#just a big fan of ginseng kimchi you know
briwates · 2 months
You know how Ms Ji's cooking is horrendous but Yohan and Elijah (and I assume Isaac?) ate it all without complaining for what seems to be years. If she was the one to raise Yohan, that means she's been cooking in that house since he was a baby. I'm wondering then, why would Kang Jisang keep a housekeeper that can barely cook ? And apparently not say anything because to the day Gaon tries her cooking, she's not sure why the kangs stopped eating it ?
Either 1) Jisang liked her food 2) had some form of ageusia/didnt care for the taste of food, maybe as a self flagellation method idk. 3) Ms Ji's cooking wasn't always like that !
I'm thinking that maybe it was normal, nothing amazing about it but decent enough, until a bit before jisang's death or after the church fire. Elijah mentions that she's obsessed with adding healthy ingredients everywhere even if it does not match the dishes she's making. I wonder if Ms Ji does it with the intention to promote healing or something like it, especially once Elijah loses the ability to walk and Yohan has second to third degree burns on his back. Would also sort of explain why they don't dare tell her anything about it, because she was trying so hard and they didnt want to hurt her feelings by telling her upfront that the food wasnt edible..
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hansolmates · 4 years
jjk; angel’s trumpet [05]
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summary; one second, your life is flashing before your eyes and the next, you’re transported into a world exactly like your own. but the jungkook you meet in this world isn’t a renowned singer or your former almost-lover, in fact he has no clue who you are and why you know him so well. as you work to find your way home lost and confused, you conclude that you’re either dead or in the middle of the most wicked drug trip of your life. pairing; idol!jk x reader (f), alternatively film producer!jk x reader genre/warnings; fluff, angst, supernatural, idol!au, non-idol!au, alternate universes, themes of fate, language, alcohol consumption, mentions of smut in future chapters w.c; 4.7k a/n; can u believe this fic is already over halfway done??? i feel more loved and supported for angel’s trumpet w each chapter! i hope u enjoy a more fluffier chapter and some insight on the separate relationships. thank u for the support!
[04] [05] [06] -> masterpost
Bliss. It’s been so long since you’ve experienced this feeling. 
These past few weeks have been nothing short of wonderful, like the sweetest version of reality. Working as a language teacher at BigHit was wonderful because of the staff and the fact that in the long run, your job would be helping the rookies get to know their fans better all over the world. But your job was also incredibly strenuous, and you felt an immense amount of pressure from the higher ups to teach the rookies as much as you could in between their other lessons and training. You remember the early days you’d be crying in the bathroom, scared of their exam scores because you knew it wasn’t possible to learn a language in less than a year, but the higher ups wanted you to achieve the impossible. 
But now, teaching is like a breath of fresh air. You found it appropriate to reabsorb your classes, and you’re still getting used to the sudden heavy workload. Namjoon was over the moon when you returned to your regular office in the biology department, treating you to coffee and catching you up on what you missed. Chan almost cried when he saw you Monday morning sitting in your lecture hall, saying his grade will finally be salvaged. 
However, the cherry on top has to be your budding romance with Jungkook. 
Maybe it’s the fact that you’re still swimming in the honeymoon phase, but everything just felt right. Of course, you can only hope your W2 self was already going to interact with Jungkook in one way or another, just like you had in your world. As of late you don’t feel like you're tearing this universe apart, worrying that you’re interfering in an alternate universe. 
A buzzing interrupts your thoughts, and you pat around your mattress for your cellphone. You don’t hesitate to answer. 
“Good morning, baby,” Jungkook’s rumbly morning voice flits through your speakers. 
You swoon, shuffling and kicking under your covers. A little part of you is disgusted how easy it is to turn to butter in Jungkook’s grasp, but it’s unsurprising. “Hey handsome,” you reply, trying to hide your giddiness. 
“How do you know I look handsome? My breath smells like leftover mac n’cheese and there’s dried drool on my chin.” 
“Mm, still handsome.”
“Ugh, you’re so gross,” but you can hear him smiling on the other line. “Do you have any plans for today?” 
“Well there’s this new bubble tea cafe I know you’d like so maybe during my lunch we can--”
The rest of the words fade away as you notice an incessant banging on your front door. Whoever wants to come in is far too eager for this early. 
It’s then your calendar notification pings, and you see the big fat message atop your phone: 
Hobi Date 🍷🍷🍷
“Oh shit—” you smack your forehead, you completely forgot today’s the day you would find Sehlyung’s wine lady. “I’ll call you later Kook, okay?” 
You end your call, throwing your phone on the bed as you dash out to answer. Taehyung is yelling from the kitchenette, “I’m trying to eat some damn salad here!” By the time you slide out in your socks and down the hall, Hoseok is already inside your humble abode, holding coffee and donuts. 
“I brought libations,” Hoseok says with a bit of flair, setting them down next to Taehyung’s breakfast. 
“Thanks man,” and Taehyung makes grabby hands towards Hoseok’s coffee, and Hoseok looks horrified before snatching it away. “C’mon man, no coffee no entry!” 
