#just cuz me and my brother looked at the chapter coverage over the first two seasons and the movie and it was looking iffy
walleeli · 1 year
5 notes · View notes
You Can STAY - Part 10
F/M Main Pairing: Y/N x Lee Felix (Side Pairing: Y/N x Stray Kids)
Genre: Fantasy AU; Scarlet Heart AU; OT8 SKZ
Warnings: Language; some mentions of mature content; violence; mentions of blood; major character death (uh-oh)
Summary: The King is challenged.
A/N: the gif doesn’t really fit but Jeongin does some hardcore stuff in this chapter
Tag List: @angelphantomlove @moonlightracha @jjabbur @pinkchcn @straykidbaby @moonnstars90 @dru-shadow @skzooyeet @xiaojunssmile​
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“He’s losing his mind.”
I glanced up at the seemingly innocuous comment, narrowing my eyes in deep thought as Felix laid down next to me in our shared bed. “What do you mean?” I asked, although I had a faint idea of his intentions.
“There are consequences to our actions,” Felix said. “I think Changbin has finally started to realize that for himself.”
I swallowed hard, studying the detailed ornamentation of Felix’s freckles. “Is he sick?”
“He’s something,” Felix grunted. “Told me the other night that he saw Seungmin walking into his bedroom.”
I immediately frowned. “Like...a ghost?”
“Yeah,” Felix said. “Exactly like a ghost.”
I scoffed at such a notion. “How long has he been seeing ghosts for?”
“Does it matter?” Felix asked. “He deserves to suffer after all the horrible shit he’s done to his family and the kingdom. Every time I see him in the Throne Room, I just want to wring his fucking neck. Make him earn those breaths he gets to take since he made the decision to take away Seungmin and Minho’s right to live.”
I shivered at the venom in Felix’s tone. But instead of the rage he felt, I only experienced a deep-settled sadness weighing on my bones. To the point where it was sometimes difficult to force myself up in the mornings. “We can only keep him accountable,” I said. “He won’t stay on the throne.”
“He might,” Felix muttered. 
“It’s not meant to be,” I replied simply. “The rest of the Kingdom will see that.”
“When?” Felix huffed. “After he kills another one of my brothers?”
“He won’t hurt you,” I said. “And I don’t think he has plans to kill Jeongin.”
“Cuz’ he knows Jeongin is weak,” Felix said. “He doesn’t contribute to anything around here. All he does is visit Changbin in the evenings. Whatever it is they do alone in his chambers.”
“Is that where Jeongin is right now?” I asked.
“Last time I checked...” Felix trailed off, appearing slightly more anxious. “Yeah, he’s with Changbin.”
“Should we be worried?”
“I don’t think so,” Felix said, although I suspected it was more for my benefit than a statement of fact. “Jeongin can handle himself.”
“He’s a kid,” I grumbled. “I’m sure he’s scared and confused. The only reason he even gets to be here is because Changbin’s mother protected him.”
“Well, as long as she lives,” Felix said. “Jeongin will have a safe place, and he’s smart enough to know that.”
“And if she dies?”
Felix sighed. “Then I hope he’ll know to run, but that’s nothing to concern ourselves with right now.”
“I can’t help it,” I said, drawing myself closer to Felix for his reassuring warmth. “I want to take care of him.”
“I know, love,” Felix whispered, and I could feel his lips press a soothing kiss against the top of my head, providing me with only a faint inkling of hope when the rest of the world seemed to be growing darker.
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Jeongin watched his brother as he slowly worked apart the buttons on his shirt: movements that seemed far too sluggish for a king in their prime. 
“Are you alright, Changbin?” Jeongin asked.
“M’ tired,” Changbin said, and Jeongin didn’t even react when Changbin slumped down into the floor. “My head hurts again.”
“I’m sorry,” Jeongin whispered, hoping that it sounded more genuine that he felt. Or, maybe Changbin wouldn’t even notice.
But he was doing this for Chan and Jisung. For the family that Changbin had taken from him.
“I’ve prepared a bath for you.”
Changbin groaned, sliding his fingers through his graying hair. “I feel sick.”
“The bath will help,” Jeongin insisted, and he forced his feet to move across the floor to support Changbin by his arm, allowing his brother to lend most of his weight against Jeongin’s slimmer form, trying to control the shakiness threatening to ruin everything as he helped Changbin lower himself beneath the waters.
