#joe liebgott x merle aldridge
theliebgotts · 3 years
Meet Joe Liebgott!
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(based solely on Ross McCall's portrayal of him from Band of Brothers)
basic information
full name — Joseph David Liebgott, Jr.
nicknames — Joe, Joey, Lieb
birth date — May 17th
age — 28
zodiac sign — Taurus
gender & pronouns — male, he/him
sexual orientation — heterosexual
languages — English, German, some Yiddish
occupation — Cab driver, barber, paratrooper
place of birth — Michigan
place of residence — California
parents — Mary Liebgott (49) & Joseph Liebgott Sr. (52)
siblings — oldest of six
romantic tendencies — doesn't care to bog himself down with a relationship right now, is looking to wait til he gets home
sexual tendencies — he'll get it when and where he can
physical characteristics
hair color and texture — brunette, soft waves
eye color — amber brown
body type — slim, muscular
height — 5'9" (1m, 75cm)
skin color — fair
voice — raspy, on the higher end of tone, generally loud
dominant hand — right hand
glasses — no
other physical features — often gets comments on his "perfect" hair
physical illness — none
personality traits
positive aspects — charismatic, funny, smarter than he lets on, emotionally intelligent
negative aspects — scrappy, hotheaded, holds grudges, temperamental
phobias — none
extra information
smoking — definitely
quirks — chewing his nails
favorite color — blue
favorite food — pastrami and swiss hoagie from Lucca's
favorite drink — beer, whiskey, RC Cola (its better than that Coca Cola shit..)
hobbies — cutting hair, reading comics, drawing
tokens — Magen David necklace
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theliebgotts · 3 years
Toccoa - Joe (Pt. 1)
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Prep for today had been hard enough. Between gettin' to this dirt ball little town, meetin' a bunch of other guys who thought they were tough shit cos they signed up for the Airborne.. newsflash dipshit, we ALL signed up for the Airborne. That's why we're here. Then dealin' with Lt. Sobel, I was already done with this shit. I'd been yelled at more today than I've ever been in my entire life. Normally, I don't take that kind of shit. But they tell me here, they'll throw me in jail for mouthin' off, so I guess it's better I hold my tongue. But boy, what I wouldn't give to knock some of these bozos out. Sure, some of the men were pretty alright. Seemed like a good amount of us were comin' from similar situations, a lot of us signin' up to jump out of planes cos it paid more for us to send home. Some of the guys were real jokesters, like Luz or Talbert. Others had a chip on their shoulder, like Guarnere (or Gonorrhea, as we call him) and Martin. Most of 'em seemed like decent guys. I'd started to become buddies with a few of 'em, like Tab and Grant. Seemed like the kinda guys you could count on when shit hit the fan.
We'd finally gotten finished with our Currahee run for the day.. which seemed to be becoming a trend with Sobel. It pissed all of us off to no end, some of us were more vocal than others, but we were allowed to hang out in our barracks for the next couple hours while all the NCOs were in meetings with Col. Sink. Bein' able to finally sit down was a miracle in and of itself, then to just be able to get to know some of the guys a bit more. I was sittin' with Tab, Toye was there, Malarkey, and Popeye, shootin' the shit, bitchin' about Sobel, our runs, everything.
"Can't believe he yelled at me for tryin' to help Skip." I hadn't been far enough up in line to see what Malarkey was referrin' to, but from what I gathered, Skip had rolled his ankle in our run and when Malark went to help, Sobel yelled at him for tryin' to help. I'm still not sure what that has to do with trainin'. Shouldn't we be learnin' to trust each other? To build "camaraderie"? Who knows what the hell goes through Lieutenant's head.. I don't know how he got as far as he has without at least some bootlickin'.
"That man don't know what he's doin'." I'd never really had much conversation with Popeye Wynn, but he seemed to have a decent head on his shoulders. Maybe seemed a little dull here and there, but a generally good guy. Definitely wasn't lyin' when he said Sobel had no idea.
"Maybe it'll make us better paratroopers." I still couldn't get a read on Joe Toye. He seemed like a decent guy, but he was too optimistic for my likin'. He seemed to think that no one could just be a moron cos they were a moron. But other times, I'd see him throwin' a fit or I'd hear his conversations with Gonorrhea or Luz and he seemed like somebody I might be able to get along with.
"Ya know, I don't know if I could believe that not helpin' your fellow paratrooper would make you a better paratrooper," I mentioned. "Aren't we supposed to be buddies? Aren't we supposed to trust each other?"
