#jk I'm kidding but his acting was PHENOMENAL
neon-impressions · 1 year
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Those moments of stillness? That place, that’s the kingdom of God. And that place will never abandon you.
Sound of Metal (2019)
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noveratus · 1 month
Finished DBD, here are my thoughts:
•I quite enjoyed this show. It is not my favorite Neil Gaiman show (that's still good omens), but I do like it a lot
•I do with the characters were in their college years or instead of teenagers, but this isn't that much of an issue I suppose
•The best episode by far is episode 7. Like, holy crap, from the world building to the character development to the emotional moments, that episode is phenomenal
•I expected Edwin to be my favorite because I normally vibe with that type of character, but actually Charles ended up being my favorite. I can really relate with the idea of feeling so angry and questioning if that makes you a bad person. Charles was surprisingly a deep character
•I liked Charles a lot too, though he isn't my favorite version of this character archetype. Sometimes I did feel like they made him a bit too nice, I kinda wish he would have been a bit more antagonistic towards people, but all and all he was good.
•Loved Niko. I loved her contrast compared to everyone else. She is just a very normal girl surrounded by very abnormal circumstances and I love how that didn't make her any lesser in the team. She was the emotional intelligence there and I loved that for her. If there is a season 2, I wonder what they will do with her
•I liked Crystal and I really enjoyed how it paralleled actual toxic relationships irl but I am unsure if I like the direction the show took with making her a rich kid of sorts. I loved the fact she got her powers from her ancestors though. I think that was really cool
•Actually, I don't vibe with episode 8 for the most part. Episode 7 was so good that I think that the season could have ended there. The pacing and story of episode 8 felt a bit off in my opinion
•Other than those two, the other episodes were pretty good. I won't give them a proper individual rating because I think they were all consistently good abd achieve the emotional arcs they were going for fairly well
•I was one of the people who thought that Crystal was in love with Niko the first time they met lmao.
•Actually, something I wish that the show had addressed was how Crystal would act like humans were beneath her for not having powers. It would be interesting to see some conflict between the two in that aspect.
•Speaking of conflict, let's talk relationships shall we? Starting with the strictly platonic, I loved the friendship between Niko and Edwin. It was a bit out of left field, but man, do I wish we got to see more friendships like this in media so I will not complain
•That being said, I wish Niko and Charles had more screentime. I think they would vibe pretty well
•I also wish we had seen Edwin and Crystal together more often without Charles around. Love my boy, but those two need to have a heart to heart seeing as they are essentially crushing on the same man.
•Crystal and Charles is one of the wlm relationships I actually don't mind too much. I'm glad they didn't get together, and I would prefer if they didn't get together, but I wouldn't be upset if they did. Their friendship is great though
•Edwin and Charles are the core of the show. The fact that Charles just accepts Edwin's feelings even if he doesn't reciprocate is everything to me. And they did leave it open for it possibly developing into more in the future. I'm personally a very big fan of this ship, but if they don't get together I won't be upset
•I ship Jenny X me. Haha jk unless? I wish we had a bigger focus on her since she was the only positive adult in the kid's life (besides the walrus) but alas. I hope that, if there is a season 2, she gets a girlfriend
•I liked Cat King, though I must say, he gave me the creeps considering that Edwin does appear to be a teenage boy. Still, hopefully, he can find his own twink someday, preferably one of proper age
•Esther was that bitch and I loved her for it. If there is a season 2, I hope we get to see another witch, but this time one that uses her magic to protect people, maybe with Lilith's blessing
•Actually, can we have more of Lillith in general? Thanks
•No strong feelings about Monty. I didn't really like him at the start of the show and felt bad when his ghost died. He was cooler as a crow and if he does come back, give him the power to change between forms please
•No strong feelings on the Night Nurse either. Kinda ship her with fish guy though. They just vibe well.
•Oh, one more thing about Niko, this time a headcanon: I actually headcanon she is aroace but obsessed with romance so she wants her friends to be in love, but she doesn't want that for herself
•If there is a season two, I'd like to see more creatures like vampires or werewolves. Maybe even a mermaid.
•I also hope for more Death and Despair. Let the girls serve please
Overall, I would say this show was a solid 8/10 for me. Not as high as Sandman which was a 9/10 but I think it was pretty good still. I recommend. I might make a post writing about what would happen in my version of a season 2 of this show later
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ravn-87 · 4 years
Ask submitted by: @sensual-red-siren
Hey beautiful! I would like for you to answer questions, 8, 16, 25 and 30 😘
I hate that Tumblr didn't tell me this was submitted. 🙄🙄 I'm sorry, I didn't see this sooner. 😚😅
8. How would you describe your fashion sense?
I'd happily wear him (James McAvoy),
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him (Ludi Lin),
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and him (Will Yun Lee). 😏😎😎🔥
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😜😜 jk.
