#jackass headcannons
babybammargera · 1 year
POV you’re the reckless grunge chick of the jackass crew
Always covered in bruises.
Getting scraped up and the boys covering you in cartoon bandaids (which are featured in most of your scenes at this point)
You’re like Steveo in the sense of documenting gnarly slams except you take pics with a Polaroid.
Longish nails that haven’t been broken during filming but are covered in chipped nail polish.
^Bam or Dunn probably painted them one drunk night bc they found a random nail polish at a party.
Nosebleeds from slamming are normal for you but surprisingly you haven’t broken it yet.
(as far as you know anyway)
Somehow always getting hurt in stunts when you’re paired up w Ryan or Steveo.
“Ow Ry your big ass foot went right into my ribs.”
Broke your arm within the same week Ryan did and Jeff was pissed.
He still refuses to let either of you hear the end of it.
He was also mortified seeing the two of you randomly smacking each other with your casts.
You bounce back from said injuries faster than most of the guys would.
And sometimes you pull off stunts the guys couldn’t and never let them live it down.
Annoying Spike Knoxville and Tremaine like it’s your job. Bc technically it is.
To be fair you bully all of them bc they do the same to you.
You’ve definitely tripped Dave before bc he made a sly comment as darf.
Honestly you probably need a shower but you’re still hot so.
Can’t keep up with things to save your life.
Never having clean clothes and ending up raiding all the guys luggage.
Like you’ve definitely stolen a pair of cleanish jeans from Steveo or Bam or Dunn.
And who knows how many shirts from the others.
Not when it comes to stunts but outside of filming you trip on air or run into walls bc you’re not paying attention.
You’ve punched bam for laughing when it happens on more than one occasion
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m4tallica · 1 year
Dating Steve-O Hc's
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His love language is def physical touch, every second of every day there's nothing more he wants than to cling to you
He loves your reactions to the stupid things he does
The man could be hanging off a ledge for Christ's sake and still say "HEY Y/N LOOK WHAT IM DOING"
He isn't that protective but still makes sure he's around you whenever your talking to a guy that isn't one of the crew
He LOVES showing you off at parties, doesn't matter if it's a crew celebration or a awards party or something along those lines
He likes when you wear short dresses that cling to you because it shows off what other can't have
(the guys practically drooling over you while he holds you by the waist)
Loves when you take him on your shopping trips
Always asking you to show him every outfit and take your time (especially when it comes to lingerie shopping)
Spoils you rotten
For a fact he loves watching your eyes light up everytime he buys you the thing you were telling him about the day before
Your happiness is everything to him
Was scared the first time you came onto set
But the guys only give you minor pranks so now going with him is a normal occurrence
He loves just seeing you happy it makes him feel like he's the most important man on earth
Johnny's always teasing him about how he's a softie
Loves when you call him cute, makes his heart melt
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dunnswrld · 2 years
johnny fucking you so good that you start to get tears in your eyes so johnny just keeps talking to her whilst fucking her, telling her how good she is?
i said it once and ill say it again i love my dirty anons.
nsfw/smut! fem!reader, dacryphilia, praise!
it had been such a long four weeks without johnny by your side. he had went to shoot with steve-o and chris for wildboyz in god knows where. but now that he was finally face-to-face with you again it didn’t take long for things to get rather heated. you two were all over each other before you even managed to open the front door to your guys shared home.
which is why your face was now pressed into your soft pillow on your bed as your back was arched. you could feel the firm grip of johnnys hands on your hips as he pushed your hips into his while he also drove his hips into yours.
it really showed how much johnny missed you with the way he was fucking you, rough but so loving and gentle at the same time. from him holding your hand, placing gentle kisses along your spine, or the many sweet words that fell from his lips.
“i missed you so much sweetheart, thought about you every second of every day.”
“god you feel so good- never leaving you for that long again doll, don’t think i could manage.”
