#ruben stone
neon-impressions · 1 year
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Those moments of stillness? That place, that’s the kingdom of God. And that place will never abandon you.
Sound of Metal (2019)
614 notes · View notes
cloveroctobers · 1 year
Love me like you — Joe x OC | Ginny & Georgia
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A/N: I always wanted to write for joe aka SAV but also didn’t want the diehard joe x Georgia Stan’s to come at me lol — although I’m also a stan. However after seeing that BS for Joe & Mrs. Redhead I had to do something of my own. (We’re not rocking with Cynthia like that over here.) Something that makes sense ☕️ but this will also feel like you’re getting your heart stomped on :) I have a few episodes left of the new season so I’m still holding my breath lol! And if you don’t know, now you know—angst is what I do. So get ready to scream at me but here’s to also cheering for Joe’s happy ending someday👏🏽
S|N: OC’s name is pronounced like Sienna just without the “i” lol & Lior is just like Dior—not liar lmao. She’s not physically described in this so it also works for x f! reader as well.
WARNINGS: bad judgment & Language.
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‘How did we get here?’ No Paramore! Senna-Lior thought to herself as she sat in the driver’s side of her car, hands gripping the steering wheel so tight that she started to lose feeling in her hands.
The rain pelted hard against the window shield as Senna took in a shaky breath with a damp face.
What she was going through with Joe was a whole lot.
Actually let’s run that back.
“How did we get here?! When I used to know you so well!” Senna-Lior screamed the lyrics that vibrated throughout her parked car, “How did we get here? Well, I think I know.” Then she went crazy to the beat, letting the lyrics basically attempt to soothe the heartache she was feeling right now.
What she didn’t notice was Joe locking up for the night, ready to go home. When he turned around, he stood across the street at his own business, underneath the tarp which shielded him from the rain. He watched her flailing her head around, hair whipping as he could faintly hear the beat of music bouncing from her car over the raindrops.
Joe wasn’t sure if he should make that move across the street, not after the rough discussion they had in his café a week ago. While he was pondering over these thoughts, her head slightly turned to see him standing there, watching her.
Great, now he felt like he was being a complete creep.
His eyes went wide in embarrassment at being caught. Should he wave? That probably wouldn’t be appropriate and lucky for him he didn’t have to think too hard about what happened next. Senna-Lior did the honors of turning her head to face forward, started the engine, followed by her headlights shining as she pulled away from the curb and away from Joe.
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It really shouldn’t have been a question why Senna-Lior and Joe were in this place now, looking back on things. They were always the best of friends, which didn’t come without the shit-talking and slight competition in the beginning. Senna-Lior owned a brew-pub right across the street from The Blue Farm called The Bronze Pantry.
So when Joe did his first walk-through as the official owner of the blue farm, Senna-Lior was the first to greet him on the street, telling him his building was haunted—just for shits and giggles…mainly. Of course he didn’t believe her, especially after learning from the shoe repair shop guy next door to him, that the building Joe now owned, was originally supposed to be The bronze pantry. However he entertained her interest in the paranormal, just to show that he was good spirited about her teasing.
It was more of a love and hate type of thing at first, between Senna-Lior and Joe. She really wasn’t out to get him like the people in Wellsbury thought. In fact Senna-Lior wanted to see Joe win from the very moment he showed his parents and big sister around The Blue Farm for the very first time. Senna-Lior couldn’t recall seeing them there at the grand opening; Joe confirmed that when he came over to The Bronze Pantry for a glass of whiskey before he went home.
From there they gradually got to know each other, piece by piece. Joe even placed a order with Senna-Lior for her manufacturer to distribute some of their beer (not exactly the same beer she distributed in the bronze pantry per say, since Joe didn’t want to completely take all of her business!) for a limited time only. Senna-Lior even did a collab with Joe for a couple of months, bringing the bronze pantry to half of Joe’s café, since her place suffered water damage and brew damage.
Joe’s joke not her’s.
Although Senna-Lior and Joe mostly worked on different time frames, they often spent their free time together. Even more now that her scumbag of a ex, who was in a successful metal band overseas, decided to stay international after she learned about his infidelity, along with finding the wedding ring he accidentally left behind, was actually for the redhead he fallen for and not Senna-Lior.
