#i know jack all about silent hill
"Please don't be Silent Hill. Please don't be Silent Hill." The boy kept up his mantra as they approached the sign from behind.
Sure enough, the sign declared this place was named Silent Hill. The boy, Danny, had explained Silent Hill was a survival horror game franchise and that they were "living out the game" Cass nodded. She dealt with horrors regularly in Gotham and she knew how to survive much better that the average person.
She thought this would be easy.
She was wrong.
Danny as Phantom was ridiculously useful, and his knowledge of the video games was priceless given their situation but even he could only do so much. By the end of it she was carrying her new very tired and very traumatized boyfriend bridal style through Gotham.
Let me tell you, gothamites seeing Black Bat carrying some glowy meta around like that gave many people the absolutely correct idea that BB was dating him.
The batfam are freaking out. Thier sister disappeared for weeks without a trace and then suddenly reappeared with a boyfriend? Suspicious.
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ataraxiaspainting · 5 months
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Yan Chrollo x F Reader.
Synopsis: No matter how much soap is used up, even when the bars are all dissolved in the bathwater and the bottles are empty, you know that from now on all you will be is dirty. You will never be clean again. Never.
Warnings: Yandere themes, heavily implied non-con, past violence, manipulation, and kidnapping.
Word Count: 1k.
Ten Songs Like This Piece:
Memoir #02 [06.12.09] by Maria Pseftoga (feat. May Roosevelt)
I Can’t Handle Change by Roar
A Burning Hill by Mitski
No Surprises by Radiohead
A Pearl by Mitski
Liquid Smooth by Mitski
Six Forty Seven by Instupendo
I Love You Like An Alcoholic by The Taxpayers
Bumblebees Are Out by Jack Stauber’s Micropop
Bathtub by The Front Bottoms
"Now the time has come. I put two bullets in my gun. One for me, and one for you. Oh darling, it will be so beautiful." – Misery (1990)
The steam rising feels so thick it nearly suffocates you. That does not stop you from burying yourself further into the water, up to your nose and nearly filling up your ears. No, if anything, the steam makes you want to drown in it so much more. You contemplate putting your entire head under, screaming into the water until no bubbles rise to the surface.
But the demon wearing pale human skin would stop you before your escape attempt is successful. That is what he always does, after all.
Your white wool towel and his gray one is placed on the same rack, on your side. On one of the hooks behind the door are your pajamas, the color of strawberry taffy, and small buttercups on both the top and lower parts of the set. There are twenty-two on the shirt and nineteen on the pants. You know this because you have counted them many, many times before, the first-time being weeks if not months ago, when you thought the worst thing Chrollo could do to you is slap you or ignore you if you ever hit him. If you ever succeeded in that department, with his lightning-fast reflexes. You can only remember being that fortunate enough maybe… a maximum of four times, you think, before you stopped, after your initial fears of him killing you were brushed off, and after your survival instincts adapted to fit this particular situation. 
Rebelling by fighting him is not going to help. You know that it is something ingrained in every human, getting physical in the face of a threat, whether it be a real one or not. However, upon your initial confinement in this place, your primal instinct also urged you to escape. You constantly remind yourself that this is impossible due to the numerous locks on the door and Chrollo's ability to summon a seemingly omnipotent book out of thin air. You are unable to flee, thus your survival instinct must adjust to an alternative strategy. Nevertheless, it fails to do so, prompting you to ultimately confront different adversaries altogether; Chrollo's caresses, presents, and offerings of quality time.
But now seeing where that got you now, you regret not attempting to jump out of his car and run for the hills, not caring if he was behind you or not.
“...” You are silent as you push back further and further until the crown of your head feels the porcelain wall. “...”
Chrollo, in turn at your silence, simply puts some water into his cupped hand, letting his thumb play around in it for a little while before releasing it back from whence it came. “Now, what did we learn today? You don’t plan to be silent the rest of the night, do you dearest?”
You're uncertain about your plans, but one thing you do know is that drowning him in the bathtub is not one of them. Despite your desire to do so, you acknowledge that you wouldn't come out victorious. Presently, you feel apprehensive about what lies ahead. If this isn't the absolute depths to which Chrollo would sink, then what could be?
“...” Your mind wanders at a languid pace, not in a slithering manner, but rather with a slow crawl. It looms menacingly, poised to devour you entirely, leaving you voiceless. To prevent its dreadful consumption, you divert your attention to the objects surrounding you, to anything but the one who holds you captive.
“...If you don’t want to chat now, that is fine,” This time, Chrollo scoops water into his palms and gently pours it over his hair. “You can always do so when we get out.”
The water is still clear, so clear that you can still see the bottom of the bathtub. The salts he put were lavender scented, you think, because something floral is in the steam and the small bits of water that make their way into your nostrils and mouth. There is lemon balm, peppermint, and rose petals floating about too, but one or two of them have clung to your body like seaweed you would accidentally walk near when you went into the ocean’s tides, causing you to squirm to get them off. Chrollo most likely finds this amusing, because he does not think much else of you, does he?
“...” There are seventy-three tiles in all on the bathroom floor that are in plain view, not counting the ones underneath the rugs, the bathtub, cleaning supplies, shelving, and the toilet. “...”
You could recount them again instead of putting water over your head too. “Do you want to do anything related to aftercare aside from this?”
“...” Rather than uttering a word, you choose to count the uncovered tiles on the bathroom floor. “...”
The occurrence can be summed up by a single word: dissociation. To shield you, your mind disentangled the emotional pains from the physical ones, rendering you void of sensation, numb. This was done to prevent you from comprehending the true nature of what transpired, what just happened, when his patience snapped and he tied you to the bed by the wrists, ripping and ripping until–
You and the devil are side by side. 
“There is no need to repeat what happened today, correct? Then everything will go back to normal. Just hope for your well-being that you remember this.” 
“...I will. I will.” The sound of your voice brings a smile to his face, and he cups a handful of water in his palms.
The liquid flows down from your hair, mimicking a gentle rainfall, only to rebound and retreat to its origin. This rhythmic cycle persists, until unexpectedly, your body surrenders to a state of tranquility, defying the will of your mind. Your head tilts backward, and for a fleeting moment, you feel weightless, as if hovering above the water's surface.
Your mind will now be cleansed of the undesirable side of Chrollo, hopefully ensuring that you never have to witness it again.
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oletus-writer · 9 months
Pyramid Head NSFW Alphabet
Warnings: nsfw
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A = Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
If he doesn’t straight up disappear, then you’re one of the lucky ones. After explaining the concept to him and why it is necessary, you might be graced with a few cuddles. The most consistent thing he would do is to cover you up with his smock if you fall asleep.
B = Body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
Aside from the fact that he finds it rather foolish to have favourite parts of yourself, he rather likes his hands, how large and strong they are, how they can so easily kill and give pleasure to you. He likes your face, more specifically your eyes, as they hold the world to him.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
His cum is thick and sticky, and he likes to cum either inside you (he doesn’t care about the clean-up, nor participates in it) or on your face, and see how your face scrunches up and how you wipe it off.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
While at first, he wanted to tear you from limb to limb and do all sorts of unspeakable things to your ravished body, he does not want to do so anymore. Not something to be kept a secret, but mind you, he has never experienced such thing.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)
It’s hard to say, as he has had sex before, but has not had much experience in the ways that sex could give one pleasure. So, while he knows all the anatomy and is able to fuck for his own pleasure, you’ll have to teach him how to give you yours.
F = Favourite position (this goes without saying)
He doesn’t really understand the more complex positions, and just prefers positions where he has good access to your hole, such as missionary, mating press, doggy style, etc. If he’s on the receiving end, he prefers any position where his helmet won’t get in the way.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
As he does not have the necessary parts to form functional sentences, he is unable to make jokes, although he doesn’t want to. He would not find any attempt to do so humorous. They’re more confusing to him.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes?)
There are no drapes to speak of, and he has very little hair, that he doesn’t groom at all. After all, why should he?
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? are they romantic?)
He does not know of intimate love, and does not understand why it is incorporated during sex. So no, he is not intimate nor romantic.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcannon)
There is a thin line between sexual pleasure and pleasure derived from inflicting pain, and Pyramid Head doesn’t care to tell the difference. When he’s horny, he might go and kill people, when he’s lusting for blood, he might go and jack off.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Into heavy sadomasochism, as well as having a blood kink, weapon kink, power play, etc. He’s into some kinky shit, and, while he won’t tell you, one could probably guess. Make sure to stand firm with your boundaries.
L = Location (favourite places to have sex)
He does not understand much of privacy, nor about the intimate act of sex and that it should be kept from prying eyes. The halls of Silent Hill do just fine, and so does anywhere else.
M = Motivation (what turns them on?)
A lot of things turn him on (as he embodies the more primitive part of the brain that contains sexual desires, among others), ranging from simple gestures such as adjusting clothing to absolutely nothing at all. He’ll be going on with his day and be suddenly hit with a wave of lust.
N = No (what turns them off?)
Everything is intriguing for him, except sharing. While he’s not the most possessive, as he knows you’re his, but he won’t condone sharing, even if it’s for sex.
O = Oral (do they prefer giving or receiving? how skilled are they?)
As this video so eloquently put it, Pyramid Head is more of an ideal than anything, a personification of id, and therefore, in my humble opinion, does not have a head. So, safe to say he cannot give proper oral, but will attempt it with whatever mouthparts he has. Still, he prefers to receive oral.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual?)
He’s fast and rough, as he didn’t know sex could be a holy thing. Perhaps teach him the gentler side by fucking him and whispering praises, kissing his scars and telling him how much you love him, and he’ll get it.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies)
Sure, he’ll do quickies, but most of the time they become full-blown sessions, as he doesn’t care if you’re late for something or if the two of you really shouldn’t be fucking right now.
R = Risk (are they experimental? do they take risks?)
He didn’t know if many different ways to enjoy sex, and is up to try anything, even if you’re hesitant. He takes risks, but it’s more because he doesn’t know it’s bad for you, or of the consequences.
S = Stamina (how long do they last?)
He can go on and on, and doesn’t really get sick of having sex too quickly. He’ll play with you for about two days straight and then get bored, and move on with his duties.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them?)
He does not own toys - he does not know what they are - but he would be lying if he said he never used another object to penetrate himself.
U = Unfair (how much do they like to tease?)
He enjoys teasing, prolonging your suffering for his own pleasure. He might forget to reward you for your patience, or get lost in your torture to even bother. If you tease him, he’ll be a whiny mess, so expect payback.
V = Volume (how loud are they?)
As he does not have a head, he too does not have complex vocal cords to speak - no dirty talk, just dirty thoughts. He will be somewhat vocal, with grunts and other strange noises, and they’re rather loud, but not too often.
W = Wild card (a random headcannon for the character)
He generally doesn’t understand concepts such as sexuality and gender, so you’ll have to explain to him if you want to hide the relationship for whatever reason. He’s not as possessive as one might think, as he knows you’re his, and is perfectly capable to punish you if you ever are unfaithful.
X = X-ray (let's see what's going on under those clothes)
Huge cock for a huge man. He’s both a grower and a shower, with his penis being 11.6 inches (29.5 cm) when flaccid, and 12.1 inches (30.7 cm) when erect.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It’s pretty high, being as he embodies those parts of human nature. He’ll sometimes deal with it himself, but usually finds someone to do such favour for him, whether that be you.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Roaming the halls of Silent Hill, he did not need sleep, and he does not now, no matter the intensity of the session.
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Kinktober day 9
Pyramid head + Marking (Hickeys, bruises, etc)
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Another post written in headcanon format, enjoy. I also know jack shit about silent hill and have most of my pyramid head knowledge from other fics, lmao.
Kinktober list
-          You couldn’t tell when you first started seeing Pyramid head. One day you just noticed the large being with the triangle shaped head in the side of your eye, you weren’t even sure if that was the first time it had been around you.
-          You became paranoid and kept a constant eye out, even going as far as losing sleep because of it. You were starting to think you were going crazy. You didn’t tell any of your friends or coworkers about it, since they never seemed to notice when Pyramid head was right outside the window at your work.
-          You knew they would just look at you weird and advice that you go see a doctor or something about seeing stuff. So, you kept it to yourself and started trying to convince yourself that it was just your imagination.
 -          It helped a bit as you started falling asleep again, even though it took some work to finally close your eyes, and you still slept with the lights on just in case.
