#its not weird dont make it weird 😳💖💖💖💖
cherry-bomb-ships · 1 month
Hey guys I know its 3am and I gotta be up in 6 hours but uh
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Yeah just dropping this here and running ty, probably not gonna do much more but I liked the idea 👍🏼💖💖💖💖💖 (also just looking at it now i realized i forgot to draw the headphone cord hrnshxbf oops ignore that)
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gladdygirl18 · 2 months
In the span of today, I have been fed with tickles and a side of tickles
Long story incoming so continue under cut
Blue Me, Pink GF
So today I took a mental health day from classes (wasn't feeling well and the stress was making me physically sick) and my GF did the same and we just spent the day in my dorm
We did some work, ordered some McDonald's, and watched TV. After that, we cuddled for a bit before taking a mini nap. We woke up wanting to watch YT, and my GF loves being goofy and pretended to sleep on my shoulder
I reached behind me and started dragging my dull nails along her stomach and I felt her breathing Hitch as she was fake snoring
"What's so funny, hun?"
I did this for a while before my GF grabbed my arm and did the same thing. Now again, my girlfriend has healthily long nails and her dragging her nails along my bare belly tickled so much omggggg 😖😳😆💖
"What's so funny hun? Huh, what's so funny?"
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After that, we just watched YT for a good while, and OMGGGG I was struck with such a Lee mood. When she went to the bathroom, I had texted her saying, and I quote,
"Hey Uhm, so..... please don't take this the wrong way or think it's weird but... I already told you how I liked tickling and being tickled, and you practically do it on a daily basis and always know how to make me smile with them, or even if I'm being a brat😜 But uhm.... there are times where I just.... want you to tickle me without mercy, yknow, like how sometimes you tickle me to cheer me up.... I don't want you to stop short when you get a smile out of me. I know this sounds really weird and I'm sorry if it does but I've been meaning to tell you for a while now since I told you I liked tickling, but even just telling you that was already difficult for me"
In response she said, "Alright then."
After a while, she comes out of the bathroom and lays down with me before tickling my armpit.
"Stohohohop!" (While squirming)
"Nu uh. Not after what you just texted me~"
I LOVE HERRRR 💖😳💖😳😆🥹💖🥹😆
After that, we kept watching videos on YT. Then we went to a pride club meeting to watch some Percy Jackson (mainly went to support cuz I'm not that inot PJO)
After a while, my girlfriend and I have this conversation (colors still apply)
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After that, when the meet up ended we went back to my dorm and watched more YouTube. She would occasionally tickle me or scratch my sides, but not full blown tickle me, and kinda was feeling a bit down, cus in my mind, I'm thinking she forgot. My girlfriend has a 6th sense of knowing when something is wrong with me (but I love her for that ☺️🥰💖)
"Hey, you know you can tell me anything right? Be it silly or embarrassing"
I tried to speak out about it but couldn't
"Hey, just send it through text" (holds up her phone with a smile)
She knew that even if I didn't feel comfortable speaking what was on my side verbally, she compromised by having me say through text, and I had said,
".......I want you to tickle me. Ik asked before but...... I'm sorry I don't mean to sound selfish or anything that's not my intention its just...... After yesterday, yeah this little mental health day was needed but, I feel like i haven't really smiled or laughed that much today yknow. And I'm sorry if I'm constantly asking you about it, but.... There's no one else ik who I can turn to about this"
I noticed her reading it and she chuckled
"You're so needy"
Me, in my vulnerable Lee touch starved state, took that as an offense and kinda turned away from her. She then asked for a hug and when I hug her, she started kissing my neck and tickling my armpits again, as well as my sides and belly, and when I tried to turn over to avoid her nails, SHE WOULD FLIP ME BACK OVER!
After that, she stopped and asked "better?" I nodded with a small laugh before she kissed me.
"I didn't want to come off as needy, yknow"
"I get it, and hey, i was just teasing; dont take it to heart"
We then went back to watching YouTube. Current position we're in: I'm laying on my stomach, Gf is sitting against the wall with her legs over my back with my ass in between her. While watching videos, she starts gliding and tracing her nails on my ass, and
IT GETS BETTER! When I was kicking my legs, my girlfriend caught my ankles, stared at my dead in the eyes, showed me her nails (did the classic cartoon thing where if a villain or cat flex their fingers and their Claws appear; hers were already there 😂💖) and started tickling my feet
And yeahhhh that was my day! Tomorrow is my 20th birthday, so maybe I'll get some birthday tickles instead of birthday punches from my girlfriend, so stay tuned for (hopefully) another TTS tomorrow 🥰💖
Tagging the fwends: @burningablaze @cutesmokes @giggly-squiggily @lovelymessybubbly @otomiyaa @jettorii @sunstone-smiles
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borealnyx · 2 years
MASH season 5 thoughts
first of all, Margaret my most beloved. im so happy about her development this season. she breaks it off with frank, she gets a new boyfriend who she marries, she learns to unwind and enjoy herself, and most importantly, she makes FEMALE FRIENDS!!! and she gets to keep having friends for her bachellorette party!!! even if shes still a bitch almost all the time and quite capable of breaking someones jaw. i was afraid that she would have to sacrifice one or the other; you cant keep soft things if you want to be respected as a woman after all. i know theres still a way to go, and tbh the way she turns into a schoolgirl around her fiance + her obssession with his rank+ him moving away from the or in the last episode tell me that theres still some things to come in that front. im also very happy with the few bits where she hungs out with bj and hawk. in my head shes the mccoy to the weird kirk/spock dynamic the other two have going on and i want more of it. but overall my opinion is just that margaret is That Bitch and i love her so much💖💖💕💕🥺
secondly, BJ, the tall enigma. in the previous season i said that i had no idea what his deal was, but i think that at this point i can make some educated guesses. i think that he loves children and misses his daughter terribly and that he has to be in control of the situation and of himself at all times. and if that control slips that causes a crisis. all the practical jokes are his way of controlling the enviroment and being on top of it. and as we can see with the secret fight with hawkeye and the kiss with the nurse, even minor changes to his social standing or his self image leave him rattled and angry.
