#katara's fatigue
wakkass · 7 months
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I usually try to write neutral captions for my ATLA drawings, but this time I want to share my disappointment with this cartoon.
At first it was supposed to be a slight redesign of Katara from book 3. I don't really like her blue dress from there, and I tried to draw certain elements differently to understand what exactly bothered me. I like the result, especially her sleeves and the fabric on her arms. I also wanted to draw a crescent moon on her forehead because book 3 forgot that the Water Tribe paints their faces before battle. I wanted to give Katara something related to her personal experience, so imho she would have a crescent moon on her forehead in the invasion.
And then I started thinking about her hair (I ended up using the hairstyle from this post). It always confused me that in the first episode of season 3 Katara had her signature braid, because she lost her clips at the end of season 2. Where did the new ones come from? Does she have a whole set of spare ones? Or did father give it to her? I don’t understand, so I think that her hairstyle in book 3 could be completely different from the look we are used to.
Then I asked myself: what would she look like in the first episode if her hairstyle had been changed? You can see the answer for yourself. Frayed curls, an almost untied bun, a tired look… This is how I felt about Katara at the beginning of the season and… I was furious.
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Why doesn't she look like this? Why wasn't she allowed to show her fatigue? Yes, her clothes are still torn and unkempt, but neither her face nor her hair reflect her condition, why? Were the authors afraid to show that Katara also has limits?
Girls are not required to look beautiful and well-groomed, especially when they are tired. It makes me so angry that after her witnessing the death of a dear friend, escaping on a ship, caring for a sick boy for a long time, and then his screaming and running away, Katara looks the same as always. She is not tired, she is still ready to support the main character and run to the ends of the earth for him.
But ok, maybe this is just the beginning, and we'll be shown reaching Katara's limits in the next episo-
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Oh, she is now completely neat and well-groomed so that the boy can admire her beauty…
It doesn't sound very good, to be honest. I don’t want to insult the ship or the main character, we’re not talking about them now. I'm talking about the very message where the girl is beautiful and mentally stable when it is convenient for the boy. That is, imagine if Katara looked at that moment about the same as in my drawing. Would he like her in this state? I don't know, because I haven't seen Aang admire Katara beyond the peak of her beauty. Also, I didn’t see him admiring her with disheveled hair, for example, or in action scenes. It’s not that it’s the characters’ fault, but rather that the authors rarely allow Katara herself to be like this, especially at the end of the adventure, where she clearly has little moral strength.
Feels like the message is that in a man's eyes, a woman is only beautiful when she dresses up and hides her flaws. As if fatigue is something that needs to be hidden behind a sweet smile and a beautiful outfit.
Maybe I'm not right. Please don't take my words as an insult to something you enjoy, but that is my interpretation of what is happening. This is a problem for me, because the topic of female fatigue in my eyes is as important as female strength. And if the series shows Katara's strength, it seems to ignore her fatigue.
This is just an opinion, I don't claim anything.
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bouncybongfairy · 4 months
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Freezer Burn
Prince Zuko x Fem Reader Smut
Summary: Tensions are running high which causes a argument between Zuko and yourself. He bruises the confidence you have in your hunting abilities and reaffirms your fear of being a burden. Wanting to prove otherwise, you go out in the cold to hunt. Feeling guilty about how he treated you, he goes out to find you. The two of you find some innovative ways to keep warm.
Word Count: 2.0k+
Everyone was having a rough day of travel, even Appa was reaching his limit. It was freezing and the optimism of finding a warm place to sleep was fading in everyone. Anng found a small cave that would work for the night. It was on a small mountain and overlooked an even smaller village. Zuko started making a fire while Katara and yourself set up the tents. Yang and Sokka were already asleep, curled into Appa’s thick fur. You were hungry but so was everyone else. 
“Are we going to be able to hunt for food soon? Or get some water?” you asked. 
“We could but I don’t think the cold would allow us to be out there for long. Not to mention there wouldn’t be any animals out, it's just too cold,” she said. 
“Not to mention you’d barely come home with anything in good weather,” Zuko grumbled, poking at the fire. He’d been making cracks at you all day, at first you could ignore him. Excusing his behavior on fatigue and hunger pains, but now you were taking it personally. 
“You’re not a prince among us, so stop acting like it” you say in hopes of lowering his ego.
“I am the best fighter and hunter, the past two battles you’ve only slowed us down. Maybe if we had a successful kill earlier we wouldn’t be hungry now,” he said. 
“Zuko don’t say that!” Katara snapped. 
All day you’d been beating yourself up over that mistake. Deep down you knew the rest of the group was irritated about you costing them the meal earlier. It just reaffirmed your insecurity. Grabbing your bow and arrows, you start putting your clothes back on while preparing for a hunt. 
“We’re all really tired and yes we may be hungry but you’re not the sole reason for that. Zuko is obviously just grumpy, don’t let his outburst get to you,” she says, grabbing your arm. 
Deep down you wanted to listen and calm down, rest for a while. Your pride however wouldn’t allow you to stop yourself. As you left, you could hear Katara yelling at Zuko to apologize. The feeling of dread bubbled in your stomach, you didn’t want to make anyone worry but your ego was clouding your judgment. Everyone in the group had their own ways of helping and at times you did feel like a burden. Extra weight that Appa had to carry on his back. It wasn’t that you were mad about what Zuko said, you were more frustrated that it was true. At this point it felt like you’d been walking for hours. The snow was coming down hard, without any signs of lightning. Not eating and your lack of rest was starting to get to you. Your stomach felt like it was eating away at itself. Eyes burning and muscles starting to stiffen from the cold penetrating your clothes. You tried not to go too far, knowing you couldn’t carry an animal in the cold that far. But you had to get some distance between you and the cave in order to find any wild game. Finally spotting a young Moose Lion, looking lost and confused, you almost hesitated when readying your bow. After successfully hitting the animal, your body floods with adrenaline. This quickly fades as you realize you’ll have to drag the thing home. Seemingly underestimating the size which caused a struggle when walking back. Even though it was freezing, you’d broken into a sweat. Starting to feel lightheaded, you took a moment to catch your breath. 
Katara was pacing at the entrance of the cave, anxious for your arrival. He wouldn’t admit it, but Zuko was feeling his own regret about how he’d spoken to you. He didn’t mean to let his anger get the best of him, it just sort of happened. 
“I think I should go out to look for her, she could be freezing to death,” she said, starting to get dressed.
“You can’t, it’s a full blown blizzard,” Zuko said, standing up. 
“Well we can’t just leave her to die out there!” Katara snaps, upset that he would even suggest stopping her from leaving. 
“I know, but only a fire bender would have the resources to survive such severe weather. I’ll go,” he said, making the fire sustainable for the time he’d be gone for. 
“Just be careful,” Katara said as he walked into the cold.
Once he felt just how bad it was outside, his guilt intensified. It wasn’t true what he said about you being a burden. He was just feeling insecure about his own place in the group. Simply projecting his inner turmoil onto you. Knowing it pushed you this far was getting to him. He took a deep breath and started following the faint track you left. Even though a fresh layer of snow was now covering the foot prints, it was still enough to follow. At times Zuko would use his fire for warmth and light. Getting desperate, he began calling your name out. Fatigue was starting to affect him as well. He finally thought he saw you, laying against the animal. He assumed you were just pulling the arrow out but when he got closer he noticed you were passed out. He immediately started assessing you, looking around knowing he had to find shelter that was closer than the rest of the group. Using his fire, he melts a coating of snow and ice, covering a small cave. The animal luckily kept you warm while he wasn’t there but he was still worried about your fingers. They had practically no color and your lips were tinted blue. Once he got you inside the cave, next to the fire he created, he brought the animal in. Impressed that you shot it right through the chest. Taking off his outer layers and bundling you up in them. He was relieved to see the color coming back to your fingertips and cheeks. Checking every once in a while to make sure you were getting too close and burning yourself. 
The two of you wouldn’t be able to make the trip back any time soon, so Zuko began skinning and sectioning off the meat. Washing his hands with melted snow he was slowly collecting. As he roasted the meat, he couldn’t help but admire your beauty. Your eyelashes were long and the light from the fire was illuminating your face. Sleeping with your lips slightly parted, hair completely unraveled from the tight bun it once was in. After a couple hours, you slowly began to come too. Sitting up rubbing your eyes, Zuko rushes over to you.
