Citadel striking fear into the hearts of low level players. He has been dubbed Crab Norris for obvious reasons. The more unwary players there are roaming the dunes around Verteron Citadel, the higher the hourly kill count for Crab Norris. He usually kills the unsuspecting or preoccupied player in one or two hits. Paksigue outside the Verteron Citadel next to a potcrabI actually rather enjoy the big guy. He's a nice touch. He adds a random element to the game that makes it more entertaining and realistic. He also performs a valuable function by alerting players to the necessity to watch the mini map for red dots that move rapidly and randomly; these fast, erratic red dots signal danger.
When you get to Eltnen, those randomly moving dots will be noticeably larger than the NPC mob dots and will represent players of the opposing faction who have stolen into your area bent on mayhem. You will be even less able to predict their presence or location than with Paksique. Paksigue doesn't seem to roam into the water or in close to the walls of the Citadel, so if you want to go afk on the Verteron sands make sure you are standing knee deep in water or high up on the dunes right next to the Citadel. Keep an eye on your mini map while you are questing about the dunes and you should be able to avoid Crab Norris. If you're looking for in-depth help in getting the most out of your Aion gaming, you couldn't do better than Killer Guides. Their Aion Guide offers strategies for rapid leveling and for earning Kinah faster than you thought possible, as well as advice on each profession. They also offer individual guides for each class to help you get the most out of your precious gaming hours. If you can't decide which class you like the most, your best bet is to get the Aion Complete Guide Package, which contains every guide they make- that's 10 guides for the price of 3.
11、Aion Crafting – Save Your Kinah!
You level the skill with Work Orders you obtain from the trainer. If you want to save some Kinah when making these Work Orders, make only the exact number of items required. The Work Order gives you extra materials, just in case of failure. For example, you receive eight (8) caprauna to make 6 caprauna juice. If you make all eight Work Orders successfully and turn in the completed Work Order, you do not save any extra created items towards the next Work Order, and you do not gain any additional Skill. Oops! This last part is incorrect, as a commenter pointed out. You do get skill increase from making the extra items. (Sorry, I was getting confused after too many late nights gaming.) If you are purchasing mats for one Work Order at a time, purchase enough mats to make seven, but resist the temptation to click the "Make All" button; make only 6. If you succeed you are done! If you fail on any of your attempts and you  need to make more, then do so.
What I meant to say was that another reason that you might want to only make the minimum items necessary to turn in the Work Order is: by doing this way you increase the number of times you turn in Work Orders as you level up your skill, and thus you increase your chances of receiving some good recipes as rewards for completing the Work Orders. (I knew there was another reason.) Save your Kinah; don't buy more mats than you need to. I find the failure rate is fairly low, at least from Skill levels1 to 100, and by turning in more Work Orders I received a fair number of interesting recipes as rewards, which is much better than buying them off the Broker. You still have that option if you don't get what you want as a reward from the Cooking Trainer. Try this same trick at other skill levels, too. Some of the higher level Work Orders require fewer, less expensive mats than those at lower levels. When you find an inexpensive Work Order, keep making it as long as you continue to gain skill level.
12、Places of Interest in Aion 1 – Angelic Frippery
I found this store only by accident so I figured it was likely that many other new players also did not know of its existence. The store "Angelic Frippery" has many interesting cosmetic modifications for your character, and we all know that cosmetic mods are the best  . Style over substance has always been my motto! You can now buy aion from the most reliable retailer at the most convenient, easiest and fastest way. Buying aion cd key is now safe to be done by simply moving your mouse to their wonderful website. The site of buyMMOAccounts.com is the official online shop of this visually massively multiplayer online role-playing game or the so-called MMORPG where the characters can be played with devastating powers and sweeping wings to explore a the world of fantasy where you can imagine a very adventurous beauty.
Speaking of artifacts, Inquisition decided to have a small guild event to go test the waters on taking an artifact on the bottom floor of the Abyss where thing were lower level.  Taking the artifact was a pretty simple task overall, and reminded us as being on par with some of the smaller battle objectives in WAR in terms of difficulty.  The artifact was protected by a group of NPC's of the opposing faction with an elite boss.  While we brought 2 groups being uncertain on how hard it would be, one solid group of players would have been an adequate force.  Once the boss goes down, a broadcast message told everyone we had taken it, and our guilds emblem was stamped on the site and displayed on the map.  There is however no message to let you know when your artifact is under attack by the enemy faction.
13、Asmodean Vitality Extraction Guide 200-250
To hell with the alliteration.  You've done well to come this far in Vitality Extraction.  Hitting 200 is the halfway point.  And to some, it might as well be the halfway point to the halfway house. This is serious business at this point and there are no easy ways to go about this anymore. Things are going to get pretty serious at this point.  There are a few fairly safe regions to do these, but they're less than optimal.  Hell, if you wanted to do 200-250, you could do it all right outside the Beluslan Fortress walls.  But those nodes are sparse and highly botted due to the non-aggressive nature of the enemies in the area.  I wouldn't advise being below level 30 for the first half of this guide, and 35 for the second half.  You need to at least be able to handle 2 enemies at once and that's the safest blanket answer I can give you for the regions I'll be sending you to.  Can you handle it sooner?  Probably.  Should you?  Depends on how desperate you are to be ahead of the curve on your tradeskills.
Welcome to the Red Lava Cliffs, or the Salitnus Rise.  Either one works about the same for this tier, because all you'll likely be tapping is Adamantium. Follow the outermost ridges on the rise as you approach the Ice Claw Village and you'll find plenty of Adamantium for the taking.  Jump off the cliff and check the area below for more spawns and as you make your way up mining more, you'll find the nodes have respawned. It can grate on you but you can level both extraction and your character at the same time at a respectable rate. Take all of the adamantite and platinum you can get, and be on the lookout for rarer crystal nodes as you trek to the east. While they aren't the best to skill up, at this point you know how much those silly handicrafters and alchemists will pay for these fancy stones.  Unless you are one yourself, that is. 
14、Aion's PVP is actually quite good
I currently play an Assassin. Like in any MMO the first part to PVP is knowing your opponent, knowing what to expect and predicting abilities they will use and when, then how to counter them. In Aion most every class has a TON of abilities and the skill chaining aspect of them also adds to the strategy of the game. This is just on a small scale, when it comes to group PVP class synergy becomes a factor as well, having 6 people together who all can analyze a skirmish or any situation and react to it will make you an unstoppable force, and running across another group of 6 who are equally as skilled at such things will make for great fights in the future. Aerial PVP, particularly for melee classes requires a lot of twitch skill to be good at it, also knowing how the "lag" in the game works, you can easily workaround the problem of people always being "out of range" and whatnot. Its not a pretty fix but anyone who had the joy of playing games like Quake on dial-up would know what it means to fire "ahead" of people. We kind of have to do this in Aion, and as much as the netcode is annoying, once you get used to it it is a cinch.
Zergs happen in world pvp, you can't coordinate and organize equal groups on both sides. But people also don't seem to realize that these zergs are usually either small groups that happened to be nearby each other, or just randoms who happened to be nearby each other. If you see you are outnumbered simply do not fight, if you are getting jumped by groups pay more attention to your surroundings. Situational awareness is HUGE in MMOs, and just about every competitive game ever made. Siege PVP will never work again. There I said it. DAOC made it work, and to some extent L2, I am told, but I think now with more graphics intensive games and servers just simply not being able to handle the load, sieging will never really be a core element to a PVP based game.
