#jimmy leeward
mediazew01 · 6 months
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grandmaster-anne · 1 year
Court Circular | 23rd February 2023
Buckingham Palace
The King and The Queen Consort this afternoon held a Reception at Clarence House to celebrate Literature and the Second Anniversary of Her Majesty’s “Reading Room”. The Queen Consort later re-opened Boston Manor, Boston Manor Road, Brentford, marking its Four Hundredth Anniversary, and was received by Ms. Rosemary Prescott (Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London). Her Majesty afterwards visited the Jimmy Choo Academy, Boston Manor Road, Brentford. The Prince of Wales, on behalf of The King, held an Investiture at Buckingham Palace this morning.
Kensington Palace
The Prince of Wales, Patron, the Passage, this afternoon opened Bentley House and Passage House, King’s Scholars Passage, London SW1. The Princess of Wales, Patron, All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, this morning received Mr Ian Hewitt (Chairman) at Windsor Castle. Her Royal Highness, Colonel, Irish Guards, this afternoon received Major General Christopher Ghika (Regimental Lieutenant Colonel) and Lieutenant Colonel James Aldridge (Commanding Officer).
St James’s Palace
The Earl of Wessex this morning visited Ed Gartland Youth Centre, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands. The Earl and Countess of Wessex this afternoon attended a Luncheon at the Palm Hotel, Grace Bay Beach, Princess Drive, Providenciales. The Countess of Wessex this morning visited Blue Haven Marina, Leeward Settlement, Providenciales. Her Royal Highness afterwards attended the Turks and Caicos Women’s Leadership and Empowerment Meeting at the Palm Hotel, Grace Bay Beach. The Earl and Countess of Wessex later departed Providenciales International Airport for Nassau, Bahamas. His Royal Highness, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation, and Her Royal Highness, Global Ambassador, this evening attended a Reception at the Breezes Hotel, West Bay Street, Nassau, for young people who have achieved the Gold Standard in the Award. The Earl of Wessex, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation, and The Countess of Wessex, Global Ambassador, afterwards attended a Dinner at Lyford Cay Club, 1 Lyford Cay Drive, New Providence.
St James’s Palace
The Princess Royal, President, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Commonwealth Study Conferences, this morning attended a Global Leadership Seminar at Coutts and Company, 440 Strand, London WC2. Her Royal Highness, Patron, Voluntary Service Overseas, this afternoon received Mr. Samuel Younger upon relinquishing his appointment as Chairman and Ms. Julia Lalla-Maharajh upon assuming the appointment. The Princess Royal, President, British Olympic Association, later attended an Executive Board Meeting at 101 New Cavendish Street, London W1.
St James’s Palace
The Duke of Kent, Fellow, the Royal Society, this evening presented the Royal Medals at the Society’s Premier Awards Reception at 6-9 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1, and was received by Mr Gareth Neame (Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London).
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Ben Ainslie’s Great Britain SailGP Team overcame an event of two halves by winning the Italy Sail Grand Prix on September 23-24 in Taranto, Italy. This is the team’s second consecutive win as the Brits topped Tom Slingsby’s Australia and Jimmy Spithill’s USA in the finals.
The racing in Taranto began in windy and wild conditions but the second day was marred by light winds that eventually would disappear and cause the final podium race to be terminated.
The race for the final was hotly contested, and while Great Britain and Australia had their ticket stamped, the United States needed – and got – a collapse by the French on the final downwind let to gain entry.
It was a comeback for Spithill whose team saw teammate Hans Henken injured the day before when their F50 catamaran crashed off the foils and submerged the leeward hull where Henken was positioned, knocking him unconscious for a short time. Henken went to the hospital for observation but was in good spirits.
Taylor Canfield was ready to replace Henken, but with the light winds, the league called for teams to reduce from five to four crew, leaving Canfield on the sidelines.
As the final three-boat podium race took place, the wind started to shut off and despite the race management’s best endeavors and trying to shorten the course, the 16 minute time limit came and went. With the termination of the final, scoring returns to the qualifying fleet races in which Great Britain topped the leaderboard.
USA had led the final to the leeward mark, but Australia got leverage and a puff to jump ahead. The Brits trailed both, but at the time of termination, they were set to claim the lead. “It was a roller coaster ride but I’m just delighted for the team after a really solid performance over the five races this weekend,” said Ainslie. “It was a good win.”
At the prize winning ceremony, Ainslie gave Team GBR’s strategist Hannah Mills credit for the team’s win – due to her excellent ability to spot the best conditions to get the boat to the front of the fleet – and it was Mills that proudly lifted the winners trophy aloft.
“Considering how challenging it was I think we were literally at zero knots for quite a lot of the race and it was so intense,” said Mills. “We just kept calm and always felt like there was going to be an opportunity to get back into the race – and there was. But we ran out of time, so it was a tough race.”
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rarelyupforair · 2 years
September 16,2011...
The Galloping Ghost,a highly modified North American P-51D Mustang racing aircraft, crashed into spectators while competing at the Reno Air Races in Reno, Nevada, killing the pilot, James K. "Jimmy" Leeward, and ten people on the ground. Sixty-nine more people on the ground were injured
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Cloud Dancer at golden hour, Oshkosh 2005.
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snowydreamposts · 4 years
Nepal has pulled in trekkers from around the globe since the 1960s when Col Jimmy Robert’s composed the primary business trek. Trekking has been the main action of visitors in Nepal and thousands take to the Himalayas, some doing a couple of long periods of climbing while others take on a month long trek through valleys and high mountain passes. Two of the most mainstream trekking areas are the Everest and Annapurna where a wide range of trails can be followed while the other well known treks are in the Langtang and Kanchenjunga locales. The most testing is the Great Himalayan Trails, a broad path framework that spreads Nepal from Humla and Darchula in the west to Kanchenjunga in the east. The assorted variety of trekking trails in Nepal can’t be found in some other piece of the world. Truth be told, the absolute bottom in Nepal is 59 m above ocean level in the Tarai locale while the most elevated point is Everest, 8,848 m above ocean level, the two focuses being just 200 kilometers separated from point A to point B.
A greater part of guests to Nepal come in by means of the Tribuvan International Airport in Kathmandu. It is in Kathmandu that trekkers need to secure their licenses and other documentation, either from a trekking operator or from the proper workplaces. These archives will be checked along the trekking course. For those with brief period on their hands, there are half-day climbs from Kathmandu to observe stunning Himalayan perspectives.
Trekking in Nepal today is totally not quite the same as that of the 1960s. In all the principle trekking regions, the National Parks and Conservation Areas lodges have been set up where trekkers can discover convenience, nourishment and meet different trekkers and local people en route. A dominant part of the path are very much kept up and as a rule are sign-posted.
The hotels are very much selected and have offices for charging batteries and the bigger towns regularly have email offices. The length, the trouble and timing of the treks change enormously and to add to that once outside of the primary trekking regions, transport turns out to be increasingly risky and frequently includes in any event two excursions made on residential planned flights. Numerous treks in Nepal start with a household trip to the beginning stage and many are in remote regions with no street get to. A few days of trekking is required to arrive at the higher mountain regions from the neighborhood places of populace and organization.