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On Sunday’s the bronze pantry was closed so Senna-Lior spent her time going for jogs at the local park with her sheriff father, then when they got home to their two family home, she’d head to her side of the house to the right and do laundry, while her father prepared Sunday dinner to the left for her and her little sister Flora. Joe would eventually make his way over after being at the blue farm, for sometimes a leftover plate or to mainly watch the game with Senna-Lior’s dad.
Mondays were usually slow days for Senna-Lior but fast-paced for Joe as everyone was getting back into the swing of things for the week. The bronze pantry opened at 12pm and she would arrive anywhere between 1-1:30 as she had her assistant manager open for her most of the time—thats the perks of owning your own business people! You show up when you want while still putting the work in.
Everyday was a routine once Senna-Lior and Joe became really close, yet they still had their own lives to live where it didn’t feel clingy.
Senna-Lior swore to herself that she wouldn’t fall for her best friend. It was the typical cliché  that she didn’t want to be part of but once she was healed and considered the possibility of dating again, Joe was surprisingly what she envisioned. They actually went speed-dating together, since she was always the one that told Joe that he needed to put himself out there! He had all the qualities of what made him a great partner, yet his response was being solely focused on the blue farm.
It was a fun event but they both knew they didn’t hit it off with anyone there. They had better fun going for gelato afterwards and watching rom-coms at Joe’s ranch.
Their story felt like a brief moment, like she blinked and it was over for good. At least that’s what Senna-Lior felt and began to regret ever entering the cafe that night.
“I—I love you too.” Joe breathed, as he held Senna-Lior by the waist.
She had stumbled her way in just as Joe was locking the front doors. Senna-Lior had a lot on her chest and tonight was the night that she was going to admit that she loved Joe…more than a friend. Part of her hoped he felt the same but she knew about the small page he took up in Georgia’s story. Senna-Lior listened to Joe rant about this on Game night Wednesday’s and she wished that Joe would keep this same energy and just tell Georgia.
Which was a bit hypocritical as she realized now she has feelings for best friend, long before this Georgia Peach came back into the picture. If she was still included, since Georgia was engaged to the ken-doll looking Mayor and Senna-Lior was there to get Joe back on his feet. She hated that the southern woman with the good hair, held a good portion of Joe’s heart when she’s been right there, this entire time!
Granted, Joe watched Senna-Lior care for someone else but he never felt out of place on the sidelines. Perhaps Joe knew that Senna-Lior was not in love with her rockstar boyfriend and preferred being by her side. Not wishing for things to crumble for his best friend but to continue uplifting her when she needed it. He was fine being in his designated spot, however when Senna-Lior saw Joe with Georgia she realized maybe that’s what he’s always been waiting for.
Yet she would be damned if she didn’t at least test the waters. She was always the type of person that felt: if you didn’t try then you won’t know. Sure she had a bit of liquid courage and bounced her ass a bit with her assistant manager, Kennedy before heading over to the blue farm but hey you can’t say she didn’t put in the effort.
And that was her own fault.
She gave her whole speech about not waiting around for miracles when you can just look at what’s in front of your very eyes.
Joe snorted as he sat at the bar stool facing the woman, “I think you’re tipsy, venting and will probably hate that you got emotional about it when you remember in the morning. Yet…I kinda want you to carry on.”
Blowing a raspberry, Senna-Lior fanned her hand at the man, “Make fun of me all you want, Joey. But there are real feelings in here,” she patted her chest, “and I need you to hear them before it’s too late and you choose a different soulmate that’s not me.”
Joe raised his brow at that. So this was a serious, serious conversation right now and Joe wasn’t sure how to go about this. Senna-Lior wasn’t drunk, so she knew what she was saying but it was all rambling out too fast for her brain to process.
“I just want you to know,” Senna-Lior waltzed up to joe, resting her hands right on his sturdy shoulders, “that I love you.”
Joe couldn’t believe this. It’s not like she was normally this overly affectionate person but Senna-Lior knew when to say it when the time was right. It was not the first time that she has ever said the L word to him, being his best friend and all…but the look in her eyes hinted that this time was different.
This means something.
It really sucked watching life and love flow on around Joe, being on the sidelines and when the days were hard, it felt nice to hear that somebody loved him—other than his parents.