15、Aion: Using Gathering and Crafting to Make Fast Kinah
While most of the jargon employed by Aion is pretty self-explanatory, it does take some getting used to, especially if you've just come from a different MMO. Here, you carry your items with you in a ‘cube,' and the overflow can be banked in your ‘warehouse.' You can list goods for sale with a ‘broker,' where you can also bid on items of your own for purchase. While the prons and cons of this system differ based on who you ask, the most common comparison is with using World of Warcraft's Trade Chat Channel to advertise and connect buyers with sellers. Private stores, by contrast, do not include such features as haggling or off-topic spam. Because it's more difficult to comparison-shop with private stores, you may be able to get away with charging slightly higher-than-average prices on some goods.
Expanding your cube space should be your first major purchase in Aion. Every class is capable of leveling easily with the gear and weapons collected along the way through quest rewards. Even though you may get a lucky drop that is a perfect upgrade for your class, you will probably reap bigger rewards in the long run by selling it to another, less savvy player. You can also expand your warehouse space, and don't forget about utilizing the account section of the warehouse, either. Consider also the use of mules and bank alts. While burning a toon up to level 10 in order to reach the capital city may not sound like an efficient use of your time, it will really pay off once you start to run out of space. Mailing items to alts can start to get expensive, but by using the account section of your warehouse you can easily transfer goods and materials to a broker mule or dedicated private store alt.
16、Pick up everything, sort it out later
It holds true in most MMOs and Aion is no different in this respect: while you're questing, or even just traveling from one place to the next, pick up everything you can gather on the journey. From the loot of abandoned mobs, to fruits, herbs, ores, and wood, it's all kinah once you reach the next town or vendor. Use they handy buttons to automatically vend all gray-quality items and sort out the white- and green-quality items. This method has the added benefit of keeping your gathering skill leveled. You can use your downtime while tabbed out of the game or even away from the keyboard to make some spare kinah with this method. You may be dying to try out the Alchemy system, or itching to start cooking up all those carp you've been holding on to. If your main goal is to make as much as kinah as possible, however, you'd do well to avoid this section of the city – at least, at first.
Once your cube is bursting, find a warehouse and start sifting through your accumulated loot. Manastones and gear can be listed with a broker or sold using a private store. You should avoid vending manastones at all times, since they will only go for a few kinah when sold to an NPC. Crafting materials, however, are best advertised in a private store parked next the Artisan section of your faction's city. Wait until you have a substantial savings, or at least start with only one profession. If you choose either Alchemy or Cooking, you should have no problem marketing your wares to other players. The one caveat, however, is to make sure that you're not spending more kinah on ingredients and materials than you're making from selling the finished products.
17、Chanter Issues of Aion Tips                         Now firstly we would like to state that even though this post might have negative statements about the chanter class(aion kina) and aspects of the game aion, but WE still really love the game and will stick to this class come the west's release of the game. The game will undergo changes before the release and can only hope that they go the way we want for chanters. Anyone who has played the korean version and preferably the chanter class might agree with me on some of these comments and we welcome any opinion you have to make. You can't argue that the class(Aion gold) is more of a support role, you have heals even though small are helpful. We are not looking for chanter to be turned into the cleric and be overpowered, but changes that general make group teamplay better. We are all about winning and we have a lot of passion for pvp, with playing the chanter our pride has taken a hit as we wont dominate as much as other classes, but its a role someone in a guild has to take.
Chanter is best placed in your teamplay player versus player(aion Kinah ) scenario. You will play the role of doing baby heals to mainly the cleric, while they do all the major heals. Other duties would be to stay within distance of your group to keep the now three aura's in effect, they are constant so no rebuff unless you change to another. There are other buffs you can use, we have the single target one hour duration increase of hp(aion money) and armor and also some self buffs on a thirty minute durtion. They are only one active at a time and not game winning either. Ocassionally you will have the chance to dps, but yea it wont be anything epic.
18、Aion Power leveling guide for new players
If you would spare me a few minutes of your time, I would like to show you some tips on how to quickly and effectively power level your Aion account to higher rank. Even if you are still a green hand on playing Aion, you will find  this power level guide extremely helpful. Thanks to the power level guide shared by my best friend, I am now saving time and money and gaining more fun with Aion. The Ascension Pack comes with an extra holiday bonus in the form of four gifts to give your character a little boost and shine up his or her appearance a bit. It contains 20 Lesser Life Potions, 15 Lodas Amulets, 15 Lesser Running Scrolls, and a special dye for your character. You'll get a different dye color depending on where you purchase your Ascension Pack, so you may want to choose your purchase place with that in mind.
Then I start to sit down and think about ways to power level quickly. I summarized a few tips by researching on classic game video from world class Aion players and listed below. For each new player, they have to start at power level 1 with their new account, and the most difficult thing at the beginning is how to level your character to a level that can make your character qualified for more serious competition. And also new players need to have enough and abundant aion gold, aion kina to ensure your weapons and gears are most advanced which will be a steadfast backup for higher and quicker power level. So stop letting your character run around broke and not know what to do, but sit down and develop a customized power level plan suitable for your situation. Your aion character will be power leveled as fast as you want it to be.  
19、How to save more on buying cheap Aion kinah
Aion Kinah is the game currency in Aion Tower of Eternity and can be used widely across the game. It plays an unseperatable part in the game and adds flavor to fighting and battling. Some players chooses to buy Aion gold to help them level up. A lot of Aion player do not want to buy Aion Kinah from online because they don't know which store is trusted and reliable.  Choose to buy Aion Kinah at a best moment. Lots of Aion stores will hold promotions on special occasions from time to time. If you do not need Aion Kina, Aion gold ergently, you can buy certain amount of gold and store it for later use. It will save you a lot of money when you buy Aion Kina during promotion than regular prices.
Register a membership in Aion Kinah stores as many as possible. Do not bother the inconveniences of registering. some stores will offer membership award, when youbuy Aion gold, remeber to sign in the store so that they can record the amount you bought. Once the total amount of Aion Kinah you bought accumulates to certain amount, you can get discount on your next purchase. Refer a friend. If you are already a steady customer of an Aion Gold store, and invite a friend to buy Aion Kinah successfully, you will get free Aion gold on the your next purchase.  Remeber to leave the correct email address when you buy Aion Kinah. Aion Kinah stores will be sending out promotions email to notify on discount and other on sale events. In case you might miss out these important notification, remeber to leave your most frequently used email address when checking out.
20、Failure of the aion pvp
For the people who say siege is a main part of aion pvp, that's a total joke and you know it. Let's just assume crashes will be fixed and ignore that. Siege is just about tab tab tab and faceroll your keyboard, there is minimum skill involved, use the same skill over and over for half an hour on a general, zerg target you you are dead. I played wow for a month and i really think Aion would be a great game if it had battlegrounds and arena pvp. But that would totally destroy the whole abyss system. So Aion was doomed from the start. Everybody by now should agree that Aion is not going anywhere but down with the current situation. Pretty sure everyone have noticed the evidence. This game could use some major design change centered on the pvp, and actually do something about the bots, which is driving a huge amount of players away.
Aion has a grind.  Yes, yes, I know the classic "All MMOs are and have grinds!" line, but it is my opinion that the grind in Aion can legitimately be perceived by some as steep once you start to level into your 30's.  Of course this statement is subjective, and depending on your prior MMO experiences your opinion may vary.  Someone from Lineage 2 might not find it bad, but someone who is used to WoW and some more modern traditional style MMOs might be in for a bit of discomfort in this area.  I survived old school EQ1 and FFXI in terms of grind just to give a little perspective on where I am coming from.  A lot of players are probably going to have to come to terms with the fact that most people won't be reaching max level in Aion as quickly as they did in some other MMOs.