Nepal has six particular and various vegetation zones going from Tropical beneath a 1,000 m through Sub-tropical 100m – 200m, Lower Temperate 1,700 m – 2,700 m, Upper Temperate 2,400 m – 3,000 m, Sub-elevated 3,000 m – 4,000 m and Alpine 4,000 m to the snowline, over the snowline it is a Himalaya tundra like wild. The higher elevations are home to the slippery Snow panther, Himalayan Thar, Musk deer and other uncommon species.
Despite the fact that the well known treks in Kanchenjunga, Everest, Manaslu, Annapurna can give hold up convenience, the less frequented treks in those zones and furthermore in different zones west of Annapurna will for the most part require outdoors style trek support.
Trekkers can discover a path whenever of year. The southern regions of Nepal get more significant levels of precipitation. Be that as it may, a few courses along the Great Himalaya Trails lie in the downpour shadow, a dry region on the leeward side of a mountain specifically Mustang toward the north of Annapurna and Manaslu, Dolpo toward the north of Dhaulagiri and the most distant west of Nepal toward the north of Saipal Himal. Post storm the climate will in general be more clear. Winter is acceptable yet colder with shorter days and spring can be influenced via occasional downpour and blizzards. Summer is short and is immediately trailed by the storms. Storm treks are for the most part in the dry Manang and Mustang territories.
Be that as it may, the downpours don’t pour 24 hours every day and they breath life into dynamite blossoms. It is likewise the ideal time to consider one of the areas in the downpour shadow which ordinarily include a progressively desolate Tibetan sort view rather than the greenness on opposite side.
It is significant for voyagers to realize that the fundamental pay producing movement of the individuals from the slope districts is the travel industry, and they ordinarily win compensation filling in as trekking watchmen or aides. Procuring a doorman doesn’t imply that you are frail, it implies you esteem the Nepali culture, you are furnishing an all-encompassing Nepali family with a salary and simultaneously you are making a companion and trekking with a nearby individual who is knowledgeable in the neighborhood societies, celebrations, and the various issues that can transform a decent trek into an extraordinary encounter of a real existence time.
It is conceivable to trek alone or without a Nepali guide, yet you would not realize what to do in a significant tempest, no ability to see and plunging temperatures at potentially 5,000 m? Ensure you have all the licenses required, and be ecologically and socially mindful.
Rara Lake at 2,990m, is the most profound lake in Nepal and furthermore one of the most immaculate. Encompassed by green slopes on all sides, canvassed in juniper trees, one can camp by the shimmering waters of the lake. Go sailing free waters, climb to close by slopes for a closer perspective on the mountains and lake, get to know the beguiling neighborhood individuals, or simply stroll around the huge lake keeping an eye out for wild blossoms or an uncommon feathered creature en route.
The recreation center is encompassed by elevated coniferous vegetation and offers an agent test of the area’s widely varied vegetation. In excess of 500 various types of blossoms, 20 types of well evolved creatures and 214 types of winged animals can be seen in the Rara National Park. With respect to life in the lake, the snow trout is one of the fish assortments recorded here up until now.
The rich vegetation of the recreation center backings various types of untamed life including the imperiled red panda, musk deer, Himalayan mountain bear, panther, jackal, Himalayan tahr, Yellow-throated martin, wild canine, wild hog, basic langur, rhesus macaque and the regular otter. During winter the recreation center possesses large amounts of flying creature assortments like coots, incredible peaked grebe, dark necked grebe, red peaked pochard, mallard, regular greenish blue, merganser and gulls. Vagrant water fowl and gallinaceous winged animals can likewise be seen during specific seasons.
Rara in the far north western piece of Nepal is the littlest national park in the nation, while the Rara Lake is Nepal’s greatest lake. The lake is 167m profound at certain spots, and depletes into the streams Mugu Karnali through Nijar Khola. Chuchemara Hill at 4,087m is the best vantage point to appreciate wonderful perspectives on the dark blue lake, the forested slopes and the snow topped pinnacles.
The excursion starts with a departure from Nepalgunj to Jumla, from where it is a 2-3 days climb to reach Rara Lake. Jumla is known for its fine apples and strolling through these plantations can be a fascinating encounter.
The trek leads through remote wide open toward the Tibetan outskirt. An excursion into the Jumla district and the excellent Rara Lake is likely one of the most intriguing treks in the Himalaya undisturbed by crowds of trekkers as one finds on other trek courses.
The best time to visit the recreation center is in the spring, summer and harvest time. As more individuals are presently visiting the recreation center, visitor administrations and foundation have created throughout the years. Nonetheless, for an incredible encounter, it is as yet fitting to act naturally adequate in the event that you are voyaging alone. Lake Rara is likewise a well known journey site for Nepalis.
MansuluConservation A perfect trekking circuit, this trek permits you to hover around Mt. Manaslu, the world’s eighth most elevated pinnacle. Trek along the less voyage trails through provincial Nepal with epic perspectives that must be found in the entirety of their wonder. With not many guests experienced en route, this district offers an altogether different encounter from treks in the Everest and Annapurna areas which get the biggest number of trekkers.
Manaslu (8,152m) is a chance to appreciate a calm time trekking in unadulterated delight away from the boisterous trappings of the advanced world.
The trek on an antiquated path along which you appreciate credible Nepali culture and neighborliness, guarantees stunning perspectives on Manaslu and other Himalayan pinnacles consistently on the foundation. You find a good pace societies and the practically medieval way of life of the individuals as you trek up north towards the pinnacles.
Protected from modernization and commercialization, the nearby individuals’ way of life has changed minimal throughout the hundreds of years, in this manner holding their immaculateness. So your trek to Manaslu will be much the same as time-travel. returning in time. The path has teahouses en route for a night end, however one could pick an outdoors trek and rest under the stars.
There is web access, and telephones just as other electronic gadgets can be charged at the teahouses along the path. The trek makes for an extraordinary photograph opportunity so you will have something to reclaim home to think back about. All you need is a better than average camera.
Manaslu shares quite a bit of its way of life and history with its neighboring region, Tibet. Buddhism is the significant religion here as displayed by the Buddhist religious communities, the design and conventions as far as possible.
The locale, which was authoritatively opened to remote sightseers just in 1991, falls in the Restricted zone and vacationers must obtain a Trekking Permit from the Department of Immigration notwithstanding the TIMS card to enter this district.
Upper Mustang Trekking
To trek in Upper Mustang is an uncommon benefit. Here you will encounter a lifestyle of genuine mountain individuals, who for a long time, had almost no contact with the remainder of Nepal and held their rich social legacy. As of not long ago their ruler was formally perceived by the Government of Nepal.
From numerous points of view, a trek into Upper Mustang is like trekking in Tibet, as geologically it is a piece of the Tibetan level. The locale of Mustang was, until 1950, a different realm inside the limits of Nepal. The last lord, the Raja of Mustang, despite everything has his home in the old capital known as Lo Manthang.
Horse’s last official kiing Jigme Dorje Palbar Bista’s castle in Lo Manthan, Upper Mustang.