So Joe said it back but…he realized that he may not have meant it the way that Senna-Lior meant it. He hesitated with his hands on her waist and the words were automatic from his brain but his heart felt like it was being squeezed.
It was her eyes that got him in trouble along with his mouth because the next thing he knew, Senna-Lior’s lips were right on his. His grip on Senna-Lior tightened as he pushed off the bar stool, his lips were moving fast against hers as she gripped his face.
This should have been wrong instantly but he knew Senna-Lior. Knew her for years and sure this felt a little strange—new but with her hands traveling over his body, and gripping dangerously low, Joe had to rip his lips away with a groan.
“What are we doing?” Joe breathed, forehead pressed against Senna-Lior’s.
She swallowed, “trying something new in the new year?”
Joe couldn’t help but to chuckle and knew he really should have stopped this right there. However part of him didn’t want to and that had to mean something, maybe selfishness?. He realized it all the next morning that he didn’t want to be this guy as he watched Senna-Lior sleep in the back room.
He had the only coffee that Senna-Lior liked ready for her, he was dressed, washed up and ready to go, just to turn around and come back here in a couple hours. She was always beautiful and when she slept she looked like a total angel, like she didn’t have to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders.
Joe was ready to wake her but the smell of the coffee must have wakened her first, as she stretched her arms above her head, wincing slightly before a eye popped open.
“Joe,” she started almost as a warning as he carefully approached her, sitting on the cot in the back room, slowly reaching over to pull up the sheet across her bare chest, before handing over a mug, “thank you for this.”
She leaned on her elbow, covers tucked against her chest as she sipped at the cappuccino with extra foam.
“You’re welcome,” Joe sighed as he watched her take a sip.
She hummed in content, licking her upper lip before she peeked at the bearded man. “What’s on your mind?”
“Nothing.” He was quick to answer which already made him guilty.
“You sure?”
“Yup! I was just coming to wake you, I know we both have to start getting ready for the day. It is Friday after all.” Joe responded as Senna-Lior nodded.
“How generous of you, waking me up with the only thing I like on your menu.” Senna-Lior teased with a wink.
Joe rolled his eyes as he counteracted, “that’s not necessarily true…you seemed to like what I had on the menu last night, if I remember correctly? Mind pointing out what you see on my neck?”
He revealed the dark patches on his pretty brown skin as Senna-Lior laughed to herself. She was sure there were plenty other marks on his back but these were nice too. “Shut up, you’re corny.”
“Which you love.” Flew out of his mouth so fast, that he had to sit up straight, like he’s just been shocked.
Senna-Lior groaned as she used her free hand to rub at her eye, “I did say that didn’t I?”
“A few times, actually.”
Silence was met and part of Joe felt maybe she was starting to regret this. Then that way this could make this a little easier for what was about to come.
“Do you want to talk about this…” Sienna-Lior glanced at the Roman numeral clock on the wall above the door, “over dinner tonight?”
Joe inhaled, “I actually can’t. Why don’t you swing by here, Saturday night? Give us some time to get our thoughts together…since I feel, both of us are a little unsure what to say about all of this.”
This wasn’t Joe’s intention to prolong this but he didn’t want to have this conversation so early. He didn’t know how this would go and he didn’t want to potentially ruin Senna-Lior’s day.
Relax, he already knows how this sounds.
“Okay,” Senna-Lior nodded, “Saturday night works for me.” She swung her legs over the side of the bed, downing the hot beverage down and used the spoon to scoop the leftover foam on the sides up.
As she collected her things, Joe kept quiet giving Senna-Lior the privacy she needed while she did. When she turned back around she laughed at Joe a bit saying, “are you seriously hiding yourself from this glorious view this morning? C’mon, joe! You’re acting like we’re on trial here!”
It would soon feel like it.
Joe gave a small smile as he rubbed at his beard in thought, “I’m just…being respectful.”
“Riiight, lighten up! It’s a brand new day,” Senna-Lior cooed, wiggling her hips as she finished buttoning her jeans, “I’ll see you soon then, weirdo.”
The man gave a small wave as Senna-Lior was now on her phone, leaving the spare room trying not to think about Joe’s actions for the morning after. Soon Joe had to follow her out, listening carefully to make sure she left the building to lock up.
