#juto iruma x reader
hypmic-writings · 2 years
Finally the request is open! But first, your writings are amazing and I love them! Don't forget to take care of yourself! I would love to request headcanons of MTC and GN!Lover or GN!S/O. S/O faints because they overworked themselves. I hope this isn't against the rules. Thank you!
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Pairing: Samatoki Aohitsugi x reader; Juto Iruma x reader; Riou Busujima x reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Mentions of Fainting
A/N: This one was cute, I can definitely imagine that they would all be concerned for you, so it’s always fun to write some fluffy MTC stuff. Hope you enjoy~
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Samatoki Aohitsugi
you and Samatoki both know each other very well and he can always tell when something is off
today was one of those days as you scurried around the apartment, working on too many things at one time
Samatoki watched you at first, just keeping an eye on you but as he noticed you working harder and not taking any breaks he was quick to call you out on it
of course, you just waved him away and told him that you were fine but that you were too busy t take any breaks
Samatoki didn’t believe you, but he knew you were too stubborn to listen to him so he just hoped you would finish soon
unfortunately, as soon as you stood up to go to the next task, you felt yourself getting lightheaded and immediately fainted
Samatoki was close enough to reach out for you, but not close enough to grab you as you fell to the ground
cussing, he called out your name and checked to make sure you didn’t hurt yourself in the fall
once he was sure that you had just passed out from overworking yourself, he picked you up and brought you to the couch
Samatoki gently put a blanket over you and tucked you in, only for you to wake up moments later
when you expressed that you had too much work left to finish, Samatoki was quick to glare at you and command you to stay on the couch
not wanting to deal with his wrath and already feeling exhausted, you obliged him and stayed on the couch
Samatoki wouldn’t necessarily comfort you in the sense of being overbearing with affection, but he would cook something for you and bring you water
and he’d sit down next to you and demand to know what you were doing that made you so overworked
wanting to know if there’s something he can help you with or just needing to point out that you shouldn’t overwork yourself in the way you did
Samatoki would reprimand you and tell you not to work so hard in the future and when you remind him that he overworks himself too he’s just going to pinch your cheek and tell you to shut up
because he knows that you both have to work on taking it easy more
so you both promise to not work so hard in the future as long as the other promises to keep an eye out for any fainting
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Juto Iruma
Juto is a pretty perceptive person and the whole day he watched as you ran around overworking yourself
he repeatedly told you to stop worrying so much and sit down and take a break but you refused to listen
it’s quite common for one or both of you to work overtime or push yourselves past the boundaries of what was considered a ‘normal’ amount of workload, but even Juto could see that this was too much for you.
so he tried to urge you again to stop before you overworked yourself
but instead, you continued to work yourself until you, quite literally, pass out from exhaustion 
Juto rushes over as soon as he hears you fall and with a cry of your name he’s by your side
he’s frustrated with you a bit because he told you again and again to slow down but you never listened to him and now you were passed out on the ground
but he doesn’t let his frustration stop him from picking you up and bringing you to the bedroom
you’re not out for too long when you wake up again, now tucked in the soft, silky smooth bedsheets of your boyfriend’s bed
and when you try to get up, Juto is there to press a hand onto your chest and push you back down
because this time he’ll make you listen to him when he tells you to lay down for a few minutes and rest
if you try to complain that you have work to do and that you don’t have time to rest, Juto will probably get even more frustrated and will shout that the work can wait but that your health and safety comes first
he’ll say that you need to look out for yourself before anything else and he might say that he’s mad that you didn’t take care of yourself
but he’ll also bring you some food and water and will make sure that you’re taking a break before you go out and overwork yourself again
Juto can get mad and annoyed at times like these, but it’s all out of the love he has for you
and you better believe that he’s going to teach you coping mechanisms to deal with stressful overworking environments for next time so that he never finds you passed out like that again
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Riou Busujima
Riou can see that you’re pushing yourself throughout the day, but he doesn’t want to be overbearing, so he kind of just leaves you to do whatever it is you’re doing
he knows what it feels like to want to handle things by yourself so he won’t want to step in right away
but he’s constantly asking you if you want to take a break and go for a walk with him or just to lay down for a bit 
because he can see that you’re starting to fade a bit and overdo things
however, you’re far too stubborn to listen to him and you continue to push yourself past your limits
which eventually leads to you getting dizzy and suddenly passing out
Riou has amazing reflexes though, and he catches you like it’s the easiest thing in the world 
he takes you back to the couch and lays you down, and if you try to sit back up he’s just going to push you back down
because now you’ve overworked yourself and Riou will make you rest up and won’t take no for an answer
he’ll cook you something easy like some soup or his infamous stew, but regardless of the ingredients, it’ll perk you right back up
despite this though, he won’t let you get back to doing whatever it was that you were doing because he knows you’ll just overwork yourself
instead, Riou will tell you that you need to take a break and that it’s not sustainable for you to keep going on the way you were before
no matter how much you try to argue with him, he’ll keep pointing out that you’re only hurting yourself by not resting 
and he’ll keep telling you this until you agree either to rest for a little while or to go for a walk in the woods with him
once you’re feeling a bit better, then and only then will Riou let you work again, but even then he’ll be keeping a closer eye on you
and he’s constantly going to be making you eat and drink more to make sure you don’t pass out again
but it’s nice to know that even if you do end up passing out, Riou will always be there to catch you
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imaginingfantasies · 5 years
Can I request Juto with this "You sleep with a stuffed panda?" So what if I do?" prompt please? Thank you!
Iruma Jyuto X Reader
“(Y/N) this is an emergency” Jyuto declared upon entering (Y/N)’s apartment,” I know it’s your day off but I really need… your…”
Jyuto trailed off when he opened the door to their room and his eyes landing on a sleeping (Y/N). He grew silent as he took in the image.
(Y/N) snuggled under a heavy comforter and their body curled around a familiar large stuffed panda bear.
Suddenly he felt his phone vibrate. He took it out and quickly read the text from Samatoki.
“Riou helped me already no need to ask (Y/N)”
Jyuto sighed before putting his phone back on hi pocket. He looked baack up and saw that (Y/N) didn’t wake yet.
He took off his blazer and the holster that held his hypnosis mic and placed it on (Y/N) desk chair and then sat down on their bed next to them. Despite being careful, the movement stirred (Y/N) awake.
(Y/N) squinted up to Jyuto then realized that his presence weren’t from a dream.
“Good morning snuggle bug” he teased, pinching their cheek “I see that you sleep with a stuffed panda, the one I won for you no less”
“So what if I do” (Y/N) mumbled, waving away Jyuto’s hand away, “I haven’t exactly been able to spend time with you in a while and… well…”
Jyuto stared before-
“Hey wait why are you taking off your clothes?” (Y/N) asked in alarm as Jyuto start to strip down to his boxers, “I’m too tired for sex alright”
“You’re being adorable and you just said you missed me so” Jyuto said casually, lifting up the blanket and slipping next to (Y/N), “Thank god Samatoki fixed his shit and now I have the rest of the day to mess with you so now let me sleep with you, god knows I need a break too”
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hypmic-writings · 2 years
MTC headcanons when they ask their s/o (fem preferably) to move in with them? Thank you so much for you amazingly hard work and take care of yourself too!
━━ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ━━
Pairing: Samatoki Aohitsugi x reader; Juto Iruma x reader; Riou Busujima x reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
A/N: This one was so cute, I feel like they would all feel differently about it so this was fun to write out. Hope you enjoy~
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Samatoki Aohitsugi
Samatoki is a little nervous before asking you to move in, but he’s actually quite confident and excited for it
he’ll play it off as cool though of course, he’s never going to be that open about it
if it’s come to the point of moving in, then you already stay over at his place quite a bit and have a bunch of clothes and an extra toothbrush laying there
so it’s already not too much of a stretch to imagine you living at his place full time
especially since Nemu isn’t living there anymore, he has more than enough space for the two of you
he’s going to ask you one night after a long week when the two of you are snuggling up on the couch just watching TV
it’ll come as a random thought, just Samatoki voicing his idea out loud that you could potentially move in if you wanted since your stuff is there taking up space anyways
and of course it takes you a moment for his words to really sink in because sometimes he just says stuff like that
but this time you can tell he really means it when he asks you if you want to move in with him
and you get so excited and throw your arms around him and say that of course you’d love to move in with him 
and that it’s good timing because your other lease is ending soon, so you won’t need to worry about breaking it
when you ask Samatoki what made him bring this up, he avoids your gaze, saying that he just wanted to make things permanent since you’re always around his place and annoying him all the time
and although his words are teasing, you can tell that he actually means them with love and excitement to have you move in
and you can also tell by the way he’s cleaning the place 24/7 to have it be spick and span, that he’s going to have quite a few house rules for you to follow
but you don’t really mind following them as long as it means the two of you get to spend that much more time together when you live in the same apartment
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Juto Iruma
Juto feels like it’s a big step in your relationship to ask you to move in with him
he’s dated lots of people but he’s never been with someone he likes enough to actually have them move into his space
so he’s going to take a lot of time to figure out if that’s really what he wants and if it’s feasible for you to move into his apartment
I feel like he would have a rather nice, large place so size wouldn’t really be an issue, it’s more of whether or not he’s ready to take that step
after a long time of thinking about it and making up his mind, he’ll bring it up to you
I can imagine him taking it more seriously, wanting to have a proper conversation to you about where you’re at in your life and whether you would even want to move in with him
the two of you would discuss work and commute routes, rent payment options, and everything under the sun that could possibly be a logistical issue with you moving in
Juto would have this conversation with you over a nice dinner at a restaurant so that the two of you could have some time to yourselves without distractions
it’s less spontaneous because Juto thinks this is something you should both have a say in and something that he wants to do the right way
and when you finally tell him that you do want to move in with him and that you’re excited to take that next step, Juto will agree
even though he’ll be stressed out, he’s still going to order a bottle of fancy champagne for the two of you to pop in celebration
since he’s already made his mind up about it and he knows it’s what he wants, he’ll want you to move in soon
he doesn’t like things being halfway done, so he’ll offer to help you move all your things over and you think it’s cute that he’s so eager
Juto won’t really think about all the fun, cute moments of living together until all of your things are moved in and set up
only then will he actually allow himself to realize how great of an idea moving in together is and how happy he’ll be to see you every day
you know this of course and are more than happy to move your things over to his place and start your happy couple life together
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Riou Busujima
Riou take a long while to think about it when he finally decides that he wants the two of you to live together
it’s difficult for him to come to terms with actually living in a house instead of his comfortable tent out in nature
but he really wants to do right by you and he feels like now is the best time to take the next step
so not only does he find the perfect apartment for the two of you to share, he gets excited about asking you to move in with him
if Riou is going this far, the two of you are definitely at a point in your relationship where you’re going to say yes to moving in with him so Riou won’t be overly nervous to ask you or anything
it’ll be a casual dinner night at your place when he decides to ask you, right after you finish eating and you ask him if he wants dessert
instead of responding, he simply takes ahold of your hand and asks if you would like to move in with him
at first you laugh and raise an eyebrow, asking if there’ll be enough room in that tent of his for both of you
but when he smiles and shows you the pictures of the apartment he’s in the process of leasing, it leaves you incredibly surprised
you had always just assumed he would move into your space, but the idea that the two of you could have a different location to make your own, together, made you emotional
of course you say yes, because the two of you have talked about it before, casually mentioning that you would love to get a big house together in the woods someday
and although this apartment is still in the city, far from being secluded in the woods, it’s close to a nice little park and you suppose that’s good enough for now
the rest of the dinner date is spent excitedly talking about when to move in and what kind of decorating your would like to do
it’s mutually agreed that the kitchen and the dining space needs to be big enough for the both of you
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hypmic-writings · 2 years
helloooooo i hope you’re doing great TT i want to request headcanons on mtc caught their fem s/o fighting a creep outside their work because it was harassing her… but the creep was quite strong so their s/o was knocked unconscious? i’m sorry if this is too confusing TT thank you in advance!!