“you fuck me so good sweetheart- fuck- miss ya so much.”
everything was making your head spin in pleasure, it was almost overwhelming how good johnny was able to make you feel right now.
your head was so fuzzy from the pleasure to the point where you didn’t even feel your nose begin to feel prickly and your eyes welled up with tears. you were too focused on the way johnny was slamming his hips into yours, the lewd noise of skin slapping and your own broken cries filled your ears as hot tears rolled down your cheeks and onto the soft pillow on the bed.
johnny was also too caught up in his own pleasure to realize his girlfriend was crying, the feeling of him being inside her and touching her once again was so distracting in every way possible. he was almost melting at the feeling and the pretty noises that were falling from your mouth- he wishes he could listen to them on loop for the reat of his life.
but what pulled him out of the trance you had him in was a large sniffle. he stopped his movements so fast after hearing your sniffle his hips sputtered. concern washed over him as he realized he may have been too rough with you-
“hey, hey, sweetheart are you crying? am i being too rough? im so sorry-“
but when johnny was going to finish his sentence he felt your hips begin to grind on his dick, a soft moan falling from his lips as the grip on your hips tightened.
johnny was taken aback at first, unsure of what to do since tears kept falling from your eyes onto your pillow but your hips seemed to grinded against his in such a needy manner.
“feels s-so good johnny. please keep going and don’t stop- please.”
your begging was all johnny needed to finally start slapping his hips into yours again, the same lewd-skin slapping noise filling your guys bedroom again.
johnny thought before that the sex you two were having before this moment was amazing, but now after he realizes he was making his sweet girlfriend feel so good to the point where it brought her to tears he know thought that this was the best sex he’s ever had.
as johnny watched himself slip in and out of you at a fast pace various loud groans fell from his lips.
“by the time we’re done- holy shit- you’re gonna have that pillow soaked in your tears sweetheart from how good im about to make you feel.”
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m4rgera · 2 years
i need more poopies😫🤲😫🤲
ok but like imagine the first time sean met you on the set, and he knew right away that he thought you were cute as fuck. like literally love at first sight. he would get all flustered around you during filming (even if you were just a crew member.) like they would have to reshoot so many stunts cuz that mf was zoning out. never did a good job at hiding it either, from day one it was pretty obvious to you. you were the one to make the first move just cuz he was so scared??? shy???? you know what i mean.
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knoxvilleaura · 2 years
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Convinced he was born to be a dilf
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michelle-is-writing · 3 months
Forgotten Dinner, Johnny Knoxville
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Word Count: 1.7k~
Warning: Little bit of angst, forgotten anniversary, sexual themes mentioned
The food in front of me made me sick to my stomach, seeing all of it just sit there without having been touched. A couple hours of putting it all together and setting it up seemed like a waste now as I haven’t even taken a bite of it since I put it on the table. I wanted to wait for Johnny to get home, but even though he had told me he’d be sure to be at home by 6, I still find myself alone as the clock on the stove turns from 10 to 11 pm. Today isn’t our marriage anniversary, but it is the anniversary of the day we met, so I wanted to surprise Johnny with dinner and a new lingerie set I got. It doesn’t help that he’s not answering the phone either, and I’m starting to feel like it all of this was a waste now.
Choosing to head to bed instead of wait up any longer, I put all of the food away in the fridge and lazily toss the dirty dishes in the sink before heading out of the kitchen. Just as I reach the hallway, the sound of keys in the door stop me, leaving me to turn toward the front door and watch Johnny walk in. He wears a laughing grin on his face until he sees me by the hallway, still dressed in the velvet dress I picked out for tonight. At the same time, my eyes catch the butterfly bandages stripped across his eyebrow and the several bandages wrapped around his forearm.
“Hi, baby,” he says, an almost awestruck look currently on his face as he takes in my appearance. He certainly looks pleasantly surprised. “You look… fucking fantastic, what are you all dressed up for?” Hearing his words make me smile, but I still feel a small bit of heart ache at the reminder of the food I made and how much planning I put into tonight.
“Um, nothing anymore,” I almost mutter, reaching hand up to mess with the clip in my hair as I look to the carpeted floors. “You told me you were going to be home at 6, what happened?” I can’t help but ask him, crossing my arms in front of me as I swallow down the nauseous feeling in my throat.
“Jeff asked me if I could help film another skit with the guys, so I stayed to help them and kind of hurt myself,” he tells me, still lingering by the front door as he continues looking me up and down with that same facial expression. However this changes in a few moments as an almost scared look takes over him. “I… I think I forgot something important, what did I forget? What is today?” He asks, now closing the door as he begins racking his brain. Before he gets too far, I stop him and simply inform him by reminding him of today’s date.