21、Well known Lumiel Legion KS boss..gets Gold drop
We were on the boss (forgot his name, big black rock thing that spawns summoned every 10 min or so and then eventually the boss will spawn 50 minutes later). Anyway we kill the summoned form 3 times.. and wait 50 minutes for the boss staying close and killing ads in the area. We had seen a group from probably the best known legion on the server, all higher level than us and all much better geared lurking around. Sure enough as soon as the boss appears here they come. We asked them to please not do this but they KS the boss, laughed at us and linked the Gold drop with "thanks for loot, welcome to contested mobs lol"
Won't do any good to contact their officers since the player who linked the Gold drop is an officer. I have totally lost all respect for this legion. A lot of you post on this forum, you know who you are. I know this really isn't going to accomplish anything..just wanted to vent. The only thing that Aion has that the others don't is the pretty graphics. Which leads me to believe that Aion should be F2P and micro-transaction based. With the botting and spam support, it might as well be F2P, as the F2P companies seem to do even more than NCsoft do in enforcing the rules. Do people think this is a good idea? If not, what are we paying the subscription for? A korean grinder that doesn't differentiate itself from other grinders besides the fact it has pretty graphics and PvP can take place in the air? I don't understand why we should pay for a game that requires you to grind which is boring and not fun at all. Even the combat leaves something to be desired, maybe if it was dynamic and required thinking then I could grind out levels.
22、Is "that other game" the cause of so much dissent in AION?
Glancing through these forums, and listening to in game chat for the past few weeks, I have been really taken aback by the profound impact that WOW has had on many of you, and by association, the entire MMO community. I mean, we rarely make it through one thread, or through one chat conversation, before someone mentions or compares AION to WOW, or the conversation just plain veers into a discussion strictly about WOW and it's gameplay. So much so, that even I now know so much about WOW and it's game play, and I have never even played WOW! This may not be so obvious to those whom WOW has played such a big part of their lives for the past few years, but to a person like myself, who has not only never played WOW but who has never played many video games to begin with, it is really obvious.
Where this breaks down is in the case of things like spammers and botters. It's much too big a problem to assume the devs know what they're doing. Seriously: on my server there are a half-dozen botters standing a few feet outside of town, right in the road. It's the worst botting problem I've ever seen by leaps and bounds. If they had a reasonable number of GMs they could get this problem under control, but they don't. They also don't have a code solution ready to go soon. Know how you can tell? They're spinning. They ban a few each day, and they play it off like it's not the most egregious case of botting in a decade.
23、I showed my friend (who plays WoW) Aion
I used to play WoW and found out my friend did as well, we were going to play together but he took a very long time and I got bored of waiting for him to turn up and was tired of collecting badges I didn't need on 5 level 80 characters. By now the trailer and in game footage had finally loaded on youtube, I showed him the Asmodian version of the classes trailer. 5 seconds in he snapped out said it looked exactly like WoW. He then asked if Aion had all the things WoW has, I said to a lesser degree it has un-refined systems you call raiding and such. Aion is hardly the only company to use this basic method of communication. EverQuest 1 was infamous for it, back in the day. Other teams have tried it to various degrees. The thing about this approach is that you need to really embrace it and you need to tightly control your message, like Aion does. If a few people spout off details they shouldn't, your whole elaborate facade crumbles.
He was in shock, disbelief; incredulous to the notion people are not one with the world, of warcraft. I think WoW is a stellar game and will return to check out cataclysm, I continue to follow data-mined patches on MMO-champion. But the novelty has run dry, how long can you run the facade of dungeons and dragons till you get bored? I'm not in Aion to run dungeons, I'm here to pvp, and it is very novel to me, it needs work, it has it's flaws but I have fun! I collected my epics and face rolled Arena and BGs. It was fun but I hit the wall that progression could provide. Once you had gear there was no more progression, I pushed 250k HKs on my warrior and just stopped, I knew the ins and outs of every 1v1, every 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5, it stopped being a game, it morphed into a mathematical science.
24、How to choose between a professional Aion gold sto
Some stores actually deliver Aion gold, Aion Kina to players but a few days later after payment, instead of instant delivery promised by these stores. Some of the stores do not have 24 hours live support, and customer support staff from some stores are either not reachable or being unpolite when asking questions to them. That's why it is highly recommended for players to buy Aion gold, Aion Kina from professional stores.  If I am not backing up due to pulling Aggro, I cast Flame Bolt and the chain spell Blaze for some extra damage. At this point in the sequence it's time to check in on how we're doing. If the mob is on its way to turning into a glowing loot ball, then we finish it off. If however we find our pet element is hurting (at or below half health is a good barometer) then I top it off with Replenish Element.
First of all, I would like to share my thoughts on the word ‘professional'. A professional Aion gold, Aion Kina store must be a store that solely engaged in Aion gold related business. Only a store that focus exclusively on providing wow gold service could offer superhot cheap Aion gold, Aion Kina and ensure wow gold delivery with fast speed. As the old saying goes Jack of all trade,aion kinah, master of none. It is just like choosing a trustworthy store from ebay. For example, there are tons of stores that sell Dell laptop in ebay, how do you distinguish which one is selling genuine Dell? Let's just go back to what we talked about above on choosing wow gold stores. A store that is more likely to sell good stuff is the store that operates business exclusively for one good. Do you know why Aion, Tower of Eternity is so classic and charming, it is because NCsoft spent 3 years exclusively on designing and developing, and the following several years exclusively on operating it.
26、Aion: Spiritmaster Spell Rotations for Maximum Fun (Levels 1-25)
Fun is just a three letter word for DPS.If you are reading this article, then you probably fall into one of four categories: The player interested in playing the best class in the game (Spiritmaster), The player interested in beating a Spiritmaster in PvP,The Spiritmaster checking in to see if you are doing the DPS thing right, or The theorycrafter who can't wait to poke holes in the article.Whichever camp you fall into is fine by me, even those in the last category. I consider myself a lifelong learner and I enjoy hearing of new ways to crush our opponents. Regardless of why you are here, I hope you enjoy the following blend of math and artistry as you learn a little more about the Spiritmaster.Never do your own dirty work.
The Spiritmaster is a pet class which means that we are really more of a nobleman ordering around the help than a down-in-the-trenches worker like say a silly Gladiator. As such, the key to keeping your hands clean is letting your pet keep the guests entertained while you stand at a distance (looking down your nose at the prey). This is a delicate dance between keeping the pet alive, killing the enemy and saving some mana in case of an Add (or to avoid downtime). The rotation of choice involves heavy use of pet skills and summoning Energy Spirits as well as using Replenish Element to keep them in the game. Always good to have an extra DOT on the enemy for some ticking damage.Optional – Cast Chain of Earth – this does two things: causes some minor damage, and more importantly slows the enemy if it decides to come after you. If it is slow, the pet can keep beating on it while it crawls its way to you. It does take a good amount of mana to cast this one so sometimes I'll opt to save the mana and manage the aggro more closely.
27、OH NOES, it's coming right for me!
As a Spiritmaster we have a couple of decent evasion techniques. If my pet dies I Root the enemy and gauge if I have time to conjure another element, or I just nuke the bad guy until he gives me loot. If I haven't lost the pet, then I cast Stoneform (Root will break from pet damage) just go toe to toe with the foe and hope for the best. If all else fails, keep Spirit Threat rolling and run for the hills! Your next pet won't even know about how you treated the last one. Always remember that Root is your friend. When attacking multiple mobs or having that odd pathing enemy cross your route, one simple Root will take them out of commission long enough to get a handle on the first enemy. Even if the first mob isn't dead, you can have your pet start attacking the other mob to start building aggro. Pets won't last long doing that so be sure you can handle either one or both of the enemies if you can't keep your pet healed.