-          That was until you woke up with a large hand shaped bruise around your ankle, like someone had given it a hard squeeze and really dug their fingers in. It scared you as you hadn’t woken up at all during the night, and the darkness of the bruise told you it had been a very rough grip.
-          It immediately set you on edge again, but no other bruise appeared for a while. Things returned to normal, as much as they could as you still saw Pyramid head in the corners of your eyes at times and sleep still escaped you.
 -          Your coworkers had invited you out with them to a club, some place in town that was known for its loud music, flashing lights and it being the place to find a one-night stand.
-          You were having a great time, drinking, and even flirting with a few people. At some point a guy you had been flirting with during the evening reached up and grabbed your thigh, giving it a teasing squeeze as he leant in close.
-          At some point he had you up against a wall and you were both pawing at each other, sucking marks on each other’s necks and shoulders. That was when you felt like you were being watched, and when you opened your eyes and looked over the man’s shoulder it felt like your heart was about to lurch out of your throat.
-          There in the crowd stood pyramid head, towering over the crowds of horny people writhing against each other. The flashing lights in a multitude of colors doing nothing to lessen the uncanny appearance of the man, or was it beast? No one but you seemed to even notice he was there as those around him kept dancing.
-          You could tell Pyramid head was staring specifically at you even though you couldn’t see his eyes, and for some reason it made your throat clam up. With a bit of struggling and a few excuses you left the man that had been marking up your neck and fled the bar, heart beating a mile a minute as cold sweat gathered on your brow.
 -          When you got back to your place you locked the door after you and turned on all the lights, the fact that there were no shadows for the hulking figure to hide in lessening your fear somewhat.
-          You tried to go on with your nighttime routine but the feeling of being watched stayed, it felt like a heavy wet blanket being draped over your shoulders and weighing you down.
-          At some point you crawled into bed and under your blankets, trying your best to fall asleep and convince yourself it had all been your imagination. Just as you were about to fall asleep you felt something or someone looming over you. Heavy breathing filled the room, but it wasn’t fully human as it had somewhat of a mechanic or guttural type noise to it.
-          You tried your best to appear like you were still sleeping, even as you felt the large strong hand grab your thigh, the very thigh the man at the bar had groped earlier. You could feel sweat gather on your brow as you tried to keep still, repeating the mantra in your head that it was all your imagination and not real.
 -          You thought your plan was working when you felt something long and wet drag across your brow, seeming to lick up the salty liquid that had been gathering there.
-          You gasped and ripped your eyes open, fearing gripping your body as Pyramid head loomed over you, what could only be a long tongue coming out from the front of its mask? Helmet? dragging from your forehead and down your cheek, a shiver running through you as the muscle ran over your throat.
-          The hand on your thigh tightened as the tongue stopped over one of the hickeys the man had left earlier, a deep rumble coming from the being, almost like an angry growl. Its tongue kept licking the area until it hurt, like when a cat licks your skin in one area, and it goes raw.
 -          You shivered as Pyramid heads breathing got heavier, as he seemingly bent to loom more over you, putting more weight against the grip he had on your thigh. It was starting to hurt, and the expression that flashed across your face must have shown that.
-          The being made a crooning noise as he slowly released your thigh, the area aching as blood started to circulate again. You released a shaky breath, opening your mouth to gasp for air.
-          As you tried to breath Pyramid head kept running its tongue over your throat. You gasped when you felt him grab the side of your stomach, his large hands covering a large area of skin. Your mouth fell open in a pained noise when he dug his fingers in, and you already knew it would leave another bruise.
 -          Seeming to take your open mouth as an invite, Pyramid head snaked his tongue up and shoved it inside, a gag leaving you as the appendage brushed against the back of your throat.
-          You cursed the warmth that was gathering in your abdomen, trying your hardest to ignore how you cock was half hard at all the grabbing. Pyramid head moved his hand slowly up your torso and grabbed your shoulder, digging in his thumb in the area between your collar bones.
-          You moaned around his tongue, your hips giving a small jolt upwards as you grew harder, the wet appendage poking at the back of your throat in interest, and when you didn’t gag this time, it pressed in deeper.
-          You tried to breath around the intruder in your mouth, your hips grinding upwards in hope of any sort of contact, but when you found nothing, you could only whine.
-          Pyramid head made a crooning noise almost close to purring as he let go of your shoulder and reached down to grab your other thigh, digging in his fingers to bruise except for his thumb. You gasped as he removed his tongue from your mouth, seemingly pulling it back inside the pyramid shaped helmet on his head.
 -          You looked down in confusion at his hand, until he pressed his thumb against your hardness, making you cry out, grinding upwards against the contact.
-          Reaching down you grabbed onto his wrist as if to hold him into place as your hips jolted upwards, gasping for breath as you worked yourself closer to completion. You were so distracted trying to get off that you didn’t even notice Pyramid head pushing his tongue out again until it ran against your chest, now wet with new spit.
-          The heavy appendage dragged down your torso, leaving a wet trail in its wake until it settled on your lower abdomen, right above your hardness where you were grinding against pyramid heads thumb.
-          This seemed to be what it took as it shoved you over the edge, your eyes falling shut as you came. Almost wounded sounds leaving you as you rode the afterglow of your orgasm, not even noticing the heavy weight of pyramid heads hands and tongue disappearing.
-          It was only after you calmed down that you realized you were alone in your room, laying sprawled out on your bed, covered in sweat and spit, your boxers wet with your cum.
-          Glancing down at your body you could see the large hand shaped bruises that littered your skin, and you were sure there had to be some on your neck as well. You laid your head back on your pillow, gasping for air as you tried your best to comprehend what just happened.
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yuly · 1 year
I desperately need a part 2 to the “that’s Hotchner to you, agent” plz plz plz 🙃
→ hi lovely anon! ask and you shall receive! cw: only fluff I promise!
Aaron Hotchner x genderal neutral reader 
Always Aaron to You
Aaron is not a person who gives his trust easily. Once his trust has been broken, he clams up like a shell and prying that open might cost you a couple fingers. It's been a month now and you are willing to do whatever it takes for him to even look in your direction again. You miss your Aaron, your cuddle buddy, your confidant, your man. Because your words caused him this much pain and undid all the work the two of you have done to get him to express his feelings and be open, you have to think of a way to get him to see and hear just how sorry you are. With Valentine's Day coming up, you decide to use that to your advantage. If he throws it back in your face, you would take it in stride and leave him alone for good, this was your last shot. 
Aaron is not a shopping fanatic and he's not the easiest to buy gifts for, you know that he does everything in life for the people he loves, so you decide to take a page out of his book and pray it goes well.
He comes home absolutely exhausted, the case was long, the jet lag severe, and the whole precinct annoyed him to no end. Worst of all, he had to spend yet another day pretending to be angry with you when all he wanted was for things to go back to normal. But his pride was hurt so he kept the act up. As he made his way to the doorstep, Aaron thought of all the non-work related things he needed to get done this weekend and he let out an exasperated sigh. Being a single father with his work schedule was exhausting, to say the least. Aaron hated asking for help, but he so desperately needed to get some rest this weekend. As he entered his apartment, he toyed with the idea of swallowing his pride and maybe asking Jessica for a favour. 
Aaron was surprised to find Jack running about the apartment, stuffing a suitcase with clothes, toys and other odd bits.
“Dad! Guess what! I’m going to the Star Wars all-weekend exhibit with Jessica and cousins!!!!” Jack rambled excitedly, nearly foaming at the mouth. Apparently, Jessica was lucky enough to get her hands on some of the last tickets at the very last minute.
“I hope you don’t mind me whisking him away so last minute, I’m sorry if you had plans together or-”
“No, no, not at all actually. Thank you, Jess. It's been a long week I actually could use a weekend in, I owe you.” She smiled and swatted him away. Aaron wondered how his silent prayers of a quiet weekend were answered so quickly.
The next day, Aaron got an email reminding him of a golfing event he apparently booked in advance in the city. Aaron was confused, having no relocation of signing up, bet there was the receipt, from a month ago, under his name and credit card. He had actually been looking forward to going for a while now and must’ve forgotten about signing up. He spent the day catching up and flexing his skills in front of old friends. As he looked over the green hills and admired the view, Aaron got a text from Jessica, a photo of Jack and his cousins having an absolute ball at “stars wars land” as he called it, much to Jack’s dismay. He quickly saved the photo and sent her a thank you text back. At that moment, as the sun smiled down on him from its midday spot in the sky, Aaron felt content and happy, he felt lucky and again, he silently questioned how and why this weekend seemed to only get better. It was almost perfect, save for the small part of him that yearned for you.
When Aaron returned home that evening to find a bouquet of pink and white flowers, he was immediately on high alert. He cleared the area, and scanned the object carefully, only entering his home once he was certain everything was ok. He disarmed the alarm system and quietly closed the door behind him. He went through every square inch of the home, only relaxing when he successfully cleared the premises. He turned his attention to the bouquet of flowers, shades of pink and white staring back at him. He set them down on the kitchen counter, shifting his focus to the small card in the center.
“Agent Hotchner, please accept these as a token of my apology. 
The pink hydrangeas symbolize my regret over my words and actions toward you. I hope the optimism of the lily of the valley can bring a rebirth in our friendship, and that the pink peonies bring you good luck, maybe they can be the angel that silently answers your prayers.
- Agent L/N.”
Aaron is taken aback, he honestly cannot remember a time in his life when he received flowers in such a loving gesture. It flusters him as he’s unsure how to place this emotion that was nagging at his chest. The last line makes the cogs in his brain spin and his heart race. Could it be possible that this weekend was your doing? Or was the sweet gesture getting to his head.
“Aaron, is everything ok?” He could hear the kids laughing in the background.
“I need to know where did you get the tickets from”
After a bit of resistance, Jessica confesses that you had gifted them the tickets. She insisted that it was simply a kind gesture and pleaded with Aaron not to say anything.
Within 15 minutes, Aaron is at your doorstep with the flowers in hand.
“Aar-Agent Hotchner?”
“You bought those tickets for Jack didn’t you?”
Your gaze shifts to your feet, unsure how to read his flat tone and fearing the worst.
“And the golfing, you signed me up for it didn’t you?”
You look up to meet his eyes now, honey-coloured orbs that make your knees weak. His expression is difficult to read but his tone is soft. 
“Thought I’d make it up to you, show you how sorry I am.”
His heart aches at how docile and unsure you sound. He lifts your chin up to meet your eyes once again and spares you a smile, “you are my light at the end of the tunnel, I hope you know that.”
A shy breaks across your face, the warmth of his words wrapping around you snugly. 
“Aaron, always Aaron to you, Y/N. I love you”
You nuzzle into his chest, relieved that this long and drawn-out fight between you is finally over. Something clicks and the final piece of the puzzle has found its place as harmony is restored between you and Aaron.
“I love you, Aaron.”
*✧・゚: *✧・゚
@michasia24 @hizzielover @shamelessfangirl-3 @lilozg-123 @daily-evanstan  @justarandommom @hausofwhores
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
Cold Water
First Lady of Private Garden Fic
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AN: best friends should always be honest with each other
Synopsis: You and your best friend are at odds when you learn that he kept his new girlfriend a secret from you on purpose
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Requested by: @fallon-carrington123 (I incorporated the first part of your request. Part 2 is where I’ll add the rest!)
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Read My Superstar first 
It had been maybe a week or so since you learned the news of Urban having a girlfriend for two months over an instagram post. Safe to say that you were hurt because he didn’t tell you and it didn’t seem as if he was going to mention it until he got caught.
You and Urban have been close since the time the two of you were 14 when you both met and you simply shared everything with him. Even if it had to do with your beloved husband.
You know had a three week break from tour and you were back at home with Jack and Urban. However, the tension in the house was at an all time high because you had been giving Urban the silent treatment. The rest of PG were also there and you were all sitting around having a movie marathon and eating some homemade pizza that you had made for them.
PG didn’t want to say anything regarding you and Urban and figured that the two of you would work it out yourselves.
You two literally couldn’t live without the other so they knew you would make up soon.
You got up to go into the kitchen to refill your lemonade when Urban walked in to confront you.
He was over you ignoring him and wanted to fix this or at least attempt to.
“This shit stops right now. We need to talk about this.” You heard him say from behind you as you were finishing pouring the lemonade in your cup. You rolled your eyes before turning around to look at him.
“You lied to me! We have been friends for ten years! I have never lied to you about anything or kept something from you because guess what? You’re my best friend and best friends don’t do that!”
“You want to know why I didn’t tell you? Honestly?”
