moral-turpitudes · 2 years
More Than Gold:
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Trigger Warnings: Kind of Season 6 Spoilers if you haven't seen it yet. Angst, Descriptions of death etc.
Word Count: Idk lol
Characters: Thomas Shelby x Ruby Shelby
Requested by: Anon
"Please could I have some Tommy x teenage daughter angst? Thank you so much"
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“Daddy? Where do we go when we die?” Ruby asked softly, her frail frame shaking with bloodied coughs every moment or so.
“I’d say heaven, but I don’t quite know myself. But you aren’t going anywhere love. Now now. Not ever.” He said, kissing her hand.
“Mum said you were going to find someone that could help me get better?” She asked.
“Aye I am. Leaving tomorrow. Sometimes you can’t trust doctors and their treatments. So I’m going to try to help you alright?” He said, watching her nod with a small smile.
“Goodnight my darling. I love you.” Tommy said, his eyes watering slightly as he took in what he knew could be the last image of his daughter alive. It haunted him with each day that passed. Only making his mission grow more important as time went on.
Over the next few days he’d traveled to where Esme Lee was taking up camp.
“Took ages. Didn’t think you’d be over here.” Tommy said, looking at the tired young woman with hurt in her eyes.
“You only found me because I wanted to be found. Now, Thomas…what are you here for?” She asked, her eyes dancing toward his as the wind whipped around them. The bonfire near her groups caravans nearly blowing out.
“I have a daughter named Ruby. She’s ill. Deathly ill with consumption.” He said.
“Not surprised you’ve procreated again…Now tell me, has she wore a black Madonna?” She asked.
“Yes, doctors are going to try collapsing her lung and if it spreads they’ll try a new gold treatment. Apparently it’s been working decently.” He said.
“They always say that. Give me two days and I’ll have something for you. But I’ll need to be paid for my efforts.” She said.
“What’s your price?” He asked.
“Gold. I want gold, Tommy. If they can use it for medicine it might as well be accessible by now aye?” She said.
“Okay, I’ll get ya gold. Now will this work?” He asked.
“If you have to question it, probably not. Just give me two days.” She said, waving him off to find his own shelter.
Her heart was still broken from Johns death. Nothing could bring him back, but maybe there was hope for little Ruby yet.
Two days passed and Lizzie frantically called Tommy, her voice thick with tears.
“Tommy. You need to come home. It’s in both her lungs. The gold didn’t work.” She said.
“Fuck. Alright I’ll be there in the morning. Is she stable?” He asked.
“For now. Please hurry.” She said, hanging up.
Thomas slammed the phone down on the hotel desk, his eyes blurring with tears as he pictured Ruby lying in her hospital bed, dreading what was to come.
“I’m going to help you Ruby. I swear it…” He said through gritted teeth as he yelled in frustration, throwing his glass of water against the brick wall and shattering it to pieces.
Not soon after, he got back in his car and sped to Esme. It’s been two days and word hadn’t gotten to him. Did she just say that so he’d leave? Or did she really have something?
Brakes squeaked and squelched along the muddy ground as the car came to a halt.
“Esme! Esme Lee! Come out right now!” He yelled, the company surrounding Esme at the camp, slowly getting out of bed and out into the open.
“Quiet down will ya Tommy? Kids are sleepin’” She said, getting out of her vardo with a small vial in her hand.
“Took me own blood to make it, has special things in it that I’m not telling ya, but Polly would appreciate it. Give her the whole bottle. And I mean, every last drop. It’s worth more than gold.” She said, chucking it to him.
“Thank you. I’ll get you your gold.” He said firmly.
“You better. Now go save your precious little gem.” She said, truly praying it would help. As much as she despised Tommy, she couldn’t let a child die.
It was 5 in the morning when Thomas had burst through the hospital doors, the staff jumping at the sudden noise.
“Where’s Ruby? Ruby Shelby? I need to see my daughter right now.” He said.
“She’s quarantined, made her a special room sir. She’s not doing well I’m afraid.” One of the nurses said as she led him to the isolated room.
Lizzie soon enveloped him in a hug as she cried, her hope dwindling with each second he was gone.
“She’s dying Tommy. They tried some of the gold. It didn’t work, she’s too far gone.” She said as she followed him to Ruby’s bedside.
“No she’s not, not now. Ruby…I’m here love. Drink this very fast alright? Can you hear me?” He whispered, bringing the vial to her lips as she barely moved to swallow the concoction.
“What was that?” Lizzie asked, her faith in gypsy medicine skeptical at best.
“It’s worth more than gold Lizzie. That’s what it is.” He said, looking at his watch and then at Ruby’s sweet face.
“C’mon…” He whispered, trying to clutch her to himself where she could be safe in his arms.
“We’re going to watch her tonight Mr. Shelby. You and Mrs. Shelby can go-“ the doctor started, being cut off by a unanimous “No.”
“We wait till noon.” Thomas said, praying to Polly and god-knows-what that his daughter can come back to him.
“Give her time. C’mon.” Lizzie said, urging him to lie down on the nearby bench.
“No.” He said, gently picking Ruby up to where he was holding her, cradling her as best he could with all the bandages and things attached to her.
“I have to feel her breathing. Please sleep love.” He said, Lizzie nodding and lying down and laying a blanket over her slender frame.
“Daddy’s here. I’m right here okay Ruby? I’ll always be right here.” He said rubbing her small hands in his, they were cold despite the sweat beading on her forehead.
Thomas told her little stories and sang soft lullabies as he too drifted off to sleep, hoping that in a few hours time she’d be with him again.
At noon, Thomas felt a sharp pain in his side as the sun shined down from the hospital windows.
“What was-“ He started to say, before he realized the pain was caused by Ruby fighting in her sleep.
She’d moved, finally in days she’d moved.
“Lizzie…Lizzie shes awake!” Tommy said urgently, Lizzie stumbling over to her bedside.
“Wake up love, just a dream. It’s just a dream.” Thomas said, rubbing her back as she came to.
“Sorry daddy. I was fighting the scary man. He tried to trick you and then hurt you.” She said, her voice sounding a bit clearer.
“I’ll go get the doctor.” Lizzie said, running straight out of the room.
“Who’s Esme?” She asked, Tommy shaking as he realized it was working.
“Oh my sweet girl…she…she was in our family…you’re back…” He said holding her close.
“She’s nice, she and aunt Polly visited me in my dream.” She said, looking up at her father with clear eyes that reflected her mothers.
“Good. My darling, good.” He said, his brain not yet connecting that she was indeed alive. It all seemed like a dream to him too.
“Why is she up? How-how is she up?” The doctor said as he came in.
“I told you I’d help her.” Tommy said.
“What did you do Mr. Shelby?” He asked.
“Trust me, if I knew, I’d tell ya.” He said, gently picking her up and heading out the door with Lizzie.
They both cried all the way home, arrow house greeting them with open arms as they entered. The Shelby family was once again safe, even if just for a while.
Years later, 6 to be exact, Ruby had turned 13. Her mother coming in from overseas and Tommy pulling out the chair for her at the grand dining table at arrow house.
“So good to see you my girl. It’s been a while. You’ll have to visit me and Charlie.” She said, her eyes still hiding the pain of her husband sleeping with Mosley’s wife in order to infiltrate his plans. It was a harsh goodbye, nearly causing Tommy to spiral, but Ruby decided to stay with him, saving him.
“You can have as much cake as you’d like if you want love, but just tell me one thing…” Thomas said, holding his daughters hand.
“Do you have any regrets? Blow them all away with the candles if ya do.” He said as he used his lighter to light birthday candles instead of cigarettes for once.
“I have one, but it’s morbid.” She said.
“Oh? How morbid? You’re a blinder, you’ve seen morbid.” He said.
“I…didn’t tell you about the scary man and what he’d said later that day…” She said, her eyes flickering to the flames as the wax dropped onto the cake.
Tommy froze and Lizzie tensed as they realized what she’d meant. The man from her dream all those years ago.
“He said even though I’d beaten him, his business isn’t done. A devils business is never done. I knew he meant you. Polly and Esme…they…they warned me to protect you. To know that there’s still people out there trying to harm you. I didn’t want to say anything but I feel I’ve said it too late already.” She said.
“Why’s that?” He asked.
“Because I know someone will come for you, it may be near your life’s end when you notice, it may be near all our ends…” She said taking a breath, her lungs still scarred from her past illness.
“But, Polly showed me a man with a black rectangle on his face, or I guess a mustache, not sure. Looked quite funny.” She said, a small smile cracking despite the cryptic warning.
“Those are dreams my love, don’t let them haunt you now. We’ll be okay.” Lizzie said, chuckling and kissing her daughters forehead.
Thomas sucked in a breath as he remembered Michael and his plot against him; Gina’s family still wreaking havoc on part of their imports; and remembered the growing tensions with the nazi party and their unethical ideals. It was only a matter of time before they were all in danger but he didn’t think it would be so soon.
“I’m going to stop him. Even if it kills me.” He said tensely, kissing his daughters forehead before heading out to make his plans.
“He’s going to be killed. He has-“ Lizzie started to say.
“No limitations. I know.” Ruby said, cutting her mother off before taking a sip of her tea. She’d felt conflicted, having faith in her father but fear in her heart of what could come. This could be the last mission for Thomas Shelby, and the whole family in general. But like the ticking of her fathers pocket watch, only time would tell.
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moral-turpitudes · 2 years
could you update your master list, it has your old user so i can’t click any of the links :-( thanks much x
Hello! I just fixed it :)
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moral-turpitudes · 2 years
Please could I have some Tommy x teenage daughter angst? Thank you so much
Here it is love! +++++
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moral-turpitudes · 2 years
Friends & Lovers:
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Masterlist | Rules | Peaky Prompts
Trigger Warnings: a lil bit of WWI angst.
Word Count: 1,510
Characters: Ada Shelby x Y/N, Thomas Shelby x Y/N
Requested: Yes by Anon, you can find it here +
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Ada laughed as you waltzed around in one of Tommy’s old coats. It was one he’d kept from years ago, before everything went downhill. It had acquired quite a lot of dust on it until you’d found it in the attic that day. Causing you to sneeze every so often as you pranced around.
“Do the voice! Do the voice!” Ada yelled as you cleared your throat, doing the worst-yet best impression of your lifelong friend and lover.
“When I was in France…” You’d say, trying to make your voice reach a low octave as you folded your arms trying to look tough.
As you felt the soft fabric in your hands, you looked out the window, thinking back to all those happy moments with him, and Ada of course.
You’d been with the Shelby family practically all your life. You being the same age as their brother John, living right next door to them on Watery Lane.
You were there through all their hardships. Giving each of the boys a long hug before they left for the war.
To Arthur, you were like a sister. To Ada, well - you were her lifelong best friend. Her go to gossiper, glittery makeup tester, and her most trusted person. But to John and Tommy, you were their first crush.
John tried to get you first, trying to play with a ball on the streets in front of you. Forever trying to impress you with his sporting skills. Eventually you decided to engage in some games with him. And even sneakily sharing a kiss in the alley between your houses as alcohol flowed through both your veins one night. But you refused to go any further, knowing he wasn’t the one you yearned for.
In contrast with John, you rejected playing sports after a while. Opting for sitting down on the front steps, drawing life around you and often reading. Ada would come out too, shipping her best friend with the blue eyes blinder.
Tommy would see you from in the house, watching you go into your own little world as you’d draw and read. He seemed to be the only one that understood you, being a bit withdrawn himself, he’d sit with you and talk about anything, just to hear your voice. Just to see your smile. But he always liked Ada teasing you, cuz then he could hear your laugh which he thought about often.
Years later you’d come to find out he’d check out the same books at the library and stay up reading till sunrise, just so he’d know about the book and could talk about it with you.
But one day as you grew older, you had went off to school in London, making new friends and establishing yourself slightly. Thomas hadn’t gotten the courage to ask you out yet, but his letters always hinted at something more.
When news of the boys being drafted got out, you raced home, knowing it may be the last time you’d see the men you’ve grown to love. Hoping that maybe after the endless years of talking and confiding in each other, he’d admit the one thing he knew deep down. That Tommy loved you, and always had.
So before they left, he grabbed you by the waist pulling you into a kiss that only novels would dare to describe. Your eyes tearing up as he broke away from you in the alley. Oddly the same alley you’d shared your first kiss with John.
“I love you Y/N…I do. If I don’t make it back…just know I’ll always love you aye? Look out for Ada and Pol for me. I’ll write to you.” He said, wiping a tear away from your cheek as the rain started to pour. He looked at his pocket watch as you’d seen the once innocent and docile Thomas turn to a hard-faced man of stone. The fear that he could very well come home in a box plaguing his mind as he hugged you one last time.
“You’ll come back. I know you will. I love you.” You said through your tears, kissing him once more before he left for what felt like an eternity.
But you were right. He did come back. He was a different man, but he came back nonetheless.
It took a while for him to settle back into civilian life, as it did for his brothers and so many others. But you were the one person he could confide in. You felt as if you’d seen the hell he’d been through as he described it to you. He’d sit on the floor of his old room on watery lane with your head lying gently on his lap as he told you about what happened over there. Knowing he at least could tell you, and that you tried your hardest to understand. He’d often stroke your hair as he continued, pausing his story to wipe tears from his eyes and then from yours as he relived the darkest moments of his life. But he knew that as long as he had you, he was going to be okay.
Years later, he’d made sure of that though, seeing as you married him and officially joined the Shelby family. John was understanding through everything, he knew early on that Tommy had won you over, but he always cherished that first kiss. Not thinking anyone could top that until his wife Esme came along.
“Where’d ya go love?” Ada asked, snapping her fingers in front of you as you’d stared off, reminiscing about the past.
“You know where I was.” You said with a wink, as you continued staring out your window.
“You gonna wear that all night?” Ada asked, giggling as you’d realized you’d still had Tommy’s coat on. It fit you perfectly since it was from so long ago, but wearing it always brought you back.
“Y/N…” Ada said, pointing to the doorframe as your husband stood there quietly with a smirk.
“What? Just thought I’d try it on…Don’t I look cute?” You asked, your heart racing as you came back to reality. Knowing that you were with him, and that he was indeed okay. Damaged, but okay.
“Awe look at the love birds. Oi why didn’t we act like that Y/N?” John asked as he held his wife’s hand. They’d just came in your house unannounced like they often did these days, especially after the business started picking up.
“Fucking what?” Tommy asked, his gaze going from you to his brother in a split second.
“When was this?” He asked, letting you go as he loosened the cuff links on his shirt.
“I’m going to let you fight this one.” Ada said to you as she quietly left the room.
“Love. Sweetheart. It’s okay he’s talking about when we were kids. We shared a kiss in the alley one time when we were drunk. You’d been away with Johnny and Pol in the countryside.” You said quickly, a nervous laugh escaping as you watched your husbands jealousy turn to amusement.