“It’s the day we met,” I bitterly remind him, watching the color drain from him. My stomach somehow churns even more seeing the guilt take over his face. “You told me you’d be home at six, but it’s eleven now. I made dinner, it’s in the fridge. I think I’m just going to… go take a shower and go to bed,” I say, shaking my head lightly.
Just as I begin to turn to head up to our room, Johnny stops me. “What? I just got home, don’t you want to stay up for a little?” He asks, stepping into the middle of the living room. “Baby I’m so sorry I completely forgot today, please, I’d love to spend time with you.”
In any other moment, I would’ve smiled at the sweet words leaving his lips, but knowing he forgot that today was the day we met and that we had plans makes the smile stay away. “I think I’ve stayed up long enough,” I say to him, turning my face down to the floor again. “Goodnight, Johnny.”
Before he says anymore, I head up the stairs and into our room where I close our door and let my tears fall. He stayed back for the guys on the one night we discussed him being home on time. If only he could’ve done this any other night, then the issue wouldn't be as severe. There have been many nights in the past where Johnny has stayed late on set, but even then, he texted me on those nights to tell me - unlike tonight when he wouldn’t respond to any of my texts or calls.
After locking our bedroom door, I walk into our bathroom and stand in front of the counter. Staring into the mirror, I watch as my mascara slowly rolls down my face, causing me to wipe it away with a tissue. I really liked my makeup and outfit tonight, and I was really looking forward to Johnny seeing me dressed up tonight and how he might react. Although, I was anticipating how he would react to what I have on underneath my dress more.
With a small sigh, I throw the tissue in my hand away before sliding the straps of my dress down with the rest of the material following it. Looking back into the mirror, I run my hands down my lace clad hips and up to the straps of the matching lacy bra. As I adjust the straps to better hold it’s contents, I step back to look at myself in our mirror and smile. At least I like the way I look tonight. The set came with a waist band that connects to the underwear and it only helps to accentuate my waist and hips even more. I was hoping Johnny would enjoy it too.
A loud crash beside me scares me away from the sink and over to the bathroom window that is now open as Johnny clambers through it, putting his upper body through before almost throwing his legs in behind him. At the same time he does this, his head hits the corner of our bathtub, causing a groan to leave his lips as he crumbles on the floor and I rush toward him. Despite my questions over his head, Johnny barely pays attention to his own pain as his focus shifts to my lingerie clad body. “You were wearing that? For me?” He asks, still lying in the floor unmoving as if he were awestruck. “Baby, holy shit, when did you get this set?”
“Johnny, that’s not important!” I exclaim as I get on my knees beside him to observe his head. He didn’t crack it open, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t give himself yet another concussion. “You hit your head!”
“It’s not the first time, don’t worry please,” he reminds me, moving to sit up with a small smile. “I deserve it after making you wait for me all night dressed like this,” Johnny adds, looking me up and down with a sigh. “I’m so sorry, babe, after I got hurt, we sat around and iced all of our injuries. Not to mention, I broke my phone during the fall too,” he further explains, “I’m so, so sorry I forgot about tonight.”
After a few seconds, I sigh and brush the hair away from Johnny’s forehead where a goose egg is already forming. “I wouldn’t say you deserved to hit your head, specifically,” I tell him, “You’re not good at remembering dates, I know that; mostly because of the many times you have hit your head in the past,” My comment earns a guilty smile from Johnny as he turns to look away, knowing he can’t deny it. “But I do wish you would’ve been home earlier.”
“I should’ve been, and I am so sorry, baby,” he apologizes once more, closing his eyes before turning his head back to me. “You have no idea how sorry I am. I hate that I made you wait up, I hate that I’ve made you cry,” he adds, his eyes now open as he moves a hand up to brush against my previously tear stained face. “I’ll start being home by 6 every night, I’ll bring you flowers every week, I’ll let you tase me, whatever you want - please forgive me.”
His offers make me want to giggle, but I want to try and stay as serious as I can for right now. “I have a few ideas,” I tell him, taking his hands in mine before helping him stand up. He doesn’t wobble or anything, which is good; at least he doesn’t seem to have yet another brain injury to add to the long list of previous ones. For a few moments, Johnny looks me up and down like he did when he was on the floor, albeit this time, he doesn’t look so dopey. “Why don’t you start by helping me out of this?”