“Taehyung, this is Hoseok,” you introduce, opening the box of donuts and offering Taehyung one in truce. You look pointedly towards Hoseok, sipping idly on his coffee, “Hobi, why don’t you wait in my room before we go, okay?” 
Hoseok tilts his head, eyes darting between Taehyung and you. It’s almost comical, the way Taehyung’s early-morning brain is having a hard time processing what was going on, and you wanting to keep a lid on the situation. “Sure, mom,” he slurps obnoxiously on his americano, waltzing down the hallway and into your room. He slams the door rather sharply, and that’s when Taehyung pounces. 
“Who’s the hippie?” 
“Hippie?” you balk, “Hoseok’s not a hippie.”
Taehyung shrugs, shoving a powdered donut in his mouth and completely forgetting about the limp lettuce on his plate. So much for a balanced breakfast. “I know all your friends, but I’ve never met this one.” 
“He’s new,” you take your pick of donuts as well, picking up a vanilla glazed one with rainbow sprinkles, “we’re gonna go shopping.” 
“Oo, can I come?” 
“No,” you say a little too quickly, causing Taehyung’s eyes to widen in confusion. You quickly backtrack, even going as far as to grab a napkin and dab the powdered sugar from Taehyung’s cheeks, “it’s old people shopping. We’re sending ginseng wine to our families. No brand names there.” 
Taehyung immediately buys it, scrunching his nose. “Not my favorite,” he says to himself. “Well, have fun doing old people things. Maybe Jimin will be willing to do something cool with me.” 
And with that, he abandons the limp lettuce with a flick of his wrist, letting them out your windowsill and into your little garden for compost. You two make your separate ways, you into your room and Taehyung into the bathroom.
When you open your door, you already see Hoseok making himself comfortable on your bed, flipping through your notebook. 
“You really shouldn’t be leaving this out on your desk,” Hoseok waves the yellow pages around, trying to look serious, “Taehyung could read this and you might end up in the cuckoo house.” 
With a roll of your eyes, you search for a sweater, “As if he wouldn’t join me.” 
You pull out a large black hoodie, courtesy of Jungkook. Trying not to look like a smitten high schooler, you subtly smell the collar before slipping it over your body. You melt in the fabric, and you almost hug yourself. Since your time at BigHit, you’ve missed wearing Jungkook’s things, and that’s a constant you can’t ignore. 
“If you end up in the cuckoo house, I’ll end up there too by affiliation,” he flops on your bed, waiting for you to get ready, “so, we gonna nab an old lady today for some wine?” 
“Ohmygod. What is wrong with you? You can’t say it like that, someone could report you!” you laugh, slapping him with a long sleeve. 
“So it’s more appropriate to say, ‘let’s go find the lady’s coked up wine that could’ve potentially sent you to an alternate universe’ right?” 
“Exactly,” you grin, pulling him up with an outstretched hand, “now let’s get going before we both end up in the cuckoo house.” 
Jungkook thought bliss ended once he got a good filming gig and a stable job, but no, it just had to get better. 
He doesn’t want to say he’s all consumed by your presence, but he can’t get enough of you. Sometimes he has to reel it in when you go out on dates, but he feels so lucky to call you his and hold you in his arms whenever he wants. 
You dropped into his life, quite literally. One day you just showed up and barged into his life. At first it scared him, immensely. But as he got to know you, wear you down and realize that the strong, blunt woman he met on the street is just as kind and sweet and soft–
The bottom line is, Jungkook wears his heart on his sleeve and loves loudly. He feels so much for you he can’t contain it. 
Except when Jimin wants to embarrass the hell out of you when they’re going over old pictures during work. 
“Can I tell you a story about how y/n almost peed in that fountain?” Jimin points to the small thumbnail Jungkook took earlier last week. You’re perched on a large limestone fountain, smiling at the little fish tickling the sides of the bowl. 
Taehyung gwaffs, choking on his sandwich. “God, that night was incredible! I got the Snapchat receipts too, Kook. If you want to second guess your standards.” 
A loud laugh bubbles from his throat, and Jungkook eagerly leans over Taehyung’s shoulder to get a better look at the screen. 
He likes your friends, too. To the point that he can safely consider them his friends. Of course he was intimidated the first time, especially when you were so pretty in your red skirt and surrounded by your equally attractive friends, but turns out Taehyung and Jimin are equally dopey and cringey as he. 
As silly as you look crouched over the water and pulling up your skirt, he melts at how carefree you look enjoying yourself on a free night. Jimin is hauling you off the ledge, grabbing you by the waist as you fruitlessly try to kick him away. 
“Careful,” Jimin tuts, sipping at his latte. “She’s gonna kill you if she finds out you showed it to Kook.” 
Taehyung scoffs, stuffing his phone away. “She looked like she was gonna kill me today when she brought that friend over. They were acting really weird,” Taehyung points his kimchi in Jungkook’s nose, “do you know Hoseok?” 
