#just residual effects rly.
teatoptony · 8 months
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The Whole Being Soulmates Thing
summary; in this world, soulmates exist. he has one. it’s just that he already found someone, and your marks don’t match at all.
or, in which a stupidly stubborn punk in stupidly in love with someone who’s not his stupid ‘real’ soulmate.
pairing; hobie brown x reader, spider-punk x reader (soulmate!au)
warning(s); mentions of police brutality, not-too-detailed descriptions of injuries. r is non-gendered, no mention of r’s race. not proofread & written in the wee hours.
i am not black, i don’t have wicks. i did some research on how to properly care for them and wrote tiny parts in here with the info i had, but it may not be totally accurate. if something is wring, let me know. same for the lcp.
also hobie might sound a bit ooc but it’s a quiet fic and we don’t rly see him ‘quiet’ so eat my ahh(/j)
inspired by this post by @corrodedcoffeen ! not exactly 100% accurate but yea
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He lived in a world full of soulmates and soulmarks.
Everyone who had a soulmate had a soulmark, like a little tattoo; whether it be on their arm, leg, back, even on their face. Sometimes, a person would have multiple soulmarks. In other cases, they wouldn’t have any at all. Some people were born with their marks, some appeared later down the line.
In most cases, people would do anything to find their soulmate. To be with them. To unite with their missing half.
Hobie Brown was among those who’d been born with a soulmate. Four little streaks that wrapped halfway around his left arm, like a scar from an animal that had halfheartedly tried to claw the whole thing off at birth.
Hobie loved his soulmark.
Not because he’d met his soulmate. Nor was it because the idea of a predestined partner made him giddy. No, it was because he felt a sense of pride whenever he looked at it. Pride that he’d beaten the system when he got you.
His thoughts wander as he sits on your your and his shared bed, a towel flat under his bum to prevent any grime that may be on his suit from rubbing off on the sheets. His vest and T-shirt had been haphazardly folded and placed on the bathroom sink, desperately needing a thorough cleaning after a particularly hard day, which left his torso bare for you to assess and repair the damage he’d been dealt once you peeled off the top half of his suit.
“Bit eager, yeah?” He’d joked as you hastily helped him out of his clothes, that cheeky smirk still shining through on his tear-streaked face. You’d answered with an exasperated laugh.
He had come home at two in the morning, stumbling through the window with a hand over the right side of his mask. When he’d ripped it off, tossing it on a random bit of the floor somewhere, you were met with red eyes, wet cheeks, a runny nose and a blood-crusted lip. Apparently, he’d been at the frontlines of a protest when one of the tear gas shells hit him right in the face, cracking his right eye lense and leaving him vulnerable to the gas’s full effect. You didn’t need to be told what happened to know what came next. After all, it was always the same routine with the pigs - gas the crowd and beat any individuals that strayed from the mass.
Now, as Hobie’s fingers tap a little rhythm on the mattress, your hands glide a washcloth long his skin, being careful to minimize pressure on his bruises. Which, granted, is hard when they cover most of his back and ribcage, but you made it work somehow. Tear gas residue sticks to anything it can, and although his body was mostly had been mostly covered, it gave the both of you peace of mind to clean anything off just in case. He thanks you by softly gripping your other hand, his fingers lacing together with yours.
“Need more milk?” You ask, going to put the cloth down and grab the already half-empty sprayer on the ground next to the bed, having already been used in the bathroom just minutes prior and put there just in case. He shakes his head, the hand that’s not on yours gently grabbing your wrist and guiding it back to his chest.
As you continue, he thinks back to the first time he’d held your hand like that.
It was when the two of you were barely teenagers, when he didn’t fully understand how the whole ‘soulmates’ thing even worked, or how messed up it really was. The only thing he really knew was that people were supposed to stay together forever if their marks matched, even if that wasn’t always the case.
Having known each other since you were just kids, he remembers wishing so badly that your soulmark matched his. He had wished that little planet on your ankle could be washed away, a temporary tattoo or doodle instead of an actual mark. He remembers drawing little black holes at the corners of his school worksheets, hoping that one of them would eventually swallow your mark whole and replace it with four lines identical to his.
Back then, he had wished his ugly little bands would somehow arrange themselves into a square. At least then he could insist that his mark was a planet. A weird square one, yeah, but a planet just like yours.
But as you looked at him with that warm glow in your eyes, he swore you were the best thing that had ever happened to him, soulmate or not.
If only that kid could see him now - here, with you.
He suppresses a smile that threatens to slip onto his face, as moving his lips makes the cut sting.
“You almost gave me a heart attack,” you mutter, wiping at the last bit of his torso. Hobie lets out a low sigh.
“‘M sorry love,” he says back, giving your hand a little squeeze. He really does mean it. He hates seeing the worry and sadness in your eyes every time he came back to you after one of these days. Fuck knows how he’d cope with it if you came home like this just every now and again, let alone what seemed like every other day recently. “I do try to be careful.”
You hum in response, getting up from your spot and holding out your hand for him to do the same. He does so with little to no hesitation, only waiting a moment to brace himself for the soreness that would follow. You lead him to the bathroom.
“Everything off,” you say, then immediately follow it up with, “Don’t.”
“I didn’t even say nothin’!” Hobie protests, feigning offense. As if that glint in his eye didn’t give it away.
“You need to get cleaned off properly.” You stress the lest word, letting go of his hand so that he can strip. “You can’t just go to bed after a quick wipe-down tonight. You need a shower.”
“But it’s gonna be cold.” Hobie groans. Tear gas wasn’t anything new, he’d had to clean the residue off of himself more times than he could count. That didn’t mean he was a fan of the cold showers that did most of the actual cleaning. Despite his complaints, he hastily steps out of his remaining articles of clothing as you start the water.
His muscles tense as he steps into the shower, pulling him out of his somewhat drowsy state. He quickly scrubs every part of his body, wanting to get out as fast as possible.
He washes his hair out last, taking care to not mess them up no matter how much he hates the temperature of the water. He’d made the mistake of trying to shampoo the whole of his head in one go just once before, and he’d be damned if he had to go running to the auntie down the street again to fix any tangles neither you nor him could sort out.
In his defense, he’d almost bled out just a couple hours beforehand that day. Having your first (superhero-related) near-death experience tends to shake you up a little.
“You’re such a man-baby,” you’d teased him as Hobie gripped your hand for dear life, the woman you’d guaranteed could get that nightmare of a knot out sorting through his hair with an arsenal of olive oil and a wide toothed comb.
“Oh piss off—” his reply was cut short as she detangled a particularly nasty bit of the problem, unfortunately having to tug exceptionally hard at his head. “Ow!”
The woman - Aunt Margaret, as you’d introduced her - tsked at him to sit still, poking at the tangle with the handle of her comb to see if it would give way now. Luckily, most of it did. She muttered something along the lines of ‘young people nowadays’, but in a sort of gruffly affectionate sort of way. From what you’d told him, Aunt Margaret was sort of the neighborhood mom, always helping people who needed it no matter how much she gave them grief for it.