At my suggestion, he grins. “Of course, but babe,” Johnny starts, letting go of my hands to wrap one arm around my waist while he grabs my leg with his other hand. All the while, I brace myself on Johnny by holding onto his shoulders as he pulls me flush against him, my leg now curled around his hip with his arm keeping it secure there. “Tonight’s all about you, and I know it’s our anniversary but you deserve so much tonight,” he further tells me, sincerity deep in his voice. “I promise, I’ll try my hardest to make it up to you.”
After a few moments, I smile at Johnny. “I’ll hold you to that,” I tell him, earning a smile back from him. “I love you, Johnny, even when your bad memory gets the best of you,” I add, causing him to laugh before connecting our lips. At the same time, he takes his arm away from my waist to pick my other leg up and hold me, causing me to cling to him even more as he begins carrying me to our shared bed. Lying me down on it, Johnny breaks our kiss and pulls away to smile down at me.
“I love you too, baby,” he murmurs, staring at me with a hazed look in his eyes. That is, until a smirk makes its way onto his face. “Now, just relax,” Johnny tells me, his hands sliding underneath the lace of my bra as he perches himself between my legs. “And I’ll show you just how sorry I am.”
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theangrycomet-art · 9 months
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Out of Context pic of Ace with his youngest older brothers.
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downtownbunnybaby · 2 years
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random hero <3
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jessisajackass · 2 years
jackass romantic hc's
first writing post ^_^ srry its a little short-ish
i don't write head-cannons that often but i think this would be a good start to show how i personally believe these guys would be in a relationship. simple & sweet!
i DO take requests so if you want me to write something specific just let me know! platonic HC's are up next! also also, i do write for the other guys, they just have to be requested!
johnny knoxville: 
i think he’d be super funny
always trying to make jokes and play around duhhh
he’s so tall i feel like he would always rest his chin on your head
and if he had to go anywhere for like a public event (mtv-awards) he would totally wanna take you! dress you up all pretty LOL
also if you got hurt, i don’t think he’d be super like “aww r u okay?” naw. he’d be like “you’re good just walk it off” LMAO
idk i think yall would just constantly hug, not in a weird/awkward way it’d just be like you’re glued to each other CUTEEE
crazy party bf to the max
i think in front of others, he’d be more like knoxville (trying to make jokes and stuff) but when it’s just you two i think he’d be so calm! like you just make him chill and idk it’s very sweet
i think he’d be very receptive to what you say if you get me? like he wants to know what you think of him
“babe watch this…don’t you think that’s cool? right?”
or if you told him to stop something, you’re the only one he’d listen to and stop immediately AWWW
bam margera:
he’d be SOOO protective
totally starting bar fights over guys that look at you the wrong way, etc. 
when it’s just you two though, he’d totally try to play fight OMGGG
this is an odd one but i feel like he’s an annoying sleeper -_- hogging the blanket, sticking and kicking his legs out URGGHHH
he’d beg for you to come with him for skating events (which you happily obliged) and i can imagine the matching outfits LMAO
ryan dunn:
i wanna say he’d be plain but that’s not the right word for it
i think he would be very “go with the flow” and want to make you happy
doing everything you want to do, making sure you’re content. 
“if you’re happy, i’m happy” kinda vibes AWWWW
if y’all had a “relationship pose” it would be u in a headlock LMAOOO
i also think he would always be so proud
“no…y/n would like it this way, she’s told me before” ETC. CUTEEE
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dumbntough · 2 years
Keeping The Relationship A Secret HC
a/n: So basically in my twisted mind, I wanna see how they would try and keep your guy's relationship a secret, why its kept a secret, and how long it takes for everyone to find out. If you have anything you'd want me to write, go ahead and ask!
I feel like you’d both be in agreement that you want the relationship to be a secret because of the fan base and how crazy people are for him.
I mean look at him, of course people easily go crazy over him.
But this also means keeping it on the down low and away from the shows and movies, which was difficult for the both of you.
He liked constantly touching you, having an arm wrapped around your shoulders, holding your hand, etc. His love language is physical touch so it definitely took a toll on him.
But once the cameras were off he’d be all over you, making sure you were basically part of him, never letting you go.
You both kept it hidden for years, eventually just growing accustomed to hiding it whenever filming was going on which would only be a few months at a time.
It helped that you moved in with him eventually.