Many ingredients to this recipe.There are literally thousands of variables that can go into a fight (how many enemies are you fighting and of what level). There is no hard and fast rule you should get locked into, this is just one version of a recipe. Use this as a starting point and experiment with your own timing and sequencing. There are definitely higher damage rotations available, but I find that resting, using potions or bandaging doesn't fit my goal of zero downtime. I try and keep my mana topped off and my pet healthy, everything else can be fixed in an emergency with potions or treatments. Using this formula you can cruise through the first 25 levels and be ready to tackle the Abyss. Of course the Abyss rotations are a completely different topic for next time. The best thing about Aion's community is a very trivial thing: when you quit playing for the night, it automatically opens up a web page to their community site. You instantly see the headlines and can read the dev blogs, look at your character, whatever.
28、Asmodean Vitality Extraction Guide250-300
If you're a tailor, you'll love me.  Xilix is all over the damn place in the Alsig Crossroad. Look next to trees, in fields, behind you, you'll see it every few enemies.  Hell, you'll even see it around town if you're one of those crazy bastards leveling up the skill before you can even handle the enemies in the area. Just look right outside the south gate and to the west after that, outside the southwest gate.  Two easy spawns and you shouldn't have to touch a single enemy to get them, and a 250 log or two along the way. This can take you to 300 if you can stomach it. Of course, if you're feeling brave, I have something else in mind. Thankfully it requires some intelligence and finesse, so you can make yourself stand out from the crowd if you're looking to craft the best of the best before you're even capable of wearing it, or want enough tries at that Noble Worthy Ultimate Silly Orange You'll Replace in 5 Levels Anyway for your craft. The choice is yours, and the path is yours.  We have one final step left. It'll be brutal. It'll require a high level, or a death wish. One of these is easier to deal with in this game than the other, but only you can answer that for yourself! Decide and we'll see you in our final segment of Asmodean Vitality Extraction!
You will likely hate me for this, but the fastest way to do it with no competition is to go to North Brusthonin.  Yes, a level 45+ area. I am not sending you to die for no reason. At this point in the game you know how to judge aggro ranges and thread the needle when running in-between two aggressive enemies. You will make use of these skills and go to where no one really is at this point, at least to gather. Zeller and Pressa are in abundance in the area immediately west and north of the NPC guards of the border between the 20 and 45 zones. You should be able to access a Pressa node from within sight alone while standing at the guards, just northeast of them. If you're too much of a sissy to go out further, just harvest this to 300. 
  29、Two Kinds of Developer Relations
There seem to be two main ways that MMO developers interact with players. These two ways have serious pros and cons, but usually the choice isn't made consciously. Instead, the choice comes from the culture and situation the team finds itself in. But if you make an explicit decision, you can stick to it and you won't screw up nearly as often (or as dramatically). There appear to be some population imbalances between the two races, which can be quite problematic in a PvP game. I don't have first-hand experience with it because I'm still relatively low-level, but Asmodians on my server are often talking about how they're outnumbered in battles, and frankly the Asmodians aren't as attractive as the angelic Elyos, so I would be pretty surprised if they were played in the same numbers. That's why it's so interesting that there's nearly a 1-to-1 correlation of races according to the Aion website.
When I first logged in, I was flabbergasted by the amount of gold spam in chat. It made chat unusable unless you spent a lot of time manually blocking every spammer. The developers said, "We currently have Game Masters monitoring all our servers. They track chat channels closely and have been banning thousands of spammers every day." In reality, spammers stuck around for about two hours before they got banned. Even one customer-service person looking over all the 14 worlds would have done a better job finding spammers than that. (The spammers are not subtle. Players yell into a vacuum and then one day they get a new patch, which rarely (but occasionally) addresses their concerns. Because of this reality, the team comes off as aloof and distant, but we give them trust they didn't earn. Being generally optimistic human beings, we like to assume that the game is in good hands. If a quest acts weird, hey, it's probably just because of some design decision we don't understand.
30、We suck and you know it, please bear with us
The other commonly successful strategy is to be open and earnest and to trust players to see things your way. Champions Online uses this approach. Their developers engage users on the forums, talk about specifics, explain what they are trying to do to fix things, and sometimes (rarely, but occasionally) change their plans based on feedback from forum-goers. This is completely the right approach for Champions to take. The game is not nearly as polished as Aion; they couldn't possibly convince us that the serious bugs in the game were intentional. (Anyone who experienced the 50-foot-tall bug knew full well it was seriously buggy.) Instead, they play to the crowd, giving them insider tidbits about how stuff is going, explaining their motivations, and basically feeding the forum trolls to keep them relatively sedated. The Champions designers are in a similar boat and obviously enjoy talking about their game. They seem to be relatively good at not feeding the forum trolls, either, and staying on target.
This approach works well when you have small bugs that you need forgiveness for. ‘Fessing up right away and telling players you'll fix it next week works. Actually, it works great for retention: players really like it when you respect them enough to really tell them what's going on. When you trust players, they will often surprise you by trusting you back. That is, as long as you actually fix the problem, and quickly. (Aion couldn't do this style if they wanted to, because the English-language team obviously has little insight into when bug-fixes will really arrive.)This communication style fails when you have to admit that serious issues are broken and that you can't fix them quickly. A common theme on the Champions forums is that the game doesn't have enough content. There's not a damned thing the developers can say about that to make people shut up. They can't add content quickly enough to make people happy. Contrast this to Aion, which also is missing content in several level ranges: Aion just doesn't say anything, and they delete threads that are too complainy.
31、Screwing It Up
Now, WoW is an interesting example because they started out with option #1. Aside from some hand-wringing when the game launched (and was unplayable), they generally played the "we know better than you" card really well for years. This changed when the design team switched hands. The new designers, mainly the lead systems designer, Greg Street aka "Ghostcrawler", love to talk about their stuff. If you ignore combo points (which we aren't planning on adding to hunters), then the biggest decision energy-users face is whether to use a single 60 energy attack or two 30 energy attacks. The answer depends on a lot of variables, including which does more damage, what is on cooldown, the synergy between the abilities, etc. If you consider the cat druid (because it's slightly simpler) and ignore finishing moves, then the druid rotation would look something like getting up a +bleed attack, applying a bleed dot, getting up a +damage buff, and then doing the actual damage. You could imagine something similar like that for hunters.
If you use the dev-tracker on their forums, you will find that it's full of Ghostcrawler saying things like "You're banned" over and over. Why is this a problem? Somebody has to do it, right? Yes, and that person needs to be the forum moderator. Forum mods can occasionally pull stunts like telling users to die in a fire, and get away with it. That's because forum-goers treat moderators like "one of us" instead of "one of the dev team". But when developers are constantly moderating the boards, they lose the last bit of distance from the players. Suddenly Ghostcrawler's opinion isn't more valuable than Joe the player's opinion. Ghostcrawler doesn't get any respect anymore and has to spend more and more time defending himself. He's playing the forum game and losing. (He should at least make a fake moderator account for this stuff! But he's not really thinking objectively about this anyway.)
32、Advice For All Community Management Types
If you're an Option #1 game, you need to keep your developers away from the forums and blogs. You can't have a distant and aloof ivory tower development team that occasionally stops in to chat about game innards. That just makes everybody look stupid. Their message gets taken as having far more significance than intended (because it's so rare that they get information), and people will be confused and upset about why devs took time to talk about this one issue and not the 500 other issues people are concerned about. Whatever you do, you have to stick to your guns. Explicitly decide what your community plan is, and detail it, and write it down, and make sure the people who matter agree with it. (That does not mean getting the whole company on board. It means getting the key people on board.) Now, you can completely change your community approach. This is often useful for older games where the circumstances have changed since launch. It is quite possible to go from an Option #1 company to an Option #2 company. It is harder, but also possible, to go from being Option #2 to Option #1. (It will take about six months for that transition to stick, however, so be prepared for stress.) What is not possible is to become a hybrid company, sometimes aloof and sometimes chummy, accessible today but invisible the next. You'll get eaten alive.