“I’m all ears, Wyatt. The fact that you told the rest of them before me and they met her? You even told Neelam before me! Like what the actual fuck?”
“What?!? No, I haven't Urban! That is complete bullshit!”
“You sure about that? Let me pull the receipts.”
“Is it my fault that no one that you’ve dated has been good enough for you!? My best friend deserves the best!”
“How can I find that if you keep running them off?!”
“Urban, Jessica was rude as hell every time we went out and didn’t give two shits about her attitude. The way she would speak to people was insane.”
“Damn, sounds like you’re talking about yourself. I’m going to need for you to stop being a hypocrite.”
“Urb! I am not rude! I never have been!”
“But your attitude could use some work! You never see the fault in what you do! EVER!”
“THAT IS NOT TRUE! What about Reina?! She dated you only to become closer to Jack and I don’t know why that was her goal simply because he’s married to me! She wasn’t thinking about you! She did not have your best interest!”
“But you didn’t have to fight her either! Let’s not forget the girls you ran off because of how you act and the fact that they didn’t get your approval! It’s like they see how you are and run for the hills!”
“You’re my best friend and I am always going to protect you!”
“You can do that without constantly being on my ass all the time, Y/N! Like damn let me breathe! Last time I checked I was a grown ass man who could take care of himself!”
And that’s when the tears started to fall.
Meanwhile PG was standing to the side of the doorway out of both of your line of vision  listening to the heated exchange happening between you and Urban.
“Uhh, Jack? Maybe you should intervene.” 2fo said while looking over at him.
“Absolutely not. They need to work this out themselves. I can’t always run and save the day every time she has a disagreement with someone. She’s an adult. Now if anything disrespectful was said that’s a different story.”
“But, Urb is kinda making some valid points. She is very protective of all of us but especially him.” Shloob confessed with car keys in hand just in case he had to make a quick exit.
“True, like sometimes I don’t say certain things around her because I don’t know how she’s going to react.”
“We all know that she doesn’t tolerate bullshit and only wants the best for us.”
“Yeah, but like Urb said she has to let us breathe and not be on our backs all the time.”
“Urban! Why can’t you see how much I care about you?!”
“I do and I’m going to need for you to stop crying because you are always playing the victim and I’m tired of it. Any time someone says something you don’t like or they’re telling you about yourself you get upset and cry. Grow the fuck up. Don’t you think I eventually want what you and Jack have? How am I supposed to do that if you literally run off every girl that I show interest in?”
All you did was simply look at him speechless with tears rolling down your face.
Your intentions were always pure when it came to Urban or anybody in PG who had gotten a girlfriend. You wanted for them to be on the same level as them and not settle for less.
Your feelings were hurt to think that Urban believed that you would intentionally do that to him.
All you wanted was to see your best friend happy. 
“Then I’m sorry for caring and loving my best friend and wanting for him to have what he deserves. You won’t have to worry about me doing that anymore.”
“Wait, Y/N….”
Urban tried to catch your hand as you walked past him but you quickly snatched away from him. PG scrambled to go back to their places on the couches in the living room but you knew that they had been listening.
Jack saw your face full of tears and was now kind of annoyed with Urban for making you cry even if he had been right.
“I.. just need a minute.”
You went upstairs and simply laid down and cried at what just happened.
The two of you had never argued or gotten into disagreements the entire ten years that you had been friends.
This hurt and it was never your intention to keep Urban from finding someone to be with.
But if he felt that you weren't doing any good by hovering over him, consider it done.
You just wanted to make sure that it was someone who wanted Urban for him and not anything else. 
Why couldn’t he understand that?
It had been about another week or so since the huge blow up between you and Urban and it was safe to say that the silent treatment was continuing. 
Well you couldn’t exactly call it that seeing as if he asked you something, you did answer him but simply left it at that.
To avoid all of this Urban had been spending more time with Yasmin who you still had yet to meet.
You figured it would happen eventually, but you weren't in any rush since he told you that you had ruined every relationship that he had been in previously so you continued to keep your distance.
It was around 11 am when PG decided that they wanted to go play laser tag and wanted for you to join them.
“Y/N, I need you on my team because you're little and you can hide and do sneak attacks.” Ace said but you kept a neutral face.
“No, I’m already doing something.”
“Wait, what? You’ve been dodging us all week! Come with us!”
"If I wasn't already doing something, I would."
"Well if we get dinner later are you coming?"
You simply shrugged.
"If I get finished maybe but I don't know." You honestly answered before going back upstairs and getting ready to meet Megan in the studio.
You had written a song for her to put on her new album and wanted to record it today in the hopes of getting your mind off everything else.
Once you were out of earshot everyone turned towards Urban.
"Will you two make up already!? And you can tell she's upset!"
"I tried to explain why I did it but of course she doesn't see anything wrong in what she did."
"Urb, you know how she is. You more so than anyone else besides Jack."
"Just because I know how she is doesn't make it right. She's upset because I told her the truth and I also kind of told her to back off a little bit and stop hovering."
"Well damn. That's why she hasn't wanted to go out with us."
"I meant to stop hovering around me when it came to relationships, not hanging out with us in general."
You knew it would be awkward with both you and Urban there and you didn't want to add more fuel to the fire.
"Jack, fix this! I miss her cooking for all of us. Now she's all sad and shit and making us eat take out. I swear that I can’t eat another egg roll."
"It's not my problem to fix. It's between them. Urb does the same thing when me and her have disagreements. He remains neutral and that’s what I’m doing."
"Now you know how stubborn your wife is, she is not going to apologize first."
"I think that the both of you need to apologize. You for keeping Yasmin from her and she does too for running the girlfriends off in the past even if her intentions behind it were good.." Jack said being completely honest.
"But why am I apologizing if I'm not sorry? I guarantee that if I would have told her about Yasmin that we wouldn’t still be together because of how she is."
"Urb, just do it so we can get fed! We're about to turn to skin and bones around here!"
"Shloob, you're just scared that she'll pop off."
"Well she has been quiet all week. Maybe she's plotting something. First Lady is never quiet. Jack, just make sure you give the eulogy at Urb's funeral."
Jack took the steps two at a time to go and check on you. It definitely made him feel some type of way seeing his wife so sad, so he was trying to do his best to take your mind off of it. But, he knew the two of you couldn’t live without each other even if both of you were acting like dumbasses and not trying to fix the issue.
He found you sitting on the bed and scrolling through your phone with your shoes near you assuming that you were getting ready to leave.
"Now you know I'm staying neutral because the last thing I want to do is come between you two and pick sides but the two of you really need to fix this."
"I'm doing what he asked me to do. So I'm keeping my distance."
"That's not what he meant and you know it." Jack replied while coming to sit down next to you and pull you onto his lap.
"Well that's what it sounded like to me. Because apparently I ruin everything and run people off."
"Baby girl. I get that you're in your feelings because he kept it from you. However, he has a point as to why."
"Not you too." You muttered while rolling your eyes and crossing your arms.
"I wouldn't be a good husband if I wasn't honest with my wife."
"I just… from what I saw from my perspective, none of them had his best interest and obviously in my mind I don't think anyone is good enough for my best friend. What's wrong with wanting to protect him from getting his heart broken?"
"Nothing at all but sometimes people need to learn on their own. You have to allow him to make mistakes. I feel like we're talking about our kid in a way." Jack said before laughing and it made you form a small smile on your face.
“That’s why I’m keeping my distance.”
“No, you need to find a good balance. This is such a thing as caring too much and you kind of take it overboard when it comes to Urban.”
“I just…. It really hurt what he said.”
“But there wasn’t any ill intent behind it, baby girl. Urban is hurt too. Don’t you think he wanted you to be the first person he told about Yasmin?”
“I thought he would do that regardless but, I… I don’t really want to talk about this anymore.”
“Baby, just think about it from his point of view, okay?”
“I’ll try.”
“Now where are you off to? You need to stop avoiding us.”
“I’m not avoiding anybody. I’m about to go spend time with Meg in the studio. I wrote something for her and we want to record it.”
“Fine, but this weekend you’re spending time with us too. I invited Yasmin over to formally meet you.”
“No thanks, I’m busy.”
“Baby! Stop doing that. Will you at least try for Urban?”
“Okay, fine. Try for me.”
“You didn’t say no so I’ll take it.”
You and Megan had just finished recording Budget and the two of you were just sitting around talking when the topic of Urban and Yasmin was brought up.
“Have you met her yet?”
“Nope and apparently I am this weekend because that husband of mine invited her over. I just can’t believe he literally lied to my face.”
“Well…. You kind of take it to the extreme when it comes to PG.”
“How so?”
“You are extremely protective and territorial over them. I know that they say no one gets to the first lady except through them but no one gets to the members of PG without going through the first lady. It goes both ways.”
“They’re my friends! I obviously want to protect them as much as I can!”
“Okay, you can do that without being a helicopter mom. Because that is definitely you.”
“I am not!”
“Listen to me for a second. I have heard a few of them say that certain things they don’t say in front of you because they don’t know how you’re going to react and they do keep things from you to not cause tension.”
“That makes me feel like I’m a horrible person. I want them to always be able to come to me about things and not have to hide.”
“You aren’t. You just have to allow yourself to have an open mind when it comes to things. I’m sure that they want to share a lot of things with you but they don’t because of your uhh… track record.”
“The only time I fight is if I have a good reason.”
“And I wholeheartedly believe you! However, there’s a time and place for everything so come whenever you meet her, go in there with an open mind and talk to Urban. Because even though you’re hurting, he probably is too.”
“Jack said the same thing.”
“It’ll all work out in the end, I promise. It’ll be like this entire thing never even happened.”
The weekend was now finally here and as promised for Jack and for Jack only you were playing host to Yasmin.
Everyone was sitting around the firepit in the backyard holding simple conversations and getting to know her while you had simply remained quiet.
You had a feeling that anything you said was going to piss Urban off so instead of causing tension, you decided that remaining quiet was the best option. 
There you were sitting on Jack’s lap and sipping on your red wine when you suddenly heard Yasmin call out to you.
“That pasta you made was really good. How’d you learn to cook so well? Did your mom or someone else teach you?”
“My mom did.” You kept your answer simple and noticed how Urban had rolled his eyes at your response, but you ignored it.
“Is there any dish that’s your favorite to make? Or only make on special occasions?”
“I don’t really have one. Anything they ask for, I make it.”
“Yasmin, wait until you try her mini strawberry cheesecakes or her sweet potato pies. We all have a running joke that she puts crack in it to keep us wanting more.” Shloob said while everyone laughed.
“I’m definitely looking forward to it.”
“I have a question for you, too.”
“Oh shit, it’s happening.” Quiiso whispered under his breath and everyone kind of looked on with wide eyes.
“Sure, go ahead.”
“What exactly is your job? No one has mentioned it seeing as I didn’t even know you existed until three weeks ago.”
“Oh, I’m a makeup artist. Still fairly new to the industry but I think the favorite person I’ve done work on is Dua Lipa. I know that the two of you are pretty close.”
“A little too close in my opinion.” Jack whispered in your ear, making you laugh.
“Hmm, how’d you meet Urban?”
“We actually ran into each other backstage at the VMA’s and then it just went from there.”
“What are your intentions? Is he your first boyfriend or no?”
“Y/N….” Urban said in a warning tone and you simply looked at him.
“Urb, you wanted me to get to know her right? And wanted for me to not ruin this seeing as you told me that I ruin every single relationship that you’ve been in so I’m doing my best.”
“Wait, what?” Yasmin curiously asked while looking between all of you and you heard Jack sigh from behind you.
“You can do your best without interrogating her, just like you did all the other ones before.” Urban replied while raising his voice.
“I’ve barely said anything to her all night! How am I supposed to get to know her if I don’t ask questions?”
“I really don’t mind answering them…” Yasmin said attempting to try and keep the peace since you and Urban were shooting daggers at each other.
“Should have known your ass was going to do this.”
“I didn’t even do anything!”
“Fine, Urban, if you are so bothered by me wanting the best for you then I don’t know why we’re still friends.”
“Now wait one got damn minute. Yall are not throwing away ten years of friendship over this. It is not that serious. Can the two of you just apologize and move on?” 2fo piped up and suddenly looked nervous.
“I’m not apologizing for something that I’m not sorry for.”
Damn that stung. 
“Well he told me I ruin everything concerning his relationships and that I’m a hypocrite because I mentioned one of those girlfriends having an attitude and he said mine could use some work.”