stay hydrated and get enough sleep! don’t stress yourself too much~
━━ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ━━
Pairing: Samatoki Aohitsugi x fem!reader; Juto Iruma x fem!reader; Riou Busujima x fem!reader
Genre: Angst; Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Mentions of Physical and Verbal Assault; Harassment; Violence; Blood; Guns
A/N: This one is pretty heavy so please please read the request and the warnings carefully. I’m sure all three of them would be saving you in a heartbeat from any creeps. I also played around with the formatting on this one, so there’s a little bit of a scenario before the headcanons. Let me know if you like it or if you have any feedback for/against this kind of layout in some future writings! Hope this is along the lines of what you wanted~
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You had just finished work when you texted your boyfriend, letting them know that you were done for the night. Within moments they texted you back, saying that they were in the area and could come pick you up. You eagerly accepted the invitation and headed outside to wait for them to join you. While you were waiting for them to come, a suspicious looking man walked up to you.
“It’s a nice night out, eh? Such a good-lookin girl shouldn’t be out by herself,” he said, grinning a horrible, snide grin down at you. 
“Leave me alone, I’m waiting for my boyfriend,” you mumbled, taking a deep breath You avoided eye contact with him, stepping closer towards the office door which was lit up. You could already feel your heart beginning to pound in fear as he stepped closer to you.
“I don’t see him anywhere. Why don’t you come with me and we can have some fun,” he said, taking another step forwards as he reached out to grab your arm. Instinctively, you pulled away from him, feeling the brick wall against your back.
“Don’t touch me,” you warned him, grabbing your bag close to your body, prepared to swing it if he tried anything. 
“Bitch!” he shouted, reacting faster than you had expected him to. Within moment his arms were wrapped around yours, pulling you away from the building and towards the parking lot.
“Stop! Let go of me!” you shrieked, thrashing in his arms as you desperately tried to fight him back. “Help!” you screamed out, managing to elbow the man in the chest. 
For a brief moment he let go, giving you time to escape his hold as he groaned in pain. You took off towards the building, ready to burst through the door, but at the last moment, you felt something pull your leg out from underneath you, sending you hurtling to the ground. As your head hit the concrete, the last thing you remembered was a voice calling out your name...
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Samatoki Aohitsugi
Samatoki had been walking to your office when he heard your cry for help
immediately bursting onto the scene, he was just in time to witness the man pulling you down to the ground
Samatoki’s eyes widened as he shouted out your name, immediately running over to where you were laying on the ground
your attacker cussed under his breath at the sight of someone being able to identify him and began to walk off away from you
Samatoki knelt down beside you, quickly realizing that you had been knocked unconscious 
his breath caught in his throat as he said your name once more, turning you onto your back and seeing the blood where your head had hit the ground
at the sight of you in pain, Samatoki began to feel the anger bubble up inside of him, slowly rising until it was overflowing
it was all because of that man
he wasted no time in rushing to his feet and swiveling around, looking for where your attacker had run off to
and when he saw the man hastily walking away, clutching his stomach where you had punched him, Samatoki only saw red
it didn’t take the Yakuza boss long to run the man down, catching him by the arm and throwing him on the ground
“You think you can fuck with my girl and get away with it? You bastard, I’ll tear you to pieces!”
Samatoki is only vaguely aware of himself as his fists fly, punching the attacker over and over again with rage
when the man was black and blue and Samatoki was satisfied that the man would never touch anyone ever again, he got to his feet, wobbling slightly as he panted
at this point, his fists were painted red, but the pain didn’t register as Samatoki quickly went back to your side
he slowly caressed you, holding your head in his lap and calling out your name gently
“Come on, princess. Time for you to wake up so we can get you home.”
it took a while, but eventually you regained consciousness, holding tightly onto Samatoki, not wanting him to leave your side
he asked you if you wanted to go to the hospital but you just shook your head, asking him to take you home instead
with a kiss to the temple, Samatoki picked you up onto his back and began to carry you home, eager to get away from your attacker
but not before placing a convenient call to Juto, telling him to pick up some trash to throw in jail
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Juto Iruma
as soon as Juto heard your cry for help, his walk to your location quickly became a sprint
and once he rounded the corner to find your attacker crawling towards your still body
Juto took in his surroundings quickly and with the expertise of a policeman who had been in the force for long enough to know exactly what to do
although his heart lurched at the sight of you, he kept his calm and immediately sprung into action
Juto could see the man trying to pull you away towards the parking lot, and that was enough for him to take legal action
he pulled out his gun in one smooth motion, declaring that he was a police officer and that the man should freeze
all the while, Juto quickly made his way over to you and whenever the man would try to move, Juto was quick to raise his gun
“Stay right where you are, bastard. Hands in the air and don’t even try to run or I promise you I’ll pull the trigger.”
the attacker dropped you, making Juto his as you fell to the ground limply once more
after a few more back and forths, your attacker finally groaned in defeat, putting his hands in the air and declaring that he didn’t do anything wrong
but of course, Juto just ignored him, pulling out his handcuffs and cuffing the man, leaving them on just a bit too tight
as soon as the man was cuffed, Juto turned his attention back to you
he called for a squad car to take the man into the police precinct and an ambulance for you as he knelt down beside you
he kept a close eye on the man, but almost all of his attention was now on you, worried that you were still unconscious 
he checked your pulse to make sure that you were still doing okay, but his chest was still burning with anxiety
“Come on sweetheart, I need you to open those pretty eyes for me.”
when you finally came back around, the first thing you saw was Juto looking down at you with concern, and you knew everything was going to be okay
Juto doesn’t give you a choice and forces you to take the ambulance to the hospital where he never leaves your side for a moment
he definitely feels a little guilty for not reaching you faster, thinking that the man wouldn’t have attacked you if he had been there with you
but he’s just happy that he was able to save you in time and that you’re safe with him now 
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Riou Busujima
Riou was only a few feet away from your work when he heard you screaming for help
his military training kicked into overdrive as he called your name, rounding the corner to find your attacker pulling you down to the ground
it only took a moment for Riou to realize that you had gone limp and as his eyes flickered towards the man standing over you, they darkened over 
in moments he was racing towards the man
the attacker saw Riou and struggled to get to his feet, immediately becoming nervous at the size of Riou
regardless, the man tried to fight back, lifting up his hands preparing to punch away
but he was no match for your boyfriend who had all of the extensive training required for moments like these
at first, Riou debated pulling out his hypnosis microphone, but then he decided that your attacker wasn’t even worth it
the fight only lasted a few moments and it was barely enough to even be called a fight at all
Riou hadn’t meant to knock the man out, but his punch had been just a little stronger than he had anticipated
after a swift kick to the legs, the man ended up sprawled on the ground beside you, groaning out in pain before quieting 
Riou wasted no time in dropping to your side, quickly checking your body for bruises, any external injuries or any sources of blood
as soon as he saw your head bleeding, he knew that you must have gotten knocked out from the fall, and he pulled out a clean bandana, expertly wrapping it around your head 
Riou quickly called an ambulance, giving them your work address and diligently explaining everything that had happened
for good measure, he texted Juto about what happened, wanting the policeman to make sure the creep was locked up for the maximum amount of time possible
Riou stayed by your side for the entire ambulance ride, and when you finally awoke with a start at the hospital, he was the first to take your hand
“It’s alright, darling, you’re safe. We’re at the hospital. Everything’s okay now, I promise.”
his voice was sweet and warm and you trusted him unconditionally making you breathe out a sigh of relief
Riou quickly explained all of the events that happened after you fell unconscious and he was quick to apologize for not getting to you sooner
but you just shook your head and thanked him for saving you, as he took your hand into his own and kissed the back of it wit a grateful smile 
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hypmic-writings · 2 years
almost everyone already have a scenario about having a sister. So how about jyuto and jyushi with little sister
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Pairing: Juto Iruma x sister!reader; Jyushi Aimono x sister!reader
Genre: Fluff; Platonic
Warnings: None
A/N: This was cute to write out! I love platonic requests and I also love sibling relationships so it was funny to look at Juto and Jyushi through that lens. Hope you enjoy~
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Juto Iruma
as Juto’s younger sister, there’s a bit of an age gap between the two of you (5-7 years) but that doesn’t stop Juto from still being in your life
he was definitely a mischievous older brother when the two of you were younger and he always used to play pranks on you
whenever you would cry and run to your parents he would get scolded but it never really stopped him from poking fun
things were never malicious though, just small things that brothers do to annoy their little sisters 
because of the age gap, Juto started to get a bit distant from you when he entered high school, not wanting to hang around his young baby sister
this made you sad of course, but you were in totally different schools and the two of you just sort of did your own thing
even at home, you would barely see each other since Juto would always come back late from studying/partying and you were up early for school that started before his
so you don’t really go to him for advice or comfort because he’s already out of the house once you enter high school
after you finished high school though, the two of you suddenly became close again
with an increase in maturity, you were both able to connect about real world, adult problems and because you didn’t have any other siblings, you used each other to reminisce about the old days
whenever you go home for the holidays, the two of you are always laughing and joking with each other
and Juto’s always giving you amazing presents for your birthday and Christmas 
even if you don’t agree with each other, you always back each other up to your parents or to anyone else who hates on either of you
you always make sure to keep in touch and even though the texting chain can go silent for a week or two, it always picks back up
because you both love each other and really do want to be a part of the others’ lives
you hype him up for the police academy and although he was hesitant to tell you about the hypnosis mic stuff, you actively root for MTC
you always meet up for wine nights once a month and that’s when you both drink and spill all the family gossip or happenings
while the two of you are never extremely close or best friends, you always make it known that you’re there for each other 
overall it’s a very constant, reliable sibling relationship that you’re both grateful to have
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Jyushi Aimono
you and Jyushi are extremely close as you’re only two years younger than him and everyone mistakes you for twins
although you’re the younger one, you’re always looking out for Jyushi and standing up for him when he needs you
growing up, you were always careful to make sure he had Amanda and that he was feeling okay in any crowds you were in
the first two years of high school was hard for him because you weren’t there, but as soon as you come in, he feels like he can be himself again and stand up for himself
of course, you have a reputation and everyone knows as soon as you get into high school that if they bully Jyushi they’re going to have to deal with you
at home, it’s the same way, whenever your parents are out or too busy to take care of you or Jyushi, you step up to the task and make dinner or comfort him 
on the other hand, whenever you’re having a bad day or if you’re feeling overwhelmed, it kind of forced Jyushi to step up a little too
he wants you to know that you can rely on him too so he’ll force himself out of his box and comfort you and give you a shoulder to cry on
the two of you were definitely inseparable when you were younger
always singing songs together in the basement on the old karaoke machine, pretending you were rock stars
the fact that Jyushi was able to have a safe space around you was a main reason he was able to create his stage persona
he was able to be comfortable with you and you helped to give him the confidence he needed to really come out of his shell, even if it was just for a crowd of stuffed animals in your basement
even as the two of you get older, you continue to support Jyushi, always going to his concerts and to his hypmic battles
you’re proud that he’s come so far and likewise, as Jyushi gains more confidence, he starts to be able to look after you more
you’re constantly texting each other and Jyushi’s always encouraging you in school and to do what you’re passionate about 
overall it’s a very close relationship that starts out as fairly codependent but changes into support that both of you offer to each other as you grow older and become adults
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hypmic-writings · 3 years
hi hi hiiii!! i want to request mtc accidentally saying mean words to their fem s/o because they’re stressed, but the s/o was stressed too so she couldn’t handle the words that they said to her (・・?) hurt/comfort please <3
please remember to take good care of yourself! have a nice day!