After years of social media becoming a big thing and him proposing to you on a beach at sunset which was really a sight to see you
You posted a picture on Instagram one day, no caption, just you about to cry, looking at him on one knee with the biggest smile on his face.
Of course everyone would freak out but you both were just glad that you finally had it off your chests.
You both would’ve definitely gotten together after a disagreement
Like an enemies to lovers trope
You both just wanted to keep it from the crew for as long as you could though.
So. Many. Excuses. To be ALONE. Just to do what adults do
He’d risk everyone finding out just to kiss your cheek. Chris would ask why your face is so red and you’d have to lie and tell him that you think you’re coming down with a cold.
The fake cough would really sell it.
Only a few days later you’d really come down with a cold and, obviously Bam would too.
You were all in the middle of filming the movie so a completely separate hotel room to quarantine the both of you was a must. Jeff didn’t want to risk anyone else getting sick and getting more behind on filming.
I think Ryan would be the first one to find out, coming into the room with soup for the both of you, only to find you both asleep, cuddling with each other.
He’d take a picture for when you both got better.
When the three of you are in the peanut gallery, watching Chris doing yet another skit with his little Pontius, Ryan would just pull out the picture, showing the both of you.
Your face would turn red with just the thought of Ryan catching both of you.
I think Bam would be more along the lines of pissed at himself that he forgot to tell his own best friend about this happening.
After that you’d both move on with your relationship, acting as though everyone already knew and they were all just oblivious.
You both have been together for as long as anyone could remember, being off and on and very rocky at first just because of your vastly different lifestyles, but eventually you both got together for good.
You both just didn’t make your relationship public. It’s not that it was necessarily hidden, you both just didn’t have an interest in being open about it.
Your guys relationship was more unique than anyone else’s in the cast. He’d act like this complete jackass on camera, doing so much dumb shit and not have a second thought about it but then when he was with you, he’d be sweet and gentle, making sure to always say sorry and thank you.
The way everyone would find out, the crew already knew, it was just the people outside of your guys friends and family that didn’t, would be that you both post pictures while on vacation, just of the scenery at first.
After a few days you’d post a picture of him butt naked standing in front of your hotel window from behind. Ass in full view, just completely forgetting that you both never posted about your relationship.
Going to bed that night and the next few following nights was somewhat of a challenge considering your phones were just blowing up with messages, dm’s, tags, everything.
You wouldn’t have it any other way though.
a/n: yall I kinda hate this but kinda love it idk oopsies
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ilovejknoxville · 2 years
Screaming kicking thrashing around from the pure enthrallment of reading every piece of art writing on @knoxvilleforever 's page, if you havent read anything from them please do its litteraly the best
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babybammargera · 1 year
Jackass/CKY Masterlist
(Yes there is a lot of bam content but I write for the others and requests are open)
Home sweet home 
Brandon the brat
Nightmare slayer Margera
From best friend to girlfriend hc
Monster house
carving pumpkins Hc
Chores with menace bf Bam
Camp CKY
Highway to him
Things bf Bam does for the sole purpose of annoying you
Lazy days with boyfriend Bam
Smoking with Bam Hc
Bam tattoos (kinda smutty) Hc
Sleeping with/next to Bam
Bam reacting to you getting hurt while skating
Spending Halloween with Bam
Bf Bam Hc
Friends to lovers 
You're supposed to be rivals.
You're supposed to be rivals pt. 2
Jackass crewmember 
grunge chick hc
Doodles n Drives
The boys when you wear heavy makeup/do their makeup
The boys if you get hurt during a stunt hc
The boys on haunted attraction dates
Jackass stink
Jackass dreams
Part 7
Part 6
Part 5
Part 4
Part 3
Part 2
Part 1
CKY Crewmember
Bam and Dunn reacting to you crying over a boy
Ry and Bam being your besties during Viva La Bam
Growing up with Ryan and Bam hc
Picnic dates Ryan Raab Dico
Pranking Vito
First date jitters
Ryan Dunn
Trick or treat
Dating Dunn as Knoxvilles sister
Ryan teaching you how to drive stick
Halloween with best friend Ryan
Offroad adventures 
First date
Weekend away
Johnny Knoxville
Dating Knox but Bam and Ryan are your best friends
Sick days
Dating OG member 
Cky member dating Ehren
Knight with a dumb haircut.
