#just half the fic is legit horor and then the other half is sappy love stuff and the batfam trying to find dirt on danny
"Please don't be Silent Hill. Please don't be Silent Hill." The boy kept up his mantra as they approached the sign from behind.
Sure enough, the sign declared this place was named Silent Hill. The boy, Danny, had explained Silent Hill was a survival horror game franchise and that they were "living out the game" Cass nodded. She dealt with horrors regularly in Gotham and she knew how to survive much better that the average person.
She thought this would be easy.
She was wrong.
Danny as Phantom was ridiculously useful, and his knowledge of the video games was priceless given their situation but even he could only do so much. By the end of it she was carrying her new very tired and very traumatized boyfriend bridal style through Gotham.
Let me tell you, gothamites seeing Black Bat carrying some glowy meta around like that gave many people the absolutely correct idea that BB was dating him.
The batfam are freaking out. Thier sister disappeared for weeks without a trace and then suddenly reappeared with a boyfriend? Suspicious.
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