The smell of mercury was subtle, but Jeongin had done a good job of masking it with other bath scents. “Feels good,” Changbin slurred, and Jeongin resisted a smile at the glazed-over look in his brother’s eyes. 
It was happening exactly as Chan had described it to him. When his oldest brother entrusted him to carry out this formidable task because he was one of the few people left who Changbin still trusted. Even if it was his mother’s intervention that permitted that trust in the first place.
But she would never know what had happened. Chan had shown him how to disguise the slow killing, to convince Changbin that it was his own guilt turning his body against him.
His own flesh and blood. 
Dying more every night. 
Slowly, but dying nonetheless.
Poisoned by Jeongin’s own hand.
“Tell me when it starts getting cold,” Jeongin whispered, and he made sure that Changbin was distracted before allowing a satisfied smirk to overtake the façade of practiced innocence that he had perfected for these moments.
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There were already murmurings spreading through the Kingdom. Rumors of a madman on the throne, and Felix could do little to assuage the fears of their people when Changbin insisted on screaming at the top of his lungs at the most ungodly hours.
“He’s always fucking there!” Changbin had exclaimed before running for the coverage of his bed, and Felix hesitated, wondering if his brother would ruin himself after all.
“Who’s there?” Felix asked.
“Seungmin,” Changbin hissed, and his eyes were wild and bloodshot. Something savage and untamable. “He’s watching me.”
Felix swallowed hard, watching his brother start to cry as he begged their dead younger brother to leave him alone, apologizing over and over again for knocking the arrow that had pierced his heart.
“Seungmin is dead,” Felix said, and he made sure his tone was harsh, but firm. “You’re seeing things.”
“I’m not!” Changbin barked, and Felix thought that his tone didn’t quite match the harried expression on his face - the haunted look in his eyes.
“You said you needed to speak to me,” Felix sighed, deciding that it might be best to remind Changbin of other things besides their brother.
“I called for you hours ago,” Changbin growled. “Where were you?”
“I was with Y/N,” Felix said. “We had to...discuss some things.”
Changbin frowned at his pause. “You were fucking that girl,” he snapped, and Felix was appalled by his brother’s language.
“What’s your problem?” Felix asked. “She’s the Castle Mage!”
“She’s a whore!” Changbin shouted, and he was up on his feet in an instant, wobbling between his legs as he pointed a finger at Felix. “She’s distracting you!”
“That’s absurd!” Felix retorted.
“Is it?” Changbin questioned. “Because every time you come in here, you’re always bringing up that girl. Wanting to marry her and live a big fucking happily ever after.”
“And what’s wrong with that?” Felix returned. “Should I not hold you to the promises you made?”
“I am the King!” Changbin screeched. “I can form and break promises whenever I want.”
“Oh?” Felix asked, narrowing his eyes. “What’s this all about, then?”
“I’ve decided that you won’t marry that girl,” Changbin growled, and Felix had never felt so furious in his entire life.
“The reason why I serve you, brother,” Felix said. “Is because of how much I love Y/N.”
“Should I get rid of her?” Changbin asked. “Then you won’t have anything to love.”
“Why would you want to turn me against you?” Felix howled.
“Don’t speak of disloyalty!” Changbin said. “I won’t tolerate this discussion any longer.”
“But what you promised me-”
“STOP!” Changbin screamed, and it was enough to startle Felix into silence. “Hyunjin sent another letter,” Changbin continued as if intentionally ignoring the foul mood he had brought upon his brother. “Go down South and meet with him. I need to ensure that our alliances are settled.”
“Why should I?” Felix challenged. “If you won’t officialize my wedding, then I have no reason to serve you anymore!”
“Felix!” Changbin sighed, and he turned away to slam his fist against the wall. “Don’t do this to me!”
“Do what? Hold you accountable!”
“Go find Hyunjin!” Changbin demanded, glaring over his shoulder. “Do this for me and I’ll reconsider my position.”
“That shouldn’t be a problem,” Felix pointed out, but he stopped when he realized his brother was already drifting again, lowering himself back down onto his bed with a moan of pain. “Fine,” Felix relented. “I’ll speak to Hyunjin. But when I return, you better keep your word or you’ll lose me and Y/N!”