Now Joe wished he could lock himself away for longer than a day, to erase the fury Senna-Lior’s spewed at him that Saturday night.
“It was all a lie then,” Senna-Lior said after a long period of silence.
Joe exhaled as Senna-Lior gripped the wine glass. He was expected her to throw it right in his face and he wouldn’t blame her but she just chugged the contents in the glass.
“No, it wasn’t.” Joe started, “I do love you, you’re my best friend in this whole snobby town.”
She visibly flinched.
“…I just never thought you would be one of those guys, Joe. To lie to me to get me to lay with you.”
This was exactly what Joe didn’t want this to look like.
“That wasn’t my intention,” Joe sighed, “it really wasn’t. I-I don’t want to take advantage of you like that. I just needed you to know before this carried on any further, romantically, that I can’t love you like you need me to. Not in that way or at least…not right now.”
Senna-Lior did not want to hold her breath on the last part of that statement. She didnt ever want to be anyone’s second choice.
“What do you want me to do with this, Joe?” Senna-Lior asked, “I confessed long time feelings for you and you kinda led me on, thinking that this could be more. If you just wanted a night with me as strictly your best friend, we could have discussed that.”
“You seriously would have been fine with me asking that of you? Like some sort of pact?” Joe scoffed, “I never thought of you in that way, as a one time only kinda woman. I value this friendship too much—despite how shitty this situation is turning out to be.”
Senna-Lior tossed her head back with a cackle, “Joe! Just cut the bullshit. You weren’t thinking with your main head, which is the problem here and wasn’t expecting me to be vulnerable or rather desperate for you.”
“You’re not—i fucked up and I’m sorry. I empathize with you saying that you love me and I’ll always care for you. It’s just—
“I’m not your true soulmate. I’m not the one.” Senna-Lior pressed her nails into her palms.
Joe tried to reach out for her hand but she pulled it back. The man closed his eyes briefly at this, he was hurting her and that’s not something he ever wanted to do.
“We were connected way before that Thursday night, that I’m sure of. It may not be romantically but that could simply be because my heart isn’t ready yet and i accept that. I think what that was…was convenience on both parts.” Joe slowly explained, coming to terms with his version of events.
He watched as Senna-Lior huffed out a breath.
“Hear me out please,” Joe raised his hands, “don’t get me wrong, I felt shitty as soon as I woke up but you’re right, I wasn’t thinking when it happened and that was wrong. I’ll always be sorry for that, not thinking about the consequences of it all. However, it’s only been half a year since things ended with Ruben…”
A sharp inhale was heard at the mention of his name in the dim quiet café, that Joe had to tread lightly.
“Although you told me you didn’t know what the future held for you two, you still loved him. You’ve been together before we became friends and that’s not something you can just get over, especially with how it ended.”
Senna-Lior was pointing now, “Are you trying to convince me or do you genuinely feel that’s true?”
Joe held the woman’s stare as he spoke, “I do. And that’s okay to feel that way. You haven’t really coped as far as I can tell? You carried on as if nothing happened, cut him out of your life completely without acknowledging that it’s over. You needed to and found that comfort in me, which i can’t be mad about by the way. It was a—
He caught himself, knowing now wasn’t the time to be joking around or be insensitive.
“Do you have a fucking degree in psychology that I don’t know about?” Senna-Lior questioned, “I don’t need you to analyze me. I needed you to love me back.”
The way her voice cracked made Joe want to sink into the floor forever. He couldn’t imagine what Senna-Lior was feeling right now but he could tell you he equally didn’t feel well.
There maybe some truth to what Joe was saying, as he was always on the outside looking in but Senna-Lior didn’t like how he chose to be honest now compared to two days ago. Before she was stepping out of her jeans for him and opened up in a whole new way that friends normally don’t.
“I’m so sorry.”
That was all Joe could say.
Senna-Lior swallowed, “I know and it does nothing for me. This hurts because now I have to lose you.”
“No,” Joe shook his head with a frown, “it doesn’t have to be like that.”
Senna-Lior scrapped the chair back, smoothing down her long length dress, “how else can it be, Joey? I’m unfortunately, secretly desperate for love and like you said…I haven’t healed from Ruben. So now I guess I’ll just add you to the list.”