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Pairing: Samatoki Aohitsugi x reader; Juto Iruma x reader; Riou Busujima x reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: None
A/N: This one was a bit tough to write because I love my MTC boys and angst/hurt is always tough, but it’s such a realistic request that I enjoyed writing it out. This is so common in relationships, and nothing is ever perfect, so I think it’s definitely worth fleshing out. Hope this is along the lines of what you wanted~
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Samatoki Aohitsugi
“Can you just shut up for five fuckin’ seconds?”
Samatoki’s words are said in frustration as he struggls to figure out a plan to save his Yakuza members from a framing operation done by a rival gang
unfortunately, you didn’t know this and you had been trying to get Samatoki’s attention for some comfort after a horrible day
so when you hear the anger in his tone, your mind immediately goes to the most negative place possible 
and you pull away from him, rushing to your room and mumbling out some excuse that you’re tired and want to lay down 
it only takes Samatoki a short while to realize that his words were the reason for you taking off in such a hurry and as soon as the realization hits him, he groans and brings a hand up to his forehead
he was so stressed out and focused on his own problems that he hadn’t even thought about you or your feelings
at first he’s angry - why would one passing comment make you so mad? He was obviously busy and stressed out, so why would you be so irritating to him in the first place?
but then he sighs because he knows that he shouldn’t be snappy with you, no matter how he’s feeling and that he should have just told you he was stressed rather than lashing out
so Samatoki puts down the papers he’s looking at and walks over to the bedroom with one hand sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck
when he knocks on the door, you tell him to ‘go away’ but he doesn’t listen and slowly opens the door
he can see you hiding under the covers as a lump in the middle of the bed, and he crawls over to you, wrapping his arms around your form and pulling the covers back slowly
the first thing he sees are your puffy, red eyes and guilt floods him, making him want to pull you in closer
he hates seeing you cry, but the idea that he was the reason you were crying is too much for him to bear
he apologizes, of course, and tells you that he shouldn’t have snapped at you, that he loves you and that he never meant to hurt you
it doesn’t take long before you’re apologizing for annoying him and not realizing how stressed he was and crying again
but this time, it’s with your face buried in Samatoki’s chest as you recall all of the events of the horrible day, telling him how stressed you are
Samatoki listens and kisses your head and tells you that he’s stressed too, so maybe the two of you can just lay there in bed for a while and be stressed together
to which you laugh through your tears and nod, forgiving him as the both of you promise to work on your communication
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Juto Iruma
“I don’t have time to waste with you today.”
when Juto snaps his words at you, it’s because he’s swamped with multiple cases that he’s working at the same time for the police force
he’s not the only one that’s stressed out though, and you can only stand there with wide eyes as you take in his words
you’re day was also stressful and you had just wanted to take a break to get some food or some fresh air 
you hadn’t expected your boyfriend to snap at you or tell you that you were a waste of time and the words hit you harder than you had expected or that Juto had ever meant for them to
Juto is still staring at you when he sees the change in your face, smile fading and giving way to hurt as you turn away from him
you excuse yourself and decide to leave on your own, grabbing your keys quickly and hurrying out the door before the tears can begin to grow
he calls out to you, but you don’t stop, and soon Juto is alone in the apartment, sighing and hanging his head low
he thinks back to what he says and cusses under his breath, realizing that you might have taken his words to mean that you were a waste of time 
even though he had only meant to say he was too busy with his cases to leave the house
he’s angry with himself for saying something so petty and his cases are forgotten as the only thoughts in his mind are of you and how he can apologize to you
he’s on his feet in moments, now more stressed than ever, as he leaves to go chase after you, knowing exactly where you’re going
and it’s only a short time later that he finds you pulling up to the convenience store and he calls out your name
Juto stops in front of you, panting a bit since he was running, and he apologizes, saying that he was an idiot and that he didn’t mean what he had said to you
he explains that he has multiple cases he’s currently working, and that he was just stressed out which is why he said what he did
and he also tells you that he didn’t mean to say you were a waste of time because he loves you and always loves spending time with you
you feel a bit of relief that he wasn’t angry with you and you pull him in for a hug, kissing his jawline and mumbling that he shouldn’t say those kinds of things, even if he is angry
you tell him that you were stressed out too which is why his words hit you so hard and why you wanted to take a break in the first place
which makes Juto feel even more guilty as he takes your hand and asks what he can do to make it up to you
but you just give him a small smile and say that you’ll forgive him if he promises to take a break with you and get some food
to which he kisses your forehead and agrees, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and holding you in close to him as the two of you go off to take a break from all of your stressors 
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Riou Busujima
“I don’t really care what you do.”
Riou says these words in a faraway tone as he stares into the firepit, contemplating why he received a letter to meet from a disgraced member of the naval forces 
however, you had asked him a rather serious question about your work life and the fact that he was being so dismissive made your heart ache
the day had been unusually long and stressful, and the last thing you had expected was for your usually caring and loyal boyfriend to be so dismissive of you
you can’t stop yourself from getting upset, standing up and walking away from the fire and towards Riou’s tent, just to be away from him
rather than feeling sad, you’re mostly feeling upset that Riou isn’t taking your own problems seriously 
it takes Riou a moment to realize that you are no longer seated by his side and when he does, he looks around for you in confusion 
when he sees you standing by the tent and leaning against a tree, he stands up and walks over, asking if you’re okay
you can only stare at him blankly before muttering out ‘oh, now you care about me?’ 
to which Riou just stands there like a fool, trying to remember what he said or did to make you upset
when he finally remembers the words he had casually said in passing, he realizes just how rude he might have come across 
he immediately apologizes to you, explaining that he’s a little stressed out and that he wasn’t thinking when he said those words
but you just fire back that you’re stressed out as well and you had thought that you could count on him for support instead of harsh words
Riou drops to his knees, practically begging you for forgiveness and saying that it was entirely his fault, of course he cares about you, and that he should have been paying more attention to you and your needs
he had been so stressed out about the letter he received that he had dismissed you and made your problems seem less important
now it’s your turn to sigh as you kneel beside him, running a hand through his hair and saying that it’s not only his fault, and that you should have realized that he was going through a stressful time too
the two of you stay seated on the ground for a moment before Riou stands up and reaches down to pick you up princess style and making you yelp in surprise
he simply says that it’s cold and that you should sit by the fire so that the two of you can properly talk about what’s stressing you both out
you agree and the two of you snuggle into each other and spend the rest of the night voicing out your conflictions and talking about why your respective days were so stressful
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hypmic-writings · 2 years
Hey, I've just sent you a donation on kofi. I'd like to know if you could write something featuring Jyuto as he realizes he's falling in love with a guy or something like that please ? Love your content, keep up the good work :3
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Characters: Juto Iruma x male!reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,888
A/N: Okay, this was definitely one of the most fun things to write, I really loved the prompt and thank you so much for letting me run with it, I had a great time writing it out! Hope you enjoy~
You can request your own fic by going to my KoFi right here~ 
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Juto sighed as he leaned back in his chair, pulling down his glasses to massage the bridge of his nose. It seemed that every day he was getting a new case, and they were beginning to pile up on his desk faster than he could take care of them. He took pride in always being on top of his paperwork, and this was beginning to frustrate him more than he had expected it to.
“Hey, Iruma! Woah, it looks like a tornado blew through here.”
Juto immediately swirled his chair around to find you standing over his desk, staring down at him with arms resting on the divider of the cubicle. Y/N Y/L/N. Juto had seen you around the office recently and picked up almost at once that you were one of the new detectives hired to the office. He took a moment to look you up and down, studying you intently.
There was something different about you that was pulling him towards you, almost like a gravitational pull but he couldn’t quite put his finger on what that was. As Juto tapped his pen against his chin, staring you down, you stood there quietly, still with a nervous smile on your face. You hadn’t meant to irritate him, you only stopped to make small talk with a new coworker but you seemed to have said something to make him mad because he was studying you like a specimen.
“Yes, I’ve been given many more reports to fill out than usual,” Juto suddenly said after a few moments. It took you a second to realize that he was responding to your comment about his desk and you nodded towards him.
“Oh yea, I heard they changed up some of the staff,” you pitched, conversationally. “Maybe they’re giving you the good stuff cause the newbies can’t handle the big cases yet,” you chuckled with a shrug. Juto eyed you from the side, but allowed himself a small smirk.
“Wouldn’t you be one of those ‘newbies’?” he asked, making you falter.
“What? Oh, no…I mean…I was referring to the new officers, I’m a detective…but I’m still new though! I mean, I’m new but I’m not new,” you rambled. “I was transferred here from another department,” you finally managed to say.
Juto watched you stumble over your words with a humorous glance, and to his surprise, found it endearing rather than annoying. He was so used to dismissing his coworkers, but again, you struck a chord with him in a positive way. Before he could stop himself, Juto began to speak.
“Have you been around the office yet? I can show you around,” Juto suddenly said, surprising both you and himself. Your eyes widened slightly at the offer, but you quickly melted into a smile as you nodded.
“Sure, that would be great! I kind of only know where my desk is…and the kitchen too,” you chuckled. “But even then, I only know the coffee maker.”
Juto chuckled at your comment and shook his head.
“Rule number one: the coffee in the kitchen sucks. If you want good coffee, go sneak up to the fifth floor conference room. That’s where they keep the good stuff,” Juto explained, standing up from his desk and shoving his hands into his pockets. You let out a sound in awe as Juto motioned you to follow him with his head.
