f-ngrl · 1 year
차우주 - 적응이 안돼 (feat. 유토) (Official Video) 
Carspace - 적응이 안돼 (feat. Juto)
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Juto - Magna Carta 2
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myyworldinadaze · 2 months
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niwow-s · 6 months
Castor of the Stars: Ch 1. Morning in Crayne Institution #19
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Chapter 1:  Morning at Crayne Institution #19
Children of Cese, foundation of Cese, remember your role.
Today we learn, ladders we earn. 
Friends beside us are within adult’s sights. They have reached new heights.
Where will this life take me, higher and higher as it should be.
A song echoes through the giant crystal walls of Crayne Institution #19 in the nation of Cese’s sector #19. A chorus of children sing the lyrics in a large beautiful classroom. 
“Magnificent in stature and accommodations isn’t it?” A boy with blue hair and eyes exclaims to a group of students. 
“It’s even better than number 18!” A girl with blonde hair exclaims with the boy.”
“Right? I can’t wait to see the rest of the facilities.” the blue boy follows up. 
“I do miss number 18 though” A girl with purple hair chimes in. 
“Yea, I can’t believe Hurn didn’t come with us this month, he better show up next month.” the blonde girl tells the group.”
“We’ll be gone by then, I’m thinking of getting to the 20th institution next month and then the 21st the month after that.”
“Aren’t you a little ahead of yourself, Lord Castor sir?” - the light purple older girl said .
Her hair is held up by pink and blue flowers. She approached the blue boy and raised her finger  to poke the boy’s cheek. 
“Hey..” blue boy says
Lord Castor sir! The blonde girl giggles.
“You’re not wrong..I’ll be lord in like 3 years time..probably?”
“Too ahead of himself.” the blonde girl commented.
“What do you think, Juto?” Will you be calling Castor lord before he calls you lord?
The purple-haired girl asks a  young boy of about 6 years old with red hair and eyes.
“It’s going to be Castor. He’s already leading our astrophysics class.” The red boy beams
“But you’ll be after us two, Layne.
the blue boy ruffles the red boy’s hair.
“Our prodigy Lord Juto can’t be wrong” 
“Honestly, I can’t listen to your drivel anymore. I can count the number of actual lords with one hand, what makes you think you’ll end up as one.
Snapped A boy with green hair sitting in the far corner .
“Doen! That was actually so mean. We’re just joking around.” the blonde girl said.
“We must be bothering him. He’s trying his best to follow Miss Synt’s lead and become lord that way”. Layne smiles.
Doen was going to refute what was said but he caught his tongue and irritatingly remained silent.   
… At the front of the class Synt remained reading her book, girl with orange hair.
“Hey Synt, why don’t you come sit with us?”
Might as well mingle, hm?
Today is the first day of class which is always two days after a full moon. The first day after the full moon is spent moving qualified students to their appropriate rank of Crayne Institution. Here in the land of Cese, children from 4 years old are educated until their graduation at 17. 
…I plan to stay focused and graduate by next year.
Alright then… 
Class is starting in 10 minutes. 
Crayne Institution #19 of Cese. Number of students: 10 000 
Castor: 14 years old, male 
Layne: 15 years old, Female
Juto: 6 years old, male
Synt: 16 years old, Female
Doen: 15 years old, Male
Sera:  12 years old, Female
CH. 4 Coming next week
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puddingmilkt · 10 months
[歌詞翻譯] Juto x Jaeha 金濟夏 -  那年夏天 Once In Summer (Prod. Juto)
☆ 그해 여름 ♡ release date: 22.07.31 ♡ from: 그해 여름 (single)
"本著慫貨前男友風格 本想衝動致電你"
就像那時 那年夏天炎熱的天氣
就像那時 那年夏天聞到的香氣
就像那時 那年夏天我們的相遇
就像那時 那年夏天開朗的我們
Ay Girl 看來夏天要來了 baby
Oh 現在這種天氣像話嗎baby
每天都是讓我疲憊的日子啊 plz get out of my mind
即使是這種討厭的季節 冬天來臨時 又會不禁思念
但痛苦終會隨時間流逝 綻放出美麗的花朵吧
在和你有幾分相似的大海 Diving Diving Diving
就像那時 那年夏天炎熱的天氣
就像那時 那年夏天聞到的香氣
就像那時 那年夏天我們的相遇
就像那時 那年夏天開朗的我們
那年夏天 夏天 夏天
那年夏天 夏天 夏天
那年夏天 夏天 夏天
那年夏天 夏天 夏天
久違地想起 比想像中 時隔更久遠
回暖 打開空調 駛經你家門時 偶爾會想 你看見我嗎
悶熱的天氣 掀開被蓋 我要衝動一回 我要衝動購物
衝動打開通訊錄 本著慫貨前男友風格
本想衝動致電你 最後忍住了
但是啊 我倆一起走過的那些街道 我都記得清楚
就像那時 那年夏天炎熱的天氣
就像那時 那年夏天聞到的香氣
就像那時 那年夏天我們的相遇
就像那時 那年夏天開朗的我們
那年夏天 夏天 夏天
那年夏天 夏天 夏天
那年夏天 夏天 夏天
那年夏天 夏天 夏天
I remember every night