“Are you okay?” he asks, brushing the hair out of your face. He grabbed a bowl of water, bringing it to your lips,
“Sit closer to the fire,” he said, helping you sit up fully. Still weak, you were wobbling while you sat criss-crossed. Still shivering a bit because your back was cold, not able to feel the heat from the fire. Zuko notices this and comes to sit behind you, stabilizing and warming you up. He was using a stick to roast the meat he’d prepared from the animal. It smelt really good, and was the only reason you were keeping your eyes open. He brought the stick to your lips but you were too weak to rip a piece off. Trying to bite a small chunk but not having the strength to actually get a bite. He laughs at your attempt and rips a small piece off, bringing it to your mouth. He repeated this a couple times, giving you sips of water in between. Letting you digest, he rests his chin on top of your head and keeps cooking. After eating, you could feel yourself gaining strength and energy. Becoming more aware of your surroundings.
“What happened?” you asked, looking around and noticing it was only you and Zuko. 
“You went out to hunt and passed out. I came looking for you but the storm was too powerful to travel back to camp with you and the kill. So we're camping here for the night,” he explained, adding more wood to the fire. 
That was when you slowly started putting the pieces of your memory back together. You were grateful to be sheltered now, definitely counting your blessings. Noticing that Zuko wasn’t wearing a shirt, you took off what he gave you. He accepted it but didn’t put it on right away, instead just laying it on his neck like a scarf. 
“I’m sorry for egging you on like that, and for not stopping you from leaving,” he said, moving his chin from your head to your collarbone. 
“It was my decision, I knew it wasn’t a good idea. It was my stubbornness that put both of us at risk,” you said. 
“I like that you're stubborn, that you don’t listen to people who underestimate you,” he said.
“I thought you hated me,” you chuckle. 
“I know that’s what I show but it couldn’t be further than the truth,” he spoke softly. 
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?” you asked, moving your back closer against his chest. 
“As mean as I’ve been, you always are so nice and understanding. Even when I don’t deserve it,” he said. 
“Zuko you always deserve it, you’re easy to love,” you say, turning to face him. 
His face was bright red and for the first time you were seeing his vulnerability. Just slightly, like he didn’t want to give too much away. You move his hair out of the way and look at his scar. Although he looked a little embarrassed, he tilted his head so you could get a full look. Without thinking, you started kissing the skin around his eye. He ended up catching your lips with his. Immediately you move so that you’re straddling his lap. His back was pressed against the wall of the cave, your back was facing the fire. Running your fingers through his hair, admiring how soft the strands were. He moaned into your mouth as you pulled and tugged. Rocking your hips against crotch, your stomach tightening after feeling him get hard. You take in a sharp intake of breath and narrow down, focusing on rubbing against his shaft. Zuko’s hips began to buck involuntarily, which led to his taking his pants off. You follow his lead and do the same, also removing your top. Using his hands to rock your hips against his. Partly because he liked spreading your wetness along himself but also enjoying watching your chest bounce. He takes one of your nipples into his mouth, you let out a strangled moan. The pleasure was so intense the rocking of your hips was becoming erratic. Seeing you react so intensely to his touch made him go somewhat feral. 
Flipping you over so your back is against the cold ground. He was feverishly kissing your neck and chest, at times making you giggle. He smiled down at you, taking in how beautiful your eyes were in the soft glow of the fire. Your entire body felt like it was burning down to your core. Pulling your knees to your chest, taking the hint he sat up. He was now towering above you, his member laying on your front. Leaking pre-cum onto your lower stomach. He grabs himself, slapping his dick on your pussy. Enjoying the moans and whines coming from your mouth every time he rubbed his tip against your clit. He enjoyed watching you beneath him, desperate for his touch. A relief only he could provide you. Unable to take any more foreplay, he presses into you. Muttering curses as he is overwhelmed by your heat. How tight you felt around him and your moans matching up with his movement made him feel overstimulated. Like he couldn’t slow his heart rate down. Watching as your tits bounced with every thrust, how braindead you were from pleasure. He presses his hands down on your stomach so he could feel this cock pounding in and out of you. The sudden pressure was enough to send you over the edge. Pulling Zuko down and raking your nails down his back, 
“Fuck!” he said it loud, right in your ear. 
His thrusts were unrelenting as he chased his orgasm. Groaning and moaning into your shoulder as he finally came. Rutting into you as he came inside you, pressing himself as close as he could be to you. Petting his hair and whispering encouraging things into his hair. He laid down beside you, pulling you into his chest before covering the two of you with a woven quilt. Giving the fire one last hit before drifting off to sleep with you.
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zukosdualdao · 17 days
a soft place to land
zutara month, day 16: injury recovery, @zutaramonth
summary: in the aftermath of an assasination attempt on katara, she finds herself safe in his bed, zuko looking after her from the bedside.
warnings: assasination/murder attempt, complicated thoughts about punitive judgment and executions, etc, excessive use of adverbs, lmao.
other notes: title taken from "a dream is a soft place to land" from waitress.
Katara’s eyes flicker open. She immediately sets to prop herself up on her elbows, struggling not to groan with fatigue and discomfort as she does. 
The sheets underneath her are gold and silken, the room around her faintly familiar.
She’s in the Fire Nation. She’d been here as an Ambassador for the latest treaty revision. A servant… a man dressed as a servant, anyway, he’d served her tea in the private chambers kept for her here, and her throat had begun to swell, panic building as it did, chest burning as the door slammed ominously shut behind him. She remembers lifting her hand shakily, trying to guide her blood to keep the toxins from working through it, but she couldn’t tear it out of her without extracting her own blood, it was no use, she couldn’t think—her head met the floor, brow slick with sweat, she was going to die…
As she looks around in the darkness, it occurs to her exactly where she is now.
He’d come looking for her just in time.
The last thing she remembers before her awakening is the taste of something herbal and sickly sweet, being overcome with sick and the aftermath of bile, Zuko’s gentle hand cradling the back of her head, and then succumbing to the darkness.
“I’m right here,” he says quietly in the dark, and when she turns just slightly to her right, she can see shadows cast over his house face. He’s sitting in a chair by her bedside, folding in on himself and wringing his hands until he casts his worried gaze up to meet her eyes. “It’s okay. You’re really okay.” He sounds almost disbelieving. “How do you feel?”
It’s quite the inverse of the last time she was here when he was the one prone on the bed, marked by lightning, and she waited up all night for him to wake again, too wired to sleep, needing to keep a weathered eye on his wound.
“Not amazing,” she manages a bout of shaky laughter. “But I’m alive, so that’s something. How did you know what to… ?”
Zuko was alone when he arrived and fed to her what must have been the antidote, though she thinks she remembers the patter of other footsteps arriving after the fact, possibly a sea of medics.
At this, Zuko leans back in his chair a little, rubbing an embarrassed hand at the back of his head. “Oh—my mother learned about plants and things from her mother.” Zuko’s mouth tilts into a frown. “I think she was an herbalist? I’m not sure.” He shakes his head. “I didn’t know what they’d used but—we keep something stocked here. It’s not a cure-all, but…” Shrugging again, he sighs. “Thank Agni it worked.”
“Forget Agni,” she murmurs. “Thank you.” Something that might have been panic if not for her weariness swells in her chest suddenly. “The man… ?”
Even through the darkness and the haze she still finds her mind in, she catches the way his pupils dilate, the way his posture stiffens. She’s seen him angry like this before. Protective-angry. She imagines his fingers are probably curling hard against the edge of his chair as he grips it, but looking down to check seems difficult and unnecessary. “Hired assassin.”
“Oh.” It’s sort of strange to think she’s an important enough figure that someone would try to assassinate her, that her death wouldn’t be a simple murder but rather to make some political statement or another. “That’s new. For me, anyway.”
Zuko’s had a few attempts on his own life in the past year, as she recalls. Most of them she read about through letters after the fact—she was here for the last one, though, and thank the spirits for that. Stab wounds are simple enough to heal with her bending—if they don’t bleed out first, which can happen more quickly than one might expect. Needless to say, Katara’s glad she was around.