Jungkook blinks, opting to take a bite off Taehyung’s fork, “Kinda,” he shrugs, letting the tang of the kimchi spread across his tongue, “she has office hours when he’s working at the library daycare. They have lunch together.” 
Jimin leans in, hands fold over the white cafeteria table like he’s in the mafia, “What do you mean by weird, Tae?” 
“Like, she wanted him to wait in his room and they kinda just snuck out, y’know?” Taehyung divulges, “Like I love y/n, she the home girl, but who’s secretive about buying ginseng?” 
Jungkook’s chewing slows. He trusts you, however, he doesn’t know what to make of that little tidbit. But instead he swallows his kimchi, not caring that he didn’t chew enough or that it went down uncomfortably, and steels himself. “Probably just stressed about her thesis or something, I’m sure everything’s fine.” he says smoothly, trying to convince himself that he’s right, and he’s pretty sure he is. 
“Awh, Jungkookie’s so mature since he’s started dating!” Jimin paws all over the younger one like they’re long lost siblings. His hands travel to pinch his cheeks and ruffle his hair simultaneously, cooing like Jungkook’s a little bunny who’s merely existing. 
There’s a blush staining Jungkook’s cheeks, but he doesn’t mind Jimin’s bouts of attention. A small smile blooms to Jungkook’s face, and confirms to himself that he’s in a good spot in his life. 
“So, what are you and Jungkook like?” 
You shrug, “We’re good. It’s only been a few weeks though.” 
“No, I meant your Jungkook.” 
By definition, your Jungkook isn’t necessarily yours. However, the term is the byproduct of your current setting, and an unfortunate reminder that the Jungkook you’re dating now can never be definitively yours. 
(Or…? Can it?) 
“We were,” since when did you refer to you in and him in a past tense, “kind of a slow-burn, actually. We’d pass each other in the hall and exchange conversation during lunch in groups but, he kind of just crept up on me.” 
The train is going at a break-neck speed, the fancy rail floating across the track as it beams you closer and closer to your destination. Gone are the concrete jungles and carefully architected trees. You’re finally starting to see some natural foliage and blue seas. Today’s journey is a bit of a shot in the dark, you don’t even know what the person you’re searching for looks like, but it’s the only clear lead you have. 
“So you didn’t always know you loved him?” Hoseok asks, fiddling with the wire of his buds. 
You shrug, “I had a feeling. He’s an easy guy to fall in love with,” you don’t want to mention that nearly half the world is smitten by the Golden Boy, but from the bittersweet expression on your face Hoseok has an inkling. “There’s just a lot of factors that come with relationships. Factors that aren’t worth it. It’s easy here.” 
“It would be easy,” Hoseok replies to the air, closing his eyes. 
And he’s right. It would be easy to continue on with life, forgetting about the possibility that one day you could wake up in W1. It would be easy to forget about your other life, Beomgyu’s forgotten quiz that’s still probably lit up in your MacBook back home, Sehlyung’s wish for you to approve Jin’s new outfit. 
You wonder how your life back home is going, whether they’re moving on just like you seem to be. 
You really have no idea what Sehlyung’s wine dealer looks like. Work friends are work friends, where you’re close enough to share sexy secrets to each other but not as close as to divulge family life. 
You know that Sehlyung lives in a small town closer to the shore, as she’s mentioned one too many times that her feet are baby smooth from the constant sand exfoliation. You’re vaguely aware that this is the right area, at least you hope because W2 Sehlyung could be living in Guam for all you know.
Passing by the village square, you search idly for an old lady selling ginseng wine. You didn’t realize how much a shot in the dark this could possibly be. 
“Hey,” Hoseok whisper-hisses, and you try not to ignore the spit that brushes your ear, “you said to look for an old lady, right? All these ladies. They’re old.” 
He’s right.  
The village may be small, but there were over fifty booths with plenty of old ladies selling something. It would take hours, you didn’t even know if this lady would still be selling ginseng in this life. 
Your hands fall limp at your thighs, and you point to a small house at the end of the square. It’s cute, almost cottage-like, looking more high-end than the other shops on the street. “Maybe we should eat something before we do some searching. Otherwise someone’s gonna have to scrape us off the street.” 
“Good idea.” 
Surprisingly, the interior of the establishment is nothing like the front. There’s a very authentic quirkiness to it, down to the colorful blown glass vases and the eclectic amount of alcohol lining the bar. 
Not feeling like waiting for a table, the two of you wait by the bar, hopping on the two available stools in the corner. 
The two of you don’t waste any time, telling the waiter passing by that both of you would like a heaping bowl of glass noodles. 
“Care for a glass of something sweet?” 
Looking up from their dessert menu, you see an older lady leaning over you to pour you and Hoseok a cup of tea. She’s the definition of a chill grandma, from the easy way she smiles to the colorful hoop earrings she wears. You watch as she carefully pours you a cup for you, and you get a glimpse of the beautifully painted ceramic teapot, adorned with watercolor flowers. 
“If you have some angel wine,” you lick your lips, looking straight at her, “that would be lovely.”
