#just because filip is not playing :(((
girlfriendline · 4 months
gus with the helmet and his best friend 😭
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iamthedukeofurl · 6 months
I feel like the Hbomberguy plagiarism video has a lot of really good lessons about building an argument. Like, the thesis of the video isn't just "Plagiarism is rife on Youtube", although that point was certainly well made, it was specifically about James Somerton, who isn't mentioned until about halfway through the video. Before then, Hbomb goes through several creators who are already widely discredited as plagiarists, and in each section he introduces concepts that are later incorporated into the final takedown of Somerton, but each section also stands on it's own. Like, he starts with Filip, the game reviewer, which he uses to introduce the format of how he will discuss and expose plagiarists. Specifically, the graphic of displaying the source material while the plagiarist's voice plays, and marking up said source material every time the plagiarist changes some wording slightly. This is the method that Hbomb uses across the entire video. With Illuminaughtii, Hbomb introduces a few major concepts 1) The idea of Insufficient citation. Illuminaughtii "Cites" her sources by putting a plaintext pastebin link in her video descriptions with no indication of how each source was used. Technically, her source is CITED, but not in any relevant or useful way. She has a big list of stuff she read, and a random youtube link in there happens to be the source that she stole 90% of the video from. 2) He introduces the profit motive behind this approach. Putting out a lot of content very quickly is how one builds an audience, and therefore an income, out of making stuff on youtube. Plagiarism of this sort is a way to produce content very quickly and build a following. The Internet Historian section introduces two new concepts:
1) The behavior of an exposed plagiarist, taking down and reuploading videos with minor changes, awkwardly trying to insert credit without admitting guilt. 2) That the plagiarists are stealing not just research, but STYLE. Previous sections go over how the plagiarists are reusing the same words, but this section oozes over how much of the final product's quality was the result of how well the source material was written. TIH didn't just crib the notes from the Mentalfloss article, he created a video heavily dependent on the original author's skill as a writer. When TIH tried his own hand at presenting the same set of facts, it came out much worse. So that when the time comes for the Somerton takedown, Hbomb has already laid the groundwork to bring these concepts back. Somerton takes down and reuploads videos when he's caught, he declares this his video is "based on" work by somebody else without providing proper citation. He's not just stealing research done by somebody else, he's taking their insights and talent as a writer and regurgitating it as his own, and he's doing so to churn out a vast wall of content that he can financially benefit from, and he doesn't need to tell you why this is important, because he's already done so. He already convinced you that Illuminaughtii hiding a line in a pastebin didn't excuse her plagiarism, so you don't need to be told why Somerton saying his video is "Based On" somebody else's book doesn't excuse it.
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seralica · 3 months
okay so I was rewatching Plagiarism and You(Tube), because of Somerton reappearing
and in Hbomb’s Filip section, he emphasizes that Filip’s first video is called “My Response” - “not an apology, a response” per Hbomb.
so that gives a funny additional dimension to Somerton thinking he’s being very clever by calling his recent video “A Measured Response” - he thinks he’s just being cheeky or whatever, but he’s playing DIRECTLY into the Plagiariser’s Handbook that we have been given!
he’s been dunked on by Past Hbomb, amazing
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mammonsrockstargf · 5 days
I've had a thought about the devildom. ☝🏼🤓
In my country, there’s this book, and I don’t know if it ever made it abroad, but it’s called “The Devil’s Apprentice.” It’s about this kid Filip who dies and then goes to hell, where he finds out that The Devil, Lucifer, is dying, and he wants Filip to become ruler of Hell after him. A bunch of stuff happens; there’s like six or seven books. Lilith is also a really big part of the series. I read them all when I was like 12.
Now, in this book, there are basically different types of devils/demons who all have different types of jobs.
The first type is the one who tempts humans. They’re all really hot because they’re supposed to be able to seduce humans into doing evil deeds, ya know. So if we’re putting this on Obey Me, I think the brothers, Diavolo, Barbatos, Mephistoles, etc. would all be this type, right? They can also shapeshift into whatever they think will be most irresistible for said human, so say the human they’re trying to corrupt is really into a certain physical trait, bam, they have that trait.
So now I’m officially imagining that the generic MC is just really into washboard abs, and that’s why all of the brothers are super ripped. It’s just because generic MC thinks it’s super hot and we’re seeing it through their eyes.
I don’t remember all that much about the other types in the book, but there’s this one type who are the "punishers." Their jobs are basically to torment the humans in hell, and because of that, they’re really scary-looking. They often have green skin and long snake-like tongues, they’re gigantic and use whips to punish people, but they’re all very reasonable fellas with families n shit, even though they’re so scary-looking. Tormenting humans is just their nine-to-five.
So imagine you’re in the Devildom and you’ve only been introduced to the hot demons, and then all of a sudden you see this gigantic fucking monster who definitely looks like he wants to eat you. You ask Mammon what the fuck that is, and he just waves at the guy and goes, “Oh, that’s just Larry.” And then you have to stop on the street for like 10 minutes so Mammon can catch up with him, until Larry reminds Mammon that he still owes him that Grimm he borrowed on gambling night 46 years ago, and all of a sudden Mammon is very busy, and, oh, look at the time, we gotta go.
The third type of demon I remember is this kind that lives in the shadows and feeds on people’s souls. They’re so evil that even other demons avoid them. Imagine one day you’re out with one of the boys, and you take a shortcut through an alley, and it suddenly gets really dark and cold (and this is the devildom so it gets REALLY dark and cold), and you’re just thinking, “What?” until whoever you’re with just grabs you and says, “We've gotta leave.”
It’s not until you’re several blocks away that he’ll tell you what just happened, and he basically just explains that if you’re ever somewhere and it gets really dark and cold all of a sudden, then you just run. Don’t let them eat your soul.
Like, thanks, I’m gonna have nightmares about that now.
Another thing I remember about the series is that in the second book, the whole plot is that there are these really old demons who are so old that they can barely do anything, and they just want to stop living honestly, but they’re immortal, so they can’t.
Do you think that those kinds of demons exist in the Devildom as well? We know that Barbatos is fucking old and he’s doing pretty well, but there are also demons like Dia’s dad who just want to be left alone. Surely there must be a bunch of demons who have been around for as long as Barbs and the Demon King, who are just tired of living? It has to get boring at some point, right?
Imagine in the Devildom there’s a nursing home for all of the old demons who just do not care anymore, and all they do is play cards and hang out. They’re so wrinkly, they look like corpses, but don’t go too close because they still have a liking for human meat, and they can be quite fast when they want to.
Obviously, it's not exactly the same, because in the book they're quite literally in Hell, and the Devildom is more of its own entity and isn't really tied to any religion, but it could be cool if we learned more about different types of demons.
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Gunpowder & Lead: Filip 'Chibs' Telford x Reader
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Tagging: @corruptedcoffin @anime-weeb-4-life @redpoodlern @ravencrow83 @kishie8 @nu1freakshow @oureternalbond
Companion Piece to Safe
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You’re gone when Chibs wakes up and so is the gun on his nightstand. It doesn’t take him long to connect the two things. You’re smart, you know the serial numbers have been removed, that none of what you do will blow back on him. He knows exactly what you’re going to do, he kicks himself for not seeing it sooner.
“Fuck.” He snarls, snatching up his cell phone and dialling your number. He gets your voicemail immediately. He snaps his phone shut so hard, he hears the plastic creak.
You’ve taken away his options, left him no room to manoeuvre. It both impresses and infuriates him. He can’t believe he underestimated you. He’s seen you in the courtroom for Christ’s sake, you’re fiercely intelligent, with nerves of fucking steel. You’ve kept him and the entire MC out of prison over your tenure as their lawyer, utilising a broken system and wielding it as if it’s a tool crafted especially for your hand.
He sits on the edge of his bed and clasps his hands together for a moment, trying to collect his thoughts and string together a plan because this shit is gonna end up with you dead if you aren’t careful.
He goes to your house, he knows you aren’t there despite the fact your car is in the driveway, you aren’t stupid. He picks up the cat statue your mother bought you, the one that you absolutely hate, and removes the spare key from underneath it. When he steps through the door, the stench of urine hits him straight away.
It’s only now that he realises the reality of your situation, what forced you to his house last night.
The living room is destroyed, the glass coffee table has been smashed, shards scattered throughout the carpet. All of those precious little artifacts, the ones from your travels, that used to rest upon the mantlepiece are in smithereens, fragments ground into the plush fabric underfoot. Your bookshelves have been yanked from the walls; pages scattered across the floor from being torn out. It’s when he steps into the affray that he sees the stain on the couch, the damp puddle marring the fabric and sinking into the cushions.
“The dirty bloody bastard.” he hisses as he stares at the spot the two of you made love a couple of days ago, the one that’s now drenched in piss.
He remembers the blanket draped over his hips as he smiled down at you. Your fingertips trailing over the scars on his cheek.
“Filip.” You had murmured as you looked into his eyes, his thumb ghosting over your lips. He’d silenced you with a kiss, one that was loving and tender, because as much as he wanted to hear those words on your lips, he wasn’t ready. He couldn’t vocalise how he felt for you, but he could show you with his body. He could worship you the way you deserved, express it with his actions.
It’s as he stands there, reliving that moment that he spots the wadded up ball of paper. He reaches for it, grasping it in his hand before he smoothed it out upon the sideboard that used to hold a picture of your niece and nephew.