“I’ll have you killed!” Changbin protested, but they both knew his words held little conviction from a King who could barely stand on his own two feet.
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The sun was disappearing behind the mountains when Felix returned to our shared room, pulling out his bag and grabbing several articles of clothing.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“I have to go South,” Felix replied, and there was a determined look on his face as he continued to work. 
“Leaving?” I questioned, watching Felix start to fold his belongings. “Why?”
“Changbin wants me to find Hyunjin,” Felix grumbled. “Something about securing our alliances.”
“Did he not read the letter?” I asked. “The South wants nothing to do with Changbin.”
“I have to do as he says,” Felix sighed, and I was surprised by his insistence. 
“They see an illegitimate King,” I continued. “He’s wasting your time.”
“I know,” Felix groaned, and he straightened up long enough to draw me closer. “I’m doing this for us, okay? Changbin has the power to wed us, whether we like it or not.”
“But it’s not worth it if he keeps delaying his promise,” I pointed out, pulling away from Felix’s arms to storm over to the window. “I think he’s lying.”
“We have no other option,” Felix said. “What would you have me do?”
I swallowed hard, gazing out over the Kingdom at night. “Go find Hyunjin,” I said, feeling the fight leave every inch of my body. “But when you return, you will insist on our union or we’ll take matters into our own hands.”
“I agree,” Felix said, and I could feel him walk up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. “I won’t be gone long.”
“It’s always too long,” I lamented, turning around to face him and see the familiar look of love reflected in his emerald gaze.
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Felix left that evening, and I decided to take a walk amongst the gardens since I would worry about him non-stop until he returned.
Up ahead in the Northern tower, I could see that Changbin’s candle was still glowing, and I wondered what he must be thinking, wasting away into whatever sickness had claimed him.
Still, it was mostly quiet and calm on the grounds, and I was walking with a thousand louder thoughts racing through my head.
But I should’ve known better than to embrace complacency, pausing when I heard a whispered utterance of my name. “Y/N! Over here.”
I frowned, following the voice to the nearby shelter of the Holly bushes, attempting to peer into the branches. “Hello?”
For a moment, there was no response, but then the leaves started to rattle and I took a step back with my magic instinctively warming for my command. But nothing could’ve left me colder than the familiar sight of Chan and Jisung emerging from the bushes.
“Chan?” I gasped. “Jisung?”
“There you are,” Jisung said, smiling in spite of our surroundings, gathering me into his arms for a fierce hug. “Are you hurt?”
“No,” I replied, and I couldn’t help but savor the embrace.
“We need to get inside the Castle,” Chan said, interrupting the moment with a heavy exhale, and I felt my metaphorical hackles rise as I turned to face him.
“Are you insane?” I hissed, watching as Chan and Jisung exchanged glances. “You’ll be killed.”
“It’s fine,” Jisung said, trying to reassure me by drawing his fingers through my hair. “We have someone on the inside.”
I frowned, but it only took me a moment to process what he meant. “Jeongin.”
Chan nodded, and there was something truly frightening about the look in his eyes. “Jeongin’s been poisoning him,” Chan explained with an insane look of delight. “I taught him how to disguise mercury in his baths.”
The implications of his charges hit me all at once, and I knew that nothing would ever be the same after this night. “You’re killing Changbin?!!”
“Jeongin will finish him tonight,” Jisung said, and I was horrified to see him miming a dagger striking above his heart.
“We’ll take the Castle back,” Chan said, but I shook my head because I couldn’t believe that the three siblings had plotted this together!
“You’re no better than Changbin,” I said, marching up to Chan to smash my palm against his chest. “Killing is never the answer.”
“Changbin did the same!” Chan scowled. “We need to take back the Kingdom!”
“Not dishonorably!”
“As if Changbin is in power because he was so honorable,” Jisung scoffed, and I realized that there would be no changing their minds.
Meanwhile, I could hear screaming from the northern tower, and there was a sudden flurry of movement as the guards started to shout out their orders.
“It’s time,” Chan said, and there was nothing but ice in my veins as I had no choice but to follow the brothers inside.
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Felix was ready to leave, horses fed and watered, and belongings stacked neatly on the back of his saddle. 
But that all changed with a scream.