“It was nothing more than that my love.” You said, reassuring the dashing man next to you with a kiss.
“Well it looks like I won in the end aye?” Tommy teased, calming down and sitting on the edge of his desk as you sat next to him. Intertwining your hands together and giving him a peck on the cheek.
“See? She’s always loved ya mate. But it’s alright cuz I found me a real showstopper aye?” John said, Esme drunkenly laughing at his side as he kissed her passionately.
“John…?” You asked, grabbing Tommy’s cigarette and taking a hit. His eyes on you as you blew smoke out your mouth, smirking. It was an unspoken thing you’d do often, but it made him weak at the knees every time.
“Yes?” John asked from the hall, Esme trying to drag him to the spare bedroom.
“Since you’ve both walked into my house like you own the place, can you two clean the room after you’re done?” You asked, Esme rolling her eyes as John looked at his friend.
“C’mon really?” He asked annoyed.
“Mhm. Maid is off tomorrow.” You said before turning back to Tommy. His eyes were on you as he glided his hands over your hips. A smile forming as he pulled you close.
“You know you’re the only one who can tell my brothers what to do?” He asked as you kissed him.
“Mhm. I’m your girl, so they have to do what I say right?” You said cheekily.
He blew a puff smoke out as he smiled at you, that knowing look in his eye as he led you to your all’s bedroom.
“Let me put this back.” You said taking off the coat, his hands stopping you midway through.
“Keep it. You look better in it love.” He said, kissing you as he took your hand, continuing to lead you to the bedroom. The coat soon becoming an afterthought as it lied along the mahogany floors.
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moral-turpitudes · 2 years
Anna's Secret:
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Holiday Oneshot Request for Anon <3
Trigger Warnings: Drinking but that's obvious.
Characters: Thomas Shelby x Daughter/OC + Family
I'm living vicariously through Anna. Like damn girl you get Timmy C all to yourself huh.
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The sound of glasses clashing and men yelling filled the room as the garrison filled up with people. The Shelby New Years Eve party started “whenever the first person drinks” Arthur said, shoving a glass of whiskey towards the woman at the end of the bar. She stopped the glass from sliding past and drank it like water. This was something she’d gotten from her father. Which wasn’t always a good trait.
She stared at her uncle and smirked, rolling her eyes as she turned towards the door, waiting for her father to come bursting through.
As he entered the rowdy pub, he caught a glimpse of his daughter Anna, the cerulean eyed beauty of Birmingham. The one who went hunting with her uncles at 10 and threw punches at 15. The one who’d kept Tommy on his toes since the day of her birth.
Anna’s mother was sweet, caring, and often seen as “far-too-nice” to be with someone as cold as Thomas. But he liked that about her. She, and their unruly daughter were the reason he stayed somewhat sane. Mrs. Shelby was never one for parties though, so she entrusted her husband and in-laws to look after her while she visited Ada on weekends. The two of them getting in their own versions of trouble as they kept the family gossip alive.
“Anna” Thomas said, coming up to her with his hands drawn behind him. His eyes tearing into hers as they always do.
“Don’t go too crazy with the booze tonight aye? Make it a good New Year, love.” He said patting her on the back.
“Mhm” Anna mumbled, finishing another glass as she thought about a few days before the party.
It was a cold afternoon, her hand held tightly by the man she’d loved for months. They’d met at the pub while she visited Ada. But she on the other hand, was just as bad of an influence as a good one. Always letting her niece stay over when needed, and with whoever she wanted. But this was different. He asked if she wanted to date officially, seeing as it was almost New Years and he didn’t want to spend it without her.
She agreed, only hesitating for a second as she thought of what her father would think.
“You gonna tell ‘em?” Ada asked, already slurring her words slightly as her voice snapped Anna from her thoughts.
“Don’t know. Maybe.” She said, gulping down the rest of her whisky as she walked aimlessly around the bar.
“What’ll ya have?” She asked Tommy as he conversed with Polly. Her eyes fleeting over to her every now and then. She’s always had a keen eye for love.
“You alright?” He asked as she heavily poured the whiskey into his glass.
“Yeah. Just pouring a drink for ya. And one for me.” She said, pouring her a glass as she doctored it up with various ingredients. Raising her glass up to his before taking a swig. Polly shaking her head with a smirk.
“You’re the same person, really.” She said, seeing a grin forming on Tommy’s lips.
“She didn’t exactly have much of a choice now aye?” He said, Anna rolling her eyes as she knocked back the rest of her whiskey.
“Well I’m going to annoy Finn, you two ‘ave fun.” Anna said, eyeing her youngest uncle in the corner. He was drinking and gambling with Isiah, his lifelong friend and fellow blinder.
“Can I play?” She asked as they made a space for her at the small table.
“Mhmm, loser chugs the pitcher though.” He said, smirking. Everyone knew she was wild, her reputation around Small Heath only growing as she ran ‘round the place. She was nice like her mother, but cruel like her father, and she wouldn’t let anyone walk over her.
“Fuck.” She yelled as she slammed her cards down. Grabbing the pitcher of beer as Finn and Isiah laughed.
Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for her to feel the effects. The whiskey quickly catching up to her as she went around the room bugging her family and poking fun at her cousins. She laughed loudly as Ada slipped by and told her a joke. Tommy looking over and running a hand through his graying hair.
“You have to tell him Anna. At least at some point.” She said, walking with her over to where Polly and Tommy stood. money and business plots running through both their minds as they drank.
“Told you not to go too heavy now Anna.” He said.
“I know I know. Just wish I could see him now. Bastard had to go to another party…” she mumbled, not realizing what she’d said.
“Who?” He asked, sitting his drink down and crossing his arms as he looked into her eyes.
“My boyfriend…” she said, her eyes widening at the fact that she’d told him.
Polly chuckled as Tommy’s face turned from slight disappointment, to anger, and then a smirk.
“I knew it.” Polly said as she sipped champagne, the clock had just struck midnight, but Anna hardly noticed.
“Well tell him we’d like to meet him. And to ‘ave a happy new year.” He said, his face impossible to read as he knocked back the last of his whiskey.
“I-I will...” She said, crossing her arms just like he had, as she realized what she’d done.
After the hours passed, the ride to Ada’s was fun yet awkward, her driving sporadic as she sang happily and cracked jokes to Anna.
“He’ll lighten up love. We just have to see if the poor lad can make it 5 minutes with us.” She said, earning a smirk from her niece.
“Oh joy.” Anna said, drunkenly thinking about her boyfriend having to meet the infamous blinders face to face.
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moral-turpitudes · 2 years
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Masterlist | Rules | Peaky Prompts
Trigger Warnings: None really
Word Count: 1,086
Characters: Thomas Shelby x Y/N (ft. Esme + Polly)
Requested by: Anon
Summary: Y/N doesn't know how Thomas feels about her, thinking he'd never fall for someone like her. But things change after one over-heard phone call.
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“Why’d ya do that?” Arthur asked Tommy as he sulked about his office.
“I had to, if I didn’t there would’ve been witnesses and witnesses are no good for us now.” He said, clenching his jaw.
“It was for the best. The whole lot were dying.” He said nonchalantly, his clothes still stained with blood.
“You couldn’t just let them go after a beat down? I had them in line.” Arthur said, his fists bloodied and bruising in spots.
“Tell that to the one who got away.” Tommy sighed, remembering the man who’d escaped.
“What are we to do then aye? Sit on our asses all day?” Johnny chimed in.
“Mhm” he said, walking out of the room as he undid his shirt. Flinging the bloodied shirt to the ground near his trusty assistant.
Your eyes scanned him as he walked to the wardrobe, pulling out a clean linen button up and slipping it on.
“Did you get those letters done Y/N?” He asked, not noticing how your pupils dilated and your breathing hitched at the sight of him.
“Yes. I handed them off to Polly. She delivered them.” You said, sheepishly looking down at your typewriter.
“Good. Thank you love.” He said quickly, leaving before you could react.
Your heart raced as you over-analyzed what he called you. “Love.”It wasn’t just the word, but it was in the way he said it. It was quick, so as to hide emotion, but soft enough to make you wonder if he felt the same.
As the day turned to night, some of the other employees went home, while others lingered nervously.
Polly sulked near the window, her hands white-knuckling a mug of tea as she waited for her boys to come home.
“He said 9:00 pm. It’s 10:00. If Johns not back soon I’m giving him an earful.” Esme said, moving her hand over her small baby bump.
“Hey Y/N why are you still here love? That bastard say to stay?” Esme asked as you walked out to the common room.
“Mhm. Finishing the paperwork. Said he felt better if I stayed.” You said, thinking back to the day before. Him discussing the boys’ plans with you while you were typing away at a rather long document.
“You mean you want me to stay here and wait for you? Why?” You’d asked, your heart skipping a beat.
“Because I may need you.” He said with a straight face, his eyes fleeing from yours for a moment as you processed everything. He pulled a cigarette out of his coat pocket, looking at you as he lit it. A puff of smoke escaping his lips.
“You’ll be safer here.” He said, slowly walking out as you watched from your desk.
“Ahh I see. Tommy’s at it again…” Esme said with a smirk, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“What?” You asked.
“Oh nothing love. He usually doesn’t have his assistant stay with us on long nights.” She said, looking at Polly with a knowing glance.
“C’mon Y/N, you have to admit he’s handsome. Anyone could have him but he wants you. He’s not good at showing it is all.” She said, wiggling her eyebrows slightly. Teasing you with new knowledge as you sat at the edge of her desk.
“Look at that, red as blood.” Polly said, walking over and patting you on the shoulder.
“He’s good at hiding it. But we’ve noticed. He doesn’t just undress like that. At least not around us.” Polly said smirking into her tea.
“Mhm. Well, um…I’ve enjoyed the chat loves, but I’m going back to my office.” You said, your face flushing as you awkwardly excused yourself.
As you tried to distract yourself with one of Thomas’ books, you continued to hear Esme and Polly making up things as they waited.
Your heart soon jumping out of your chest though as a call rang through.
“Hello?” You asked, your heart calming once you heard a familiar voice.
“Oh, hi Moira. Nothing I’m just at work late again. Yes…yes I know I’m lucky to work for him-do I what?…Want to sleep with him?” You questioned, hoping the others weren’t hearing your friend teasing you on the other line.
“I mean, yes he’s nice looking, I doubt he’d ever sleep with me though. No-no I don’t know if he’s well-endowed alright? Christ Moira. Can we talk tomorrow? I’ll meet you at the pub aye.” You said, feeling eyes on you from a distance.
“Alright love, see ya tomorrow.” You said hanging up and shaking your head slightly as you turned around in your seat.
“Esme not now I-“ you said, stopping shortly after you saw the handsome man leaning against the door frame. His shirt was bloodied for the second time that day. His pants and shoes covered in mud. And a long crimson line of blood running down the side of his cheek. The sound of his cigarette lighter quickly snapping you out of your trance as he smirked slightly.
“I hear you want to fuck me aye?” He asked, your eyes widening as you tensed up. Your face warming up with each second that passed.
“Who told ya that?” You asked, chuckling nervously as he walked closer.
“I heard everything Y/N…” He said, moving closer to you as you swallowed your response down your throat.
“It was just an honest conversation, Tommy.” You said, brushing it off as you got up. His hand catching yours and pulling you back to him.
“Honest aye?” He said, moving his hands to your waist as you thought about everything leading up to this point. He didn’t want you. Did he? He kept his desires to himself, unknown to you. Letting his gaze linger on you for longer than needed, getting lost in your voice at meetings, and thinking about seeing you each day knowing your smile will greet him at the door.
“Mhm. I…I doubt you do though. I’ll-I’ll just go.” You said, taking his hands off your waist.
“Who said I didn’t?” He asked, your eyes locking with his as he lifted a finger to your chin, lightly guiding your lips to his as you melted into him.
“Oi! Y/N. We’re uh…gonna go. Have fun you two.” Esme said with a wink. Thomas shaking his head as you buried your face in his chest.
“Well now that’s settled, what do we do now?” You asked, kissing him once more before he replied.
“I have a few ideas.” He said, leading you to his office.
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moral-turpitudes · 3 years
A Promise to Keep:
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So this may be my fave drunk fic. Thank my 3 working brain cells that decided to write at 2am. :)
Masterlist | Rules | Peaky Prompts
Trigger Warnings: Violence, Angst, Use of Weapons, Implied PTSD, Swearing.
Characters: Thomas Shelby x Reader
Word Count: 1,392
Requested: Yes, by Anon. Peaky Prompts #5. You can find it here.
Summary: Love is the one thing that holds you and Thomas together. Even when you're both at risk, he'd do anything to protect you and his family.
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The air rustled through your coat as you walked along the cold snow-covered cobblestones. The sound of men yelling and the smell of booze filling your nostrils as you neared the garrison. It was as if you’d lived there with how often you visited. Just to see a man by the name of Thomas Shelby.
You met him one night while with your friend at the bar, drinking over lost loves and what not. But like a knight in cotton and tweed armor he came walking in. Taking your breath away instantly. He was important and you could tell. He walked through the double wooden doors like he owned the place, and little did you know-he did.
It seemed like ages ago, you and Tommy flirting and joking around with his family while grabbing a few shots. They were like family to you now, all knowing you were aware of what they did, but also knowing you had a dislike towards violence. He’d said one night that nice people like you don’t belong with a man like him, but you proved him wrong.
On many occasions when he felt the weight of the world on his shoulders, you lifted some of it off- carrying it with you until whatever was bothering him passed. The only person that could turn him soft was you. With one look he’d crumble like an old withering pillar. His tears flooding your clothing and his hands shaking as he held-or rather grasped onto you for dear life. When things got bad, you were the one he turned to. You were his safe place, his home. Darkness often filled every crevice of his mind, but you were the one shining light at the end of the tunnel.
He may not have realized it at first, with being so swept up in the intricacies of the business, but he soon knew you were the one. The one he’d want to spend his life with-however long that may be. He’d be spending it with you and that’s all that mattered.
He was cold hearted when he had to be, and you’d only seen it at the shop and on occasion at family meetings or at the garrison. But this time…it was different.
“They’re coming for us y/n. You have to stay here alright? You have to.” He said in a frantic tone as you pulled Charlie, and your two year old daughter close. She was crying loudly in your ear as he ushered you all into the room in the cellar.
“Why? What did you do?” You’d ask, your eyes growing wide in fear as your heart raced, knowing men were outside your home wanting blood…your husbands blood in particular.
“I did it to protect you. Now please don’t come out until this is over. I love you.” He’d say with a sullen look on his face, his words only holding half a meaning as they left his mouth.
“I’m afraid…I’m so afraid…” you said as you clutched his hand. The men outside were yelling as you spoke, almost muffling you.
“Don’t be scared love. I’ll come back, I promise.” He said, preparing his machine gun as he heard shouts at his door. He was a man that only made promises he could keep.