The three of you made small talk over tea after his hair was nice and hairball-free, albeit a little slippery. Turned out, Aunt Margaret had plenty of stories of her own to share. Hobie had been delighted to hear about everything that had happened when she was a part of the League of Colored Peoples, almost ready to practically beg the woman to adopt him.
Two weeks later, when he decided to drop by again, the topic of soulmates came up. Aunt Margaret asked if he’d found his soulmate yet, to which he replied he didn’t believe in the soulmate system. She nodded in agreement.
“Just as well,” she had said, a frown making its way onto her face. “I’ve seen too many good people get their hearts broken because of that bloody mark.” She eyed his upper arm, exposed in the sleeveless top he’d worn at the time. “I got mine covered ages ago.”
“Did you meet your soulmate before that?”
Aunt Margaret shook her head. “That’s a story for another time, Bartholomew.”
He still makes time for tea with her every week or so.
The second he steps out of the shower, he’s greeted with a huge, warm towel fresh from the dryer. He wraps it around himself as you usher him back to the bedroom where you’d laid out some comfy clothes for him. Out of the corner of his eye, he notices the clothes he’d discarded on the bathroom floor is long gone, along with his vest and tee that were sitting on the sink.
“I put the studs out on the veranda to air out,” you say, noticing him glance at the empty sink. “They’ll need washing, though. My eyes got all weird when I looked at the vest too close, and your belt’s not much different. The rest of everything’s in the machine.”
Pulling on his bottoms, Hobie silently nods at your words before pulling the tank top you’d dug out for him over his head. He then walks over to place a kiss on your head. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you close to leech off your warmth. He lets out a little noise of contentment when he feels you hug him back.
Wordlessly, he walks the two of you to your the shared vanity, plopping himself down on the seat. You grab the hairdryer off the table, checking to make sure it’s okay for you to help before switching it on to dry his wicks. Hobie closes his eyes as you make your way through each piece, eventually stopping once there’s no more water to be purged. Your fingers sorting through his hair so carefully is calming - almost therapeutic, and it takes all his willpower to keep himself sitting straight up for you.
After that, he clumsily grabs you and throws you over his shoulder, ignoring how you yelp in surprise and unplugging the dryer. He then proceeds to carry you around your place, flicking off all the lights before getting back to the bedroom and (softly) throwing you on the mattress.
“Was that really necessary?” You groan as he throws the sheets over the both of you. Hobie then proceeds to drag himself half on top of you, using you as a full body pillow.
“Definitely.” He replies, his voice a bit muffled against your pajamas.
You laugh. “Sure.”
He tilts his head up to give you a goodnight kiss, murmuring ‘dream ‘bout me’ next to your ear to which you respond by playfully pushing him away.
“Rude,” He mutters, smiling into your clothes as he huffs in indignation. Your laugh echoes through your body, a sound more beautiful than any music he had or would ever hear.
He doesn’t fall asleep too easily that night. Rogue thoughts on soulmates and fate flinging about his skull. For some reason, they’d all picked tonight to bug him to pieces.
Unknowingly, his grip around you tightens, feeling your weight in his arms. It grounds him as all the doubts try to throw him off, to destabilize something perfectly happy.
What if they find their soulmate? Then they’ll decide if they want me or them. (Me.)
What if I find my soulmate? What, like I’d break their heart for a stranger? Yeah. Fat chance.
He swatted those questions away like pesky little mosquitoes until he eventually fell asleep, choosing to focus instead on your heartbeat ringing in his ears.
So what if you two weren’t soulmates? He loves you, you love him. That’s all that matters.
The universe can suck an egg.
The next morning, Hobie woke up at 11, as usual. You woke up right after him as he stirred, like you always did. The two of you lounged in the comfort of your the sheets for a while before you had to eventually get up for breakfast.
Hobie was trailing behind you on your walk to the kitchen when something catches his eye.
His reflection in the vanity mirror.
Something’s… off.
Oh shit.
“Y/n?” He calls, looking down at his upper arm just to make sure the mirror isn’t playing tricks on him. Sure enough, there it is.
You turned around at his voice, eyebrows furrowed in a confused way. “Hm?”
He watches as your confusion morphed into surprise and then back to confusion again. Then you auickly check your ankle, confusion turning into realization.
“We match.”
Your soulmarks had somehow changed overnight, turning into small, stylized sun symbols that stand out more than either of your marks before ever did, clear as day.
It’s a few moments of stunned silence before laughter breaks out between the two of you.
“You know what we have to do now,” you manage, an arm around the front of your midsection and the other hand on your face.
“I think I do.” Hobie says, practically wheezing
By the end of the day, the two of you have covered up your new soulmarks with mismatching tattoos.
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wooawi · 1 year
WIP Wednesday*
AU where Alya gets a miraculous first. It doesn’t really follow the episodes, mainly just starts the same as Origins then I make up my own things as I go. Plotline is really just “teenagers deal with having the weight of the world put on their shoulders while only having each other to help cope”.
The miraculous are different in that they don’t activate via code word (ie. “Tikki! Spots on!”) but through power of will. It’s complicated, excuse my lack of an explanation lol. Their powers strengthen based on their emotion, and if fear or uncertainty is felt, it will weaken them. There are newer powers added to the canon ones.
Fox/Rena Rouge: Still has illusions created by the flute. She’s able to change her weapon at will to adapt to the situation (ex: throws flute at akuma from a distance; it morphs into a spear as it leaves her hand). She can also heal things (people, damages caused by the akuma). Slow fall, sneak/stealth, enhanced senses, and camouflage as well.
Cat/Chat Noir: Still has the cataclysm. He can manipulate shadows as well such as moving through them, pulling enemies and objects into said shadows, etc. He has a general aura of bad luck that influences the world around him by distance (ur a whole lot more likely to trip and break ur arm when ur around him) but is usually cancelled out by Ladybug. Retractable claws, whiskers, enhanced senses, always lands on his feet, and sneak/stealth.
Turtle/Carapace: Still has the hexagonal shield, but he can manipulate the individual plates (levitate them, use them as steps, change the sizes, etc. Like Rarity with her geode power). He can create amulets of protection to help ward off akumas/prevent akumatizations. He can steal and transfer kinetic energy (ex: makes himself faster by slowing the akuma down), but it’s not an easy feat. He works much better in water and has increased strength, even for a superhero.
Ladybug: Still has the lucky charm, but she gets to pick what it is. The objects she create are solidified forms of her magic, so it does take up a lot more energy the more/bigger things she creates. She has good luck that influences the world around her but is usually cancelled out by Chat’s presence. She can fly. Also, I took her yo-yo at face value. Whatever void/pocket dimension she has in there is infinite.
Bee/Queen Bee: Venom is the same where only one venom per transformation is allowed. Rather than paralysis, it just puts the victim in immense pain until the effect is released/she detransforms. She can heal as well through honey that secrets from her trompo. The honey can also harden to create a shell. She can passively collect electricity through the fuzz of her suit to use later on, but it has the rly bad side effect of dizziness. She can also fly. This miraculous has a lot of powers compared to the others, so it takes a much greater toll on the user. She has less uptime compared to her teammates. She has increased empathy, ultraviolet vision, and enhanced strength.