“Uhhh… well…”
“I mean…. That wasn’t totally a lie.”
“Are we seriously doing this right now? So everyone can list my faults but yall are perfect?”
“No one even said that and that’s what your problem is! You never listen when someone is trying to explain something to you and act like the victim!” Urban fired back at you and you could now tell that Yasmin was extremely uncomfortable.
“Will you two calm down?!” Jack exclaimed as his two best friends were going at it. As much as he didn’t want to intervene, this was getting out of hand. 
“I’m not acting like a victim!
“Umm right now you kind of are.” Ace confessed and you just stared at all of them in disbelief. 
“We’re your friends and we are supposed to be honest with you, no matter if it hurts. It’s better we tell you than to lie.”
“Oh, but you all did lie. In ten years, I have kept nothing from any of you and this was really a slap in my face but since I always act like the victim, I won’t say anymore about it. Yasmin, you seem really nice and I wish you and Urban the best. I have a headache so good night.”
Jack tried to pull you back as you attempted to stand up, but he wasn’t quick enough.
You made your way back into the house as it was now silent in the backyard.
“Well consider that our last meal from her probably until 2025. If she wasn’t acting distant before, she damn sure will be distant now.” Nemo said, breaking the silence.
“Jack, is this how it feels when she’s mad at you? Because I don’t really like this.” 2fo confessed.
“Somehow this feels worse.”
Just then Jack eyed Urban who was simply running a hand through his curls while Yasmin was sitting there awkwardly.
“All this shit could have been avoided if you would have told her.”
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mrzombielover · 11 months
I’m begging for more alphabets yours are so good!! I’m still laughing at Soap being the “I’m in my girls ear like” meme
thank you anon im glad you enjoy them :)
here’s a gaz nsfw alphabet because i love him so very much and he is incredibly underrated (implied f reader)
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
gives amazing aftercare, doesn’t hesitate to start cleaning you up, then he’ll jump right back in with you to cuddle
on the quieter side. not in a bad way, he still enjoys pillow talk but would prefer to listen to you ramble and occasionally add or react. likes holding you against his chest and absentmindedly tracing over your skin, placing kisses on your head or shoulder once in a while
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
pretty indifferent about himself, does like his chest and shoulders cause buff💪💪 military, also likes his back for the gains and goes crazy for love scratches down his biceps and back
on you? your eyes. classic and cheesy but he loves them and staring into them. LOVES when you two can have silent conversations and he can tell what you’re thinking just from the expression in your eyes
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
i imagine he eats a pretty balanced diet and he’s generally a healthy guy, so it tastes fine. cums a normal amount, too.
he is not tryna have kids right now so he always pulls out before he cums and he looovessss seeing it all over you, almost better than he likes cumming inside you.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
likes watching/hearing you get aggressive and tell people off it gets him going. this isn’t that dirty but he would be embarrassed if you found out. one time while decently drunk you yelled at a girl that wouldn’t stop hitting on him and he was smiling the rest of the night. also likes when you’re protective of him. again he’s a bit embarrassed about it
since neither of these are dirty you get 2 secrets to make up for it lolol
he has a bunch of pictures of you that you don’t know about. like, a TON. candids and stuff that you would hate but he thinks you look nice in. also some dirty ones like he took while you were passed out after sex, not necessarily sexual but intimate in a way that you would murder him if he ever showed someone.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
he’s not inexperienced, but he’s not really fucking a lot per se, like he’s not a big fan of one night stands so majority of his experience is with old partners.
he knows what he’s doing though. it takes a bit for him to learn exactly how you like it but after a few times he knows exactly how to make you melt
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
he likes any position where you’re in his lap, loves the intimacy and it kinda makes him feel stronger/bigger in a way lol
he also likes experimenting with positions though which sometimes ends up with both of you crumpled and laughing because you lost balance or his leg gave out or smth
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
he can be a tad silly as a treat…. similarly to how he likes to tease he also likes banter and is not opposed to a bit of joking around during the moment
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
his hairs curly so it doesn’t exactly get very long, but he keeps it trimmed close anyway. he is very clean and neat i will die on this hill
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
he can be super cheesy when he wants to be, but with the kind of confidence that he can somehow pull it off like he’s corny but lovable. and likes to spoil you so sometimes he really pulls out all the stops to give you a romantic surprise
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
another thing he’s a bit embarrassed about but he does it quite frequently when you guys are separated.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
light bondage!!! like handcuffs drive him crazy he loves to see you squirm and reach to touch him but be physically held back. blindfolds too
temperature play is another good one, goes insane when ice is used on either of you.
food play too, he accidentally pavlov’d himself tho and now cannot eat whipped cream without getting hard
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
all the classic places ofc your bed is the most common, he likes the shower too but i think the couch is his ultimate fav
cause he likes to experiment with different positions the couch allows for a bit more weird leeway going on, like the handles and stuff
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
like i said before it totally gets him going to see you yell at someone for some reason. loves a scrappy girl LMAO i’m projecting
would separate you if you ever actually got in a fight to prevent you from being hurt but there would def be a moment where he’s conflicted
also kinda weird but your scent. smth sciencey abt pheromones probably…. he goes crazy when he can smell traces of you on his sheets or on a shirt and loves to smell your hair as he’s falling asleep
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
anal stuff kinda freaks him out wouldn’t want you to touch his ass 💀💀💀 if you’re really insistent maybe for your birthday or smth but not ideal for him
something he absolutely would never do would be any like dark hard kinks, the idea of cnc or abuse or humiliation makes him go soft
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
so weak to blowjobs. loves giving, too, ofc but you can get him to do pretty much anything if you give him head. he doesn’t wanna like guilt you into giving it, it’s much sexier to him when it’s your idea
ok back to giving he loves it fs! sex is 50/50 to him and he loves pleasing
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
not that he goes slow, but tends to be on the softer side. v much prefers sensual sex, and hates feeling rushed
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
they have their time and place, but generally, he doesn’t prefer them. usually thinks it’s not worth the mess and clean up. does like the idea of picking up where you left off later, and you having to sit through the rest of work with ruined underwear.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
the idea makes him a bit nervous which makes him excited. probably wouldn’t initiate risky public stuff but also wouldn’t say no
with kinks, he’s pretty open, mostly just to make you happy. not unwilling to sub but prefers control. again he’ll try some stuff but isn’t really into heavy dom/dub dynamics or bdsm
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
quite a few depending on the night, but he does need a little break inbetween rounds he’s not superhuman lol. but usually y’all go 2-3 rounds if you don’t have some kinda time crunch
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
i feel like he would enjoy using them on his partner, he’d looove to see the effect they have on you, especially a vibrator. is a bit shy about them being used on himself. not that he’d never let you use them on him, just maybe not all the time. like if he was in a particularly submissive mood he’d be game. uses them on you more often, see also in combination w blindfolding
also kinda related i feel like when he was a teenager his friends got him a fleshlight as a joke and he was too embarrassed to ever use it so he just kept it hidden in his sock drawer or something, and one time his mom found it and yelled at him. he was mortified and his friends never stopped making fun of him for it
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he can be a SMUG mf, likes to tease n make fun of you. it’s all light hearted, of course, but sometimes he’s so mean!!! totally unfair
he’s a good sport when you tease him, though. doesn’t let it bother him so much cause he knows he’ll make you pay for it, later
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
a little quieter but not silent, wouldn’t outright moan but he does grunt and whimper, voice getting shakier when he gets closer to cumming. lots of heavy, desperate breathing too, right in your ear. likes being quieter so he can hear the noises YOU make it drives him crazy
likes dirty talking a lot, too. like i said before, he can be a mean smug mf sometimes, which deffff transfers into his dirty talk. he lives for when you get so cockdrunk you can’t even respond to his questions as he teases you
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
he has the HOTTEST VOICE EVER OMG IDK something about his accent and tone just DOES it for me fuck. anyway he’d be happy to indulge whatever voice kink you may have i need to hear him whimper bro
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
on the larger side, like 6.5 fully hard, and very very pretty. probably cut?
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
it’s pretty average for a young in shape high-testosterone guy. he won’t be like begging you 24/7 but like 90% of the time he’s ready whenever you are. gets intensely horny when drunk or high tho LOL so that’s when he’ll be more forward
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
would be fine not going to sleep, like he could get up and be functional, but he really does like holding you after and slowly drifting off. might take a little bit but he’s so comfortable he wouldn’t trade it for anything
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writingseaslugs · 1 year
Savanaclaw: Holiday Special
It was when I was writing this part that I realized I totally screwed up. I hope y’all like reading, because these parts are longer than I expected. I meant for these to be drabbles, maybe like 400 words each AT MAX. Well that didn’t go over well so here we go. Lot’s of writing. Also apologies to Jack; baby I love you to pieces, but someone mentioned it so I had to do it.
Disclaimer: All characters in this series are aged up. For more information about my version of this world and the type of reader you can expect, please do a quick read of THIS post. 
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Savanaclaw: Sledding
Savanaclaw was one of the few dorms that totally sucked when it came to the winter. It got colder, sure, but it didn’t do anything fun. There wasn’t even ice on the ground, let alone snow. So you had to improvise if you wanted to do winter activities with a special someone. That’s how you managed to drag one particular member of Savanaclaw out to Ramshackle for some fun.
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Leona Kingscholar
“It’s too cold for this.” Leona said, glaring at whatever you were currently doing. You had a large sled out, trying to drag it up one of the larger hills up Ramshackle. You had a small pout on your lips as you stopped what you were doing and walked over to him.
“What do you mean, it’s not that cold.” You said; you then realized that he wasn’t from a cold area, so this was all probably a bit shocking to him. Well, not shocking, but at least uncomfortable. The cold weather made Leona just want to curl up by a fireplace and sleep…which is something he was tempted to drag you to do. He knew the fireplace was going at Ramshackle since he had just been inside, but you looked so hopeful he’d join you that he felt bad just ditching.
“Let’s get this over with.” Leona finally said, making you clap happily. You watched as Leona approached and picked the sled up with ease and walked up the hill with you trailing behind him. His tail swished in an annoyed fashion behind him as he got to the top. He put the sled down before looking at you.
“What?” You asked, not knowing what he was wanting.
“Sit down and I’ll get on behind you; I’m only dragging this thing up once.” Leona said, looking down at the large sled. It could easily accommodate both of you. You couldn’t help the blush that crept up your cheeks, but you complied as you sat down on the sled and got comfortable.
You felt Leona get on behind you, the warmth of his body soothing as you leaned into him. Then he pushed the sled and off you two went. The wind whipping past your face as you slid down the hill faster than you expected. You couldn’t help but laugh, not even noticing how Leona’s hands were now wrapped firmly around your waist.
The sled came to a skidding halt once you were at the bottom, twisting as you guys finally stopped before hitting anything. You were still giggling as you looked up to see Leona’s face. He had an unimpressed look on his face while looking down at you, “Was it not fun?” You asked him, snickering at the snow sticking to his hair.
“It was riding down a hill.” Leona said, getting up. You only then noticed as he stood up, his arms were still wrapped around your waist. He lifted you alongside him and began walking into the dorm, not even bothering to ask if you wanted that or not. You felt like a small cat as he kicked the door open and walked to the fireplace.
He plopped himself down on the carpet and began laying down, dragging you with him, “Now we’re doing something I want.” Leona murmured, ready to just take a nap. You giggled, pushing him to his back so you could crawl on top of him and use his chest as a pillow.
“Did that tucker you out?” You teased the lion. Leona groaned in annoyance, one hand falling onto your back to keep you in place.
“Shut up, would ya?” He murmured and you shook your head while snickering.
“Make me.” You cooed and he did just that. You felt him dragging your face towards his, as he quickly stole a kiss from you. It made you silent as the feeling of his lips lingered on your own. You blinked a few times before making a small noise or protest, “W-wait, you can’t leave me with just a peck!”
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Ruggie Bucchi
“1, 2, 3…go!” You shouted, your sled sliding down the hill, alongside Ruggie’s. This was probably the fifth race you two had that day, wanting to see who’s sled would go faster. It all started with you wanting to go sledding, and Ruggie said only if you two could race and place bets. The sneaky hyena wanted to make some profit while having fun, but you were determined to not lose to him.
Your sleds hit the bottom of the hill at the same time, resulting in yet another tie. Still, you couldn’t help but want to pick a fight, “I win!” You shouted, standing up from the sled as Ruggie got up as well. He paused, his mouth open to probably say the same thing.