“You’d think after all we’ve been through the fucking Italians would give us a break.” He said as he loaded bullets into the barrel.
“I know Tommy. God damn it please come back. We need you.” You said, clutching the children close as you watched him reluctantly go up the stairs and close the door to the cellar. His eyes were wide as he pushed back the memories of being face to face with death in the tunnels in France. Knowing his time could be cut short at any moment. But, like the strong person he was, he ran toward the gunfire. He ran toward to the crowd gathered at his home, perching silently as he steadied his breath from upstairs. It was in that next minute, a soldiers minute, that he knew too well would pass by slowly. It was the calm before the storm. The minute hanging in the air until he let one last breath out before firing. His brothers failed to be there that night, none the wiser to their brothers struggle. So there he stood alone, with his gun and fear gripping his throat deep down. It wasn’t something he’d shown often, having taken down many a man in his lifetime-more than anyone should. But now it was up to him to defend his family. They’d came to end the Shelby name, to make it non-existent in the name of revenge. To tarnish any good reputation that they’d developed over the years. To them, to these…terrible people who were associated with Changretta, he was a wayward man, a trouble making g*psy who took and took and never gave. They thought he’d never realize what he’d done to their family. And now they came for his.
But deep down he knew he wanted to make a few things right in his life. He wanted to be the hero his family needed, and to be the one to end the turmoil that surrounded him. It was harder pulling a gun on an enemy than on oneself, the sheer magnitude of his family being at stake making him more eager to end it. But alas, he didn’t, shooting the main instigator on the spot from the window. The other men shooting blindly as he’d ordered all the lights to be turned off in the manor. The only sound was misfires and frustrated shouts as his newfound enemies shot blindly at the darkened brick walls. Their hands and arms growing tired as they shot, questioning what they were really fighting for…
What would come of this? Some of them thought. Death, humiliation, shame-were only some of the emotions these men felt. But as Tommy fired the last rounds into the group from various points, their questions dimmed as death silenced them. Their choice ultimately being made for them as their group leader-a confidante of Changretta’s stood pale-faced and shaken as he watched the men die around him.
“Go on. Now. Tell them it’s over.” Thomas said menacingly from above. His hands trembling out of sight from the power of the machine gun.
The lone man ran as fast as he could, barely dodging a warning shot and an attack from Cyril as he hit the road. This was likely the second time he’d come for his family, and he’d be damned if it happened again.
As the hours ticked by, he finally stalked down to the cellar to let them know they were safe. You embraced him instantly as you could sense he was in an abundance of stress. His fight or flight going off like an alarm as he smiled blindly at the children, desperately trying to let them know everything was alright.
“You can talk to me love. You know that right?” You asked before ushering the children up the stairs.
“I-I know. I will.” He said, almost sounding like he did in the war. A cadence in his voice that was odd to your ears.
“Okay. I love you.” You said hesitantly as he gripped the edge of the small table in the cellar.
“I know. I love you too. Just get to bed aye? I’ll have the bodies cleared soon.” He said, his mind buzzing with orders as he fleeted between the war and the present. His mind wanting to find a safe place while his logic told him to call in reinforcements.
It was only after an hour that they’d came though, his brothers tiredly cleaning and burying whomever they found who were unlucky enough to meet Thomas’ bullets.
“You should’ve called.” Arthur said passively as he loaded the last body onto the truck.
“I should’ve yes. But I, like god, had different plans.”
“But you’re not god Tommy.” Arthur said, his soft heart trying to tear into Thomas’ heart of stone.
“Not yet.” He said, bringing a cigarette to his lips before lighting it. The flames and smoke rising up in the air as you lied awake, knowing it would be far from over. He was a Shelby after all, and only a fool would think Shelby’s could rest.
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moral-turpitudes · 3 years
Love and Lace:
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Masterlist | Rules | Peaky Prompts
Trigger Warnings: idk uh sex.
Characters: Tatiana Petrovna x Female!Reader
Word Count: a lot of slutty, slutty words.
Requested By: Anon, you can find it here.
Summary: Tatiana lets Y/N have her way after a suspenseful night.
A/N: IF YOU'RE UNDER 18 PLZ BE A GOOD NOODLE & DON'T READ IT. You've been warned. 💕
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The sound of heels on the marble floor echoed throughout Y/N’s mansion. Her heart racing as she touched up her makeup and straightened out her lace dress.
It was the night of the ball. Something Tatiana had been going on about for ages. She’d said she had business dealings with a certain Thomas Shelby though.
Y/N’s heart sank as she realized she wouldn’t be able to spend the whole evening with the love of her life, seeing as the business Tatiana conducted wasn’t exactly legal.
“How was the meeting Tatiana?” She asked, watching as the woman she loved walked in without blinking an eye.
“His wife got shot. But it was alright. I managed to get some business taken care of before everything fell apart.” She said, curling up on the plush bed near the window.
“You don’t seem shaken up about it love.” Y/N stated.
“I’ve seen worse. The poor woman bled out in minutes. It’s a shame. She was pretty.” She said with a slight wicked smirk.
“Well then.” Y/N scoffed playfully, undoing her robe to reveal a red lace set of lingerie.
“Why are you all dressed up? Are you making sure I didn’t fall for the deceased?” Tatiana asked, biting her lip.
“No. I’ve just missed you. We went to the ball but never once were seen together.” Y/N said with a sad look in her eyes.
“Next time there’s an event, I’ll make sure we’re together. I promise Y/N.” She said undoing her own dress quickly as you sat on the edge of the bed.
“Good. Because I want them to know you’re mine.” Y/N said, moving to where she was straddling Tatiana. Her pussy growing wet at just the thought of her mouth lost in her depths.
As you swayed your hips slightly, Tatiana grapped them firmly. Steadying you so you could kiss for what felt like an eternity.
You slowly broke the kiss though, biting and sucking your way down her neck, leaving small bruises as you made your way down.
Tatiana gasped as you bit her nipples slightly. Her breasts peeking up in excitement as you grabbed them. You continued your games, trailing kisses down her stomach, stopping right at her clit.
It was supple glistening, just waiting to be messed with. She gasped as you kissed her clit again, blowing cool air onto it as you teased her thighs.
“Please…Y/N.” She said, grabbing her hair.
“Not yet love. I’m not done.” Y/N said with a devilish grin.
“Fuck…” Tatiana moaned quietly as you circled around her clit, gently applying pressure until she was about to burst.
“Don’t cum yet darling.” Y/N said, kissing her clit once again before moving to her lips, the kiss desperate yet passionate.
“I’ll get you back…for this…” Tatiana said, grabbing her hair and coaxing her downward.
“I’m looking forward to it.” Y/N said before licking all over her pussy. The taste of her making her own arousal grow as she heard Tatiana’s moans. She was moaning Y/N’s name. Not anyone else’s, and it drove you wild knowing your name was on her lips.
You slowly slipped you tongue in and out, causing Tatiana to rock her hips slightly as she grabbed your head to create more pressure.
“Harder.” She said breathlessly as you picked up your pace and buried your tongue further in. You brought one and up, gripping her thigh, while the other was circling her clit feverishly.
“Oh….” You heard her say as she ground herself on your face. Her cum coating your mouth and nose as she came closer to the edge.
“Keep going…” Tatiana said, her hands releasing your hair as she gripped the sheets around her. You felt her clenching inside as you kept your pace, knowing she’d let loose at any moment.
And she did, loudly moaning and grinding down on you as she came. Desperately begging for more.
“Fuck me…now.” She said, her eyes serious despite the flushing of her cheeks.
“Alright.” Y/N said, eating her out once more before putting a few fingers in side her. She started her movements slow, allowing her to adjust. Her hips bucking upwards as you thrusted them in faster and harder. She squealed and moaned as you continued, finger-fucking her until she came close again.
“Oh god….Y/N….” She said loudly, her moans and breaths becoming more erratic as she circled her own clit and fingered herself with her other hand.
Y/N gently curled her fingers up, finding Tatiana’s g-spot as she moaned her name. The next orgasm was eminent. He walls clenching around your fingers as she opened like a flood gate. Her juices spraying out blissfully onto you and the bed.
“Oh no….” Tatiana said breathlessly as she shook from her massive orgasm.
“We’re going to have to clean this up.” Y/N said.
“Not until I’m done with you my love.” Tatiana said, moving to where she was straddling Y/N now. She knew she had it coming, but she wanted as much time with her beautiful girlfriend as possible, seeing as the next few weeks she’d be conducting some risky business.
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moral-turpitudes · 3 years
Reap What You Sow:
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Masterlist | Rules | Peaky Prompts
Trigger Warnings: Angst, Swearing, Sight Mentions of Blood/Gore, Fluff.
Word Count: 3,273
Characters: Thomas Shelby x Female!Reader
Requested: Yes
Requested by: Anon, you can find it here.
Summary: Y/N is accused of stealing a check from the company, resulting in her being fired. But only after a tense situation, does her boss and longtime crush Thomas find out the truth.
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It was nearing midnight as Y/N walked through the shop, her heels clicking on the uneven wooden floors as Linda finished the nights paperwork, a nervous look on her face as she shuffled them away.
Y/N paid no mind as she sat down at her desk near Thomas’ office. Tapping her pen nervously as she glanced at her wristwatch. They were supposed to be here by now. All of the Shelby brothers were supposed to be shouting and running through the shops still high on their victory against one of the other gangs in town. They were supposed to be sighing in relief and pouring the boys drinks, but only silence ensued as Linda crept towards the company safe which she’d sneakily found the combination to while going through Y/N’s desk one night. With a quick movement, she unlocked the heavy door, yanking it open and rifling through the stack of blank checks and tearing off a slip.
“Are you alright Linda? Do you need help?” Y/N asked as she saw her walk quickly back to her seat.
“I’m fine, just had to move around the shop a bit. Nerves right?” She said while fiddling with the slip of paper hidden in her hand, out of sight from her curious coworker.
“Yeah, I understand. They should be back by now. I don’t know where they are, but I’m sure Arthur will go straight to you when he arrives though.” She said with a small smile.
Linda nodded and quickly wrote the check out, shoving it in her purse before giving Y/N a small stack of papers.
“I’m going to run a letter to the mail, I’ll be back.” She said, walking out the door before Y/N could speak.
“Weird.” She mumbled to herself as she went back to going through the papers Linda handed her, all ones Thomas needed to sign-off on in the morning.
The cold air crept through Linda’s dress as she walked with her arms clutched around her to keep warm, the mailbox just in her sights as she remembered what she had to do.
“I’ll pay you if you keep quite about us alright love? It’ll only upset Arthur if he finds out. It could ruin our chances of being together if he’s not dealt with.” She’d said to her lover the night before Thomas’ plan went into effect. Tonight they were planning to take down a troublesome gang that strolled into town, but they were none the wiser to who she’d been fooling around with right under Arthur’s nose. The man was one of the gangs hit men, with the precise instruction from Linda to take Arthur out so she could run off with him instead.
The car nearby sent a shiver down Linda’s spine as she dropped the check into the mailbox, hoping it would all be over soon with no one suspecting her. She even used a blank check thinking no one could trace it, but little did she know just how well Shelby Company Limited kept their finances. As the car neared, she hoped Arthur wasn’t inside, meaning her plan had worked and her payment would be sent. But only time would tell.
With quick steps she went back into the shop, seeing Y/N walking out of Thomas’ office as she’d placed the remaining paperwork on his desk.
“Did ya find it okay? I thought you’d left for the night.” Y/N said.
“Everything is fine Y/N. Were you able to get those papers sorted?” She asked, changing the subject as the boys walked through door looking worse for wear.
“Yes.” Y/N answered quickly as she followed Linda’s wide-eyed gaze to the front door.
“Y/N go get the first aid kit. Now!” Thomas demanded as he sat Arthur down in a nearby chair, John helping unbutton his shirt as Finn grabbed the whiskey from Thomas’ office.
“Drink up brother this is going to hurt.” Finn said, holding the bottle to his lips as he chugged the brown liquid.
“My god what happened?” Y/N heard Linda ask as she gathered the first aid kit with shaking hands.
“Those fuckers shot me, one of the fellows almost shot me in the head damn near.” Arthur said through gritted teeth as Thomas looked at the gunshot wound to his abdomen.
“Here Tom.” Y/N said quickly, handing him the kit and crouching near Arthur to hold his hand that Linda was surprisingly not holding.
“It’ll be alright, deep breaths.” Y/N said squeezing his hand a bit to take his mind off Thomas extracting the bullet.
The room filled with Arthur’s shouts of agony as Thomas worked to dislodge it, his blood spurting out every so often from the movements of the tools.
“Linda are you alright?” John asked as he saw her face turn pale. He was holding Arthur back and helpless at the point.
“Yeah. Arthur? Love? It’s me. I want to stay but I’ll be no use on the floor. I’ll go home to be get things ready for you. Stay strong love.” She said quickly, her face sparkling with sweat as she fought back nausea from the sight of her almost ex-husbands blood. A panicked feeling shooting through her veins as she realized her plan was falling apart.
“Oh alright, just go!” He shouted drunkenly as he grew frustrated at the situation. His mind trying to piece together why he was targeted out of all of them as Thomas stopped the bleeding and stitched him up.
“I don’t know Tom, I don’t know why they aimed at me....why he aimed at me I don’t know....” He said, drifting off as he grew tired from the ordeal.
“It’s alright we’ll figure it out in the morning.” Thomas said, helping his brother up as John got the door and helped him into the car.
“Where’s John taking him?” Y/N asked, wiping her hands on her dress as she stared at the bloody mess on the floor.
“Home. He can rest there more than here. Thank you for looking after the shop with Linda.” He said, going to clean up the mess.
“It’s no problem Tommy. Here I can clean that...if you need a moment to rest.” She said, grabbing a cloth near her and dousing it in some of the whiskey.
Thomas stepped back as she wiped the rest of the blood away, her hair falling out of its loose bun as she ringed the last of the blood off the towel and into the small pail that contained the bullet.
“Are you hurt or anything?” She asked, her heart racing as she realized he’d been staring.
“Just a few scratches. Don’t worry about it love.” He said, lighting a cigarette and staring into her eyes. Y/N could feel her cheeks heating up as she looked back towards her desk, the old butterflies she’d had tucked away for the man resurfacing as of late.
“Well if everything’s done here, am I free to go?” She asked.
“Mhmm.” He said, walking towards his office as she gathered her things. His mind racing with why his brother was shot out of all of them. If anything he thought he would’ve been the first on their hit list.
“I’ve left the paperwork from today on your desk if you feel like signing them. Goodnight Tommy.” She said giving him a small smile.
“Thank you, good night love.” He said, his lips turning up slightly as he watched her walking out the door.
The next morning, Michael had came into his office urgently, with a stack of checks in his hand.