Zuko says the next like an oath. “The assassin is being dealt with.” With a confusing mix of shame, fear, and relief, she wonders how. Zuko’s not the type to execute, certainly not without trial, which is how things would have been done in the Fire Nation in days past. Mostly, she’s relieved for that, but still, she finds herself wondering whether she’ll regret being such a ready proponent of the right to trial and imprisonment over execution in the weeks to come. There is a swallow of fear in her throat, but it might wisp away once this isn’t all so fresh. 
But perhaps that’s something to think on later.
 “So are his benefactors,” Zuko spits out the word like it’s full of poison itself. “I’ve written to your father and Sokka and to Aang,” he adds. Katara’s stomach clenches unpleasantly in a way she suspects only has a little to do with the day’s events. Zuko doesn’t know she and Aang haven’t spoken in months, that they’re no longer together. “Spirits, Katara, I’m so sorry.”
Katara frowns as she leans back against the pillows. “What for? You didn’t poison me.”
“It was done on my watch, in my palace, because some group of fucking noblemen I’ve been trying to appease are—I keep trying and failing to make things better, and instead…”
“Zuko,” she glares at him in the hopes that it will quiet his self-recrimination. It does, quite efficiently, and she smiles. “Not everything gets to be your fault. Will you just accept my thanks for saving me instead?”
At this, she yawns, and she watches as his expression softens in the dim light of his bedroom.
Zuko rolls his eyes then, but there’s a faint smile playing on his lips, too, and she’s glad to feel the mood lighten again, though she can feel weariness starting to take her once more.
“That’s what you and I do,” he allows quietly after a moment, his (pretty, she thinks hazily, so pretty) amber eyes shining with the truth of what he’s saying. “We save each other. Get some more rest, Katara.” 
Still a little awake, but with her eyes closed, she asks drowsily, not even sure she manages the words, “Will you be here when I wake up?”
Zuko’s answer is quiet but certain. “Of course I will.”
Katara hums as she falls back into the allure of sleep, safe with the knowledge Zuko is watching over her. 
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gotticalavera · 3 months
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Hey, everybody~! This post will have several headcanons that I have about Aang, Zuko and the ZukAang (or those that I can remember). I would also like to add some Au's and previous posts (can also include links to fanfics I wrote... the fanfics are in Spanish).
The Air Nomads are the tallest of the four nations, which is why Aang ended up taller than Zuko.
Zuko feels more relaxed when he's in Aang's company.
Aang doesn't like spicy food, but he accompanies Zuko to eat super spicy noodles or curry because he knows he loves it.
Zuko is more tolerant of alcohol than Aang.
Aang is the kind of drunk who gets into dancing and flirting, but he's also too prone to causing a lot of disasters (it's better to have the Avatar sober).
Zuko is the kind of drunk who gets sentimental and clingy.
In the world of ATLA they communicate through a common language and each nation has its own language. Aang is the only native who speaks Air Language.
Aang is a polyglot.
Aang, due to the way he speaks, expresses himself and uses certain words, speaks as an old man in all languages, except the Water Language, due to his coexistence with Katara and Sokka.
The first time Zuko heard Aang speak Fire Language, he was so surprised that Aang's voice could be heard so good~.
Zuko has tried to learn Air Language to surprise Aang, but it's very difficult, especially because Air Language sounds like whistling.
Zuko once tried to pay Aang a compliment in Air Language, ended up saying something else and Aang was laughing until he fell off his chair.
Aang is quite skilled at playing Pai Sho, much more so than Iroh.
Zuko is not a beginner, but he is not very good at playing Pai Sho either.
The only people who have beaten Aang in pai shou are: Gyatso and Zuko, but because Zuko knows how to unfocus him to cheat.
Aang suffers from insomnia when he is stressed, and even more so during stormy season. He is still a little afraid of sleeping and waking up at another time.
Aang often helps Zuko with paperwork when he can't sleep.
Zuko and Aang share dreams, literally, interacting between dreams when they are away from each other.
Zuko knows when something is stressing or making Aang anxious in dreams, because Aang appears with hair in dreams [& fanfic]
Zuko has an agreement with Appa, and it's to feign fatigue around the Fire Nation so Aang can take a break.
When Zuko is the one who is stressed/tired, Aang pets his head and combs his hair. He sometimes helps him with work, but Zuko prefers Aang to have his full attention on him.
There are two notable characteristics within the Fire Nation royal family; golden eyes and the canine teeth are quite noticeable, which look like dragon fangs. Zuko has these two characteristics.
Zuko doesn't usually smile with his teeth because he is embarrassed to show his fangs due to comments that Azula, Ozai, and others have said about them. He very rarely smiles with his teeth.
Aang upon learning about Zuko's fangs, began trying to make him laugh out loud to see them. He likes his fangs.
The palace councilors were scandalized the first time they saw Avatar Aang playing and combing the Fire Lord Zuko's hair [reaction]
Aang sings very well, but in his own language he is out of tune. He likes more playing instruments and is an excellent dancer.
In his education as a prince, Zuko learned various arts: he loved learning to draw, paint, and play. The arts that involve music are not his strong suit, unless they are applied with theater.
Zuko was banished before having a society presentation. So Aang was the first person to ask him to dance.
Aang always asks Zuko to dance when they are at a party.
The palace servants had become accustomed to finding Fire Lord Zuko and Avatar Aang sleeping together with various documents in front of them.
Aang and Zuko have escaped from the palace to go to the festival disguised as Kuzon and Lee.
Zuko has drawings of Aang in his notebook, including a drawing where Aang fell asleep under the tree where the pond is and the duck-turtles started playing on top of him.
Aang very rarely cries.
Aang is the only foreign Avatar with symbolic representation in the Fire Nation.
Zuko, Aang and rainbow fire.
Aang has pet names for Zuko.
Zuko prefers silver over gold, because it reminds him of Aang's eyes.
This part is from several AUs (especially Modern and High School), What if…? and other ideas. [I may also mention other ships in some posts, but because I like to shipping Aang a lot]
Aang moved from his village to the city when he was 12 years old. He lives with the daughter of a friend of Gyatso; her name is Kyoshi and she lives together with her partner, Rangi.
To make documentation easier, Aang adopted the Rangi's last name.
Rangi saw potential in Aang, so Aang knows differents martial arts.
Aang met Katara and Sokka on one of his explorations around the city (he got lost).
Aang has few of his own clothes, the rest of his wardrobe was clothes that Gyatso and his friends wore when they were young and lived for a while in the city, so he has different styles of clothing from the 70's and 80's.
Aang has been to the police station so many times that he knows every cop in the station.
The last time he got into big trouble, Rangi punished him and transferred him to an academy with Fire Nation-style discipline.
Zuko at age 11 and the following years experienced difficult situations, from the death of a cousin, Uncle Iroh distancing himself from the family, his parents' divorce and Ozai taking custody.
Zuko has an accident and ends up with a burn on his face.
Due to the accident, the issue of custody is reopened, but since Ursa doesn't have the necessary resources to keep Zuko and Azula, Iroh offers to keep them for a while in what has better stability.
Azula refuses this agreement, shortly after ending up at her aunts' house. Zuko and Azula spend the weekend with different parents, Zuko with Ursa and Azula with Ozai.
Although his situation is more stable, the scar is a reminder of problems, so Zuko became a more isolated person.
When Ursa managed to achieve financial stability, Zuko decided to continue living in his uncle's house.
Zuko works part time at his uncle's tea shop.
Zuko and Azula continue to maintain contact, especially when they have to spend a few weeks together with one of their parents.
Zuko and Aang had had short encounters before Aang transferred to Zuko's school.
Despite being the only Air Temple boy, Aang quickly won over most of the students.
For school reasons, Aang has to wear long sleeves and a bandana to cover his tattoos.
Zuko thinks Aang is the typical airheaded popular guy.
Due to some situations, they end up living together more and little by little they get to know each other better.
Aang is in the dance club and Zuko is in the drama club. Zuko asks Aang for help with his play.
Aang, Zuko and bonfire.
Valentine's Day
Ozai is still a terrible father, but...