Immediately, Felix was on high alert, catching sight of the guards running inside from the stables. “The king’s been attacked!” one of them shouted, and Felix didn’t need to hear another word before he was abandoning his previous assignment. All thoughts of Hyunjin and the Southern territories were gone in the blink of an eye.
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I paused at the familiar sound of Felix’s voice, nearly crying in relief when I realized that he hadn’t left yet. “Changbin’s been hurt,” I said, falling into his arms because there wasn’t much strength left in my trembling legs. 
“I know,” Felix growled, and he didn’t say much else before pulling me along behind him, barking out orders to the guards as he ignored their warnings and forced his way into Changbin’s private chambers.
It was a sight I would never forget, nearly losing what was left in my stomach at the sight of all the blood staining his bed sheets, and the dagger still protruding from his chest. “Felix!” Changbin gurgled, and there was a fresh stream of blood trickling from the side of his mouth.
Felix frowned, pushing aside the guard and doctor who had been attending to his brother. “Who did this?” Felix demanded.
“Jeongin,” Changbin hissed, and I could see the surprise evident in Felix’s eyes.
“Did I stutter?” Changbin snarled, and I was impressed that he could still sound so intimidating when it was clear that death was upon him. 
“Why would he do that?” Felix wondered, but it less for Changbin and more of a general shock from the situation rapidly unfolding. 
“Listen to me,” Changbin hissed, coughing and heaving around every harsh intake of oxygen. “You know I’ll die from this.”
“How could he do this?” Felix continued, and I wanted to reach over and shake him from whatever disorientation was clouding his judgment.
But Changbin was already a step ahead.
“Fuck them all,” Changbin growled, holding tight to Felix’s arm as he brought his brother closer. “They’ve hated you since your birth, Felix. Do this one last thing for me: take the throne out of spite.”
“The throne?” Felix repeated, and I froze on the spot, realizing the vast implications for what this would bring.
“Avenge me!” Changbin said, but I made sure to send him a knowing look right before he closed his eyes: I would never allow Felix to committ such evil. Especially after that vision from so long ago where he stood above them all. Blood beneath his feet.
“Changbin?” Felix whispered, and I was surprised by the timidity in his tone, watching Felix close his eyes and take a staggered deep breath.
“It’s up to me,” he said, tone a little bit firmer as he glanced over at me before turning around to address the room’s occupants.
“I’m in charge now,” Felix shouted, and the guards nearby immediately knelt down onto one knee. “Find Jeongin!” Felix continued. “Bring him to me!”
“And the others, sir?” one of the guards asked. “What about Chan and Jisung?”
I was shivering violently, holding myself as I watched Felix’s expression shift into something dark and sinister. “What did you say?”
“Y-your other brothers,” the guard repeated, albeit much more hesitantly.
“They had a part in this?” Felix growled, and I recognized the turning point - the moment when Felix felt their betrayal.
“I know you’re furious with them,” I quickly intervened, holding my breath when Felix started to shake his head, refusing to listen before I could make my case.
“Did you know about this?” he asked instead.
“I didn’t until tonight when I found them in the gardens,” I said. “I tried to tell them that murder would lead to nothing good but-”
“But nothing!” Felix interfered with a harsh curse. “They went behind my back to try and throw Changbin off the throne,” he said.
“Yes, but they were upset and confused, Felix,” I insisted. “Changbin killed Minho and Seungmin. They wanted revenge, even if that wasn’t the answer.”
“So, are you suggesting that I let them free even though I’m King now?” Felix asked.
“A King stands up for his people!”
“Not when they show him such little regard,” Felix retorted, and he started for the door.
“Don’t do this,” I whispered, tugging on Felix’s sleeve as he continued to look straight ahead.
“Bring them to me,” Felix went on, and I was disappointed and heartbroken that he had ignored me. “Bring me my brothers.”
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Felix was stagnant and unmoving, talking in rapid tones to his guards as he ordered me to remain silent.
The treatment was completely unlike him, but I held my tongue in the hope that he would see reason.
Of course, that all changed the moment Jisung, Chan, and Jeongin walked into the room, inviting a suffocating silence that persisted until Felix stepped forward. “Is this how you envisioned your plot to end?” he asked them.
And for a moment, I was afraid that none of them would respond. “No, Felix,” Chan eventually said. “We planned to allow the people to choose our next King.”