“One of them are missing Tom. Wasn’t me but it was recent. I can tell because we just wrote one today and the one before it is gone. See.” He said showing him the checkbook and where the sequence of numbers hadn’t lined up.
“Well who the fuck stole a company check then aye? Only three people know the code and that’s you, Polly, and Y/N.” He said, his heart aching at the thought of her doing something like that when he already paid her more than she’d expected.
“You want me to call a meeting?” Michael asked, rubbing a tired hand over his face.
“Yeah. Whoever did that probably knows about Arthur.” He said, his suspicion growing from last nights events.
“What’s wrong?” Polly asked as they all sat around the large table in the betting room.
“I have reasons to suspect someone has stolen a check from the company. Maybe used it to pay off someone perhaps.” He said, his eyes darting to everyone. Linda looked tired and Arthur sat near her with a pained expression.
“Would any one of you happen to know who it was? It was recent.” He said, placing a cigarette between his lips and lighting it. The smoke filling the room almost as heavily as the tension.
“It wasn’t Michael or I.” Polly said, shaking her head.
“Y/N...do you know anything about this?” Thomas asked, his eyes much more serious than last night. They were frightening in the way they bore into her soul despite her not knowing what was going on.
“No. I haven’t got a clue Tommy.” She said, holding his gaze as her heart raced.
“Linda...you were also here last night. Do you know?” He asked looking at her with the same calculating eyes.
“No. All I remember is I stepped out for a moment to send off one of your letters and to catch some air before you all arrived.” She said.
“And Y/N was the only one at the shop during that time?” He asked.
“Yes.” She said, her eyes squinting slightly at the poor woman who hadn’t done a thing wrong the whole time she’d been there.
“Look, Tommy I-“ Y/N started to say before he interrupted her in a harsh tone.
“I don’t know why you stole it, but somehow my brother was shot the same night and you were the last person I saw in the shop. You were also the only person there while Linda was away. I have no other choice but to fire you, Y/N. Get your things and go.” He said. Y/N’s face paled and her eyes brimmed with tears as she silently left the room. She averted her gaze from everyone, instead looking at the floor as she packed her things and went out the door, thinking she’d never return to the shop again.
She tried to defend herself somewhat, knowing she didn’t have anything to do with what happened. But none of her words would speak sense into him right now. He was too quick to make judgements, but she wasn’t prepared for him to hurt her like he just did. She felt her body trembling and growing warmer as she slammed her car door shut, the sheer embarrassment and anger rising in her as she made her way home.
As the day drug on, Thomas searched with Michael for the check, calling post offices and banks to see where it could have been sent and who had written it.
“It was picked up this morning Mr. Shelby. Doesn’t look like your handwriting though. I’ll have it sent to you. You caught it just in time.” The woman said, glancing at the writing on the envelope.
“Alright, thank you ma’am.” He said before hanging up.
“What’d they say aye?” Arthur asked, wincing as he moved about in his chair.
“They’re sending it back. It was almost sent out so we caught it just in time. She mentioned it wasn’t my handwriting.” He said, lighting a cigarette.
“Christ. What’d Linda say aye? Did her letter get sent out? She said it was for a charity.” Arthur asked, remembering she mentioned a letter.
“I’ve never written one to any charities, not recently.” Thomas said as his eyes narrowed.
“What...do you think...Linda stole the check?” Arthur asked quietly, knowing she was right around the corner.
“It’s possible. I know she’s your wife and all but she hasn’t exactly been helpful around here lately. Also it’s not adding up.” He said, his mind racing as he thought about the meeting.
“Christ....so you think she wrote the letter and the check then? They would’ve found the letter.” Arthur said.
“Aye, I think the letter was a ruse. The woman from the post office never found a letter from us. Just the check.” He said.
“Well let’s fookin’ ask her then. I can’t sleep at night knowing me wife’s trying to kill me.” Arthur said, a bit of panic in his voice as he realized she may have put a hit on him.
Over the next hour Thomas and him discussed the possibility of it being her, or it being Y/N. But now all signs were pointing to the short-haired blonde woman who not only had a knack for stealing hearts, but for stealing checks as well as, the mailman handed Thomas the envelope that had cursive handwriting on it. Inside contained a check and a terribly forged signature, along with her distinctive handwriting. Thomas couldn’t help but look out into the evening sky as he realized he’d made the wrong decision once again.
Linda heard her name being called as Thomas stood out his office door after retrieving the mail, the tension in the air seeming to rise as she reluctantly made her way to him.
“I have something to discuss with you and Arthur.” He said, ushering her into his office.
He locked the door behind her and stood in front of it as Linda sat by her husband. His tone more hostile than it had been at the family meeting earlier.
“So Linda...I’ll ask this once again. Did you steal the check?”
Linda looked around the room nervously as Arthur carefully got up and moved towards the door, officially wary of the woman.
Seeing as she had no way out, she sighed. Kissing the dream of running off with her lover goodbye as she knew how this interrogation could go.
“Y-yes I stole the combination from Y/N and snuck in the safe. The check was...to a man.” She said.
“Well it wasn’t to me. Who the fuck was it made out to?” Arthur asked, clinching his fists.
Linda stared at him blankly as a tear fell down her cheek.
“A man named Isaac. He was in-in that gang. I....I’ve been seeing him.” She said, wiping the tears from her eyes as he stalked forward.
“You fookin’ what?.... No...You don’t just put a hit out on a Shelby. Especially not on your own fucking husband.” He said angrily as Thomas put a firm hand on his shoulder to steady him.
“I did though, Arthur. I wanted to run off with him. I wanted you gone so it would be easier for me to leave. But I can’t do that now.” She said.
“So you knew I’d be walking into a death trap aye? You could’ve gotten more than me killed.” He spat, leaning against the door.
Linda nodded as she tore her gaze from the man she once thought she loved, guilt and anger taking over as she stood up.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Thomas said, watching her reach for the gun on his desk.
“I just want to leave this place.” She said looking at the gun in her hand as she raised it at Thomas.
“If you shoot us, it’ll make it harder to leave. Put the gun down.” He said sternly.
With a sigh, she lowered the gun and placed it on the table. Wiping her tears away with shaking hands as she walked to the door and stared at Arthur angrily. His hurt expression at her confession barely phasing her.
“Arthur...” She said, trying to grab his hand from the doorknob. With a quick movement he gripped her wrist tightly before speaking.
“Fuck you Linda. I’m glad you failed.” He said with a slightly evil smirk.
“What do you mean? He got the check.” She said, not noticing the post had sent it back.
“We got the check and saw it was in your handwriting...we also killed him after he shot me. He won’t need you where he’s going. On the bright side...now you can suffer alone.” He said, as Linda looked angrily at him. Tears streaming down her face silently as he let go of her wrist.
“Linda.” Thomas said, causing her to rip her gaze from her now ex-husband.
“You should get your things together. You’re fired.” He said.
“You can’t do that! What will I do about money? The house?” She asked.
“You should’ve thought about that before you tried to hire someone to kill my brother. Now go.” He said lighting a cigarette and pointing her out the door.
With one last glance, she ran out of the office. The commotion of her gathering all her things making the rest of the company look around nervously as she did a walk of shame out the door with her stuff. Shoving it all in her car and vowing to never come back.
As the company got back to work for the evening, Thomas quickly ran out too, barely uttering a goodbye to Polly before leaving.
“Where are you going at this hour?” She asked, looking up from her papers.
“I made a mistake Pol.” He said.
“I’m not surprised.” She said.
“Excuse me?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“At least get the balls to tell her you’re sorry and that ya like her. Maybe bring her some flowers. We could all see it you know.” She said as he rubbed the back of his neck impatiently.
“Anything else to add Pol?” He asked.
“Don’t fire her again. She’s the one good thing that’s happened to this goddamned company.” She said as he nodded and went towards her flat.
When he arrived with flowers in hand, he didn’t expect to see her in such a state. Her eyes were red and puffy like she’d been crying. And her hair was unkept as she held a bottle of wine in one hand and a cigarette in the other.
“Why the fuck are you here aye?” She asked, slightly slurring her words.
“It was Linda....Y/N. All along it was her. She didn’t mail a letter, she mailed a check. And that check almost got Arthur killed. I’m uh...sorry for all I did back there.” He said.
“What...did you bring me flowers to cheer me up? Fuck off.” She said before trying to shut the door.
“Wait.” He said, holding his free hand out to hold the door.
“I came here for three reasons alright?” He said.
“Well get to talking because it’s cold.” She said, throwing her cigarette over the steps into the damp ground.
“Alright...I wanted to apologize because I know what I did and you didn’t deserve that. And I wanted to offer you your job back.” He said.
“What’s the third aye? I may be tipsy but I can still count.” She said.
“That I like you. I know I’ve been a real bastard recently but I swear I do.” He said.
“What do you say aye?” He asked, holding the flowers out to her.
“Next time buy me roses. And...I’ll accept your offer, but it’s only because I like you too. Now are we going to stand around here all night or are you coming in?” She asked with a slight smirk.
He smiled for what seemed like the first time in forever, taking his cap off as she grabbed the flowers from him. Leading him inside where they would later spend the rest of the night and many other nights to come.
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Thomas Shelby Tag List:
@msbzowy, @nofckingfighting, @aranoburns, @sighonahurricane, @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes, @gaytommyshelby, @fifty-shadesof-tommyshelby, @inglourious-imagines, @thebloodyshelbys, @tsolomons, @blinder-secrets, @reveparade, @shelby-fanatic, @ta-ka-shi-ma, @psychkunox, @peakyxtommy, @captivatedbycillianmurphy,@dreamwastakenx, @lovemissyhoneybee @thomashelbyswhore @xxbeckybeexx-blog
If you’d like to be added/removed just send me an ask/message! :)
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moral-turpitudes · 3 years
The Proposal:
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Masterlist | Rules | Peaky Prompts
Trigger Warnings: So much Fluff that my teeth are hurting from how sweet it is.
*Based off Fluff Prompt #5 from my Peaky Prompts list.*
Word Count: 1,249
Characters: Thomas Shelby x Reader
Requested by: Anon, you can find it here.
Summary: Y/N’s ordinary day at work turns into the surprise of a lifetime.
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Your eyes were covered with a blindfold as Polly led you to what felt like a field, given there was grass beneath your feet and you could feel your clothes catching on the tall wheat plants swaying in the wind as you followed her lead.
“Am I being kidnapped by your family? What have I done?” You asked with a smile, Polly laughing lightly as she led you onward.
“We wouldn’t dare kidnap you. You’re too precious.” She said, thinking about how you’d been there for Tommy during his darkest moments, seeing him off before the war and putting him back together when he came back. It was a slow process, but you made sure to be one of the only constant things in his life. The only one who could get him to let half of his walls down since they were built up like a fortress. The stones so heavy you didn’t think you’d be able to bear them yourself. But you did, and here you were being led on one of the most interesting times of your life, blindfolded of all things.
“It’s getting late Pol, I was supposed to meet Tom at the Garrison remember?” You asked, your mind racing with how the days events unfolded.
You’d gone through half the days work to find a letter written by none other than your long-time boyfriend Thomas Shelby. The infamous main man of the backstreet razor gang you’d come to love. The letter included a small picture of the two of you from your first date years ago, taken by Polly on the front steps of the old house on Watery Lane. The two of you young and full of life before the war.
“Y/N, you know he said in the letter he was trying to make up for the time spent away from you. I’m just helping him out. I wouldn’t want to disappoint my heathen of a nephew.” She said, slowing her steps as you thought about how you’d gotten to be behind a blindfold.
Polly had whisked you away per Thomas’ request that was unbeknownst to you. Telling her to take you out for an early lunch as a treat for not seeing you enough recently, giving her a few extra shillings to put towards a nice outfit for later.
You being a lover of anything remotely of shopping, perked up at the request, and so you couldn’t turn it down. Not when you had free reign of the shops with just the mention of the Shelby name.
Although, living a life of crime, or more-so watching the others that you’d grown to love, live a life of crime wasn’t always easy. Seeing as you’ve had your fair share of late nights wondering when he’d be home, dealing with constant surveillance due to threats, or deciding whether or not to sew a wound up or have a doctor give it a go.
But this was one of the perks, albeit a rare one as he wasn’t the most romantic of the Shelby men. Most times he’d send you flowers or would take you out on the town when his schedule would allow it, even if it didn’t fall quite on a day worth celebrating, but you applauded his efforts anyway as he was a busy man with a million things going on in his head.
At times, this would put strain on the both of you. You sometimes wishing to turn his brain off, like a light switch. Just so he could focus on you and your relationship for more than 5 minutes. But deep down you knew he tried his best given what he’s been through. Doing everything he had to do to make sure you were safe, even if it meant going weeks without you like recently. But now was his time to make up for it, and little did you know how great of a length he’d gone to make that happen.
Polly slowed her steps as you felt someone near you, the familiar smell of his cologne filling your nose as he undid the blindfold. Your eyes soon adjusting to the sunlight that was just starting to fade into the evening sky.
Thomas’ eyes were happier than you’d seen in weeks. And if you were honest it was a little unsettling at first, at least internally. You’d grown accustomed to his steely gaze but he’d always reserved a softer glance just for you. But this one was...different. There was more love there than before. More depth.
As you tore your eyes away from his with a smile, you quickly looked around at the set-up he had going.
There was a vardo sitting nearby, the one he’d shown you years ago where you’d make out until sunset until one of his parent would come looking for him. And there were two chairs and a makeshift table, with torches around it lighting the area. It was nothing compared to the lavish living you were accustomed to now, but it felt more like him. More at home in a way. Especially with the beautiful lake in the distance that matched the blue of his eyes. The color of them pulling you in like a riptide as he pulled your attention back to him with a light stroke of your cheek.
“Where’d you go just now?” He asked, seeing you have that look once before after he took you to London the night before a mission, seeing some of the city that you’d never had the privilege of being to until then.
“Paradise...I mean look love, it’s beautiful! How’d you put all this together? Never knew you had it in ya.” You said jokingly, wrapping your arms around his waist as he pulled you close, his lips finding yours in an instant.
“I may have stayed here and planned it out with the lads...” he said, referring to his brothers and trusted friend Johnny Dogs.
“Well I think it’s lovely. But I do have to ask...what’s all this for?” You asked, his facial expression changing slightly as he put his hand in his pocket.
“I wanted to surprise you since I’ve been away so long. Also, it got me thinking about something.” He said, watching Polly walk off in the distance, giving you two the privacy you needed.
“You’re always thinking Tommy, I need specifics.” You said with a smirk.
“I was thinking about the future. Our future.” He said, holding your left hand in his as he got down on one knee, the sunset reflecting on his eyes as he gazed up at you.
Your heart raced as he let go to open the small box, a large diamond ring sticking out of the velvet casing.
“Will you marry me, Y/N?” He asked, a cautiously hopeful look on his face as you smiled through your tears. Your hand shaking as you held it out to him.