The two of you walked through the precinct, Juto leading with you right on his trails. To all of the other detectives and officers, you looked like a lost puppy trying to keep up with Juto and navigate the office floor and to be honest, that’s kind of how you felt.
The station you had transferred from had been one in a small town far north of Tokyo. You hadn’t mentioned it to Juto because you hadn’t wanted to be laughed at like the other officers had done in the days prior. Yokohama was a busy part of the city and it had much more crime than your small fishing village of a hometown.
It had been exciting at first, and it still was, but the reality was beginning to sink in and it made you wonder if you were really up to the challenge of being a detective here.
“And that’s the captain’s office. Don’t go in there unless you seriously need to talk to him, and even then, make sure you set up a meeting ahead of time. He gets crabby pretty easily,” Juto explained with a huff. You grinned at him and rubbed your neck sheepishly.
“I feel like I should have written some of this down,” you laughed.
“Probably,” Juto shrugged. “But if you forget any of it, you know where my desk is,” he added with a pat to your arm.
As soon as his hand touched you, both of you faltered.
To you, it was instant. You knew as soon as your heart started pounding away in your chest at the touch that your body was having a reaction. Juto was incredibly handsome, after all, and you were only a man. You couldn’t help that he had such an effect on you.
With Juto, it was a little different. When he patted your arm playfully, there was a sort of warmth he felt inside. It was small and he wasn’t sure what it meant, but he liked the feeling of it. Perhaps it was because your sunny demeanor had put him in a good mood or maybe it was something more.
Juto had been with both men and women before in a more…carnal sense. He was never one to be picky and the world had too much to offer for him to be close minded. He knew what it felt like to sexually desire someone, and although you were very attractive, Juto knew it wasn’t as simple as a sexual attraction. Juto took another moment to look you up and down before dismissing his thoughts, pushing them down and leaving it to be resolved at a later time.
*  *  *
A month later you found yourself at Juto’s desk once more, asking him about a case you were working on. The two of you had become quite close in the past few weeks, and you were always bouncing ideas off one another. Juto had intimate knowledge about Yokohama and you marveled at him every time he was able to quickly deduce facts in your case simply based on the geography of the city.
It was abundantly clear to you that you found Juto attractive, but you were dead set on having it be an admiration from afar. You just got this job and you didn’t want to do anything to ruin it.
“Hey! Iruma! Y/L/N! There you two are!” a voice called out. Both of you turned to face a handful of your coworkers rounding the corner. Juto instinctively tried to hide himself from view, but you waved with a friendly smile at the fellow officers, making Juto curse you for being so personable.
“Afternoon! What are you all up to?” you asked, tilting your head a bit.
“We’re all planning on getting some drinks together with the newbies. You should join!” one of the officers said, smiling at you. You nodded back to her and turned to Juto.
“Sounds like fun, I’m in!” you chirped, turning towards Juto. “Wanna come with us?” you asked.
“No,” Juto immediately responded. Your face fell and you frowned.
“What? Why not? Please come! It’ll be fun!” you chirped.
Juto looked at you with all intention to turn you down, but when his eyes met yours, he faltered. He was getting used to your presence, but your puppy dog eyes were something he had not encountered yet and he was frozen. Your eyes were shiny as you begged him to come drink with you and he found himself unable to say no.
“Fine,” he said, making the others cheer in disbelief.
“Woah, Iruma, really? You’re always way too busy to go out drinking with us!” they exclaimed, laughing and eyes Juto. He merely shrugged.
“I said I’d come along. I’m not drinking any of that cheap shitty beer you buy,” he added with a smirk, making the officers groan appropriately. You raised an eyebrow at Juto and chuckled.
“Their beer is shitty?” you asked with humor.
“No, my palate is simply superior,” Juto responded, shooting you a wink before turning back towards his desk. You felt a warm shiver at his wink, but reminded yourself that it most likely wasn’t anything flirtatious and waved at him as he said he would meet you later that night at the bar.
Juto, however, was already dying inside. The past few weeks had brought the two of you closer and Juto could feel himself getting more and more comfortable around you – a state that he hated to be in. He was always wary of others and tended to keep them at an arm’s length, but there was something about you that was different. You made him feel as though he could put his guard down and that made him anxious.
He would have to keep an eye on you.
*  *  *
Juto stared at you from across the table as one of his coworkers pushed another drink into your hand. You, along with the few other new members of the Yokohama police force, were now sufficiently drunk and it was a sight to behold. A handful of your coworkers were singing karaoke in the corner, while some others were drunkenly telling jokes. You, Juto, and two others were sat together chatting and laughing, as all of you were feeling the liquor.
Except for Juto, of course.
“Juto!” you exclaimed, your words slightly slurred. Your tie was slightly coming undone and you had popped off the top button of your shirt, exposing a small bit of your upper chest, but you were too tipsy to care. “Juto, you should drink more!” you said, scootching over your other two coworkers to get to Juto’s side. You practically fell into his lap as you pressed into him, making him raise an eyebrow at you.
“Oh really? Well I think it might be time for you to switch to water,” Juto said with a smirk. You groaned and shook your head, reaching for the bottle of sake on the table.
“No way, this stuff is too good! Plus, the others said they would pay! We gotta take advantage of it,” you chuckled. Juto watched you closely as you took another swig of the sake, adam’s apple bobbing as you did. He quickly turned his head away, but that didn’t stop his stomach from squeezing in his chest.
What was it about you that drove him crazy like this?
There was a sudden crash in the corner, and you all booed as you looked to see that one of your fellow officers had almost fallen over and crashed into the drink cart. Some started laughing, but your coworker sitting next to you sighed.
“That’s probably our sign to head out for the night,” she said with a chuckle. Juto took a sip of his beer and grimaced.
“I agree,” he said.
“Wait what? But it’s still so early!” you whined, looking up as the others began to make their way out of the booth. Juto beckoned for you to follow him and you groaned but obeyed nonetheless.
“It’s well past 1am now,” Juto pointed out, showing you his phone. You squinted at the brightness but then let out a laugh.
“Wow! I guess time really flies when you’re having fun,” you chuckled, slowly making your way towards the exit.
Juto could see that you were swaying slightly, but you weren’t nearly as drunk as he had thought you were. Perhaps you had been sipping water without him knowing. As the rest of your coworkers began to flood out of the bar, you waved at them and told them to have a good weekend.
“Thanks for coming, Juto!” you exclaimed, giving Juto a smile and a shoulder clap. “I know you hate all this workplace bonding stuff so I really appreciate it,” you laughed, taking a sip of the water bottle you had snagged from the bar. Juto raised an eyebrow.
“Is that what you think? That I don’t like team bonding exercises?” he asked, slightly amused. You laughed heartily as you began to walk down the street to the bus stop.
“Yea, am I wrong? You always say how annoying some of our coworkers are and I never see you hang out around the break room or anything,” you shrugged, still smiling. You mind was functioning, but slightly hazy and your filter was gone as it always was when you drank.
“You think I’m standoffish?” Juto asked, his tone curious.
“No, I think you’re reserved,” you said, pointing at him with the water bottle. “You don’t like to get close to people so you hide behind an exterior of haughtiness.”
The train doors opened and you mechanically walked in, Juto following you close behind. You had stunned him with your answer.
“Oh really? Tell me more,” he demanded, leaning up against the subway poll as you sat down in a seat with a groan.
“I mean, this is all just speculation,” you said with a wave of your hands. “I think you’re scared of being seen as weak if you show your faults to other people. So by keeping them at arm’s distance, they only ever see your accomplishments or your good side, or anything else you curate to show them,” you state.
Juto stared at you with a curt expression, calmly and stoically, but on the inside, he was panicking. How were able to articulate his thought process so well? You’d only known him for a month and you were already so much closer to knowing the real him than anyone else in the office.
Was it because he had spent more time with you than the others? Had he gotten lazy and dropped his guard? He must have, otherwise there’s no way you would know all this.
“You’re wondering how I know all this, right?” you asked with a laugh, running a hand along your jawline.
“What, are you psychic now too?” Juto asked, trying to remain calm.
“No, I’m just a detective,” you shrug. Juto took a deep breath and shook his head. You must have been a damn good detective to figure all that out about him.
“Listen,” you said, getting up as the train pulled into your station. “You don’t have to worry about it, I’m not gonna talk about you behind your back or anything. I just like spending time with you and want you to know that you don’t have to do all the bullshitting with me,” you explained as the two of you walked off the train. “I mean I’d see right through it anyways,” you added with a cheeky smile.
Juto hummed slightly, but didn’t say anything.
He understood now. The way that he had been feeling for you really had been suspicion, but not because you were a threat. It was because you were making him comfortable. You were allowing him to be himself for the first time in a long time and that was something he couldn’t understand. It was something his body told him not to trust.
As Juto looked at you though, drunken smile and tired eyes, he realized that maybe he could trust you. Maybe you were the one person he was allowed to open himself up to. The way his heart always beat around you made him understand it, the way his mind relaxed around you made him understand it, and the way his body always felt gravitated towards you made him understand it.  
He was in love with you.
“Oh shit, this is my apartment,” you suddenly said, stopping on the sidewalk in front of an apartment. “Wait, why did you come all this way with me? Do you live around here too?” you asked, flailing slightly as you looked worriedly at Juto.
Juto took a moment to stare at you and admire your concern for him before he chuckled lightly.
“No, I wanted to make sure you got home okay. I’m going to call a car to take me home,” he explained, shoving his hands into his pockets.  
“Really? That’s…that’s really nice of you, thanks Juto,” you said, heart fluttering in your chest. You were overjoyed to have gotten to spend the night with the man you were falling hard for, regardless of whether or not he was aware of those feelings.
“Don’t mention it,” Juto said, turning away from you. “You’re the only one at work that’s worth talking to so I didn’t want anything bad to happen to you,” he said, shooting you a wink. You couldn’t stop the smile from rising to your lips as the heat rushed to your face. You shook your head and fumbled in your pocket for your keys.
“Damn, are you always this flirtatious?” you asked under your breath with a chuckle. Juto paused for a moment, as if making the final decision in his head. He waited for your gazes to meet before he spoke once more.
“Only to the people I really…really…like.”
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hypmic-writings · 2 years
Can i request a headcannon where the dummies from MTC or Fp / maybe both have a s/o which has 2 little little brothers around 4 and 7 and how they will act around the kiddos ??? Thank you 🥺 personally my brothers are one of the most important things in my day by day, this request will make me very soft.