When in Paris
Cliff diving
Jeff Tremaine 
boyfriend Tremaine 
Bf hc
Party boy
Boyfriend Pontius
Let's party
Lifeguards on duty
he loves you
dating spike
Dating spike 3
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Can somebody PLEASE write smutty (or non smutty) head cannons for Dave England, okaythanksloveyoubye x
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dunnswrld · 2 years
Johnny talking really dirty during sex and it makes the reader blush (but she's super into it) and Johnny absolutely loves the fact she blushes?
i may have had too much fun with this. also sorry if this is like cringey my “dirty talk” isnt that good HAHA
NSFW/SMUT, dom!johnny, fem!reader, oral (fem receiving), PRAISE, dirty talk
“johnny- fuck- m’so close.”
is all you could babble as your boyfriends head was in between your thighs. his arms wrapped around your thighs to make sure you wouldn’t close them on him for being over-sensitive.
your hands tugged at his hair as you let out a string of broken moans. johnny groaned loudly from the noises that fell from your mouth as they went straight to the tent in his pants.
johnny’s tongue lapped your clit trying to help you ride out your high on his tongue. your legs gently shaking around his grapse as he kept moving his tongue. it wasn’t until your moans turned into light pants did he stop.
he pulled away from the spot between your legs and sat up on his knees. johnny wiped the mixture of spit and cum off with his thumb and then he looked down at you and saw the single greatest thing he had ever seen in his life.
you were laying on your back, your hair messy, your cheeks a bright red, your lips slightly parted, and doe eyes looking up at him as your chest rose and fell. the only thing covering your upper body being his own shirt you barrowed for the night.
“you’re the prettiest girl ive ever seen. so glad i get to make you feel good. now open wide for me sweetheart.”
johnny said as he gently pushed his thumb into your mouth. his bottom lip sucking between his teeth as he watched you gently suck his spit and your own cum off his thumb.
“there ya go, atta girl.”
a light groan escaping his lips as he took his thumb out of your mouth, a strand of silva that was connected from his thumb to your bottom lip snapping when he moved his finger far enough.
“flip over f’me sweetheart.”
you wasted no time listening to johnny, flipping over onto your stomach. a weird sensation running through your body as you realized you couldn’t see johnny anymore.
you felt johnnys large hands pull up your hips and run a hand down your back, your back arching with his touch.
your cheeks were flushed a bright shade of red as you tried to hide them in johnny’s soft pillow case with your back arching, your ass in the air practically on display for johnny. you were embarrassed to be seen in such a lewd position by someone, even your boyfriend.
but as for johnny, god he loved every second of it. he loved seeing your cheeks flush red from being so flustered by the things he would do. even though you would get so embarrassed by some of the things you did or said you always had that doe eyed look as you looked at johnny. that look that always seemed to pull him in deeper.
and those eyes along with you being- well- his girlfriend who was the hottest girl on earth to him, all he wanted was for you to know how hot you were to him, how much you really meant to him.
“love when you pose like this for me sweetheart, makes me so hard for ya.”
if it was even possible you felt your face get hotter until you felt the tip of johnny’s cock run up and down your folds. it was almost as if electricity shot through your body in that moment.
“already gettin’ worked up darlin’? i’ve barely even started.”
is what johnny babbled as he slid into you, you dug your face deeper into johnny’s pillow as a wave a pleasure washed over you. you were still sensitive from just a bit ago when johnny was using his magic touch with his tongue but that only made the pleasure more intense.
johnny began rocking his hips into yours at a slow steady pace. but this was enough to not only to make you want more but johnny to want more.
johnny began to move his hips at a faster pace, lewd sounds of skin slapping filled your room along with moans and groans. johnny had his hands on your hips, pulling you back into each of his thrusts to try and go as deep as he could.
johnny was practically running off his sex drive right now, which could explain why he was enjoying every second of the moment going on right now. he also wanted you to know how much he was really enjoying this.
“god you’re takin’ me so well- shit- feels so good sweetheart.”
“fuck you make me feel so good. i wanna make ya feel good too sweetheart, please let me.”
“you’re the best i’ve ever had.”
“ya like that? say it with your words. tell me how much you like it sweetheart.”
your cheeks were flushed a deep shade of red, how could johnny say such things and not be red in the cheeks? but you can’t say you weren’t enjoying it though, it made your stomach do flips hearing all the lewd things johnny had to say.