“Yes!” You said aloud, wiping the tears from your cheeks as he slipped the ring on your finger and wrapped you in a long, protective hug.
For one day, it definitely was the most eventful of them, and you wouldn’t trade any of it for the world, even if you’d gotten offered millions to leave the family, you knew in your heart you couldn’t. It was where you belonged, and now the two of you looked forward to your adventure in marriage. Knowing the title of becoming a Shelby was sure to come with some perks.
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Thomas Shelby Tag List:
@msbzowy, @nofckingfighting, @aranoburns, @sighonahurricane, @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes, @gaytommyshelby, @wowjeena, @fifty-shadesof-tommyshelby, @inglourious-imagines, @thebloodyshelbys, @tsolomons, @blinder-secrets, @reveparade, @shelby-fanatic, @ta-ka-shi-ma, @psychkunox, @peakyxtommy, @captivatedbycillianmurphy,@dreamwastakenx,
@lovemissyhoneybee​ @thomashelbyswhore​​, @xxbeckybeexx-blog​
If you’d like to be added/removed just send me an ask or message! :)
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moral-turpitudes · 3 years
I’ll Follow You Into The Dark:
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Masterlist | Rules | Peaky Prompts
Trigger Warnings: ANGST, Explosions, Mentions of Blood, Gore etc, and some Fluff.
*Based on Fluff Prompt #1 from my Peaky Prompts list.*
Word Count: 1,695
Characters: Thomas Shelby x Reader
Requested: Yes
Requested by: Anon, you can find it here.
Summary: When Thomas and the rest of the blinders head towards a trap, Y/N has to decide if they’ll stay behind or go with them. Knowing that they vowed to be with him until death.
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“If heaven and hell decide That they both are satisfied Illuminate the no's on their vacancy signs If there's no one beside you When your soul embarks Then I'll follow you into the dark”
- Death Cab for Cutie
The sound of explosions rang faintly in the distance as you held your hands over your ears, the impact dulling your hearing as a sharp ringing filled them.
“Tom!” You yelled into the void, hoping to hear him through the chaos.
Your heart pounded in your chest as you crawled through the sharp debris, looking for the bomb that was set off nearby, hoping to find the remnants of the man who taunted your family and made the fatal mistake of stepping in his own trap. His evil smirk etching it’s way into your memory as he walked in the lavish room ever-so carefully. Thinking he’d be able to avoid the perilous wires near his foot as you spotted them before he did, your warning causing him to take his final step. Your hands soon scraping through the chunks of drywall and broken glass as the dust and smoke burned your eyes and lungs, your mind racing with finding the man whom you’d followed that day into the trenches, so-to-speak. 
Every Peaky Blinders mission for Thomas was like a battle, his mind always set on planning attacks to escape the scraping sound of the shovels against the hot, dark tunnels. But as always, no matter how many times he tried to stay one step ahead of his rivals, someone always got in the way. 
It started out as an ordinary day, Thomas calling a meeting and giving orders to head to the latest location on his mental hit-list. The name making your heart sink as you realized he was walking into a trap. The infamous, cunning gang leader you’d came to share a bed with was going to waltz right into what he swore he never would.
“Any questions?” He asked, his eyes lingering on yours as he blew out a puff of smoke.
Everyone nodded along except you, knowing the people they were going after were just as dangerous. That week, the rival gang had crossed the line, threatening and taunting the Shelby family with letters and fake explosives just to remind them of “who really ran the town.” One of them said in a tense phone call to Thomas, setting off the chain of events leading up to now.
The decision to leave your clerical duties was a rash one. Nervously following your husbands car to their destination. Once there, you parked a ways back, behind a slew of trees. Your steps light against the cobblestones as you got closer to them, knowing in your heart you had to warn him, even if it was the last thing you’d say to the man you loved.
“Tommy! Wait!” You said loudly, your heart racing from the effort it took to catch up to him and his brothers.
“Y/N...you need to go back to the shop, it’s not safe. Go.” He said lowly, not wanting to call attention to you all.
“I came here to warn you Tom. Remember when you sent me to sit in on their meeting at the pub? They mentioned a trap. I-I didn’t think much of it then, but after the threats...Tom I know it’s a trap. If you go in there now you won’t make it out.” You said as tears formed in your eyes, your nerves getting to you as you struggled to speak. 
“I have to, love. Now go.” He said, kissing you quickly. 
“No. I’m going with you.” You said defiantly, pulling out the handgun he gave you, checking to make sure it was fully loaded.
He had a pained look on his face as he nodded, knowing he wasn’t going to be able to change your mind. You’d been a good shot in the past, but that didn’t exactly mean much when explosives were concerned.
You all had barely made it through the first floor of the large manor before the first one went off. Thomas shoving you to the ground, shielding you from the small debris falling through the air. As the haze cleared, you sat up, feeling Thomas pull you to the nearest wall, yelling orders at his brothers before checking his bullets.
“Keep your eyes peeled for the wires yeah? Stay behind me.” He said, opening the door as the dust covered space cleared. You walked closely behind, quietly looking at the ground for any signs of the deadly wires as you heard yelling upstairs. Arthur was shouting amongst gunfire, and John sounded like he was scrapping with one of the men they were after.
Thomas roughly took your hand, leading you up the stairs in a sideways motion, backs towards the wall, checking around the corner with a quick glance before a bullet whizzed past your head. A scream caught in your throat as you realized how close you were to the darkness of death itself. Thomas soon returned fire, the screams of the man he hit echoing through the stone hallway that led to his brothers.
Upon arrival, you flanked your husband, pointing your gun at the man holding John down as Thomas shot the other.
“Get off of him!” You yelled, catching the mans attention enough to where John could get a punch in. The man hurling himself angrily at you soon enough until you shakily shot him. The man falling limp to the ground within seconds. Your hands shook as you took in the sight, trying to distract yourself from the blood by looking at the ground for more wires.
Almost as soon as you’d said that though, the man who’d sent you all the taunting letters came in with a menacing smirk, stepping in a weird way so as not to disturb the floor. But your eyes saw the colored wires poking out ever so slightly, your brain wondering how in the hell you all avoided it earlier.
“Everybody down!” You yelled, causing the man to misstep, setting it off. The wind soon knocked out of you as the blast hurled everyone to the ground. The ceiling caving in in various places as well as part of the floor below you.
You felt yourself relax as you breathed in the smoke, feeling as though you were going to pass out from the ordeal. The sharp pain of the glass shards stuck in your now shredded coat the only thing keeping you clinging to consciousness. As you closed your eyes, you pictured what life would be like if he’d never had the family business thrust upon him after the war. How he’d have probably married you sooner and how you’d probably be chasing little kids around by now in a big house on the outskirts of town. But now, reality set in as Arthur’s shouts came through the muddled noise, Johns following not too far behind as they ran towards you, grabbing you up in the knick of time. The once lavish building crumbling before your eyes as you knew the one you loved was most likely gone.
“Tom!” You called out, hands still scraping through the rubble of the first floor as Arthur and John dug through the rest of the larger stuff. Tears visibly splattering on the dust covered floor, the tiles smashed beyond repair.
Your heart ached knowing you’d never find him as you scraped through the debris, your hearing slowly coming back and eyes watering as you continued on, stopping once a hand reached out from one of the corners.
“Y/N.....” Thomas said weakly, his arm badly cut and his face busted up as he spat up blood, most likely from his busted lip or the jagged stone poking him in the chest. It most definitely broke a few ribs, causing him too much pain to move as he thought about what to do, even though he couldn’t do much of anything at the moment.
It seemed like he waited longer now, than he did for the calvary in France, for his brothers to make it to where he was. Helping him up despite his loud groans of pain.
You watched in horror as they drove him to the hospital, his face paling as you followed behind their car, hoping that neither heaven nor hell would take him, even though he belonged to the latter. Hoping that he would stay here, for you. For his family.
Hours had slowly passed until you’d gotten word he was going to make it, the doctors saying he was damn well close to dying by the time they’d got him in surgery.
“There you are love.” He said weakly, the meds doing his head in as he saw you walk in carrying his beloved cigarettes and his bloodstained coat. Your own body covered in various bandages as you sat next to his bed.
“I thought you were dead.” You said, tears rolling down your cheeks as he cupped your face with his hand. A small, pained laugh escaping his lips.
“You can’t get rid of me that easily, Y/N.” He said. Knowing he might as well have nine lives with as close he’s been to death over the years.
“I know...” you said shortly, holding his bruised hand in yours that were bandaged up.
“But...please promise me...that next time you’ll listen to me. At least when I know it’s a trap alright?” You asked, concern lacing your every feature as you felt him pull your hand to his lips, kissing the top of it gently.
“I will, but promise me something as well.” He said.
“What?” You asked.
“Promise me you won’t follow me next time. You shouldn’t have to risk your life for me.” He said, a serious look in his tired, blood-shot eyes.
“I can’t promise that Tommy. I’ll follow you into the dark not matter what. I fucking vowed to you know.” You said, pointing at the diamond on your ring finger.
“Aye, but you’re my partner. Can’t have you dying too.” He said.
“That is true, but what is love without sacrifice?” You said, giving him a light kiss as he pulled you close despite his injuries. Wanting to feel you beside him, to know that he wasn’t stuck in the rubble anymore, to know that he had you, and you had him.
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Thomas Shelby Tag List:
@msbzowy, @nofckingfighting, @aranoburns, @sighonahurricane, @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes, @gaytommyshelby,  @fifty-shadesof-tommyshelby, @inglourious-imagines, @thebloodyshelbys, @tsolomons, @blinder-secrets, @reveparade, @shelby-fanatic, @ta-ka-shi-ma, @psychkunox, @peakyxtommy, @captivatedbycillianmurphy,@dreamwastakenx,
@lovemissyhoneybee @thomashelbyswhore​, @xxbeckybeexx-blog
If you’d like to be added/removed just send me an ask or message! :)
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moral-turpitudes · 3 years
Little White Lies:
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Masterlist | Rules | Peaky Prompts
Trigger Warnings: Angst, Dysfunctional Family, Unsupportive/Jealous Family Members, Fighting, Swearing, Fluff, etc.
Word Count: 4,266
Characters: Thomas Shelby x Female!Reader 
Requested: Yes
Requested by: Anon, you can find it here. (this was such a fun request, I hope I did it justice lol)
Summary: From dealing with unsupportive and envious family members, to being caught in a lie, Y/N is forced to face her family and confront her feelings about her boss, all thanks to a wedding invitation.
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“What do you mean you’re working as a secretary? I put in a perfectly good recommendation for you last month at the hospital!” Y/N’s father yelled as she made her way into the living room of her parents house. The old walls poorly concealing their loud arguing.
“Did you stop and think about how maybe I don’t want to follow in you and Margaret’s footsteps? I thought you’d at least be happy I’ve found something I like! But no, it’s not good enough for you aye? Nothing I do ever is...” Y/N yelled back, crossing her arms over her chest.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked, his eyes boring into hers.
“Let’s face it, you and mum both like Margaret better because she has a “respectable job” as a doctor just like you. You pushed her off to the best schools, and only approve of her boyfriend because he’s a classy businessman.” She said lighting a cigarette.
“See? You’re already picking up bad habits Y/N. We just want the best for you.” Her mother said, plucking the cigarette out of her fingers and throwing it into the fireplace as her father looked to the ground with his arms folded.
“A secretary job is respectable. I keep the company from crashing down half the time.” She said.
“And what company is that? One where they shove you in a dark room to type papers all day?” Her mother scoffed back.
“Shelby Company Limited. It’s quite nice actually.” She said with a smirk.
“Isn’t that where the Peaky Blinders run the streets? I bet you’re dating one of them for christ’s sake!” Her father yelled, turning away from his daughter in disgust.
“What if I am?” She asked, balling her hands into fists at her sides.
“Who is it? I’ll get you transferred out in no time. No daughter of mine is working as a damn secretary in fucking Small Heath.” He said.
“Thomas Shelby.” She said, his name escaping her lips before she could think about what she’d done.
Her father tensed up at his name. His face paling in complexion as he sat down, his wife eyeing him with concern.
“The Thomas Shelby?” He asked, more quietly than before as if he was being watched.
“Mhmm. What is there a problem?” She asked, folding her arms over her chest.
“No...are you sure it’s him? He practically owns half of Birmingham. Although his reputation is not something I’m fond of...I guess if you legally work for him that’s...respectable.” He said, his tone softer and more accepting than earlier. 
“Right, so now that I’m dating an infamous businessman, I’m more respectable as a secretary? Why the sudden change? I’m doing quite well on my own with this job.” She said as she observed his rigid body language. He hesitated to speak, remembering when the two older Shelby’s came in half-alive after being shot up by a rival gang.
“Well, given his reputation and my practice, I may have had a few run-ins with him at the hospital. It’s common knowledge not to get in their way but I did. I made him and his bastard of an older brother stay a week to heal after saving their asses.” He said, an annoyed look on his face.
“He threatened your father Y/N. We couldn’t even tell the coppers. But...please don’t get too proud over your position there darling. Your words could come back to you and he could find someone else by sundown.” Her mother said with a nice tone, trying but failing to take the sting out of her words.
She’d always been jealous it seemed. Seeing her daughters getting to achieve things that she couldn’t. Being led to a life of homemaking and hosting parties for her wealthy doctor of a husband. They never amassed the wealth like the Shelby family had, but they were able to afford a decent sized house in London, if that was any indication of her family’s status.
After a long, tense silence, she decided to leave. Saying a quick and frustrated goodbye to her parents before heading back to Small Heath. Her heart racing at the realization that she just openly told her parents she was dating her boss. It wouldn’t be as much of a problem if it were true, but alas it was nothing but a white lie. She had always been quiet on the subject despite them getting along well. Polly could see a connection, which she’d mentioned to her over tea various times, but she always shrugged it off. And now she knew it was only a matter of time before she had to tell him the truth.
As a few weeks passed, she continued with her clerical duties. Filing papers and reporting things to Thomas as usual. Until she got a call from home once again, requesting her presence immediately.
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“Why do you all need me here anyway? I could be working right now.” Y/N said, impatiently tapping her foot on the lavish rug lining the hardwood floors of the living room.
“We wanted to give you this.” Her father said, flicking an envelope at her that she barely had time to catch.
The envelope was a light green color - her older sister Margaret’s favorite - with an intricately written invitation inside.
“Thomas Shelby and Y/N Y/L/N,
We cordially invite you to attend the union of Matthew Reynolds and Margaret Y/L/N. Formal attire will be expected at both the ceremony and reception.”
Her eyes grew wide at the invitation as she realized her parents must’ve told her sister about Thomas. Knowing nothing she did was ever kept private, unfortunately. But in that moment she knew she messed up, thinking about how she’d have to tell them it was all a lie. That she wasn’t dating the infamous gang leader. A feeling of panic and embarrassment washed over her as she realized the gravity of the situation.