If you're an Option #2 game, you have to expend significant amounts of developer-time communicating with your audience. If you stop, people will freak out. "They stopped caring!" is what they will hear. If you only have one developer posting on the forums, you can actually expect your forums to get nastier when this developer goes on vacation. It's that sensitive. You need to allocate significant resources towards communication, and that means maybe 20% of four or five developers' time. Really. (This is also why a blog is a better choice for developers to post on. You can queue up little tidbits and release them one a day, requiring less posting overall to get the same feeling of participation.) So plan it out. Decide why and how you're interacting with the audience. I'm sure there are some other communication styles I missed here that work for different situations. The key is just to have consistency with whatever you decide.
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What's going on here? Recently World of Warcraft gold peaked at almost a dime per gold piece - not bad when you consider that the World of Warcraft MMORPG where it's the prime unit of in-game currency debuted in late 2004. The gates opened and the minions of the Qiraji spilled out in a titanic melee. Additionally invasions of Silithid insects occurred in almost every populated area of Azeroth. C'thun was responsible for the creation of the Qiraji and the Silithid armies they command. At level six the hero can obtain an ultimate skill that is potentially more powerful than the others. A'dal is a member of the Naaru and leader of the faction known as the Sha'tar. In World of Warcraft you have access to twelve main professions which are advisable to exploit to enhance your gaining experience. There is a fan convention for World of Warcraft. See worldofwarcraftworld.com. It's also kind of the center of the universe for Horde players so you really do need to learn it if you hope to use the auction or make new friends.
Meanwhile Grom Hellscream and the Warsong Clan have been left behind to gather enough lumber to build a permanent Orcish settlement on the isle and in cutting down the large amount of trees necessary to do so anger the native night elf race and their demigod Cenarius. There are dungeons available for all ranges of mid- to high-level players and offer many rich quests rewards and enemies to encounter in the depths below ground. Whether you are playing for the Horde or Alliance realm you will need money at some time or another during the game. For a MMORPG it looks pretty good similar to Warcraft III but obviously much more detailed since you are taking the perspective of a single character in the world of Warcraft rather than controlling an army from up above. On the second tier five points in World of Warcraft Toughness gives you ten percent more armor contribution and at the high armor ratings a warrior can achieve this talent can decrease all incoming damage by up to five percent.
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taniasinel · 7 years
  A now for something a little different….
The Duchess of Cambridge’s sister, Phillipa Charlotte, just married this past weekend.
That’s Kate’s sister - Pippa to you and me.
I’ll admit I didn’t realize Pippa was short for Phillipa, but it makes sense.  At least now we know where Princess Charlotte got her name from – her aunt Pippa!
  The Three Middleton Ladies:  Pippa, Kate and their mother Carole.  Carole was a flight attendant who started a mail order company called “Party Pieces” which over time became the huge success it is today.  
A disclaimer:
I was a huge fan of Princess Diana – she was a few years younger than me and when she became the future Queen of England (sob!) – I thought she was the most fabulous woman who had ever lived.  She was my Jackie Kennedy.  I loved her clothes, her sense of style, her hair do!, her houses, her empathy, her heart – there wasn’t much I didn’t love about her. 
I always thought, and still do, that she was terribly mistreated by the Royal Family and that she was used by Charles and Camilla - who should have married when they were both young and single.  When Diana died, I thought it was such a waste and so tragic that I never wanted to hear about the Royal Family again.  Done with them!!!
    But,  slowly over time, when the boys were grown and Diana’s grandchildren were born, I was lured back in the fold, until here I am this weekend, obsessing over every aspect of Pippa’s wedding.
Well….Diana’s grandchildren are in it!!  Do you blame me?
So here in a nutshell is everything you need to know about the “Wedding of the Year” as the British press is calling it.
  Pippa sprang on the scene when she was her sister’s maid of honor at the Wedding of the Decade – William and Kate’s:
  Pippa became famous for standing behind her sister Kate, in her own white dress, holding Kate’s long train.
Many thought Pippa was more beautiful than Kate and some thought Pippa’s dress was prettier than Kate’s (I did, I hate to say!)
To everyone outside of England, Pippa was a total unknown, but she and her derriere became a social-media star that day.
Later, Pippa confessed that she was confused by all the attention she received at Kate’s wedding.  Pippa said that her dress was specifically designed to be plain and to not outshine Kate’s.  In the end, it was the dress’ simple elegance and Pippa’s slim figure that together made Pippa a household name.
  After the Cambridge wedding, the race to marry off Pippa was on.  There were a few fits and starts with different, very eligible boyfriends.  But, it all came to an end when Pippa, 33, became engaged to the handsome and very successful (of course – you didn’t think she would be marrying someone unemployed!)  James Spencer Matthews, 41.
    Here are the young Kate on the left and Pippa, bridesmaids at their uncle Gary Goldsmith’s wedding.  Gary is Carole’s brother and a black sheep of the family.  He was at Pippa’s wedding, but was not invited to the reception afterwards.  He was later seen eating lunch in a restaurant after Pippa’s wedding.
  Pippa attended private day schools, then boarded away at Marlborough College.  She graduated from the University of  Edinburgh with a decree in English literature.  After college she worked in PR and later wrote for  magazines such as Vanity Fair and several newspapers. A few years ago she set up a company, but what it is for or does is a complete mystery.
  Pippa and James dated a few years before they became engaged.   They were seen on winter vacations at James’ family owned St. Barts resort Eden Rock, joined there by Pippa’s family.  It was obvious both  families approved of the match.
  Pippa’s ring is an Asscher cut surrounded by a row of diamonds which makes it appear even larger than it already is.   The center stone has been estimated to be 3.5 carats.
  The happy couple married this Saturday!
While the couple are not royal, everyone is quite excited over the festivities, to say the least. It’s not everyday that two future Kings of England attend a wedding.
      Prince George and Princess Charlotte, nephew and niece of Pippa were attendants at the wedding.   
  The Middletons have been accepted into some aspects of the Royal Family.  Here, they were welcomed to Sandringham for the christening of Princess Charlotte.  Pippa stands between her father and her handsome brother, also named James.  The tabloids go from loving the Middletons to not quite loving them.  Some tabloids think that Prince William is too close to his in-laws and he and Kate don’t do enough royal duties.  That all seems to be changing now, as they both seem very busy working for the “Royal Firm.”   While Carole and Michael Middleton seem to get along well with the Royal Family, there does appear to be a cooling-off in the relationship.   Pippa works part-time for her parents business and even wrote a book about party planning and entertaining, though it was considered a flop when sales were below expectations.  She even penned a mea-culpa about the failure of the book, claiming she is indeed a capable and trained chef. 
Pippa will have a lot of chances to show off her entertaining skills when she marries into her new family.  Her in-laws, Jane and Dave Matthews, are  quite a colorful bunch and by marrying into the family, Pippa will gain a title!  Her husband, as the eldest son, will one day inherit the Scottish title “Lord Glen Affric” and as his wife, Pippa will be “Lady Glen Affric.”  The title comes along with the 10,000 acre estate in Scotland that James’ parents bought in 2008. 
  When he bought the property, James’ father became the Laird of Glen Affric, the gorgeous Highlands estate seen above.  The estate has another royal connection as Queen Elizabeth’s grandmother, Queen Mary, stayed at Glen Affric in the late 19th century.   The Matthews developed the estate into an exclusive Highlands vacation spot for traditional shooting and fly fishing and other Scottish pursuits. 
  Hidden in the hills is the main lodge of Glen Affic where guests stay.   It is gorgeous.  Recently it was rumored that Pippa and James would honeymoon at Glen Affic, but now there is another destination rumor.