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Pairing: Samatoki Aohitsugi x reader; Juto Iruma x reader; Riou Busujima x reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
A/N: I decided to do this one with the MTC boys because it’s adorable and I love them with some good fluff! I think they would all be such good older brothers to any of your younger bros haha I hope you enjoy~
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Samatoki Aohitsugi
we already know that Samatoki is an amazing older brother to Nemu, and he’s going to be just as good of an older brother to your two younger brothers
Samatoki naturally takes on the role of the caretaker to kids because of how he used to take care of Nemu when she was younger
he’ll cook for them just like he cooks for Nemu, and he’s constantly going to make sure that the boys are eating all of their meats and veggies before even thinking about desserts
which makes you laugh because you always have to tell him to finish all of his food and now he’s nagging your younger brothers
I can definitely imagine him saying something like ‘real men eat all their vegetables’
he dotes on them, but he’s not going to be as overprotective with them as he is with Nemu
if you call him up and tell him that your brother came home from getting into fights against bullies, he’s going to be more proud of them than anything else
he’ll help you patch them up too, sitting them down on the ledge of the bathtub and clean up their cuts and bruises, pressing bandaids down on them before giving them a small fist bump and ruffling their hair
telling them that he’s proud of them for sticking up for the little guys
on that note, Samatoki is constantly making sure they know never to take advantage of the weak, and to always help those in need
he loves you and wants to treat your brothers just like his own siblings, but not at the expense of his own vices
so he’ll still smoke, but he’ll only do it outside on the patio
and he’ll still drink, but he’ll keep the alcohol on the top shelf and drink at work or when his baby bros are asleep
I can imagine the two of you getting into some arguments about your younger brothers and how you don’t want them to see Samatoki’s life of crime and violence and think it’s okay
but at the end of the day, you love your brothers and you want them to have a good relationship with Samatoki so he also agrees to cut back on the vices from time to time
Samatoki will humor your younger bros, but will never let them win at any video games or sports
he’ll beat them up with nerf guns or make them run after baseballs but it’s all in a cute, brotherly teasing way
he’ll help you babysit them, offering to help them with their schoolwork, grateful that they’re still young and that the math is still easy
whenever it’s time for bed and they ask you both for a bedtime story, Samatoki always struggles to keep it PG, toning down the violence to try to make a good story
overall though, Samatoki loves you and he wants to make sure that he does right by your brothers just as much as he does right by you
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Juto Iruma
Juto never had siblings and he doesn’t really want children yet, so interacting with your kid brothers is a bit tough for him at first
he doesn’t have the most natural reaction to kids, so it’s a bit hard for him to really connect with them
but he loves you and he wants to be close to your family, and he’s never one to turn away from a challenge, so he’s quick to change his ways to make sure that he and your brothers have a good relationship 
it takes him a while to realize that young kids don’t want to go to museums or eat fancy food
but pretty soon he’ll be the cool older brother that’s always buying them dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets or McDonalds
and taking them to amusement parks or to the movies
Juto is definitely the type to set up movie nights and end up watching all of the Disney movies with your younger brothers whenever you ask him to help babysit them
and it gets to the point that he’s watched them a million times and quote all the little kids movies
you find it hilarious because Juto is usually the type to watch artsy indie films, but now he can’t stop quoting Moana and Encanto
your younger brothers are completely unaware of any worries Juto might have and they latch onto him very easily
they’re always trying to tell him the cool things they learned or show him their favorite toys or games
sometimes your brothers tag along with you on date nights and they quickly end up becoming game nights
Juto was a bit frustrated by this at first because he wanted you all to himself and it was annoying to have to share you
but he’s quick to give into your brother’s demands, because they really are adorable and it’s clear that they love you too
so you’ll all sit down and play candyland or go fish and it ends up being a really fun night and Juto is pleasantly surprised
he’s definitely the type to teach them large words that they can barely pronounce just so that they get excited by it
and he’s also going to make sure they’re doing well in school 
if you ever come to him and tell them that your brothers are being bullied or that there’s a problem at school, Juto won’t hesitate to put on his cop uniform and go help them
speaking of which, your brothers always ask Juto a million questions about his job and beating up bad guys and it’s just another reason they love him
they’re always asking if they can play with his handcuffs or his baton and you have to remind them that they’re not toys
overall, it takes Juto some time to warm up to your baby bros, but as soon as he does, they’re all going to be really close
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Riou Busujima
Riou is immediately in love with your baby brothers and will treat them just like his own family
he’s the type of older brother that is always looking out for the younger ones and making sure they’re staying safe
when you first introduce the boys to him, they’re a little nervous because Riou is so tall and big, but they quickly learn that he’s a friendly giant
he’s always asking if your brothers want to go on walks through the woods or little hikes with the two of you
and whenever the four year old gets tired, Riou just casually scoops him up and puts him over his shoulders
and then the seven year old gets jealous until you have to put him over your shoulders as well
Riou is extremely good at encouraging your baby brothers to try new things and go out and be adventurous
and whenever you go home, your brothers are always asking when they’ll be able to hang out with Riou and have another adventure again
you always have to gently remind him that they’re still really young though, and that they can’t go extreme rock climbing because the younger one is literally four
and Riou just grins and shrugs saying that that’s the age he first learned how to extreme rock climb 
they love hearing all of the war stories that Riou has, and they’re always asking him to tell them more
those are also the stories he tells them for bedtime, but you always make sure that they’re filtered and PG
Riou loves to play games with your brothers and will definitely throw around a baseball with them or even just play tag
he’s the type of person to never run out of energy so he’s perfect to keep your brothers busy whenever you have errands to run 
Riou is the ideal babysitter and is always making sure your brothers stay on top of their schedule, never running late to any practices or daycares they might have to go to
he also encourages a healthy diet and will gladly cook for your younger brothers if you ever don’t have the time
he promises to only use food from the grocery store, but then your brothers get sad that they don’t get to try the grasshoppers that he mentioned eating because they sounded so cool
Riou never really gets nervous around your brothers, and just really wants to have a good relationship with them
he can see how much they love you and how much they look up to you so it’s nice for him to be able to share his love for you too
giant cuddle piles during movie nights are absolutely a thing and sometimes Riou is the last one awake when you and your younger brothers are all hanging off of him sound asleep
and he just smiles and kisses your forehead because he’s so happy to have so many people that he cares for in his life and who care for him in return
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hypmic-writings · 2 years
Here you have a prof of my donation (I know it’s not much but I’m short of money kejsbsksb Bur surely every dolar is at premium!)
Can I make a request with Jyuto having a shy s/o working with him as a police woman but in murder/crime departament? (Not exactly sure how it’s called in english lol), thanks a bunch!
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Pairing: Juto Iruma x reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Word Count: 574
A/N: This one was so cute! I love the idea of Juto having an s/o that works with him from time to time, I feel like that would be right up his alley. Hope you enjoy~
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You frowned slightly at the papers scattered all across the table in front of you showing statistics and crime scene photos. There was almost too much evidence and sifting through all of it was turning out to be a much more exhausting task than you had originally though it would be. 
“Well that certainly looks unpleasant,” Juto said from behind you, peeking out over your shoulder to look down at the photos. You brought your gaze to him and realized that he was pushing a mug of coffee towards you.
“Thanks, Juto,” you said, shyly leaning in to peck a kiss on his cheek. 
The department was busy and bustling outside the glass paneled doors and windows, but it was nice to have a quiet moment alone with your boyfriend. You supposed that you shouldn’t be doing so much PDA during work hours, but you reconciled that almost everyone you worked with was a detective in some way or another and they would all find out about your ‘secret’ relationship at some point.
“Is this all the evidence from the accident on the docks by the harbor last night?” Juto asked, bringing a hand down on your arm reassuringly and rubbing soothing circles onto your skin. You hummed, glancing down at the numbers and names and sighed slightly.
“I definitely don’t think it was an ‘accident’,” you mused. “All the evidence points to foul play.”
There was a brief moment of silence where you and Juto gazed down at the table, each of you deep in thought and working through the evidence.
“It’s frustrating. All of the pieces of the puzzle are here, I just need to figure out how they all get put together,” you mused, bringing up the pen in your free hand to chew the back of it mindlessly. 
You were too deep in thought to notice Juto’s attention had drifted away from the case files and towards you. He took a moment to admire your determination and found himself smiling softly. Your face was always cute like this is, scrunched up and deep in thought, lips pursed and eyes intense. Juto loved watching you work through cases and it was one of his favorite things about working in the same precinct as you.
He leaned down to take your hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it.
“You’re smart, darling,” Juto said, patting the back of your hand and shooting you a wink. “I know you’ll figure it out.”
His words made you turn towards him and you couldn’t help the heat rising to your face as he winked at you. You shot him a knowing look before shaking your head and chuckling lightly.
You were about to respond with some comment about how you didn’t have a choice of whether or not you could solve it, when the door suddenly opened.
“Y/L/N, we need your help. Looks like there’s been some more activity down by the docks. We think the perp might have left some more evidence,” a policewoman curtly said, nodding for you to follow her. You nodded back shyly, but immediately stood up straighter and set down your coffee.
“Thanks for the coffee, Juto,” you said. “I might be home late tonight, but keep dinner warm, okay?” you added, averting your gaze. Juto gave you a smile and kissed your cheek once more.
“Of course,” he said. “Now go out there and kick some ass.”