Fan x Ex-Actor!AU
Student Council!AU
Aang, Zuko and the hot air
Age-Swap!ZukAang [1] [2]
Demon Spirit!AU
Zuko x Fem!Aang
Fem!Aang & Bumi II
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the-badger-mole · 10 months
It was always fun when they got together, but this was a special occasion. In three days, Katara and Zuko would be married in a private ceremony attended by just close friends and family. In four days, they would have the lavish royal wedding to be attended by world leaders, nobility and whatever Fire Nation citizens would fit inside of Caldera. In five days, Katara would be crowned Fire Lady in a ceremony at least as lavish as the royal wedding. Tonight, though, it was just the six friends in Zuko's suite, reminiscing, catching up and drinking perhaps a bit too much.
It was well into the earliest hours of morning before everyone started drifting off to their rooms. Sokka and Suki, the proud parents of a six month old who was just beginning to sleep through the night, went first. Then Zuko, who was extremely reluctant to leave, but had business to take care of in order to make sure his honeymoon would be uninterrupted. Toph left soon after Zuko. She had fallen asleep on the rug in front of the fire, but when woken, she insisted she was just resting her eyes. Katara chuckled at her friend, but managed to convince her to rest her eyes in her own bed. The sun would be up shortly, so she was getting ready to go to turn in, too. Aang, though, lingered at the table they'd all been sitting at. He knew where his room was, so Katara thought nothing of letting him take his time getting there.
"Going to bed already?" Aang asked as Katara stood up.
"Yeah," she nodded, stretching her arms over her head. "I have a last minute meeting with the wedding planner before lunch, and then I was planning to spend the rest of the day with my dad and Gran Gran."
"I can't believe you're getting married," Aang said, shaking his head. "It doesn't feel real."
"Tell me about it," Katara laughed. "We've been planning this for a year, and it still feels like we didn't have enough time to plan."
"You think it's too soon?" Aang asked.
"Absolutely not!" Katara replied emphatically, a wide smile spreading over her face. "I was ready to marry Zuko three months into dating him. We only waited as long as we did because he wanted to make sure I'd be comfortable here." Aang was silent for a long moment, and Katara was starting to feel fatigue creeping up on her. She was about to say goodnight, when Aang spoke again.
"Are you sure about this?" He said it so quietly Katara wasn't sure she heard him correctly.
"What?" she asked mid yawn.
"Are you sure about this?" Aang repeated a bit louder. "About him?" Katara's brow drew down in confusion.
"Of course I'm sure," she let out an incredulous laugh. "This is a lot of effort if I wasn't sure." Aang shrugged.
"I mean, it's not too late to back out," he said. "If you decided it wasn't what you want." Katara blinked hard and shook her head. The alcohol and the late hour must have been getting to her. Nothing her friend was saying made any sense.
"I'm not backing out," she said. "Wait...did Zuko mention something about not wanting-"
"No!" Aang said quickly. "No, that's not...I'm just...Why him?"
"What?" Katara felt as if every nerve in her body had suddenly been electrified. She gaped at Aang in shock. He sat at the table, fidgeting with his half-empty cup. He took a breath and squared his shoulders. He turned his wide, grey eyes up at Katara.
"Why did you choose him?" he asked. "Why Zuko? Why not- why not me?" Katara was at a loss for words. She knew Aang had had feelings for her once, but that was years ago. They were adults now, and she thought he had long since moved on.
"I love him," she told Aang simply. "I've loved him a long time. Longer than we've been together."
"But I love you," Aang said. "I've loved you since I first opened my eyes and saw you there." Katara shook her head.
"You love an idea of me," she said. "You love that I took care of you. But Zuko...he loved me in my grief, and my anger. He loved me when I wasn't kind and sweet. He loved me when I wasn't at my best." Aang snorted and thew back the rest of the contents of his cup.
"So because I didn't encourage your worst parts I didn't measure up?" he demanded. "You chose him over me because he didn't expect better of you?" Katara gasped as if she had been slapped. Then she got angry.
"For your information, Zuko pushes me to be better all the time," she snapped. "He just doesn't pretend that my anger is out of character for me. He listens to me vent. He lets me be upset. He doesn't expect me to put on a smile and pretend like the situation isn't as bad as it is."
"I'd let you be upset!"
"Oh please!" Katara snorted derisively. "The day after Ozai captured my father, you wanted to go play and got annoyed when we wanted to plan our next steps!"
"I was a kid then!" Aang protested. "I wouldn't do that now."
"You think I just got over that?" Katara demanded. "Aang, you are my friend, and I love you, but you haven't done anything since then to prove that you care about any of my feelings that are inconvenient to you! And that's fine. That's our relationship because I am the one who takes care of you. That's what you needed from me. But, Aang...I my feelings were never going to turn romantic from that. You're like my little brother. Sometimes my son. I can't turn to you the way I turn to Zuko. He's...he's my best friend."
"I thought I was your best friend."
Katara sighed. In nearly ten years, Aang had come a long way from the boy that she and her brother had rescued from the iceberg, but perhaps not as far as she thought. She could see the traces of the kid she'd taken care of in the sag of his shoulders, and in the way his mouth turned down in his disappointment. For an instant, Katara wanted to pull him into a hug and comfort him, but she knew that wouldn't be the right move here.
"You are a friend I love dearly," Katara told him. "But I can't turn to you with my problems. I can't be my full self with you. If I had chosen you, it would've been for the wrong reasons. It would've been because I thought you needed me, or I was afraid of hurting your feelings, or I felt like I owed you for defeating Ozai."
"What's wrong with any of those reasons?" Aang was near tears at this point, and Katara felt awful. Still, she reasoned to herself, it was kinder to kill any hope of her he had been harboring.
"I wouldn't be choosing you because I love you," she told him. "I was never in love with you. If I chose you, it would've been because I felt obligated to, and that wouldn't have been fair to either of us. We both deserve to be loved for who we are completely. I have that with Zuko. I hope you let yourself find it with someone else." Tears were flowing down Aang's face now. Once again, Katara had to hold herself back from pulling him into a tight embrace. If their friendship had any chance of lasting, she knew she this was a wall that needed to be built high and strong.
"There's no one else in the world for me other than you," Aang said. Katara sighed and shook her head sadly.
"I really hope one day you'll realize that's not true. Goodbye, Aang."
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eponastory · 2 months
About bending lightning...
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This is a little snippet from Part 2 Chapter 1 (17 if you go by Chapter count) where Katara is practicing her bloodbending on Zuko. While doing this, she learns that the heart generates electricity, and Zuko explains that is why lightning can't pass through the heart.
This is a real thing.
Our bodies naturally generate low quantities of electricity. This is a concept used in The Matrix if you've ever seen it. Humans are used as 'batteries' in that universe. It's a cool concept and actually based on real science. Our bodies are also conductors for electricity as well. We are, in a sense, actual lightning rods.
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Because of the minerals, elements, and water content in our body, we make excellent lightning rods because the lightning can pass through without interruption to the ground where it is dispersed. Remember, lightning is energy. It is neither created nor destroyed. It becomes other forms of energy. It is a visible energy that is the fourth state... plasma.
So how does a firebender like Ozai and Azula generate that kind of energy?
Lightning is a lot of energy. It is measured in volts and amps. It is also hotter than the surface of the sun... which is also plasma.
I'm exploring this because lightning both fascinates and terrifies me. But again, how does one generate that kind of energy?
I'm actually glad that lightning is used sparingly in the show because to generate a true bolt of lightning, it would require a lot of energy. Energy that you have to consume and convert from things you eat. I'd imagine that once you use lightning, your body will be depleted, causing fatigue and sluggishness. They don't show it in the source material, but that is something to think about.
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But could lightning be absorbed by a well trained firebender? Maybe. Remember, lightning is energy. The body can only take so much and be able to sustain it. Redirecting it, in Zuko's case, means absorbing and releasing in a short amount of time. You aren't really taking it all on, just redirecting it. Iroh teaches Zuko to redirect through the stomach, not the heart, because the stomach is what helps convert energy. The Sea of Chi, as Iroh calls it. This is why Zuko was able to survive Azula's lightning, where Aang was severely compromised from it. Aang was also hit in the spine where the nervous system is compact.
Bending lightning is a high-risk, high reward move if used correctly. But it can also weaken the bender at the same time. So that is definitely a reason not to use lightning as a weapon all the time. Which is why you don't see firebenders using it much.