“Wait, no you didn’t, I won!” Ruggie said, walking over to you, “Look, my sled went further.” He pointed out the slight centimeter difference and you rolled your eyes.
“Please, that was from you getting out and pushing it forward. My sled was further before you got out.” You told him, not wanting to back down from your lie. You knew you would probably have to have a rematch, but you wanted the banter.
“Now you’re just straight up lying.” Ruggie said, point an accusing finger at you. You gasped, placing a hand over your heart, acting shocked.
“Such cruel words, Rugs, and do you have any proof to back up this claim?” You asked, knowing damn well he didn’t. Ruggie paused for a second before shooting you a glare. He was about to ask for a rematch, before noticing how cold he had gotten. You seemed to notice this as well with how he was shivering slightly.
“Fuck it, one more round and I’ll win.” Ruggie said, deciding he’d rather get the prize money. You guys weren’t even betting a whole lot on this thing, but he still wanted to win. You shook your head and put your hands in your pocket.
“Actually, I’m kinda cold…wanna call it quits and grab some hot chocolate in my dorm?” You offered, knowing the hyena likely wouldn’t turn down a free drink and warmth. Ruggie perked up as he nodded, grabbing an arm around your shoulder and was already dragging you inside.
“I was starting to think you’d never ask.” Ruggie said, dragging you inside the warmth of Ramshackle. You chuckled, grabbing his hand in your own and squeezing it.
“Oh shut up, we can go back out later for a rematch if you want, but I’m freezing and so are you.” You said, letting him take his arm off as you approached the kitchen. You went to the fridge to grab the milk, hearing Ruggie rummaging behind you. He had been to the kitchen several times to know where everything was.
Once you had the proper supplies, you grabbed a pot and poured some milk into it. Ruggie walked up behind you, his arms wrapping around your midsection while you turned on the fire. “Something you needed?” You asked, looking up to see Ruggie holding onto you.
“You’re taking too long.” He justified, making you sigh. Even Ruggie knew it was a poor excuse since he began snickering at himself, “But seriously, are we having a rematch later, or will you just admit I won?” He asked, as the milk began doing its thing.
“I’m not admitting to anything, good sir.” You joked as you turned in his arms, “Did you want a pity prize?” You asked, as he hummed.
“Pity prize…what do I get?” Ruggie asked, before you pulled him down by his neck. He squeaked in surprise as your lips came together in a sweet kiss. You hummed against him as you pulled away. He was quick to drag you back in, nibbling on your bottom lip a little for a deeper kiss.
You happily opened your mouth, letting him explore the inside as you groaned against his mouth. His hands around your waist giving you a tight squeeze as you two finally pulled apart, “There, you can’t just give me a peck, y’know. It’s still supposed to be a prize.”
You chuckled before noticing an odd smell; both you and Ruggie realized at the same moment as you spun around and saw the boiling milk going over the edge of the pot. Note to self: next time you make out with Ruggie in the kitchen, make sure milk isn’t on the stove.
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Jack Howl
“So Jaaaaaaack.” You began, already batting your eyelashes, as you wrapped your arms around Jack’s torso. The man looked down at you with a confused look, but was silent as you seemed to ponder over your question. You had uncovered a large sled in Ramshackle’s attic and were dying to try it out. The downside was…the sled was a more traditional snow sled. As in it needed a sled dog.
“Something you needed?” Jack was curious and a bit on edge since you normally didn’t suck up to him unless you were wanting to get up to no good.
“You know how I asked if you could come over to go sledding?” You asked, watching as he nodded his head, “Well…the sled is a uh…larger sled, ya see.” You began and Jack was now on edge.
“Did you need help bringing it down?” Jack asked and you nodded.
“Well yes, but that’s not all I wanted to ask.” You said before clearing your throat, “Y’know how you have your unique magic…”
“Absolutely not.” Jack was so fast in figuring out what you were about to ask. You let out a small whine, not taking your arms off of him. You rested your chin on his chest and you looked up at him with puppy dog eyes. You really wanted to use him as a sled dog, it was a once in a lifetime opportunity and he was big enough to pull the entire sled himself.
“Why not, it would be fun?” You begged him, squeezing him a bit tighter, hoping you could cute your way through this.
“For you; it would be fun for you.” Jack said, placing a hand on your head and pushing you off. You groaned, parting from him for a moment and crossing your arms.
“I promise I will give you tons of head pats and snuggles if you do. It’s a win-win.” You tried bargaining, but he was being stubborn.
“I’m not a dog, you know.” he seemed to have to remind you of this fact sometimes. He might not be a dog, but he shared some qualities with them. You knew he was a sucker for when you ran your hands through his hair, and how he would sometimes get protective of you like a guard dog. You’d never say it out loud though, in fear he’d ignore you for a week straight. He was a nice guy and probably wouldn’t hate you for it, but the cold shoulder is way worse of a punishment.
“So you don’t want head pats and snuggles?” You asked, poking his arm a bit. Jack shot you a small glare as he debated this, before sighing.
“Fine, but you can’t tell anyone about this, got it?” Jack said and you swore you could see a faint blush on his cheeks. You squealed with joy as you ran up, wrapping your arms around his neck. Jack helped lift you up into his arms as you chuckled.
“You’re the best Jack, but you already knew that.” You said, before taking his cheeks in your hands and pulling him in for a quick kiss. Jack stiffened under your kiss for a moment before sighing into it, deciding to just go with the flow. Your hands came to his neck, playing with the hair there as you kept him in place.
He was like a mini furnace against your lips and you didn’t want to part your lips, but you knew you had to. You caressed his cheeks before kissing him on the forehead, “I’ll give you way more kisses as well after, I promise.”
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Are you a fan of Diasomnia like me? I bet you are if you read my content (we love the boys in this household). Want to support a visual novel that will feature the Diasomnia dorm, has multiple routes and endings, as well as some spicy visual scenes? Check out @twstfournights and if you want info, check out their announcement post!
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blues824 · 1 year
This might sound a little too much to ask, but could you do headcanons about Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel, Ortho and Sebek going to the reader's world (which is real-life Earth), please? I would like to see them explore the countries and cities, taste the unique cuisines (including the ones they had never tried before), buying souvenirs, etc. I would also like to know their favorite singers, songs, movies, food, drinks, countries and cities from the reader's world.
I made myself hungry. Reader is barely mentioned, but kept gender-neutral. They are all aged-up because some characters have alcohol as a favorite beverage (besides Ortho).
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Ace Trappola
Favorite country + city he visits: Los Angeles, United States. He loves the big city, and L.A. has a day-life and a night-life. NYC comes in second place for that same reason.
Favorite cultural cuisine and specific favorite food: It’s stated that he likes cherry pie, so he probably likes food from the U.K. (I looked it up and it said that cherry pie originated from there)
Favorite drink: Strawberry green tea with popping strawberry boba. Riddle’s taste for strawberry has rubbed off on him, and since L.A. has a lot of boba shops, he loves it.
Favorite souvenir: A fancier deck of cards, for obvious reasons
Favorite singers/songs: I have a feeling this man knows his Nicki, so his go-to song is Monster by Jay-Z, Rick Ross, Nicki Minaj, Bon Iver, and Kanye West
Favorite movie: High School Musical, but when you ask he will say something like Silent Hill to seem all bad and cool
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Deuce Spade
Favorite country + city he visits: Probably Tijuana, Mexico. It’s right on the ocean, and therefore it has a beach. He would love to rent a motorcycle and ride with you all over town.
Favorite cultural cuisine and specific favorite food: Mexican food, specifically street tacos. Mexican street food is some of the best I’ve ever had. When you had him try it, he fell in love.
Favorite drink: Horchatas. They’re a popular drink, and he thinks it’s so good (so do I)
Favorite souvenir: A handmade keychain that has ‘T.J.’ engraved on it. 
Favorite singers/songs: I feel like he’d be into Bad Bunny, but more specifically the song ‘Te Bote’. Mans doesn’t know what the lyrics translate to, he just thinks it has a good beat. (Btw, I’m aware Bad Bunny is Puerto Rican)
Favorite movie: La Bamba. He loves it, but it always makes him cry. (😢 RIP Ritchie)
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Jack Howl
Favorite country + city he visits: Madrid, Spain. Beautiful scenery, wonderful sunset skyline, and rooftop bars: all you need in life.
Favorite cultural cuisine and specific favorite food: Bocadillos, any kind as long as it doesn’t have green peppers.
Favorite drink: Sangria. His canonical favorite food is pear compote, so I feel like he would love a fruit-based drink
Favorite souvenir: A pair of Spanish sandals that he got custom-made. He thinks they are comfortable to walk in.
Favorite singers/songs: He loves the local artists that you can find on the streets, playing for flamenco dancers. His favorite song is Ninguna, by Juanes (I know Juanes is Colombian).
Favorite movie: Call of the Wild. It's a sad story that made him tear up the first time he watched it.
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Epel Felmier
Favorite country + city he visits: Marseille, France. He went on a road trip all around France (as much as he could, anyway) and found that this place was at the top of his ‘favorites’ list.
Favorite cultural cuisine and specific favorite food: He does prefer macarons over macaroons, so French cuisine would be his favorite. However, Italian food comes in second.
Favorite drink: He wants to be seen as manly, so he would say his favorite drink is whiskey on the rocks (he does genuinely like it), but his favorite is actually a lighter spirit. He would settle for beer, though.
Favorite souvenir: A very small model of the Eiffel Tower.
Favorite singers/songs: Probably As It Was, by Harry Styles. He is secretly a Harry Styles fan 
Favorite movie: Like Ace, he would say his favorite movie is something like The Conjuring, but it’s the Titanic.
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Ortho Shroud
Favorite country + city he visits: Thessaloniki, Greece… for obvious reasons.
Favorite cultural cuisine and specific favorite food: He doesn’t eat; he’s a robot
Favorite drink: He doesn’t drink; he’s a robot
Favorite souvenir: A chess set, but instead of normal pieces it’s Greek Soldiers
Favorite singers/songs: I feel like he likes older songs, so I will say Ain’t No Mountain High Enough, by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell
Favorite movie: Guardians of the Galaxy
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Sebek Zigvolt
Favorite country + city he visits: Stratford-upon-Avon, England. He likes to read, and this is where Shakespeare was born.
Favorite cultural cuisine and specific favorite food: I have reason to believe he likes Italian food. His favorite food remains salmon carpaccio.
Favorite drink: He doesn’t drink a lot, so his favorite drink is Earl-Grey Tea. However, when he needs to relax, he drinks campari (he probably likes the bitter flavor)
Favorite souvenir: A leather-bound copy of Romeo and Juliet
Favorite singers/songs: Until I Found You, by Stephen Sanchez (probably discovered after he read Romeo and Juliet for the first time)
Favorite movie: He loves the Harry Potter movies, and no one is allowed to argue with me.
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argumentl · 1 year
2013/1/16 Interview with Kaoru by Tatsuro (MUCC) on Tokyo FM (JACK IN THE RADIO)
T: The coupling track (of Rinkaku) is so heavy! Its been 15 years since you first recorded Kiri to Mayu, right?
K: Yeh, I cant believe I've been in this band so long.
T: That was just around the time MUCC started. Its awsome when I think about it.
K: It was one of the first songs we wrote after we formed. We rented this kind of container in a warehouse, you know the type usually packed onto ships? And we all logded in there together for a week, and wrote some original songs of our own.
T: So at the very start you only had a handful of songs as Dir en grey? Where did Kiri to Mayu fall in the order of songs? What was the very first song you wrote?
K: The first ones were Aoi Tsuki, and Karma. And then Kiri to Mayu came a few songs later.
T: Do you play it live?
K: ...No
T: Hahaha
K: When we decided to re-do it, I listened to it for the first time in ages, and listening to the end was actually embarrassing.
T: What, because of the arrangement or something?
K: Because of everything!
T: So, the other song on the release is the Remix version of Rinkaku. This remix is by Yamaoka Akira, who created the soundtrack for the horror game Silent Hill. Why did you ask him to do it?
K: Well, we've known him for a while, and when we started thinking about including a remix, we wanted to find someone to do it who you wouldn't normally associate with this type of thing. So we thought of him, and when we asked him, he agreed.
T: Where did you meet him?
K: Well, like connections through work, he came to our lives and stuff.
T: Do you guys play video games?
K: Yeah, well...not much recently, but yeah.
T: What kind of games do you like?
K: RPGs I guess.
T: Like Dragon Quest?
K: Yeah.
T: Dir en grey plays Dragon Quest! Haha. Do you decide on the main character's name at the start?