She had to get out of here before the tears started falling, although Joe could see them brewing for awhile now. He also stood as Senna-Lior grabbed her purse and began making her way to the front door.
“Don’t leave,” Joe called out to the woman who kept moving forward, “w-we can figure this out, I’m sure of it.”
She hesitated at the door, shoulders tense before she turned back to Joe, leaning against the door. The back of her hand pressed against her nostrils as she tried to encourage herself how to breathe. Friendship breakups—if you still considered this that! were so damn hard and the worst you can possibly face.
Joe took long strides to get to the woman who was trying to catch her breath. He tucked her underneath his chin, her arms wrapping tightly around him as she allowed him to hold her for the last time tonight.
Things would never be the same.
And when she pulled back to stare up into his kind but sad filled eyes, she caressed his growing beard, before tugging his head down to kiss his nose.
“I love you, take care of yourself, Joey.” Sienna-Lior was able to get out before she exited, breaking down once more.
Joe wanted to grab her and not let her go but he knew he couldn’t fix this, no matter how sorry he was. Not when his heart was still waiting on someone else.
The love was there but the damage was already done.
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Continue along with my winter prompts here.
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nomphoong · 2 years
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a moment of stillness
— Sound of Metal (dir. Darius Marder, 2019)
110 notes · View notes
chaotictomtom · 10 months
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5 notes · View notes
elyangelofdeath · 1 year
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9 notes · View notes
rizzyboy · 1 year
ruben stone's so hot i wish trans men were real
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9 notes · View notes
whorekneecentral · 7 months
Miss Me, Miss Me
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Ruben Dias x Stones!Fem!Reader
Warnings: fwb!ruben, jack and reader are besties, alcohol and the consumption of, kyle is always annoying her, teasing, a strip tease according to reader, finger sucking, oral (f!receiving), overstimulation, fingering, orgasm denial, the use of 'whore' in a sexual/degrading context, penetrative sex (P in V ), big brother john is not having it.
Word Count: 2,952
Author's Note: this one is written solely for my pookie, that's also why ruben is so early on in this series lmao - all of these things are shit she'd eat up so pooks and everyone else, please enjoy :)
merry smutmas series
Your brother holds his annual Christmas party and you’re forced to spend the afternoon with the one person you had been avoiding all season but tis’ the season you guess. 
Will they or won't they was the tagline for your relationship - if you could even call it that- with Ruben.
You had recently moved to Manchester to be closer to your older brother and your niece and nephew. You had gone to every home game you could and over the course of the season, you fell into a bit of a pattern with the Portuguese defender.
It was innocent enough at first, you two were friends who occasionally hooked up to relieve whatever stress you were having but over the years, it turned into more. Feelings got involved and it got messy so because of that, and for your brother's sake - despite him not knowing, you pulled away from Ruben.
It was never your intention to make things messy.
You hadn't seen Ruben face to face in weeks, if not months. You had still gone to games but you simply went for your brother and then left afterwards, not hanging around too long.
Ruben had a hold over you; you knew if you hung around him too long, you'd just end up in his bed again. That was the last thing you wanted.
Today was unavoidable though.
John was hosting his annual Christmas party at his place; old friends, a few of the boys from his time at Barnsley as well as his teammates and their families from Man City filled his house.
You were somehow, always on kid duty. You were in the room with a bunch of kids; Kevin's, John's, Phil's, Ederson's and a few others that you had no idea who they belonged to.
"Settle down," you tell them, trying to get them off the sugar rush to watch a movie. You tried to rock your nephew in one arm while you switched on the tv, the kids shouting 400 different movie titles all at once.
You huffed and your nephew began to cry just as you tried to ask which one they really wanted to watch but someone opened the door. Jack smiles at you, taking the remote from you when he sees how flustered you are.
He worked a miracle, getting them to quiet down enough for you to calm the baby and to be able to put on a movie for them. You sighed, sitting on the bean bag with the baby as the kids watched Finding Nemo.
Jack sits next to you, rubbing the baby's hand. "I heard the noise, figured I'd come check before they killed you," he whispered, making you chuckle.