Upper Mustang was opened to non-Nepali trekkers just nearly fifteen years back and even today, get to is still exceptionally limited. To enter Upper Mustang, that is to travel further north of Kagbeni, trekkers need an uncommon trekking grant and should be joined by an administration selected authority.
Upper Mustang, being in the Himalayan downpour shadow, is one of the districts in the nation appropriate for trekking in any event, during the rainstorm. During this time, the upper Kali Gandaki valley is still very dry with just periodic precipitation.
The banks of the Kali Gandaki River in Upper Mustang.
The Mustang trek isn’t especially troublesome, the most noteworthy point came to being just 3,800 meters, yet the conditions on occasion can be exhausting. Colt is cold in winter and is constantly breezy and dusty as the year progressed. Winter treks are best stayed away from because of brutal climate.
There are not many convenience offices accessible above Kagbeni, so bunches must be completely independent, particularly in fuel. While watchmen are accessible in Jomsom it is desirable over go through donkeys to convey the heaps to Mustang. These pack creatures are accessible locally and are progressively efficient, and surely more earth agreeable than watchmen.
The tough desert landscape of Upper Mustang is commended by sprinkles of green vegetation for farming and fields.
The Mustang trek isn’t especially troublesome, the most noteworthy point came to being just 3,800 meters, yet the conditions now and again can be exhausting. Colt is cold in winter and is constantly blustery and dusty as the year progressed. Winter treks are best kept away from because of brutal climate.
There are hardly any settlement offices accessible above Kagbeni, so bunches must be completely independent, particularly in fuel. While watchmen are accessible in Jomsom it is desirable over go through donkeys to convey the heaps to Mustang. These pack creatures are accessible locally and are increasingly efficient, and absolutely more naturally cordial than watchmen.
A trekker to Mustant motions his experience in the midst of the background of Himalayan pinnacles.
Lo Manthang, the old capital, is come to in four days and at any rate one additional day ought to be spent here to absorb the sights and hints of this extraordinary walled settlement. Horses are accessible for procure on the off chance that you so want. The arrival outing can either follow a similar course as the one you took to enter or take an elective course along the eastern bank of the Kali Gandaki.
Annapurna Region
The incredible Annapurna locale is the most different and mainstream trekking region in Nepal. From the full three-week Annapurna Circuit, which extends into the noteworthy Mustang area to short three-day treks, there’s a trek appropriate for everybody here.
Mountains and Rivers in the Annapurna Region
As the name proposes, the focal point of this piece of Nepal is the scope of mountains that incorporates Annapurna I, the first of the 8,000 m tops to be ascended. Likewise remembered for this area is one more 8,000 m goliath, Dhaulagiri, which is found west of Annapurna I.
Between these two mountains lies the valley of the Kali-Gandaki River, the most profound crevasse on the planet. Trekkers experience the intriguing Thakali individuals right now. They are known for being acceptable in undertakings and their home cooking is savored by the two visitors and the Nepali individuals when all is said in done.
Perspectives on lavish, prolific farmland and undisturbed regular backwoods, snow-topped mountains, and experiences with a blend of numerous ethnic networks, all indicate an assorted scope of encounters that make the Annapurna trek one of the most fulfilling treks among all goals in Nepal.
The Annapurna chain of mountains lies inland, causing an enormous territory including Manang and Mustang to fall in the downpour shadow, where the perfect time for trekking is during the storm as there is no precipitation and temperatures are moderate in these zones.
These parts are significantly drier than the southern slants of the mountains. This prompts a parched scene that is desert-like and totally different from districts drop down where there are green fields and ripe farmland.
Jomsom Muktinath
Jomsom is an incredible spot to begin trekking. The different scene and culture found along this trekking course give magnificent knowledge into the lifestyle of Nepali individuals of different ethnic gatherings.
The feature is a trek through the most profound chasm on the planet cut by the Kali Gandaki River, which starts in the Tibetan level to in the end stream into the Ganges in India.
Not very a long way from Jomsom, you discover Muktinath, the renowned journey site for Buddhists just as Hindus. To Hindus, Muktinath is a hallowed spot of salvation. They accept that washing in the waters here ensures salvation in the afterlife. The Hindu god, Brahma, is said to have lit the interminable flares that consume at Muktinath.
To Buddhists, Muktinath is where the incredible sage Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava) who carried Buddhism to Tibet, came to reflect.
The region is an ideal spot to discover fossilized ammonites, referred to locally as Shaligram, which are discovered up and down the upper spans of the Kali Gandaki.
This piece of Nepal is occupied by Gurungs and Magars in the lower locales of the Kali Gandaki, Thakalis around Jomsom and individuals with solid Tibetan roots, the Lopa, around Muktinath and up in Mustang.
Their traditions and clothing are particular and this trek is perfect for watching the decent variety of the ethnic gatherings and their traditions. Hinduism overwhelms the lower parts while as one ascensions further up, Tibetan Buddhism prevails.
On the off chance that you happen to be in Muktinath toward the beginning of September, you are probably going to be in time for one of Nepal’s one of a kind celebrations, the yearly steed race known as Yartung. This is seven days of some genuine pony hustling, Tibetan style, and some similarly genuine fun.
A large portion of the course along the Jomsom trek frames a piece of the Annapurna circuit and Annapurna lower region treks. The standard beginning stage is Naya Pul on the Pokhara to Baglung street and from that point, by means of Ghorepani and Tatopani, into the crevasse of the Kali Gandaki.
Among Tatopani and Lete Khola, there is a sensational difference in landscape. Pine timberlands swarm in on the path and the towns take on a very unique appearance.
The format of the towns and the plan of the houses are novel to this region. The houses are intended to shield the occupants from the solid breezes that explode the valley regularly from late morning onwards.
These breezes are brought about by contrasts in barometrical weight between the Tibetan level and the lower compasses of the valley. The best case of the one of a kind design of this district is found in the town of Marpha which is a two-hour stroll down from Jomsom.
The stone hailed roads with productive underground waste framework and the level roofed houses with a focal yard make an appealing spot to go through an additional day resting. Utilize the extra time to test apple results of this locale from the lavish plantations up in the valley.
Jomsom is most popular for its air terminal that offers a brisk passage or exit to the valley with ordinary every day flights from Pokhara. The solid breezes that explode the valley keeps flights from taking off from Jomsom after 11 a.m. Jomsom can likewise be viewed as a spot to use as a base for investigating the upper piece of the Kali Gandaki district. There are various convenience choices including another high-class resort complex.
An option to Jomsom as a
These breezes are brought about by contrasts in barometrical weight between the Tibetan level and the lower ranges of the valley. The best case of the novel design of this area is found in the town of Marpha which is a two-hour stroll down from Jomsom.
The stone hailed lanes with effective underground seepage framework and the level roofed houses with a focal yard make an appealing spot to go through an additional day resting. Utilize the leisure time to test apple results of this locale from the rich plantations up in the valley.