“Are you alright? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Her mother said.
“Y-yeah. Wasn’t expecting Margaret to invite me, let alone um...Thomas to her wedding. Are you all attending?” She asked nervously.
“Well of course! We can’t miss our best daughters wedding day.” Her mother said, not knowing how her words cut into Y/N.
“You’re loved as well. Your mother didn’t mean that. No one would dare disrespect a woman associated with Thomas Shelby. Right dear?” He said, hastily reassuring his daughter and looking at his wife with a raised eyebrow.
“Oh darling I didn’t mean it like that. We love both of you. I’m sorry...I’ll do better I promise.” She said giving her daughter a light hug.
“Please do. I’ll see you at the wedding.” Y/N said harshly, leaving the house in a hurry as she clutched the green envelope in her hand.
A week had passed since she’d set the invitation on her desk at work. The paper easily seen from anyone near her desk as not many envelopes were that color. It cost too much to make them given the financial troubles of the past few years, but of course her sister could afford it.
It was midnight though when Thomas walked by her desk out of habit, the lamp still on while Y/N had left for the night. The faint yellow glow illuminating the envelope as he raised an eyebrow at it. He quickly picked it up, reading the intricate handwriting on the letter inside as he noticed his name next to hers.
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The next morning, Y/N walked to her desk to see that the invitation was missing. Her stomach doing flips as she wondered where it had gone.
“Y/N, can I see you in my office?” Thomas said as he leaned against the doorframe, his tailored suit catching her off-guard for a moment as she glanced at the man her heart ached after. Polly giving her a questionable glance and a small, knowing smirk as she walked reluctantly into his office.
He knew. He knew about the letter and she was dumb enough to leave it there last night. Dumb enough to lie to her parents. Dumb enough to harbor any feelings for the man who certainly wouldn’t admit any himself.
“Y/N...” He said, his low voice ripping her from her racing thoughts as she stood by the door.
“Y-yeah sorry. Busy morning. What do you need Tommy?” She asked, nervously fiddling with her hands.
“I need to discuss something with you. Please sit.” He said, walking over to his plethora of whiskey glasses and filling two of them with the brown liquid he loved so much. If anything, he’d probably marry a bottle of whiskey if he could.
“What is it you want to discuss?” Y/N asked, sipping from her glass as it burned its way down her throat.
“I found this on your desk. I know it wasn’t my business to go taking things, but I couldn’t help but notice my name was mentioned with yours...so now...it is my business.” He said, observing how she grew uncomfortable under his gaze, drinking more as she shifted in her seat.
“It’s a long story.” She said blankly while setting the glass down, wanting to flee out the door never to come back.
“And for once I have the time.” He said leaning backing in his chair and lighting one of his many cigarettes.
Y/N sighed and relaxed back into her seat, her heart skipping a beat as she thought of the best way to explain it to him.
“Alright...so my family is a bit backwards as you know. And happen to just adore my older sister Margaret. They funded her schooling, attended her graduations and awards ceremonies, and they uh...like that she’s dating - I mean - engaged to a businessman now. He’s what they consider successful.”
“Successful aye? What...they don’t think some razor-gang from Birmingham is successful?” He asked.
“No.” She answered, looking out the window as she continued.
“Anyway, when I visited them, they started saying things about the company and how my job wasn’t respectable. I tried to shut them down but um, my father accused me of dating one of ya, like it was a disgrace to the family. So I panicked and said that I wasn’t dating just any of them, I was dating you.” She said, looking down at the nearly empty glass in her trembling hands.
“What’d he say to that aye?” He asked, a small smirk playing on his usually stoic face.
“Oh his whole demeanor changed. Looked like he’d seen a ghost. He um...said he knew of you. Said he treated you and Arthur for a week after a bad night on the job.” She said, nervous he’d go after her father.
“Aye I remember him. A bit mouthy that one.” He said.
“You threatened him though. Why?” She asked, her nervousness turning to a bit of anger at the thought of him harming her parents, even if they weren’t the best.
“They wanted to report it to the coppers. And as you know now, we don’t deal too kindly with snitches. So I had to threaten him. To keep the peace.” He said, blowing a cloud of smoke towards her.
“I wouldn’t say peace. Fear would be a better word.” She said, sipping the last of her whiskey.
“It’s worked out for me so far.” He said.
“Yes it has Tommy...but I have one question.” She said.
“Are you wanting to go to this bullshit wedding or not?” She asked bluntly, hoping her interrogation would be over soon.
“That depends. Are you going? You don’t seem too fond of your family.” He said.
“I’m only going out of love.” She said.
“Well in that case, I am too.” He said, jotting down the address to the ceremony on his calendar with a star on the day, his heart racing despite his cold exterior. He’d harbored feelings for her too, and Polly could see it, often questioning him when Y/N would leave for the night, but he always blew her off due to peaky business.
“Wait...you actually want to go to such a horrid thing...with me?” She asked.
“And pass up a date with my favorite secretary? Wouldn’t dream of it.” He said, a small smirk hinting at his lips which seemed almost out-of-place.
“Date? Are you sure this isn’t some small business deal? You aren’t just agreeing for money or to pity me?” She asked.
“No Y/N...I’m agreeing because I like you. Always have...just never had the time to tell you till now. Now go back to your work before Polly gets even more suspicious.” He said, admitting his feelings like it was nothing as she stood there dumbfounded.
“R-right.” She said sheepishly as she made her way back to her desk, a small smile on her face as Polly watched her. Knowing something had finally gone down between them.
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A week into their newfound relationship, the day had finally come and Thomas escorted her inside the wedding chapel, her black dress complimenting his suit nicely. Her mother scoffing as she sat near her, wondering why the hell she’d wear a black dress to a wedding.
“You know black is for funerals...didn’t I teach you anything?” She asked quietly to where only Y/N could hear.
“I’m just marking the death of any peace that was left between this family. I know you both will start hounding me with questions in no time now that Margaret’s spoken for.” She said quietly, staring into her mother’s cold eyes. There’s always been a tension between them, but it seemed even a joyous occasion such as this couldn’t cut it.
“You alright love?” He asked, holding her hand in his as she stared blankly at the alter, waiting for the ceremony to start.
“It’s just my mother. She can’t put aside our differences for one fucking day.” She said quietly. Her mother leaning over to insert herself into the conversation.
“It’s nice meeting you Mr. Shelby. You’re more than welcome to sit with us at the reception.” Her mother said as she watched her daughter talk to the infamous blinder.
“Thank you Mrs. Y/L/N, we’d love to. Right Y/N?” He asked, squeezing her hand reassuringly.
“Love is one word for it I suppose.” She said, her jaw tensing as she saw her father approaching their seats.
“Glad to see you again Mr. Shelby, given this time it’s under better circumstances.” He said, shaking his hand firmly.
“Indeed it is Mr. Y/L/N.” He said, pulling a cigarette out of his pocket and sticking it between his lips.
Her father soon resigned himself from the tense situation by sitting near his wife, who was eyeing the dashing blinder who smoked where he pleased.
“Can you believe she’s dating him? They look like they’ve only just started.” She whispered to her husband.
“If I have to accept him for professional reasons, you can accept him for our daughter. Enough with the snide remarks. Our lives might as well be at stake if he were to hear us...his threat still stands.” He said, knowing that his youngest daughter and her mother always had a tense relationship since her birth. It wasn’t particularly successful, only saving them in the knick of time from complications. Little did he know he was more so the heart of the family, albeit a dysfunctional one.
“They’re talking about me I know it.” Y/N said, fidgeting with her hands as they waited for the ceremony to begin. Margaret taking more than her sweet time getting ready.
“Let them talk then. It can only hurt you if you let it.” He said.
“Now, she better be dressed to the nines because this is the longest I’ve ever waited for a wedding ceremony.” He added, seeing a smirk forming on her face.
“Oh just you wait.” She said jokingly. The music catching everyone’s attention as they all looked on, and surely enough she was dressed to the nines, the whole tailoring industry probably coming together to complete the lavish gown.
“What is this the royal fucking wedding?” She asked, hearing him chuckle quietly under his breath.
As Margaret neared the altar with her father handing her off with a kiss on the cheek, she took a look at her fiancé and then turned toward Y/N, giving her a small smirk that made her stomach churn.
“What was that for?” Thomas whispered quietly, noticing the interaction.
“She’s rubbing salt in an old wound. She’s as bad as my mother.” She said, flicking her off silently. Thomas quickly placed his hand over hers to stop her from escalating the already tense situation. Her mother giving her a scolding look that she ignored, her blood boiling with the fact she was flaunting her status in front of her.
It seemed like forever before the vows ended, the tired crowd clapping and dispersing after the couple ran happily out the door of the church and to the nearby reception. With Y/N and Thomas lagging behind, not wanting to enter the horrendous venue.
“We can leave the reception early if you’d like. Maybe go somewhere more entertaining.” He suggested as they watched the couple parade around the room. Her sister quickly bringing her husband over to where they were standing.
“Y/N, love I’m happy you made it! We were scared you weren’t going to show.” She said giving her younger sister a careful hug as not to disturb her dress.
“Why wouldn’t I? You’re my sister...I can’t exactly avoid you forever.” She said a small smile on her lips.
“You never told me you snagged such a......man. Where did you two meet?” She asked, shaking Thomas’ hand as her husband did the same. Margaret wary of the cold stare he gave her and Matthew.
“At work.” Y/N said shortly, not appreciating her attitude.
“Look at that, my baby sister finally has a job. What is it? A teacher? a factory worker? a nurse perhaps?” Margaret asked.
“A secretary.” Y/N said, staring the bride down the best she could hoping her gaze could silence her before she made a show of it all.
“A secretary? Hmm. Well that’s good I guess. Just be careful though, those secretaries have to sleep their way to the top you know.” She said. Y/N’s face burning as she turned away from Thomas, wanting to run out and never look back.
Thomas cleared his throat and put his hand on the small of her back as she tensed her jaw, reluctantly turning back to her snake of a sister.
“How would you know? Is that how you got to your position?” She snapped back, the anger rising in her chest. She wished she could have captured her sisters expression in a photograph, her words finally cutting into her like she wanted.
“I assure you she isn’t doing anything of the sort. In fact, she’s an integral part of the company already. But if I were you I wouldn’t say too much else.” Thomas said, a dark tone to his voice as he kept a level head between the sibling rivalry that was happening by the second.
“Oh and who are you to threaten me? What’s this company you speak of? My parents never mentioned it.” She said, her husband whispering in her ear that they had to go. The poor man hated the situation just as much as Y/N.
“That was probably to protect you Margaret. You see...you’ve always been a bit reckless with new information. So I doubt you knew what father got himself into.” Y/N said.
“What are you talking about?” She asked, grabbing a glass of expensive champagne as the server walked by.
“He got in my way...and no one gets in Thomas Shelby’s way. It cost me some of my men. So, like I said, if I were you...I wouldn’t say much else.” He threatened again, her fiancé swallowing hard as he led his flustered wife away to mingle with the other guests.
“Why can’t you both get along?” Her father asked, walking over to the pair.
“I’ve done my part with both her and mum. But...I’m not staying where I’m not valued. I love you all but, we have to go. Send Margaret and Matthew our....warmest regards, yeah?” She asked taking Thomas’ hand and leading him out the door. Her father stood there with a tense look on his face, knowing his family had gotten themselves on bad terms with the Shelby’s once again.
With frantic footsteps she walked to the car, tears flooding down her face as she got in herself, not bothering to wait for him to open the door.
“You didn’t have to stick up for me, but thank you.” She said wiping her tears away as he started the car.
“Yeah.” He said, lighting a cigarette before taking off. He wasn’t much for accepting thanks, at least since the war.
“Are they like that all time?” He asked after a long pause.
“Mhmm. Now you see why I don’t see them unless I have to. They just remind me of everything I’m not.” She said, looking out the window at the evening sky.
“That I do. I’ll be sending them something later, don’t worry.” He said.
“What do you mean?” She asked, her stomach dropping as she pictured him killing her family.
“You’re not going to kill them are you?” She asked.
“No...they’re not worth my time. At least not now anyway. And besides...I wouldn’t want to hurt you more than they already have.” He said, blowing a cloud of smoke from his lips.
“Tommy look, I know my father got in your way on a mission and I know he made you stay longer than you wanted to...but you can’t blame him for doing his job. He was trying to help. He may not be the best, although he’s far nicer than my mother and sister, so if anything, please spare him at least. That’s all I ask.” She said.
“Like I said, they’re not worth my time now, love. If they continue bashing you and my family for how we do business I’ll let you know first alright? But I can’t let them off without a warning, so I’ll send them a letter alright?” He said.
“Well it better be good then. That’s the last I want to hear of this feud. I can deliver it to them if it will help...to make a point at least.” She said.
“Take this then, it won’t be good.” He said giving her a handgun from his jacket.
“I’m not shooting my family Tommy!” She said loudly as they approached the Garrison.
“It’s not for them. It’s for you. They’re not the nicest people and I want you safe. Especially since you work for us now. If they hurt one of us they hurt all of us alright? I know that’s not what you want to hear but it’s how this business works. Now...let’s go have some fun aye.” He said, helping her out of the car and into the bar that was teeming with people from the shop.
“Oi! How’d the wedding go? You’re both home early.” Arthur asked, handing them both a glass of whiskey.
“Terrible. Tommy’s writing a letter tomorrow to put them on their toes.” She said.
“Did they say summin’ about ya?” He asked.
“Yes...and about the company.” Thomas added.
“I thought we told him last time that we’d blind him.” Arthur said, an angry look in his eyes.
“Aye we did. But that didn’t account for her mother and sister. They have a way with words don’t they love?” Thomas asked.
“Mhmm. I’m delivering it, maybe then they’ll take what they say more seriously next time.” She said.
“We can only hope.” Thomas said, snaking an arm around her waist as they spent the rest of the night at the Garrison before going to their respected homes, too worried about the mission to do anything else.
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The next week, Thomas signed the end of the letter, his hand cramping from the amount of things he’d written. Wanting to make sure his threat came off clear as day.
“Here Tommy, put this in with it.” Y/N said, handing him a lone razor blade, making him raise an eyebrow.
“Just in case they want to make anymore remarks, they can do us a favor and blind themselves. Like you said, they’re not worth your time now.” She said with a small smirk.
He took a sip of his whiskey and pointed to her with a grin, ushering her to come over to him.
“I like how you think.” He said, pulling her close and kissing her lips ever so lightly. The feeling between them almost electric as they departed.
“I’ll go take care of this, you go on with your business.” She said, as he handed her the letter.
“You know how to shoot?” He asked.
“Mhmm. Been practicing with John.” She said with a smirk.
“Alright, love you.” He said, as he caught himself muttering those words out sooner than he wanted to. But the truth was he couldn’t stand to see her go, not without knowing she was safe.