“yeah sweetheart?”
“could- could you keep talking like that?”
“mm you like when i talk dirty darlin’? you like hearin’ how much i like fucking you? god gonna treat ya well, real well.”
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daycourtofficial · 3 months
I am ash from your fire
Summary: Eris retires after a long night to find his mate, the princess of the night court, in his chambers upset.
Author’s note: Rhys is a jackass in this one. Honestly this was supposed to be Eris comforting reader but idk how it flipped at some point and sometimes you just gotta go with where the story takes you 🤷🏼‍♀️ also I’m headcannoning that Eris reads anything and everything he can get his hands on
(1k celebration masterlist 🍾)
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Eris feels his shoulders sag ever so slightly, allowing the formalities of his stature to soften slightly as he moves further into his private chambers.
The only place in the Forest House he can at least somewhat relax. The hues of brown coating the walls, the paintings of hounds and forests covering the walls have been a comfort since his youth.
It was one of the few places Beron never entered. The High Lord would never sully himself by entering into his children’s chambers. No, he’d have word sent to them so they can come to him.
Eris walks towards the bookshelves, long fingers softly gliding over the edges of the leather bindings. His personal library was extensive - books of maps, histories, biographies, all subjects expected of a first-born heir. But also books of poetry, fantasy, and intrigue.
Eris was always a voracious reader, that need for escapism a constant in his life. His hands move on their own accord, searching for something to lose himself in when his ears perk up at a noise in his bedchambers. Unsheathing a dagger from his hip, he moves towards the room, seeing a shadow of movement underneath the door.
He reaches the door, slowly moving his hand to the handle. Once it’s in his hand, he turns it quickly, throwing open the door and pouncing on top of the person in his chambers.
His dagger is held at their throat, determined to find out who sent the risk before disposing of them. A laugh bursts out from under him, his dagger so close to their throat it knicks their throat at their laughs.
“That’s one way to say hello.”
His grip on the dagger falters momentarily, the sweet sounds of his mate’s voice causing him to loosen his hold. He pulls the dagger back, sheathing it back into his pants.
He brushes the hair from your face, taking in your amused look, his other hand going to inspect the slight knick on your throat.
“My precious fox.”
The nickname rolls off his tongue, his senses on high alert at your unexpected presence. He can sense something is off with you, and his eyes roam your body for injury.
Coming up short of any injuries sans the knick he just gave you, he sits on his haunches, grabbing your hands, helping you to sit up. You sit on your legs, keeping a tight hold on Eris’s hands, playing with his fingers.
You pull off one of his rings, sliding it on and off your own fingers, the warm metal soothing your cold hands.
He watches you for a moment, watches your fingers play with the rings he wears every day. He’s never understood your fascination with them, a nervous habit perhaps. He watches as you move the gold ring onto your thumb before pulling you into his arms. The feel of you settles him, and he can finally breathe deeply for the first time in weeks.
He holds you, pressing his face into the side of your neck, breathing in the scent of your hair. He pours what love and devotion he can down the bond, enjoying your presence before he can bring himself to ask why you’re here.
The two of you usually meet in his private cabin, miles and miles from the cruelties of the Forest House. He can’t recall if you’ve ever even been in his private chambers.
You pull back from him, shuffling around so you can sit in between his legs, back pressed to his chest. You know you have to tell him why you’re here, but you can’t look at him while you do it.
You’re not sure what you’ll find from him as you recount your tale.
You take in a breath, deciding to tell him what happened instead of letting him wait.
“Rhys found one of your letters,” you say, not able to look at him. “I was called away while I was reading one of them. It was foolish - I always hide them before leaving my room.”
Something warms in Eris’s chest at the thought of you, courts away from him, pouring over every word in the letters full of love you’d exchange between each other.
Much like he did every night.
“We got into a big fight, and he uh-“
Eris watches the tear slip out, sliding down your face.
“He told me I was no sister of his.”
Eris can’t help the snarl that comes from him, and you gingerly place a hand on his thigh, a motion he knows is grounding the both of you.
“What did his little lackeys have to say?” He spits out, unable to hide his contempt for them as he asks.
His dislike of Cassian and Azriel was no secret, but it took you a long time to coax out of him what about them he disliked.