It’s a divorce decree.
He scans over the document, processing the information as he studies it.
After months of delays and frustration, your divorce had finally come through yesterday.
You’re a free woman.
There were teeth marks on the decree, he could imagine it being shoved into your mouth with two fingers, stifling your agony as he stubbed that cigarette out just under your collarbone. The fingertip bruising on your jaw made sense to him now, the piece of shit had forced it shut as he seared your skin a second time and then a third, marking you.
His gaze lingers on the name and address at the top of the paper, it isn’t yours. It’s your ex’s.
Chibs can see how it all played out. That scumbag getting the letter in the mail, after fighting you for so long, avoiding court dates, challenging your assets. The document was probably still clutched in his hand when he’d come to your house, to teach you a lesson, to remind you that a piece of paper meant nothing, that you still belonged to him.
There was a fury whipping up inside him, it swirled like a hurricane, building and building and building until the rage and indignation erupted through his system like an IED. He was going to kill him; he was going to wrap his hands around that vicious son of a bitch’s throat and choke him until his eyes bulged and his face turned slack.
His gaze strays to the address in his hand, he knows where it is, he knows that is where you’ll be.
When Chibs arrives, he finds you sitting in a chocolate brown La-Z-Boy, smoking a cigarette over a corpse. His Beretta has been carefully placed on the end table, alongside a marble ashtray.
The bruising on your face is more predominant that it was last night, the true extent of the damage revealing itself. Your eye is bloodshot, the vessels around the iris blossoming with crimson. You look a right state, but there’s a calmness in you, one, that he knows comes in the aftermath of neutralizing a threat.
“You shouldn’t be here.” You tell him, crushing the butt of the cigarette into the base of the ashtray.
“Aye.” He says before gesturing to the body of your ex-husband. “What was the plan?”
You shook your head as your gaze came to rest on the dead man, sprawled out on the laminate in front of you. You remember the surprise on Peter’s features when he turned around and saw the gun. The dumb fuck had let you in, thinking you were going to fucking grovel. He had expected you to get on your knees and beg for forgiveness.
“There wasn’t one.” You tell him as Chibs crouches down beside the body to examine it. “I just knew he wasn’t going to stop.”
“Christ love, you emptied an entire clip into him.” he remarks, with the shake of his head. “I doubt we could argue self-defence.”
You remove another cigarette from the pack on the end table before putting it between your lips and lighting it. You take a long drag before exhaling.
“Just go Filip.” You urge him. “I’ll make sure none of this leads back to you.”
He tilts his head examining the size and built of the body. There’s not a chance you’ll be able to help lift it, not in the shape you’re in. He can tell the painkillers have worn off from the slight clench of your jaw. He still has that hook up in the crematorium, he can get Juice to drive the van down from the garage, help with the clean-up. He trusts the other man to keep his mouth shut unless asked about it directly. He raises to his feet, clapping his hands together before he turns his attention onto you.
You mean it, he can tell from the steely look in your eyes as you watch him.
Right now he’s in the clear, if he gets on his bike and leaves, it’ll be like he was never here. You on the other hand, you’ll be facing 25 to life for the murder of your ex-husband. There will probably be extenuating circumstances from the beating you took, you’d get time shaved off for pleading out, a reduced sentence in Central California’s Women’s Facility.
The thought of it kills him, you serving time, your ex husband getting the last laugh form beyond the grave. He hopes the fucker is burning in hell, getting ass fucked by the devil himself.
“Alright love. I’ve got a plan.”
Love Chibs? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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baby-alien11 · 1 year
Birthday scream (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! *Alexa, play 22 by Taylor Swift (Taylor's Version)*
P.S.: I had to search Skeet's house for this, it's so cool where he lives
I will have a Q&A for my birthday so you can leave your messages for me so you can get to know me better (actually is always open, so you can ask me anything whenever you want)
taglist: @volturi-girl-imagines @dessxoxsworld @aonungsgirlfriend @ethanlandryluver @wenvierismycomfort @aliciacat20 @gabbylovesreading @nikfigueiredo
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Since you were born, your birthdays were special, it didn't matter if it was only the five members of your family or a small party with your classmates, you enjoyed it
When you started to go to the Riverdale set, they usually throw you a theme party acording to the season they were filming at the time (seasons three, four and five were weird parties), and in the weekends your entire family will spend a day together
Also, there was also the tradition that someone will be standing up by your bed with the ghostface costume at the moment you wake up, and the person was different every year
Things change because of COVID, making the celebrations family-exclusive, but due to the fact that the virus was slowing down, a big party was a good option
So, while you were still sleeping in your room, on the first floor there was comotion to prepare everything with your friends from Scream and Avatar (due to the filming of the last season, the Riverdale guys wouldn't be there)
"If someone, pet or human goes to the cultives garden, please be careful with the plantings", Skeet exclaimed making the breakfast with Matthew's help
"And if they want to go potty?", Mason asked helping with decorations
"They have a space for that in the garden", Naiia assured
"It's okay if I record most of the party?", Jamie asked with his camera on hand, "And uploading it on my channel?"
"For my part is a yes", Georgina, your mother, answered making a cake with Anna's help, "But Y/N is the birthday girl, so she has the ultimate answer"
"Should we inflate more balloons?", Bailey asked with Liana and Duane by her side surrounded with a lot of balloons
"I think we should fill the trampoline with some of them", Jack suggested, "It will be fun"
"Kids, we have enough with the castle jumper in the backyard", Skeet interrupted, "And I still don't know how she convinced me to get one for the entire day"
"Because she is the baby of the family", Melissa joked organazing some helium balloons
"I actually suggested her the idea", Trinity said whit a proud smile
"You are my new favorite kid", Jasmine said towards the pre-teen
"Wait, don't you have the tradition of using the ghostface costume?", Devyn asked suddenly
"Yeah, who's turn is this year?", Filip continued
Realising that they didn't remember who's turn this year was, the four looked at each other with panic
"What if we add a surprise factor this year?", Jakob suggested turning towards the living room where everyone was, "Who wants to wear the costume?"
"Do you have more than one?", Jenna asked, "Because more than one would be cool"
"Or someone she won't expect", Duane said
"Just so everyone knows", Liana talked, "It's difficult to breath under the mask"
"True!", Matthew exclaimed
"Wait, has anyone seen Iggy?", Amenah, Mason's girlfriend talked, "I haven't seen him in a while"
"Wasn't he sleeping in the couch with the other pets?", Mason asked
"I think I saw Butters and Izzy going upstairs, along with Alaska, Rambo and Zeus", Xavier, Melissa's husband responded
"Jakob", Skeet said causing his son to look at him with a little fear, "When you went to see if your sister was still asleep, did you close the door after checking?"
"Not completely", Jakob laughed nerviously, "I mean, I didn't want to wake her up, so I didn't close the door"
Upstairs, you were already awake thanks to Butters who jumped into your bed to start licking your face, and noticing the other five dogs, you reach out to let them snuggle in your bed
And being wake up with your door barely open, you heard everything downstairs making you smile with fun
"If they knew I'm awake and listening to everything", you laugh to the pets
Hearing someone coming to your room, you decided to pretend you were still sleeping covering completely with your bed sheets, leaving the pets uncovered
After disscussing who would wear the costume, they choose the one who you never expect, and that was Bailey, who was walking slowly towards your room trying to make zero noise, with Jamie following with his camera to film
When they arrived at the room, Jamie stood in the door filming while Bailey started walking towards your bed noticing the pets laying at the feet of the bed
The moment you felt someone next to your bed, you were quick to jump and scare the person behind the costume, earning a girl-ish scream which you recognized
"Oh my God! Bailey?", you exclaimed in surprise kneeling in your bed
"Happy birthday", Bailey said taking the mask off, "Liana was right, it's hard to breathe in this"
"I didn't expected this", you laughed while she sat in your bed
"Yeah, last time I'm going to use this", Bailey said, "Jamie is filming also"
"Hi, happy birthday Y/N", Jamie spoke still from the door
"Thanks", you smiled, "Wait, who is here?"
"Almost everyone", Bailey responded, "Come on, breakfast is ready"
Without caring that you were still in you pajamas that consisted in a tank top and sweatpants. you went downstairs with Bailey and Jamie, seeing the first floor full
"Happy birthday!", everyone exclaimed the moment they saw you
Squealing of happinnes, you were quick to hug everyone in the place, watching all the decorations that adorned the first floor
"Did you like the way to wake up this year?", your mom asked while hugging you
"Actually, I was awake before Bailey entered", you revealed surprising everyone, "I heard almost everything"
"I'm sorry in advance for leaving the door open!", Jakob exclaimed
"I knew you were the one who leave it open", you laughed, "You always leave it open"
"Welcome to the club, man", Mason spoke, "I'm also the sibling who leaves the door open"
That comment made everyone laugh before getting to the kitchen to serve all the breakfast foods that was made, and sitting in the living room while the pets lay besides their owners
"So, what's the itinerary for today?", you asked sitting between Jack and Trinity
"We rented a castle jumper", Skeet answered, "Is in the pool backyard"
"No way!", you yelled with surprise, "Are you serious?"
"It arrived early in the morning", your mom responded, "And it's ready to use"
"We also bring a piñata", Melissa said, "We'll put it next to the garage"
"And we also bring three bags of candy to fill it", Xavier continued
"This day is going to be so fun", you smiled
"After breakfast, we'll spend time outside, then we will have lunch and you'll open your gifts", your mom continued, "And the cake will be the dinner, what do you think?"