"You're a lifesaver, Jack, really. You're good with them too, you and Sasha ever think of.."
"No," he laughed, shaking his head. "I mean, at least not yet."
You nod, smiling. "You'd be wonderful parents.. but you should go join the party, I'm okay in here."
"You're sure?" He gets up and you nod. "Go on, I'll come out in a bit." Jack smiles, nodding before he walks out and closes the door behind him.
It was about an hour later that Finding Nemo ended and the kids went looking for their parents. Those with kids ended up heading out, saying their goodnights before the party actually picks up.
You make your way into the kitchen to find Jack looking for something. "Missing something?" You asked, picking up a glass.
"Your brother said he had shot glasses somewhere?"
"Check the bottom cabinet, it should be in there. What are we drinking?" You asked, setting your empty glass back down.
"Whatever will get us drunk fast." He laughs and you smile, "you're just like me," you nudged his shoulder, reaching for the bottle of tequila on the counter.
Jack lines the empty shot glasses on the tray you found, letting you fill them up. The man picks one up before handing another one to you. "To.. the holidays!" He shrugs, tapping his glass to yours before you two down the shots, and two more rounds after that.
You send him on his way, the man dancing his way over to his girlfriend. You on the other hand, picked up the tray and made the rounds, offering shots to all of those who wanted them. Eventually, you find your way to the living room, the music playing in the background as some people danced and the others chatted.
"Pebbles!" Kyle shouts, his hand in the air to call you over. You roll your eyes, walking over to the group of men by the couch. "How many times have I told you not to call me that, walks?" You laughed.
Kyle puts an arm around your shoulder, giving it a squeeze. "You're pebbles cause Johnny is Stones and you're the little one!"
You laughed, shaking your head. "Very original, Kyle. Anyone want a shot?" You offered, holding the tray out.
John takes one, passing another one to Ruben who you've yet to look at. Kyle grabs one for himself and you go to walk away but your brother grabs your arm, bringing you back. John's arm is over your shoulder now, pulling you into his side.
"Have one with us! You're grown up now, aren't you?" He teased, nudging you to take a shot with them. You and John were only a few years apart; he was 29 and you were 24.
You nod, picking up a shot glass. "Cheers!" Kyle shouts over the music, the 4 of you tapping your glasses together before downing the contents.
Some of the tequila ended up on your fingers during the toast, your finger instinctively ended up between your lips and you don't miss the feeling of Ruben's eyes on you. Looking up, your eyes meet his and you move your hand.
"Can I go now?" You asked your brother, and he nodded before kissing your temple. "You're free to go. Go eat something before you feel sick though."
"Should take your own advice, Stones." You tell him and he tosses you a glare. "Whatever, pebbles."
Kyle and John laugh at the use of the nickname and you flip them both off, laughing as you walk away.
The night turned out to be good, you ended up hanging out with Jack and Sasha for a bit before Kyle pulled you to dance with him. He was telling John he knows how to waltz, he just needed a good partner. You were confused as to what made you qualify as a good partner but you went along with it.
At this point, everyone had left and whoever was left, was drunk as fuck and on the verge of passing out.
You slowly make your way upstairs, you have just put away the leftovers and locked the front door for the night. You walked into your room for the night, unzipping your dress as you bent over to pull some pjs out of your bag.
The knob turns and then the door unlocked, someone steps in. "Hello, what the fuck? I'm changing-" you freeze when you turn around to see who it is.
Ruben stood by the door. "It's just me."
"Okay and?" You look at him, confused as to why he's in your room. "Just because it's you, doesn't mean that gives you a right to be in here."
"It's nothing I haven't seen before, love." He smiles at you and you resist the urge to roll your eyes when he says that.
"Fuck off, will you?" You turn away from the man, your back to him as you went to get changed for bed.
Ruben doesn't take no for an answer; in life and on the pitch. He walks over to you, "don't be like that, y/n. You know I miss you," his hand rests on your hip, pulling you to him.
It was so easy for him - your mind is screaming no but your body's betraying you, giving into him before you could stop yourself.
"You don't miss me, Ruben. Shut up." You whispered, the man lowered his lips to your neck. A trail of kisses from the base of your neck up to your jaw, you're certain there's red marks all over your neck from his beard scratching on you.