Wasp/Vesperia (is still powered by Pollen): Venom, but with the added affect of mind control. More like “suggestibility” where she can discretely influence the actions of the akuma or her victim without their or Hawkmoth’s notice. Ex: She gets an akuma to slightly veer off when shooting at a teammate so they miss. She can use venom more than once per transformation. The more energy she expends, the more effective it is. Rather than a trompo, she has razor sharp points that extend from her gloves. She can heal, but way less effective than the bee and fox. It’s more of a removal of akuma affects and residue. She can fly and has enhanced speed. She tends to be angrier and more aggressive when transformed.
Snake/Viperion: Second chance becomes future sight, where he can “see” the future ahead for a few minutes at a time. Because this doesn’t take up much energy, he’s able to continuously look ahead when situations change. But, it starts to wear on his eyes, so he can’t use it too much. When he transforms, the miraculous takes away his ability to see and he becomes blind. He can sense the area through his tongue, which transforms with him. He can mimic physical abilities such as weapon proficiency and stuff, but not really any magic. Ex: he can’t use a cataclysm. He has enhanced strength, camouflage, and enhanced speed.
Dragon/Ryuko: She still has the ability to transform into and control water, wind, and lightning. She has some control over the weather as well, but this takes up too much energy to be properly worth it. She has luck similar to LadyNoir, but she can control it to some extent. She can channel it to affect the probability of things in her favour. Through sacrificing her own energy, she can transfer it to her teammates for an extra boost.
Mouse/Sourisses***: Multitude is still in effect, but she can manipulate the size of her clones. The more/bigger they are, the more magic it takes. Her current limit is 10 normal sized clones. Her vision gets worse the more she uses the miraculous, but she does get better hearing/smell. Her movement is very particular and precise, so she’s very stable. Ex: she doesn’t get slipped up by slippery surfaces. Her nails are ridiculously strong and can burrow through anything.
The miraculous are all very heavily based on their actual animals + some influence and ideas from canon. Also keep in mind that a lot of these powers aren’t something they have access to from day one. They learn of them as they go.
Since Fu never really thought them how to use their powers, and it took four seasons for Marinette to find out that she only has limits that she sets on herself, I’ve decided to give them a manual of sorts. Some information is blocked out and unavailable but can be revealed with training and increasing power levels.
Loose Plotline
First day of school, Alya helps up an old man after he’s almost trampled by a crowd. Later one, when Stoneheart breaks through the school looking for Kim, she finds the fox necklace in her bag. Tried explains to her the basics and she’s able to transform and go after the villain. She loses her might and begins to fear for her safety and her family when the villain easily rebuffs her attempts at defeating it, and detransforms. She refuses to try again, but changes her mind once she has a talk with Marinette. She defeats the villain and gains popularity and support from the people of Paris.
Adrien sees Rena’s feats on the television and gathers the courage to try again to attend school. He’s able to make it this time with the help of Chloe. At the end of the day, right after the umbrella scene, he saves an old man from being hit by the car the Gorilla uses to come pick him up. He finds the cat ring on his bed later and transforms with (minimal) help from Plagg. He sneaks out through his shadows and meets Rena. Unknown at the time, his bad luck causes her to assume the worst and immediately attack him thinking he’s an akuma. They work it out and begin working as a duo.
It’s been a few weeks since Rena and Chat appeared to battle the akumas, and Alya has been missing class more often. Marinette is tasked with bringing Alya the day’s assignment and goes to fetch some things from her locker. When she comes back to the locker room after the break, she finds she hadn’t closed her locker door all the way and that Chloe had stolen her sketchbook and destroyed it. She is akumatized into Princess Justice and is given the ability to force empathy to her victims. In the form of feeling all the negative feelings you’ve given to others ofc. Sabrina takes the hit for Chloe, and through watching her friend struggle with the hit, Chloe begins to feel guilty. She manages to bury those feelings when the heroes come through to help Sabrina.
Rena and Chat find a place to make a base of operations out of.
Marinette and Nino, after being ditched by Alya (“I have to see if my family’s ok!”) and Adrien (“Sorry, impromptu photoshoot”), head over to the bakery. They spot an old man in the park being ganged up on and intervene. Marinette distracts the perpetrators with a plan that I haven’t come up with yet while Nino protects the old man in the meantime. They find the earrings and bracelet in Marinette’s room and manage to transform after some drawbacks from Marinette. When they go to help the heroes, they impede more than anything and– no that’s all I have lmao.
I rewrote some canon episodes to fit these in, but after the fourth episode rewrite, it becomes something else entirely. I have 17 chapter outlines planned out and just need to expand on them, but I literally have no idea how. It’s slow going haha
Alya: After meeting Queen Bee during Riposte and being saved by her, she grows fond of the bee heroine and develops a crush on her.
Adrien: He falls in love with Rena the same way he does for Ladybug, but slowly realises he’s genuinely growing an attraction to Marinette. Here, he’s liked her since the umbrella scene, but doesn’t realise until some time later.
Nino: He still likes Marinette. I kinda just excised the entirety of Animan.
Marinette: Adrien. Her attraction isn’t bordering on obsession nor is it played up for jokes like in canon. She just has a normal crush, but still finds it a bit difficult to properly communicate with Adrien. Just not to the extent of being unable to get full words out. She also has a crush on Alya shhh shhh don’t tell her
Chloe: She’s fully convinced that no one can love her as much as she loves herself, so making an attempt is futile. Anyway, she’s in love with Kagami and Luka.
Kagami and Luka: They collectively stay away from the drama of romance… or they try to. Kagami’s strict upbringing kept her from properly experiencing it, and Luka didn’t socialise enough for that. After meeting Chloe tho,,,,
Lila: She has the biggest platonic crush on Marinette and Ladybug, it’s insane. One helped her with her habit of lying (Marinette) and the other believed in her when no one else did (Ladybug). Of course she wants to be closer to both. She is aroace, if that helps.
This may end up as any variation of Adrininalyanette (leaning on the ‘won’t’ side). It will definitely feature Lukloegami (chlukagami?) to the best of my ability.
*compressed version. I have written out a few chapters fully (sans revising and editing) and have a couple documents on background knowledge and characterisations.
**all weapons adhere to canon except Vesperia and Rena, to an extent. Rena still has a flute but only really uses it to cast her illusions.
***Sourisses is a play on words. It’s a mix of mouse (souris) and mischief (sottises). When combined, they make sourisses, which can mean “mice” (more like ‘miceses’ lol)
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antidotenurse · 3 years
How did you mimic the yugioh zexal style? I want to start practicing and I have no idea where to start. How did you study?
First off, thank you!! :,) 💕💕💕💕 plz dont mind that im gonna be using hyperbolic objective language to explain this so i 😭😭
Well. How did I study?? You’re gonna hate it, but there’s literally no other way around it.
Copying it.
HEAR ME OUT: That’s just how learning works. That’s how learning any style ever works. If you’re trying to draw in a particular art style, you have to learn how it’s drawn. And the only way really understand to do that, is by trying to recreate it almost exactly. WHICH YEAH, this is an internet space, once you say the work “copy” next to art suddenly you have no skill or are doing something inherently immoral just on principle. Which is just a really bad faith read. It’s a lot like “master studies” in art classes, where students have to recreate the same drawing/work from some previous artist and try to get it as close as possible to the original. Which seems dumb at first, but it’s not without a point- y’know?