"It's the perfect day", you smiled
After everyone ended up breakfast, you went to your room to change your sleeping clothes for a over-sized shirt and comfy shorts
"Baby, are you ready?", Jack asked entering your room, "The castle jumper is waiting for you"
"Totally ready", you smiled aproaching to him
Before both of you could leave the room, Jack was quick to softly hold your cheeks and share a small kiss
"Happy birthday", Jack said leaving a kiss in your forehead, "I love you"
"I love you", you responded with a love smile
Carrying you in his back, you and Jack went downstairs in direction to the pool backyard were everyone was already in the castle jumper
"Before everyone start to jump, we decided to make a rule!", Georgina exclaimed, "Everyone who is filmimg, promoting or working on projects be careful and don't do anything dangerous like backflips or jumping into the pool!"
"Please, is for your own safety", Anna continued
"If you don't follow the rules I will eat the two cakes that we have!", Matthew yelled, "I'm serious about that!"
Laughing for that threat, everyone that was in the castle started to jump and play while having fun and listening to the music that was on the speakers
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After everyone was tired of jumping and the lunch was over, it was time for the next part of the party: the piñata and the gifts
"Okay, here´s how this works", Melissa said before starting, "Everyone will hit it three times to try to break it, if it doesn't break when everyone passed, anyone can hit it, of course, the birthday girl is first"
"And what do we do when the piñata is broken?", Filip asked
"Fight for your life for the candys", Xavier answered holding the rope from which the piñata hung on the thick branch of a three
"This sounds fun", Jakob commented
"Now, fictional half sister", Melissa spoke again handing the wood stick, "Let's start with this"
Smiling with excitement, you walk towards she was and took the wood stick to aproach to the white and pink flower piñata
"This looks so cute", you said refering to the piñata before hitting it hard surprising everyone
"Mini Ulrich has a strong arm", Jasmine commented
After hitting it three times, you passed the wood stick to the next person who was Naiia
For the next minutes, everyone took their turns to hit the piñata getting to break it slowly due to the hits, until it was Matthew's turn when he mannaged to break it, which caused that the young adults and teenagers throw themselves to catch the more amount of candies that were previously inside the piñata
That scene made all the adults laugh and take pictures of the fight for the candies
"Where are all the chocolates?", Devyn asked
"I saw Mason put them in his bag", Trinity responded
"Are you serious?", Mason exclaimed, "This are Amenah's favourite"
"Dude, just give us some", Duane said
"But you have to give us some of the strawberry lollipops", you yelled
"I don't have them", Duane answered with indignation
"Yes you have them", Liana argued, "I saw you took them"
After a little argument about the candies and everyone having all types, the group went back to the living room for the next part of the party
"Well, since we are the people who gave you life, it's fair we are first", your mom said
"Happy birthday tornado", Skeet continued leaving a big box in front of you
"Thanks mom, thanks dad", you thanked both of them before opening the box revealing materials for VFX make up, "Oh my God, thank you so much, this is awesome"
"Yeah, ours is better", Naiia spoke while Jakob gave you a medium box
A little nervous because you didn't know what to expect from them, you open the box laughing at the moment you saw the content
"What is it?", Jenna asked with curiosity
In response you lifted the white shirt with the phrase "child of divorce" which made everyone laugh
"We also get ones to ourselves", Jakob laughed
"I can't wait to wear this outside", you joked
"I'm next", Jack anounced giving you a big box, "Happy birthday gorgeous"
"Thanks babe", you smiled opening the box revealing a set of LEGO flowers, "I love them!"
During the next hour and a half you spend it opening the gifts that included more supplies for VFX make up from Matthew, a polaroid camera from Jamie, jewelry from Bailey, the 'email's I can't send' vinyl album from Trinity, a Thom Brown backpack from Jenna, books from Filip and Duane, aromatic candles from Jasmine, two pair of sneakers from Mason and Amenah, clothes from Liana, phone cases and accesories from Devyn, skin care products from Melissa and Xavier, and a sketchbook with supplies from Anna
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yn.ulrich, jackchampion, masonthegooding and 128, 805 more
skeetulrich this is how my living room looks after Y/N birthday, because a whole day together wasn't enough
tagged: yn.ulrich, naiia, julrich21, jackchampion, melissabarreram, xavierzazuetaoficial, jasminsavoy, masonthegooding, amenahsoares, baileybass, lianaliberato, misstrinitybliss, jamieflatters, duane.evans_, devyn_nekoda
yn.ulrich this was one of my best birthdays ever!!
baileybass I can't believe I almost get hit by a piñata
› jasminsavoy I already apologized a hundred times
› kjapa did you have a piñata?!
› jackchampion yeah, it was a flower one, Melissa brought it
user497 I want to be friends with all of them
matthewlilard good luck with the kids, I'm already taking my flight
› yn.ulrich uncle Matthew, you know I love your gift, but you know what will be awesome as a present?
› yn.ulrich to know if Stu is alive
› matthewlilard okay, I'm going to block you, happy birthday
› julrich21 HAHAHAHAHAHA
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kdogreads · 1 year
Your imagine of being chibs old lady is the cutest, sweetest, loviest thing I’ve ever read 😭😭😭😭. Could I pretty please have more? Maybe when they meet or the early days of the relationship
Thank you so much, sweet anon💕 I’ve been traveling a lot for work so I haven’t had time to turn this into as long of a fic as I would have liked. Part 2 will dive deeper into the early days of this sweet relationship. :)
I hope you enjoy nonetheless!
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Very Soon
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Summer, early 1990s, Charming, CA
You’d lived in Charming your whole life and worked at the same damn diner since you were 16. Until very recently, that is, you started working at St. Thomas Hospital.
The Sons were familiar to you, and you to them, most of them calling you by your first name when you’d cross paths. They’d come in to your little diner regularly over the years and you’d built a friendly relationship with the club. They were the only mechanics in town you trusted to do good work for a fair price, so when you blew a tire just down the road from the shop, you started walking that way.
You walked around to the garage where the guys were working on all kinds of bikes and cars. Tig was the first one to spot you and headed your way. He shouted your name with his normal enthusiast demeanor.
“Hey, darlin’. How ya doing? Are you alright?”
“I’m okay, thanks, but I hit a pothole or something just around the corner, tore my tire and rim all up. You guys got time for a tow?” You asked him in defeat, slugging your bag over your shoulder.
“Oh, anything for you, sweetheart. I’ll pull the truck around,” He waved for the chestnut-haired Scotsman who was working away on a Harley, “You need a lift? Got somewhere to be?” Tig put a hand on your shoulder gently, careful to keep the interaction light, respectful.
“Nowhere to be but here,” You teased back, punching him in the shoulder playfully.
“Good thing Chibs here has a clear schedule then to keep you company, darlin’,” He patted the Scot on the back, a grin spread wide across his face.
Tig gave you a wink and a turned around to go pick up your incapacitated car. Chibs smiled and extended his arm out, pointing you in the direction of the clubhouse. You’d never been inside before, but you’ve apparently been around enough now to be invited in. You’d always been friendly with Chibs, not unlike the other guys, but there’d always been an extra sense of flirtation with him, his eyes lingered a bit longer on you after every interaction.
He held the door open for you as you stepped into the dimly-lit barroom. The smell of cigarettes, weed and booze invaded your senses. A few heads turned when you walked through the door, but as soon as they spotted Chibs behind you, they just nodded your way. A blush suddenly crept onto your cheeks knowing you were only allowed in because you were being escorted by a member.
“Fancy a drink, sweetheart?” You nodded with a smile, and Chibs handed you a cold beer before leading you to the end of the bar top where two barstools sat empty.
“Thank you, Chibs,” You chirped as you slung back a swig of the icy liquid.
He muttered something you didn’t quite catch, so you raised an eyebrow his way. Playfully questioning his words.
“It’s Filip,” He spoke nonchalantly between sips, “Figure someone oughtta use it.”
You smiled at his openness towards you. The only interactions you’d really had with him before now had been in passing at the diner or when he’d been patching up your car, but there was always something in the way he spoke. A certain lilt in his tone that always made your heart flutter. You thought it might just be his accent, but you were happy to learn you might be wrong about that.
“Alright, Filip,” You spoke, just a hint of flirtation in your voice, “However will you entertain me for the next several hours?” You leaned an elbow on the counter top and smiled up at him.
He looked around playfully, nodding his head towards the other side of the room.
“Know how ta play, lass?” He motioned towards the worn pool table, the hint of a smile tugging one side of his mouth.
“Yeah, kinda. Haven’t played for a long time, but I’m sure you can remind me,” You took a sharp breath in before setting your beer down and hopping off your barstool.
When you stood up, Filip didn’t move at first, so you extended your hand to him, a playful, “come on,” dancing from your lips. That was all it took to lift him to his feet, his gaze drifting to the floor momentarily, probably to disguise the blush flooding his scarred cheeks.
He took this new job of teaching you how to be a star pool player very seriously. He’d squint his eyes and get down level with the velvet tabletop, explaining something about the angles and torque needed to get the ball where you wanted it to go. You kept up as best as you could, all of his strategy and technique basically just flowing in one ear and straight out the other.