Your hand instinctively reaches for his face, your palm's warm against his skin; there your body goes, betraying you again.
"I miss you, I do," he whispers against your skin, his hand sliding between the two of you, from your hip to your back. The fact that your dress was unzipped gave him free rein, his fingers running along your spine, finally resting on the curve of your spine.
"Rubes-" you breathe, feeling him suck on the sensitive spot on your neck. "We can't."
He nods, "we can."
"John could walk in."
The thought made Ruben chuckle. Yes, it'd be a mess, it would get both of you in a lot of trouble but the fact that you, at your grown age, were scared of your older brother catching you with his friend, was funny to him.
"John's passed out drunk on the couch, sweetheart. No one's coming, it's just me and you."
You turn to face the man, Ruben's chest to yours; the first few buttons of his shirt undone, the black fabric tight on his arms and the sleeve were rolled up to his elbows. Was he always such a slut or did he only recently become one?
He's already pulling the straps of your dress off your shoulders and you don't stop him, letting it fall to the floor and pool around your ankles.
Ruben's hands reach for your face, cupping your jaw. "C'mon baby, I miss you." He whispers into the quiet room, his lips ghosting over yours.
Hands wrapping around his wrists, "I miss you too." You admit, giving into him. You pull Ruben into you, kissing him.
It doesn't take long, the two of you stumbling back to the bed. Ruben ends up on top of you, your legs wrapped around him as he moves you to lay properly. He pulls away from your kiss and your wandering hands, earning him a pout.
"Why'd you stop?" You groaned, Ruben smiles at you whining as he stands, undoing the rest of the buttons on his shirt before taking it off.
You propped yourself up on your elbows, looking at the man. "Mhm, all for me?" You raised your eyebrows, making him laugh.
"Everything's for you, baby. It always is." He tells you, dropping to his knees in front of you.
The words and his actions made your head spin, you were constantly swooning over the man and today was no exception.
Ruben's lips were soft, the faintest of kisses trailed up from your calf to your thigh and he let your leg hang over his shoulder as he pulled you to the edge of the bed. You’ve propped yourself up on your elbows to look at him and Ruben drags his fingers up your thigh, moving to your clothed pussy. 
"Please," you mumble, looking down at the man. Ruben smiles, "not in the mood for teasing, sweetheart?"
"Fuck you Ruben," you groaned, dropping back into the mattress when he pulls the panties to the side, his eyes fixed on your pussy but his hand reaches up, pushing two fingers in your mouth. He didn’t have to tell you, your tongue laps over his fingers. 
“Taught you well,” he smiles, pulling his fingers away from your mouth. 
He gives you no warning, pushing his fingers into you. The sound leaving your mouth was like heaven on earth to him. 
His fingers curl upwards, your back arching at the feeling. 
“Rube, please.” Your hand reaches down to wrap on his wrist but he swats your hand away, managing to pull both to rest on your stomach and his free hand over your hands, pinning them to your stomach. 
Your eyes fixed on the man between your legs, looking at him in awe. Something about Ruben fascinated you; you could never put your finger on it but he was always an object of fascination, of desire. Everything about him made you want him, you couldn't explain the attraction.
It just made sense to you.
Your hips buck when you feel his tongue against your clit, your hand gripping on his hair. 
Ruben knew you like the back of his hand, even with the time apart. Something didn't change and the way your hips buck, it's your way of saying you want more, who was Ruben not to give into you?
His fingers curl upwards once again and he glances up to see your head tossed back into the mattress, eyes fluttering shut.
Between his fingers and his tongue, your orgasm was teetering on the edge; he knew that much. 
Ruben pulls his hands away, the sticky fingers on your thighs. A whimper leaves your lips at the loss of fullness. 
"What the fuck?" You groaned, an arm over your face. If you looked at Ruben right now, you might kill him.
The clink of his belt gets your attention - maybe you'd finally get what you wanted.
Ruben scoots you back, getting on the bed, on top of you. He leans down, his lips over yours and you reach up, a hand on the back of his neck to pull him down for a kiss; you can taste yourself on his lips. He lifts your leg, resting on your hip before he lines himself up with you.
The way the tip of his cock rubbed against you and the fact that you were already on the edge from before was enough to make you beg.