As a wack teenager, I used to practice trying to “master” the look of the zexal style by drawing on paper a loooot. At the time I didn’t know how to draw digitally (i didn’t have access to a lot of things). Zexal model sheets were rare if almost nonexistent, so I could only use the anime. I must’ve did a decent enough job since to this day my old art floats around with no one realizing that some idiot teenager drew them in her room. I just really wanted to learn it for some reason. Honestly, I blocked out most of my life from that era, so I can barely remember my own reasoning.
So I think I’d suggest, at least since the resources are much more readily available now, to refer to the model sheets and probably try redrawing what you see in those. I don’t have the old sketches anymore, but back then on my own time, I’d try recreating stuff like this as I saw it:
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Or, HECK!!! If there’s an art style from particular episodes you like a lot, try referring to those and use that. There’s a ton of elements in the model sheets I don’t much care for, or elements applied by certain animation directors I like more than others that I’ll incorporate into my own work. So in the end you kind of do learn more about your own style and tastes. BUT, I personally wouldn’t jump straight into this right away. Maybe just keep it in mind until u get comfier.
THIS post that illustrates what I mean visually in regards to different directors and their styles a little better lmao. They’re all “on model” but u can tell them apart despite using the same “style.”
SCREENSHOT REDRAWS are a more fun kind of practice!! When I was in the more active learning stage I’d often try redrawing my favorite shots on paper and try to get as close as feasibly possible. I only did that because I wanted to learn it.
Nowadays, I just target weirder looking shots because. Lmao. You know 😩 after years of learning what I like in the style … … it’s a fun self challenge
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
[drops exhibit C below]
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Screenshot redraws are also just good practice for me even when I’m just goofing. Because when I’m not actively practicing, my muscle memory starts to fail me.
Or, if you aren’t directly recreating an existing image and still want to practice, I’d suggest keeping the model sheets (or whatever influence u refer to) with you and try drawing within the realms set up. References are your friends and wanna help u. Even the best homies out there will use them, plz don’t undersell them. You aren’t any better or worse for using them 😭
AFTER A GOOD WHILE OF DOING THAT SORT OF THING you’ll probably get a feel for it a lot more. Then, as per how art works, the style will shift more into your own take on it, and then you can just do whatever you want and take your personal liberties as u see fit
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Or just clown. Who knows! I use my time to clown! 🤡🤡 thanks for coming to my weird TED talk
OH RIGHT, DIGITAL OR TRADITIONAL??? …Idk. When i was learning i always drew on paper (mostly due to circumstance). It varies from person to person on which is more “effective,” but I don’t think it ultimately matters lol
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bytheangell · 3 years
idk who needs to here this but i rly adore aline, she's so spunky! she really went to beat up clary because she let jonathan go and also so jonathan could get the residual effects of an ass beating, like wow, i love all the ‘fights!! it’s lit!!!’ energy and besides she's scrappy, izzy convinced her to go snooping in 3.17 going IF WE SEPARATE THE MORGENSTERNS WE CAN KILL JONATHAN AND YOU CAN AVENGE SEBASTIAN and aline was like !!!!!, i wanted her to beat more people up :( also badass longcoat, wow my fashionable lesbean
Aline is great! I wish we got so much more of her in the show, I know that was the plan and it got cut short and all so we just got that Heline moment in the finale but ugh WE COULD’VE HAD SO MUCH GREAT ALINE CONTENT!! I definitely fell more and more in love with her the more we got of her in the books and there was so much potential there. 
But what we got of her was wonderful! You’re absolutely right I love how scrappy she is and how she doesn’t take any shit, not from Clary or anyone else. She knows exactly what she wants and she’s going to go after it if she can. The moment she was like ‘yeah but if I beat Clary up Jonathan feels it, too’ I just mentally keysmashed like for all the reasonings to want to beat someone up, that’s probably the most valid after everything that happened.
The energy Aline delivered was fierce and we (and she!) deserved the chance for so much more of it. 
(hit up my askbox to share some love and appreciation for a favorite TSC/SH character, or moment, or plotline, or anything from the universe!) 
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virgo-dragon · 7 years
Loz Fanfic Thing
for @du-hjarta-skulblaka and whoever else is interested note: this /did/ have some formatting but ut didnt copy/paste, im on movike, and im lazy Open on Cosplayer Dude at convention in Link Cosplay, having a good time (maybe in vendor's hall?) Bam! Fuckin Ganondorf comes through the wall like the Kool Aid Man going on about “those god damned goddesses fucking putting the triforce in this shit hole” Ganondorf sees our hero and is like “Agh! /YOU/! I thought I took care of you! Oh well, once more never hurt anyone” and Hero immediately shits pants Ganondorf essentially takes our hero prisoner w a planned execution Zelda in hiding as one of his minions frees Hero at last minute, runs off w them Big Epic Chase Scene. Hero runs off something/into something/is nearly caught but saved at last minute which leads to blackout and meeting Main Ally (but not Companion. No Companions) Cue “You’re the hero!” “Im most definitely fucking NOT the Hero! Im only dressed up as him! Im not even guy! MY NAMES NOT EVEN LINK!” (Maybe a “Who’s Link? His name was ’(Our Hero’s Name)’”and then an “Oh jesus fuck” “Ok well if ur gonna be fighting you gotta get a proper sword and shield” “Well I GUESS!” *cue raiding the ruined Vendor’s Hall for a sword and shield (neither look like the things but that get painted like them later) Cue Search for the