As for why it should not cross the heart? Because that much electricity passing through the heart could disrupt the rhythm. This is why we use defibrillators to correct tachycardia (rapid heartrate) and myocardial infarction (when the heart can't beat correctly or in layman's terms... a heart attack).
Anyway, this was my deep dive into why bending and redirecting lightning is not used much in the series.
And it was a little morsel from the recent chapter.
I will probably go deeper into why Bloodbending is the strongest form of bending. At this point, we should just call it Body Bending.
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wishingforatypewriter · 5 months
Pregnant Lin head cannons ? Was conceiving easy for her or was she infertile ? What symptoms does she experience ? What cravings does she have ? Any complications ? How does the birth go ? After birth what is her postpartum experience like ? Does she experience ppd ? Is breastfeeding easy for her ?
Hi! Thanks for the ask! (I'd like to preface this post with a disclaimer that I have never been pregnant, so this may not be entirely accurate)
Lin conceived relatively easily and never had any fertility issues. Her pregnancy was actually unplanned.
She had pretty bad morning sickness during her first trimester. She was especially sensitive to smells and sometimes the scent of certain ingredients cooking would make her queasy. She also experienced a lot of fatigue during her pregnancy and needed a lot more sleep than she was used to.
Lin's biggest craving was for citrus fruits like tangerines and pomelos Her partner would always make sure the apartment was well stocked with them, and peel them for her when she wanted a snack. (I wrote a linzolt oneshot called Tangerines around this idea). Her pre-existing love of spicy foods was intensified while she was pregnant, so she ate a lot of fire noodles and fire flakes.
Because she was having twins, Lin was at a higher risk for preterm labor and gestational hypertension. However, her medical team (including Katara) monitored the situation and she ultimately didn't experience those effects.
Lin has a pretty high threshold for pain, but nothing could have prepared her for childbirth. She was in labor for fourteen hours and it was a bit of an ordeal. Her partner was with her the whole time, holding her hand and feeding her ice chips and sips of water.
When she came home from the hospital, Lin's partner did not let her lift a finger. She got to rest and recover from the birth, taking naps and listening to probending on the radio and just bonding with her new babies. Her partner took care of everything around the house so she could relax.
Lin doesn't have postpartum depression, but she does experience some anxiety around being a new mom.
Breastfeeding is relatively easy for her, but after a few weeks she switches to bottle feeding because she wants to start checking in with Saikhan at the RCPD.
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ygdrasilly · 4 months
so i just finished watching the 2010 last airbender film for the first time in about a decade (i don't know why i did it to myself, either. i thought it'd be funny. jokes on me ig) and it's even worse than i remembered. like, so bad i had to take a break half way through to go do something else bc it was somehow making my fatigue worse. and then i just had to stop last night bc it was exhausting
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anyway here are some out of context screenshots that show just how terrible this film is just in case everyone has forgotten or has never seen this thing. i suffered for everyone so no one ever has to watch this flaming pile of crap
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love how this looks like they just took a video of poundland sokka and katara, shoved it into photoshop, and accidentally put the outer glow effect on them. truly amazing
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look how they massacred my boys
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believe it or not, temu iroh (pronounced ee-roh in this shitshow) is the most tolerable character of this circus
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she was only just asking for aang's name after they reached the air temple. katara what is wrong with you
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this is how i feel about the whole film, budget zhao
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golly gee i wonder where the inspiration for this shot came from. surely not a far superior film
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fuck you m night shyamalan i hope you step on a uk plug for this
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 1 year
Raspberry Darkness
Summary: While on a picnic Azula has an allergic reaction. Sokka keeps her company in the hospital.
She supposes that looking up at the sky isn’t such a dreadful way to go out. It could be worse, she could be in some hole in the ground. Could be chained up in some dreary, moldy basement somewhere. The sky is nice, she always has loved the color blue. 
There are some clouds too, if her head weren’t becoming so cloudy itself, she might have been able to pick out some shapes. 
If she turns her head to the left she can see the swishing canopy. 
She can’t turn her head to the left.
Or to the right for that matter. 
It closes her throat even more. 
It’s like breathing through the straw that she had been drinking from only a few minutes earlier. Maybe seven to eight minutes prior. 
She doesn’t know for certain, but focusing on these details makes it easier for her to ignore the burning in her throat and lungs. 
They’ve been calling to her like that for a good chunk of those seven minutes. It is as though they think that she can actually answer them. 
That she can do anything but wheeze and reach out. 
Someone takes her hand and gives it a squeeze. 
“You’ll be alright.” This is TyLee’s voice. But it has that squeak. 
That faintest little hitch that only comes when she is losing hope. 
It’s far away, their house is. 
And her epipen is sitting on the counter or on the floor. Probably. 
Could be somewhere in the brush or the tall grasses along the path they’d walked down. The lilacs are in bloom, they smell quite exquisite at this time of the year. 
Somewhere along the way, her epipen must have fallen out of her pocket because she knows that she had taken it along.
She always has it on hand. 
Her forehead is slicked with sweat, her face is probably a vivid and strained shade of red or a deprived shade of bluish-purple. It is most definitely as swollen as her throat. She can feel that much. 
Someone cups her cheek and the person–maybe the same person–is lifting her hand, squeezing it tighter still. 
Her eyes are stinging in time with the burning of her lungs. Finally spots of dark begin to appear in the blue. 
She feels the bite of the epipen. 
She doesn’t know who administered it. 
She suppose that, that doesn’t matter. 
She does know, however, that hates raspberries more than ever before. 
Sokka rubs his hands over his face. This is his fault and he knows it. He should have paid better attention to the berry bowl, he knew that he’d been making mixed berry smoothies the night before. He was certain that he’d picked all of the raspberries out. 
And now Azula is in the hospital. He supposes that it can’t be too serious, they haven’t made her change into a hospital gown. They haven’t made her free her pony tail or remove her sports watch. 
They have, however, made her lay down. She doesn’t seem particularly fussed over having to do so. In fact she seems to have cozied herself right on up, as much as she possibly can for using a hospital bed. 
“Hey, Zuzu.” She mumbles. “Can you get me some apple juice?”
“Why didn’t you ask the nurse when he was in here!?”
Azula shrugs. “I want to give you something to do. Apple juice tastes better when…” 
“Your loving brother gives it to you?”
“...When it is an inconvenience to you.” She tries to muster a smile but her face is still a touch swollen and she seems so terribly sleepy. 
“Are you sure that you’re okay, Azula?” Sokka asks.
Azula nods. 
“But you’re still…out of it?”
Azula shrugs. “Side effects. The epipen makes me dizzy and fatigued. Where are the others?” 
“Mai’s mom came to pick up she and TyLee. They made sure that you were okay before leaving and Katara’s around somewhere. I think that she’s visiting Gran-Gran.”
“I didn’t know that you’re grandmother was in the hospital.”
“She works here!” Sokka declares. “She took extra good care of you.”
“How long was I…?”
“Not too long.” Zuko says. “You didn’t really black out at all, not completely anyways.”
“Apple juice!” 
“Geez you’re pretty loud for someone who couldn’t breathe like two seconds ago.” Zuko rubs the back of his head.
Sokka waits for him to leave before exhaling deeply. “I’m worry, this is all my fault.”
“Your fault?” She furrows her brows. 
“I thought that I picked all of the raspberries out.” 
“You’re not angry are you.” 
She seems to ponder the question. He waits with bated breath. “I suppose that I’m not. It was an accident. But I reserve the right to throw you into the pool with your clothes on the next time you come to my house. You don’t get a towel either.”
“That’s fair.” He resigns himself to his fate. “Speaking of your home…you’re dad is going to kill me.”
Azula hums. “Yes, you’re probably correct about that. Enjoy breathing while you are still able. He’s been looking for a chance to get rid of you.” She notes flippantly. 
Sokka’s mout falls agape. “Wh-what!? Why?”
Azula gives a lazy hand wave. “He thinks that you have feelings for me.” She nuzzles her cheek against the pillow. “Is that true, Sokka.” 
“I…I don’t know.”
“Mmm. You’re ridiculous, Sokka. If you want to say something just say it.” 
“Well would you just march up to someone and confess your feelings for them!?”