"Please, Ruben."
"Please what?" He looks down at you, smiling sweetly.
Your bottom lip pulled between your teeth. "Ruben," you whined, lifting your hips towards him. "Please, fuck- god just fuck me already."
Ruben smiles, "those words really shouldn't be in the same sentence, you know." He tells you, pushing into you. You moan, ignoring his words at the moment.
Your hand wraps around his bicep, your manicured nails digging into his skin. He didn't mind the pain, especially if it was your doing.
Your legs wrapped around his waist, Ruben's thrusts were slow and deep- you can feel him everywhere, his hands, his lips, his touch. Everything about Ruben was consuming; he knew that and he loved it.
In some sick way, he loved watching you fall in love with him all over again, seeing the effect he had on you.
Ruben pulls your legs back up to his hip. “Fuck,” you breathe, his thrusts faster and harder.
How you wished you could scream his name right now.
His hand drops between the two of you, rubbing your clit; matching the pace of his hips. Your head falls back into the pillows when he hits the spot he was looking for. His fingers that were previous on your clit now shoved into your mouth to muffle the sounds tumbling from your lips.
Ruben leans down, his lips next to your ear; “you have to be quiet, you don't want everyone to know what a whore you are, do you?”
You mumble something along an okay, your hips bucking, telling him you want more. He holds you, managing to flip you two over so that you're on top and his cock is still buried in you.
He lets you take over, setting the pace and using him for your own pleasure.
“Ruben, god-” you mumble, your hand tangled in his dark hair as you bounced up and down.
"Not quite," he whispers, pulling you down to kiss along your neck. Ruben's hand behind your neck to pull you down for a kiss. “Want you to cum for me.”
His arms wrap around you when you drop against him, your face buried against his shoulder, biting down to muffle the sounds. “Good girl,” he hums, rubbing your back. "Mhm I love you." He whispers into your shoulder.
You huff, "shut up, don't ruin this for me." Ruben laughs, "whatever you say, baby. I do."
"I'm so thirsty," you get off of him, yawning.
Ruben looks over at you, "you want another round?" You roll your eyes, "not what I meant, you freak."
You get up, pulling on his shirt and a pair of shorts. Ruben lays in bed, watching as you buttoned it up. "Don't look at me like that." You tell him and he laughs, "like what, love?"
"Like you want to fuck me."
"I just did," he smiles. You roll your eyes again, something you did often in his presence. "I'm going to get water," you tell him before heading down the stairs.
When your brother hears the creaking on the stairs, he sits up, rubbing his eyes before looking over in your direction. "Y/n?"
"Johnny?" You freeze, looking at him.
"Whose shirt is that?" He asks and you look down at the black button up. "Uh, mine."
John nods, dropping down onto the couch once again. You grab the bottle of water, walking back into the living room to toss the blanket over your brother. You lean down, kissing his head before turning to head back towards the stairs.
He reaches out from under the blanket, grabbing your hand to stop you. "You better get Ruben out of my house before I get up, or I'll kill him."
"I have no idea what you're talking about," you tell him and your brother lets go of your hand, a sly smile on his face. "Yeah, okay. Maybe you two should shut up next time, or don't do it in my house? Perhaps don't wear a shirt that reeks of his cologne."
"Shut up, go back to sleep," you push him back into the couch before walking away.
taglist: @nosugarallspice  @evieepepi08 @mimithepooh @koufaxx @dannyramirezwife-simpaccount @topguncultleader @molliemoo3 @aisharmi @mamako23 @ac3may @lewislcver @miahgonzalez16  @books-and-netflix-pls  @wibi96 @bwddermilch @pedrisgatorade  @clarasenchant @sainzluvrr // @trentsfav @trentsmyfave @noturbabe22
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trentrub3n · 2 months
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callhim5 · 2 months
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STONESDIAS : Together: Treble Winners
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jaedensangster · 3 months
Ruben's on protective mode as always
He's like: Baby?? Everyone move! Baby let me help you!! 🥺
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stonesgirlll · 5 months
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Why had no one posted it?????
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peligrosapop · 3 months
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John and Ruben
🎨: clakehearts
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bluechestercity · 13 days
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kundayy · 10 days
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👑𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝👑
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