There’s no hesitation in her work, and the lady continues to pour Hoseok’s cup with impeccable grace. She doesn’t bat a lash at your slight jab, even goes so far as to send you a crinkly smile. 
“Fresh out, m’fraid,” she replies easily, “sold my last batch to a lovely blonde over a month ago.” 
You swallow your surprise, the bile coming up your throat returning slow and achingly hard. Hoseok’s eyes dart between you and the old lady, and you clench your hands under the table. “Thought so,” you smile tersely, “then, do you have any recommendations?” 
Hoseok noisily slurps tea, as if he’s watching a melodrama. The old lady nods eagerly, placing her ceramic mug on a nearby potholder. “I’ll whip up something extra special.” 
It isn’t until the old lady whisks away from the bar and into the bathroom does Hoseok blurt, “Is the special thing drugs? Is she giving us drugs?” 
“Who knows,” you thank the waiter who sets down two metal bowls of glass noodles in front of you, “maybe the next drink will send us to the moon.” 
“Don’t even joke about that,” Hoseok grimaces, “my fuckin’ dream is to visit the moon.” 
As you two eat in silence, the restaurant slowly dwindles down as the lunch rush leaves and the start of dinner commences. Being a weekday, there aren't many coming down to eat out. You let yourself be immersed in the hubbub of the cottage, the clinking of clean tea cups and the laughter of staff sitting in the corner table. 
The lady finally returns when you’re nearly done with your meal. There’s a tall frozen glass in her hand, ice particles clinging to the barrier. There’s an umbrella and a pineapple adorning the rim, looking uncharacteristically bright and tropical. She places it next to Hoseok’s tea.
He narrows his eyes, “This doesn’t have LSD or anything, right?” 
She laughs, the hearty sound enveloping the restaurant. “Nope. Just passionfruit and mango.” 
Hoseok easily takes her word for it, sipping happily as it washes down his dinner. 
“For me?” you pop in. 
“Ah, some advice.” 
You shrink in your seat, “I want a fruit smoothie too.” 
But you relent when she opens her palms to you, gesturing for you to give her yours. They feel calloused and worn, as if she’s spent lifetimes dedicating her life to her craft. She rubs her thumbs against your palm, sending soothing circles to your skin.
“Enjoy your time as it lasts,” she says, quiet enough for only you two to hear, “things will fall into place very soon.” 
She senses you tense, and continues to hold you. You can’t tell whether this advice is foreboding or comforting.  
“I know what you're thinking,” Hoseok says when you return to Seoul, walking in the direction of your apartment. 
“And what exactly am I thinking, o’ wise one?” you kick a stray pepple your way, getting in a groove as you walk lazily down the sidewalk. 
“Her words,” he mumbles, “I don’t think it’s an invitation for you to get too comfortable here. Eventually… you’re gonna have to go back.” 
“I know, Hoseok.” You don’t mean to sound so agitated. After all, the mission was mostly successful. You got your answers, albeit vague ones. The old lady in the cottage simultaneously sparked and eased your soul, unfortunately it didn’t give you any definitive direction as to go on with this life, other than to simply “enjoy it.” 
“I know we’ve been debating whether you’re hallucinating or whether you’re in a coma and you’re having a really long dream or some weird mix of the two—” Hoseok jogs up to stop in-front of you, stuffing his hands in his orange cargos. He’s standing directly behind a 7-Eleven, the gaudy green and red lights lighting behind him like a halo.“And trust me, I’ve spent hours in bed thinking whether I’m real or not and potentially reaching an existential midlife crisis,” he grabs your hand and presses it to your chest, his other hand flailing wildly to the sky, “but this is real. All of it, I’m convinced it’s real. I’ve lived a long, slow, twenty-something life so far.” 
He pulls you into his arms, and you suppress a shudder as his warm embrace envelopes you. Is this some sort of punishment? For the first time in a long time, you’ve felt content. Not to say that your life in your world wasn’t normal but you could honestly admit that the time you’ve spent here is nothing short of amazing. There’s an ease to this life, something so simple and easy to love that you want to keep it in your heart and cherish it forever. 
“But ‘m gonna miss you,” you sigh into his chest, “we aren’t very close back in my world, y’know. So I’m glad I got to spend the time that I could with you.” 
“S’okay,” he mumbles into your hair, and you can feel the smile in your skin, “if we’re really meant to be friends, it’ll happen again.” 
Hoseok leaves you with these words, allowing you to breathe easy as you make the steps back to your apartment. Your feet are heavy from the day’s trek, but your mind feels lighter as you near your floor. 
You spot a young man in a long jacket hanging a bag on your doorknob, taking great care that the contents inside wouldn’t spill. 
“Jungkook?” you ask, smile widening when his gaze perks up to meet yours. It’s almost comical how he reacts to your voice, perking up like a little rabbit at the sound. 
His smile grows the closer you get to him, “Hey, pretty girl,” he murmurs, closing the space between you to press a chaste kiss on your cheek, “great timing. I got you something.”
