jeanmoreaue · 9 days
love that Jean has a paternal relationship with his crush’s dad. i want Wymack and Jean to make fun of Kevin
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greensupremetangerine · 11 months
PSA that harassing, bullying, and kicking a person out of a fandom is toxic behavior. A difference in opinions does not warrant anonymous hate, and claiming it wasnt that bad and there's no proof because they didn't post the hate doesn't retract the fact that something happened to make them deactivate their account.
Fandoms are supposed to be places of community, enjoyment, and celebration of a mutually liked piece of media. There isn't room for hate, because the concept of a fandom does not naturally account for it.
If someone says something you dont like, it does not give you the right or responsibility to "put them in their place" or "teach them what's right" or whatever. A person is allowed to have their own thoughts and opinions. You can retort, discuss, disagree, hell you can even block them, but for the love of god don't single them out and make them a villain. It doesn't automatically make you the right side if they stop talking.
Also, the anonymous button isn't for keeping the blame off yourself. It's not for sending a dozen death threats while still looking pretty and proper on your blog. The person recieving anons has no way to disengage from the conversation. They cannot block, the best they can do is disable anons and stop the kind, shy people from asking silly questions or hope you give up and stop. The last resort is completely deleting your account, and again, its not a sign of your victory, it's a sign of the fandom' loss, and it is a sign that you are the vicious aggressor.
If youre struggling to stop doing these things, by no means am I a saint or a therapist, but removing yourself from the situation and letting yourself breathe, even for a moment, will probably help a lot with your relationships and mental health. I'm a believer that people can change and it is in human nature to do so, even if it's hard. It's a conscious decision to be a good person (I'm not calling you evil) and being a kind person is fulfilling in amazing ways.
tl;dr don't harass people :( it doesn't give you the high ground and it makes the fandom a worse place.
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hug-kiss-marry-kill · 1 month
I love how we've collectively decided that marrying and kissing are off limits for minors but murdering them is totally okay 👍 /gen /lh
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Love Dark Cacao she's truly the character of all time. character arc revolves around learning that other people have lives. Hasn't touched grass in like. a year. She's a total asshole. Tried to kill someone bc he shit talked her bsf and reminded her of her ex (advisor). Notably more beat up after battles than her friends. Estranged father of a transgender stoner. Hates her job, doesn't quit. Everyone she loves leaves her. Unironically says "what nonsense." Probably autistic. Hired an advisor and then made him do all of the talking. Never seen in canon while not being in major distress. Probably has a phone even though she's a high fantasy king. Old as fuck. She actually puts up a front to be MORE of an asshole than she really is. It's horrible. It's great. She can't win.
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flowerwithdepression · 7 months
Me watching vampy just steal all of my friends and run: *aggressively sips tea* well damn.
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
The 3 sibs are fucking menaces. Like General Ardmore was fucking down to let Quaritch and the recoms take responsibility because 'Jesus fuck get them out of here'
I imagine that due to them adopting Spider as their brother at a young age they ended up spending a lot of time with the humans that remained at Hell's Gate (might have even taken to living in the old Avatar area) and likely picked up on a lot.
Like they know tech better than any Na'vi, and it's mildly terrifying for humans when they realize that these 3 siblings know shit.
I also imagine that they might have become a bit disconnected with the Omaticaya, not anything super big, but their insistence that Spider is their brother probably hindered them getting adopted by a Omaticaya couple.
But the recoms probably are so confused when they learn that Norm fucking Spellman is the one who technically raised these feral gremlin children. Sure they are smart as shit but God damn these kids are jumping out of a moving helicopter into the fucking trees.
Don't get me started on Quaritch's and the recoms reactions to the story of when the little brother tried (and nearly succeeded) in mounting/claiming an adolescent Thanator.
AKA the giant deadly space cat who's na'vi name literally translates to dry mouth fear of death.
(Also the heart attack Quaritch gets when he sees them tossing Spider between them like a sack of potatoes. I do not doubt for a second these kids haven't developed a 'system' when it comes to traveling with Spider.)
I love how not even cut-throat Ardmore, she doesn't care what possible information she could get from them, she want them off of the premises asap.
so that leaves a group of morally complicated, adult-teenage-newborns, with 3 young adults that will make it their life goal to be the biggest thorn in the sides, but also to flip the recoms on their heads.
sometimes the questions aren't even asked to try and tie the recoms brains in knots, sometimes they genuinely want to know. other times they ask question that are meant to make the recoms question everything. they love the chaos, but also watching the recoms change, watching them become na'vi.
on top of it all they're wicked smart, they're always helping out, both technologically and in the field, they clearly know a shit ton about jake and his little possy, they were raised by spellman after all, but they're loyal, they don't say anything. but that's strangely fine with all the recoms (aka, they stopped caring about their mission and only do whats necessary to please ardmore, but shhh, they haven't realized that yet, if they do, they may implode).
and the amount of worry quaritch develops for these kids is unreal, and like, this guy's military, so every night he checks on them like 10 times a night, at first cause he didn't trust them, but it slowly turned into him just worrying about them. he normally takes nightly rounds so he's always going through the effort of climbing into whatever tree they've nested themselves in and just watching for a moment. those are his kids, in some way, he knows it.
so when they really start doing stupid shit, he feels his heart age 50 years. he worries everytime they fool around on the ikran, everytime they fuck with the wildlife, everytime they climb to high for his taste. he's just a big old bag of anxiety.
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leandra-winchester · 1 month
In my discord this morning:
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Golden girls refers to a convo we had just before I went to bed, in which I am Blanche, @sherlocking-out-loud is Dorothy, and two others are Rose and Sophia.
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narcvampp · 4 months
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50 likes and I'll leak their ip (JOKE I WONT ACTUALLY)
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luimagines · 1 year
Nono, pinky, they’ll need to know how. Just imagine the chaos with the bomb arrows and explosives that they made and out of all of them wars would be incredibly knowledgeable about how powerful certain ones can be
Either him or legend
- mushroom 🍄
There go the plains of Hyrule. Forever destroyed under the hero and his love of the blaze of glory.
...Warrior is going to take advantage of it as well I can already see it. He took Legend's fire rod- why wouldn't he abuse this knowledge as well? DX
Wild is following the path he leads with Twilight watching the flames from a distance.
They're all horrible.
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kit-williams · 4 months
Barn Anon. AHHH GABY!! Baby boi too precious for this world. He deserves all the loving and praising. Thank you for that! <3
Oh no problem I'm glad you enjoyed it! I am very glad you've entrusted me your OC of Gabriel and enjoy the way I write him.
But if you DO ever make a side blog I'll happily tag you for Gabriel posts I make
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lisa-l0vely · 5 months
um. hypothetically, is it normal to joke flirt with a guy friend and- hypothetically- is it normal for said guy friend to repeatedly call you a good girl and- HYPOTHETICALLY- is it normal for said guy friend to tease you by saying "you know you like it" in response to you getting flustered by what he says?
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mintzez-world · 1 year
I think that maybe if given the right circumstance and time and place. Ginny and Draco would make great friends.
Like if all the stars aligned perfectly there’d be great.
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goonsbrain · 10 months
If I have enough strength today I may finish poutine entry. then speedrun kru entry tomorrow. send prayers
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rusty-gloinks · 1 year
the moment your battery hits 1 percent the world is going to.end
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sadioradio · 5 months
I always get mad when I see hentai in the games of ALO or GGO...
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an0nfr0mth3d3n · 6 months
I’m going to say slurs
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