Sensing your patience thinning, Filip decided it was time to show you how to properly shoot the ball. It was exactly as you’d seen it in the movies. He planted himself firmly behind you, each of his broad arms in line with your thinner ones.
“Nice ‘n’ easy, now,” He spoke quietly, his breath close enough to tickle the hairs flowing over your shoulder, “No’ too much force, righ’ there on the far side o’ the ball.”
You tried not to react to his close proximity, but you couldn’t stop the shiver that shot up your spine. A shaky breath fell from your lips.
“Nervous, lass?” Filip’s lips almost brushed against your ear this time. He knew exactly what he was doing.
“Not at all, Filip,” You popped the “p” a bit more than necessary, turning your head slightly to meet his deep brown gaze for a beat before sinking two balls into the corner hole.
“Aye, s’pose no’ then,” He growls with an amused look on his face.
You turn to face him, comfortably trapped between the old wooden table and Filip’s broad body, his arms resting on the oak on either side of you. He takes a deep breath and sinks down so you are face-to-face. You just stare into each other’s gazes for a moment, both of you thinking about your next move.
“Yer beautiful, lass, always thought so,” Filip whispered, his hand raising to gently tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
A blush crept up your chest and spilled onto cheeks. His gaze was not demanding, but invasive. He filled all of your senses like a rushing waterfall, waves breaking above your head over and over again without giving you a moment to breathe.
“Can I —,” You began, knees feeling like they could buckle at any moment under the weight of his presence, “Can I kiss you, Filip?
He didn’t respond for a beat, a smile daring to creep onto his face. He lifted his other hand from the table behind you and cupped both sides of your face, leaning his body into yours. His lips were softer than you expected as he pressed them to your own, planting a sweet peck onto them.
“Aye, lass, only if I can kiss you back,” His words sparking a smile to spread across your face. You leaned back into him and kissed him again, deeper this time. Your lips crashing together and apart time after time. Filip’s tongue licked a swipe across your bottom lip, sliding into your mouth to explore each part of it. You were so lost in the feeling of tongues melding together that you must have missed the recognizable squeak of the heavy clubhouse door.
“Uh, hey,” An amused Tig began, you straightened up quickly with an embarrassed giggle rising in your throat, “If you’re done sticking your tongue down Chibby’s throat, sweetheart, you car is ready to roll.”
You let the laughter spill out of your mouth as you leaned your head down to rest on Filip’s chest. He wrapped one arm around your waist as the other pretended to shield you from Tig’s view, a chuckle escaping Chibs’ cheeky smile, too. You nodded at Tig with a smile still on your face. He turned around to head back out the door shaking his head and laughing.
“I guess ya better be on yer way then, darlin’,” Chibs smiles to you, his hands still planted firmly on your waist. You only nodded up at him before leaning back into his chest and snaking your arms around his broad torso. His strong arms wrapped around you again as he planted a kiss on the top of your head. The two of you stayed there a moment, wrapped up in nothing but each other before you pulled away from him.
“I’ll be seeing you soon then, Filip?” You asked as you a stepped towards the bar top to grab your bag. Before you could register it, your hand was caught in Chibs’ tight grasp. You spun your head around with a confused look on your face.
“Aye, lass,” He brought your hand to his lips and pressed a soft kiss into your knuckles, “Very soon.”
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Part two here 🥰🤪
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swan-lite · 6 months
Dang it, okay, I have thoughts
James Somerton made an apology video in which he says "I'm sorry" several times but
Couches it in a pity party
Does not directly address any of the people whose work he stole by name
Never uses the word "plagiarism," instead referring to his theft almost exclusively as "citation errors"
James discusses how many videos he and his team were releasing and the frequency of releases as if someone was pressuring them to release a high volume of videos, as if to say it isn't his fault that there were quality problems
James offers to make his videos public again and add "citations" in a pinned comment or in the descriptions as a means of crediting the people he stole from
He also insists that some of the videos won't need these citations because some of them were his own "original work"
(In other words: that he has nothing more to hide)
James states that he isn't bigoted against ace folks, bisexual folks, trans folks, or women and that the several disparaging remarks he has made against these communities in his videos were not written by him
Because we have receipts for several of these remarks thanks to Harry's (hbomberguy's) video on James, we know that they didn't come from the articles and books he was stealing from, so if James didn't write them then the only other person who could have was his cowriter Nick
James then immediately says that he's not trying to blame Nick
James does not try to explain the ace/arophobic, biphobic, transphobic, or misogynistic remarks he has made on his Twitter or Patreon accounts
James mentions - and seems genuinely bothered by - the "people online" who are spreading lies and misinformation about him
Finally, James discusses future projects he would like to work on
He then deleted the apology video
Harry states near the top of Plagiarism and You(Tube) that "When someone more competent than Filip uses [his] techniques in a subtler way, we can recognize them for what they are."
This is not competent. It's not even subtle. James's career was so thoroughly eviscerated literally overnight that this is the best he can do, and it's not even good.
James says that he's sorry, but doesn't actually explain what he's sorry for. He doesn't admit to, or take responsibility for, the extent of what he actually did. In this way, he can now say when confronted that he apologized. But with the wording, he still manages to avoid actually taking ownership of his actions. In other words, it's using passive language to imply that what he has done just happened. He definitely didn't sit down and choose to commit extensive plagiarism - of course not! What really happened? *shrug* Anyway, sorry for it.
When iiluminaughtii (henceforth referred to as Blaire) tried to explain the many times in her video essays she has misspoken or misused words, she played it off as a byproduct of the amount of "work" she churned out for her fans. James is trying to do the same thing here, only it is deeply ineffective. It's quite upsetting to me to think that some of his fans - young queer folks who are probably used to having to make themselves small - might on some level fall for this trick. The idea is to make you the viewer feel guilty for the demands you have placed on this creator, when in reality this is a grown adult who knew exactly what he was doing.
I'm not going to spend too long on this next point. If you've read this far, you're probably invested enough to be well aware that James has used the trick of burying a citation under a mound of text no-one will read many times. It's the same trick Blaire used, and the one The Internet Historian used as well after he was caught.
James stops short of making a "Colombo villian speech" in this apology video. He does, however, take the time to say that he has nothing more to hide. Again, if you've watched Harry's video, you know this literally always means that the person who insists they have nothing to hide is absolutely hiding something else. Whether this is more plagiarism or some other skullduggery we haven't yet found out about, I'm sure it will come to light eventually. I'm honestly surprised and a little disappointed that James tried this tack. Obviously he's thought better of it, since the video is gone now. But I would think a grown human who has just been the subject of an hours-long piece of, frankly, journalism would know better than to say something like this.
With the comments about his bigotry, James is trying to simultaneously redirect attention and perform allyship by saying "Look, I have an asexual friend! Who may or may not be public about his sexuality at this time!" This is the kind of thing I think a lot of us in the queer community are used to - supposed allies downplaying microaggressions by pointing to folks in the ally's proximity who happen to have an identity that they are being accused of speaking badly about. "This one person can stand to be around me, so clearly I can't be all bad." Personally, as someone whose racist parent tries consistently to downplay their own racism by pointing to me, their mixed race child, I can tell you that this is always misleading. In this case, I feel comfortable saying it's intentional. James tries to excuse the bigotry that "ended up in the videos" by saying that he didn't have time to edit the scripts properly. He doesn't seem to realize that time constraints often make people much more honest. In reality, this is James trying to make excuses for the bigotry he put in his videos because the time constraints he put onto himself made it much more difficult to disguise how he really feels.
James then directs some indignation at the people who are online discussing what he did. I would interpret his discussion of his income as an oblique reference to Dan Olson's thread about his recording equipment if I had a degree in literary analysis. My degree is not in literary analysis, so I'll leave it there. Ahem.
James makes reference to future projects he hopes to work on, as if this endeavor has in any way preserved or helped to bolster his shattered reputation. Jessie Gender makes a great point in saying this feels like a promise of work we could get out of him if we all just collectively decide to ignore all the harm he has caused. And James has caused harm. Whether he meant to or not, given the sheer magnitude of his plagiarism, there is absolutely no doubt that he has caused significant harm to a community he claimed to defend.
I want to spend a moment on something others have already pointed out. Actually, Harry pointed this out too. If James's theft were in any way defensible, he would have defended it. He would not have gone to such great lengths - up to and including deleting videos - to hide it. He wouldn't have used Nick as a shield, he wouldn't have outright lied in his livestreams, and he wouldn't have deactivated his Patreon (before reactivating--y'know what, this post is long enough, we don't need to get into that). James lied and dodged and beat around the bush for years BECAUSE he knew what he was doing was wrong. I had a justice studies professor once tell my class that nobody wakes up in the morning and decides to be A Criminal. People make choices, and choices have consequences, but most people don't choose consequences. People choose the thing that benefits them and consequences follow. James made a long, long series of choices, and I would like to remind everyone that they always had consequences. Even before Harry's video came out, James was facing consequences. Those didn't come from nowhere, they came from the people he was hurting. He knew about them, he just didn't stop because of them. He stopped because he literally couldn't keep going anymore.
Finally, James deleted his misguided response to the multitude of accusations against him. I don't think I need to explain to anyone what that indicates.
I would like to finish by saying that nobody should be harassed. Nobody should be bullied, or dogpiled, or doxxed. Nobody should wake up in the hospital because their dad realized he needed to call an ambulance. James's life is undoubtedly in a really difficult place right now, and while he absolutely deserved to lose his career, that's all he deserved. I hope he regains his health, I really do.