Your eyes dart to the cup of bubble tea hanging on your doorknob. The cup is adorable, pink-tinted and rounded at the bottom with little cat ears for the lid. 
“Oh, you went! How was it?” 
“It was great! We should go once you’re free. Taehyung ordered three cups! Nearly puked all over Jimin’s couch.” 
“So,” your fingers trail up the buttons of his shirt, and you look up through your lashes, “you’re implying that my roommate isn’t inside our apartment right now.” 
He leans in, nose nudging your neck as his voice rumbles against your sensitive skin, “That’s exactly what I’m saying.” 
You’ve never punched in your key faster, clutching the bubble tea bag to place it along the counter as the two of you clamber in. Instead of making it to your bedroom or living room, Jungkook traps your body between the doorway, cradling your face in both his hands to press a sweet kiss on your lips. 
There’s nowhere to put your hands because both of Jungkook’s are up, so you close your eyes and let yourself savor the slow taste of his lips moving against yours. Finally you decide to settle your hands on his belt buckle, absentmindedly thumbing the loops as you get lost in the feeling. 
“Mm, Kook? Koo—” he presses quick pecks to your lips, barely giving you a chance to forge complete sentences, “can we move this somewhere more comfortable? ‘M legs are turning to jelly.” 
“Glad to have that effect on you,” he replies airily, thumbs pressing into your soft skin, “but I actually have to go, so no time to get comfy.” You whine against his lips, and he chuckles. “I have a cohort meeting at 8AM. We’re gonna organize our portfolios together.”
“Nerd,” you pout, pressing a kiss to his chin.
“And me and Mingyu are meeting online for some Overwatch in like, two hours.” 
“Gamer nerd,”
“Your nerd,” he beams, his thumb reaching out to swipe the sheen from your swollen lips, “lemme plan date night to make it up to you. Minghao will be out of town for the weekend so it’ll just be me at the apartment.” 
Date night. It all sounds so domestic to you, planning out designated days to spend time together. It isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but the fact that Jungkook sounds so settled with you is nothing short of heartening. 
“I’ll make dinner,” his fingers twine between yours, “and we’re keeping the dress code super casual. I want to see you in nothing but sweatpants and oversized t-shirts.”
“But sweatpants aren’t sexy!” 
“They are on you,” he retorts with a wiggle of his brows, “and sweatpants are easy access.” 
“Alright, as long as you don’t upstage me.”
“Never,” he grins, pearly whites on display, “now, I really gotta go.” 
He unlatches your body from his, only to have you immediately jump on him like a koala. You feel his large hands caressing your hair, taking the time to run his fingers through the tangles. You could fall asleep standing in the middle of your doorway, melting under his touch. 
“Good night, baby.” he says, pressing his lips to your forehead. 
“Sweet dreams, nerd.” you reply reluctantly, letting him open the door so he can go. 
“Dream of me!” is the last thing he says before he forces you to shut the door, leaving you thoroughly needy and wanting for him. 
Tonight, you dream long. 
Seven months ago, W1
You’re crying. There’s big, fat, ugly tears falling in rivulets along your face. You don’t even bother to wipe away the tears, just let them flow freely and dampen your pants as you watch the group take their final bow. 
From your seat, you take in the energy of the concert like it’s your last breath. The purple confetti dusting your hair, the slow remix blasting through the speakers. The sea of stars swimming across the stadium, all for them. 
You wait until everybody’s long gone before you get up from your seat. Until the only people that surround you are staff and clean-up crew, forcing you to leave. Your face still feels achy and your cheeks puffy. Sehlyung is urgently texting you (quadruple texting!) to hurry your ass up and get to the green room so you can all leave together. 
A hand on your shoulder stops you from replying, and you wave them off. “Yeah, yeah. I’m leaving already, sorry.” 
“Rude, I just got here.” 
Jungkook is glowing. He hoists his whole body to plop himself in the seat next to you, so heavy you fear he may break the plastic in two. His arms splay across the other seats, urging you to lean in closer. 
“Jungkook,” you smile, resting your hand on his thigh. “The show was great, I really felt the energy from all the way back here.” 
“I can see that,” he tugs at his long sleeves, reaching to brush a stray tear, “you okay?” 
“What, yeah.” you scoff, crossing your arms. 
“So you weren’t moved by my impeccable talent?” 
“Because, there’s nothing to be ashamed of if you were crying,” he goes on playfully, using his hands to narrate his spiel as he talks out to the stage, “I mean I get it, knowing how much I slaved over that solo and finally getting to perform it, and how I got sick the night before is a pretty–oh shit.” 
You’re blubbering again, feverish now that everyone’s gone and it’s only you two in the stadium. The lights have already started to go out, the only light illuminating are the red exit signs and the last pair of doors leading to the main lobby. Your cries are echoing across the large room, and you feel nothing short of embarrassed but you can’t stop crying.
“Awh, my little crybaby,” he cooes, dripping with affection as he moves the armrest to pull you onto his lap. You dive your face in his neck, wracking with sobs. 