  Besides their Highlands estate, James parents, Jane and David Matthews, also own a resort in St. Barts.  In 1995, Dave moved the family to the ritzy island when they bought the iconic resort Eden Rock, considered one of the most exclusive resorts in the region.   In its heyday, Greta Garbo, Howard Hughes, the Rothschilds  and the Rockefellers would come to stay.  The Matthews have renovated the resort, luring a new generation of young stars.  Pippa has quite her pick of vacation spots now – either St. Barts or the Scottish Highlands.  Hmmm….such a dilemma! 
David Matthews, James father, wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth.  He started out as a car mechanic for his father and then became a successful race car driver.  When he retired from racing, he started a used car business which he turned into a highly successful business.   He later moved to St. Barts to renovate Eden Rock. 
The Matthews have a similar background to the Middletons, as Pippa’s father is also self made, starting out as a airline manager, while his wife Carole was a flight attendant.  But the Middleton’s have royal ties besides their daughter being the future Queen of England.   Michael Middleton’s grandmother Olive grew up on her family’s estate Potternewton Hall with her cousins who lived next door.   The Prince of Wales, later King Edward VII, was a visitor to their home.   Olive passed on a large inheritance to the family, which greatly added to the Middletons coffers.  But, the Middletons business, started by Carole, is the mail order “Party Pieces” that sells party planning items.
       From the Middletons’ company “Party Pieces”  line of goods.  Judging by the merchandise on their web site, it’s hard to see how they became multi-millionaires from this business, but – they did.
I’m in the wrong business is all I can say!!
  The Handsome Couple:  Pippa and James Spencer Matthews
Pippa and James’ Wedding Ceremony took place at St. Mark’s Church located on the beautiful Englefield Estate in Berkshire.  You might remember Englefield from when I wrote about it last year  HERE.  Englefield Estate was used as a location for the series “The Crown” when it stood in for the royal estate Sandringham.
  Englefield Estate – the wedding ceremony took place at the church on the estate.  Englefield is owned by the Tory MP Richard Benyon who is thought to be friendly with the family.  After the ceremony, there was a champagne reception held on the estate, though the exact location was not disclosed.  Later on Saturday night, there was a dinner dance held at the Middleton’s estate “The Manor.” 
  From “The Crown” – paparazzi take pictures of the church, which is playing the part of “Sandringham.”    I had no idea at the time I watched this scene on television that Pippa was going to be married right here a few months later!!  
  The 12th century church in Berkshire on the Englefield Estate is quite beautiful and romantic.
  Days before the wedding, the grounds were seen been readied for the big event. 
  Before the wedding, scores of gold chairs were delivered to the church signaling that more people were invited than there are pews for.   But, perhaps these chairs are actually for the champagne reception after the wedding. 
    The church is not that large, but it’s assumed there won’t be an empty pew. 
    A close up of the altar.  It’s so beautiful.  Most likely this church was chosen because it’s a few minutes from the Middleton’s house where the evening party was held.
  The big question was about Prince Harry’s girlfriend, U.S. Actress Meghan Markle.  Since they are not engaged, it was said she would not be at the ceremony but might be at the reception. There was a rule – no ring, no invitation.   Later, the Church of England decreed that any citizen could attend any wedding that was held at a public church.  So, Meghan’s appearance was a last minute question mark.  Would she attend?  In the end, Meghan did not go to the ceremony.  After the reception, Prince Harry drove all the way back to London to pick up Meghan and they went together to the evening party.  This was a smart move on Meghan’s part.  Had she attended the ceremony, she would have garnered all the press attention instead of Pippa.  By staying away, she made  the more mature decision.  Point/game to Meghan!!
  The road to Bucklebury where the Middletons live was being guarded all week before the wedding.
The evening party/dinner-dance was held at the Middletons house located a few miles away from the church.   Their Georgian style house is Grade II Listed and has five living areas, 7 bedrooms, a swimming pool, tennis courts, and is located on 18 acres.  The Middletons bought the house just after Kate and William married and the rumor was that Prince William had helped pay for the 5,000,000 pound estate with money he inherited from his mother Princess Diana.  When William turned 30,  he had inherited over 15 million pounds from Diana’s estate and the thought was that since they would be staying with their inlaws, special security buildings would be needed and William wanted to pay for the inconvenience of being a “Royal.”  Who knows if this is true or not, but the Middletons are certainly well off enough to afford the house themselves, without William’s help.
When the Middleton’s bought the house, they requested planning permission to build a garage with an apartment above it, along with storage and a workshop.  Most likely this was for staff or security.
The Middleton’s Bucklebury estate has Royal roots.  King Henry I gave the land to monks who created fishponds on it, three of which still exist today.  In 1540 after the monks left, Henry VIII gave the land to John Winchcombe who pasted it onto the Hartleys who lived on the estate until recently.  The Hartleys kept the title of Lord and Lady that came with the house so unfortunately the Middletons did not get the title.  
    The gate to the Middleton’s house provides privacy as does the tall hedge that surrounds the estate.
  The swimming pool and tennis court are located at the front by the street.  There is an addition to the side of the main house that creates a courtyard.
  The house is known as “The Manor.”  It was built in 1830 and is listed Grade II.   The main house has had several additions over the years.  The beautiful large entry was built as a later addition and at the rear of the house is another addition.  To the right of the main house is a large addition that is a garden/sitting room.  Between the original house and the addition is the courtyard with pavers and gravel and topiaries.    Parking is behind the house.  Today, for the wedding, the courtyards have been cleaned and the terraces look much brighter, as if it is new stone.
  From Real Estate photos – the front facade with the front door addition is very beautiful.
  Real Estate Photos:  The living room is noted for its large antique mantel from the 17th century, along with its Delft tile surround. This is NOT the Middletons furniture – but this is how the house looked when they bought it!   This view looks out to the side courtyard.
    Real Estate View:  The kitchen runs the width of the main house.  Behind the blue chair is a French door that opens to the courtyard on the left side of the house.  On the other side of this room is a sitting area  (see below) which opens to the large courtyard.
  Real Estate View:   The sitting room as seen above – on the opposite side of the kitchen.  This opens up to the courtyard.
  Real Estate:  The large, side addition – with sliding doors that open to the courtyard.
  Another aerial view.  On the left side of the house is the small courtyard off the kitchen.
  The side courtyard of The Manor.
  The left side and back of the house.   The kitchen is through those French doors.
    And that same left side view as above.  The French door leads to the small courtyard off the kitchen.  This courtyard has recently been completely redone with new or cleaned stone and new furniture.
  The same view of the kitchen’s French door.
And the same left back side of The Manor.  There is an old swing set.  I’m sure that’s been updated for Prince George and Princess Charlotte.   At the very back is the garage.  
  Aerial view of the garden/sitting addition.
  The courtyard and the addition.   I love those topiaries.  From this view you can see the additions – the large one at the back of the main house and the one at the side of the main house.
  The courtyard with the gravel garden.  I love this garden.  It’s so beautiful!!!  Apparently the woman who owned this house before the Middletons was a garden designer which is why the courtyard looks so pretty.
  The view past the gravel garden.   This is where the Marque was set up for the wedding’s dinner/dance.
  And from the real estate photos – an even further view of the property.  Lovely!!!   No wonder why the Middletons wanted to have the party here!
  This shows how the estate was set up for the dinner/dance.  There is the main marque – the 140’ glass “tent.”   Next to it is the white tent for the reception.   The kitchen was probably set up in the smaller white tent or that is the “loo tent.”  At the very back is the security. 
  Today:   The reception was held in the glass marquee.  It was set up so that the garden courtyard faces the front of the marquee – and the guests could enjoy the garden view.  
To control traffic, guests arrived at another location where they parked their cars and were then driven in Range Rovers to the Middleton’s house.  There were no cell phones allowed which is why there was not one photo of the party leaked on social media! 