Jomsom is known for its air terminal that offers a brisk passage or exit to the valley with ordinary every day flights from Pokhara. The solid breezes that explode the valley keeps flights from taking off from Jomsom after 11 a.m. Jomsom can likewise be viewed as a spot to use as a base for investigating the upper piece of the Kali Gandaki area. There are various convenience choices including another high class resort.
An option to Jomsom as a base for the trek is the town of Kagbeni which is a two-hour stroll up the valley. Kagbeni isn’t as marketed as Jomsom and absolutely a lot calmer. This is the furthest trekkers are permitted to go towards Upper Mustang without an extraordinary license and a going with Environmental Officer.
For subtleties, see the depiction of Upper Mustang treks. From Kagbeni to Muktinath is a three to four hour trek and trekkers can decide to do it as a day outing or remain at one of the numerous teahouses accessible at Muktinath.
base for the trek is the town of Kagbeni which lies a further two-hour stroll up the valley. Kagbeni isn’t as popularized as Jomsom and positively a lot calmer. This is the furthest trekkers are permitted to go towards Upper Mustang without a unique grant and a going with Environmental Officer.
For subtleties see the depiction of Upper Mustang treks. From Kagbeni to Muktinath is a three to four hour trek and trekkers can decide to do it as a day excursion or remain at one of the numerous teahouses accessible at Muktinath.
Kathmandu Valley Trek
Find antiquated sanctuaries and landmarks in the valley of the Gods where Hinduism and Buddhism coincide in impeccable agreement. Find out about the fantasies and legends that formed the way of life of Nepalis for a considerable length of time, since antiquated occasions.
Appreciate customary Newari nourishment cooked on wood broilers while you walk around the enchanting little back streets around the Durbar Squares of the three urban communities of the Kathmandu Valley; Bhaktapur, Patan or Kathmandu.
Purchase handicrafs from craftsmans who despite everything work as per old conventions that return hundreds of years. Respect the fine design and impeccable woodcarvings of Newar experts whose creative splendor are exhibited around the three urban communities as sanctuaries and landmarks fabricated hundreds of years prior.
Painstaking work of the Kathmandu Valley
Watch how the individuals of the valley despite everything utilize their sanctuaries to rehearse ceremonies that have been passed down from age to age. Appreciate the beautiful celebrations of the valley that include Gods and Goddesses including the Living Goddess Kumari on a few events. Follow the chariot parades that arrange the thin roads of old Kathmandu.
Visit the 7 landmarks assigned as UNESCO World Heritage Sites around Kathmandu in 48 hours.
There is a well known society story that discussions about the foundation of Kathmandu Valley. Some time in the past, during the Pleistocene period, Kathmandu Valley was a tremendous lake – an excellent display of sea-going greenery. Around a similar period, when Manjushree, a heavenly Buddhist Saint from Tibet, saw a delightful lotus bloom coasting in the focal point of the lake, vast profound respect began to develop inside his heart, which evoked his commitment to hold and love the blossom.
Chobar Gorge – Where Manjushree depleted the Kathmandu Valley
He at that point cut the Chobar Hill which currently can be viewed as a profound crevasse, letting the lake water channel out, leaving a fruitful valley for human settlement. Later the settlement turned into a notable terminal for differing individuals: for aficionados the two Hindus and Buddhists, Tibetans and Indian shippers, craftsmans, sovereigns, travelers, antiquarians and the sky is the limit from there.
The Kathmandu Valley has consistently been a mixture of different societies, religions, expressions and artworks. The Gopala and Kirat administrations managed during the most punctual periods, trailed by the Licchavi (300-879 AD), who, correspondingly, built up the city with an energy, conventional workmanship, and strict convictions.
Kumari the Living Godess of Kathmandu
The numerous lines that governed the valley have left a rich inheritance as social and strict concordance. The different Hindu sanctuaries and Buddhist religious communities have been remaining alongside one another for quite a long time. Kathmandu appreciates different ethnicities, vivid celebrations, and endless festivals.
The Kathmandu Valley is involved three notable urban areas – Kathmandu, Patan, and Bhaktapur, which were once autonomous states administered by Malla lords, who governed the urban communities from the twelfth to the eighteenth hundreds of years and rivaled each other to praise their rule by building landmarks and sanctuaries that displayed the craftsmanship and compositional abilities of Newar craftsmans. It was when even the compelling Mongol Emporer Kublai Khan employed remarkable specialists from Kathmandu Valley to commend his domain.
The renowned Pagoda style engineering is a blessing from the Kathmandu Valley to China. Presently the valley is home to seven locales which make the valley an UNESCO Cultural World Heritage Site, a token of the brilliant period of Nepali engineering.
Mount Everest Region
Khumbu – Take the transport to Jiri or fly to Lukla then climb up to Namche, capital of the Sherpa lands at the foot of Everest.
Everest Base Camp (EBC) Trek/rising of Kalar Patar – Visit the Buddhist Tengboche religious community for the Mani Rimdu celebration in November. Investigate the Gokyo valley with its holy lakes and dynamite perspectives on four 8000m pinnacles. Or on the other hand a circuit of the locale crossing the high passes or Cho La and Renjo La.
Three Passes Trek – Similar to the EBC Trek however more and accentuating goes in the locale. EBC itself should be possible as a side-trip.
Island Peak Trek (Trekking Peak) – takes in probably the most fantastic landscape in the Himalayas.
Mera Peak (Trekking Peak) – During the climb of Mera Peak (6461m), appreciate all encompassing perspectives on Mt. Everest (8,848m), Cho-Oyu (8,201 m), Lhotse (8,516 m), Makalu (8,463 m), Kangchenjunga (8,586 m), Nuptse (7,855m), and Chamlang (7,319m).
Makalu Barun is the fifth most noteworthy mountain on the planet at 8,481 meters above ocean level. Makalu Base Camp, at 5,000 meters, can be arrived at utilizing tea-house convenience. This trek offers the chance to see rhododendrons, orchids, snow panthers, red panda, musk deer, wild hog, wild yak, and Himalayan thar.
Rolwaling Valley Trek Gaurishankar Conservation Area
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popularbio321 · 3 years
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thechasefiles · 5 years
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 14/10/2019
Good Morning #realdreamchasers. Here is your daily news cap for Monday, October 14th, 2019. There is a lot to read and digest so take your time. Remember you can read full articles via Barbados Government Information Service (BGIS), Barbados Today (BT), or by purchasing a Daily Nation Newspaper (DN).