And I hope Harry and his team don't feel any responsibility over this. It seems easy from the outside to believe they wouldn't, but I also know that if I had just released a 4-hour long video detailing someone's fraud and then found out they had been in the hospital because of an incompleted suicide, I would feel pretty conflicted about a project we know Harry already felt conflicted about.
I hope Harry and his team are doing okay, and I hope James starts doing okay soon, and I hope James realizes this was the wrong damn time to try any release and apology. It was a bad apology.
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mrsfilipchibstelford · 9 months
Soooo, this doesn't have a title and im not sure if I'm even going to finish it but here it is. All the appreciation and love to @darqchilddaydreamz for helping me with this
Chibs sat on the plane quietly and bit his lip. He glanced over to where Fiona and Kerrianne were and while he was happy to have them around and spend time with them again, especially his daughter, he was worried about Y/N's reaction. They had fought for weeks before he left for Ireland and he hadn't really talked to her while he was gone. She had no idea he was bringing them back with him and that his family were now going to be living in Charming. Y/N  was going to lose her fucking mind and he could only hope to be able to talk her down. She was highly insecure about the situation with Fiona and she also couldn't stand the woman for what she had done to Chibs years back. She wasn't one to forgive and forget.
"You ok sweetheart? You've been really quiet since we left." Gemma's voice drew him out of his thoughts and he threw a weak half smile at her.
"Aside from the fact that Y/N is probably gonna leave me? I'm fucking great," he sighed. The last thing he wanted was to lose her, but he had to make sure that his family was safe. And now thanks to that bastard O'Phelan, Ireland was no longer safe for them.
 Gemma nodded over to where his family was sitting.
"You think Fiona is gonna start shit?"
"I think Y/N is. We were barely on speaking terms before I went to Ireland and I am not looking forward to any of what's waiting for me when we get home."
"Maybe if you start with the fact that you're now divorced she'll be okay."
"I fucking doubt it. I'm pretty sure I'm about to lose the only good I have in my life. Don't get me wrong I love the club and my brothers and you too of course but Fiona's always had a special talent for ruining my life and if I lose Y/N…”, his voice trailed off. “I don't want to live without her Gemma."  
Y/N watched as everyone reunited, she was about to go to Chibs when she spotted Fiona and felt her heart drop. Y/N could feel his eyes on her as she turned towards the garage and walked away. It seemed pretty clear to her where her relationship with Chibs stood now that he had brought his wife and daughter back with him. She had found out while Chibs was in Ireland that she was pregnant and had planned to tell him when he got back but now she wasn't sure she should. She also wasn't about to stand there and listen to whatever excuses he had come up with on the plane ride home so she grabbed her bag from her brother's workstation and headed towards her car. She went to open the door when she felt it shut. Without looking, she knew it was Filip.
"Can we talk, love? I promise it isn't how it looks."
She shook her head and swallowed back her tears. "I don't wanna hear it."
"Y/N, let me explain before you do something we both regret. Please."
Chibs could feel the tears coming and it was getting difficult for him to breathe. He was on the verge of a full-blown panic attack and it didn't look like there was anything he could do about it. He knew her brother was watching them to see how it played out and he also knew that if Y/N began to cry, Tig wouldn't hesitate to start throwing punches.
"You don't need to explain anything. I'm not stupid so can I just go now?"
He thrust papers into her hands as soon as she turned around to face him.
"I'm divorced now, my love. Only reason they are here is because it's not safe for them to stay in Ireland anymore. Trust me darlin', Fi is just as pissed off about being here as you are. I know things between us haven't been good for a while but I love you more than anything. I don't want to live without you. I can't. You're the only good in my life aside from Kerrianne. Can we please just go back to how it was before? We could ride to Vegas and get married. Or do something here. Whatever you want."
"Getting married isn't going to solve our problems, Filip."
Chibs grabbed her hips and pulled her towards him and hugged her like it was the last time he'd be able to touch her. He buried his head in her hair and whispered that he was sorry.
"I'll fix whatever I have to. Just tell me what to do."
Y/N didn't really want to be in Charming anymore and she knew if he knew about her being pregnant he would never allow her to leave. But she also didn't want to keep him from their child, and especially after what had happened with Kerrianne.
"I want to go home. Clearly, I don't belong here anymore" she gestured towards his girls.
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the-hinky-panda · 9 months
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I say, "I heard, oh, that you've been out and about with some other girl
Here's more Dog Days are Over with our favorite Scotsman!
You’re wrapping a horse’s leg when Robert, your barn manager, stops by the stall. 
“How’s Samson doing?” 
“Getting better,” you answer as you smooth your hands over the self-adhesive wrap. “Swelling was down quite a bit this morning. He’s starting to put some weight back on it.” 
“Good signs.” 
You look up from your crouched positions and see the worry etched into Robert’s face. “So what’s up with that look?” 
“Sheriff Jarry is here, wanting to see you.” 
You stand up and knock the stray pieces of straw from your jeans. “What does she want?” 
“Didn’t say. She’s in your office.” 
“Okay.” Your stomach immediately drops. Filip is on a run down to San Bernardino to help out with some issues in the charter down there. That was all he told you about it. The two of you had clear boundaries when it came to your businesses: he didn’t talk club business, you didn’t talk about the ins and outs of your business. But if the Sheriff is stopping by to talk to you, your first fear is that Filip isn’t coming home. Your nerves get the better of you and Robert has to step in and close the latch on the stall door. 
“It’ll be okay,” he reassures you. 
You nod and head down the aisle to your office. When you step inside the room, the Sheriff is looking at the win pictures of all your Grand Prix competitions. She gives you a tight smile when you extend your hand to her. 
“Sheriff Jarry, I presume?” 
She says your name, your full name, when she shakes your hand. “Your wins are impressive. That’s a lot of money to pull in.” 
“Yeah, it is.” You move behind your desk and sit down. “Is there something I can do for you, Sheriff?” 
“I don’t normally come out this far so I just wanted to take a ride, introduce myself in person to you. I’m hearing a lot of good things about the farm here.” 
The wave of relief is so immense you see spots in your vision and you worry you’re going to pass out. Filip is okay. He’s safe. You release a shaky breath and immediately switch to your business persona. She’s here for a reason and she’s hesitant to tell you. But it’s not life or death serious which means this could be fun. 
“Thank you. Is there anything else? I have a lesson arriving in a few minutes.” 
She knows you’re playing the game now and her jaw tightens slightly. “Do you do much business with the MC?” 
You’re getting closer to the reason but still not quite there. “I don’t know what would qualify as a lot. Jax brings his two kids out here from time to time to ride ponies.” 
“I know the MC was talking of getting into more…legal businesses.” 
“Good for them.” 
Her cheek twitches. “I’ve seen you hanging around Chibs Telford lately and assumed that the MC may be switching their focus from guns to horses.” 
There it is. This visit has nothing to do with seeing the farm or getting information on the MC. It does have to do with meeting you because of the company you’re keeping. This is going to be fun. “I can assure you my relationship with Chibs is strictly personal.” 
“Yes, all of Charming has noticed that.” 
“Public affection isn’t against the law last time I checked.” 
Jarry gives you a tight lipped smile. “Just know what you’re getting into when it comes to a MC member. These little runs, for instance, are rarely about business and more about getting their dick wet.” 
Jealousy. That’s what this is about. You lean back in the desk chair. “Who’s to say I’m not taking the same advantage? You ever hear about open relationships?”  Or trust, you want to add. You weren’t naive, not by a long shot. You knew from eavesdropping that most runs were all about laying women and partying. You had asked Filip about it the first time he went on a run and he had assured you that his word was trustworthy. 
You had been draped across his chest, watching the digital clock on your nightstand click by the minutes until he had to leave for a run up to Seattle. His heart was thudding loudly in your ear as your fingertips traced the edge of the million dollar bill tattoo on his chest. 
“What’s on your mind, luv?” 
“Runs sound like a lot of fun. Sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Kind of wish I was going with you.” 
He laughs in a short huff. “I can promise you, you’re not gonna be missing much. Never cared for drugs and I got all the sex I need right here.” 
“I know what happens on the road stays on the road so-“ 
“So nothin’.” He turns so you’re nose to nose to each other, his finger twining between yours and holding your hand against his heart. “I told you, you’re the one for me and I mean it.” 
The sentiment is genuine, you can see it in his eyes, and you have to force back the welling of tears. “Who would have thought I would have found the one MC member who’s a one woman man?” 
“Here I am,” he smiles before pressing his lips to yours. 
It’s that lingering kiss that you keep in the forefront of your mind as you stare down Jarry, who’s got her hands on her belt. 
“I just thought you should be aware of how MCs work.” Jarry pauses briefly. “Given your background.” 
“Background?” The fuck is she talking about? 
“I just would have thought someone who had been cheated on before would appreciate the warning of it happening again.” 
Shock renders you speechless. This woman read your divorce settlement. The depths of her jealousy are much deeper than you anticipated. This isn’t a “check out the new girlfriend” visit. This is the first shot in a turf war. Jarry gives you a satisfied smile. 
“I’ll see myself out. You do have a lovely barn here.” 