  The view from the left side/back of the house.  Notice the side courtyard is now decorated with a new table & umbrella and newly refreshened stone.  Eagle eyes can spot the truck that James Middleton drives!  Hint:  it’s green.
  This view shows the gentle rolling terrain of the estate. Located across from the house is Bucklebury Safari Park.  You can see its parking lot in this photo.  I wonder if that is where the party guests parked their cars????
  Very busy!!!  It took days for the marquee to be set up and decorated.
  Tall pink flowering trees were seen in the marquee days before the party.  It had been rumored that there would be a Scottish theme to the wedding since the groom will be a titled Laird one day.  The wedding was NOT Scottish themed and I doubt the party was either. although the did serve some Scottish food!
  Hard to believe this is a temporary building.  It was said in the press that rental of the marquee costs over $200,000. 
  At the side of the marquee, on the bottom part – they applied netting to hide the ground.  Inside you can see there curtains in the marquee.  ALSO - notice there are spotlights on the ground.  These were used to keep photographers from seeing inside during the party and taking photos.  It worked!
  Here you can see navy velvet sofas and green velvet pillows.  They also had heaters set up in the marquee.  This was taken the morning after the party!!  It looks like they had a good time.
  The marquee set up for another wedding.  This gives an idea of how it might have looked inside for supper.
  The first class outhouses!!!   The “loos” were really special. 
      Where did the Middletons live before they moved to their new house?
  Before the Middleton’s bought their current house, they lived here for a few years.  This is where Kate spent her later teenage and college years.  So charming behind the wood fence.
  A view of the cottage.
  The house looks a bit bigger from the air.  While it wasn’t small, the house was not large enough for Kate and William and their two children to come and stay.  A new house was needed after she married William.
  And here is where Kate spent her youth – in this classic English two story house.
    Inside:  The living room.  Pretty fireplace.  It’s hard to believe that the future Queen of England lived here during her childhood!
  This is the shed where Carole Middleton started her now-multimillion $ party planning mail order business. 
  And what about Pippa and James Matthews?  Where will they live now that they are married?
  Since the couple already have two dogs and they already live together – they probably will just stay where they are now.
  The townhouse where Pippa and James live today.   He bought the townhouse in 2014 for 17 Million Pounds.
James bought this house in 2014 and he has submitted an extension for the second floor.  He wants to add a bathroom with two sinks and a dressing room that leads off the master bedroom.  Sounds like he wants to add this space for Pippa.
  There are Real Estate photos that show the front living room.  This is not James’ furniture – this is how it looked when he bought the townhouse.
  Past the living room is the dining room and kitchen. A row of doors completely close off the kitchen from the dining room.  
Kate and William have decorated their houses in the classic English style.  I’m so curious to know how Pippa will decorate this townhouse?   
  The kitchen overlooks the back garden.  Look at the island!! Those countertops!!!   Since the living and dining room are open to the kitchen – the kitchen is very streamlined.
The townhouse is so contemporary.  Hard to imagine they will decorate it traditionally.
  The stairs wrap around a stone pillar and are contemporary, with open treads!!
  The basement family room opens to the courtyard.
  The basement family room opens to the garden, which is a floor below ground level.  In London, there is a scandal surrounding these huge basements which are dug out and reach out past the footprints of the house above it.  These are called “Iceberg Homes” – and the large basements hold kitchens, swimming pools, workout rooms, etc. and often include elevators.  The more luxe, the better.  Some basements encroach into the street, past the house above it and their neighbors are having serious foundation problems.  If the house your house is too small, just dig out a few floors underground!!! 
  Another view.  The basement room opens to the courtyard and the stairs lead up to the garden level.  The stairs on the right lead from the ground floor to the garden.
    Real Estate Photos:  The master bedroom floor. 
  The townhouse where Pippa and James will continue to live with their two dogs.
    Before James bought the white townhouse that he lives in now, he lived in another townhouse, shown above.   Prior to dating Pippa, James was considered one of London’s most eligible bachelors.   Needless to say, James is a very successful businessman. He graduated from private school but skipped college in to order to become a hedge fund trader.   When Pippa and James became engaged, an old magazine spread of his former house was republished, in part probably to impress and embarrass at the same time.
The old magazine story about James said that in 1998, when James was 22 years old,  he and his brother (now deceased) bought this 1908 Grade II Listed house (pictured above) for just 1.75 million pounds.  In 2006 when he decided to sell the townhouse, he elected to put it in the magazine in order to assure a quick sale – and it sold for 12.5 million pounds, quite a profit for a young, single man.  Today, that 7 story, five bedroom house is worth much, much more than James sold it for.  It recently sold for over 40 million pounds, which means about $55,000,000!   
    When James bought the 21 room, 9,000+ sq ft house, it had been used as a business and had no bathrooms.  It was in need of a total renovation which James accomplished with the help of his parents who took over the task completely. 
The living room is the most classically decorated room in the townhouse and gives you an idea of how his new house might be furnished.  This room is very pretty in soft yellows and floral curtains.  The bay window overlooks Park Street which is parallel to Park Lane.  This exclusive location is one of the reasons for its price tag.  It’s hard to believe a 22 year old lived in this house!!!
  I have to say I like this house better than the one they live in now.  It’s not as contemporary.
  Here is James in the living room.  Time has been kind to him – he is better looking today than he was 10 years ago, I hate to say it!!!   Only men get better looking with age!  
  The dining room has marble floors and has elaborate moldings.  Notice the architraves above the doors.  The foyer seen through the open door has checkerboard floors and a fancy staircase.
    This bedroom is my least favorite room.  The art work is awful and the decor needs help.  I wonder he moved this bed to his new townhouse?
    This bedroom has an odd hole in the wall that opens to the adjoining bathroom, kitchenette and study.  A photo of his family is on the wall.  From this floor you can go up to the roof terrace via the spiral staircase that you can see through the hole.
   The spiral staircase is behind the glass doors.  The rooftop garden comes complete with a hot tub.  Of course James installed a hot tub – he was a 22 year old bachelor!!!
Can’t you tell from these photos of then young James that he would one day be even more successful and would marry one of England’s prettiest single girls?
Their wedding went off without a hitch and nobody leaked anything on social media, except for the invitation that is! 
  Here is an invitation to the dinner party/dance at The Manor – the Middletons estate in Bucklebury.   I’m not sure who William and Clemence is – but their invitation was shown on Instagram!!!
  The Wedding, May 20th:
  Locals lined up early to get a view of the festivities.  The wedding was scheduled to start at 12:00 noon.
  The Cambridges drove up that morning from London, about an hour’s drive.
    St. Mark’s Church.  At the gate are the floral decorations for the wedding.
      A close up view of the floral decorations at the gate.  The birds were chirping outside – and in the video, it sounded so pretty, exactly what you would think a quiet, small village in the English countryside would sound like.
  A close up of the flowers with the beautiful David Austin looking roses.
  Prince William and Prince Harry walking up to the church in their morning suits.  They were chatting the entire time!
  Princess Eugenie, Sarah Ferguson and Prince Andrew’s youngest daughter came to the wedding with her boyfriend.  Her older sister Princess Beatrice was not at the wedding.
Next came the Parents of the Groom, Dave and Jane Matthews.  She wore a mint green coat and dress with dark green shoes and purse.
She wore a Fascinator, which is a tiny hat that sits on the crown of the head.  Many of the younger set wear Fascinators today instead of full hats.
  The mother of the bride was walked to the church by her youngest, handsome son James.  Carole wore a pink hat and a Catherine Walker dress.  Walker was a favorite designer of Princess Diana.  I preferred what Jane Matthews wore, I liked the longer length.  But I thought that Carole looked very pretty in pink. 