MIA: WE’VE HALTED SLIDE – Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley has hit back at her Government’s critics, saying she is unfazed by their “unreasonable” comments. And with the promise to do so again in two weeks at the party’s annual conference in Queen’s Park, she addressed criticisms on the shortage of garbage trucks and buses, as well as the amount of overseas travel, while addressing the Barbados Labour Party’s St Michael West nomination meeting at St Leonard’s Boys’ School last night. “This party has performed virtual wonders over the course of the last 16 months to stabilise this country; let us be clear about it. It has not been easy and those who want to talk about report cards, need first and foremost to find a card to report on themselves,” she said to cheers from party faithful. (DN)
GIBBS WINS BLP NOMINATION FOR ST MICHAEL WEST – Businessman Christopher Gibbs will represent the BLP in St Michael West. In a landslide victory, he bested Steven Leslie, getting over 360 to Leslie’s 50 votes. Gibbs was escorted into the polling station at St Leonard’s Boys School by his supporters who carried banners. (DN)
GARBAGE TRUCKS ‘BY NOVEMBER’ – By the first week of next month, more garbage trucks will be arriving in Barbados. That’s according to chairman of the Sanitation Service Authority (SSA), Senator Rudy Grant, who said Government had deemed the situation so important that it was not going to wait until all of the 12 trucks were completed to receive full shipment. Grant’s comments were made when he called Starcom Network’s Sunday Brass Tacks programme yesterday to contribute to the discussion on garbage pile-ups and collection. (DN)
STILL NO SOLUTION – The wait for any change to the five-minute rule will be a little longer for public service vehicle (PSV) owners and operators. After an almost three-hour-long meeting yesterday evening at Solidarity House, Harmony Hall, St Michael, with owners, members of the Association of Public Transport Operators (APTO) and Alliance Owners of Public Transport (AOPT), there was no resolution to the controversial stipulation in the Constitution River Terminal. Speaking to reporters inside the Sir Hugh Springer Auditorium shortly after the meeting, chairman of the Transport Authority, Ian Estwick, said the authority would meet later this week to decide on a reasonable time limit. (DN)
NEW FIRE STATION COMING – A new fire station is on the cards. This was revealed by Minister of Home Affairs Edmund Hinkson during a service at Bethel Methodist Church, Bay Street, St Michael, yesterday. “Cabinet has decided in principle on the construction of a new fire station [at] The Pine, St Michael, opposite the Ann Hill School . . . ,” he said. “Geo-technical work, surveying and all of that have to be carried out in the area. And there is other preliminary work that needs to done before advertisements can go for professional services. (DN)
MOM PREPARES TO BURY SECOND CHILD IN THREE MONTHS – Just three months after losing her 40-year-old daughter, Valerie Griffith is preparing to bury her son, the lone casualty of a 24-hour spate of gun attacks in a section of The Pine, St Michael. According to residents of Golden Rock, 44-year old Keron Anthony Hodge was in the wrong place at the wrong time when masked gunmen sprayed the area with bullets. They said it was the third time in less than 24 hours that men had opened fire on a popular liming spot leaving bullets holes lodged in nearby front doors, galvanize structures and sidewalks. “Out here felt like final destination over the last couple days. Something is obviously going on in the neighborhood and he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time,” one resident said. While many struggled to come to grips with the terror on the streets, there was consensus among neighbors and family members about the deceased man, better known as ‘Gus‘. For many, he was a father figure who had the best interest of the youth at heart. “People from all about are saying one thing about him. He’s a very nice fellow and he didn’t deserve this. Yes, The Pine has a bad name but not everybody is bad,” said Rhonda Hollinsworth, a community figure known as ‘Mother‘.A stones throw away in nearby Midway Lane, his mother Valerie Griffith was in pain for a son she described as very nice, caring and hardworking. “He lived very peacefully and was a free spirited person. He wasn’t the type of guy to get angry and worked up. He would quote the scriptures with you and encourage you not to be worried and stressed. He was a friend to everybody so I don’t know how this happened,” recalled the grieving mother who was surrounded by teary eyed family members. Even more painful for the 68-year-old mother was the fact that she lost her daughter in July, who was living overseas. Griffith told Barbados TODAY that on Saturday night, she received a late night phone call from her neighbor, who said her son had been shot and it was “bad”. “By the time I got to the hospital there, my son was already dead. I don’t know what went down. I don’t know what to say but my son is gone…. I just lost my daughter on the 8th of July and now he is gone. “Its so hard, because I didn’t even get over her as yet and now for this here to happen, I just don’t know what is going on,” she said. (BT)
UPDATE: BODY OF STABBING VICTIM DISCOVERED IN CEMETERY – The body found in the Westbury Cemetery, Westbury Road, St Michael has been identified as 60-year-old Stephen Mcdonald Cadogan of 3rd Avenue Holder's Land, Brandons, St Michael. He was identified by his family members a few minutes ago.  Lawmen said they received a report about 6:15 a.m. that a body was noticed in the cemetery with stabs wounds, ambulance personnel were summoned but having arrived they left the scene after confirming that there were no signs of life. Police are treating it as an unnatural death and their investigations are ongoing. Lawmen are asking anyone who can provide any information regarding the circumstances surrounding this death are asked to contact police emergency at 211, Central police station at 4307676 or any Police Station. Crime Stoppers 1800 8477 (TIPS). All information will be taken in strict confidence. (DN)
SUKI DOWN AND ALMOST OUT – Barbadian draughts grandmaster Ronald “Suki” King is down and almost out. King has a huge mountain to climb as defending champion Sergio Scarpetta has taken a 6-1 lead in their World Three Move Restriction title match at the Usain Bolt Sports Complex. Scarpetta captured the final two games on Saturday night for a 5-1 advantage and won the final game last night to move into an impressive lead. The series is now at the half-way stage with 16 of the 32 games completed. (DN)
SUPER 50 STARTS NOVEMBER 6 – Regional cricket’s biggest rivalries start on November 6. Coming on the heels of the 2019 Caribbean Premier League, fans can look forward to another four weeks of exciting action, when the Colonial Medical Insurance Super50 Cup, the region’s pre-eminent 50 overs-a-side competition, returns with a bang. “With the new World Cup cycle beginning now, this tournament, among other things, presents a starting point towards the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023,” said CWI director of cricket, Jimmy Adams. “It will allow us to start identifying players who will go on to play a role in our qualification. Though some of our international players will be touring India with the West Indies during the competition, it allows more opportunities and exposure for our young players.” Two groups of five teams each will run concurrently in St Kitts and Trinidad, contesting a total of 40 action-packed, group stage matches. Group “A” matches begin on the opening day of the competition and will take place every day either at Warner Park or Conaree Sports Complex in St Kitts, and Group “B” matches start the following day, taking place at Queen’s Park Oval and the Brian Lara Cricket Academy in Trinidad. Teams will play their group opponents twice before the top two in each group progress to the semi-finals and a chance to play in the Final under the lights at Queen’s Park Oval on December 1. Reigning champions, Combined Campuses & College Marooners launch the tournament on opening day in Group “A”, when they face hosts Leeward Islands Hurricanes at Warner Park; Jamaica Scorpions, Barbados Pride and Canada will be the other teams in Group “A”. Group “B” commences, when Guyana Jaguars, last year’s beaten finalists, meet West Indies Emerging Players in a day game at the Brian Lara Cricket Academy, and hosts Trinidad & Tobago Red Force, semi-finalists last year, meet Windward Islands Volcanoes in a day/night contest at the Queen’s Park Oval. The United States, the other side that will be contesting this group, have drawn a bye on the opening day. ESPN Caribbean’s broadcast partnership with the Super50 Cup continues, with 13 day/night matches, including the semi-finals and the Final, broadcast live from the Queen’s Park Oval. The remaining 30 group matches will be webcast “live” on the Windies Cricket YouTube channel and website, www.windiescricket.com. CWI commercial director Dominic Warne said this continues CWI’s promise to make the game as accessible as possible for fans to watch Super50 matches not only on the ground, but on television and online. (DN)