K: Yeah, Kaoru.
T: Haha, you call it Kaoru?? Dir en grey uses Kaoru to destoy the Demon King in Dragon Quest?! How cute is that??
T: So later we will take some photos using Dir en grey's new single Rinkaku as inspiration. The theme will be 'Contoured Poses'. Ahh, this is tough. Should I do something? hahaha. Check out our mobile site if you wanna see.
And next is Radio Dragon with presenter Kanno Yui taking about image, and whether people like clean cut types. I wonder what kind of look she likes on a man. Kaoru, can I ask you, what type of woman do you like?
K: I don't have a type.
T: Really? Not like cute girls, or smart girls?
K: No, but....I like lips.
T: Hahaha
K: Like, shiny lips, I like that.
T: Cute and sexy, right?
K: Yeah.
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gyubby99 · 1 year
Jelsa headcanons because THEMMMMM LOOK AT THEM
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Elsa is an insomniac and Jack is a heavy sleeper I HAVE SAID IT AND I'LL SAY IT AGAIN.
Love language is physical touch. Loves holding hands often to remind them that they're more than just cold hands
Elsa loves looking at him when he's not looking. And when he does, she smile grows as he smiles as well.
Dumbasses. There are millions of dumbasses but they're my favorite.
Elsa sometimes doesn't get his dad jokes
Jack talks about Elsa the way Aladdin talked about Jasmine to the genie in that one scene
In Taylor Swift songs, I would describe their relationship dynamic as the 'sweet nothing' and 'afterglow' type.
They both do not know how to dance and they just sort of learned to dance with each other.
Elsa takes her gloves off when she's with him. (Pre-coronation)
I don't think Elsa gives him the silent treatment when they fight. She knows that all his life people were passing through him like he doesn't exist, so pretending that he doesn't exist would strike a memory in him.
Constantly argues, but not too much. It's normal for them to have disagreements and things doesn't necessarily have to end up with them raising voices.
Elsa will do anything to get cuddles with this man. Everything.
Enjoys stargazing.
Taylor and Joe = Them. End of discussion. They're a little too significant it leaves me in awe
Elsa has panic attacks, Jack has nightmares. Get them therapy.
They're menaces that Tooth and Anna has to keep in a leash constantly /hj
Jack: "I still love you no matter how many times you sing in the middle of the night"
Jack is Elsa's ball of sunshine aside from Anna.
Jack jokes about how big her eyes are
Elsa steals his hoodie.
Jack is a switch for sur-
I cannot stress enough how much they love being in each other's arms. Ten page long essay. Powerpoint presentation. I'll do it.
They'd be cheezy parents that their future kids would be embarrassed of them being over each other.
Jack kisses her all over when she's mad at him
They both play pranks at Anna
Jack makes funny faces to make Elsa laugh when she's upset and it works.
Their mutual pining lasted longer their actual relationship /hj
Jack has scars on his back from when Pitch yeeted him, and Elsa was the first one he trusted to see them.
Elsa is a songwriter and he listens to her works.
Their first kiss was under the mistletoe
They make perfect snow angels
Elsa makes a huge ass snowball like she did with Anna in that one short clip while chasing Jack in high heels and he'd never felt more terrified and inlove before in his life.
Jack's the flirty one, but when elsa flirts back, best believe he just stands there beet red.
Jack is big on surprises, and Elsa loves giving gifts.
Their pet name for each other is either Love, or Snowflake/Frosty. Im not accepting anything more. This is my headcanon.
Elsa is thirsty for him. Girlie I know what you are. She's the thirsty one in the relationship
They're both bisexuals :)
Jack fell first, Elsa fell harder.
Sunshine = Elsa. Sunshine protector = Jack.
Jack gets along with Elsa's snow children (olaf, marshmallow, snowgies) very well. They're his children now. Marshmallow has a soft spot for his dad. All of them appeared in Jelsa's wedding. Marshmallow cried.
Jack starts the snowball fights, Elsa finishes them.
Lots of bickering.
Jack teases her about the "let it go" sequence and she loathes it.
They both play with Sandy's dream sands.
Elsa gets along with Tooth very well. Me personally, I see Tooth as too busy swooning over Elsa's teeth to consider her a love rival. They're besties and that is the hill I am prepared to die on.
For the first time in Jack's life, when they first started dating, Jack Frost was on the nice list.
North SHIIIIPPS THEMMM. He'd be the type to embarrass Jack in front of Elsa and HE WOULD. HE WOULD.
The elves adore Elsa and Jack had to shoo them away for being all over her.
Elsa helps North make toys and Jack is just being Jack.
They love playing with each other's hairs. They can't stand cuddling without doing it.
Elsa, surprisingly, was an open book to Jack.
Jack's favorite pillow is her lap.
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clickerflight · 28 days
Clove: Part 20 - Trapped, Trapped, Run
The new and improved version of duck duck goose.
Masterlist - Part 19
Content: (Heavy one today) Werewolf whumpee, human whumper, cuts and bruising, tormented, side character death, (somewhat graphic and definitely gross) creepy whumper, vampire whumpee, fae whumper, angst, emotional manipulation, implied noncon/dubcon
“Voicebox, heart, liver….. Just have to be patient, Jack. You can be patient. Eyes, skin….. It will all be yours. All of it.”
Jack shifted where he crouched, invisible in the mists as he watched Hyrum. The werewolf pup started circling the ritual place, looking for a weakness to escape through. As if Jack would allow that. Years of preparation would not be wasted here. 
“Voicebox, heart, liver,” Jack murmured, fingers twitching as he cast a wind to buffet Hyrum. His lips twitched as the pup stumbled, arms curled around his bare and bleeding torso. His eyes were so wide that Jack could see the whites from here. It made him hungry. “Eyes and skin. You can’t keep them much longer pup. They’re mine. They’re all mine. This land will be mine. That queen will be mine.”
He flicked a finger again, the gravel rising in waves and sending Hyrum to the ground, struggling to get back up. 
Jack laughed lowly, entertained for now by tormenting the werewolf until he was too exhausted to keep defending himself. His concentration was broken by the sound of wings above. 
He let the gravel fall still again as he looked up, seeing the shape above him. It appeared to be a fae with a hawk-like outline above him. 
Jack gritted his teeth. He could hide himself from the pup in the ritual circle, but he couldn't keep hidden from the fae above him. 
The fae whirled around, flying quickly away. Jack hissed to himself, standing up and dashing after the fae, gathering his energy and concentration as his ragged coat flew about behind him. He lifted his hand, growling ancient words of power, ill gotten and hard won, and the fae screeched, falling out of the sky. 
To the fae’s credit, he rolled smoothly as he hit the ground, bouncing back up to his feet and running across the hills. 
“No you don’t, pest,” Jack hissed. “I am the ruler of these lands? Don’t you understand that!?”
He threw his hand out, mushroom flesh enveloping the bird man’s legs. He screeched as he fell to the blue grass and thrashed as Jack caught up, straddling him. 
Jack laughed maniacally as he tore the fae apart with long, jagged nails, blood and ichor welling up under his fingers as he ripped and shredded flesh and feathers alike, the dying sounds of the fae singing to him like a siren’s song. 
When he was done, the pile of flesh, blood, and feathers was still, killed by the dark magic that infused every inch of Jack’s body. He panted, licking scraps of ribboned flesh off his fingers. 
“A scout,” he said thoughtfully to himself. “From the queen? She will know what I intend to do. Not much time, then. Not much time at all.”
He stood up, stalking back through the mists towards the ritual place. 
“The pup is mine. No more games. No more waiting.”
He stopped in place when he could see the ritual place again. It seemed there would be more waiting. The pup sat at the top of one of the tall obelisks, shrouded with the magic there, unintentionally finding the best place to be protected from Jack’s magic, even if he couldn’t get down the other side. 
Jack snarled, stalking up to the obelisk. “Get down here!”
Hyrum looked down, face set in a hard, fierce expression. 
“We’ll do this the hard way, then,” Jack said in a low tone. 
Ephraim had been in the bathroom a long time after Benny had given him new clothing and showed him the way silently. Ephraim had been fuming the whole way, so Benny decided to stay quiet, but he couldn’t take it anymore. 
He knocked on the door and cleared his throat. “Hey, Ephraim? Can we talk?”
There was silence for a long moment on the other side. 
“Oh, you want to talk to me now?” Ephraim replied, sulkily on the other side over the sound of the shower. 
“Well…. Yeah,” Benny said nervously. “I’m sorry, really. I know I made a mistake now…. Are you done? Can you come out here to talk?”
“Ephraim! Come on. I don’t remember you being so sulky-”
“I have had a very bad day today, Benny. I don’t want to talk about this.”
‘Benny.’ So he wasn’t too mad… hopefully. 
“I-I know. You were here for another kid, right?”
“..... Goldenrod. His name is Goldenrod. He’s a werewolf pup I’ve kind of adopted.”
Benny tapped his fingers gently against the door. “What’s he like?” Who did Ephraim choose to have live in his house after Benny was taken? 
“Quiet. He’s been coming out of his shell lately. He’s a very sweet pup. Why do you want to know?”
“Just… cause. I missed you.”
Ephraim hummed. “Not enough, apparently.”
“Oh, come on, Eef!” Benny said, exasperated now. “You know the fae are complicated! Living with them is complicated! Being married to one even more so!”
“You’re smart, Benny. You could have figured it out.”
Benny felt something he hadn’t experienced in a while. Something he had been ignoring, rather. Guilt curled in his stomach. There wasn’t much to feel guilty about living in the fae courts. Everyone acted according to their nature and everyone expected as such. No need for guilt here. He’d forgotten how unpleasant it felt. He could have found a way. The courts had made him lazy. His wife had made him feel whole and complete, like there was nothing to worry about or work on. It was the way of the courts. He was a little startled to remember how much he had hated that at first, being stuck on such a plateau of growth, but he’d just gotten used to it after a while. 
“I’ll message Margie as soon as we find your pup,” Benny said, more of a promise to himself than to Ephraim. “I promise.”
“Was your wife keeping you from coming back? From sending anything?”
“In the beginning, yeah,” Benny said, another uncomfortable twinge in his stomach. He didn’t like being reminded of the time he spent as her pet rather than as her beloved husband. He didn’t like being reminded that his wife didn’t treat everyone well all of the time. 
“You never thought of escaping?”
“I can’t escape. I ate their food. It’s-”
“You never tried?”
Benny felt another sinking sensation in his guts. No. He never had. He’d assumed that to be the truth and made the best of the situation. 
Ephraim seemed to sense the answer. “I’m done with this conversation. Leave me be, Benny.”
“Come on, Eef. I’m sorry, okay? This place has an effect on a person! Okay, I admit I might not have been strong enough to fight the effect, but you can’t seriously blame me, can you?”
The silence stretched on, grating on Benjamin’s ears. “I did miss you, really…. Time moves really weird here… like it does in those books you liked to get from the merchants. The fantasy ones. I still remember all of the books you read to me when I was a fledgling. That really helped, you know. You’d think you’d had a fledgling before me with how well you took care of me.”
He hoped the nostalgia would draw Ephraim back into the conversation, but the shower sounds continued on regardless. 
“I think I’ll be able to convince my wife to send you home before you need anything to eat,” Benny said. “And I’ll see about visiting, I probably have been here for too long.”
He waited for a response, even an angry one. He just wanted Ephraim to say something. 
“I don’t know what you want from me,” Benny said, suddenly feeling lonely and scared, like when he first arrived in this place. “Talk to me, please?”
He nearly jumped out of his skin when cool arms wrapped around his torso from behind. His wife rested her chin on his shoulder, humming softly as her antlers brushed up against his cheek. She was wearing her smaller form for him. He’d mentioned once that he’d always thought he’d marry someone shorter than him and she started wearing this form whenever they were alone after that. Her horns were much simpler and her body just a bit plumper, like the healthy women back in his village rather than the sickly stick-thin figure she presented to the courts. 
“Hello love. Why are you talking to an empty room?” she purred.
He pushed the door open, no regards for privacy anymore only to see Ephraim’s tattered clothing on the ground, the shower still running, and the window open and swaying guiltily in the breeze. 
“I think he’s gone to find his pup,” she hummed. “I’m sure he’ll be fine. We should go have dinner, my love.”
“I have to go after him,” Benny said, trying to gently peel Inermis’s arms off of himself. 