Azula, albeit shakily, hoists herself up and takes him by the collar. He swallows and she tugs him closer to her. For a moment he thinks that she is going to kiss him. And then she lets go and his stomach sinks. “Your breath smells like raspberry but I would have done it.” She grumbles. 
His cheeks flush. 
“Attempted murder isn’t the best way to get a kiss.” 
“It wasn’t a murder attempt! I was the one who gave you the epipen.” 
“I thought that, that was Zuzu.”
“He was the one holding your hand. He panics sometimes and can’t keep his hand steady so I did it. He carried you to the car though.” 
“You’re welcome.”
Azula rolls her eyes. “Thank you.” 
Sokka grins. 
“He’s taking a long time to get that apple juice…”
“I think that he just wanted to let us finish our conversation.” Sokka ruffles her hair.
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rms10 · 8 months
Gotta agree with you on the Zuko character/fandom fatigue thing. Honestly, no hate towards the guy himself, but I'm only watching it for some badass Fire Lady Mai scenes and possible friendship moments with Katara to combat the fanon stereotype that they're jealous rivals over the same man.
Hey anon. It's really sad too. Zuko does have one of the best redemption arcs I've seen. The character is extremely well written. However, so much of this fandom completely destroys all that redemption by acting as if all his - on screen - awfulness never happened, and as if he's completely good in the end, when he clearly has a lot of personal growth to do still. In fact, part of that excellent writing is the fact that he's still pretty messed up in a lot of ways after joining Team Avatar.
I'll almost certainly watch anything put out, and I'll enjoy it. When I'm watching it (and not paying attention to the fandom) it'll all be fine. However, I agree that seeing Fire Lady Mai being badass will be excellent, and really seeing her and Zuko together will be great too. They're such a perfect couple!
I'd give a lot to see Katara and Mai being friends, as well as Aang and Mai. I see Aang's personality and Mai's personalty as producing a really strange, but friendly bond over time. I can see them getting along really well, and he actually makes her laugh out loud in a way nobody else can. I really just see Aang bringing people out of their shells.
Anyhow, thanks for the ask (well, agreement/tell, whatever).
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wakkass · 7 months
Hey! First off i really love your art, it has so much expression and personality❤️💕
I saw your post critisizing Kataras look in season 3 and how they don’t let her show her weaker and more tired self, and tend to pretty her up compared to the rest to make her “more favourable to aang” I don’t really agree on that point and want to add my own two cents.
Both Aang and Katara have seen each other at their best and worst, mentally, physically, emotionally and totally wrecked from exhaustion and have supported each other through it.
Examples at the top of my head for katara:
-in the waterbending master when fighting pakku her hair gets messy and breathing becomea rigid and at no point lets go of her (fierce and justified) anger towards him, aang watches them and cheers for her through it (“Go Katara!”) Also not forgetting how he doesn’t want to be taught by pakku if he won’t teach her.
-in the chase all the gaang are exhausted beyond point and katara snaps multiple times, when trying to confront toph, aang attempts calming her down but she has her “IM COMPLETELY CALM” reaction and aang decides to back away. I see it as him respecting her anger and frustration and understanding she needs space atm.
-the desert all the gaang are not themselves and katara takes over as the leader in that situation, aang is incredibly distraught and furious about losing appa and it’s katara that manages to get everyone back on track, esprcially aang.
- this leads to the serpent’s pass where aang in return regrets his outburst at the sand benders and understand and appreciates kataras effort for what she did back there for all of them, esprcially him in his pure rage.
-the puppet master, katara forcibly learns bloodbending and is distraught over this fact. It’s a very brief moment in the last few seconds but she breaks down and aang and sokka comfort her without any words said and let katara hurt in that moment without any pressure to get it together.
-the southern raiders we see her at her possible worst and aang sees it too. He fully understand her anger and that she needs this journey to heal but doesn’t want her to lose herself by killing the man because it would destroy her to take a life even if he deserved it. Aang empathsizes with her and he is happy she was able to come to her own conclusion despite the pain thr both felt (her going through all these emotions and him seeing her not being herself at that moment before)
Phew sorry that was so wordy lol. Apologies^^”
I also think the show lets her be messy and not “perfect” in scenes without aang too (hakoda and her in S3EP1) but i know that wasnt ur og point.
I totally think the show can be critisized with certain designs tho tbf i don’t blame aang personally for blushing at her when she is really pretty, it is his crush and he is a boy in puberty. He loves her at her best looking times and messiest times (whether thats her emotional or physical state) and always shows it through words and other means of affection.
To end this needlessly long ask I agree with some of what u said but i wanted to add my own thoughts because i couldn’t get myself to agree on others. Sorry for any spelling or grammatical mistakes!
I love analytical posts and how they keep the gears in my head moving. Thank you very much for, firstly, reading my posts, it’s very nice. It’s immediately obvious that you also read the hashtags :3
Thank you for the compliments on my drawings, it’s very nice to hear 💖❤️💖
And, secondly, for writing your post and sending it to me, considering the idea from different angles and complementing it.
I want to say right away: no one is obliged to agree with me for the simple reason that each of us has his own interpretation of this series. It's too ambiguous to have only one true reading, and therefore the difference in points of view complements each other. It's IMPORTANT for us to have different opinions and help each other see different sides of interpretation :3
The phrase itself from the series is wonderfully suitable here, I can’t say it better:
It is important to draw wisdom from many different places. If we take it from only one place, it becomes rigid and stale. Understanding others, the other elements, and the other nations, will help you become whole... It can make you more powerful.
Regarding Katara’s fatigue, I said in hashtags here that it was only shown in two episodes: “The Desert” and “The Southern Raiders.” As you can see, @leanniera gave a few more examples, and I just want to leave them on my wall as part of the theme.
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the-air-nomad · 1 year
A love a little too strong
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Aang pov:
I defeated the Fire Lord! And that without killing him! Now I've proven that I'm not just a baby to be taken care of. Oh, I can't wait to tell Katara! I'm sure he can't wait to be together now. Aang: Sokka, can't this airship fly faster? 
Sokka: This ship just went through an epic battle, so be glad it's still flying! Aang: okay, okay. I'm excited to see Katara again. And Zuko, I hope he beat his sister. 
Sokka: I'm sure they managed to beat the crazy princess!
 Aang: they?
 Sokka: yes Katara and Zuko! 
Aang: Katara went to face Azula?! 
Sokka: yes, that was the plan. 
Suki: maybe if you weren't daydreaming you would know.
 I blushed and the others started laughing. I rested for the rest of the trip because the fatigue was starting to get to me. At one point I fell asleep and woke up a few minutes after landing. I got out of the airship and sprinted towards the palace. Not knowing where to go, I asked a fire sage for directions. He was honored to lead me into the fire lord's personal chambers. I went into the bedroom and my smile disappeared. My Katara was sleeping kneeling next to Zuko's bed.She had one hand on his chest and Zuko was holding her other hand in his. I tried not to let out a possessive growl and push Katara out of there. How could I forget Zuko?! I'm starting to think the cast of Ember Island had something right. Not! Katara wouldn't betray me like that! She loved me even if she didn't know it yet! But now she will know and we will get married and rebuild  the Air Nation together! I walk over to Katara and put my hand on her shoulder. She flinched and moved away from Zuko, standing up. Zuko also wakes up and looks around in confusion. After a while, Katara smiles widely and jumps into my arms. I smile widely and hug her as I notice the slight jealousy in Zuko's eyes. After a while she moves away from me and quickly checks me out. 
Katara: I knew you will win Aang! I am so proud of you!
 Aang: It was really a trifle.
 I rub the back of my head, blushing, and Katara giggles angelically. Zuko lets out a strangled cough, and the next second Katara is at his bedside checking out his new scar. I roll my eyes almost imperceptibly and ask with fake concern: 
Aang: What happened to Zuko? Will him  be fine? 
Katara: Zuko saved my life by charging Azula's lightning for me. 