Stones/Pearls/Pendants and travelling between dimensions via lame old plastic ocarina and the rushed learning of Legendary Hero (comment on cheesiness) Courage: needs hammer Wisdom: Needs boomerang Power: Needs floaty glidey thing (sailcloth-type maybe?) Cue Hurdy Gurdy Get and Main Theme Learn (acts as Zelda’s Lullaby in OoT) Cue Quest for Master Sword (cue quest for Master Sword Sheath) -found in Temple of Time (but what about the sheath tho) Cue Quest for Hylian Shield Cue Return to Ally -learn Clocktown Theme as Home Warp Song Oh no! Ganondorf has found the Triforce of Power! (Of course) Chase after Ganondorf as he tries to get the Triforce of Wisdom -End up protecting Zelda on her way out/sneaky leading her out maybe bc she got there first -maybe Look-Alike plan? Race to the Triforce of Courage -Rejects Hero at first bc idk they dont accept their role as Hero or smth. Maybe they just need to accept the courage in themself? Accept that they value courage and have been denying it bc it’s “cliche”? -but also rejects Ganondorf bc he values Power above all and he’s got that piece Cue Standoff with Ganondorf Cue ToC finally accepting Hero “Oh now i can take you you piece of shit” “to be fair, if youd taken it at first, Ganondorf couldve taken it from you.” “.../why/ did you have to have the Triforce of Wisdom” Cue Return to Ally Zelda stays behind at Ally’s bc she thinks she wont be found and/or shell be able to hold her own and/or she can make it defensible/hideable -this place becomes a dungeon later on -”You won’t listen to me when I tell you I know for a FACT this won’t work, right?” “Well, no. But also i cant fight im gonna fuckin die if i go out there w you.” “Tru” Shakey Shakey its an Earth Quakey Cue Trip to find Wise Guy Sahasrala to find out wtf’s going on “Its bc the worlds have been forced close together. They’re becoming unstable.” “Well how tf do I push them apart?” “Ya gotta get both Zelda and Ganondorf back into Hyrule bc they’re keeping it here” Question of whether or not our Hero needs to go w them or do something else- WAIT -The Goddesses just merged the Spirit of the Hero w out Hero one day bc that Link fuckin DIED and so at the Very End the spirits un-merge and our Hero gets to meet THE Hero YES (note: Decide what Kind of Link this kid is) Parts of Hyrule start appearing in our world and Vice Versa Return to Ally’s Place to find it dungeon-ified, Zelda missing presumably deep in the dungeon, and Ally lying bleeding, dying “Yo Zelda’s in there but you’re gonna need a whole HOST of other items to get through there” *dies* Cue Questing for Other Items (Both Tunics / Environment Devices, Bow, Hookshot, and Bombs) -cue instructions and/or panic about learning to use the items (Water Thingy on breathing, Hookshot on fuckign BONES, and Bombs on ignition and usage) Back to the Ally Dungeon! HOLY SHIT LEARN SONGS FEATURED AND/OR USED IN THEGAMES THROUGHOUT THIS WHOLE THING (Zelda’s Lullaby doesn’t do anything here go fuck urself) (here it’s the main theme) Go through JUST in time to see Ganondorf take Zelda (of course) (but she at least puts up a fight this time) Standoff w Ghost/Shadow/Phantom Ganon “Well Shit What do I do Now?” Goes back to convention Cue Reflection on all this fucking shit Cue another Link Cosplayer coming up and being like “Dude holy fuck what the fucking shit” Cue Useful Information on Ganon’s Whereabouts “How’re we gonna get in tho its fucking heavily guarded (bc i figure you could use some help im coming with but i also dont quite recognize you’re /really/ the Hero bc thats not a real thing at least i dont think it is)” “Take this old replica shit I got at the start of this fucking fiasco and come confuse w me, his monsters are rly dumb theyll never know we’re diff heights and maybe even skin colors” They succeed “Yo bro this is getting a bit much for me and you look like you’ve got it good luck and let me know if you need my help again. Heres my number” “god i forgot phones were a /thing/” Cue finding Ganondorf and Final Standoff in Our World Cue Sacred Realm or some bs scene Cue Message from the Goddesses in form of Big Mysterious Voice saying “whoops we fucked up cant push away the worlds until Spirit of Hero is unmerge” (clever hints all along that Spirit of Hero was there and at least part of the time acting) “Looks like you gotta Stab the Thing in the Temple of Time. Also leave all your cool shit there please” -actually maybe not bc most things can be made -maybe its like “look we know there’ll still be residual effects and shit in your world so a) Take these Ghost Versions of shit that work the same and go fight it or b) take the Actual Items and they’ll find their way back to Hyrule later Cue journey to Temple of Time to stab sword in pedestal Cue Meeting w the Spirit of the Hero and subsequent near fan-personing of Our Hero Long talk about everything (and maybe the bringing up of the Link name) -”nah bro my name’s Link idk what that shit was probably the Goddesses doin shit” “So you mean I wasnt actually destined to be the hero?” “No you were, but the name always helps.” -I imagine this Link to have much of the personality and maybe look of Skyward Sword Link which makes sense bc he was the Original Link Cue Return to Our World and Wrapping Up of Shit Cue Epilogue Our Hero Agender, but if asked will say Mayonnaise Needs glasses so has to wear those fuckin sports glasses -I hate those glasses -they have silver/gray ones. The kind that look like weird goggles After Inciting Incident they go and fucking use ALL the bobby-pins to keep their hat on -”Suddenly I kinda maybe rly wanna wear this through the adventure. At least it’s well made and I’ll get several kicks out of keeping it on” Swears at anything and everything in a dungeon -“OH BOY A BOSS ROOM NOT LIKE IM FUCKING SURPRISED” -“god damned FLOOR/WALLMASTERS I WILL SLAUGHTER YOU AND YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY!!! FUCKIN LEAVE ME ALONE” Has played many a Zelda
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hakureiryuu · 7 years
[1/31/2017 9:36:28 PM] Ryuu: OKAY SO ON A SCALE FROM ZERO TO ALL OF THEM HOW MANY SPOILERS DO Y'ALL WANT [1/31/2017 9:36:42 PM] Ben: For? [1/31/2017 9:36:44 PM] Rhia: ALL THE SPOILERS [1/31/2017 9:37:22 PM] Ben: Oh YGO movie [1/31/2017 9:37:23 PM] Ben: ok shoot [1/31/2017 9:48:01 PM] Ryuu: so it opens up with the fact that kaiba has built a goddamn space elevator