“Come now, stay, Benny. He can take care of himself. I can send more fae to help him,” she said, pouting and refusing to let go. “Come to the bedroom with me? We can have some fun.”
But Benny wasn’t listening to her, the worry and guilt growing in his stomach as he tried to free himself from her grasp. “Let me go! I need to go help him! There’s a sorcerer out there. Why aren’t you worried?”
“Oh, come on, sweetheart,” she said, moving like a snake to grab each of his wrists in an unbreakable grasp. “He’ll be fine. Come with me, please?”
Benny felt some of that pain in his stomach drift away, a comfortable mollifying mist falling over him despite the bruising grip she had on him. He nodded faintly, taking one last look at the open window before she dragged him off towards their bedroom. 
The escape down the jagged side of the castle had been somewhat arduous and painful, but Ephraim had landed at the bottom, clean though cut up and aching. Still, he rolled up his sleeves, made sure his hair was pulled back after that slide and tumble down and took off across the landscape towards the smell of the vampire pit. If he could find that, he could find his way back to the entrance to the fae wilds and then go the direction Jack had taken Goldenrod. 
“I’m coming,” Ephraim panted, running faster as he left the silent cobbled courtyard and got into the soft grass. “I’m coming!”
Part 21
Clove Taglist: @wolfeyedwitch @the-blind-one-speaks @whumpsday @extrabitterbrain @inkkswhumpandstuff
@honeycollectswhump @whump-blog-reblogs @pigeonwhumps @mj-or-say10 @percy-frayer
@currentlyinthesprial @scoundrelwithboba
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bunnimew · 5 months
We were tagged by @9haharharley1 and @overmooneleven who could not have foreseen what a production this was going to turn into 😂 Thank you!!
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
*Gets out the record player* There's required listening while scrolling this list...
Now that the mood has been appropriately set, here we go!
Warm Bodies 10 Edit9It'sYourBoyJackFrostAightSo High Seas Hijinks pt 2 Android Pitch Neon Ideas Von Kaiser Mix Tape If you don't dance, no romance Jack Frost and the Quest for the Stanley Cup Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide YA Novel Merman/Nature Elf Baby It's Cold Inside Everything but the fresher sink Halloween bodyswap Saiyuki Fantasy AU Coffee and Fruit Snacks Untitled Document Blackice ABOlive Garden Concerned Neighbor AU Obsolete Force Monsters Donut Saga 2022 RotG Bingo RotG Bingo 2021 Free Day Light Magic Soulmate AU Sleight of Hand Android AU Wing fic space vampire arranged marriage fake ppl scifi book pogo kylux AU Hope Week 2022 Let's Play AU Clydeland Ghost roommate Omega hux Techwear AU Original magic apocalypse Holiday kylux Pink hair hux Goose steals the staff Quarantine Kylux twitfic college au ST/Kylux Omega hux sequel cyborg hux Fuck this I'm outtie hux Loud AF kylux Loud AF blackice Every floor is Loud AF Loud AF Zag and Than Angel/Demon AU Gymnast hux Parkour hux 5 times hux blows kylo A/B/O Hades Kylux A/B/Olive Garden Disney Princess Hux Hutt slave Mitaka Femlux Afterlife Bloom Halloween2020 sen aid + sen kid kylux Trivia and Other Flirtations Gertrude Pink hair Jack + Hux Teacher/Teacher Merge ST and EU frank/strange Bingo Fancy Dinner Matchmaker Cape Selection AU Senate Takeover Manny Moonbear's Pizzaria Guardians in Black Party fancy pitch Jasper/Lapis Suzalulu week 2016 horror ideas Untitled Terminator Game Terminator Ideas Frank/Strange coffee shop au Ideas for erotic stabbing Suzalulu week 2017 Zell birthday Gratuitous sleepytime Lulu the professional hand model au Peter has two dads au RotG Coffee shop AU Veelamate AU Sorceress Jack Guardian of the D Blanket Scenario i think Saiyuki bang 10k Clover AU Wizards unite AU X/1999/RotG [Redacted] Pitch's New Groove PoGo AU spacerace magic repo RotGRepo! Colormate AU Overqualified Merlin Caffeine and High Fructose Corn Syrup O2: Teammates Spideypool Bingo 2019 B1: Personal Trainer Spideypool Bingo 2019 Spideypool fairy AU Tie fix Soulmate tattoo AU 3 5 10 AU idea Silent Hill AU O1: Met at the Dog Park Spideypool Bingo 2019 ff8 werewolf au Buffate 2 Kink series Dance All Night Let Me and Your Body Talk Pounded in the Butt by the Physical Manifestation of the Fear That I Will Never be Good Enough While He Tells me I am Good Enough Also He's British  Silent Hill AU Bathtime Evening Horror Husbands Fic art 1 Morning cuddle Fic art 2 Spinel Jack Cover art Croptops Spiderman kiss Gargoyles
We literally do not know as many people as we have WIPs. I'd have to pull out the yearbook and start tagging people from high school and we're not going to do that. But we do have to tag @seekerseekingsomething for reasons they will understand and @askmyname @quillienvii @pheasantmadness for Other Unsaid Reasons ❤
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swordbreakerz · 5 months
clipped this ages ago to show some friends the most terrifying thing i've ever had the pleasure of experiencing, just now got around to uploading it bc i think Everyone should get to experience the same terror i did when i listened to this in the middle of a shift at work :)!
transcript under the cut!
AUSTIN: [...] it’s Fort Icebreaker. It shoots you before you get anywhere near it. You know what I mean? Like, there isn’t-- there, it’s part of a big military base, it’s like, there’s-- those other methods of infiltration haven’t been available, no-one’s done the thing you’ve done. This is like that bit in Hitman, where Diana goes like, “huh.”
JACK: (laughing) Disguises…
AUSTIN: “Oh, putting on a disguise, 47? I’ve never seen anyone do that before.” and she means it? This is, like, literally, you are doing the plan, this is a novel plan for you, for this world. Um. And so, that isn’t the thing for me.
The question is whether or not you can still be in control of Juniper when it gets here. Because, passing through the fog, like ghosts, I mean, like, the undead, in a real way, is The Black Century.
The Black Century is, and I think maybe, you-- you have probably heard this, you know this, this is not, this is like one of those things that gets whispered about, and it’s creepy.
KEITH: When you’re saying we’ve heard this, you’re not saying us, the players--
AUSTIN: No, the players have not heard this, this is new to you.
The Divine, Motion, which is what Gur Sevraq warned you about in the last, in the downtime… is a Divine dedicated to ensuring that things keep going. That Apostalos gets where it needs to, takes what it needs to, and that those that are loyal to their nation do not stop fighting. It’s called The Black Century because it is composed of one hundred soldiers, spread between infantry, armored and support roles. They’re also called that because you serve for one hundred years, and the Divine Motion ensures that you live through that century, no matter what befalls you. This goes also for its elect, Hyacinth, who is in their final years of service.
Over this hill, through the fog, come these mechs, these hallows, that look as if they are undead. The joints are loose, the way that they move is sickly in some instances. Unpredictable. There are three kind-of types. There are two of those Kosmos units we saw before, except instead of having, like, shielded faces, their faces are all scarred up from previous battles. All of them are filled with holes that should stop them from working, and yet, they move. There are three of these things called Cackles, which are four-legged, hyena-style mechs, which howl in the fog. And moving above all that are these four flying units, that look like a blend between a bearded vulture and a harrier jet. Their march towards you is syncopated. It is empty of affect. There is no presentation of bloodlust, there is none of that famous Apostolisian courage. It is just shuffling through the silent wind. And then, up through the grey fog, something shoots. The sky is this, like, static, the Perennial Wave and the overcast day. And then there’s this, just, trail of smoke that carries a black flare into the sky above you, and it, it brightens, but darkens at the same time? And for just a moment, the horizon around you stretches forever, and everything - the battlefield, Juniper itself, the hills - it loses colour and inverts, and in that moment, framed on the hills to the south in white and black is something strange, barely contained by its mechanical body. It’s almost, almost writhing. And in the miles behind that, the seeming endless distance behind it, more bodies seem to move yet. If this is anything, it is a spear head. Motion is here.
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fem0ral-artery · 4 months
For all the silent posts, are you thinking along the lines of the game/games or the movies?
Definitely basing it more on the games rather than the movies!! I do not like the movies and in fact I kind of hate them. The first one is ..fine i guess, but the second one is so bad I had to shut it off halfway through. That's just my opinion though.
Anyway, I wanna talk about the way I'm thinking about this. Sorry to be using this ask as a springboard, I'm just excited. Writing more under the cut ykno ykno
Where I'm at now, Angel is in a similar position to Heather, but really only superficially. She has no real reason (that she knows of) to be in Silent Hill/ this Silent Hill equivalent, nor was it her intention to even be there in the first place. She's just trying to escape a shitty "home" life and she had things to work through for herself, it's that.
I really want Timothy to be not as present (cause this isn't really for him primarily), but I'm not sure if I can handle that with what I wanna do with him. I want him to be more akin to Maria or mayyybe Eileen? I haven't decided on whether or not he's real, but either way, the original (pre-Jack) Timothy Lawrence in my little AU (I guess it's appropriate to call this that?) is a missing person rather than being legally dead. Again, I haven't thought about him as much as I have Angel, so he's not really as fleshed-out.
I am considering putting other characters in as like minor appearances, but I want to focus on the two main players first. I just want an excuse to put someone else in there too.
As for where in Silent Hill this happens, I'm kind of settled on it being in a pretty condensed area. I scribbled what I was thinking of doing onto a map earlier, subject to change of course.
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That's a good chunk of what I'm thinking Right Now!
Can you tell these two games are some of my favorite things ever.
‼️ Edit: I'm taking inspiration from the Silent Hill 2 novelization as well, even though I may not have finished it yet at the time of writing. It's not significantly different necessarily, but credit where it's due and all that :D
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coldresolve · 1 year
Moneymakers, pt.xxv // By All Other Names
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They set up camp in a small room adjacent to the doctor’s office, one that has a real bed for Conrad to lie in. Renee gets tasked with moving his feverish body from cot to bed, but is otherwise delegated to the sidelines as the black man sets up all the various equipment, hooking Conrad up to several IVs and giving him oxygen through a mask. The wheezing breaths seem to come a little easier after that, and Conrad’s sleep seems more restful, despite the occasional beeps and whirs from the machines that surround him.
Renee half expects Shaun to start protesting at any minute, to call the police and demand Renee and Davin leave his house. But even though he clearly recognized Conrad for who he is, for some reason, he never does.
One leg bouncing nervously, Renee sits in a chair to the side, scrolling through social media to occupy his time. It’s only when Shaun finishes setting Conrad up and leaves the room, and Renee and Davin are alone for good, that he puts his phone away.
Davin sits down in a chair on the opposite side of the room, crossing one leg over the other, hands folded across his lap.
Renee waits until he’s sure Shaun isn’t coming back, until he’s sure there are no footsteps outside the door to the small room.
“So,” he says after a while. “Kit.”
Eventually, and still clearly reluctant, he sighs deeply and looks at Renee. “What do you want to know?” he asks.
“Alright,” Renee says. “What’s your name?”
Davin chuckles a little, though it fades quickly. “It’s Davin,” he says. And then he adds, as if it’s an afterthought, “To you.”
Renee lets out a frustrated sound, running a hand through his hair. “Can you quit the bullshit for even half a second, dude? Quit with the fucking… half-truths and tell me who the fuck I’ve been working with all these months. Are you wanted or something? Is that it?”
Davin laughs bitterly, but he doesn’t say anything.
Renee sneers, running a hand over his mouth to bite off a curse of exasperation. He lets out a sigh, settling back in his chair. “What’s my name?”
Davin snorts.
“I’m serious. Answer my question. What’s my name?”
“Your name is Renee.”
“My full name.”
Davin rolls his eyes, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. “Renee Vaughan,” he says finally.
“Mhm. And what’s my sister’s name?”
“This isn’t… It’s fucking complicated, Renee, it’s not comparable.”
“What is my sister’s name?”
Davin looks him in the eye. “Her name is Stephanie Vaughan.”
Renee grits his teeth, heart beating a little bit quicker. He didn’t know for sure, but it doesn’t come as a surprise to him that Davin has looked it up. He throws out his hands, staring at Davin with wide eyes. “See?”
Davin shakes his head, uncrossing his legs to lean forward, tucking a stray strand of hair behind his ear.
“If you were me, would you be willing to work with yourself, huh? With someone you knew jack shit about? Someone who refused to tell you?”