"Lieb's right. What sense would it make not to help the guy next to you?" I could always appreciate when Tab saw my side of things. Sometimes I felt like an idiot around some of these guys. I drove a taxi. I didn't go to school or nothin'. I didn't come from money. But I did know street smarts. I knew my way around the block. More than some of these guys did, so I guess in that way, we kinda balanced each other out.
"Uh, hello. This Easy Company?"
I don't think our heads have ever whipped around faster than when we heard what sounded like a woman's voice comin' from the doorway. Sure enough, there was a woman. Small, brown hair, I figured maybe she was a nurse or somethin', but she had normal ODs on like we did, and was carryin' the same duffle bag we carried. No one had said anythin' since we heard her, I don't know if we were all stunned that we didn't hear somebody come in, the fact that there was a woman in our barrack, or the fact that there was a woman in our barrack in our same uniform, carrying the same gear, but I figured I should speak up.
"Uh, yeah. It is. You lost, sweetheart? Need help findin' your way back to the nurse's tent?" I didn't necessarily mean anythin' malicious by it, but I knew she definitely didn't belong here, no matter what she was wearin'.
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theliebgotts · 3 years
Meet Merle Aldridge!
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(based physically on Lily Collins)
basic information
full name — Merle May Aldridge
nicknames — Mer, honey
birth date — 11th August
age — 22
zodiac sign — Leo
gender & pronouns — female; she|her
sexual orientation — heterosexual
languages — English, Spanish, a bit of Italian
occupation — US Army medic
place of birth — London
place of residence — New York
parents — Jocelyn Chastain (55) & James Aldridge (57)
siblings — Florence Aldridge (27) & Max Aldridge (28)
romantic tendencies — isn’t constantly looking for a partner, but wouldn't mind one
sexual tendencies — not against the occasional hook-up
physical characteristics
hair colour and texture — brunette, naturally in soft waves
eye colour — hazel
body type — slim, fit, strong but petite
height — one meter and 68 centimetres (5'6")
skin colour — fair
voice — soft voice, strong english accent
dominant hand — right hand
glasses — yes, when reading. not using on the field
other physical features — a scar on her right upper thigh from attempting, and failing miserably, to ice skate
physical illness — does a lactose intolerance count?
personality traits
positive aspects — charismatic, creative, optimistic, ambitious, good under pressure
negative aspects — indecisive, bossy, moody, impatient
phobias — small and/or cramped places
extra information
smoking — yes, the occasional cigarette
quirks — constantly cracking every possible bone in her body
favourite colour — any shade of green: emerald or malachite or jade or peridot
favourite food — all kinds of pasta
favourite drink — gin and tonic, red wine, tonic water
hobbies — painting, absolutely loves it
tokens — her peridot necklace, her sketchbooks/journals
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theliebgotts · 3 years
Follow the story of Joe & Merle Liebgott
Joe's posts and POVs will be in blue with
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Merle's posts and POVs will be in red with
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There are a number of timelines and time jumps, so things can get a little confusing here and there, but just send a message or an ask if you have any questions or if you need any clarification. :)
Character bios will be coming up soon.
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theliebgotts · 3 years
Toccoa - Merle (Pt. 1)
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There weren’t many women around, that was probably the first thing she noticed. At least, not many others in her spot — sweaty under the Georgia sun, carrying her duffel bag in an uniform one size too big for her, one that was probably sewn with a man in mind.
There were women in the army, of course. From nurses to pilots and from cooks to ones doing administrative jobs. But not many, it was clear, willing to actually jump down from the plane and get out on that field.
She has to have gone crazy. Merle knew that was what most, if not all, of her family thought from the moment she told them what she was doing. Her brother Max announced he was joining the Marine Corps first, and only a couple of days later she was further worrying her parents with her own news. Good ones, bad ones? Who was there to say. She just knew she wanted to do it.
She had the qualifications. Maybe more than any of the other, drafted or volunteers, medics. With almost three years of medical school in, and a good enough physical shape, she didn’t doubt it for a second before volunteering for the Airborne.
And yet, all that confidence she had had when volunteering and all, she could feel it slowly dissipating as she made her way over to the barrack she had been assigned to. And looking insecure was just another element she did not want to add to the already pretty long list of things that could, and most likely would, put her in a little bit of a disadvantage with these men.
To her relief, though, there weren’t too many in there when she stepped in, hands a little shaky as she looked around at the lines of beds, not making eye contact with anyone in particular, but wishing someone would look up at her. Acknowledge her presence, confirm she was in the right place.
No one did, so she had to speak up for herself — and thank God for the sun out there, that had already made her cheeks flush and not out of embarrassment.
“Uh, hello. This Easy company?”
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