I stifled a snort. Maybe if Zuko hadn't put you in this danger, you wouldn't have been Azula's target in the first place, Katara. But let's just say I'll let Zuko slide this time. That's only because he saved you. If he might make overly friendly gestures in the future, I might not be so forgiving. My train of thought is interrupted by Iroh announcing that we must prepare for Zuko's coronation. Katara leaves to find her father and I leave to shower and get ready. The coronation went much faster than I expected and we all headed to Iroh's tea house in Ba Sing Se. I looked at the others smiling as they laughed at Sokka's drawing. Katara and I walked over to the balcony and kissed. The only thing better than kissing is that our love story is just beginning. Is it too early to think about an engagement necklace? Oh! This is a Nordic tradition! What tradition does the Southern Tribe have? Hmmm I guess I should ask Sokka! Should I ask Chief Hakoda's permission to court his daughter? Katara: Earth to Avatar! Are you having an overly realistic dream again? Aang: What? not! not! I was just thinking! 
Katara: what were you thinking about? 
Aang: how lucky I am to have a girlfriend as beautiful as you!
 Katara: let's just say I believe you. 
She giggles and pulls me back into the room.
Although I do not own the characters from avatar the last airbender, this work belongs to me! I sincerely hope you liked it and please rate it and leave a comment! follow me to see the continuation and to see my next posts! 💖💖💨
You can buy me a coffe if you want:  buymeacoffee.com/TheAirNomad
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sailorshadzter · 1 year
some quick zutara :)
The smoke clears and to his relief (and surprise) they are the ones left standing.  
In the aftermath of the battle, he sinks to his knees, realizing only then that he feels weaker than he’s felt in all of his life. “Zuko!” Her voice is at his ear as she drops to her knees before him, tender hands reaching out to touch the injury that bleeds from his left hand. But she knows as well as him that despite the win, they don’t have the time to heal him. Not there in the open. Not when backup could show at any moment. Zuko looks up into those clear blue eyes and sees then that her mouth is battered, a faint bruise rising up against the curve of her cheek. “Can you walk?” She asks and he nods, knowing that even if he couldn’t, he’d have to try.
The battle had caught them off guard- separated from the others, they had found themselves on the outskirts of the Fire Nation, a rural area just at the base of the mountain range. They had intended on meeting back up with Aang and the others later that night, not once expecting to be ambushed by the Fire Nation soldiers as they had been. Luckily for them it had been a small bunch, but still seven against two had left them severely outnumbered…. But somehow, they managed to come out the winners. Even if they were opposites in every possible way, even Katara had to admit they made a good team when it came to battle. The yin to the others yang, somehow she always knew Zuko’s next move, as if they had planned out everything. 
An arm slung around him, she helps him onto his feet and quick as they can, they make their way from the battlefield, back towards the mountains they had only just come from. She recalls passing a cave or two and she supposes for now, that would have to do. At least within the walls of a cave they could hide and gain back their strength. “In here,” she says, steering him towards the first one they come across. She glances his way and can see his already pale features have lost color, his golden eyes seemingly far too bright for his face. “Careful now,” she steers him over broken rock in the entryway and leads him as far in as they can go, only then allowing him to carefully drop to the ground. “Don’t move,” she commands before she drops to her knees before him, thankful for the water that’s pooled within the cave, runoff from perhaps the storm that had run through only the night before.
“I must be hurt pretty bad if you’re being this nice to me,” he quips and she rolls her eyes, though a faint smile curves on her lips. He was still well enough to make jokes and for that she was still thankful. Her hands reach for his injured side, tearing away what fabric remained, revealing to her the sword wound he’d been given all so he could protect her. Just like the one on his chest, it would leave behind a scar, a testament to the truth of his feelings for her. 
“I’m always nice to you,” she replies back as she draws the water into her palms, the gentle glow of it sending warmth through her own frame. She puts her hand to his side and it takes only a few moments for the wound to close, leaving behind the smallest of scars. There it was, the reminder. “You need rest,” she reminds him before he can move or say a word, for though his wound was healed, she could not heal the fatigue of blood loss. Of battle. And truth was, she felt it too. 
As always, despite the years that have passed, he’s in awe of what she can do. 
Powerful of a warrior as she was, the gentleness of her healing powers was amazing to him, and truth was, he thinks he’s more amazed by that than anything else she could do. “You too,” he reminds her softly, slowly, and she smiles as she nods, scooting from where she kneels before him to instead sit beside him. It takes only another moment or so for her to lean into him, head to his shoulder, her favorite place to be.
His arm comes around her waist, fingers curving around her hip, drawing her in just a little more closely. Her body is warm and soft, there pressed against him, and he’s thankful that after all this time, she was his to hold onto. It took them some time, but they have found one another, and no matter what the future brought, she would always be his. And he would always be hers. 
And so, he tips his head against hers and closes his eyes, allowing sleep to consume him.
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defiedfate · 3 months
“  why are you bleeding?  what happened?  ” Ang
blood prompts
What little was holding him up gave way when his friends came into sight. He was limping. Glider in desperate need of repair, even folded in on itself, as blood oozed from more than one gash visible on his person.
Yet, relief, warm and comforting, filled his chest as Aang stumbled toward them. Knees finally buckling in the wash of that alleviation. Pressure to make it back-- to make it HOME --subsiding upon sight of them.
Katara might have cried out, but it was Sokka who got to him first. Who caught him with his shoulder so that the boy could sag into his figure for support. The questions came, but they didn't stick in his head. Like something written in the sand of a beach. Washed away with every lap of the tide to the shore-line.
"I's okay… Everything 's gonna be--" he didn't finish. Be it the blood-loss or the fatigue that caught him first, his consciousness fell away in an instant. Leaving him to collapse further. Falling limp without answering Sokka's questions.
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the-badger-mole · 1 year
Zuko clenched his fists so tightly, he worried that he might pierce the skin of his palms. The Dai Li agents were walking slowly up and down the bazaar looking for...well, for him. Zuko pulled the musty smelling robes closer around him, doing his best to keep his face hidden. The lack of activity around the stall might draw attention itself, but he didn't know what else to do. He had no wares to pretend to sell, and the agents were getting closer. Panic caused his heart to speed up as he scrambled to come up with a plan- any plan- to make his cover stick.
"Fortunes!" he called, trying to change the distinct rasp of his voice. "Fortunes for a copper!" The response was almost immediate. Customers wandered over- mostly young, well-dressed women- to have their fortunes told. The crowd of mostly giggly young women had the desired effect. Zuko saw one of the agents glance in his direction, then almost immediately turn away. His mouth was twisted as if he'd bitten into a peppercorn. They didn't leave right away, though, suspecting (not incorrectly) that the troublemaker they were looking for was still there somewhere. So, Zuko, rolling his eyes to himself, settled in and spent the next hour predicting love, success, the downfall of enemies to seemingly every female between the ages of fourteen and twenty in the lower and middle tier. The cheap price of a fortune made him even more popular.
As the day drew on towards evening, Zuko thought he saw the last Dai Li agent leave the bazaar. He sighed with relief. He could finally make his way home. His uncle would be worried, but Zuko thought the sizeable purse he was bringing home. He'd stop and exchange the copper pieces for silver and gold on his way home. By his count, he had probably made enough to exchange for at least ten gold pieces. Maybe he should quit the tea shop and go into business as a fortune teller full time, Zuko though. Of course that would mean spending hours and hours talking to strangers. The thought left a sour taste in his mouth. As if the tea shop patrons weren't bad enough.
"Excuse me, are you still open?" Zuko was about to turn the new comer away, but his tongue froze. The Avatar's Waterbender- Katara- was standing before him, giving him a friendly smile. She didn't recognize him, Zuko realized. He pulled the robes tighter around his face and motioned for her to sit down. He didn't know what kind of information he could pull from her, but he'd hate himself if he didn't at least try.
"What do you wish to know?" he asked, pitching his voice down. A faint blush stained Katara's cheeks, and Zuko thought he had an idea of her question.
"I feel a bit silly asking this," she hemmed. "But I guess I'm a bit desperate- oh, not that I doubt your abilities, Mr...." No one had asked Zuko his name the entire time he'd been there, and he hadn't thought to come up with one. Now he scrambled for a response.
"I am...the Great and Powerful Seer," he said ponderously. Katara blinked owlishly at him.
"Um...okay," she replied slowly, trying to bite back a smile. "Mr. Seer, then." Zuko bristled a little. So he wasn't a great improviser. She didn't have to be so condescending.