NOTICE TO BEE KEEPERS – The National Conservation Commission (NCC) is advising all bee keepers to take precautionary measures with respect to the fogging of districts. Bee keepers are required to call the Vector Control Unit at 417-2150 or 417-2151 and provide the apiary location, their name and relevant contact information in order to ascertain when fogging will be conducted in their area. Bee keepers are also required to block the entrance to the hive the night before fogging is to take place. They are also reminded to ensure an adequate supply of water or sugar syrup is available inside the hive and, if the hive is located in a sunny area, provide shade so as to reduce heat buildup within the hive. If possible, bee keepers are being advised to relocate the hive. Persons may contact the NCC’s Apiary Unit at 536-0600 for more information.  (BT)
FOGGING SCHEDULE FOR OCTOBER 14 TO 18 – The Vector Control Unit of the Ministry of Health and Wellness will continue its weekly fogging programme in several districts across the island from October 14 to 18. Areas to be treated on Monday are Mile and a Quarter, Maynards Tenantry, Maynards Housing Area, Skeete’s Road, Doughlin Tenantry, Rose Hill and environs, in St Peter. On Tuesday, the team will fog the St James and St Peter districts of Carlton, Howells Gap, Brathwaite Road, Upper Rock Dundo, Rock Dundo Tenantry, Rock Dundo, Upper Bakers and the environs. They will, on Wednesday, visit the St George districts of Mapp Hill, Haggatt Hall Development, Cutting Road, Pasture Road, Haynes Hill, Monroe Road, Salters Tenantry Road, Plum Tree Road, Sinclair Road, Bird Hill, Coral Drive, Bakers Close, Grace Drive, and surrounding areas. On Thursday, there will be fogging in the St Michael and St George areas of Salters, Salters Main Road, Neil’s Road, Neil’s Plantation, Charles Rowe Bridge, Valley Development, Glebe Land, Valley View, Walkers Terrace and environs. They will visit St James on Friday and spray Derricks, Clarkes Road, Appleby Gardens with Avenues, Risk Road, Vaughns Road, Berbice, Fitts Village, Jordans Road, Johnson Road, Prospect, Prospect Road, Crusher Site Road and the neighbouring districts. The fogging exercise will be conducted between 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. each day. Householders are reminded to open their windows and doors to allow the spray to enter. (BGIS) 
BVMF NOMINEES ANNOUNCED - The Barbados Visual Media Festival Committee has announced the nominees for the Barbados Visual Media Awards 2019. Festival events are planned for Oct 24 to 27.
There are 80 days left in the year Shalom!  Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram for your daily news. #thechasefiles #dailynewscaps #bajannewscaps #newsinanutshell
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givherman2910-blog · 6 years
Perspective Is Actually Every little thing
Whether your style is actually chic as well as modest or impressive and also vibrant, there are a wide variety of black-and-white ensembles that will make your closet pop. Though cucumber extract may not decrease dark cycles overnight, but under eye cycles can be lessened to great degree. His initial colour steering wheel includes reddish, orange, yellow, green, cyan and blue and also was actually signed up with in the end by Newton to present the natural color advancement. " You must handle all of them like you will an internal developer." As well as if you tint your hair in the home, he recommends picking a tone that is actually one color lighter than the color you really want. Pair of do work in particular, both along with dazzling reds controling and also with full-length sophisticated Eastern women portrayed, are actually an actual instance of this particular method. Females worn cozy colours are commonly extremely friendly and also smile frequently. Golden adornment works appearance excellent in cream color coloured wedding dresses as well as white coloured grains go terrific with pure white colored coloured outfits. Acquiring flooring pillows based on those colours that are presently at action in your sitting room will certainly make certain that your space is actually much more synchronised and also the professional cushions don't defend interest. If a space does certainly not acquire a lot organic illumination, a black colored paint makes a dungeon-like environment. One distinctive particular below is the option of colours and their order, as blue incorporated along with yellow regularly combines to develop dark-green. His works aided secure many famous areas, including the Grand Gulch, Dinosaur National Monolith, Aspect Reyes, and also the Coastline Redwoods. Colour continues to play major daddy, aptly assisted by background lights as the professionals' curate an eager point of luxe charm using textural nuances and deluxe furnishings. Northward, along the leeward shoreline of Malaita, the Ariel functioned her leisurely method, threading the colour-riotous lagoon that lay in between click the up coming post shore-reefs and outer-reefs, daring passages thus narrow and coral-patched that Captain Winters averred every day added a thousand gray hairs to his head, and also docking off every walled inlet of the external reef and every mangrove swamp of the landmass that looked encouraging of cannibal life. In a latest interview, he shared his expertise and also tips on selecting the best coating different colors for satisfying the eye of possible customers and also running into a prompt sell. Discreet sufficient to become embeded a pocket or even bag, bottles could be inscribed and frequently been available in additional feminine shades and also styles, including blues, fuchsias, and plaids. The darker colors of the property, people as well as horizon generate an ideal environment for a brightly ignited sunlight. The different colors 'Reddish' is looked at to be the shade of married women in India. Taylor Swift appeared lovely in her striking gown that was actually joined Jimmy Choo heels at the Grammys 2014. The major colors utilized for these special NASA uniforms in the course of the shuttle course were blue, orange, and also white colored. Along with white and also black images simply remember to satisfy the light to the target. See the "Sphere Color Styles and Their Meanings" graph beneath. Without much in the technique of implying in all, they scared the emblematic attributes of a truly ancient bridal gown colour - blue. Aside from wearing an Emerald-colored shirt, you can easily accentuate your environment-friendly eyes along with hues of purple. You are revamping your cellar and also you need to select the right different colors to paint the wall structures. If your combination is straight, start cheek by jowl and also arrange the shades through ROYGBV (reddish, orange, yellow, eco-friendly, blue, and also violet).
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aviationhistory · 7 years
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2011 Reno Air Races crash: The North American P-51D Mustang The Galloping Ghost, flown by James K. "Jimmy" Leeward, crashes into box seats in front of the grandstand at the Reno Air Races at Reno Stead Airport north of Reno, Nevada. Leeward and 10 others are killed and 69 people are injured. It is the third-deadliest airshow accident in U.S. history and the deadliest aviation accident of any kind in the United States in two years.
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Joe Lauria explains what it would look like if Irma were to hit KC
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — To give some perspective on just how wide Hurricane Irma spans, Fox 4 Meteorologist Joe Lauria placed the image of Irma over the Kansas City region.
Irma, which stretches nearly 500 miles, would completely cover the state of Missouri.
Joe says if the eye of the storm was placed on top of Kansas City, it would stretch east into central Illinois and west into central Kansas.
Follow Joe Lauria on Facebook for more.
Hurricane Irma — one of the strongest storms ever recorded in the Atlantic — is hurtling toward northern Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands on Wednesday afternoon after smashing a string of small northern Caribbean islands, which early reports suggest suffered heavy damage.