“I’m, I’m just so proud of you,” you seep out, nuzzling your nose between his freshly cleaned face, “and you—you make it so damn hard for me to not love you it’s just, it’s not fair!” 
“You don’t make it any easier on me either,” he whispers, soft enough to crumble under his grasp and melt under his skin. 
The confessions are so soft, so easy to say. Little did the both of you know how much it would strain for you to place this love on the backburner. 
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Radio Romance (Doyoung x reader, Jaehyun)
This was on my wattpad too! Do check them out, I am working on my SuperM fanfiction.
Warning : Fluff, Doyoung and Jaehyun are radio DJs! Sweet ones obviously 
fluff and safe for work ;)
enjoy !!!
A great hit by Adele fades out as the familiar prelude to my beloved radio segment chimes in. The catchy yet simple jingle makes me perks my ears.
"Good evening citizens! This is DJ Doyoung"
"And this is DJ Jaehyun. You are now listening to Night Paradise of One Two Seven Regular Radio"
"Where you can relax and sleep with sweet dreams." Said Doyoung.
"The time now is nine o'clock. It is Wednesday May 8 and tonight we will receive your song requests and of course the favorite Radio Romance program is still available." Jaehyunexplains their rundown.
I go to turn up the music louder, well the channel I am tuning in right now is our Campus' radio station and since freshman days, this radio station really helps me during the stress nights before finals until the lonely nights when I miss mother's home cook meal. I really love the program, listening to music, witnessing a guy confess to a girl he likes, sometimes I just like to listen to the bickering of the DJs, and mostly I just like having sounds in my silent room. I share an apartment with a foreigner from the same country but he is currently busy. And during these nights, the radio really entertains me.
"As we collect your messages and requests, first composition tonight will be from the latest hit by NCT. As the night is still early, we think a lot of our listeners are still sticking their nose to books and papers. To energize you, we present you Highway to Heaven." Jaehyun's deep voice echoes.
I smiled; this song is currently my mood booster. Picking up my pen, I can return to read my textbook and try my best to study more; Though it is challenging for me to keep on reading, instead of singing on top of my lungs while dancing wildly. As much as I want to do those two badly, I know that my parents sent me here to the United States from the Country of Ginseng and Kimchi to learn something and be someone. Halfway through the song, I can't hold back my feelings and grab my phone.
I quickly text a private message to someone,
"Seriously.. I can't focus. Finals are around the corner. Mum will kill me if A is not present."
I Hit the send button and locked my phone. I must not get carried away into chatting. That will end my life.
After calming my excited nerves with water, the radio DJs return with different love confessions and questions.
Ranging from
"What should I do to get this girl's attention? I'm super shy while she's the total opposite." The two each suggested dating advices. Which I believe were not from their experiences. It's definitely a google answer.
"I just broke up with my boy friend, and I need more comfort songs. Can you two please fulfil my request. Thanks, and DJ Jaehyun you're the best." To which Doyoung replies jokingly "Noted. More love songs. DJ Doyoung is in charge of songs tonight. You pick the wrong guy."
"I can't sleep tonight. I need to finish 3 works by 7 a.m. tomorrow. Please tune up the bpm." Jaehyun's cheeky remarks was "I think coffee will help you better than us. Our program ended at 10.. anyways, we hope you for the best! Fighting!"
Those are messages coming into their homepage
"Now moving on to the tweets, I have.." Doyoung laughs a bit
"To @osaka_prince I really miss you, let's meet for Takoyaki this week. Call me asap. From @nct_is_life"
"You heard that @osaka_prince, someone misses you! And next we have.."
tHis time Jaehyun's soothing voice exits the stereo
"To @ice_yongie how are you doing? I heard you tune into this channel regularly. Wish you all the best for your finals. From @fire_jung"
"Right... to every students, please stay healthy, have enough sleep, and prepare for your finals." Jaehyun said and continue with two more mentions.
After that they play another hit song, this time as the atmosphere starts to go bittersweet. Their choice was Because of You by Taeil.
The sweet voice and words I understands, made a good company for me. I finish reading my books as the last beat of the song drops and Doyoung'strademark voice comes in.
"We have one more hour to accompanyyour night. Now for the news, we have one from the school's Baseball team, one from the hospital and another from the cafeteria. After the news we'll head on to the Call Me Maybe segment. Please wait for it."
Jaehyun reads the news about the upcoming grand Baseball match this Thursday, it's Trojans vs Eagles. Don't forget to come with all your Trojans attire and merchandises we all know how the season will end. Winning is our middle name.
The next news was only about reminding students to take care of their health during finals and a new boba stall will open this Monday. Discount 50% for first 100 cups.
No matter how cheap that will be, I know I can't skip class just to queue for a boba. Not if I want to have my ass bloody red.
The Call Me Baby segment comes after 2 other compositions and oddly I love this segment. Though it may be weird to some people, listening someone making a voice note on air to their special ones and getting no reply.. still there is something in my heart that likes hearing those.
