#k24 turbo
smoketrail · 2 years
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K24 Turbo swapped Ferrari!
(via Speedhunters)
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radracer · 2 years
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Honda Civic 2.4 K24 Turbo Mid-Engine RWD
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rainydaydriversclub · 7 months
ultimate youtube build:
converting a GT86 to FWD using a K24 turbo and running it in time attack events. might actually be a cool build just thinking about it.
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rossluckycat · 2 years
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north east drift club | boyndie, aberdeenshire - 17.07
k24 turbo ae86
owner: stefd3s
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patssecretblog · 7 months
It's kind of cool coming across trans girls that are into 90's JDM cars. I was literally obsessed with cars from like 2007 for a solid decade. I was on the forums like all my free time. The 2000's and early 2010's were like peak car scene, or at least in my area. It was pretty fun.
This is a highway pull from 100km/h. Turbo K24 EK4. From 2015. Not my car, friend's car, I'm filming though.
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3gnoticias · 1 year
Regresan arrancones Vip este domingo, en el Autódromo Francisco Villa
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Con la presencia de los mejores pilotos del estado, en busca de imponer nuevas marcas en la recta del Autódromo Francisco Villa, está listo para celebrar la tercera fecha de los arrancones ¼ de milla en su versión VIP este domingo 7 de mayo.   Pilotos de diferentes municipios llegarán al Autódromo Francisco Villa con ganas de bajar su tiempo e imponer nuevo récord de pista, el cual ostenta el piloto Abe Neufeld, a bordo de un Shelby GT350, preparado por Mendoza Race Engineering de Cd Jiménez, donde el 23 de enero paró el crono en 7.61 segundos, ya que él mismo, pero a bordo de su camioneta "White Shadow", una Colorado Twin Turbo,  puso la segunda mejor marca con 8.08 segundos, siendo hasta el momento el más rápido en el Francisco Villa.Cabe mencionar que en la última actualización de tiempos del evento pasado de arrancones cuarto de milla VIP, arrojo a Memo Mora como el más velos con un tiempo de 9.20 segundos, le sigue Yeyo Chávez  en su Tesla con 9.54 e Issac Janzen  en su Chevrolet Silverado turbo con 9.74. A ellos le siguen  los pilotos Ángel Hernández en su Civic k24 turbo AWD siendo el auto de 4 calibres más rápido, con un 10.09 además de Otto Stege quien en su Corvette ZR1 paro el cronometro en 10.59  e Isaac Ordoñez  en su Camaro ZL1, con un tiempo de 10.94 segundos. Cabe mencionar que en esta sesión de prácticas, los autos podrán rodar las veces que ellos quieran y competir en la modalidad de todos contra todos, sin importar caballaje  y cilindrada, contando con todas las medidas de seguridad, así como un gran ambiente familiar.El costo de entrada para este tercer evento VIP del año será de 300 pesos a gradas en su ya tradicional auto sardina y en zona de pits es de 1,200 pesos para correr e incluye piloto y dos  acompañantes; 250 por persona adicional a pits. Niños hasta 10 años, gratis además que pueden ingresar  comida y bebidas acepto embaces de vidrios.Hay que señalar que las acciones de este evento de velocidad, iniciaran a partir de las 13:30  horas en las instalaciones del Autódromo Francisco Villa, ubicado en el kilómetro 14.5 rumbo a la carreta a ciudad Delicias antes de llegar a San Judas Tadeo.
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defyperception · 2 years
Liked on YouTube: Turbo K24-Swapped Ferrari -- It's DONE! -- Full Build Breakdown! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7E1wPJX26o
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albinounicornz · 2 years
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My Turbo K24-Swapped 1981 Ferrari 308 GTBi (244 GTK) Boston Car Service
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anderhearn · 2 years
Passing Doves - Chapter 4 - Err
"Yeah, Honda K24 turbo swap and a TRQ suspension kit." says Simon as he pours himself a cup of water. 
"That is a nice combo. I heard someone got about 800HP out of that in a Civic. Alright, do you already have the motor and suspension kit or do you want us to order everything and install? 