I'm really bad at knowing the exact names of the styles, all I can do is basically point, "ooooo"and grin (and envy 😅😅). But my Pinterest is loaded with things I like. And much of it for different reasons. Sometimes I'll save a pin simply because I like the just the fabric, or cut of the design while hating the pattern, or I like the color combination while hating the design altogether.
I do like comfortable, but modern, and tasteful - classy would be a perk. 😁✨ Me personally, I overheat easily which causes headaches that I've lived with all my life, even as a kid I was real sensitive to overheating and it would get me sick. So I like wearing layers. Lots and lots of layers - simply because you can mix and match and of course, shed!! 🥵
I also got into the whole layer accessorizing where you can wear removable sleeves, or leg warmers, or collars. So I've taken to liking open-back dress shirts, or razor back tank top under shirts, with layer shirts over it. I also like boat neck or off-shoulder tops. Not big on collared shirts personally, but if it's a nice style. I do love dresses, they are so comfortable, and some even surprisingly warm. Preferably with a fitted waist. I was never big on princess bell-skirt ball gown style, but more the elegant flowy thin skirt evening wear. But also - if I could dress like her: I'd be happy.
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Also, if it were possible for me to pull these off in a cute way, that would be awesome:
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I also have a thing for trench coats, simple light makeup, some awesome lip color, and alternative jewelry (ear climbers, piercings, arm cuffs, cute thin rings, gold tattoos, ).
16. Who is your favorite celebrity?
Gaw I have so many.
I looove Lin-Manuel Miranda - in how creative and intelligent he is but more importantly how kind and encouraging and warm and light-hearted he can be. I love his philanthropy and how he treats people. He never looks down on anybody and he's so playful. I think he's amazing!
James McAvoy - another sweet and intelligent guy with a sassy streak that's hilarious. Gosh I'd love to joke around with him for a while. He seems like a ton of boyish fun. He comes from humble background and never takes his fortunate life for granted. He's incredible.
Gal Gadot - she's so elegant and feminine and still an amazing actress. I love how she portrays classy personality and still such a kid herself. She's a cutie.
Mike Shinoda - I've admired him since I knew who Linkin Park was. Another self-made artist in my aspects, still supportive and makes it a point to connect to humanity and stays grounded, whether it's loyalty to his fans, his band's integrity all through their career, or pairing up his non-profit with other organizations to help hard hit societies. He's humble, he's energetic, he's deep, and power-driven without the ego. I hope his career spans more decades.
Bruce Lee & Jet Li - honor, discipline, respect, integrity. just amazing to admire and look up to as humans. Need I say more?
Noel Fisher - self-made actor, super driven, holds a philosophy I totally feel. I love his energy, I love his personality, and his Bad ass Mickey & Mikey send my spirits and heart soaring. I love who he is and how free-spirited he is and his dynamic acting skills. He reminds me a lot of James McAvoy in a few ways.
There are so many more, even ones who hold my greater admiration, but those are ones right off the top of my head.
25. DC or Marvel? I was a hardcore Batman girl as a kid (and guilty at the age of 8 - desperately wanted to be Catwoman, still want to be Michelle Pfeiffer because my gosh is she amazing, even today!), And I can't help but like men with deep dark streaks but heavily intense moral integrity. So I was more familiar with DC as a kid than I ever was with Marvel, although I wasn't too familiar with a lot of comics back then. But you have to admit, whoever is running the Marvel Hollywood franchise is A FREAKIN' GENIUS!!! They make it both super witty, and humorously sarcastic while still carrying the epic heaviness of a superhero persona in all of their movies. This freakin' franchise has literally held hollywood hostage with amazing captivation, I don't know how they do it, but they're phenomenal at it. But. Personally, even if the DC world isn't quite translating in the same fashion
....😅 I'm still a DC girl.
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30. If you could go back in time, what would you do?
Exercise more. I mean seriously, I think that right there is the core bane to all of my other problems - not tending to my energy levels and keeping me active. I really needed to devote more time to that. I'm trying still....
My phone holds my attention hostage more than a lot though. I'm completely guilty about that. Not cool. I certainly know if I had exercised more, my life would be a whole lot different with probably a whole lot less headaches. I need more devotion to that than to anything else. I know it may sound shallow - but the manner in which I conduct my life, if I'm honest, comes down to the willpower in managing my daily habits and making much wiser and more disciplined decisions. I know I would have a lot less regrets in regard to opportunities I skipped out on because I wasn't feeling the best.
Daily habits. It's the daily habits that either rescue or kill us. :/
Also, I seriously wish I had this frame:
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I admire athletic women.
Thank you for sending these! I had fun with them. 😁😁😁😘🍧
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