"If you don't have any questions for the Great Seer, I have other places to be," Zuko huffed.
"No, please," Katara said, trying to placate him. "I didn't mean to offend you. I do have a question. You see, my friend lost someone very dear to him, and we've been trying to find him for weeks. We were able to track him here, but we can't find any more clues."
"I see," Zuko murmured. Katara's sharp eyes snapped up and she stared hard at him, trying to see his face through the cloth and shadows. Zuko cleared his throat and spoke a bit louder in his fake voice. "And this missing friend. Is he...human?"
"No," Katara sighed. The suspicious look was gone, replaced with worry and fatigue. "He's an animal."
"He would be hard to miss, I'd think," Zuko said. "Even in a place as big as Ba Sing Se would be a hard place to hide a flying bison." The sharp look was back in Katara's eyes.
"I didn't say he was a flying bison," she said. Zuko felt his entire body heat up in a flash.
"Psychic," he managed to say. "Remember?"
"...right." Katara didn't seem convinced. "So, what else can you tell me?" Zuko once again found himself scrambling for an answer.
"Sometimes the answers we seek," he said slowly, "are found where we least expect. You've checked all the obvious places. Now, maybe you should check...less obvious ones." Katara stared at him for a long moment. Her expression was unreadable. Zuko swallowed hard, and did his best to ignore the bead of sweat rolling down the back of his neck. Finally, Katara nodded slowly.
"That...makes sense," she said, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "We had been considering that maybe Appa is being hidden underground, but... Well, maybe we can check. Thank you...Mr. Seer." She reached into her purse and pulled out a copper coin. She was about to leave, Zuko realized. He'd gotten the tip about the Avatar's bison, but surely he could do better.
"Don't you have any other questions?" he asked. Katara blinked in surprise.
"I thought it was one fortune for one copper?"
"For such a pretty young lady, two fortunes for the price of one." Zuko wanted to bite his tongue off for such a cheesy line. Who was he? Uncle? But Katara's cheeks flushed a pretty shade of pink and she ducked her head bashfully.
"Oh...well...thank you," she said. She was very pretty, Zuko thought to himself. When her eyes weren't full of rage, or suspicion, they were actually very warm and inviting.
Irrelevant, Zuko snapped at himself. "Focus!"
"Excuse me?" Katara asked.
"Er...that is, I'm trying to get a read on you," Zuko covered quicky. "Focus on what you want to know. I sense you have been on a long journey."
"That's an understatement," Katara scoffed. "But then again, Ba Sing Se is full of people on long journeys."
"Ah, but yours has been longer than most," Zuko pressed. "I'm sensing that you...aren't from the Earth Kingdom."
"No," Katara confirmed. "I'm from the South Pole."
"That's a very long way," Zuko said. "You must miss home." Katara paused for a moment and thought.
"Not as much as I thought I would," she said. "I mean, sure I'd like to go back someday, but I...I've met a lot of interesting people."
"And faced many dangers." Zuko leaned forward. "I see that, too." Katara's brows furrowed and she was searching him with that too smart gaze, but this time it seemed more curious than suspicious.
"How do you see it?" she asked.
"The last fortune teller I saw used bones," Katara explained. "You don't have anything. No bones, no dice, no cards...How do you tell fortunes?"
"I...I read auras," Zuko said. Katara was a dangerous opponent, even when she didn't realize she was being engaged. Maybe offering her a second fortune wasn't such a good idea after all. He should have gotten her away from his stall as soon as he could.
"What else does my aura tell you?" Katara asked. Zuko cursed himself silently. He tried to remember what he'd heard his sister's friend, Ty Lee say about auras the last time he saw her. The colors had meaning, and the last time she'd "read" his aura, she had listed off the colors she saw and their attributes, but it seemed to Zuko that she was just listing personality traits.
"Your aura is mostly blue and purple," Zuko told her. "The blue means you're insightful and powerful, and the purple means you're empathetic. But I see a bit of red around you, too. You're a very passionate person. I can see bits and pieces of your journey, so far. You've recently achieved a major goal, and you've suffered a loss- that'd be this...Appa. I also see a bit of grey in your aura. Maybe you're feeling...uncertain about something?"
"About a lot of things," Katara admitted.
"Why don't you tell me about it?" Zuko leaned forward eagerly. Perhaps she would let a useable secret slip if he left the question open.
"I don't know," Katara bit down on her knuckle and glanced up at Zuko nervously. "I mean...it's a bit silly."
"Nothing is too silly for me," he assured her.
"Alright," Katara sighed. "I mentioned that I'd seen a fortune teller before-" Zuko nodded and motioned for her to continue. "She told me...she told me about the man I'd marry one day."
It was like a bucket of cold water being dumped on Zuko. He was stupid to think that Katara would let sensitive information slip out to a stranger, but this reminder that she was still a teenage girl was jarring.
"You want more information?" Zuko asked, trying to keep his tone politely interested.
"Sort of," Katara huffed. "You see, she told me that I'd marry a powerful bender someday. Well, my friend is a powerful bender...technically."
"He...isn't very motivated to practice," Katara admitted. Now, that was something, Zuko thought. She must be talking about the Avatar, and it seemed the Avatar was a lazy student. Zuko didn't know how that was helpful to him, but he stored it away, anyway.
"I see," he said. "So, you want to know how to motivate him?"
"No, nothing like that," Katara waved him off. "It's just that he's a powerful bender, and I know he likes me, but...I don't...
"You don't feel the same way?" Zuko guessed. Katara's cheeks blushed deeper.
"He's so...immature," Katara said. "I know he's just a kid, but sometimes I feel like I'm raising him. I don't know if I could ever like him the same way he likes me. I've tried. I wanted to give him a shot, but it doesn't feel right. Maybe I'm being too picky? Maybe the feelings will come later?"
"There are other powerful benders," Zuko pointed out. "Maybe you're meant to be with a different one." There was relief mixed with uncertainty on Katara's face now. Zuko thought he understood why. The Avatar is the most powerful bender by default, his laziness notwithstanding, and he clearly had a thing for Katara- even Zuko could see that.
"I guess that's true," Katara said.
"It's alright not to return someone's feelings," Zuko told her. "I would hope that you are looking for something more substantial in a husband than just his bending ability."
"Of course!" Katara was indignant. "Of course I am. It's just that...well, it's complicated. If my friend likes me the way I think he does, then...I might owe him."
"Owe him?" Zuko repeated incredulously. Katara clutched her elbows and ducked her head in embarrassment.
"Like I said, it's complicated."
"You don't owe anyone your affection," Zuko said. He was suddenly, unaccountably annoyed. "It doesn't matter what they do for you. If you're not into this guy, you don't have to force yourself to be. You're allowed to make your own choices about your destiny." Zuko froze as the words left his mouth. Katara leaned forward, looking at him in concern.
"Are you alright?" she asked. Zuko blushed and nodded.
"I'm fine," he said. "I've just realized I need to be somewhere soon."
"Oh!" Katara jumped to her feet and bowed her head slightly. "I won't take up any more of your time. Thank you...Mr. Seer." Zuko nodded and waved her off. Katara started to walk away, but after a few steps she looked back at Zuko. "It's okay if I don't return his feelings? Even if he does something major and life-saving?"
"Even then," Zuko assured her. Then she smiled at him. Zuko found himself smiling back, though he knew she couldn't see him. She had a nice smile, he realized. He'd never been on the receiving end of anything other than a challenging smirk from her. Now that he had, he wished vainly that he could see her smile like that again.
The coast was clear. The Dai Li had long since given up on finding him. Zuko shed the musty robes and gathered his earnings for the day, and he made his way home. As he walked, his own words chased him. You're allowed to make your own choices about your destiny. He wondered if he was included in that.
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honorabledragon · 1 year
‘i brought you some medicine for your cold.’ From Katara
Zuko smiled wearily from his desk at the Water Tribe ambassador's kindness. She was always so thoughtful. "Thanks, Katara," he replied croakily in the dim candlelight of the quiet room.
"It's so annoying, I can't seem to shake it for whatever reason," he complained, taking out his handkerchief to wipe his runny nose. The fatigue and fuzziness made it hard to concentrate, but it was just a bug.
"How's your work coming along? I hope I don't get you sick."
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