She stood there for a moment, looking at him as a smile spread across her face.
“I love you too.” She said before walking out the door to drive to the dreaded house she grew up in. Hoping this letter would keep them at bay for once in her life. Knowing her only chance at freedom from her family’s binds were through the doors of the shop and in the arms of the man she loved.
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Thomas Shelby Tag List:
@msbzowy, @nofckingfighting, @aranoburns, @sighonahurricane, @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes, @gaytommyshelby, @wowjeena, @fifty-shadesof-tommyshelby, @inglourious-imagines, @thebloodyshelbys, @tsolomons, @blinder-secrets, @reveparade, @shelby-fanatic, @ta-ka-shi-ma, @psychkunox, @peakyxtommy, @captivatedbycillianmurphy,@dreamwastakenx, @lovemissyhoneybee @thomashelbyswhore, @xxbeckybeexx-blog
If you’d like to be added/removed, just send me an ask/message! :)
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moral-turpitudes · 4 years
// Prompt List //
(**) Indicates Smut (18+ Content)
Made: 9/12/2020
Updated: 7/14/2021
Do not repost my work.
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Peaky Prompts Requests:
Thomas Shelby:
“There it is...that smile.” ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
** “Lost Senses” **  ~  Based off fluff prompt 8. Dom!Tom xSub!Fem Reader
“Whatever Works” ~ Based off fluff prompt 11 and angst prompt 15. Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“Bets & Beatings”  ~ Based off angst prompts 8 & 16. Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“I’m Not Letting You Walk Home Alone.” ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“You Owe Me One.” ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader  
“Mistakes” ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“Golden Ring” ~  Part 1 | Part 2  Thomas Shelby x Reader
“Borrowed Time” ~ Based off angst prompts 4 and 17. Thomas Shelby x Shelby!Sister Reader
“Caps & Crowns” ~ Based off humor prompt 6. Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“Terrible Two’s” ~ Based off humor prompt 15. Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“I’ll Follow You Into The Dark” ~ Based off fluff prompt 1. Thomas Shelby x Reader (they/them)
John Shelby:
“Stay” ~ Based off fluff prompt 6. John Shelby x F!Reader
Finn Shelby:
“Horsing Around” ~ Based on off humor prompt 14. Finn Shelby x Reader (they/them)
Michael Gray:
“Revenge” ~ Based off angst prompts 2 & 3. Michael Gray x F!Reader
Alfie Solomons:
“Wakeup Call” ~ Based off angst prompt 15 and humor prompt 4. Alfie Solomons x Reader (they/them)
Bonnie Gold:
“The Fair” ~ Based off fluff prompt 10. Bonnie Gold x Reader
Imagine/Oneshot Requests:
Thomas Shelby:
“Drowning” ~ Thomas Shelby x Sister!Reader (OC: Evelyn Shelby)
“Piece by Piece” ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“Roses” ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader, Finn Shelby x F!Reader
“What Friends Are For” ~ Thomas Shelby x Best Friend!/F!Reader
“For The Family” ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“Reap What You Sow” ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“Little White Lies” ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“The Proposal” ~ Thomas Shelby x Reader (they/them)
Ada Thorne:
“Key to My Heart” ~ Ada Thorne x F!Reader
Bonnie Gold:
“North Star” ~ Bonnie Gold x F!Reader
Johnny Dogs:
“A Secret Life” ~ Johnny Dogs x F!Reader
“New Beginnings” ~ Johnny Dogs x F!Reader
Arthur Shelby:
“Mending Hearts” ~ Arthur Shelby x F!Reader
John Shelby:
“Cookies, Tea, & Ass-Grabs” ~ John Shelby x Esme (Lee) Shelby
Isiah Jesus:
“Out of All People” ~ Isiah Jesus x Shelby!Sister
Shelby Family:
“A Sister’s Intuition” ~ Shelby Family x Shelby!Sister Reader
Requested Fics & Original Works:
Thomas Shelby:
** “Deal with the Devil” ** ~ Multi-part Series ~ Thomas Shelby x Isla Maxwell (OC)
“Unfinished Business” ~  Part 1 | Part 2  Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“Tea Party” ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“Just Business” ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“House Calls” ~ Part 1 | Part 2  ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“To the Moon” ~ Part 1 | Part 2 ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader (Part 1) - Thomas Shelby x Anna Shelby (OC/Daughter) (Part 2)
** “The Day-Shift” ** ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“Swan Lake” ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
** “London Affairs” ** ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“Burnt Toast” ~ Polly Gray/The Shelby’s x Shelby!Sister Reader
“Trouble Maker” ~ Thomas Shelby x Shelby!Sister Reader 
Finn Shelby:
“Trust Issues” ~ Finn Shelby x F!Reader
Bonnie Gold:
“Whiskey Glasses” ~ Bonnie Gold x F!Reader
“Butterflies 🦋 “ ~ Part 1 | Part 2 ~ Bonnie Gold x F!Reader
Michael Gray:
“Letting Go” ~ Michael Gray x Reader
“The Mask” ~ Michael Gray x F!Reader
** “Silver Linings” ** ~ Alfie Solomons x Adopted Daughter!Reader + Michael Gray x Alfie’s Adopted Daughter!Reader
Tatiana Petrovna:
“Russian Roulette”  ~ Tatiana Petrovna x Thomas Shelby
Holiday & Other Headcanons:
“Friends & Foes”  ~ Arthur Shelby x Johnny Dogs
“Ring Leader” ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“Costumes” (Halloween Headcanons) ~ Peaky Blinders x Reader
“College Headcanons: Modern!Peaky Blinders Edition” ~ Part 1 | Part 2
“College Headcanons: Modern!Alfie Solomons Ask”
Holiday Mood Boards & Blurbs/Drabbles:
“Father Christmas” ~ John & Esme Shelby
“Under The Mistletoe” ~ John & Esme Shelby
** “Christmas Vacation” ** ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
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moral-turpitudes · 3 years
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Masterlist | Rules | Peaky Prompts
Trigger Warnings: Fighting, Descriptions of Broken Bones/Injuries, Blood, Fluff.
Word Count: 894, sorry it’s short lol I’m a little rusty when it comes to writing John, but wanted to give it a go. :)
Characters: John Shelby x Female!Reader
Requested by: Anon, you can find it here. Based off #6 under Fluff from my Peaky Prompts List.
Summary: Throwing back drinks is Y/N’s specialty, but throwing punches? Not so much.
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The rain poured around you as you clung to the man you loved the best you could as he walked you through the hospital doors. Your arm weakened by the double break you’d acquired during a fight with one of the young men at the pub.
You’d gone to get drinks for you and John, who’d had a couple more than you already, but was somehow able to function. This came in handy though when a young man made a snarky remark about you, the young and beautiful girlfriend of the devilishly handsome John Shelby.
He would’ve knocked the lads lights out had he heard the young man himself, but you saw this as the perfect opportunity to take matters quite literally into your own hands.
“I thought you only entertained men on the weekends miss. What’s your price?” The young man asked, getting dangerously close to you.
“Don’t fret love. Me an’ my guys will make ya feel like a million bucks. That’s better than that filthy razor-capped boyfriend can make ya feel eh?” He asked, drunkenly whispering in your ear. Your eyes seeing red as he tried to make a move, placing his hand on the small of your back. With a racing heart you backed away from him enough for him to pull his hand away, but not quick enough for him to see your punch coming. You curled your fist like you’d seen John do thousands of times, but you weren’t used to the impact it made against anything other than a small punching bag. The sound audible as your fist collided with his face, the mans nose left bloodied and your arm aching terribly as you tried to move it and shake the pain away from your now split knuckles.
But with a few light shakes, even in your tipsy state, you couldn’t move your arm fully. Your hand and wrist barely complying with the rest of your arm as your tried to move it about weakly.
John soon came over once he saw the commotion, the smirk on his face quickly fading as he saw you clutching your distorted arm with tears down your face and blood running down your knuckles.
“What happened?” He asked motioning for the bartender to get some ice.
“I punched him. Didn’t really work.” You said with a small smile, pointing with your good hand shakily towards the man lying on the ground holding his bloodied nose, the men around him not paying him much mind as they all drank on.
“I can see that love. C’mon you’re going to the doctor.” He said, helping you carefully through the crowd as you sighed in protest.
“I can’t have my girl hurting. Now c’mon.” He said, helping you into the car and speeding off towards the nearest hospital. It was one you’d been in numerous times but only as a visitor, and now here you were as a patient. The doctors and nurses eyed you as you walked in, one of them sighing as she wrote down the Shelby name on their records. They knew them just by the look of them, and now they were sure to know you.
“Hello miss. Looks like you’ve got a bad break here. Two places in fact.” The doctor said, examining your arm as you looked away in pain, your head nestled into John’s chest as you but your lip to keep from crying.
“I’m going to have to set some things in place, now bite this and hold still alright? It’ll be done quick and then we’ll get you all wrapped up.” The doctor said, examining it once more before placing a towel slightly in your mouth, the cloth sterile and fuzzy as you clamped down. The shooting pain starting up as he made the necessary adjustments as you let the tears fall.
The worst was over at this point, but you couldn’t help but flinch as the doctor bandaged you up and put your arm in a sling. Giving you a small dose of morphine to help as the night drug on.
“You did good love.” John said with a small smile, kissing the top of your forehead gently.
“Yeah yeah.” You said, wiping the tears from your eyes as you sat next to him on the hospital bed.
“Next time let me do the scrappin’ though alright Y/N? Can’t have you hurtin’ yourself.” He said, holding your good hand in his.
“Mhmm.” You murmured, your eyes feeling heavy as the slight dose of morphine kicked in.
“I’ll let you rest alright? You need it.” He said, starting to get up before you grabbed his arm, squeezing gently.
“Stay with me...please?” You asked, hating hospitals much more as a patient than a visitor. The sounds of medical instruments and screams of other patients haunting your mind as you thought about spending the night alone in the cramped, white room.
He took one look into your eyes as you said that, knowing he couldn’t say no to you as he crawled back into the bed, draping the starch-white covers over the both of you, your arm resting in it’s sling as he did his best to hold you carefully in his arms. It wasn’t the most comfortable of positions, but he’d do it again in a heartbeat if it meant getting to help you feel better.
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John Shelby Tag List:
@peakyrogers, @murswrites, @caelys, @theshelbyclan, @ta-ka-shi-ma​ 
If you’d like to be added/removed just send me an ask or message! :)
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moral-turpitudes · 3 years
The Day-Shift:
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Trigger Warnings: Swearing, Light Harassment, Fighting, Drinking, Sex, Mentions of Blood, Gore, etc. **The italicized portion contains Explicit/18+ Content. If you are a minor, I suggest skipping over that part. Thank you.**
Word Count: 3,730
Characters: Thomas Shelby x Female!Reader
Requested: Yes 
Requested by: Anon | Request can be seen Here |
Summary: Y/N is a nurse at the hospital Michael is recuperating at, and has been a nuisance ever since the ordeal with the Italians. After a particularly snarky encounter with the young blinder, Y/N warns Thomas of his cousins antics, who later asks her out for a drink to ease both their nerves, ending in a romantic night for the lead member and a possible new relationship to form.
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“Will I be discharged soon? The Shelby’s need me back.” Michael asked, the gunshot wound still aching as he spoke.
“No.” Y/N said with an annoyed expression. Inspecting the wound as she put a new bandage over it, Michael wincing as she did so.
“Right, well I guess you’ll have to talk to Thomas then. Good luck Y/N.” Michael said, angrily pulling his shirt back on and leaning against the rough pillows on his hospital bed.
“It’s just our policy Michael. I’d hate to have a patient bleeding out on the floor. I just mopped.” She said, discarding the old bandages.
“Don’t let the door hit you on the way out aye?” He said, watching her with a frustrated look on his face. His nerves still reeling over the surprise visit from Luca Changretta shoving a gun in his face hours before.
He knew he had to get out, and soon if he wanted to help his mother and to try to mend things with the others, at least to some degree.
Down the hall at the reception desk, Thomas walked in, quickly removing his cap before stopping at the desk.
“Hello Mr. Shelby. Here to see Michael?” Y/N asked, finishing her report.
“Yes. Is he able to have visitors at the moment?” He asked.
“Yes, but I’d tread carefully. He’s a bit cranky today. Wasn’t very pleasant earlier...told me to not let the door hit me on my way out.” She said with a smirk, his blue gaze making her breath catch in her throat.
“Well, I’ll apologize on his behalf since he’s not man enough to. You’re just doing your job, love.” He said, a slight smirk forming on his face.
“Thank you, Mr. Shelby.” She said.
“Call me Tommy.” He said, licking his lips before placing a cigarette in his mouth.
Y/N reached her hand out to stop him, the lighter unable to be flicked with her hand over it.
“No smoking in here, sorry Tommy.” She said, a stickler for the rules, at least when it came to her shifts at the hospital.
“If you say so.” He said, a small sigh escaping his lips before he put the lighter and cigarette back in his coat.
“Good luck, Tommy.” She said, a small smirk on her lips.
He nodded before reluctantly walking to the room, not bothering to knock on the door.
“What’re you doing here Tommy.” Michael stated, still frustrated.
“Just checking on ya. You’ve been giving the nurse a hard time aye?” He said, a cold look in his eyes as he remembered Michael’s wrong-doings before the Italians shot him.
“Just asked her if I could go home, she said no of course. Said she didn’t want a patient bleeding out cuz she just mopped. Stupid really.” He said, sneaking a cigarette from under his pillow.
“You can’t have that right now Michael. At least not until you’re healed more.” He said.
“Oh fuck off Tom. I can do what I want in here. What...did she tell you there’s no smoking?” He asked.
“Aye she did. She’s just following protocol.” He said.
“I don’t care. Just leave me will ya? I can deal with her later.” He said, lighting the cigarette.
Thomas sighed in frustration at the young man, unable to understand why except that he was tired of being cooped up in the small, white room.
“I’ll have your mother come by later. I suggest you show the woman who helped save you some respect.” He said, walking out of the room.
“I told ya. He’s been one hell of a patient aye?” Y/N asked, closing the medical book on her desk.
“Mhmm. Say, have you seen anyone in here besides me today?” He asked.
“No, I started my shift only and hour ago.” She said.
“How long does it go till?” He asked.
“Uhm, ‘round five hours. Won’t be out till at least six if all the patients fucking behave.” She said.
“That’s a new one, I’ve seen ya every day for the two weeks and you’re cussing now. Blinders are rubbing off on ya.” He said.
“I knew that’s what it was. It’s contagious.” She said, chuckling slightly.
“Well how about I pick you up ‘round then aye? I can take you for a drink. I think you’ve earned it after dealing with my fucking cousin of all people.” He said.
“You’re joking...” She said, never thinking Thomas Shelby would ever ask her - a day-shift nurse - out for a drink.
“Am I’m laughing?” He asked, a small smirk on his face.