which brings me into the relationship between BJ and Hawkeye. i was afraid that it was one of these things people ship because they are the two main guys and nothing else. but they genuenly seem to be soulmates of the annoyingly telepathic variety. even if it is something platonic they follow the others line of thought flawlessly and work together to become the biggest double pain in the ass possible (also at one point BJ says”i love you daddy“ to Hawkeye. i know this is not intended to be read that way, but GOD 😳😳)
i also said about a previous season that they got that ptsd was bad but they didnt have the language to express why or to what degree. i dont know if its an improvement in the writing, the advance on the vietnam war or waht, but they have the language for it now. this is excellent news for me, who loves watching tv characters suffer, and terrible news for my newest poor little mew-mew and beloved blorbo hawkeye pierce.
lastly i want to talk about frank burns. i will admit that i accidentaly spoiled myself cause i look at the episode list in wikipedia to keep it all in order in my head and it said that the last episode was his final appearance. i cant say that i will miss him or that the show would have a big hole to fill (i thought that when henry and trapper left, but it worked seamlessly and the show is even better now). i think that specially in the last season, but also over the whole series, frank is a cartoon character that you just love to see fail again and again. like a sylvester the cat if he was horny instead of hungry.(i will say that the man has a great :D face tho, it brings me joy). he has gone from kinda dangerous to minor inconvenience, and without margaret it’s clear that theres nothing going on for him. so him leaving makes sense, it feels organic. i think this is where the tall bald guy i have seen in some gifsets comes in. i hope he adds something new and fun
Im close to the halfway point by now and each season has been an improvement from the last. Cant wait to see where we go from here
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iiigris · 4 years
Self ship thing: 1/2/9/15/24/27/28💞
Ooh thanks for these!! 💕💖 Sorry I'm so late answering them!!!
1: Where was your first date?
Our “first date” probably wasn’t even planned as an actual date lol, we went to go get meat buns after Tanaka’s volleyball practice one day and ended up just kinda hanging out, talking about our different experiences during the day ^^ But first actual date, was 
2: Who normally plans the dates?
Usually they're not even planned XD Like it’ll just be this spontaneous “hey since we’re both bored d’you wanna go see that new movie?” type of thing. Oml there’s probably SO MANY “dates” that are just like, you know, one of us called the other in the middle of the night bc I couldn’t sleep and I miss you and it’s 2AM so let’s go get some junk food from the gas station and go to the abandoned park and watch the stars 🥰
9: What do you think your first impression of them would be?
Okay so seeing as Tanaka’s pretty... loud, for lack of a better word, my first impression would be something like “omg why is he shouting like that lol.” Or, depending on the circumstance of our first meeting each other, “why’s he making such a weird face?” Bc we know how he likes to try to intimidate the new people lol
15: Who gets more embarrassed by physical affection?
Uhhh... gosh. Idk. Probably me, even tho it’s literally my primary love language skfhdk. I guess it depends on the circumstance and what type of “physical affection” it is. Hugs and hand holding I’m totally good with, in public and everything. Doesn’t faze me much. Kisses? Sly touches? Accidental brushes of the hand? Bruh you better not even think about trying it bc I will explode 🥺😳 
24: Would you confess first, or would they? How would it have gone?
He would for sure!! No way I'd have the guts to do that lol 😭 Honestly it was probably a total accident or smth but since I say “I love you” to basically everyone I’m friends with, he probably said it back one day and was like No really!! I’m serious!! And we both kinda just stand there like 😳👉👈 until someone interrupts cough cough Nishinoya cough
27: Why do you think they fell for you?
Heck if I know lol. I’m nice, I guess? I give him attention when anyone else is like “please stop”? I honestly dont know that's why its a self ship, fam 😔✌
28: Why do you think you’d fall for them?
SELF SHIP ASK GAME! (feat. myself x Tanaka)
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