[1/31/2017 9:48:16 PM] Ryuu: because why wouldn't he [1/31/2017 9:49:20 PM] Ben: Right [1/31/2017 9:49:53 PM] Ryuu: I mean I guess the real thing to start with is, my circleverse fics no longer fit in canon, and I have a sad [1/31/2017 9:50:06 PM] Rhia: Aw [1/31/2017 9:50:09 PM] Ryuu: because this was an after-the-end kind of thing [1/31/2017 9:50:15 PM] Rhia: -nod- [1/31/2017 9:51:13 PM] Ryuu: and it did surprisingly well for itself!! several characters got completions to otherwise ignored story arcs. bakura for example. huge shit there. and a few nods to tea and joey. [1/31/2017 9:51:42 PM] Ryuu: mostly though, this movie was about kaiba's unquenchable hateboner for atem. [1/31/2017 9:51:50 PM] Rhia: WHEEEEE [1/31/2017 9:51:51 PM] Ryuu: like, jesus fucking Christ dude calm the fuck down [1/31/2017 9:52:47 PM] Ryuu: just. thank GOD for homestuck because without quadrants firmly in my head I would spend 3/4 of the movie clutching my skull and screaming internally MAKE THE FOE YAY STOOOOOOP hahahhaa [1/31/2017 9:53:08 PM] Rhia: -snigger- [1/31/2017 9:53:22 PM] Ryuu: the Japanese don't mess around with their spades okay? [1/31/2017 9:53:31 PM] Rhia: Nope [1/31/2017 9:54:40 PM] Ryuu: leading to weirdly poignant conversations between the pharaoh's moirail and kismesis that boil down to "dude he's dead let it go" "NO HE'S NOT FITE ME" [1/31/2017 9:55:12 PM] Rhia: oh my gaaaaaaaaaawd [1/31/2017 9:55:41 PM] Ryuu: seto kaiba. this fucker. [1/31/2017 9:55:58 PM] Ryuu: THIS FUCKER SCIENCES HIMSELF INTO THE AFTERLIFE FOR ONE LAST GO ROUND OKAY????! [1/31/2017 9:56:23 PM] Ben: flashbacks to YuYuHakishu and Kuwabara at Yuuske's funeral [1/31/2017 9:56:33 PM] Rhia: Yuuuuup [1/31/2017 10:00:34 PM] Ben: Seto Kaiba is the real protagonist. [1/31/2017 10:00:49 PM] Rhia: OMG KAIBA GIVE IT UP [1/31/2017 10:01:52 PM] Ryuu: SO ASIDE FROM THE FACT THAT KAIBA'S EGO WAS LITERALLY TOO BIG FOR THIS STORY [1/31/2017 10:02:50 PM] Ryuu: and aside from parts of the ending there I felt like he was really pretty flandarized into exactly two character traits: his kismessitude with atem and his UNPARALELLED ABILITY TO MAKE A PUBLICITY STUNT [1/31/2017 10:03:51 PM] Ryuu: i had a rly good time with this movie! like i said, there were nods to incomplete character arcs. i appreciate bakura's trauma being FINALLY FUCKING ADDRESSED. [1/31/2017 10:04:35 PM] Rhia: YAY IT CHEERED YOU UP [1/31/2017 10:04:45 PM] Ryuu: even though his backstory was one among several rather noticeable retcons... another being shadi's entire. existence. :? [1/31/2017 10:06:04 PM] Rhia: Shadi is the schrodginer's cat of the YGO fandom [1/31/2017 10:06:29 PM] Ben: ... [1/31/2017 10:06:36 PM] Ben: Wait that's flanderizing Kaiba? [1/31/2017 10:06:45 PM] Ryuu: like. i get that he's some kind of force ghost in canon but there's no way he died THAT RECENTLY. and there's also no way he would not have talked to the villain of the movie in all the years since, given that shadi's death is the villain's motive. [1/31/2017 10:06:57 PM] Ryuu: KAIBA HAS AT LEAST A FEW MORE TRAITS TO HIM OKAY? XD [1/31/2017 10:07:31 PM] Ryuu: i mean i like to think of him as a stage hog, but not desperate. that's beneath him, y'know? [1/31/2017 10:08:21 PM] Ben: XD [1/31/2017 10:11:52 PM] Ryuu: but yeah this movie was nostalgic in other ways. it had that good ol' 4kids overdub, with bad puns and inserting extra dialogue where there was clearly silence in the original. but there were no visual edits except for making any actual visible text into English, which was nice. the voice acting was a return to its season 1 quality as well, not the lazy crap they devolved to by the end. [1/31/2017 10:12:14 PM] Rhia: ogood [1/31/2017 10:13:51 PM] Ryuu: okay u said ALL of the spoilers so [1/31/2017 10:17:55 PM] Ryuu: supposedly with atem's death a residual power would be awakened. this power at full force can completely reshape reality in the most vague and yet literal sense, and shadi, before his death, had spent his time giving this power to worthy children he came across. when the pharaoh finally died, they would reshape the world as they wished. shadi gave this power to kids because they would supposedly create a good, pure world, free of fear and hatred. and there was a lot of really good talk on that subject, if necessarily kind of clipped by the dub (it's a complex subject that you can't fit into x mouth movements too precisely, so i understand). it's basically yoda's fear -> anger -> hate -> suffering, paraphrased. [1/31/2017 10:20:17 PM] Ryuu: but shadi's lessons are cut short by bakura's retconned backstory, in which he received the ring as a damn 10 year old or something and murdered shadi with more power than he EVER displays in canon so shruuug haha. but this breeds fear/hate/all the rest in the antagonist's heart, and he begins to misuse the power once it comes into play. [1/31/2017 10:23:42 PM] Rhia: Which would explain all the stuff from the later series. [1/31/2017 10:27:53 PM] Rhia: ....That line was supposed to be earlier. Thanks Skype [1/31/2017 10:28:31 PM] Ryuu: well, no. because, for no reason, if the pharaoh ever returns, the power would be negated. which brings us back to kaiba. [1/31/2017 10:31:38 PM] Ryuu: and. y'know. his hateboner's quest to bring the pharaoh back. kinda throw's a wrench in whatever plans this kid might have for his powers. [1/31/2017 10:32:31 PM] Ryuu: so he's like, okay 2 possibilities here. i could stop kaiba from digging up the items and putting the puzzle back together, or i could kill yugi and make the whole thing moot anyway. [1/31/2017 10:32:40 PM] Ryuu: he chooses the latter ^^U [1/31/2017 10:33:35 PM] Ben: Naturally [1/31/2017 10:34:54 PM | Edited 10:34:58 PM] Ryuu: many shenanigans ensue, including some handwavey bullshit involving how magic and technology interact. literally handwaved. like, "oh, that happened, i don't care why." [1/31/2017 10:36:19 PM] Ben: Any magic sufficiently analyzed? :P [1/31/2017 10:36:51 PM] Ryuu: apparently, since i repeat, KAIBA SCIENCES HIMSELF INTO THE AFTERLIFE [1/31/2017 10:37:09 PM] Ben: I really want that YGO/DBZ crossover now. [1/31/2017 10:37:17 PM] Ben: Kaiba and Vegeta would get along like a house on fire. [1/31/2017 10:37:18 PM] Ben: EGO [1/31/2017 10:37:22 PM] Ben: EGO EVERYWHERE [1/31/2017 10:38:09 PM] Ryuu: one of my earliest