The BOD-D was full of carefully selected items. Each of these items came from a different state to avoid any and all suspicion. Simon figured that obtaining these items was akin to cooking meth; never buy everything in the same place. Simon thought about Walter White as he drove to various pawnshops looking for body armor, a taser, and a ballistics helmet. 
The Rustins weren't very competitive doves. They were very easy to contort and leave for dead. These new doves wouldn't be like that. They had guns, two to be exact, if what he said was true at K & H Tuners.
Why wouldn't it be true? Simon knew people trusted him because of his looks, especially in the expensive neighborhoods of Dallas. He looks like them; white, nicely dressed, has tell- tale signs of wealth, and fits in just about everywhere. Sitting in a black Honda in a random neighborhood was no problem. Simon had seen plenty of videos of Black people being harassed for just existing and knows that he is pretty much invisible to the authorities and to anyone that looks like him.
What a climate to hunt doves in! Simon laughs to himself as he thinks about being excluded from an investigation with a bloody knife and two severed heads in his hands. Simon's laugh turns to anger as he scolds himself again for not buying body armor and a ballistic helmet before any of the hunts began. 
Things like that get you caught. 
That didn't matter now. Only the hunt matters. The last light in the house turns off; 11PM. This was about the same time it had been for the past 3 days; routine makes hunting so much deadlier. 
Simon's watch strikes 2AM as he quickly exits the Civic and heads for the front door, hoping the door is unlocked as he twists the handle. Locked. Simon shakes his head in slight disappointment, sets a timer on his watch, and begins to pick the lock. 1:10.47; 30 seconds faster than his last practice run. The door pops open revealing his canvas, soon to be painted, soon to be viewed. 
Simon quietly puts his BOD-D on the tile floor and pulls the zipper. He smiles as the contents are slowly revealed. Simon holsters his Glock, pockets the garrote wire, and readies his new taser. 
Simon walks down the long hallway leading to the master bedroom; slowly, cautiously, not giving the doves a chance to fly away. Simon pauses and listens carefully,
"Yeah, I could use some Jack. Do you want ice or not?" 
Simon slips into an open bedroom waiting for the dove to pass.
He stands in the open doorway, silent, the dark concealing him, and watches as the man from the tuner shop walks by him, oblivious. 
Simon's heart jumps as he thinks about making this hunt dirty. No binding, no sneaking, just a fucking fight to the death. 
The Rustin's just laid down and died. Justin was nothing but a fucking coward with no balls. Just a weakling that watched as his wife had the life drained from her. 
Everything according to plan. Everything. Or just beat his ass to death in the kitchen while he pours Jack for his dead wife. 
Before Simon can weigh the options he finds himself walking to the kitchen, standing there watching as the man bobs his head and pours drinks. No gun, just boxers and a tank top. 
Simon rushes into the kitchen as his dove turns around with a look of sheer panic in his eyes. Simon grabs the bottle of Jack and smashes it across his face, knocking him backward. Simon nods his head in approval as the man absorbs the blow, keeping his footing. 
A fight to the death it is.
"What the fuck?! Who..." his pointless question cut short as Simon kicks him hard in the stomach dropping him immediately. He throws up and groans in pain. Simon gets behind him and locks in a tight rear naked choke while focusing on the kitchen entryway.
He smiles as he realizes this is much more thrilling than the first time. How about the 3rd, 6th, or 20th time? It was fated to intensify and satiate each time.
He was out. 
Simon releases the choke and watches as his head bounces off the kitchen floor. Simon stares intently at the entryway and has a moment of shame as he realizes his mistake; two doves on either side of the house. 
Together is the only way to kill doves. 
Panicked and upset with his lack of clear thought and control, Simon scrambles to think of a plan, but nothing comes to mind. 
Simon quickly binds his feet and hands then heads toward the master bedroom to take care of the wife,
"Make it fast, Simon. Make it fast." He says under his breath. 
He unholsters his Glock and slowly pushes the door open; hearing muffled music through her headphones. The door flings open as Simon rushes her with his gun trained at her head. Her eyes widen as she puts her hands up,
 "What do you want?!" She looks around and starts to cry softly,
 "Where is Jonathan?" she says as she places her hands on the blanket,
"I know you have two guns. His is black and yours is pink. Where are they?" Simon says as he walks closer to her. 