失眠 每晚想起你
But I know you'll let me down
所以夏天過後 我會忘掉承載你的所有回憶
就像那時 那年夏天炎熱的天氣
就像那時 那年夏天聞到的香氣
就像那時 那年夏天我們的相遇
就像那時 那年夏天開朗的我們
那年夏天 夏天 夏天
那年夏天 夏天 夏天
那年夏天 夏天 夏天
那年夏天 夏天 夏天
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akkivee · 3 months
saw an article of a fan ranking the hypmic characters based on who they’d like to marry as an older fan and they don’t have bad taste, rosho was number one lmao but what they had to say about doppo actually killed me LOL
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‘i don’t see how he’d be able to make time for me working at that black company. and even if he were to get a job at a better company, I don’t think i can beat out his childhood friend’
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tmntkiseki · 4 months
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We now return with our regularly scheduled TMNT 2003 model sheets and concept art, featuring the Ancient One as well as the Acolytes and the Ninja Tribunal. (I wish there were better model sheets of S4/5 Ancient One and the Acolytes but these are all I got.)
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macy-starmoon · 11 days
another Daisaku headcanon
i have imagine how would Daisaku looks like if he is in 202X mode.(forget the fucking canonically dead lore,please!!)
he would looks like either Juto or Rosho from hypnosis mic.
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Also,Daisaku may wear glasses because his vision gets worse when he working as a bussinessman.(facing on computer screens)
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khlegacynexus · 2 months
Never put off till Tomorrow what can be done today also…..all this lore your learning today
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grimlinateacup · 3 months
I know the fanbase is gonna hate me for this probably comment and start trying to start arguments to why Annabelle isn't literally a sociopath because she cares about one person but i support lenore here, she gagged her.
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t-u-i-t-c · 2 years
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“And what is happening, Mother?”
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hirameko · 1 year
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cyntita28 · 2 years
Los acuerdos...
Un día me senté a hacer mis acuerdos, acuerdos que plantearía si alguna vez empezaba a escribir una historia con alguien <3.
No te faltaré al respeto a ti, a lo nuestro y a mí.
No pienso culparte por lo que descubra de mi a través de ti.
Tomare la responsabilidad de lo que digo y hago.
Soy consiente de mis heridas, mis defectos y mi lado oscuro; por lo que seguiré trabajando activamente en mi crecimiento y sanación.
Aquello que diga y haga tendrá congruencia para no generar inseguridad.
Buscare entender y comprender en una discusión en lugar de ganarla.
Seré capaz de escuchar y hablar nuestras emociones.
Habrá motivación e inspiración a ser mejor.
No voy a minimizar lo que sientas así como mi sentir.
Quiero que no olvides nuestras demás áreas: tu familia, tus amigos, tus hobbies, tu crecimiento y que puedes tener tiempo a solas, eres un ser libre y tu libertad es lo que mas me gusta de ti porque desde ella es donde me eliges.
Mi hogar es un espacio seguro donde podrás habitar con total autenticidad, donde puedes mostrarte vulnerable.
Te prometeré solo aquello que se que cumpliré.
"El amor no duele, el amor es hermoso, tan hermoso que cuando la persona que amamos decide irse, uno lo deja ir sabiendo que en su momento mientras estuvieron juntos se amaron de una forma tan auténtica y real que la partida puede dejar tonos de nostalgia y tristeza, pero también de felicidad al saber que esa persona en plena libertad nos eligió y también eligió partir desde el amor"
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the-tubort · 1 year
Pov: You're a Juto in DonBrothers Episode 46
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doggendoodle · 2 years
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I’M SORRY?!?!?
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akkivee · 14 hours
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RIOS SOLO IS CALLED NO WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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