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hypmic-writings · 3 years
may I request some soulmate AU headcanons with jyuto, rei and someone of your choice, where you and your soulmate meet in dreams ;;3;; and then they recognise you on the street after a couple of dreams. how would they react? would love to read your take on that <3 - duckie anon 🦆
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Pairing: Juto Iruma x reader; Rei Amayado x reader
Genre: Soulmate!AU; Fluff
Warnings: None
A/N: This is such an interesting take on a soulmate AU! It was really fun to do, but I hope it’s okay that I just stuck with Juto and Rei. Hope you enjoy~
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Juto Iruma
The first time you met Juto was in a dream where you were both royalty meeting at a ball
it was almost magical, and there were many other dreams after that, but none quite as memorable as the first
Juto remembered spotting you in his dream and instantly feeling like everything in the world made sense
and when the two of you spent the rest of night dancing and talking, it was clear to him that you were more than just a dream
it was well known that soulmates met in their dreams, and after having endless conversations together in your nighttime ventures, it was clear that you were the one meant to be his soulmate 
Juto was embarrassed to admit the rather large amount of time he spent trying to search for you in police records, or find anything about you in the real world
what made it even more difficult is that he never remembered your name
he could remember your face, what you were wearing, even the things that you talked about
but your name was something that always eluded him
one day, he agreed to walk the patrol route of a fellow officer in return for a few favors he owed
he had never been to this part of town, so he was paying much more attention to his surroundings
and that’s when he spotted you
he froze in place, with wide eyes, trying to figure out if he was in a dream and if he had accidentally fallen asleep on the job
but sure enough, this was real and he found himself running back over to you, calling out for you to wait
you turned around and when your eyes met his, you caught your breath
you could immediately place him, never able to forget the face of your soulmate that had visited you in your dreams so often
it still seemed so unreal and the two of you just sort of stared at each other for a moment before Juto shakily pointed at you
“You! You’re from...the dreams!” he exclaimed, still somewhat shocked at the unexpectedness of everything
he internally curses, knowing that any suave appearance he tried to recreate was gone and replaced with pure excitement
you could only break out into a grin as you nodded and introduced yourself, saying that you never expected to meet him on the street of all places
it’s a little awkward at first, but you can tell that Juto wants to spend some time with you and he can also tell that you’re excited to meet him
so you quickly exchange contact information and agree to meet up for lunch later
and when you finally say goodbye, sticking out your hand for him to shake, he takes it and you both feel a shock run through you, and it’s almost like an invisible sign that you are true soulmates
Juto takes advantage of the moment to give you a small chuckle, bringing the back of your hand to his lips, exactly how he did in the first dream you ever shared at the ballroom
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Rei Amayado
Rei knows all about the stories where you meet your soulmate in your dreams, but he never truly believes in them
not until he begins to dream of you 
in all of the dreams you visit him in, he tries to play his usual games with you, figure you out, or see what he can get from you
but you just smile and the conversation always ends up being brought back to Rei with you asking things about him and wanting to get to know him better
Rei isn’t used to telling people anything about himself, but whenever he tries to lie to you, he physically can’t say anything that’s not true
he finds out that in his dreams, he always has to be honest and unfiltered
at first, he tries to stay up and never sleep, but that plan backfires when he accidentally falls asleep and dreams of you again
eventually, he gives up trying to put on any type of charade and just embraces the fact that maybe he doesn’t have to be anyone but himself around you
especially since he only ever meets you in his dream and it’s not like he’ll ever see you in the real world
until he does
it happens suddenly, as most things do in his life, at a party hosted by the Party of Words for all of the members of Chuuoku
Rei goes at Otome’s behest, and although he doesn’t really want to be there, his entire world changes when he spots you, the soulmate of his dreams casually asking the bartender for a drink
he debates leaving the party and forgetting that he ever saw you, but something inside of him is burning with curiosity 
if you really are his soulmate then maybe you won’t be temporary and surface-level like all of the other relationships he’s had
so he bites his pride and makes his way over to you, stopping only to tap you on the shoulder and say a slightly sensual but very cheesy line
you turn around in confusion, but as soon as you realize that the man in front of you is the soulmate you’ve visited in dreams, you take a step back in surprise, almost tripping over your own feet
it doesn’t seem real to you, but as Rei reaches out for your hand, you have to admit that this isn’t a dream and is very much reality
at first you’re shocked, only able to tell him your name and stare at him, because it’s easier to talk to someone in a dream where there are little consequences, and much more difficult when they’re right in front of you
Rei notices your hesitations, and wastes no time in flagging down the bartender to get you another drink 
because he also thinks that things feel different here in the real world than in the dream world
but he’s determined to get to know you more and test whether fate was right in making the two of you soulmates
so he ups the charm factor, trying to make you as comfortable as possible, and doesn’t stop until he’s got you smiling 
and then he’ll offer to sit down with you, saying that the two of you have quite a bit to catch up on
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hypmic-writings · 3 years
Im not sure if you do kids but if so, id love some Ramuda, Ichiro, and Jyuuto raising a little girl headcannons. I hope youre well!
Hello! Could I ask for a one-shot where Ramuda has a child with his S / O?, Will he treat him to his real personality when he grows up?, I can't find much of his other side and I need a little of that ;-;. your writings are really wonderful. it's the first time that i've request something, so I really don't know how to do it. I am using google translator so sorry if it is misspelled or if it sounds bad, that is not my intention. anyway thanks for considering my request <3
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Pairing: father!Ichiro Yamada; father!Juto Iruma; father!Ramuda Amemura
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
A/N: Aww, this one was so cute! I love dad headcanons and these three would all be so different but they’d be so cute with little daughters. I’ve done some more Ichiro dad related stuff here and here and one dad!Juto here! I included the other Ramuda request because they were kind of similar, so I ended up writing more for him just to flesh out his dark!side and then general dad headcanons. Hope you enjoy~
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Ichiro Yamada
Ichiro is such a loving, fun dad and he’s always going to want to make sure that is daugher is safe and happy
from the first moment he holds his baby girl in his arms, she becomes the most important thing in the world to him
whenever she cries at night, he’s on his feet and picking her up, cradling her in his arms and rocking her while hushing her gently 
when she gets old enough to start talking and begins to ask him a million question, he’s always pulling her onto his lap 
and then just talking with her for hours about everything and anything she wants to talk about
he always picks her up and puts her on his shoulders, running around and asking her what the view is like from up there
whenever she cries or falls and hurts herself, Ichiro is there with a plethora of little Hello Kitty bandaids to patch her up
Ichiro’s daughter is definitely going to be spoiled rotten because Ichiro has a hard time saying ‘no’ to her
he’s going to try to put his foot down when he has to, but most of the time he gives her exactly what she wants
all Ichiro really wants is to raise his daughter to be strong and kind-hearted to be a good person
so he’s always making sure to be gentle with her whenever she does something wrong
rather than just yelling at her, he always sits her down and tells her why she was wrong and how she can better communicate her feelings
when his daughter’s in school, she ends up writing an essay about the person who inspires her the most
and of course it’s about Ichiro and when she shows him the essay with a little drawing she did of the two of them together, Ichiro practically breaks down into tears
because he’s so happy that his daughter loves him and looks up to him
as she gets older, he’ll want to take her on different vacations like camping or going to Disneyworld
and when she goes through the middle school phase he’s going to be sad that she doesn’t want to spend as much time with him
but he’s going to take her to all of her sporting events and activities
and is going to be her number one cheerleader at everything she does
he’s the type of dad that demands a hug before his daughter gets out of the car to go to school
Ichiro is also going to be the dad that all his daughters friends think is super cool but to her, he’s just kind of silly and embarrassing
but at the end of the day, they’re close and both love each other
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Juto Iruma
Juto wasn’t expecting to be a father, but once he holds his daughter for the first time, he vows to be a good dad
it’s frustrating for him when she’s a baby and he has to do all the (quite literal) dirty work
but when she becomes a kid and can talk and starts to have that wide-eyed curiosity, Juto loves to pull her onto his lap and talk
sometimes he’ll tease her and use big words and concepts that he knows she doesn’t understand just to confuse her
but he’ll always end up explaining things to her for real just to have her hug him and say ‘thank you’ with a toothy grin
which makes his heart hurt because she’s just too precious 
he definitely keeps a picture of her in his wallet and whenever anyone asks he’ll casually pull it out and play it off like it’s no big deal
even though he secretly wants to show off his kid to everyone
as she starts to get older, Juto definitely brags about all of her accomplishments to the other parents
but he’ll make sure to always tell her he’s proud of her even if she does poorly in a class or fails a test 
because as much as Juto wants to see her succeed, he knows that it’ll only lead to resentment if he tries to push her too hard
he puts her in all sorts of activities and sports, especially expensive ones like horse-riding and fencing 
I can definitely see him becoming her soccer coach after he bullies the previous coach to quit because he didn’t know what he was doing
and then Juto get’s weirdly competitive about it and leads his daughter’s team to victory
Juto’s definitely going to be a protective father, looking out for his daughter and not letting her do things he deems dangerous
which could lead to some arguments and fights when she gets older
but over time his daughter will teach him that he needs to be understanding and more patient
and he’ll work on hearing her side of arguments more frequently
because he really hates getting into arguments with his daughter and would much rather have fun spending time with her
whenever they go on family vacations, it’s always somewhere posh and first class, usually international 
because he wants his daughter to have the finer things in life even if she ends up being spoiled
his daughter definitely has his sense of keenness and slyness too, so the pair end up being lethal together
Juto has 100% used the ‘I’m her father and I’m a cop so if you hurt her I’ll end you’ trope before
and does a complete background check of all of her friends and s/o’s all of the time despite how irritated she gets by it
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Ramuda Amemura
Ramuda never expected to have children, so he’s quite nervous when he finds out that he’s going to have a daughter
he definitely disappears for a while to clear his thoughts and it takes Dice and Gentaro telling him that he’ll be a good dad for him to come back 
because he realizes that he really does want to be a part of his daughter’s life and he wants to do right by her
and he knows the world can be a dark, cruel place, so he doesn’t want her to be alone like she was alone
Ramuda is going to be the definition of over-protective with his daughter, especially when she’s a baby 
he doesn’t like it when other people hold her and if she’s out of his sight for too long he gets nervous
he definitely spoils her rotten and gives her tons of toys and candy whenever she wants it
Ramuda loves to make clothes for her too, sewing them all himself and making her one-of-a-kind outfits that get her lots of compliments at school
even when she’s in high school, she still asks him to make her some dresses or designer fakes and he’s more than happy to do it for her
as she starts to grow up, he’s hesitant to give her freedom and let her go out into the word, but eventually he has to
he’s still protective of her, making sure her school teachers and schoolmates are treating her kindly 
if anyone ever tried to bully his daughter, Ramuda would not take any of that and immediately report them, pretending like he was going through all of the normal channels
but then he would also confront them and literally threaten their lives if they ever spoke to his daughter again
and when dark!Ramuda comes out, those bullies don’t stand a chance
the only thing Ramuda would be worried about is his daughter finding out about his dark side
Ramuda definitely tries to keep his dark side under control around his daughter, wanting her to see his happy, bubbly side instead
he’s always teasing and laughing around her, making jokes and pouting whenever she says something mean to him
taking her on vacation and wanting to do fun activities to spend as much time together as possible
because even though he’s a dad, he still only knows how to mask his true feelings by pretending to be happy all the time
his daughter always comments about how childish he can be sometimes and this will make Ramuda laugh and brush her off
but they’re both pretty close and they have a good relationship
and I can imagine her finding out about his dark side when she’s a little older and instead of being scared away, she hugs her dad
and tells Ramuda that it’s okay before asking him to tell her everything and explain his life when he was younger
and although it pains Ramuda to have to admit his past, he does end up telling her everything because he loves his daughter and it would hurt too much to lie in such a big way
of course, she’s understanding and she tells him that it doesn’t matter to her that he’s done horrible things because he’s been an amazing father to her and she can tell that he’s changed to become a better person
and that’s when Ramuda just breaks down sobbing into his daughter’s arms
because he’s never really felt like anyone would ever be able to accept him the way he is 
and now the one person he actually loves and wants to protect is the one person that allows him to be himself 
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hypmic-writings · 3 years
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Day 4/25 - Juto Iruma
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Pairing: Juto x reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Word Count: 524
Quote/AU: “This is the ugliest sweater I’ve ever seen.”
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“Come on, Juto! Are you ready to go yet?” you shouted out, grabbing your coat and looking around to make sure you had everything you needed.
“Yea, I’m ready, just give me a – ” Juto began, stopping himself when he saw you standing in the living room. You stood in front of him with a blank stare as you tilted your head. He was donning a black, slim fit sweater that held perfectly against his chest and clean pressed dress pants, making you frown.
“Why aren’t you changed yet?” you asked, in confusion. Juto stared at you for another moment before he broke into a smile, chuckling and shaking his head.
“Dear god, what are you wearing?” he asked, walking over to you. You glanced down at the sweater you were wearing and grinned up at him.
“It’s my sweater!” you simply stated, laughing lightly. Juto scrunched his eyebrows together in disbelief, as if he couldn’t believe his eyes.