She stares at him for a moment, 
"We don't have any guns in our house! We have children here, please just leave!" 
Simon hits her with the butt of the gun cutting open her forehead,
"You are lying! There are no children but there are guns!" 
Simons face contorts in anger, 
"Bitch! I will kill you right here and now! Where are they?!" The butt of the gun smacks against her nose,
"Tell me now you fucking whore!"
"OK, OK!" she shouts, holding back tears, "They are under the pillow."
Simon nods in approval feeling like he regained some control over his canvas,
"Stand up."
Simon grabs the Glocks from underneath the pillow and shoves them in his waistband, "Walk to the kitchen. Your husband is waiting." 
Simon trains the gun at the back of her head as they slowly walk down the hallway. He tosses the guns into the extra bedroom before they enter the kitchen.
Just as they reach the kitchen Simon sees the husband is not only awake, but is breaking the tape around his legs with his free hands.
Simon shoulder charges the wife sending her crashing into her husband and the counter.  Simon points the Glock at the two of them, 
"Tie her up or..." Simon cuts himself off and stares at the two doves; He can't make up his mind. Clean or dirty? 
Unlike the Rustins, these doves have fight in their eyes. 
Simon holsters the Glock and stares at the two,
"To brave to fly away," Simon walks to the counter and picks up the broken bottle of Jack,
"and too stupid to know you're dead."
Simon rushes the two thrusting the broken bottle into her face, she screams in agony as the jagged glass shoves into her face, lacerating and blinding her. She reels back as her husband looks at her in horror. "Son of a goddamn bitch! What do you want?! What the hell do you want?" shouts the husband in a desperate panic.
Simon shakes his head, "Everything you got." 
The man stares at him as he holds his wife close, "Then take it! Take it all! We won't move!"
"Alright," says Simon as he looks at the blood stained bottle, "Be a good little coward and tie your bitch up," trying to get a rise out of him, "and make it quick. Your stuck pig is bleeding all over the floor."
"Fuck you." says his wife weakly.
Simon smiles,
"I am sure you'd like that." Simon pulls out the Glock and points it at the two,
"but dead girls aren't my type."
The wife starts to bawl uncontrollably and buries her face in her husband's chest. 
Simon looks at the him, "Tape your feet together."
He complies and a few moments later he is sitting on the floor, legs bound. The wife softly touches her face while sobbing.
"Don't worry," Simon says as he holsters the Glock, 
"I will leave soon."
Simon picks up the bottle of Jack and thrusts it into her face again. She falls to the floor grasping at her mangled face. Simon straddles her and drives the bottle into her already shredded face. 
Over and over and over.
Blood paints the cabinets and walls as the bottle begins to shatter in his gloved hand.
Simon looks at the husband who is tearing at his taped ankles, "I will kill you! I will kill you!" shouts the husband as he slowly drags himself toward Simon.
Simon thinks back to boring Justin who just sat there. He just sat there and let Hanna die. Cowardly dove. This dove wasn't like him at all. 
Simon smiles as he walks behind him and picks him up by his arms, "OK, you will kill me, right? The dove wants to flap its wings. Alright, let's see." 
Simon, more confident and alive than he has ever been, walks him down the hallway and trips him into the bedroom. The fall finally breaks the tape and the man leaps onto the bed and runs his hands under the pillows,
"Your wife told me where the guns were," Simon laughs, "and she also said you didn't have the fucking stones to protect her." 
The man stares at Simon for a moment then lowers his head. Simon starts to laugh, realizing that this man was the exact same as Justin. No, he is actually more of a coward. 
Suddenly, the man lets out a guttural scream and rushes forward. Simon caught off guard, reaches for the taser but is sent flying through the closed door of an extra bedroom.
Simon leaps to his feet completely shocked by the dove. Simon bolts out the bedroom and into the kitchen. He wasn't there. 
How did he let this happen?
Simon spins around as looks out the open door, "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Simon says as he runs to the door and peers out into the street where he sees the man running and screaming for help. Simon lets out a sigh of relief as he notices the husband is running in the opposite direction of the Civic. 
Simon raises his gun and points it at him sure that he could hit his mark. He lowers his weapon and punches a hole in the wall, 
"Fuck! Stupid, stupid, stupid!" 
