#ive also been hyperfixating on the mbti designations of the men of the mansion and it has been a delightful time
If Comte and Vlad had a fist fight, who do you think will win? Same question for Comte V Leonardo
Hm, well, there are a lot of factors to consider here. Vlad does seem to have telepathic capabilities to an extent, and that might give him an edge in combat. There is evidence to believe that Comte has the capacity to resist any kind of mental invasions (I’m assuming due to age/experience), so that edge may be selective--he might only be able to use it if Comte has his guard down. 
That being said I don’t know the extent of Vlad’s combat experience. I haven’t seen him engage with anyone physically; he seems to prefer more subtle forms of control and removal. In this way, the more I think about it, the more fascinated I am by their difference in that regard. When Vlad resorts to violence, there seems to be a necessity for a perceived direct attack on his person. He shoves MC into the door only after she rejects him (for idk the twelfth time?) with finality. I imagine it takes a lot for him to even bother to sully his hands, and it raises the question of whether he dislikes it or not. Given the sizable scar on his chest I have to wonder if he hates resorting to violence for a reason (PTSD related? that scar on his chest is SIZABLE). 
As to Comte, we do know that he can eliminate eight human men in the space of ten seconds (no weapons, empty-handed combat)--which is formidable. In Leonardo’s ending, we see him taking out people left and right, and it’s Leonardo who has to remind him to keep from using excessive force. While there is no specification as to his fighting style (is it martial arts? did he learn it on the streets? no idea) it’s clear he works with a great deal of efficiency and ruthlessness when it is required. One thing I’ve always found interesting about Comte is that he does seem to have something of a darker streak/bent. But he doesn’t seem to act on it, or at the very least works particularly hard to suppress that part of himself. (I’ve never seen him do anything lethal to my knowledge, the most dark I have ever seen him go is the biting event).
Honestly? I’m not going to lie, I get the feeling that if push came to shove, Comte would win--but it would be a really, really close fight. I doubt he would win by a landslide, I just think he would be spiteful and experienced enough to be able to gain the upper-hand. Additionally, I don’t know how Vlad spent most of his time in the past; but as far as we know Comte essentially lived on the streets. He denied his legacy and fortune, so he presumably had nothing but what he was able to accomplish himself in those hundreds of years of wandering. Given how open-minded and patient he is, I imagine he’s gotten into countless fights out of self-preservation (or in his attempts to protect others). In my experience people...do not like people like who Comte used to be LOL. He isn’t one to compromise on his principles at all, it’s more than clear in his allusions to a more...ah, shall we call it a punk as all hell history. While he tries to adhere to more civil avenues, a lot of his self-control comes from being a father now LMFAO. (I mean ik I’ve said it before but a man that says “The only reason I’m doing this is because they left you unharmed. I never said I had forgiven them.” is not one to pull any punches literally or figuratively).
Furthermore, two crucial factors have just occurred to me. 1. Comte has a metric fuckton of pent up rage directed at Vlad as much as he tries to sympathize with the pureblood, so I imagine he’s coming after this fossil with centuries worth of unrestrained, frustrated moxie. 2. Knowing Vlad as we do, I get the implication that he might feel like he deserves it (I am a tooooooortured misunderstoooooood vampire doing what I m u s t to save humanity from a dreadfullllllll fate yada yada yada we get it Majora’s Mask ass havin’--) so he might not put up as much of a fight at some point.
As to the whether or not Leonardo or Comte would win a fist fight, I can only offer two memes in answer. The first is that the two would be tussling (Jojo meme Leonardo: “Oh, you’re approaching me?” Comte: “I can’t beat the shit out of you without getting any closer.”), MC would find them, and they would immediately stop because she would get upset at seeing them all messed up (even if it was temporary). The true winner here is MC because they would literally rather fall right on a sword than scare her. My second reply to that scenario is, yeah Comte can beat the shit out of Leonardo, but the emotional toll? What I mean to say is, I feel like as much as Leonardo would throw punches for shits to impress MC, I don’t think he would ever seriously want to escalate to that point with someone he cares about. Inevitably, I only see a tie happening--MC intervention, or both of them being unable to fully go through with it (no real spite for each other, just complete dumbassery).
Honestly every time I see that meme like “the best kind of characters are the ones that sincerely know better but choose to be idiots just because” and I feel that resonate to the very depths of my soul when I look at Comte and Leonardo
For those interested, in terms of combat potential, I feel like they both pretty much spent their life as one extended bar fight/protectors in the night (Batman has left the chat). As such, I think they’re pretty equal in terms of skill and power--where one might feel Leonardo has the edge in terms of strength, Comte probably has the edge in his lack of hesitance. (Though Leonardo can pick a fight when he feels the need, it’s usually a last resort. I’ve only seen him get unrelenting when a human person is faced with lethal force.)
I had way too much fun with this ask 😂😂😂 I hope everybody enjoys it? And sorry if my Comte bias got in the way, I’m by no means the end-all-be-all!
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