Apparently a lot of calls were desperate. From 5 voice message, 2 are clearly in a phase of knowing someone and trying to win their heart, the other 3 are asking how someone has been.. clearly they broke up one misses the other one, but have no choice other than to use the radio to ask his or her condition. Ego always wins right?
I feel bad for those three who cannot directly ask how the people who used to be special to them is feeling right now. Lucky I'm not in that condition.
Then they take a break with several advertisements and music.
I leave my room to wash my face and clean my books. Well I am sleepy, but I am waiting for someone to return home.
The radio DJs are currently online with the twitter. Since it is impossible to read every tweet on air, they take time answering some lucky listener's tweets. I scroll my twitter and smiles a little when my tweet got replied.
"Have strength! You can do it~" – DJ Doyoung
I retweeted it and afterwards continue scrolling and reading a lot of replies and stories. Apparently there's much more than love and broken heart problems. Some are posting questions of which food to eat, some are just saying hi, several others requested songs; others even post thank-you letters for the two DJ who work hard to make their nights enjoyable and fun.
I glance at the clock. It is 30 minutes to their closing. Turns out two hours is not a long time. Hufht if only every two hours lectures can be this quick and enjoyable.
The last segment was the story sharing time. Basically everyone can submit their inspiring stories to the channel's email and then the team will choose which one is good to share. Tonight the speaker was none other the school's favorite baseball captain. Lee Taeyong... he shares his baseball career path. He shares his hard works, his passion, and what keeps him moving forward. His 10 minutes talk is inspiring. I wiped a tear that falls from my eye, his story is really touching.
Jaehyun and Doyoung also seem to honor the man talking on air right now. They salute his never ending passion and hard work. Taeyong gets to greet some of his fans and cheer them up. The segment ends after 15 minutes and Both DJ wraps his visit by telling all listeners to support Taeyong and his team on field this Thursday.
More tweets are read and replied directly on air, soothing songs for sleeping also fills the room.
"We did not realize time is running. It was fun listening to your feeling. The stars are starting to shine on the clear sky. You might want to take a peek out of your window for a moment.And as the night deepens,our segment must end after this." Doyoung shares his regret.
"Right, we are sad Paradise Night is over, but worry not for we will see you again this Friday. Please keep on tuning into One Two Seven Regular Radio. I am DJ Jaehyun"
"and I am DJ Doyoung"
"We present you the last composition, UN Village by Baekhyun. Sweet Dreams and Good night." The two host harmonize and the calm upbeat prelude from UN Village takes over their voice.
My phone lights up as the song almost reach its chorus.
"I'm done. Going home now.. wait for me!"
I typed a reply and turn the volume louder.
I know that, I know that, I know Yes we are now
Hannam-dong UN Village hill Looking up at the moon from the hill
I walk from my room to the small balcony. The radio song fluently escapes my opened room. Isomehow remembered that Jaehyun or Doyoung earlier said the sky is bright. Turns out I can see sea of stars tonight. It's relaxing and pretty.
The front door of my apartment opens and closes. I turn around and see someone returning home with a tired face but a smile is still there.
"Thank you for waiting me... the stars are dancing tonight and the moon is big!" His attention distracted by the picturesque sky in front of our eyes. He stands beside me, one hand over my waist to bring me close to his warm body.
You and me, umm yeah
UN Village hill, eh
Side by side we look at the moon
We sway to the rhythm and the song ends not long after it. It was a nice closing song!
"I should be the one to say thank you!" I turn my head to face him.
He looks puzzled but a hint of smugness can't escape his lips which form a smile.
"Me? Why?"
"Because you did a great job hosting Paradise Night! I don't feel lonely and I can study better. Thanks to you and Jaehyun." I hug him and bury my face on his chest.
Doyoung softens at my words and returns my hug "Anything for my girl! Now, let me shower from the sweat of walking home.. and maybe I need some ramen tonight. I'm always hungry after hosting the radio." He walks to his room and after collecting his clothes and towel, he enters the toilet.
I make my way to the kitchen. Taking a pot to boil water and choosing our favorite night snack. While he clean himself under the shower, I prepare the dish and the side dishes.
"Hmmm it smells amazing! Thanks for cooking it for me." Doyoung greets me with a fresh smell of mint shampoo and he takes the sit across of me.
"Saranghae~" he sincerely gives me a heart with his fingers and digs into the food.
After a stifled laugh, I also begin eating mine.
Once again a beautiful night spent with the best radio DJ, who is luckily mine. Doyoung... na do saranghae💛
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missguomeiyun · 5 years
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What I purchased from H-mart~ [starting from top left  -> working across -> bottom right]
PS: I’m trying something new- I’m gonna include Chinese text in this post :O It’s mainly bcos I have time :P but 2nd of all, I realized that Korean, as a language, sounds very natural to me these days lol I’m not saying I get all of it, but it sounds very familiar & I can process enough of it to understand it. Anyway, I went to H-mart with my family, where no one knows Korean & I had to describe to them what some stuff was. & then, as you can imagine, when I read about stuff, it’s in English so I know Korean<->English.. . Chinese seems to be out of the loop sometimes even though it’s my primary language. In any case, let us begin~
- Black bean sauce 짜장. Ran out of this at home, & I haven’t tried this brand before. 這是很普通的炸醬,用來伴炸醬麵的。我家的剛好食完了,而我從來都沒有嘗試過這個牌子的炸醬。所以買來嘗嘗!