Your green and red sweater was incredibly chaotic and it was one of your favorite articles of clothing that you owned. It was littered with cats wearing Santa hats dotted with puff balls, reindeers with light up noses, presents with ribbons coming off of the sweater, and, of course, glittery snowflakes.
“I’m sorry, you paid real money for this?” he asked, walking around you to look at the back and see if it was just as glittery and decorated as the front. To his dismay – it was.  
“Of course! It’s my favorite holiday sweater!” you chirped, enjoying his reactions.
“Y/N…this is the ugliest sweater I’ve ever seen,” Juto said, bluntly but with a smile, making you gape at him.
“Hey! It’s not ugly! It’s quirky,” you snapped playfully, giggling lightly.
“No, it’s pretty hideous,” Juto replied with a smile, squeezing one of the puffy balls on the end of one of the cat’s Santa hats.
“Juto, that’s the point! It’s called an ugly Christmas sweater party for a reason. If I wanted to look cool, I’d be wearing the same thing as you,” you said, pressing your finger into his sternum pointedly. “But I’m not trying to be cool, I’m trying to win an ugly sweater contest, and I’ll have you know that I’ve won every single contest I’ve ever entered with this one!” you explained, putting your hands on your hips and proudly showing off your sweater.
Juto let out a sigh, but could only smile at your silly antics. Despite its ugliness, the sweater did have a sort of comfort to it, as if the holidays had spat themselves out onto a piece of fabric. And as he reached out to grab your hand, he had to admit that the sleeves of the sweater were rather comfortable.
“Well, you’re definitely going to win,” he said, leaning in to press a small kiss onto your lips. “The sweater might be ugly, but you, my dear, most certainly are not,” he added with a knowing smile. You couldn’t help but grin at his comment as you continued to hold his hands.
“Thanks for believing in me, babe,” you said, pressing a kiss against Juto’s jawline.
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hypmic-writings · 3 years
Hello! I’d like to request a scenario with Jyuto vampire 😳 like idk Jyuto falling in love with fem s/o which is a human or something like that!! Take care 💗💗
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Characters: vampire!Juto Iruma x reader
Genre: Vampire AU; Fluff
Warnings: Mentions of blood
Word Count: 897
A/N: Hope it's okay that I kind of just took the idea and ran with it! I absolutely love vampire AUs so this one was fun to do, especially for spooky season! Enjoy~
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“Hello, darling,” Juto said as you opened the door. Breaking into a smile, you reached for the flowers in his hands as you threw your arms around him, the chirping of the crickets loud in the nightly air.
“These are gorgeous, thank you so much,” you said, kissing his cheek and taking a moment to smell the flowers as you nodded for him to follow. Thankfully, Juto had been to your home many times and he didn’t need you to invite him in yet again.
You had been dating Juto for just over a year now, and what had started as a roller coaster of emotions and turmoil, deciding whether it was worth trying to find love together even when he was a vampire and you were a mere mortal, ended up as being…a rather normal relationship.
He would often come over to your house for dinner or dates, and while you would spend the night at his place from time to time, he was unable to sleep at your apartment since none of the rooms were light-tight.
In fact, that was one of the projects you were currently working on. Since Juto refused to sleep in a coffin, you decided to take it upon yourself to secure your spare room, making it light-tight and barring all of the windows, wanting Juto to feel just as comfortable in your home as he was in his own.
“Would you still like to go to that Italian restaurant? The reservations last until 10pm,” he proposed, watching you put the flowers into a vase.
“No, I’d rather spend time with you here,” you said, shooting him a smirk. “And besides, I hate it when you just sit and watch me eat,” you added with a knowing grin. Juto smiled and walked over to you, letting his hands rest on your waist as he looked you deeply in the eyes. Your hands instinctively went to his chest as you smiled at him.
“I would not wish to deny you the pleasure of eating,” Juto told you. “It was one of my favorite past times as a human, you know. I loved trying different foods from all different countries…even now I wonder if diet has a certain effect on the way certain humans taste,” he explained, kissing your forehead softly. You let out a small laugh, making Juto raise an eyebrow.
“Are you saying I’ll taste better if I eat some Italian food?” you asked, your eyes sparkling as you teased him. Juto let out a chuckle and shook his head.
“No, my dear, you’ll always taste the same. More than food, it’s the blood type that changes taste,” he said. “And yours just happens to be my favorite,” he added, letting his eyes flicker to the pulse he could clearly hear in your veins.
“My blood type?”
“No, your taste,” Juto mused, whispering into your ear.
His breath was hot in your ears, despite his cold lips lightly touching them, and you felt a chill run down your skin as well as the heat rush to your face at his words. You let out a nervous laugh and turned away from him so that he wouldn’t see your clear reaction to his teasing.
He was always teasing you like that, using words just to make you flustered or saying things out of the blue. You knew you couldn’t hide from him though – you were sure he could hear your rising heartbeat, even if you couldn’t.
“Anyways, we can at least drink together, can’t we? There’s an extra bag of blood in the fridge for you, and I brought a bottle of wine to share so let’s start there,” you hurriedly exclaimed, slipping away from Juto and towards the fridge. The blood bag was still fresh enough for Juto to enjoy and he always said that it tasted better when mixed with a little bit of wine.
“That, I can help you with,” Juto agreed, sauntering over to pull out two glasses and setting them down on the counter beside you.
“Sorry, I’m sure this wine isn’t up to your standards,” you sighed, dramatically, knowing how picky your boyfriend could be about his wines.
Juto was always telling you stories about his time in Europe in the 1800s and how the French region had some of the best wine he had ever tasted. Meanwhile, you had bought a brand name from the corner store just a few hours ago.
“Darling, any wine is better than no wine at all,” Juto reassured you, waiting for you to set the wine down before picking up the class seamlessly.
It was difficult to explain, but you loved watching him do mundane tasks. Even something simple like picking up and swirling a wine glass was made to look effortless and timeless to you, and you hated to admit that you loved to watch Juto simply exist. Every movement he took made it seem as though he had perfected the art of living. You supposed that after living for hundreds of years…perhaps he really had perfected living, even if he wasn’t technically alive anymore.
“To us – a forbidden pair of lovers…a human and a vampire defying fate and finding happiness together,” he exclaimed, leaning the wine glass to you. You smiled at him and nodded, licking your lips lightly before clinking your glass to his.
“To us.”
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hypmic-writings · 3 years
hi bestie can i rq hdcs for jyuto and samatoki where they have a cute detective gf..... its been on my mind help
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Pairing: Samatoki Aohitsugi x fem!reader; Juto Iruma x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
A/N: This one was adorable, I loved writing it! I feel like both Samatoki and Juto would think their s/o was amazing, but if they were a super-smart detective as well? Definitely bonus points haha hope you enjoy~
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Samatoki Aohitsugi
Samatoki loves that you’re a detective...as long as you’re not actively on a case regarding him
the two of you met when you were working a crime scene that Samatoki’s gang had been involved in
but after it was cleared up and nobody was charged, you introduced yourself to him and gave him your card because you can never have too many connections
the two of you kept in contact and what started as work acquaintances ended up becoming a very solid relationship
Samatoki thinks you work too much and you always jokingly tell him that it’s his fault for causing you more work
since both of your jobs can be dangerous, you’re always telling other to be safe before work, and ‘kisses for safety’ is 100% a thing that happens
and if Samatoki wakes up late and you’re already gone, he’s going to be irritated all day that he didn’t get to tell you to be safe
even though he definitely blows up your phone with calls and texts
he also does this if you get assigned to a case outside of the city and have to leave for a few days
but whenever you successfully close a case, Samatoki is the first one congratulating you and urging you to celebrate with him
when you bring your work home with you, Samatoki is simultaneously annoyed and amazed because on one hand, he really just wanted to cuddle with you and eat dinner together
but on the other hand, he loves watching you spread out all of the files and begin intensely working through the papers, jotting things down and filing pictures of crime scenes away
Samatoki is fascinated by how fast your mind works and how good you are at connecting details and deducing facts
he doesn’t hold back in telling you how hot he thinks it is either, and will definitely tease you about how smart you are
he also thinks the faces you make when you’re concentrating are the cutest and he has no shame in pulling you into his arms
“Toki! Let me go, I have to work this case!”
“The case will still be there after dinner. Besides, it’s stressing you out, I can see it on that cute face of yours”
when you tell him that you know Juto and have run into him a few times at work, Samatoki tells you to stay away from him because he’s shady
to which you promptly remind Samatoki that he’s the shady one
he definitely gets annoyed whenever you deduce things about him because he feels like you always know everything going on in his mind
but he likes that he doesn’t always have to explain everything to you and that you can predict his needs well
he’s not the best with his words, so your powers of observation are actually incredibly helpful in the relationship
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Juto Iruma
Juto thinks you’re one of the smartest and best detectives he’s ever worked with
since he’s a police officer, he often works with detectives, helping them solve cases and that was how the two of you met
after the case was closed, he asked you for coffee off the clock and you slowly began to develop a relationship
you both agreed never to talk about work and to keep the relationship under the table from your colleagues 
sometimes you have to bring case files home with you though, and Juto is always more than happy to help you work through them
he’s not going to be happy if you cancel a fancy date night just to order pizza and go through paperwork though
so you’ll have to make sure you give him your time as well
since Juto is still a dirty cop, sometimes you’ll have cases that involve people he knows that he’s blackmailed or framed
and that’s when he’ll get reaaaalllyy quiet and just sip his coffee and tell you that he’s just as stumped as you are about the case
he always ends up telling you the truth though because you already know he does things under the table
you figure that as long as he’s framing the people that did the crime or were part of the group you’re going after, it’s not that bad
Juto always tells you not to over-work yourself, especially when he walks into the living room in the morning to see you passed out surrounded by a giant pile of paperwork
he’s not above threatening people to make sure you work normal hours and making sure that your boss isn’t taking advantage of how good you are at your job
I can imagine Juto being impressed by your powers of deduction and your ability to read him quite easily
sometimes it irritates him since he likes to be a bit more mysterious and secretive about the things he does
but he knows that you’re his girlfriend and that he’s not supposed to be hiding things from you anyways
so it actually helps both him and the relationship because he becomes less likely to hide things from you
since he knows that you’re smart enough to see through him anyways
the two of you really love doing escape rooms together and timing yourselves to see who can solve it faster
and throughout the relationship you’re always testing each other and competing, but it’s always for fun and done lovingly
because Juto really loves and admires you and he can’t even be mad when you win since he knows you’re just too good at being a detective
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hypmic-writings · 3 years
Random confeession headcannon for MTC pleaseee ❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙌🙌🙌💘💘💘 like lit in the most random place to get an confession at. XD like example Samatoki gets suddenly confessed to when the said person barges in 💪💪💪
━━ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ━━
Pairing: Samatoki Aohitsugi x reader; Juto Iruma x reader; Riou Busujima x reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
A/N: This was so cute, especially with the MTC boys! I love the idea of a random confession because it absolutely seems like something I would do without thinking haha hope you enjoy~
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
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Samatoki Aohitsugi
"Samatoki...I've always had feelings for you."
you stare up at Samatoki with starry eyes and Samatoki can do nothing but stare back at you with wide eyes
the sheets that you were helping him fold fresh out of the laundry were still in your hand as you confessed to them
he opens his mouth to respond when the door suddenly flings open
Riou and Juto barge in arguing loudly about whether or not the forest is the best place to have a sketchy undercover deal
they're about to ask Samatoki what his opinion is on the topic
but when they look up to face him, Samatoki is just glaring at them with fiery red eyes and they immediately stop talking
that's when the two of them notice you nervously waving towards them, but before they can say anything Samatoki is growling at them
"Get. Out. Now."
so of course they quickly leave the two of you alone to get back to your conversation because neither of them want to deal with Samatoki's wrath
when they're finally gone, Samatoki sighs and turns toward you
you start to tell him an apology for springing the confession onto him but he talks at the same time so you both awkwardly stop 
you tell him that he can speak first because you want to know his response and he just sighs again
he takes a minute to apologize on behalf of his friends before putting down the pillowcases that he had been holding in his hands 
he rubs the back of his neck sheepishly and he plays with the tag of the pillowcase he just set down with his free hand
"Dammit...I didn't want to tell you like this but yea. I really like you too."
his confession will be short and sweet, but it's going to make your heart sing and you'll know it's real because his cheeks are going to turn pink and he won't be able to make eye contact with you
he hates that the confession happened so abruptly and would have preferred it to be somewhere nice with just the two of you
but he's over the moon that you feel the same way and that the two of you can now be together
he’s already thinking about date ideas and things you can do together for your first date
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Juto Iruma
“Look, if we die right here...I just want you to know I have feelings for you.”