Irma’s core, with maximum sustained winds of 185 mph — well above the 157 mph threshold of a Category 5 — slammed Barbuda early Wednesday before hitting St. Martin and Anguilla.
The storm’s powerful center could hit parts of the Virgin Islands and then pass just north of Puerto Rico — a US territory of about 3.4 million people — on Wednesday afternoon and night, threatening heavy rain and dangerous coastal storm surges, forecasters said.
Hurricane Irma: Live updates
Gov. Ricardo Rosselló urged Puerto Ricans in flood-prone areas to head to designated shelters.
“Please allow us to help you seek refuge in shelter, and let people know the priority is to weather the storm (and) seek safe haven,” Rossello said.
On Tortola, the largest of the British Virgin Islands, Kennedy Banda said fierce winds blew out the windows of his home Wednesday afternoon. He and his family were taking shelter in a bathroom; he said he was bracing his body against the door in an attempt to keep it shut.
“Everything is blown out,” he told CNN by phone near Road Town. “Everything is gone.”
Earlier, he posted video on Facebook showing wind and pounding rain whipping the shoreline as Irma’s core approached.
The hurricane earlier Wednesday battered a string of northern Caribbean island nations, situated east of the more populous Virgin Islands group and Puerto Rico.
Early reports suggested damage on parts of the smaller islands — a tropical region popular with tourists.
Barbuda, home to about 1,600 people, was “so badly damaged that there is no communication” from the island, said Keithley Meade, director of a meteorological office in Antigua and Barbuda.
“We have a lot of broken trees across the island,” Meade said from Antigua, whose 80,000 people comprise most of the two-island nation’s population.
Irma destroyed four of the most solid government buildings on the French-administered portion of nearby St. Martin, an island of about 75,000 people, French Interior Minister Gérard Collomb said Wednesday in Paris.
It’s likely that all other older buildings there have at least been damaged, he said.
Roughly 10 of these smaller islands — such as St. Martin, Antigua and Barbuda, and St. Kitts and Nevis — were pounded by hurricane conditions. One, Guadeloupe, has about 405,000 residents. The rest have about 264,400 people combined.
Latest developments
— Around noon ET Wednesday, Irma’s core was spinning about 55 miles east of St. Thomas of the US Virgin Islands, with maximum sustained winds of 185 mph.
— In the US Virgin Islands, Gov. Kenneth E. Mapp ordered a 36-hour curfew that started at 6 a.m. local time Wednesday.
— By Thursday and Friday, Irma is likely to be near the Dominican Republic’s and Haiti’s northern coasts, the Turks and Caicos islands and the southeastern Bahamas, where storm surges of up to 20 feet are possible, the hurricane center said.
— It’s too early to tell whether it will make landfall on the US mainland. Computer models show it could churn near Florida’s east coast by late Sunday, and forecasters warn the core still could hit land there.
— In Broward County, Florida, a mandatory evacuation will go into effect at noon Thursday for areas east of Federal Highway, Mayor Barbara Sharief said. The evacuation zone includes low-lying areas and mobile homes in the county, which includes Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, and Pompano and Deerfield beaches.
— Floridians should heed any evacuation order, Gov. Rick Scott said Wednesday. “(A) storm surge could cover your house. We can rebuild homes — we cannot rebuild your family,” he said.
— Several high-profile sports games have been postponed in Florida because of the storm, including NFL’s Buccaneers-Dolphins match that had been scheduled for Sunday in Miami.
‘We’ve been hiding in the bathroom’
Virginia Barreras told CNN she was riding out the storm on St. Martin in a “sanctuary hotel” where tourists and locals were encouraged to check in before the eye wall hit.
“The palm trees are bent over and (I) can’t see anything but white,” she said early Wednesday, before Irma’s core passed. “The walls shake when the wind blows hard, and we can hear debris being thrown around.
Though Irma’s path is uncertain, forecasters have said it could turn toward Florida over the weekend, and officials there are ordering some evacuations and shutting down schools.
Irma affected many northern Caribbean islands Wednesday, even those not touched by the powerful core. In Marigot, Guadeloupe, Florida resident Loren Ann Mayo rode out the storm on the sixth floor of a beachside hotel.
“We’ve been hiding in the bathroom,” she said in a video she posted to Facebook. About an inch of water covered parts of the floor, and pieces of drywall had fallen onto a balcony and a bed inside, she said.
Mayo was there on a business trip. “It is pouring down rain. It is howling,” she told CNN. “Most people are either in their bathroom, or they’ve been moved downstairs to the third floor where management thinks is a very, very safe spot.”
Islands under hurricane warning include Anguilla, Puerto Rico, the US and British Virgin Islands, St. Martin/St. Maarten, St. Barts, parts of northern Haiti and the Dominican Republic, the southeastern Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Puerto Rico: Long lines
Storm surge is a concern for the Virgin Islands (up to 11 feet) and Puerto Rico (up to 5 feet), as is heavy rain (up to 10 inches in the Virgin Islands, and up to 15 in parts of Puerto Rico).
Rosselló, Puerto Rico’s governor, declared a state of emergency and has activated the National Guard.
For hours, people lined up outside hardware stores Tuesday, hoping to get plywood, batteries and power generators. If Irma knocks out power, Puerto Ricans said it could take weeks or months before it is restored.
Last month, the director of Puerto Rico’s power utility, Ricardo Ramos Rodríguez, said several factors have made the island’s electric system “vulnerable and fragile,” CNN affiliate WAPA reported.
One of those is the shortage of employees. Many workers recently retired or left their jobs for better prospects on the US mainland, Ramos Rodríguez said.
Turks and Caicos and the Bahamas
Forecasters warn that Irma’s likely path will be near the Turks and Caicos Islands on Thursday and the southeastern Bahamas on Friday — and that the destruction could be devastating.
In the Bahamas, emergency evacuations have been ordered for six southern islands — Mayaguana, Inagua, Crooked Island, Acklins, Long Cay and Ragged Island.
“This is the largest such evacuation in the history of the country,” Prime Minister Hubert Minnis said.
Bahamian officials also canceled vacation time for police and defense forces.
“Some of the (Bahamian) islands aren’t more than 9 feet (above sea level). Storm surges there may be 20 feet. You get the idea what’s going to happen to those islands,” CNN meteorologist Chad Myers said.
Evacuations set for Florida
Jimmy Brumbaugh packed up his family in their RV and left Astatula, Florida, for Georgia. As he headed out of town, he posted a picture showing a long line of cars, waiting to get gas.
“People are genuinely scared down here,” he said. “… We are dead center in the state, but I’m not taking any chances. I also don’t want to put my family through the misery of riding out the storm. We’ve done it before, and it’s horrible.”
In Eustis, northwest of Orlando, Pat Arnold and her husband took precautions in case Irma hit.
“My husband and I prepared for Irma by getting some cash out, fueling cars and filling gas cans with nonethanol gas (for use with our chainsaw if needed), … and making sure we have enough batteries, canned food, etc,” she told CNN.