- Cylindrical rice cakes x2 떡볶이. I’m trying to perfect my honey butter ddeokbokki & I have never tried using this smaller sized cylindrical kind before so I wanna test it out! & if it doesn’t, oh well, I’ll have rice cakes for regular spicy ddeokbokki. 韓國年糕有幾款的,大多數都是一片片或者是一條條。本人較喜歡後者。最近想弄好蜜糖牛油年糕。。。買多些來研究,研究。。。
- Nu-reung-ji 누릉지 (bag that has a clay pot on the front). It’s translated as “scorched rice”, & this bag of snack is literally the bottom layer of *crispy* rice that came from a clay pot lol it is unflavoured, & very hard to bite into (don’t just imagine it like a cracker) but the solid texture makes it satisfying. 簡單一句 = 飯焦。
- Raisin leaf tea 헛개차. This drink was 1st introduced to me when I was on a tour in Korea in 2014, where the tour guide spoke Chinese & she said this drink is very “Korean” in that it’s not really seen/sold elsewhere in Asia. It’s slightly bitter-sweet, carrying a medicinal taste- not for everyone, that’s for sure. But I really enjoy it! It’s popular as a drink for curing hangovers in the Korean population, or if you’re just drinking it normally, it’s good for digestion. 2014 年我去了韓國,報了廣東話團。導遊跟我們介紹了這個萬壽果茶。在韓國很出名(有其他牌子),但是在其他的亞洲國家就不常見。我試過之後,我立即愛上它了。有少少甘辛的味道,有些人可能會覺得帶有藥材味道。我就正正喜歡這個。醉酒的話,可以解酒。沒有的話,可以幫助消化。可以算是韓式涼茶吧![Prior to this blurb, I did not know what 헛개  was in Chinese. .. haha see! I’m learning Chinese from Korean.]
- Thin noodles 고포국수. No explanations needed.. . 麵條
- Kimchi 김치. This was the bagged kimchi I talked about in the last post~ 甚少見泡菜是一袋袋的。。。
- Chocopie x2. LOVE LOVE LOVE~ Honestly, if I got a box of these for my bday, I would be so soo SO happy haha it seems like I just speak about it & my coworkers never see me eating it at work during coffee break but that’s bcos I wanna enjoy them to the fullest: post-freezing state. 超喜愛的小食。。。冷藏後更佳。
- Ginseng chicken soup pack, AKA “samgyetang” 삼계탕. The pack contains 2 pouches of samgyetang ingredients; it’s basically a “tea bag” that you throw into your soup pot with a chicken. I really like the flavour of samgyetang bcos I’m a total ginseng fan. Ginseng tea, ginseng candy, ginseng coffee, ginseng . ..soup! It’s too much work to make real samgyetang from scratch, so this is great! 人參雞湯的湯包。基本上是一個含有所有材料的“茶包”。把雞和湯包放進湯鍋裡就行了。
- Dried seaweed 미역. I have the shredded kind at home, where once you soak it in water, it expands, but it’s still kinda in shredded form. This one is in big pieces, which is more “traditional”/authentic. Maybe it has a diff texture? 海藻。經常被誤為海菜,紫菜。。。不過,是另一種海底的寶物,具有豐富的營養價值。在家裡,我只有碎的海藻。這個是一整塊的海藻。口感會有不同嗎?
- Hot chicken ramyeon in carbonara flavour. I’ve tried the regular one & the cheese one (tbh, I’m too scared to eat the black one bcos it’s like 2x hotness of the regular & I already suffer from the regular a little...), but this was recommended to me by my Korean coworker & it was on sale too! Had to snatch a bag :D 培根蛋麵味的辣雞麵。
Writing in Chinese was actually pretty . ..fun haha for those who are new to me, I’m Cantonese, but I don’t know how to use the Chinese character stroke keyboard input method that majority of Cantonese ppl use -.-” I use pinyin, which just makes use of the English (qwerty) keyboard. It makes so much more sense to me & everything. Anyway, the problem is. .. pinyin is Mandarin-based, so I go on Mandarin mode & start typing the pinyin for all the words, but then when I read it in Cantonese, it’s messed up. Don’t ask, just accept! My “Chinese” text on my blog is meant for reading in Mandarin.
Hope you enjoyed this post~ I think my fav purchase from this (incomplete) trip was the raisin leaf tea. If you start seeing it at other Asian supermarkets, TELL ME! Once again, it’s 헛개 (the 3rd character차 in 헛개차 is tea, so you’re just really looking for 헛개). REMEMBER the 헛개, pron. “hawt-geh” (”geh” like “get” without the final T sound) //end of the lesson.
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