“Truthfully, I found out how Illyrians treated females and it left a foul taste in my mouth,” he had told you once. It was all you could coax out of him, and perhaps that’s all there was to it.
At his core, Eris defined males by how they treated the females in their lives. Perhaps he assumed that Cassian and Azriel were the same as the other Illyrians and did not want to press further.
“They uh weren’t there,” you reply, “no one else was there. Perhaps he sent them all away so he could throw a fit.”
You laugh a little, thinking of just how red Rhysand’s face had gotten during your fight. You feel Eris’s head lay against your own, his fingers tangling into the strands of your hair.
“He was yelling, screaming about how I was defiling the family name by being with a Vanserra.” You sigh. “Then he began screeching about how you’re awful, you’re terrible, and ‘what about Mor’ and blah blah blah.”
“How’d you respond?” Eris asks, hands idly moving to hold onto yours in a soft grasp.
“I told him to ask Mor about what actually happened that day.”
He hums, allowing you to absentmindedly play with his fingers as you speak.
“He said that Mor would never lie to him. That she would never lie to any of us.” You blow out a breath, “then he said I had been cursed by the Mother to be mated to you.”
Eris knew the words were not your own, but the sound of them on your lips still stung deep in his chest.
“That’s when I told him to fuck off.”
Eris looks down at you as you peer back up at him, adoration, love, and a hint of sadness shines onto you through his gaze.
“We fought back and forth for a while after that. Then, after realizing I wasn’t giving up so easily, he gave me a choice.”
“My family name, my title, my claim to the throne, or you.”
Eris’s grip tightens. You two had spoken about what the worst outcomes would be if you were found out. Neither of you had ever expected Rhys to disown you.
Rhysand, who adored his little sister more than anything. Rhysand, who insisted you were an integral part of his life. Rhysand, who constantly ensured you were safe and happy.
He threw all that away the second he said you would never give up your tiara collection for Eris.
“Oh, my little fox.”
He peers down at you, your eyes wide as you peer up at him, your face upside down.
He knew he’d never get to love you wholly, unabashedly, publicly. He always knew something would come between you. He lets his gaze linger, memorizing the slope of your nose, the curve of your cheeks. His fingers move and, without his prompting, they start gliding across your face. They move as if he were studying it, preparing himself to have to recognize you in blindness.
To only see you in the darkest hour of the night, when his fingers can retrace these patterns, and pretend you’re next to him again.
He could, he thinks. He’d recognize you anywhere. His breath is shaky, knowing he will have to wait until you two are gone from this world to be together.
He would spend the entirety of his afterlife searching for you, in whatever form you took. If you were nothing more than stardust, a gentle whisper on the wind every Starfall, his flame would burn higher that day, reaching out for you one last time.
He resigns himself to these last few minutes with you, but he doesn’t feel the despair in his heart mirrored in your own.
You feel hopeful. You feel open.
He can’t ask, but you know he needs to hear it.
“I am no longer the Princess of the Night Court.”
Hot tears pour down his face, and he struggles to keep his mouth closed to keep from gasping at your decision. A tear falls onto your face beneath his, splashing across your cheek.
“I am officially without a name, without a home, and with no title,” your voice full of more determination than Eris could imagine, “I humbly ask if you could provide these things for me.”
A strangled sob breaks from him, and you twist in his arms to hold him. Surprise takes over your face, utter shock cascading through the bond before you can stop it.
Eris Vanserra, heir to the Autumn Court, a master of masks and facades, always playing the sly courtier three steps ahead. Never in all the years have you known him have you ever seen him so emotional.
Eris looks to the ceiling as you throw your arms around him, embracing him tightly. The heat from his hands was clawing at your back, but it didn’t burn.
You shushed him as he continued crying into your hair, the sight of him becoming undone such a shock to your system.
“I apologize, my love, deeply and truly.”
His hands stay on you, every inch of you needing to make that contact with him.
For so long, his life revolved around choices he was not privy to, choices that were not his. He was a pawn in an ever tiring game, one he was trying to make his way out of.
He presses you into him, unable to believe that someone, anyone, especially you, would choose him.
You chose him. You chose him the day the bond had snapped, and you chose him now, when everything was on the line for you.
He knew that he would make the same choice, putting everything on the line for you, preparing to finally take down Beron.
“I choose you too.”
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knoxvilleaura · 2 years
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Happy heavenly birthday Dunn 🤍
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