Davin laughs again, shaking his head. “If I were you, I’d run for the hills.”
Renee nods enthusiastically. “Exactly. Exactly. So fucking… give me something to work with.”
For a long time, Davin is silent, idly staring at the floor, clearly contemplating what to say, or how much to say, or whether to say anything at all. Eventually, he straightens up. Nods at Renee. “I wasn’t in the mob, per se. I was a… a freelancer. Contract to contract. I used to do a lot of different work for a lot of different people.”
“What kind of work?” Renee swallows. “Did you like… kill people…?”
“Jesus Christ, Renee, no,” he says with a low chuckle. “No, I did some programming. Encrypted messaging, markets, shit like that.”
Renee raises a brow. “That’s it? What’s with the whole ‘Kit’ business, then?”
Davin shrugs a shoulder. “Precaution,” He says with a half-smile. Looks on the verge of saying something when he stops himself, shaking his head and looking down.
Renee waits.
After a while, Davin clears his throat, getting a distant look in his eyes. “I used to have my own market. With… someone else. You asked if I’d be stupid enough to work with someone I knew nothing about, well. I suppose I used to be.” He clears his throat. “They went as Spyder. I never actually met them. Man, woman, I had no idea. Still don’t. I figured the trust was mutual.” He takes a deep breath before he slowly continues. “It was pretty successful, especially in the south. No hitches. We ran it for five months. Never got caught, never had it taken down.” He pauses. “The turnaround was about a million a month towards the end, in crypto. Pretty good money stored in that site.”
The pause after that continues so long, Renee thinks Davin might have gotten lost in the memory.
A machine by Conrad’s bedside beeps once and is silent again.
“Spyder cashed out and vanished,” Davin says, smiling bitterly. “Doxxed me in the process, just for good measure. I still don’t know how they found my address, but they did.”
He looks at Renee.
“I have no intention of letting something like that happen again,” he says, and there’s a sharpness to his tone that wasn’t there before. “So I’m Davin to you. I’m Kit to Shaun and Imani. To some, I’m Jared, or Seth, or Caleb. I’m not giving you anything else, because in the end, it doesn’t fucking matter. By all other names, just as fucking sweet.”
“Alright,” Renee says, a little taken aback by the tensity.
Davin nods. Cocks his head to the side. “Anything else?” The question is posed almost like a challenge.
Renee sits with the revelations for a bit, chewing on his thumbnail. In its own right, it does explain a lot. Davin’s never-ending paranoia, his almost religious reluctance for self-disclosure.
“I didn’t want to pry,” Renee mutters, nail still between his front teeth. “You just have to know it’s… frustrating. Not to know, I mean.”
Davin waves him off. “I get it. And you’re not wrong for asking.” He takes a deep breath. “Maybe I should’ve told you all of this sooner.
Renee raises a brow. “You think?”
Davin laughs.
They sit in silence a bit, both of their gazes drifting to Conrad, who’s still sound asleep on the bed.
Two beeps from the machines pass before Davin speaks again. “It’s funny, you never considered giving a false name until now.”
Renee snorts. “What if I did?”
Davin chuckles. “Nice try, Vaughan.”
Turns out there’s not much to do while you’re waiting for the guy you kidnapped to come out of his fever-induced coma. Renee is bored again. Bored with a capital B.
Three chairs next to each other have acted as a makeshift bed, which him and Davin have taken turns lying on throughout the night as the other kept watch. Accumulated, by the time the clock reads six thirty, Renee thinks he’s gotten about half an hour of genuine shut-eye in total. Mostly, he spent his time lying incredibly uncomfortably on the chairs, getting more and more annoyed at how the machines would beep, as if on cue, every time he even came close to finally dozing off.
Now that it’s his turn, Davin doesn’t seem to have the same issue. He doesn’t snore, but his breaths do slow down at one point, and they stay that way. Lucky bastard.
Tired of fiddling with useless games on his phone, and after as many smoking breaths as he can take without developing a crushing headache, Renee finds several old receipts in the pocket of his jacket, and spends the better part of an hour tearing small pieces from the paper, crumbling them between his fingers, and flicking them, sometimes at Conrad’s bed, sometimes at the sleeping form of Davin, to see if either will notice it and rouse. They don’t, and then he’s out of receipt pieces to throw. So that’s time well spent, Renee thinks grimly.
He stares himself blind in the colorful lines of the wallpaper, trying to name each color, which doesn’t yield more flamboyant language than red, yellow, white, red, yellow, red...
He paces around the room for a while. Stretches his legs a little. Sits back down. Stands back up. He snorts a line from the bathroom sink. Not that it’d help with his restlessness, he just can’t help himself. At least tweaking feels good.
On his way out the door to go for another smoke, he bumps into the woman, Imani. She’s already wearing full makeup, frizzy curls seeming to explode in all directions from a band bound tightly at the back of her head. “Oh,” she says with a friendly smile. “I didn’t know you’d be up so early. There’s coffee in the kitchen if you want, you just go ahead.”
“Thanks,” Renee says, trying not to sound too grumpy. He stands there a little awkwardly, somehow feeling he should say more. “Uh, nice house, by the way.”
It’s half-hearted, but Imani seems genuinely appreciative. “Thank you,” she says with a grin, stepping to the side to let him pass in the narrow hall.
With another nod, Renee leaves out the front door.
It’s still dark outside, but the city is already beginning to awaken. Several cars pass in the street while Renee smokes, commuters starting their journey to work from a parking lot farther down the street. The noise of more condensed traffic can be heard in the distance, engines revving and the occasional honk of a horn. Steam rises from a manhole cover close to the entrance of the Jackson garage, a larger smoke signal than anything Renee can produce with a cigarette. He warms himself up by the exhaust of an air conditioning unit.
Back inside, Renee stops in the hallway next to the entrance to the kitchen. Imani stands at the sink, filling cold water into a kettle. She looks over her shoulder when she hears him, gesturing wordlessly at the kettle.
Renee shrugs, then nods. “Sure,” he says. “Coffee.”
“Come sit down, then,” Imani says, starting the kettle and filing through cabinets to pull out clean mugs, instant coffee and
“Um, if it’s all the same to you, I’d rather just take it back to the room,” Renee mutters.
Imani looks a little disappointed at the loss of company, but then that friendly smile is back, and she waves him off. “Just put the mug by the sink when you’re done, I’ll wash it up for you.”
They wait as the kettle slowly begins to boil, it’s roar the only plaster on the awkward silence.
Renee clears his throat carefully. “So… did Shaun tell you who we are, or…”
“Oh, no,” Imani says, shaking her head. “I don’t really pay much attention. A lot of people come and go in this house.”
That’d explain why she’s so nice to him. She doesn’t know. Renee nods. “I can imagine.” He rolls his heels on the threshold with his hands in his pockets. His eyes trail listlessly around the blue cabinets of the kitchen. Porcelain stacked on shelves, a French press, a shelf of cook books. Nothing really stands out as a conversation piece.  
Imani finishes pouring boiling water into two separate mugs, grabbing one and gesturing at the other with another smile. As Renee takes his hands out of his pockets to take the mug, there’s the soft thunk at his feet. He looks down, horrified to see his small zip-lock bag of cocaine on the floor.
“Shit,” he lets out, leaning down to pick it back up. For a moment, he thinks he might have palmed the bag quickly enough that it’s contents weren’t too obvious, it was only visible for a fraction of a second. He stuffs it into his pocket, gripping it tightly in his fist.
“Oh, honey,” Imani says quietly.
Renee meets her eyes, gritting his teeth. Why is he so nervous about it? What does he care if she knows?
She gives him an earnest look. “If you want,” she says,  “you should know that Shaun is always willing to help out those struggling with addiction.”
Renee swallows. “… what?”
“Don’t worry, it’s nothing we haven’t seen before. There’s no such thing as a taboo in this house.”
“That’s great and all, but I’m not addicted,” he says, laughing a little.
Imani opens her mouth, then closes it again. “Alright. Just… if you feel a little lost, don’t be afraid to stop by, yeah? Promise me that, at least.”
“Yeah, got it,” Renee says, nodding along, nowhere close to meaning it, he just wants the conversation to end. He holds up his mug. “Thanks for coffee,” he says, nodding at her as he backs up out into the  hallway.
His teeth are on edge as he trots into the room, mug in hand, heart beating fast, although he’s not sure why. Is he angry? Why the fuck would he be angry? It doesn’t matter.
Davin is awake, sitting with one ankle on his knee, scrolling through his phone. “Morning,” he mutters unenthusiastically.
Renee lets out a low growl in response.
Davin sniffs lazily. “Why do I keep finding tiny pieces of paper in my hair?”
Shrugging, Renee takes a sip of his coffee. “Must’ve been something on the chairs.”
The next few hours pass uneventfully, much like all those previous hours did.
Semi-lying in the chair, Renee’s arms are crossed tightly in front of his chest to keep his hands from fiddling, although his leg bounces so vigorously, his shoe makes a continuous squeaking noise on the floor. He’s scowling at the wall. “How long are we supposed to stay here?”
“Until Conrad gets better,” Davin mutters absentmindedly. He seems perfectly well satisfied by his phone.
Renee lets out a grunt of disapproval.
Chuckling, Davin gestures at the door. “Go for a walk or something,” he says.
Renee shrugs indecisively, but he has to admit, it might not be a bad idea. Getting some fresh air, moving around a bit, instead of being stuck in one room for ages. The longer he thinks about it, the more appealing thought becomes.
Davin doesn’t comment when Renee finally gets up, shrugs on his jacket and heads out.
At first, the streets he traverses are mostly void of people, sporting the same warehouses and mechanics he saw on their drive in last night. It slowly changes. He walks in between the tall buildings of an apartment complex, snaking his way through the narrow streets. Approaching the city center, he lights up a cigarette when the buildings begin to house storefronts, everything from chain convenience stores to low-end clothes outlet stores and cheap junk food joints, where the smell of frying oil and shawarma is already starting to drift out into the street.
He briefly stops by a convenience store to get a pack of cigarettes. Asking to use their restroom, Renee sniffs a line off the porcelain sink just to keep his high going. He’s in a much too irritable mood to crash, he reasons, leaving the store with newfound energy and a bitter taste at the back of his tongue.
He tries not to think about the conversation with Imani, but has to admit it’s relatively difficult to get her earnest request out of his head when he’s currently chasing that high. Has he been ramping up his use, lately? He’s not addicted, but perhaps he ought to tone it down. These past few weeks have just been… extraordinary. They’ve required a new kind of attentiveness from him, one that’s been difficult to keep up with without the helping hand of chemicals. 
It’s not that he doesn’t know that the shit he puts into his body isn’t healthy in the long run. It’s more, well… The ever-present gut feeling that Renee will never have any such thing as a long run. Live fast, die young. Isn’t that the saying?
It’s almost ten when he comes upon the entrance of a park area. Given the lateness of the season, it looks sort of abysmal, skeletonized trees towering on either side of a dirt path, brown on brown on brown. The rotting leaves by their trunks fill the air with a musty sort of smell, as if it’s been raining, even though Renee is pretty sure it hasn’t.
It's a welcome change in scenery, though, so Renee sets on the dirt path, cheeks flushed against the cold, hands firmly tucked in his pockets.
Up ahead, a group of maybe five, six men his own age are taking up most of the path, headed in the opposite direction. They’re laughing, occasionally pushing each other around like little school boys on a field trip, yelling out crude punchlines in the otherwise silent park.
A man in a long coat towards the end of the group doesn’t move out of the way as Renee approaches, so their shoulders bump.
“Move, faggot,” the man hisses.
Feeling the hairs stand up at the back of his neck, Renee stops in his tracks and looks over his shoulder. “What the fuck did you just call me?” he says low.
Coat Guy turns around, walking a few steps backwards before he stops as well, looking Renee up and down. “What, you gonna get all offended now?”
Renee grits his teeth against the spike of anger at his core. He growls, spits on the ground. “What the fuck did you call me?”
He’s so focused on Coat Guy, he barely notices when the guy’s friends, realizing their parade has stopped, begin to fan out behind him.
“I called you a faggot,” the guy says with a tense laugh. “You fucking look like one, what can I say?”
If Renee could think past his high and his anger, maybe he would have considered the fact that they’re six on one and backed off. Maybe he would’ve taken his general situation into account and reasoned that getting into trouble now would be a bad idea. Maybe he would’ve realized he’s overreacting.
But he can’t think. His first punch is impulsive.
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