From Miami Beach to Ocala, Floridians braced for the storm, with some posting images of empty shelves at local grocery stores.
Miami-Dade County will start evacuating special-needs residents Wednesday, and may announce other evacuations soon, Mayor Carlos Gimenez said.
Schools and county offices will be closed Thursday and Friday.
Monroe County, which includes the Florida Keys, was ordering visitors to evacuate by sunrise Wednesday, and residents should begin to evacuate 12 hours later.
After declaring a state of emergency across Florida, the governor said President Donald Trump had “offered the full resources of the federal government.”
Scott also ordered 7,000 National Guard troops to report for duty by Friday morning.
“Learn your evacuation zone. Listen to your locals,” he said. “This storm has the potential to devastate this state. You have to take this seriously.”
Meanwhile, Tropical Storm Jose, in the open Atlantic far to the southeast of Irma, is expected to become a hurricane by Wednesday night.
“Interests in the Leeward Islands should monitor the progress of Jose,” the National Hurricane Center said.
Are you affected by Irma? Text, iMessage or WhatsApp your videos, photos and stories to CNN: +1 347-322-0415.
¿Te ha afectado Irma? Envía tus fotos, vídeos e historias a CNN por texto, iMessage y WhatsApp: +1 347-322-0415.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports http://fox4kc.com/2017/09/06/joe-lauria-explains-what-it-would-look-like-if-irma-were-to-hit-kc/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2017/09/06/joe-lauria-explains-what-it-would-look-like-if-irma-were-to-hit-kc/
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Jimmy Leewards Cloud Dancer, Oshkosh 2005.
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'Foiling' America's Cup due to set sail Saturday in Bermuda
'Foiling' America's Cup due to set sail Saturday in Bermuda
During the next 2 1/2 weeks, five challengers will vie for the right to face two-time defending champion Oracle Team USA in the first-to-seven America's Cup match starting June 17. "I think you'll see the fastest boats on water, the best sailors, the best athletes in the world and it'll be incredible," Oracle Team USA skipper Jimmy Spithill, an Australian, said Thursday. "There's no doubt in my mind this will be a defining chapter in the America's Cup and will be known as the foiling America's Cup." Ah yes, foiling. It's all the rage in sailing and nowhere does it get more buzz than in the America's Cup. When the boats hit a certain speed, they rise up on hydrofoils and speed across the tops of the waves. When the boats are foiling, they're riding only on the leeward daggerboard and both rudders. Daggerboards on both hulls are in the water for a few moments during tacks and gybes. The boats are capable of reaching almost 50 mph.
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Hurricane Irma hits the Caribbean
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CARIBBEAN — As Hurricane Irma’s eye roars away from the tiny island of Barbuda and toward St. Martin, residents along its path scrambled to evacuate, and stocked up on water, food and gas.
The massive eye stared down on the tiny island of Barbuda early Wednesday, thrashing it with high winds before marching along its path on the Caribbean.
Irma’s eye was bigger than Barbuda, CNN meteorologist Jenn Varian said. It packed winds of 185 mph, making it one of the most powerful Atlantic storms ever recorded.
The Category 5 hurricane is “potentially catastrophic,” especially if it hits islands at high tides, the National Hurricane Center said.
Latest developments
— Islands along its path include Puerto Rico, Barbuda, Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, and the US Virgin Islands.
— In the US Virgin Islands, Gov. Kenneth E. Mapp ordered a 36-hour curfew starting Wednesday at 6 a.m. local time.
— “The beginning of the curfew coincides with the expected arrival of heavy rain and strong winds associated with Irma,” Mapp said.
— In the Bahamas, emergency evacuations have been ordered for six southern islands — Mayaguana, Inagua, Crooked Island, Acklins, Long Cay and Ragged Island.
— “This is the largest such evacuation in the history of the country,” Prime Minister Hubert Minnis said.
— Bahamian officials also canceled vacation time for police and defense forces.
— Meanwhile, Tropical Storm Jose is expected to become a hurricane by Wednesday night.
— “Interests in the Leeward Islands should monitor the progress of Jose,” the National Hurricane Center said.
‘Grave danger’
Forecasters are mostly concerned about the northeastern Caribbean, according to Michael Brennan of the hurricane center.
Islands under hurricane warning include Aguilla, Antigua, Barbuda, Puerto Rico, the US and British Virgin Islands, Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saba, St. Eustatius, St. Martin/St. Maarten, and St. Barts.
Irma’s forecast track currently has it near or over Antigua and Barbuda, St. Kitts and Nevis, and Anguilla by early Wednesday, and the British and US Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico in the afternoon.
The Dominican Republic issued a hurricane warning Tuesday that included coastal cities from Cabo Engaño to the northern border with Haiti.
Puerto Rico: Long lines
Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló declared a state of emergency and has activated the National Guard.
For hours, people lined up outside hardware stores, hoping to get plywood, batteries and power generators. If Irma knocks out power, Puerto Ricans said it could take weeks or months before it is restored.
Last month, the director of Puerto Rico’s power utility, Ricardo Ramos Rodríguez, said several factors have made the island’s electric system “vulnerable and fragile,” CNN affiliate WAPA reported.
One of those is the shortage of employees. Many workers recently retired or left their jobs for better prospects on the US mainland, Ramos Rodríguez said.
Evacuations set for Florida
It’s too early to tell whether it will make landfall on the US mainland, but forecasts show it could churn toward Florida over the weekend.
Jimmy Brumbaugh packed up his family in their RV and left Astatula, Florida, for Georgia. As he headed out of town, he posted a picture showing a long line of cars, waiting to get gas.
“People are genuinely scared down here,” he said. “… We are dead center in the state but I’m not taking any chances, I also don’t want to put my family through the misery of riding out the storm. We’ve done it before and it’s horrible.”
In Eustis, northwest of Orlando, Pat Arnold and her husband took precautions in case Irma hit.
“My husband and I prepared for Irma by getting some cash out, fueling cars and filling gas cans with nonethanol gas (for use with our chainsaw if needed), … and making sure we have enough batteries, canned food etc,” she told CNN.
She posted a picture showing bare shelves at her local Publix.
From Miami Beach to Ocala, Florida residents braced for the storm, with some posting images of empty shelves at local grocery stores.
Miami-Dade County will start evacuating special-needs residents Wednesday, and may announce other evacuations soon, Mayor Carlos Gimenez said.
Schools and county offices will be closed on Thursday and Friday.
Monroe County, which includes the Florida Keys, said it will order visitors to evacuate by sunrise Wednesday, and residents should begin to evacuate 12 hours later.
In Florida, supermarkets and other stores sold out of water and nonperishable food.
After declaring a state of emergency across Florida, Gov. Rick Scott said President Donald Trump had “offered the full resources of the federal government.”
Scott also ordered 7,000 National Guard troops to report for duty by Friday morning.
“Learn your evacuation zone. Listen to your locals,” he said. “This storm has the potential to devastate this state. You have to take this seriously.”
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports http://fox4kc.com/2017/09/06/hurricane-irma-hits-the-caribbean/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2017/09/06/hurricane-irma-hits-the-caribbean/
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