#just a messy doodle because I'm sick and tired
abel-draws · 2 years
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Happy birthday to @hiimtryingtounderfell 's chara my beloved who's absolutely not jealous of Sans getting the spotlight in their special day
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staycatcher · 1 year
I'll tell you what I think about Wednesday but if you watch arcane you have to tell me about it too. I really like animated stuff but I never know what to watch.
I hope your gift making goes well! I'm not sure what I'll make you yet but I've got time still but let me know if there's anything you don't want.
I agree about Xdinary Heroes debut but I really like their b-sides and their newest title. And I don't listen to the Rose very often but She's in the Rain is really good and I do like Woosung's solo music.
I like making stuff and reading, hobbies that have a proper end so there's a sense of accomplishment. Baking is nice because I get to eat something afterwards but it gets messy. I do have pets! Some cats but I really want a dog like a big big dog. But we don't have a lot of space and there's no way I could walk a big dog all the time so if I get one it'll be a little dog. Do you have a dream pet?
Hello bubs!! Sorry I took so long to answer I’m very tired from todays activities~ I went to this christmas market today it’s called “Christkindlmarkt” basically just a huge market full of European shops (I’m American) selling holiday themed shit for the most part. It’s really fun!!🤠🥰🌟
I love big ol dogs!!💞 My sister has a golden doodle who I love, she got him n was told he’d be 60-70 pounds but now he’s a honkin 80 pounds n is just the sweetest bean. Not that big, but way bigger than we expected! He’s exactly like Doug from Up except no hunting instinct (he once tried to befriend a literal deer, he saw her n just saw a really huge dog🥺)
I’ve never really ever thought of a dream pet like in my current age after getting / fostering my cat. I think realistically my cat will want to be a solo kitty, she doesn’t get along well with other animals because of her background. But ignoring all that, n I’m dreaming real big here, I think it’d be pretty sick to have a pokemon or smth fantasy>:) I don’t wanna fight anyone I just want an odd creature like a fuckin lotad. Idk why i just love lotad he’s so stupid looking (affectionate). Also I had a pig phase in high school, I think pigs n I are kindred spirits, snort laughs, upturned noses, seemingly dumb but actually pretty smart. But my siblings call me a raccoon, so who knows. Just throw me into the wilderness n I’ll take who’ll have me🥰😌 love love any animal!!💞
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Hiiii (・ω・)ノ
If it’s ok I would like to request an matchup.
I’m a very creative person, I love making things like decorations or paintings. I love animals and my favorite animal is the octopus (they are very smart animals).
I am very energetic and love making friends and going out, I was told that I light up the room and I love going to parties or clubs (but if I’m with the right person I love staying home too). I am the type of person that puts other’s needs first and sometimes I get sad when I see that others aren’t as thoughtful as I am. I love giving gifts to my friends and I put a lot of taught in what I’m gonna gift them.
I’m an airhead tho and I loose my things all the time (I’ve lost my ID 2 times and my credit card 3 times). I’m kinda messy too.
Another thing it would be that I have a chronic illness and because of it I get very cold and get joint pain a lot, I get memory loss, some days I get very tired and sometimes I feel depressed (I overthink a lot). It doesn’t help that I forget to take my pills.
As for the partner’s gender I would like he and my zodiac sign is scorpio (I’m a girl btw).
Hope I did this right and thanks a lot <3
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Now what I'm about to say makes me have a lot of weird feelings, but oh well, lol
I ship you with God Usopp.
Two artists in love have me all mushy inside. You're each other's muses. What can I say? It makes me blush. Both of you being artists also helps both of you escape the dreaded artists' block. Little doodles of each other with stupid little hearts all over them can be found all over the Thousand Sunny.
You caught his attention right away. Usopp was drawn into you by your sunshiney attitude and outgoing nature. He wanted to be around you, even if it's outside of Usopp's comfort zone.
He often frets about you and asks you how you're feeling eighty times a day, especially on your bad days. All his worrying makes him a pretty good nursemaid. Need an extra blanket? Got it. Got too cold when you're out and about? Please take his jacket. Are you feeling sleepy or drained? No problem. He wants to catch up on The Real Housewives of Dresserosa anyway. He's got ibuprofen/Advil/pain relief pills that you can take if you need them. Usopp leaves little sticky notes all over for you. They range from "I love you" to "Don't forget about your taxes."
Usopp adores the way you care about others despite your feelings, but it also worries him. Your kindness softens his heart, but Usopp can't help but worry if you're in pain or feeling sick beneath the surface. He's just a very soft and affectionate guy.
Relationship Trope: Friends to Lovers
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