You continue to sit in the silence of your office, trying to process everything that was said and implied. This could develop into a very serious issue, one that very well could endanger this new, fresh relationship you have with Filip. Well, you’re certainly not going down without taking a few shots yourself. You pick up your phone and punch in a phone number. The person on the other end answers after two rings. 
“I was just getting ready to call you. Abel’s been begging me to let him ride Taffy.” 
“He can come this afternoon,” you answer. “I was hoping you could come too. I need to talk to you about someone. Someone, actually.” 
“Okay,” comes the mildly suspicious answer. “Who?” 
“What do you know about Sheriff Jarry, Gemma?” 
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This is a collection of the first side of the OC bracket, complete with summaries I did my best to compile and links to the original propaganda posts! There's another side to go consisting of 32 more characters, but I'm posting this early because it's been a while.
@da2base-com's Randal Ebony Clarke (x)
Randal Ebony Clarke (she/he/it), also known as Randy, is a teenage girl who enjoys spending her time drawing, collecting dolls and puppets, playing video games, and making music, along with studying and taking care of bugs! She's a quiet, cold, and cantankerous girl, but once once one gets to know her, they'll learn just how nice she can truly be! It's a shame she doesn't come out of her room very often.
@stargloom's Guppy (x)
Guppy (she/her) is an eel girl! She makes clothes and sells them online for a living, and lives in a shared apartment far far away from home. She gets homesick often, but she’s in the big city making a name for herself! (Why not help her out with your vote?)
@ellie-shaw-official's Julia Lowell (x)
Julia Lowell (she/they) is a popular internet content creator from an SCP AU who also happens to be a wolf god!
@splatterbrush's Dr. Brigan Harlow (x)
Dr. Brigan Harlow (she/her) is your local alien scientist— an apprentice at a shady laboratory! After a series of unfortunate events, she ends up accidentally reviving an ancient AI that plans to conquer the universe, and so she must set out with her friends to stop it... even if she really would rather just stay home and take a nap. Who doesn't love sentient alien fungi?
@fictofaggot's Faunre (x)
Faunre (he/him) is a DID system that consists of mostly transfem and nonhuman alters! His hobbies include being pretentious about music, picking random objects off the ground, and drawing silly My Chemical Romance fanart. He is quiet and generally unpleasant to be around, but his cringefail behavior and autistic awkwardness are off the charts, and that's all that matters.
@nickyisbitchy's Zoey (x)
Zoey (she/her) is a lesbian witch who owns a record store! She enjoys playing harmonica and drums, making jewelry, and home movies. She's a very quiet but passionate person, and when she believes what she's saying is true she isn't scared to get loud. She makes friends easily, but is very secretive. She takes care of her cousin's kid Melody, and she has two cats— a calico named Spot and a hairless cat named Dot!
@ndrogyny's Mortis Sofia Fiorentino (x)
Mortis Sofia Fiorentino (they/them) is an OC for the 4v1 survival horror game Identity V, and their story is set in the early 20th century. Having moved from Italy to New York City at a young age, Mortis realized they didn't feel at home in their growing body. A few years after coming out (to which their parents were luckily accepting), their father fell ill, and it was up to 16-year-old Mortis to get a job to help support their mom. They landed a job as an exterminator, becoming very efficient, and were eventually sent on a job up north that no one else wanted to take. Unfortunately, a freak earthquake occurred, and Mortis was trapped, left behind, and died. Their soul was so full of rage and betrayal that their ghost possessed their now dead body, and went on a search for closure.
@zayn-darkshadow's Filip Quarzen (x)
Filip Quarzen (she/her) is a silly gal who loves puzzles, musicals, and puppets! On a cursory glance, she may seem shy and unconfident in herself and her abilities— and while the latter is true, she can be very outgoing and bold! Mostly motivated by a love of theater, she can be extremely melodramatic, and she has a tendency to be sarcastic and a bit rude due to her lack of patience. She's also trans both in-universe and out— originally created as a little gay boy, now a little gay boy who's a girl!
@sikeyaout's Extrava Anza (x)
Extrava Anza (they/it) is the mayor of a town filled with supernatural individuals! They are also the sibling of a mad scientist and a professional party planner! Who doesn't love a squirrel girl?
@mikey-wazowski's Ria (x)
Ria (she/they) is a spooky creepy girl! She goes through a time loop, which eventually got to the point where she didn't care about anything anymore due to nothing having consequence. She ends up in a juvie for setting her house on fire, and in doing so, they find the person perpetuating the loops they go through.
@abrahamstalker's Janice (x)
Janice (she/her) is very shy and very buff! She's trying to balance trying to get a doctorate in psychology, meeting up with her parents regularly, and 2 part-time jobs. She's a fan of cutesy, Lolita-esque fashion, is learning how to crochet, and has two pet ferrets, Scrap and Pip! She recently moved in with her girlfriend and her girlfriend's family, who are still working up the courage to explain that the "family friend" who lives upstairs is actually a ghost...
@blxckmxmbo's Itsuki Kane (x)
Itsuki Kane (she/they/ix) is a streetfighter who ran away from an awful life at a young age in search of their father. She eventually found her dad, but it didn't end up going well in the end. During that time, however, ix really found herself as a person after having time to not worry about where she was going to sleep that night, and they transitioned! Ix's very blunt and mean, but is a softie at heart and likes to tease her friends.
@wyrm-in-a-closet's Sparkle (x)
Sparkle (she/her) is a shifter— a magical individual who can transform between a human form, an animal form, and a "half" form (part human, part animal). Her particular animal is a sparklemuffin spider! She's silly and stupid, and is horrible at social interaction— she would rather look at cool bugs in the forest, or cool rocks in the forest, or cool plants in the forest (she spends all her time in the forest). She's a wrestler and plays electric guitar!
@wickedsick's Barney Stanz III (x)
Barney Stanz III (she/her) is a clown who lives in her grandpa's attic. She fights aliens, makes band t-shirts for bands that do not exist, is deeply weird and generally not having a good time.
@maddestmewmew's Fertilizer La'Ctaid (x)
Fertilizer La'Ctaid (she/he), also known as Farty, is white and British but it's okay because she's a catgirl. Her parents were murdered in front of her as a child, but it wasn't that bad because their parenting sucked and she got millions in inheritance. She then spent all her money on a bookstore that gets no business and was so embarrassed that she changed her name and later figured out she was trans.
@cogheart's Chloe Liu (x)
Chloe Liu (she/her) is a Sim from a silly save called Franky World! She has saved Strangerville at least once and has scientist swag, a cute little kitty named Salmon, and three adopted children she cares for with Franky, Grim Reaper and her wife that are named Smelly, Stinky and Scared.
@wingedcatgirl's Vivi Elakha (x)
Vivi Elakha (she/her) is a wandering adventurer! She enjoys helping people and seeing the world, and the first thing she did as an adventurer was study of botany and alchemy in order to manufacture her own HRT. She also learned conjury so she could heal people, roguery so she could stab people, and maraudery so she could draw aggro from people.
@tboy-division's Victoria Otieno (x)
Victoria Otieno (she/her/any) is the pilot and engineer of the space pirate crew of the Insurgence! She gets the crew from place to place and keeps the ship in great condition, often with help from her partner Copperheart Jack. Otherwise, she’s usually found in the ship’s library or talking fashion with Tim, the ship’s first mate.
@foxxsong's Eli (x)
Eli (she/they) is a vampire! She was born albino and grew up with a single, emotionally distant yet controlling and possessive caregiver. After leaving home, she meets a vampire sometime in her mid-twenties— he supports her financially, a secret bid to increase her dependence on him beyond just emotionally, and eventually turns her as well. She's cautious and slow to trust but fiercely loyal to those who show her kindness, and has a soft spot for kids and teenagers. Despite her caution, she tends to fall in with bad people or into bad relationships because of the familiarity they bring.
@kalopseance's Embry Ward (x)
Embry Ward (she/her) is a famous detective in the kingdom of Valenstein, and is a respected yet distrusted figure. She exclusively investigates cases that pique her personal interest, and enjoys the thrill of investigation as a game and a way to test her intelligence. She's stubborn, stuck-up, arrogant and prideful, but has her own morals and a dislike of authority and the corruption she sees. She refuses to cooperate with any sort of organization and makes a living through investigative journalism and report writing. She was born to a rich family, but ran away in her teens— she hasn't had contact with any of her siblings in years, until she began investigating the Valenstein Killer case...
@simoni-999's Alegray (x)
Alegray (she/her) lives in an old, ruined science lab in which a woods has grown. She runs a small shop where she sells soap and candles (which cost nothing due to the fact that they live in a literal overgrown post-society), and is the only creature living in the Lab that has access to the internet. She has the power to harness light and make "stars", and her best friend is a skeleton goat!
@cat-of-starlight's Yuui Kyeglin (x)
Yuui Kyeglin (she/her) is a girl who recently entered a magic high school! She tries her best to be cheerful and bubbly to offset how she used to be before transitioning— she's still quite anxious and awkward, but most wouldn't realize due to the front she puts up.
@peri-universals-universe's Ferris Everett (x)
Ferris Everett (she/her) is the Elemental of iron! She lives with the other Elementals, who are immortal, godlike aliens with the power to control one of the elements on the periodic table each. She has powers over iron, including steel, cast iron, iron ore, human blood, and even cereal; if it has Fe atoms, it's hers to control. She's one of the most versatile Elementals; she is flexible and emotionally open on her own, yet around others she puts on a stoic mask. The stars worship and fear her, for she has the power to end them, yet they revere her for building the galaxy's infrastructure and setting up all the transition healthcare.
