#jonathan byers is very gender and u know Im right
hensel-x · 1 year
im something of an artist myself actually
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unadulterated-syd · 1 year
Lights -> Send in a couple things about you, personality + gender + gender preference,, and I'll give you a character I'd pair you with platonically (add your fandom!!)
I’m an ENTP, extroverted, mostly chaotic neutral, kinda sarcastic and I often hate talking about my feelings. I’m good at reading people and (begrudgingly) helping my friends with their crushes. I’m a lot sweeter when people get to know me (although I do hate admitting it). And I’m really forgetful about important things but I remember all the little things. I’m female and gender preference is just all genders.
My fandoms are The Walking Dead, Harry Potter and Stranger Things <3
you sound so cool ☹️🫶 !!
i hope these sound good to you!! <3
The Walking Dead -> i give you,, Carol Peletier!!
- Carol is a very big people watcher, shes like the embodiment of "this is me" then shes completely different deep down
- I think shed take you under her wing as a daughter figure (NOT the carol affect, youre alive and well)
- You guys could read people together and than have your badass moments for sure, plus you'd help her open up to the idea of trusting people
- Plus she's closed off about feelings too, you guys would just end up with sarcastic conversations when sad and feel better
- She'll make sure you remember important things ! Shes a momma she knows how to keep shit running!!
Harry Potter -> i give you,, Ron Weasley!!
- You'd be the type to over analyze people and he just stares at you like 'where tf did you get that idea??'
- You could def help him with his crush on Hermoine and I reckon you would
- Plus youd be close friends with Hermoine too, just you and Ron would have this platonic soulmate deal
- You'd be super sweet when he had his behind moments, like he cant understand the joke hermoine made and you spend 30 minutes explaining it so he doesnt feel left out
- being a part of the whole weasley family >>>>
- youd practically be their second daughter
- Since Hermoine has Harry she gets platonic relationships like yours and rons (and hers and harrys)
- youre just a group of 4 soulmats tbh
- plus youd help him get better robes for the ball since he complains
- owning like a million Weasley christmas sweaters >>>>
- idk it feels right youd both make fun of eachother in the best friend ways
- and youd constantly fight over who picks up the bills at the three broomsticks
Stranger Things -> i have several options to give you,,
- Jonathan Byers,, you guys could silently observe everyone together + you get him out of his introverted shell AND youd help him with his crush on Nancy
- but im more inclined as myself to give you max AND lucas
- imagine being their pals, being a major people reader and then spilling tons of secrets to them bc theyre awesome
- Also Max teaching you both to skate + you piecing together Lucas's broken ego after Max bullied his skating abilities
- Max kicking both of your asses at basketball bc lucas threw the game for her and youre just not good at it 😭
- The three of you would just do everything together and then youd bully the shit out of them when they did anything romantic
- "get a room" constantly even tho u dont actually mind
- they help you with every dating decision you make
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lady-ashfade · 2 years
hi!! i saw u were doing this and it looked really cool so i figured id participate :] ty if u do mine! hope ur havin a great day/night, stranger
Name/Nickname: Gabriella/Gabi/Gabe
Pronouns: They/Them
What I Look Like: Tall-ish (with my boots), brown medium length wolf-cut for hair (also have long bangs), chubby, big chest (that i try to bind often), adrodynous looking face (unless i do feminine makeup)
What I’m Like: im told im intimidating at first, and i have some serious RBF, so i get why. but everyone when they get to know me start to realize im really not scary, and i can be really charming to others. that sounds dumb but its what my friends said. i have a lot of social anxiety though, i fidget a lot, but i do have a lot of anger i take out on the kids who used to bully me, i used to chase down the boys who were dicks to me (lmao)
Hobbies: a lot of drawing, video games, baking sometimes, singing
Anything u should know: My style is very Alt, i aim for punk but usually just fall at grunge/emo, wear all black clothing mostly unless its patterned sweats + band shirts. wear a lot of silver jewelry (multiple earrings, lot of big rings w/ skulls and onyx on them, several various necklaces) makeup is done with a lot of eyeliner and black eyeshadow, black used as contour also. also leather jackets and cargo pants. i almost always wear these big heavy leather boots.
Who I want (age range): the Party (mike/will/max/el/lucas/dustin etc, but im also near steve/nancy/jonathan/eddie’s age so they can also fall in there.)im unlabelled so any gender works good for me, i am somewhat woman-leaning tho
Thank you for being here! And for participating in this event.
Now who do I ship you with?..
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I ship you with Nancy because the opposite attract. You guys being the dark and light couple would be the cutest- I ship.
You’re a Byers, you’ve always been picked on so that’s nothing new to you. You are Jonathan’s twin, even though he’s five minutes older- He’s your little brother in your eyes.
You guys meet in elementary school when some boy was picking on Nancy, stole her book away from her and held it above her reach. Flirting with her. But you being the cool person you are walked right up to him and kicked him in the balls and grabbed the book. You guys become best friends after that, but it didn’t last.
Nancy and you grow apart because she wanted to be in the more popular crowd and you liked being the outcast. She you guys waved and gave each other smiles in the hallway but nothing more. Or when you picked up Will with Jonathan you had a conversation every now and then.
But when everything happened in season one, you got closer. Everyone that happened with Jonathan, happened with you instead. So you got together around the middle of season two. Best couple in my eyes-
Walking around with your arms around her in school, to make people back off.
You are like a guard dog, but little do people know that she does the same thing to you.
She likes to steal your clothes even if it doesn’t fit her style. She loves the way they smell like you .
She has one of your rings around her neck on a necklace because it slipped off her fingers.
She is your sweet supportive girlfriend. Like if sing in a talented show she is cheering you on.
Sits on your lap when you play video games and tries it one of twice because she wants to be closer to you.
Baking with her is the cutest thing ever. She loves it, always end up laugh together. Bring her cupcakes and she will smother you in kisses.
Drawing is her favorite thing to watch you do. She had a whole scrapbook of you guys and your drawings are in there.
Don’t think if you do anything cool like in a talented show, or sports or anything that she wouldn’t force it to be in the new paper.
Being the most badass couple when shit goes done. Like punch a bear badass.
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