Juto barely hears you talk over the barrage of bullets that are raining down over the two of you so he just gives you a look that says ‘what?’
making you roll your eyes and run over to wear he’s hiding behind a crate, squatting down beside him
you repeat your confession before popping up over the crate ever so slightly to fire your gun back at the perpetrators
when you crouch back down, Juto’s just staring at you, mouth agape as he shakes his head
“I don’t really think now is the best time for that” he shouts, covering you as you aim for the tires of the getaway car
“Now might be the only time!” you shout back over the gunfire
before he can respond again, the two of you are forced to move behind your crate and over to the other side of the warehouse at the request of the rest of your police unit
once the fighting dies down and the shooting stops, you manage to handcuff the last person and throw them into the cop car
“So you really like me then?” Juto says, coming up from behind you with a smirk on his face
you roll your eyes, annoyed that you hadn’t died in the crossfire and that you have to deal with the consequences of your stupidity
you’re about to reassure him that you only confessed because you thought you were about to die, but Juto speaks first
“That’s a bit of a relief actually, since it saves me the trouble of having to work up the courage to confess to you.”
now it’s your turn to be surprised when you realize that Juto feels the same way as he continues to tell you that he’s had feelings for you ever since you joined his police unit
Juto says that he would have confessed to you in a much more relaxed and beautiful setting, but secretly he’s just so happy that you like him back that he doesn’t really care about how or when the confession happened 
he tells you that he knows it’s never a good idea to mix business with pleasure and that dating a colleague could be bad
but that he actually really admires you and can’t help his feelings and finally he asks you out to dinner the following weekend
you accept happily and mentally praise yourself for confessing first, even if it was under less than ideal circumstances
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Riou Busujima
“Well the truth it, I’ve always really liked you, Riou.”
Riou is so surprised at your confession that he barely even hears the cashier say ‘next’ and can barely get his legs to walk over to the counter
he tries to respond to you, but the cashier is already asking him if he’s brought his own bags and if he’s paying with cash or card
he fumbles through the transaction of grocery buying, mumbling a thank you as you stand behind him, awkwardly playing with your hands
you curse yourself for letting such an important thing slip at such a random time, but it’s too late to cover up now
so instead you just take the cart and push it back to the front of the store near the others coming back and offering to carry one of the bags
the two of you leave the store, walking awkwardly in silence for a bit until Riou suddenly stops in his tracks
“Were you serious?” he asks, and you don’t need him to clarify as you slowly nod and smile a bit
you tell him that of course you were being serious and that you’re always had strong feelings for him 
this confession seems a lot more formal and real and you make a mental note to remember this one as your real first confession 
but Riou doesn’t seem to mind and just begins to slowly smile and say that he’s always had feelings for you too
his confession makes you sigh in relief and you finally apologize for springing it on him at such a random time
but he says that there’s nothing to apologize for and that he would have been happy no matter where you confessed because at least now he knows that you feel the same way
“Really, you could have confessed to me anywhere and I wouldn’t have minded, Y/N.”
this only reaffirms your feelings for him as you use your free arm to interloop with his and lean against him
and the two of you feel comfortable again in each others’ presence and can walk home peacefully
talking all about when you first fell for each other and what you want to do for your first date together
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hypmic-writings · 3 years
Hiiii can i pls request for mtc going to a club, like what would they do in a club, would they have a one night drunk, etc hcs plsss
━━ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ━━
Pairing: Samatoki Aohitsugi x reader; Juto Iruma x reader; Riou Busujima x reader
Genre: General
Warnings: Mentions of sex and alcohol
A/N: Wait, this one was so fun to do haha it took me forever to imagine Riou going to a club because for some reason it was just hilarious to me! I added in some headcanons of Y/N being with them at the club, along with some general ones. Anyways, I hope this is along the lines of what you wanted! Threw it under the cut because it got long. Enjoy~
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
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Samatoki Aohitsugi
Samatoki usually goes clubbing either with Juto and Riou, or with some of his fellow Yakuza members
usually when he goes with his gang, the clubs know exactly who they are and they're seated in a VIP lounge, free of charge
but Samatoki actually thinks that's kind of boring because he can smoke and drink all he wants but very few people ever actually approach him
so most of the time, he prefers to go out with other friends or with Juto and Riou, even though they never stick together
Samatoki is almost always leaning up against the bar with a cigarette, watching people dance and drinking until he feels lighter
while he usually pretends to be stoic and cool, once the alcohol hits, he becomes more talkative
he'll only dance when someone pulls him on the dancefloor, which usually happens pretty quickly
if you go to a club with him, he's going to be extremely protective of you, eyeing other men and making sure nobody harasses you
his arm is around your waist the whole night and he absolutely grinds on you in the sexiest way
most of the time you guys have to leave the bar early because you get so wrapped up in each other that you can't keep your hands to yourselves
"God you look so sexy when you dance like that"
"Toki...people are watching..."
"Do I look like I give a shit about them?"
I have a headcanon that he hyperfixates when he's drunk, so if he's dancing with someone, his entire focus will be on them
he's definitely the type to get messy and make out with someone on the dancefloor or grind up on them smugly
somehow, Samatoki always ends up back at the bar and I can imagine him losing track of time just from drinking and dancing
and then when the club closes he just hangs around outside sharing a smoke with some people, chatting and just passing the time until he sobers up a bit
Samatoki is the type to beat up any guys that look like they're harassing women and he feels no remorse (Juto and Riou have had to hold him back multiple times)
he definitely has one night stands from time to time, but he's always good at making sure the other person knows it's casual
and when he takes someone home, he usually does it early in the night so that neither of them are so drunk that they can't consent
usually though, he just walks home, unless he can get Juto or Riou to call him a cab/ride
at the end of his clubbing nights, he always goes home and puts out a glass of water and medicine because he knows he's going to be in a world of pain the next day
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Juto Iruma
Juto knows his way around almost every club that he goes to
as soon as he's in the door, he's immediately walking towards the VIP section and plopping down on the rouge couches, leaning back and surveying the dance floor
he's always dressed impeccable and definitely turns heads when he walks into the club
he definitely spends more than he should on multiple bottles of bubbly, inviting people he thinks are interesting to join him
he has 100% invited Samatoki and Riou to a club, then gone off to the VIP section and told them that they're not worthy of joining him
Riou doesn't really care but Samatoki gets so pissed off and Juto thinks that's hilarious
he definitely hits on all of the women in the club, especially after drinking a few glasses of champagne
although Juto drinks quite frequently, he still doesn't have the highest tolerance in the world
usually he's pretty good about monitoring it, but sometimes he ends up going overboard
when he gets bored of sitting around and talking to people, he'll go dance for a bit, pulling along any of the women he's been talking to
his dancing is always sensual and hot, but he never grinds up on anyone without making sure they're okay with it first
in fact, I can imagine him hating the guys who bother women at clubs and touch them without permission
he thinks they're lowlife scum, and when he's drunk, he likes to make that opinion very well known
he and Samatoki have absolutely bonded while drunkenly beating up men that were harassing people
"You know...you're not so bad, shitty cop" *punches harasser*
"I promise I won't threaten to arrest you ever again...tonight..." *kicks harasser*
he's also definitely been cheered on while arresting creepy men at a club for sexual harassment after they make women uncomfortable
one time Juto drunkenly bought a round for everyone at the bar and the next day he was horrified at his bank statement
he takes people home whenever he feels like he wants to have a one night stand, and he doesn't drink that much on those days
he's always up front about the fact that it's casual, and he'll always make sure they're sober to consent
if you're at the club with him, you're the only one he's looking at
which is good because he's loyal but bad because now all of his grinding and dirty talk and teasing is entirely directed at you
clubbing nights with Juto go hard and they always end up messy in the early hours in the morning after drinking and dancing all night
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Riou Busujima
Riou got dragged to the club by Juto and Samatoki and he's just...so confused
for a while, he just sort of stands around, looking at all the people on the dance floor and kind of in awe at how many people can fit in one tiny club
when Juto gets him his first drink, Riou feels nothing, just shrugging and standing off to the side, swaying to the music
after a couple more drinks though, Riou begins to feel it, and starts dancing which shocks everyone because he's surprisingly good??
I can imagine him overestimating his tolerance since he thinks he's big he can drink as much as he wants and then he gets drunk, but he's not sloppy, he just gets happy and giggly
which annoys Samatoki but Juto finds it hilarious
if he's at a bar instead of a club, I can imagine Riou heading straight for the pool table and the darts
one time he got kicked out because people thought he was cheating but he's just really good
and the more he drinks, the better he gets, especially at darts
I don't think he would make out with people or take any home for the night, but he'll definitely dance with people
I headcanon that Riou doesn't talk a lot though since he doesn't want to shout over the music, so it's mainly just dancing and nodding and shrugging
since he's so big, sometimes he'll walk in between people if he sees any guys trying to harass women
and the guys take one look at him and just slink away
one time he ripped his shirt off when it was too hot in a club and the bouncers didn't even kick him out because everyone was just staring at his muscles like ._.
if you're at the club with him, he's definitely going to want to dance with you and drink with you
he loves going with you rather than alone because he always ends up feeling much more comfortable
the club is one of the only time Riou will initiate PDA, running his hands along your arms and resting them on your waist as you dance
"Riou, where are your hands right now?! Are you trying to flirt with me?"
when you laugh, he actually blushes a little and says that he didn't want to lose track of you
but you both know that drunk!Riou just ends up getting more handsy and happy
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