fics was like that, only with kaiba and sesshomaru from inuyasha. only the punchline was that it was less explosive than expected xD [1/31/2017 10:38:20 PM] Ben: XD [1/31/2017 10:38:22 PM] Ben: Like [1/31/2017 10:38:34 PM] Ben: I like to think that Kaiba is Vegeta's ego with Bulma's brilliance [1/31/2017 10:38:53 PM] Ben: Mabye YGO takes place AFTER DBZ and Kaiba is Trunk's little brother? XD [1/31/2017 10:39:30 PM] Rhia: PFFFFFFFF [1/31/2017 10:40:00 PM] Ryuu: that's the other thing i think is a bit flandarized about kaiba, and yet even i have to admit it's pretty accurate - he keeps losing because he's so goddamn predictable. [1/31/2017 10:41:22 PM] Ryuu: THAT'S LITERALLY WHAT COST HIM THE WIN AT BATTLE CITY: HE SAID LET'S HAVE A SUDDEN DEATH ROUND, DRAW WHATEVER HAND OF CARDS YOU WANT TO USE. and he lost because he picked the cards that let him get the blue eyes ultimate dragon, and yami picked a hand that would negate exactly that. if he did something different just this ONCE... [1/31/2017 10:41:28 PM] Ryuu: i mean [1/31/2017 10:41:34 PM] Ryuu: it's for effect, y'know? it's for his ego. [1/31/2017 10:42:15 PM] Rhia: It's like when Bri is going for the super-dramatic effect. "Because she can, because it's Rule of Cool." Kaiba's BEWD is because Rule of Kaiba. [1/31/2017 10:42:21 PM] Ryuu: in his duel with ishizu the whole plot is that he ALMOST fell prey to that, because his plan for ego purposes was to use obelisk against her, but went against predictability FOR ONCE IN HIS LIFE and chose blue eyes. [1/31/2017 10:42:28 PM] Ryuu: BUT FOR SOME REASON HE DID NOT LEARN FROM THIS [1/31/2017 10:43:02 PM] Rhia: It could be said that Kaiba is a tragic character and therefore will never learn to fix his flaws. [1/31/2017 10:44:03 PM] Ryuu: yeah let's go with that. i even kind of believe it. i'd like for it to be at least addressed in canon though, even if it can't be fixed. i just don't want it to be a plot device again. it's old. [1/31/2017 10:44:23 PM] Ryuu: god TOO MUCH KAIBA IN THIS MOVIE [1/31/2017 10:44:43 PM] Ryuu: HIS EGO WAS SO HUGE THEY HAD TO TRIM DOWN TO JUST ONE REFERENCE TO THE HEART OF THE CARDS SO IT WOULD EVEN FIT [1/31/2017 10:44:57 PM] Rhia: LOL [1/31/2017 10:45:06 PM] Ryuu: but yeah where was i [1/31/2017 10:45:54 PM] Ryuu: so through shenanigans the puzzle is almost completed but for a few stolen pieces. yugi, through more shenanigans, gets his hands on them, then puts the puzzle together to make a point. [1/31/2017 10:46:48 PM] Ryuu: literally everyone in the story is all like putting the puzzle back together would bring atem back but yugi basically waves it in their faces like Y'ALL. THIS IS A PIECE OF METAL. HE'S NOT IN THERE. HE IS DEAD. CALM DOWN. [1/31/2017 10:46:56 PM] Ryuu: and then everyone refuses to calm down XD [1/31/2017 10:47:06 PM] Rhia: -snrk- [1/31/2017 10:47:13 PM] Rhia: Yugi the only one with his act together. [1/31/2017 10:47:23 PM] Ryuu: HE SO HAS HIS ACT TOGETHER THO [1/31/2017 10:47:39 PM] Ryuu: LIKE HIS DESIGN IS ABOUT THE HALFWAY POINT BETWEEN HIS SHOW SELF AND YAMI [1/31/2017 10:47:49 PM] Ryuu: WHICH IS EXACTLY HOW I PICTURED HIM IN MY FIC IT WAS WONDERFUL TO SEE [1/31/2017 10:47:55 PM] Rhia: XDDD [1/31/2017 10:49:07 PM] Ryuu: like he's taller and has slightly pointer eyes and has his "do no harm" FULLY UPGRADED to "do no harm but take no shit" IT'S WONDERFUL [1/31/2017 10:49:19 PM] Rhia: 8D [1/31/2017 10:50:05 PM] Ryuu: and he wants to design board games when he grows up like YES I ACCEPT THIS HEADCANON [1/31/2017 10:50:28 PM] Ben: Because FUCK has he had his fill of the bullshit that comes with card games [1/31/2017 10:50:36 PM] Ryuu: i imagine XD [1/31/2017 10:50:42 PM] Ryuu: joey hasn't though. wants to go pro. [1/31/2017 10:50:47 PM] Rhia: YUGI BEING SO DONE WITH EVERYONE [1/31/2017 10:50:54 PM] Rhia: AND CHEERING JOEY ON THE SIDELINES [1/31/2017 10:50:59 PM] Ryuu: YAS [1/31/2017 10:51:44 PM] Ben: Reminds me of Vanguard. In the Vanguard G series the old protagonist shows up once. Sees the other new progtagonist...and keeps walking. [1/31/2017 10:52:04 PM] Ben: Like "OH HELL NO I'VE DONE MY TIME GOOD LUCK SUCKER YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN WITH THIS GENERATION OF BULLSHIT" [1/31/2017 10:52:16 PM] Rhia: LOOOOOL [1/31/2017 10:52:26 PM] Ryuu: OMGGGGGG [1/31/2017 10:55:08 PM] Ryuu: but ye i was very happy that dead is dead? because that's the sole problem i have with 99% of after the end ygo fics: they can't find a plot without bring atem back to life, which i find oddly disrespectful. [1/31/2017 10:55:26 PM] Rhia: LET THE MAN REST MOTHERFUCKER [1/31/2017 10:55:29 PM] Ben: I was actually going to do that in one of my own fics. [1/31/2017 10:55:47 PM] Rhia: Now if he's doing stuff from the afterlife, that's a different set up. [1/31/2017 10:56:38 PM] Ben: Basically.  Basically my fic had Necromancer bad guys trying to do True Ressurection. [1/31/2017 10:56:58 PM] Ben: Yami didn't like that so he sent a deck to a girl of Fallen Heroes, or dead characters from fiction. [1/31/2017 10:57:23 PM] Ben: He refused to come himself in card form though. Until the very end, which was the form of a card that banished all cards from the grave yard. [1/31/2017 10:57:30 PM] Ben: Then the deck vanished. [1/31/2017 10:57:38 PM] Ben: "OK, WE CLEANED THIS SHIT UP NOW GET BACK INTO THE AFTERLIFE" [1/31/2017 10:58:51 PM] Ryuu: that is.... KIIIINDA what happens actually. because due to yet more shenanigans, the ring possesses the villain, and ring corruption + infinite power = the end of the world as we know it. [1/31/2017 11:00:08 PM] Ryuu: so naturally dueling the weird monster that results happens (because this is ygo we're talking about here). and some more foe yay pining happens. and then it's just yugi about to pass out from shadowgame biz and GIANT COLUMN OF LIGHT hey look who it is. [1/31/2017 11:00:24 PM] Rhia: WOOOOOOOO [1/31/2017 11:00:37 PM] Ryuu: and as much as i would have loved that he not appear at all [1/31/2017 11:00:51 PM] Ryuu: they reached a middle ground by keeping him completely silent. [1/31/2017 11:01:01 PM] Rhia: Nice. [1/31/2017 11:01:43 PM] Ryuu: i'm not sure if he even actually dueled when he arrived so much as dispersed the shadowgame entirely. [1/31/2017 11:02:08 PM] Ryuu: also, mahaad. like i am a ridiculous mahaad fangirl and i don't know why. all i know is that i SQUEE whenever