Felix scoffed. “Really? This wasn’t self-motivated?”
Chan shook his head, looking up with a determined stare. “We wanted to avenge Seungmin and Minho.”
“Well, that wasn’t your place, was it?” Felix snarled, and Chan was clearly caught off-guard by his brother’s tone.
“Felix, this is what we all wanted-”
“I never asked you to go behind my back!” Felix interrupted, and electricity crackled throughout the room.
“We had to plan in secrecy!”
“Jeongin knew!” Felix countered. “You had him play the part of the executioner!”
“Felix, we couldn’t risk your safety!”
“That’s not what it was,” Felix growled, and he was pacing the room, fuming as he grumbled nonsense to himself.
But then he stopped, standing up straight and sending a glare to his three battle-wearied brothers. “The three of you,” he said, pointing a finger at each of them. “Get the hell out of my kingdom.”
“No!” I cried, attempting to rise from the bed, but one of the guards held me down.
“Felix,” Jeongin sniffled, and my heart could barely handle his grief.
“The fault is with all of you!” Felix huffed. “You can suffer the consequences together.”
His word was final, and I watched as they all turned to leave out the door with a pair of guards following behind them.
“And if you see Hyunjin,” Felix added. “Tell him that he can stay in the South.”
The sentence was harsh, and the doors to the chamber echoed shut in the dead King’s quarters.
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It was later that night, sitting alone in my shared room with Felix, when the man in question finally joined me.
“I’m sorry for my harsh words earlier,” he said, attempting a softer tone as his fingers traced the seam of my lips. “My brothers had to punished.”
“No, they didn’t,” I said, and there was a flicker of anger in Felix’s gaze before the emerald was calm once again.
He took my hand in his own. “You can marry me because I’m King, Y/N,” Felix said, breathing a kiss across my upturned palm.
But just as quick, I snatched my hand away from his grasp. “No,” I said as calmly as possible.
Felix frowned. “No?”
“If you keep your brothers exiled,” I hissed. “Then you’ll never have me.”
Felix shook his head, clearly thrown by my ultimatum. “You need to be careful with your words...”
“Are you threatening me now?” 
Felix sighed. “You’ll see in time why I had to exile them. Until that point, I will keep loving you, Y/N. I’ll wait for you to see reason and give us both what we want.”
I scowled at his words, waiting until he was gone from the room before laying back on the bed. “We’ll never get what we want now.”
Because too much had changed.
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orangeoctopi7 · 4 years
I know I already posted something for the last week of @stanuary but that was sort of a place-holder for this. I’ve been sick on-and-off for the last month or so, so I wasn’t sure if I’d finish this in time. I did get time to work on it the other day while I was at work.
This is a crossover with Atop the Fourth Wall’s Contest of Champions, but you don’t need any prior knowledge of AT4W to understand what’s happening. I’m just borrowing a concept, really. (Although I do want to do a second chapter where Stan interacts with those characters)
Stan was awoken in the middle of the night by one of Ford’s alarms going off. He groggily sat up as his brother jumped out of his own hammock and dashed to the controls, muttering curses under his breath the whole way.
“Wazzat?” Stan groaned.
“An extradimensional portal just opened up aboard the Stan'o'war! But my sensors aren’t picking up any foreign lifeforms. Whatever it was must also have access to time travel. It must have paused time, entered our dimension, done whatever it was trying to do, and then left before restoring the flow of time.”
“Y'sure your nerd gadgets aren’t just broken?” Stan asked, reaching sleepily for his glasses on the bedside cabinet. He felt around, but instead of the thin plastic frames, he felt a heavy sheet of parchment.
“Yes, I’m sure! Now keep a close eye out for anything out of place! Just because I don’t detect any lifeforms doesn’t mean they couldn’t have left a robot or a bug.”
“Uh, Ford? I think I found what they left.”
Stan finally put his glasses on and looked down at the parchment he’d found. It was the same size as a normal 8.5" by 11" printer paper, but the parchment felt much fancier, like something the Northwests would use for an invitation. Which was exactly what it was.
“What the…?” Stan muttered, turning the page over to look for more info, but it was blank. “Ford, are you tryin’ to pull some sorta prank? If so, I don’t get your humor at all.”