@vernalloy's Elaois (x)
Elaois (she/it/x) is a reality warper who rules over Mercury, the 5th heaven, one of the days of the week, and forethought. She decides she wants to be a girl after observing humans, who are about to be wiped out from a mass flood, and she enters the material world on Mars, quickly growing attached to a rover named Transcendence. X bonds to it so much that it eventually ends up granting it sentience on accident, being then forced to wrestle with the idea that she used her reality-warping powers selfishly. Living in a false reality messes with it, and x eventually learns that she's the arbiter of her own destiny and it's okay to want things.
@luckiestplant's Gabby Trinh (x)
Gabby Trinh (she/her) is gaslight gatekeep girlboss but with a strawberry banana flavor. She starts off like a typical Pokémon rival, but over the course of the story she gradually learns about the Power of Friendship with the protagonist. She's very goal-oriented and is always smiling and is often in a sort of silly-mean mood— she's just teasing, but often doesn't recognize when people are actually uncomfortable. She also has a bad habit of twisting people's words to fit what she thinks.
@lungfiz's Catharine Nimh (x)
Catharine Nimh (she/her) is the head of a perfume business and a cutthroat businesswoman. She is also the eldest daughter to the notorious Nimh family that's known for all things small-town drama, but, thankfully, seems to be quite sane compared to her relatives. She's not too skilled with people, but she is good with dogs!
@leonfoolery's Sydney Lennox (x)
Sydney Lennox (she/her) is the frontwoman of the British glampunk band The Blitz Babes! She's very bright and excitable, a glampunk master, and canonically a tumblr user, along with being gay and autistic.
@c0rnd0gge's Ava Lyne (x)
Ava Lyne (she/her) is in a band called Keyword:Trying with two best friends from middle school, in which she plays keyboard and bass! She is hard of hearing and insecure about it, but with the help of her friends, she's living her dream of inspiring hope and joy through song. She's known to be rather shy save for when she’s on stage, where she feels able to relax and move with the music. With her friends, she’s just as silly and chaotic as they are, and only wishes that she had the confidence to be as expressive in public as she is in private.
@wintry--mix's Scarlett (x)
Scarlett (she/her) is an axolotl! Her main goal in life is to have fun, she's calm, and she loves snacks.
@dinner-rol's Diamond Perez (x)
Diamond Perez (she/her) is a famous magician! She has a wife and daughter, and apparently if you don't vote for her you'll be haunted by her brother-in-law's ghost best friends.
@protagchihiro's Utau Yawara (x)
Utau Yawara (she/her) is a Danganronpa fancast OC, and her talent is covering songs. She survives her killing game, but at the cost of everyone she was close with— her two main losses were her friend that she was trying to cheer up, and her friend that she clicked very well with and had fun with who turned out to be the mastermind behind it all. She has a major case of imposter syndrome due to the fact that nobody likes her music, they only like her when she's piggybacking off of others' success.
@idikei's Rena Pacheco (x)
Rena Pacheco (she/he/it) is an angel from what can only be described as an off-brand heaven called "The Realms of the Above". He's a cyber-criminal who steals from the rich with the support of G•dz (not censored, just what they're called). It's extremely gay for a member of the criminal task force trying to hunt it down, and also has a monocle!
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thank you for all you do! i just got into czech(o)slovak cinema because of you and was wondering if you had any favorite films on the GD that you recommend?
Hi! ❤️ Thank you for your words! I’m glad my blog has encouraged you to start exploring CS cinema! I’m pretty sure you won’t be disappointed 🙂
I’ll list my favourite films from each folder but you can’t go wrong with any film that you’ll find there.
30's - 40's
Divá Bára / Wild Barbara (1949) dir. by Vladimír Čech (drama)
Eva tropí hlouposti / Eva Fools Around (1939) dir. by Martin Frič (comedy, romance)
Podobizna / The Portrait (1947) dir. by Jiří Slavíček (drama, horror, mystery)
Fairy Tales
Byl jednou jeden král… / Once Upon a Time, There Was a King… (1954) dir. by Bořivoj Zeman
Jak se budí princezny / How to Wake Up Princesses (1977) dir. by Václav Vorlíček
Perinbaba / The Feather Fairy (1985) dir. by Juraj Jakubisko
Princ a Večernice / The Prince and the Evening Star (1978) dir. by Václav Vorlíček
Princezna se zlatou hvězdou / The Princess with the Golden Star (1959) dir. by Martin Frič
Pyšná princezna / The Proud Princess (1952) dir. by Bořivoj Zeman
S čerty nejsou žerty / Give the Devil His Due (1984) dir. by Hynek Bočan
Tři oříšky pro Popelku / Three Wishes for Cinderella (1973) dir. by Václav Vorlíček
Films directed by Juraj Herz
Morgiana (1972) (horror, drama)
Panna a netvor / Beauty and the Beast (1978) (fairy tale, horror, romance)
Petrolejové lampy / The Petroleum Lamps (1971) (drama)
Spalovač mrtvol / The Cremator (1968) (drama, horror)
Films directed by Karel Kachyňa
Kočár do Vídně / A Carriage Going to Vienna (1966) (drama, war)
Malá mořská víla / The Little Mermaid (1976) (fairy tale, drama)
Ucho / The Ear (1970) (drama, thriller)
Musicals / Opera
Noc na Karlštejně / A Night at Karlstein (1973) dir. by Zdeněk Podskalský
Films directed by Karel Zeman
Baron Prášil / The Fabulous Baron Munchausen (1961) (sci-fi, fantasy, adventure)
Čarodějův učeň / The Sorcerer's Apprentice (1977) (animated, horror, fairy tale)
Na kometě / On the Comet (1970) (sci-fi, fantasy, adventure)
Vynález zkázy / Invention for Destruction or The Fabulous World of Jules Verne (1958) (sci-fi, fantasy, adventure)
Marketa Lazarová (1967) dir. by František Vláčil (drama, history)
Parodies / Comedies
Adéla ještě nevečeřela / Adela Has Not Had Her Supper Yet (1977) dir. by Oldřich Lipský
Dívka na koštěti / The Girl on the Broomstick (1971) dir. by Václav Vorlíček
Jak utopit Dr. Mráčka aneb Konec vodníků v Čechách / How to Drown Dr. Mracek, the Lawyer (1974) dir. by Václav Vorlíček
Jára Cimrman ležící, spící / Jára Cimrman Lying, Sleeping (1983) dir. by Ladislav Smoljak
Tajemství hradu v Karpatech / The Mysterious Castle in the Carpathians (1981) dir. by Oldřich Lipský
Recent Films
Fair Play (2014) dir. by Andrea Sedláčková (drama)
Kolja (1996) dir. by Jan Svěrák (comedy, drama)
Kytice / Wild Flowers (2000) dir. by F. A. Brabec (drama, horror, romance, poetic)
Pelíšky / Cosy Dens (1999) dir. by Jan Hřebejk (comedy, drama)
Requiem pro panenku / Requiem for a Doll (1991) dir. by Filip Renč (drama, thriller)
Želary (2003) dir. by Ondřej Trojan (drama, war, romace)
New Wave
Lásky jedné plavovlásky / Loves of a Blonde (1965) dir. by Miloš Forman (comedy, drama)
Slávnosť v botanickej záhrade / Celebration in the Botanical Garden (1969) dir. by Elo Havetta (comedy)
Slnko v sieti / The Sun in the Net (1962) dir. by Štefan Uher (drama)
Valerie a týden divů / Valerie and Her Week of Wonders (1970) dir. by Jaromil Jireš (fantasy, horror)
Silent Films
Erotikon (1929) dir. by Gustav Machatý (drama, romance)
TV Series
Arabela (1980) dir. by Václav Vorlíček (comedy, fairy tale, fantasy)
Návštěvníci / The Visitors (1983) dir. by Jindřich Polák (sci-fi, comedy)
Films directed by Věra Chytilová
Ovoce stromů rajských jíme / We Eat the Fruit of the Trees of Paradise (1969) (CS new wave movement)
Sedmikrásky / Daisies (1966) (comedy, CS new wave movement)
Vlčí bouda / Wolf’s Hole (1986) (horror, drama)
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thenhlteaissuperhot · 7 months
What are your good and bad surprises in the league so far?
There are, of course, significantly more examples than this, but I don't want this to be a long-ass post so I will just point out my personal highlights of highlights - naturally, they are quite Czech-centered since that's my main interest:
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The Bruins - obviously.
To be honest, I was slightly anxious about their fate from now on since losing two elite centers like Bergeron and Krejci at the same time, and also guys like Orlov and Bertuzzi, does leave you quite vulnerable, especially after a crushing first-round exit like they have experienced, but they have honestly been rocking it so far and I love it for them.
The Poitras kid, Zacha stepping up his game and delivering as the first center, Pasta showcasing that he very much belongs in the top 10 of the league, Swaymay with Ullmark being the best goaltending duo in the entire league, Marchand giving slays left red right as a captain, the defense being solid...
Filip Hronek in Vancouver
The Hughes-Hronek defensive pairing is among the best right now, they have clicked extremely well with each other, Filip is getting extreme ice time, and I am glad that at least someone from the former Red Wings is thriving in their new home
Quinn is literally leading the defensemen in points and Filip is 4th, which is insane, considering he has never been viewed as a top defenseman among Czechs
Anaheim and Arizona
They still won't make the playoffs, we all know that so let's not be delusional here, but they are finally getting genuinely fun to watch and showing us the immense potential they have.