  The bride and her father were driven up in a vintage Jaguar.
  The arch around the door was decorated with roses.  The roses were just gorgeous!!!
    Kate wore Alexander McQueen, in a peachy pink that matched the bridesmaids sashes.  She also chose a Fascinator.  Shh!!!
  Kate and Princess Charlotte share a huge laugh.  But notice the page at front – he’s holding up two fingers to the other kids, he’s plotting to be naughty!!
  He gave this sign to the photographer and everyone in England was aghast at how “cheeky” he was!  I have no clue what that sign means!!!  But this page was the talk of the wedding.  You would of thought he was a serial murderer!!
  Charlotte was too precious.
    The gate to the church ready for Pippa.
  And here is Pippa.  She had a huge smile on her face all day long.  She looked so happy!!!!  Her dress was designed by Giles Deacon who apparently designed another one for the dinner/dance.  I hope we get to see it soon!
Stephen Jones made the veil and her shoes were Manola Blahniks.
Kate fixed Pippa’s train, just like Pippa did for her, six years earlier.
The Winchester Cathedral choir (wasn’t that a song in the 70s?) sang Be Thou My Vision; Tell Out, My Soul and I Vow To Thee, My Country. The groom’s brother Spencer Matthews read a passage from the Paulo Coelho novel, The ­Alchemist, while Pippa’s brother James read Love Is An ­Adventure by Pierre Tielhard du Chardin and a family friend read the Song of Solomon.  Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, read a prayer.
  After an hour’s ceremony, the bells started peeling and the married couple appeared, led by the pages and maids throwing confetti.
Prince William started to have a meltdown.  Apparently a minute earlier he had accidently stepped on Pippa’s train and Kate had given him a warning to be careful. 
  Smiling Pippa and Kate.  I loved her Fascinator!
Happy parents of the bride!
  The wedding party waiting  for their cars.
  James and Pippa Matthews, the new couple. His parents are behind them, along with Michael Middleton.
  What a beautiful couple!!!   Those flowers are so gorgeous!!!  
    Kate trying to keep the kids happy.  She always bends down when she talks to Charlotte.  She seems like a great mom.
      And here is Prince George, starting his meltdown tantrum which was the talk of the wedding.
  The future King of England, crying.  One day, he will get a good laugh out of this photograph.
  Kate means business.  She is pointing her finger at Prince George – behave!!!   Apparently George wasn’t the only crying child.  Charlotte had to be comforted by her nanny after she started crying during the ceremony screaming “Where’s Mummy?”   She’s only two.
  Tantrum over, he leaves in his vintage Jaguar, all smiles and waves.
  After the wedding, everyone went to have a champagne reception at the Englefield House.   At four, the married couple drove through the estate’s gates, that had just been repainted for the event.
  They both have huge smiles – they waved to the locals that lined the way back to The Manor in Bucklebury.  I wish we did weddings like this!!!
    So sweet!  Everyone is so happy for them.
    After the wedding was over, they took photos of the church.  Here you can see how the windows of the church were decorated with the greenery and roses.
    I’m in love with the flowers!!!
  At the arch, a faux tree trunk was filled with the greenery and roses.
    The tree trunks at the arches. 
  Atop the columns, there were more roses!
  After the wedding reception, Prince Harry drove back to London to get his girlfriend Meghan Markle and together they drove back to Bucklebury for the wedding dinner/dance.  So far, this is the ONLY photo of his girlfriend!   She was said to wear a stunning maroon, backless dress.
  Before the party started at The Manor, they turned on the spotlights to keep the photographers away.  It looks like they were still getting the marquee ready.
    A look at the floral arrangement in the marquee.
  As night fell and the spotlights were turned on, there was a flyover by the vintage Spitfire that did stunt flying for the guests enjoyment.  Hmm.  I don’t get that one.  But look how pretty it all looks!  The guests came outside to watch as it was considered too dangerous to be in the glass marquee in case something went wrong!!!  Apparently, it started to rain after 15 minutes, which some guests said was a good thing as the air show was considered a bit boring.
Inside, the waiters were said to all be part-time models or actors so that they were as attractive as the guests!  Couples were not seated together to encourage more fun.   Pippa changed dresses and wore a white floor-length gown with a v-neck and sparkle detailing.  Her hair was worn down for the party and she was said to look absolutely beautiful.  The women guests did not wear hats and the men wore black tie.
Security was so tight at the party that guests had to send in a photograph prior to the party and produce a password to gain entry.
  Later at night, with the spotlights on full glare – the paparazzi still managed to get a few photos.  Against the side of the house – they flashed huge photographs all night long.  This one is of the groom.
An extra 150 guests had been invited to the party than had been at the wedding.  The menu included trout and Scottish lamb.  There was a saxophonist, a band, and a DJ for dancing.  There was a single malt whisky bar, and photo booths. Guests played ping pong.  The marquee was decorated as an enchanted forest  filled with faux trees.
  And here the marquee is lit up – with a green photo of a dancing girl on the house.   The party is said to have lasted until 4 in the morning.  Long day!!!!
Where is the honeymoon?  It has to something to do with Marlon Brando!
  When Brando filmed Mutiny on the Bounty on the French Polynesia island Tetiaroa, he bought the island and lived there for many years.  Brando and Tarita became a couple and had children together.   Today, it is an exclusive, ecologically sensitive resort that President Obama just stayed at!
  The atoll.   Incredibly gorgeous.
  The rumor is this is where Pippa and James will honeymoon.  It is probably true! 
The wedding is now over, but there is one guest that always intrigues me.  The nanny!!   Prince George and Princess Charlotte’s nanny was at the wedding in her uniform.  It’s the uniform that gets me.  Where would a nanny get a uniform from?!?! 
  Apparently she went to college to earn that uniform!   The nanny is Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo and she is a graduate of the prestigious nanny school, Norland College.  Norland is located in the picturesque town of Bath.  It was founded back in 1892 and it is extremely hard if not almost impossible to be selected to attend.   Its nannies get the prime positions when they graduate after a 3 year course.  Norland charges $36,000 pounds for their degree and hundreds apply for a class of 48 spaces. 
Maria, the Cambridge’s nanny, proudly wears her uniform at public events, but usually she just wears the working uniform of a plain sweater and slacks.  Norland College updated their uniform a few years ago but for some reason Maria still wears the old version.
    At Charlotte’s christening, Nanny Maria greets the Queen who is smiling broadly at Maria. 
  The new uniforms.  I wonder why Maria hasn’t changed hers yet?  Kate has said that Maria is the absolute best and she is devoted to her.  Myself, I’m just fascinated by this Nanny uniform business.  I can’t imagine someone wearing this here in the U.S. but it seems so normal in England!!!   Look how happy those nannies are! 
Mary Poppins suddenly makes more sense.
  Here is Nanny Maria in her regular working uniform of slacks and white shirt and blue sweater.  I love the security guard glaring at the photographer!  
A Mazel Tov to Pippa and James and a long, happy life.  I’m sure Pippa will be ‘broody’ soon.
    For Fun:
  I wanted to find a dress that looked like Kate’s for a fraction of the cost, but that was impossible!  So, I went for inexpensive dresses that would have been great on Kate for the wedding.  I DID find her fabulous shoes, though!!   Enjoy!
    This is a long version, simple but elegant.  HERE
  I like this length, and with some extras.  HERE
  Above the knee with a ruffle HERE
  Love this sleeve and the length.  Love this!  HERE
  Long with a ruffle HERE
  Kate’s gorgeous heels by Gianvito Rossi HERE – they come in all colors, but I love this nude for everything.
  Nude casual HERE
from COTE DE TEXAS http://cotedetexas.blogspot.com/2017/05/everything-about-pippa-james-george.html
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