Ford silently read the invitation over his brother’s shoulder, before snatching it away. “This has to be counterfeit. I know you destroyed Bill, but that’s not… that doesn’t make you… does it?”
“Seriously, Ford, what is this?” Stan asked impatiently.
Ford took a deep breath, collecting his thoughts, before answering. “To put it in your terms, Stan, the Contest of Champions is like an interdimensional boxing tournament, only instead of just boxing, the Champions can choose any kind of contest they want.”
Ford pinched the bridge of his nose. “You know, I bet this thing will do a much better job of explaining.” He held up the invitation like it was a phone and he was having a video-chat. “We’d like the Terms and Conditions, please.”
Nothing happened.
“Of course, I wasn’t invited.” Ford rolled his eyes and handed the paper back to Stan. “You have to ask it.”
Stan held the paper out like he’d seen Ford doing. “Uh… can you explain this whole thing to me?” He awkwardly addressed the invitation.
With nothing more than a bright flash of light, a figure in dark robes appeared. They looked like they might be human, but every part of them was covered, from their closed hood to their gloved hands.
“Sweet Moses!” Stan shouted in surprise, winding up to punch the intruder.
“Relax, it’s just a hologram recording.” Ford reassured him with a gentle hand on the shoulder.
“The interdimensional Contest of Champions is a tournament.” The hologram began, “Within every parallel reality, there are figures best suited to defend those realities. These individuals are referred to as Champions. The hosts for this contest, the Temlins, have elected to hold a tournament to judge their respective skills against one another. Participants are randomly selected across all realities and invitations are sent. You are under no obligation to join this great tournament, but should you enter, you will be granted the opportunity to test your abilities against other powerful individuals and make an attempt at a great prize. All battles are non-lethal and participation is voluntary. Should you remain victorious through all of your battles, you will be awarded this great prize. Defeat brings only as much dishonor as you allow yourself. If you have any further questions, you may ask now.”
“Wow, that’s quite the schpiel you got there.” Stan grunted. He turned to his brother. “So, let me get this straight. I can’t die, and I get to fight a buncha space dorks for some fancy prize? Sounds like a good time to me!”
“It’s a lot more complex than that.”
“What, you been in one of these things?”
“No, but I watched the coverage of one during my interdimensional travels. I should warn you, they take forever. Since it covers multiple dimensions and timelines, it can be really stretched out. I saw the beginning of the 1018th tournament while I was in the Bubble Dimension, by the time it finally finished, I was in the Flying Whale Dimension, six years later.”
“Well, do I haffta wait on their planet, or somethin’ or can I just go about life as normal?”
Ford shrugged.
“Between rounds, Champions are allowed to prepare as they see fit.” The hologram answered. “The Temlins are aware of the great temporal differences between participating dimensions. Champions are encouraged to continue their normal lives if at all possible while waiting for the next round.”
“Ok. And how do these battles work?”
“From what I remember, one of the contestants gets to choose the contest.”
“For each round, one of the two Champions is selected at random. They must set a battle that is fair to both parties, with a reasonable chance that either could win. The conditions of the battle must be agreed upon by both parties, and approved by the Temlins.”
“So, I just gotta bribe the right people, and make sure I get to pick the challenge. Dirty boxing, or, I dunno, a The Dutchess Approves trivia quiz.”
“Stanley, I’d advise against mentioning bribery in front of the recording device.” Ford scolded him. “And besides, the Temlins are all-powerful beings. I very much doubt you have anything that would interest them.”
“Well, what’ve I got to lose, right? I’ll give it a shot.”
“Stanley, wait, let’s think about this first! I don’t trust the Temlins. That much power, and they use it to host a tournament!? Why couldn’t they have done something about Bill, why couldn’t they use that power to stop injustice across the multiverse?”
Stan gasped in mock surprise. “What!? You don’t trust somebody? That’s never happened before! Whatever will I do with this new, vital information?”
“Stanley, I’m serious!”
“C'mon Ford, the man says it’s voluntary. If things get sketchy, I’ll quit! ‘Snot like I expect to win this thing. Think of it this way, I get to fight crazy space guys. You get to study whatever crazy space guys they send our way, and maybe if I get really lucky, I win some fancy sci-fi prize.”
Ford sighed. “I’ll admit, that does sound tempting.”