he's onscreen XD [1/31/2017 11:02:17 PM | Edited 11:02:16 PM] Rhia: SAAAAAAME [1/31/2017 11:02:29 PM] Rhia: It's because he's a giant fucking sweetheart. [1/31/2017 11:02:35 PM] Rhia: Have you read his story in the manga? [1/31/2017 11:02:40 PM] Ryuu: yeeeeee [1/31/2017 11:02:49 PM] Rhia: GIANT BAB [1/31/2017 11:03:13 PM] Ryuu: i headcanon that he had an on/off thing with isis and she was pregnant with his bab when he died, thereby starting the line of tombkeepers. [1/31/2017 11:03:25 PM] Rhia: Fuck. [1/31/2017 11:03:28 PM] Rhia: Sharing that now. [1/31/2017 11:03:44 PM] Ryuu: LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT MY BEFORE-THE-BEGINNING FANFIC [1/31/2017 11:03:46 PM] Ryuu: LATER [1/31/2017 11:03:58 PM] Ben: Weren't the tombkeepers a thing BEFORE mahaad? [1/31/2017 11:04:03 PM] Ben: Because Theif King Bakura? [1/31/2017 11:04:13 PM] Ryuu: nope, only after the pharaoh died (the first time) [1/31/2017 11:04:22 PM] Ben: I could've sworn in the manga [1/31/2017 11:04:29 PM] Rhia: The tombkeepers were specifically guarding Atem's tomb. [1/31/2017 11:04:31 PM] Ben: millennium world arc? [1/31/2017 11:04:31 PM] Ben: Oh wait shit envermind [1/31/2017 11:04:33 PM] Ben: I'm thinking Village of Kul Elna [1/31/2017 11:05:18 PM] Ryuu: so yeah atem does a total deus ex machina [1/31/2017 11:05:37 PM] Ryuu: because of that convenient rule that if he shows up in this world again, the megapower or whatever is gone. [1/31/2017 11:06:43 PM] Ryuu: and like yugi said in the beginning of the movie that he would have liked a chance to say what he needed to say, so i knew there was always a chance of him showing up. but all they do is stare meaningfully at each other for a bit, and then he's gone and everyone's happy. [1/31/2017 11:07:18 PM] Ryuu: which, i was also pleased with, because i would argue very strongly that they said everything that could be said through their duel at the end. the manga version had some fairly transparent subtext. [1/31/2017 11:07:27 PM] Ben: It always does [1/31/2017 11:07:31 PM] Ben: Manga>anime [1/31/2017 11:07:55 PM] Ryuu: well i love the anime too. but i like sort of mashing them together in my head when i put together what i'm considering canon for fanfic purposes. [1/31/2017 11:08:02 PM] Ryuu: SPEAKING OF MANGA THERE WERE SO MANY CAMEOS [1/31/2017 11:08:04 PM] Ben: Fair [1/31/2017 11:08:19 PM] Ryuu: DUKE'S FATHER WAS THERE OKAY. THE GUY WHO DIED IN A FIRE AFTER TRYING TO MURDER YUGI. [1/31/2017 11:11:48 PM] Ryuu: but yeah with the power gone the antagonist has nothing except the family which had been trying to get him off this path of darkness for years now so they all get to be kids again and grow up in the world we've got. [1/31/2017 11:12:01 PM] Ben: D'aw [1/31/2017 11:12:56 PM] Ryuu: appropriately, this movie was about moving on from loss and grief. if the world had real quadrants and no queerbaiting i'd call this an excellent addition. [1/31/2017 11:13:25 PM] Rhia: As it is, it just pulled you out of a shitty mood, so I call it worth it. [1/31/2017 11:13:46 PM] Ryuu: yeees, tis what i needed. <3 [1/31/2017 11:14:14 PM] Ryuu: also the main kids all graduate highschool and tea goes off to some kind of juliard analogue with a full ride. hooray! [1/31/2017 11:14:21 PM] Rhia: Wooo! [1/31/2017 11:14:35 PM] Ryuu: and kaiba sciences himself into THE FUCKING AFTERLIFE. [1/31/2017 11:14:37 PM] Ryuu: the end. [1/31/2017 11:14:42 PM] Rhia: Pfffffffff [1/31/2017 11:14:49 PM] Ryuu: i will never get over that [1/31/2017 11:14:50 PM] Ryuu: just [1/31/2017 11:14:53 PM] Ryuu: this fucker [1/31/2017 11:14:55 PM] Rhia: This movie, alt title: Kaiba plz. [1/31/2017 11:15:30 PM] Ben: Just when you got done saving the world, relaxing in the afterlife, your pokemon are almost unconscious [1/31/2017 11:15:33 PM] Ben: who should show up [1/31/2017 11:15:35 PM] Ben: but gary [1/31/2017 11:15:36 PM] Ben: fucking [1/31/2017 11:15:37 PM] Ben: kaiba [1/31/2017 11:15:46 PM] Rhia: -SNORT- [1/31/2017 11:16:19 PM] Ryuu: the entire theater was laughing their asses off when he pulled this i shit you not [1/31/2017 11:16:30 PM] Rhia: Man [1/31/2017 11:16:35 PM] Ryuu: HE'S WEARING THIS TRON OUTFIT OKAY [1/31/2017 11:16:43 PM] Ryuu: IN SOME KIND OF SPACE POD AT THE TOP OF HIS SPACE ELEVATOR [1/31/2017 11:17:00 PM] Ryuu: HE AIMS IT DOWN, PRESUMABLY TO HIT 88MPH OR SOMETHING [1/31/2017 11:17:11 PM] Rhia: PFFFFFFFFFFFF [1/31/2017 11:17:13 PM] Ryuu: SHOOTS FOR EARTH IN HIS FUCKING SPACE ROCKET INSIDE THE SPACE ELEVATOR [1/31/2017 11:17:18 PM] Rhia: Leave Doc Brown out of this [1/31/2017 11:17:35 PM] Ryuu: AND THEN SUDDENLY HE'S IN ANCIENT EGYPT, STILL IN HIS TRON OUTFIT [1/31/2017 11:17:54 PM] Ryuu: HE WALKS STRAIGHT INTO THE PALACE, STANDS BEFORE THE PHARAOH, WHO LOOKS AT HIM [1/31/2017 11:17:58 PM] Ryuu: AND SMIRKS [1/31/2017 11:18:04 PM] Ryuu: CUT TO BLACK, ROLL CREDITS [1/31/2017 11:18:17 PM] Ryuu: GOOD NIGHT EVERYBODY [1/31/2017 11:18:29 PM] Rhia: 8D [1/31/2017 11:18:55 PM] Rhia: Ben can you illegally download this for me when it makes an appearance? I need to see what the hullabaloo is about [1/31/2017 11:19:06 PM] Ben: Will do [1/31/2017 11:19:10 PM] Rhia: Ta [1/31/2017 11:21:44 PM] Ryuu: oh, i'm gonna call mokuba genderfluid from now on. just cuz. ^^ [1/31/2017 11:21:52 PM] Rhia: Eeee [1/31/2017 11:22:25 PM] Ryuu: not that his growing bishiness is in any way out of the ordinary for Japanese masculinity [1/31/2017 11:22:31 PM] Ryuu: i just think it would be cool [1/31/2017 11:22:41 PM] Ben: I'm sorry [1/31/2017 11:22:46 PM] Ryuu: and i like to picture seto asking his sibling's pronouns every morning :D [1/31/2017 11:22:54 PM] Ben: but isn't the term Japanese masculinity self-contradictory? [1/31/2017 11:22:57 PM] Ben: badum-tish [1/31/2017 11:23:08 PM] Ryuu: -double pistols and a wink- [1/31/2017 11:23:27 PM] Rhia: Imagine Kaiba donating to SHITLOADS of charities for LGTBQA because Mokuba. [1/31/2017 11:23:40 PM] Rhia: And biting heads off anyone who dares give them stinkeye [1/31/2017 11:24:44 PM] Ryuu: yes. this is the kind of headcanon that makes my day. using kaiba's assholery and penchant for drama for the forces of good. [1/31/2017 11:26:13 PM] Ryuu: "did i just hear you misgender my sister?" [1/31/2017 11:26:35 PM] Rhia: -person recants or dies by BEWD- [1/31/2017 11:26:47 PM] Ryuu: -dies of happy-
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