Logan Cooley is doing great for a rookie in Arizona, has eight points already... - imagine what Bedard would be able to showcase if he had at least a slightly decent team around him
Lukas Dostal in Anaheim's net...
Jack Hughes and Elias Pettersson - for obvious reasons, just look at the stats
Honestly, has someone told them that having Leon and Connor on the team doesn't mean you don't have to invest in the defense and goaltending because I feel like they genuinely don't know that
Is it really that hard to look around and fetch at least a solid goaltender? They are the complete opposite of Boston right now in terms of the net - sorry not sorry, but they don't have a single goaltender they could truly rely on, both of them are equally struggling and the awful defense is certainly not helping them. Just go look in the European leagues, there are a ton of outstanding goalies who would be eager to play in the NHL if you gave them the chance
Imagine how sore Leon's shoulders must be right now from carrying the team - you can't depend on one elite player to drag you through the mess, you yourself are responsible for, you have to have some sort of backup when one of your stars gets injured
Jonathan Huberdeau
You gotta feel for Calgary right now - signing this guy to an 8-year, $84,000,000 contract and him scoring two goals for you in ten games played...
Jakub Vrana
I was genuinely hoping that St.Louis would be the right destination for him in terms of them giving him the space and ice time to showcase his skills and solidify his position on that roster, but instead, it's the third team that makes him a healthy scratch
I know that there is a lot of pressure there for the team to perform so it might not be entirely Jakub's fault, however, this really is his last chance to stay in the league and currently, he is not delivering the results needed for him to be given another contract
Dominik Kubalik
Watching him at the Worlds where he was single-handedly leading the points of the Czech team and scoring basically every single game at least once, I did have great expectations of him, but so far, he has scored only two goals in Ottawa.
I am not that knowledgeable about the Senators - frankly, the only piece of information I know is that Tkachuk, Stützle, and Giroux are there and that Ryan Reynolds wanted to buy the team before he invested in yet another trash called Alpine in Formula One, but knowing Kubalik, his problem probably is the lack of ice time and competent linemates, which I am not sure is going to improve any time soon
Genuinely hurts to see another former Red Wing struggling
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kald-dal-write · 24 days
what types of music do some of ur ocs listen to? bc I think like district 12 some other districts have songs or traditional instruments. you said Chaff was good at singing so I wonder if there’s other victors/ocs of yours that are good at music. and in some districts like 3 and 5 I can imagine techno and rave music.
Like I don't know what the music would be like in Panem and what would be the music market in like the Districts alone. So just gonna say the genres/musicians I think they would enjoy
Maureen: Sad girl music, imagine she would love Mitski shout out to this Pinterest user lmao
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Cassius: Those sort of emo music where it sounds like the singer's voice is cracking every five second. Idk what the genre is called but if you know you know
Kennedy: Dad rock, can also see her being into metal
Ford: Like to think he likes classy jazz type music, like stuff with no lyrics.
Filip: country...kidding imagine he would like angry music
Cecelia: Because her name is the same as the Patron Saint of Music, I like to think her Victor's talent is related to that, like the idea that she plays piano :^)
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alida mortox gonna hate this pic. She keeps saying both kids aren't Bill's and they don't know Bill is their father. She's saying Oona is Filip's daughter 🤣🤣
Can she pls leave these innocent children? Like why Bill has to hate his kids? And how she knows they're not his? She's sk delusional
Even if any of her anons is "right" and for some reason they all got to guess correctly who the biological father is ... They seem to forget that before the public Bill Skarsgård is the father of those girls.
He claimed them as his so they are his children. There's no other way around it. People should stop spreading those rumors and playing with two innocent kids identity just because they hate the mother.
I don't like Alida at all too but that doesn't give me the authority to speculate about her daughters.
They will grow up one day , they will more than likely want to follow their father's steps or just enjoy the benefits of having famous parents and go to events , what I'm trying to say is that they'll have a public life one day. Sadly I know some people wont miss the opportunity to comment about their " true father" and that it's some type of hush hush secret.
That will hurt them , just thinking about it makes me feel so bad for them. There's no need for all that drama , you can hate on the mother and father all you want but leave the kids alone.
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bullet-prooflove · 10 months
Queen - Filip 'Chibs' Telford x Reader
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Tagging: @corruptedcoffin @anime-weeb-4-life @redpoodlern @ravencrow83 @kishie8 @thelonewolfwillsurvive @thanossexual @nu1freakshow @oureternalbond @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @jtelford @the-wandering-lunatic @darqchilddaydreamz @yourwinchesterbros @lexondeck @keyweegirlie @poppyrose33 @belovedbastardremus @trublu2u @thebaileybugle @ambassadortotrilliusprime @yvette22 @legally-a-bastard @thequeenoftheisleofavalon @joyfulfxckery @waysbsgr @thanossexual @justreblogginfics
Companion piece to Punishment and Silver & Gold
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You’re working late when it happens.
The building has been empty for hours, Liza your receptionist had popped her head in to say goodbye somewhere around six and after that you’d lost track of the time, caught up in the scribble of your pen on the yellow legal pad and the crescendo of Bach playing on your speakers. There’s a glass of Highland Scotch, from the distillery Filip had invested in back in Scotland, placed neatly beside your cell phone.
When the door to your office opens you think it’s Filip, it wouldn’t be the first time he’s turned up to bring you home because you’ve gotten caught up in something.
You don’t expect to see Galen.
The Butcher of Belfast closes the door quietly behind him before coming to stand in front of your desk. There’s a moment where you don’t move, you can’t. You can feel your heart palpitate against your ribcage, the scars on your back scratching against the fabric of your silk shirt. He tips his head slightly to one side before the left corner of his mouth twists up into a smile.
It takes you right back to that moment, the one where his hand threaded in your hair, gripping it and yanking your head right back so that you were staring into those malevolent eyes of his. You thought you knew fear up until that point, you’d endured a man who’d beat you because of your success. You’d slayed your monster. Galen had proved you wrong, he’d taken you to new heights, you hadn’t tasted terror not until you’d met him.
“What do you want?” Somehow you spit out the words, you can taste the vitriol on your tongue.
There’s a rage somewhere deep down inside of you that fucking burns. It’s violent, the fire that licks up your bones, you can feel it flooding through you as your hand comes to rest upon the top desk drawer. He takes a step forward and you hold your palm up as if to ward him off.
“Come on lass, you know that word doesn’t mean anything to me.”  He reminds you as he places both hands upon the surface of your desk and leans in close. You can smell his aftershave and it makes your stomach twist because you remember the way it clung to your skin in the aftermath.
It’s almost intimate the way he holds your gaze. He’s seen parts of you that no one else has, not even Filip, and you’ve seen the depths in him. The joy he takes in extracting what he wants, the pleasure he feels during the act itself. There’s a bond between the two of you that no one in the world can understand except each other and you know that’s why he’s here tonight. You didn’t break in the barn. That presents a challenge and to a man like Galen, it’s like ringing Pavlov’s bell.
“The last time I had you I took exactly what I wanted.” He reminds you in a hushed tone. “I told you that I would keep doing it again and again and again and you would know every time that your man can’t protect you. That he’s nothing but a pawn on a chessboard and I’m a King.” His hand wraps around the glass of Scotch before he brings it to his lips. “Pawns can’t kill a king.”
“They can’t.” You agree, sliding open your desk drawer. “But a Queen can.”
The gun roars to life in your hand, the recoil vibrating through your arm as the first bullet strikes Galen in the chest. The glass slips from his hand, Scotch spilling over the front of his shirt as he stares at you in surprise. You fire a second time and his back hits the wall, his knees buckling from underneath him. You raise to your feet as he slides down it slowly, tsking as you shake your head.
“You underestimated me.” You tell him as you crouch down beside him and review your handiwork. Crimson stains grow across the white of his expensive shirt, his breathing is laboured and ragged, you can hear the catch in every breath, and you savour it. “You thought I would break but everything you did to me just put this fucking fire, right here in my chest.” You tap your finger against the space where your heart beats. “And the only thing that is going to sate that is watching the light die in your eyes, knowing that it was me that did this to you, the woman you spent hours torturing in a shitty broken-down barn in the middle of nowhere.”
“I should have killed you!” He snarls, blood staining his teeth as he bares them at you.
His pallor is already turning ashen, his skin taking on a waxy sheen. The stench of copper is in the air, you can taste it in your mouth as you survey the blood pool steadily growing underneath him.
“Your second mistake was leaving me alive to teach the man I love a lesson. I never told him what you did.” You say shaking your head. “I didn’t want that for him. He has enough to live with. I have to shoulder that burden, but I trust me it sits a lot fucking lighter knowing that you’ll never touch another woman again.”
You lower the gun, aiming it at his groin. His eyes widen and for a fraction of a second you think you see terror.
“You don’t have the balls…”
You pull the trigger, and he screams. It’s a hoarse sound, a strained bellow of agony that vibrates through his chest. You clap your palm over his mouth, stifling the noise, the same way he did to you when he fucked you.
“This is how it ends.” You tell him. “You and me in this room.  A Queen and a cockless fucking King.”
Love Chibs? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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