#kawamatsu being the perfect friend shaped kappa who sacrificed so much to raise hiyori
fallensnowfan · 1 year
I’m rereading Zou and it’s still a favorite for how well it sets up everything for the next 250+ chapters.
When Kanjuro draws Ryuunosuke, it’s a small panel though Kin’emon seems a bit taken aback. I’m guessing over the fact that he drew a weak pink dragon to be essentially a servant. In retrospect, that says a lot about how much Orochi had warped Kanjuro’s views by that point. With Orochi’s views own already having been warped by Higurashi.
Also remembered that Pedro says Dog and Cat must not die. Also have Izo’s and Usopp’s message that living after defeat has meaning. Similarly to a lot of people saying Big Mom would tell Luffy that she had killed Jinbei, a lot of people were saying that all of the Akazaya would die. Shame on them >:(
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