Y/N looked at the clock nearby, the hands ticking down ever so slowly.
“I’d love to. I’ll be counting down the hours.” She said, grinning.
“Alright. I’ll see you then, miss.” He said.
“Aye Tommy?” She called out before he walked off too far.
“Call me Y/N.” She said.
“Right...I’ll see you later miss Y/N.” He said, making it a point to pull out a cigarette and lighting it just as he walked out the door, leaving Y/N chuckling to herself.
The hours dragged on, Y/N dealing with one rude patient after another. One screaming at her and one getting blood all over her uniform during a grueling emergency surgery.
“Jesus. You’ve been through hell aye?” A voice sounded from the hallway as Y/N neared her desk for the last time that night.
“Oh! Uh...hi Tommy. Fucking startled me ya know.” She said, swiping a strand of hair out of her face as she gathered her things.
“I’m going to get out of all this mess and then I’ll be ready to go. You can wait in the lobby if you’d like.” She said, looking at the gangster leaning against the wall, staring at Michael’s door with an empty expression.
“Alright.” He said, walking out to the old rickety chairs outside the main reception area.
She scurried to the nurses changing room and put on the only clothes she had, a black dress and cardigan with worn, black heels.
She washed the dried blood off her hands and face and hastily applied a small amount of lipstick, eyeliner, and mascara, nothing too extravagant given her circumstances.
With a nervous sigh, she looked in the mirror one last time, wrestling with her hair a bit to make it at least somewhat presentable for wherever he was taking her.
“That wasn’t long. You look great, Y/N.” He said, putting down a random book that was sitting on one of the old side tables.
“Thank you! I uh, didn’t have much to work with back there but it’s better than being covered in blood aye?” She said, wrapping her coat tightly around her as she braced for the cold night air that was sure to slither its way through their bones.
“Aye, I guess that’s true.” He said, thinking about how he’d shown up to numerous places covered in blood, not really taking it into account before.
“So, Tommy Shelby. Where in the world are we going?” She asked, looking at him. The streetlights shooting by as he drove down the many dark streets of Birmingham.
“Well, there’s not many I like going to except for the Garrison. You heard of it?” He asked.
“Yeah, been a couple times with friends. It’s fun...most times.” She said, cringing at past drunk memories.
Thomas looked at her as the smirk spread across her features, her eyes wrinkling with the movement as they continued their drive to the pub.
“Here we are.” He said, getting out and quickly helping her down from the tall, black car. The metal hood shining in the moonlight as the noise from the pub made its way through the streets.
The noise grew as they walked in, the smell of booze filling the air as they made their way to the bar.
“Hiya Mr. Shelby. What can I get for you and the lucky lady?” The bartender asked cheerfully.
“The usual for me. What about you love?” He asked, her mind racing with trying to decide on something.
“I’ll just have what he’s having? And a gin please.” She said.
“You like whiskey?” He asked with a smirk.
“Yeah. Only drink it on bad nights usually. Takes the pain away.” She said.
“Pain of what?” He asked as the bartender sat a whole bottle down along with two shot glasses and her gin.
Tommy nodded at the bartender as she spoke.
“A lot of things. I see a lot of people in bad shape all time. Kind of haunts ya you know? And dealing with patients like your cousin aren’t much better. Pain in my ass really.” She said, chuckling and taking a nervous sip of her gin.
“Aye, that he is. I told him to lay off though. You helped save him after all. It’s the least he could do.” He said, pouring them both a shot.
“So are we splitting the bill or? I don’t mind.” She said.
“Nah, I get the drinks for free. That includes yours.” He said.
“Oh...” she said, taking a swig of her gin again, the clear liquid burning like fire on the way down.
“I make gin.” He said, changing the subject.
“Oh really? Is it good?” She asked.
“Personally I think it is, some people prefer it...not as sweet though. What do you think of it?” He asked.
“Wait, this is yours?” She asked, downing the last of it slowly, trying to form a decent opinion as it burned down her throat.
“Hmm, well...” she said, turning her nose up, jokingly.
“I’m kidding. You should’ve seen your face, love...It’s good though. I don’t think it’s too sweet...It’s just right.” She said, looking up at him as he downed his now third shot.
“You drinking that whole bottle?” She asked.
He shook his head and lit a cigarette, pouring her another after she downed the first one.
“Not unless you help me. Maybe then I’ll make it back to the house.” He said.
“You live ‘round here?” She asked.
“Not anymore. Up at Arrow House.” He said, blowing a puff of smoke away from her.
“Jesus. I don’t want to know what that cost, but I’m sure you and your blinders could afford those things. Is it nice?” She asked, slightly regretting the rapid pace she downed the shots in.
“It’s grand. More so in the sense it’s empty. Lots of rooms with no life in them really. My son Charlie’s there but that’s it besides the nanny and the maids.” He said.
“You have a whole crew then. I’m impressed.” She said.
“Would you like to go there?” He asked.
“Sure. But...” she said, pouring herself a shot of the whiskey.
“Let’s finish this first, can’t let a good thing go to waste aye?” She said, knocking back a shot. Her head slowly turning fuzzy as she hadn’t drank in a few months.
As she put the bottle down, a drunken man came up behind her suddenly, an ugly smile on his face as he grasped at her bum.
She quickly turned around, backing up towards Tommy.
“Get your fucking hands off me you bastard! Go on, go!” She yelled, shoving the already unstable man until he stumbled back. The liquor slowly getting to her as she watched the scene unfold.
Thomas moved her behind him as she watched him unbutton his sleeves, the act causing her to bite her lip curiously as she watched his posture change. The drunken man getting up and slurring his words in a drunken rage as he went to punch him. Tommy blocked the shaky punch and landed one on the mans nose as he stumbled back, blood erupting from the mans nose and also from Tommy’s hands from the sharp impact. The man, with practically more booze than blood in his system came at him again, this time landing a hit to his cheek causing a gash to form. As the brawl ensued, she watched tipsily as a crowd gathered around them both, egging on the blinder who practically owned half of Birmingham at that point.
“You bastard! You broke me nose!” The man yelled, finally noticing the damage done.
“Yeah well you touched my girl so I’d say we’re even. Now go on before I kill ya.” He said in a low voice, his cheek bleeding as he spoke.
“Y-you’ll pay for this. I swear it!” The man said angrily as he pushed his way through the pub and out the door, nearly stumbling as he walked onto the cold cobblestone streets.
“You alright Y/N?” Thomas asked as he turned around, wiping the blood on a towel the bartender already had ready for him.
“I-I’m fine.” She said, going back to the bar and pouring herself another shot, her nerves finally calming down after wanting to beat the man up herself, knowing she could have if only she’d tried harder.
“I think he had concrete for a nose.” He said, she could see the way his skin spilt around his worn knuckles, the blood snaking it’s way down his arm as he clutched the bottle of whiskey.
“Sorry you had to see that.” He said, knocking a shot back and then pulling out another cigarette, a frustrated sigh coming from his lips as the flames from the lighter ignited the thin roll of paper.
“Don’t be sorry. You did a good thing. I’m just mad I couldn’t punch him myself.” She said smirking, trying to lighten the mood as the atmosphere around them returned to normal.
He smirked at that, causing the blood to trickle down his face more as she watched.
“Here. This’ll hurt but it’ll help for now.” She said, turning the bottle neck-down so some it would pour onto the towel. As she leaned in to dab it on his cut cheek, his eyes scanned her face. She was halfway focused due to the alcohol in her system but still more calm than others in the past. He tried not to wince as she applied light pressure, not wanting to hurt him.
“How about we finish this bottle and head out?” He asked.
“Sounds like a plan.” She said, clinking her shot glass with his after setting the bloody towel down.
They both drank until the bottle ran dry, Y/N’s head feeling light and slightly like it was spinning as she made her way to the car. Thomas on the other hand seemed a bit less un-phased, having drunken more in that one week than she had in months.
“Did...did I say thank you? I really should’ve said thank you. That was brave. You just....cracked him right in the nose.” She said drunkenly as she made a punching gesture with her fist.
Thomas chuckled as he drove them to his house, the cool night air slowly sobering them up as they set out for the seemingly long drive to the large manor in the countryside.
“Tommy?” She asked, her eyes landing on him as the moonlight shined through the windows of the car, only his silhouette visible as he spoke.
“Yeah love?”
“Out of all the women...why me? Why’d you decide to go out with a nurse?” She said, laughing at herself slightly. The world slowly not spinning as much as they neared the house.
Thomas was silent for a moment, trying to choose his words carefully since he’d been so reckless with past suitors. He couldn’t stand another heartbreak and so he decided to think a bit more cautiously, for once.
Tommy sighed as he pulled up to the manor, his door creaking as he closed it and helped her out.
“I just happen to like you. You seem...kind. At least when a drunk isn’t trying to put the moves on ya” He said, leading her into the house, the rooms eerily empty as everyone was asleep.
“I see. Well Tommy, if it’s any consolation, I uh may just happen to like you as well. I don’t really care about what they say you know.” She said, fiddling with the buttons on her coat as he helped her take it off.
“And what do they say, Y/N?” He asked, his hand going to hers as he led her around the house quietly.
“They say you’re a drug dealing gangster who kills for fun.” She said smirking.
“They’re only half right, love.” He said, stopping just outside his bedroom.
“How so?” She asked, looking into his eyes in the dimly lit hall.
“I kill for business. Not for fun.” He said, gently caressing her cheek before he brought his lips to hers.
She broke away after a moment, looking at the cut on his cheek.
“I don’t want to hurt you, you need stitches you know.” She said, smirking up at him.
He sighed and led her into the grand bedroom, the luxurious bathroom located just near the room as they walked towards it.
Thomas turned on the light, illuminating the space as he rummaged around for alcohol and his small sewing kit, which saved him more often than not.
“I usually do this myself but I’m sure you’re better at this love.” He said, sitting on the counter as she stood between his legs, expertly threading the needle as she inspected it.
“This is going to hurt, I’m just being honest with you.” She said, forgoing her usual bedside manners.
“Can’t be worse than what I’ve done to myself aye? You won’t leave a huge scar like I would.” He said, looking at her as she started her work. The needle stinging as she quickly stitched him up.
“Scar a handsome face like yours? I could never.” She said, with a smirk as she tied off the stitch and clipped it, dabbing a bit of the alcohol on it to clean it once more. Before he could move, she took his hand gently in hers, dabbing the blood off his hand and running the alcohol over his knuckles as he sat there, a hiss of pain escaping his mouth at the unexpected burn.
“That was worse.” He said.
“I know. It’s never fun treating busted knuckles. I’d suggest maybe not punching anyone in the next couple of days...if you can manage.” She said, bandaging them up.
“For you, I’ll try not to. Now...” He trailed off, his eyes roaming over her.
“What?” She asked, looking at him as she caught him staring.
“Where were we?” He asked, his hand gently holding hers as she stood closer.
**Explicit/18+ Content Ahead. Please skip over the italicized portion if you are under 18, thank you!**
“Oh....right...” she said smirking, bringing her lips gently to his as his hands found their way to her hips, pulling her towards him. Their kiss grew heated as more time passed, his hand stinging as he snaked it through her hair, bringing her closer to him as he broke from her lips and sucked light bruises onto her neck, eliciting a soft moan from her lips.
Their hands wandered over each other, pulling at what clothing remained between them as Thomas led her to the bed. Her smooth skin feeling like silk under his rough fingertips.
Y/N giggled as he laid her on the bed, kissing his way down her neck and chest until he got to her core. His head resting perfectly between her legs as he devoured her, the feeling indescribable as she clutched the expensive sheets beneath her. Her insides soon turning to a knot as she felt her orgasm coming on, her hands finding their way to his head as she grasped his hair tightly, feeling her hips grinding on him as he brought her over the edge, her moans filling the room as she came undone on his lips. As he lifted his head up, he hovered over her, kissing his way up to her lips as she tasted herself on him. Slowly urging her hand down to take hold of him, already hard and yearning to be inside her.
“You sure?” He asked, a low moan escaping his lips as she pumped him. With a quick nod she aligned him with her entrance, wanting nothing more than to close the gap between them. She gasped lightly at the sensation, the pressure of him filling her up as he began thrusting his hips into her. The familiar feeling washing over her again minutes later, tightening around him as she moaned his name. The dim lighting making it harder to see as they continued, making the sensation all the more heightened as his thrusts quickened, and a low moan came from his lips again.
In a swift movement, he let her get on top, riding him as he watched from under her. Her hands scratching down his chest as her body tensed around him, grinding herself down harder and faster as she came once more. Her scratches leaving slight red streaks down his chest as she came down from her high.
Thomas sat up slightly as she rode him slowly once more, his hips meeting hers as she bounced on his cock. His breathing a bit ragged as he came closer. His thrusts getting slower with every minute. As she came close once more, Thomas let out a moan as he came undone, pulling her closer to him as he did so, her walls clenching around him as she moaned in his ear. Their breathing both leveling out as they lied next to each other, sleep finally invading their bones as they lay tangled in each other’s embrace.
“You don’t want me to leave do you?” She asked after a while, stealing Thomas’ cigarette from his mouth as she took a drag from it.
“I’d quite like it if ya stayed actually. Why? Do you want to?” He asked, watching the smoke escape her lips.
“No, I just thought you’d want me to. Didn’t think you’d want anything more after this.” She said.
“What if I do want something more aye?” He asked.
She smiled and thought for a moment before kissing him.
“Then you’ll have to be more careful Tommy Shelby. Can’t have you being hurt everyday. The hospital is full as it is.” She said.
Thomas chuckled as he looked down at her, her eyes lighting up at his smile.
“I’ll try, but I’m not making any promises.” He said, kissing her once more before they decided to go to bed for the night, the hope for a new relationship ever so looming on the horizon.
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Thomas Shelby Tag List:
@msbzowy, @nofckingfighting, @aranoburns, @sighonahurricane, @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes, @gaytommyshelby, @wowjeena, @fifty-shadesof-tommyshelby, @inglourious-imagines, @thebloodyshelbys, @tsolomons, @blinder-secrets, @reveparade, @shelby-fanatic, @ta-ka-shi-ma, @psychkunox, @peakyxtommy, @captivatedbycillianmurphy,@dreamwastakenx,
@lovemissyhoneybee @thomashelbyswhore​, @xxbeckybeexx-blog​
If you’d like to be added/removed, just send me an ask/message! :)
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moral-turpitudes · 2 years
Holiday Oneshots!
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Hello loves! I'm back to writing in my spare time and with the holidays coming up, I figured y'all would like some new content. I will be taking requests until December 23rd, 2021.
Requests can be made for the following fandoms:
- Peaky Blinders
- Hannibal
- Criminal Minds
(I'd do more fandoms but these 3 are my faves obviously.)
- As a gift I'll be making mini-mood boards for each request as well!
Happy Holidays!
~ Katie
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