“Great, cuz I’m doin’ it!” Stan turned back to the hologram. “I, uh, speak aloud my acceptance, or however this works.”
“Welcome, Stanley Pines, to the Contest of Champions.”
“Great. So now what?”
“Preliminary round begins now.”
“Wait, what?”
“Your opponent is Ace Corgi, Attorney at Paw. Battlefield has been selected as Stanley Pines’”
“Ford, you said these things take forever!”
“Well I never saw anything about a preliminary round on the broadcast!”
Another brilliant flash filled the cabin. The hologram had disappeared, and in its place was a stout dog with pointy ears and a steel-gray coat. It looked just as surprised as they were. Ford’s alarms started again.
“Oh, are we starting now?” It asked in a deep voice that belied its small size.
“Aw, lookit the cute talking dog!” Stan cooed.
“That must be the Champion from the Corgi Dimension!”
“There’s a Corgi Dimension!?”
“Yes, but last I heard, the Champion of the Corgi Dimension was Atticus.”
“Oh, He retired just last year.” The small dog explained. “Now, which one of you humans is my opponent?”
Stan raised his hand.
“Thank you. Now have at thee!”
The dog lunged without warning, going straight for Stan’s knees.
“What the H!?” Stan shouted as he nearly toppled to the ground. His first instinct was to dropkick the animal, but he knew Mabel would never forgive him for doing such a thing to a cute dog, even if it was in self defense. Luckily, he knew a thing or two about dealing with rowdy dogs from his time pug trafficking. He grabbed it by the scruff of the neck, doing his best to avoid the snapping jaws, and forced the dog onto its back.
“A little help here?” He yelled to Ford as he struggled to keep the wiggling dog still.
The old scientist held his hands up. “I’m not allowed to interfere.”
The dog took advantage of Stan’s split attention and squirmed out of his grasp.
“You’re a jerk, you know that?” Stan shouted as the corgi chased him up onto the deck.
“I’m not being a jerk, it’s the rules!” Ford called after him.
Stan at least had the presence of mind to grab his boots and his coat as he dashed for the stairs. Luckily, the steps slowed his stubby-legged pursuer down, and he was able to actually put them on.
“You cur! Your giant ledges won’t be enough to stop me!" 
"What the heck, I thought we had to both agree on the battle first!?”
“That’s what I thought too, but it seems the Temlins get to decide the battle for the preliminary round. I suppose it saves time.” The dog replied as it hopped up the last step.
What the heck am I supposed to do!? Stan wondered to himself. I’m not gonna punch a little dog!
He ran around the deck a couple of times, trying to tire the little guy out, but the dog had boundless energy, and it’s fur coat was obviously better at keeping the cold out than Stan’s cotton one. Finally, his eyes caught sight of the net he and Ford used to catch specimens for his brother’s research. Perfect!
Out-maneuvering a herding dog was a challenge, but in the end he managed. After all, corgis were bred to herd large groups of sheep, not one cunning old man. Once Stan grabbed the net, he tossed it over his opponent, tangling up its little legs almost instantly. The dog continued to squirm, attempting to wiggle its way out once again. When this proved futile, it started to gnaw on the cables of the net.
“Yeah, good luck, Bucko.” Stan chuckled. “That net’s meant for things way bigger and more magical than you.”
“Preliminary round has ended. The victor is Stanley Pines.” The hologram appeared again in a flash of light. “You are both Champions worthy of being in this great tournament. Now you must await your summoning for the first true round. Information and dossiers about the other participants will be made available to you soon, relative to your own universe’s timescale. Welcome, once again, to the Contest of Champions.”
With that, the hologram disappeared again.
“Good show, human!” The dog barked happily. “Will you please let me out now?”
“Oh, right.” Stan pulled the net away. “Not that it’s any of my business, but if I can beat you, ya might not last many rounds in this tournament.”
“Oh, this dog still has a few tricks. I don’t want to show all my best moves before we’ve even begun!”
“Good point. Hey, before ya go, would it be too much to ask for a picture? My niece would really love you.”
“But of course!”
“Hey Ford, get up here!” Stan called down the stairs to the cabin.
“I told you, I can’t help during the match!”
“It’s already over, genius! We’re takin’ a commemorative photo! Bring up the camera!”
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