Simon grabs the BOD-D and heads for the door. He stops for a moment, thinking, and walks back into the kitchen. 
He stares at her dead body, infuriated, picks up a shard of glass, rips off her shirt and carves, "Fly Away" into her stomach and breasts.
Time to go.
Simon speeds out of the neighborhood and onto the main road. "Fuck! Simon, what the hell, man! What the fuck! How, how, how did this happen? How?! Why didn't I just stick with the plan? Losing control?! Why, damn it!"
But that feeling of killing her openly. Better than the Rustins. No tape, no sneaking, no hiding. Just an improvised glass bottle. 
Simon punches the steering wheel in a rage. "Fuck! The DPD will be all over me! Fucking 3 doves? Three!"
Simon suddenly burst out laughing, remembering he is rich. "All I have to do is get out of the country and let the heat die down. Easy." 
3 days later Simon is sipping Jack on the rocks atop the 34th floor of the Hilton Pattaya. 
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exceptionalbuilds · 2 years
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Wide body MR2 with a turboed Honda motor swap @redlinericer ✖️ @ExceptionalBuilds is ran by @MilkyMotorsports. We feature the highest quality builds from around the world. ✖️ #BuiltNotBought #GazooRacing #LexusRCF #LexusLFA #LexusISF #LexusGS #LexusRC #LexusLC #LexusES #Tacoma #Corolla #Tundra #Toyota #FSport #Camry #Gazoo #Celica #Supra #IS300 #Lexus #GR86 #Scion #Prius #Yaris #MR2 #MRS #TRD #BRZ #FRS #K24 https://www.instagram.com/p/CgdD5d8PsV8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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time attack build idea: low drag FWD 
Base car:  Gen2 Honda Insight shell, completely stripped out of engine and hybrid parts. The chassis is identical to a gen2 fit/jazz from the firewall forward and shares all of the same suspension components, but has 100mm lower roof line and 50mm longer wheelbase, while also having the fuel tank located under the backseats and the hybrid unit under the boot, making it possible to fit a pretty decent diffuser/tunnel out the back of the car. the front of the car is pretty sad looking but being essentially a Fit front end means you can in theory swap a Fit or Fit sport front on the car to make it a bit more fun, but you could also try your luck fitting a CRZ front on the car, but i have a feeling its slightly narrower.
i think you could get the overall kerb weight down from 1230kg to around 1000kg with the hybrid system and interior weighing in the realm of 200kg. i think the CVT by itself is about 40kg heavier than a K series manual box.
Engine: Being based on the Gen2 Fit means that you can comfortably fit a K24 turbo motor in the front of the car, so thats sorted. 400hp at the wheels is plenty. high gearing for big top speeds. 
Suspension: Raid the spoon sports catalogue. big brakes and the biggest wheels you can fit. 
Aero: Minimal downforce, minimal drag. Small front splitter to clean up the front airflow, small rear wing with enough downforce to help with stability more than outright downforce. most of the downforce will come from the underbody, going for full venturi tunnels. the rear suspension complicates the air flow, but we wont get into that.
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th-street-racing · 3 years
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Cr. Streetmetal
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hcr-works · 3 years
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Wedssport SA55M 10x18 et36
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Honda EG6 with Pandem BodyKit and K24 Turbo
Sources: Dogfight and Hoonigan AutoFocus
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awesomecarmods · 2 years
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R53 Mini Cooper with 689hp turbo Honda K24 and AWD. Built by RPT Creations. [ https://i.imgur.com/zbCuRC0.jpg ]
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spoontoma · 3 years
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Posted @withregram • @kill_bill_integratyper Sometimes you have to pay homage to the ones that takes the bar to entirely different level. This is a close personal friend of mines and I’m just giving him his flowers while we still can. Have a great July 4th weekend! 🐐: @k20yoel #jdm #ukdm #k20 #k24 #allmotor #turbo #kseries #ktuned #boost #honda #civic #integra #acura #integratyper #dc2 #em1 #ek9 #ekcoupe #battlecivics #battleintegra #itbs #typertuesday #em1 #ek #teggy #japan #japanesemuscle #spoonsportstypeone #spoonsports #typertuesday https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ8J054DP6s/?utm_medium=tumblr
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