#kcfh fanfic
kpg-1126 · 17 days
Sooner or Later - Chapter 3 - KPG_1126 - Kevin Can Fuck Himself (TV 2021) [Archive of Our Own]
Chapter 3: But I woke up this morning
Summary: Things come easily for a while.
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thelonecalzone · 1 month
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Warning: This poll might be a trick 🤡
Proceed carefully. Think it through... or don't. The choice is yours :)
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armeniuslaurant · 1 year
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frqncjs · 1 year
Kcfh fic I’ve been workin on ! mostly bout Molly and Neil after 2x08 :))
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thatonesquintern13 · 1 year
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the side effects of eating too many clementines - alessia di cesare
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75-percent-ginger · 2 years
Pattison Endgame
Summary: These events take place between S2 Ep 7 and the series finale, after Allison “disappears.”
Warnings: Depressive episode, angst, some swearing, sexual content (18+).
w/c: 4200+
a/n: I wrote this the weekend before the series finale and it’s my first fanfic ever. I’ll post it on AO3 once I get off the waiting list. I’m obsessed with these two and their love story. The story goes exposition, exposition, angst, so much angst, declarations, whoa sex, end. If anyone actually reads this, I hope you enjoy!
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It wasn’t until Patty crossed the state line into Maine that she started to really contemplate what she was doing and have second thoughts. Leaving Massachusetts made it real, but entering the state where Allison was living made her panicky. Her heart started beating wildly and the palms of her hands were sweaty on the wheel.  “Christ, Patty, get it together,” she muttered.    
Those first few days after “Allison’s incident” were a heady blur for Patty. She had the benefit of knowing that nothing bad had happened to Allison, but the whiplash feeling of hearing Allison say she wanted to stay—the feeling of hope, happiness, and relief blooming in Patty’s chest—made it so much more painful and raw two days later when Allison actually left without saying goodbye. She spent all of her time holed up in her house, barely clocking the parade of police and investigators that would file in and out next door. She was sure Tammy was among them, but she didn't want to deal with anyone right now, especially her recent ex. 
Despite her efforts to disappear within her house, Tammy appeared unannounced at her front door, knocking and calling out, “Patty, I know you’re home.  I just saw Neil two blocks away and he said you haven’t left the house today.” Patty knew she had to answer, but underestimated the puffiness of her eyes and overall appearance. At that point it had only been three days since Allison had disappeared, and Patty was scaring herself with how empty and despondent she felt.  She would cry and fall into an exhausted and restless sleep, obsessing over the note Allison left her. How could Allison say that Patty was better off? What did that even mean? Patty was angry and frustrated, and, during moments when she was honest with herself, completely heartbroken. 
She hadn’t looked in a mirror yet when she opened the door for Tammy, but the wide eyes and visible start that Tammy gave was a clue for Patty that she looked like shit. “Oh, ah… I’m sorry to bother you. I, um…” Tammy paused for a few seconds with her hands in her trench coat. “Look, Patty.  I’ll be honest here. I came to talk to you about Allison because I wanted to see if you knew anything more—we haven’t found any rem—uh, any sign of Allison at the bottom of that cliff, but our crew is working through some really thick vegetation. Our resources to dedicate to this run out after today. I was wondering if you may have any more information about how Allison was feeling, or if she said anything that indicated she maybe wanted to run away?” Tammy paused there, probably to see what Patty would say, but Patty couldn’t summon the energy to say anything. “Ok, well. I do know how much this is affecting you. I know what close friends you are”—Patty was together enough to hear the sharpness in how Tammy said ‘friends’—“and I’m not here to interrogate you or anything. I thought that maybe you knew something about this, but now that I’m looking at you I don’t think that any more. I’m sorry. Please take care of yourself, Patty.” And with that she was gone.
After the initial few days, Patty tried to resume a normal life, returning to the salon and reading books on her couch, but none of it felt normal. Patty waited patiently to wake up one day and feel like there wasn’t a suffocating weight on her chest, but after two solid months of dragging that heaviness around with her, she found herself outside of Sam’s café. She tucked herself into a corner booth and ordered a ham and cheese sandwich and a water from a disinterested waitress. “Allison’s replacement?” she idly wondered. Patty scanned the front area for Sam, and as he buzzed around the register looking busy, she waited until he started for the back to approach. “Hey, Sam?” she asked tentatively. “Oh, hi Patty.  How are you?” he replied, pleasantly. Patty didn’t want to make small talk and also couldn’t honestly answer that question without making the conversation uncomfortable. “I am terrible and it’s a chore to leave my house every day” isn’t the kind of honest conversation you start when you’re about to ask somebody for something. Instead she decided to tell him a half-truth. “Well, I’m having a tough time with the uncertainty of knowing if Allison is okay.” There. That was definitely true. Sam didn’t need to know how consumed she was by the question of why Allison left, and why she thought it would be best for Patty if she did. “I know you said that night that you didn’t really know where she went, but did she give you any idea at all?” Sam looked at her, contemplating his answer. “I don’t know, Patty…” he said, with a half shake of his head. Patty could tell she was losing him so she spoke her other truth. “A couple days before she left, she told me she wanted to stay, and I told her that I wanted her to. I don’t know what changed in those two days, but I’m worried that she’s either in trouble, or maybe I did something and didn’t realize…”
Patty stopped talking abruptly as all of the emotions of the past two months came flying up to the surface with her words. It took all of her strength not to break down in front of Sam, and he could see the struggle and the toll written on her face. “Hey, it’s okay, it’s okay,” he said, grabbing a pitcher of water and filling a glass from the bartop, and thrusting it at her. “Here you go.” He sighed and ran his hand through his hair, before making a silent decision with a slight nod. “She told me she was probably going to stay in New England, at least for a while.  But that’s really all I know.” Patty exhaled.  “Ok, Sam. Thank you.” As she walked out of the bar she felt lighter for the first time since Allison disappeared. She had a name, and she had a direction. She could work with that.  
The lightness lasted for about two hours.  As soon as she got home from the café with Sam, she put her plan into place—she was going to call every law office in New England and ask to speak to “Gertrude Fronch.” It wasn’t foolproof.  Obviously Allison could be doing anything, but Patty had a hunch that she was trying her hand at being a paralegal again, as one final “fuck you” to Kevin.  She started with Vermont, since Allison probably didn’t stay in Massachusetts, and Rhode Island was too close, and Connecticut was basically a suburb of New York. Patty had a hunch that Allison ended up in one of the northern New England states, and she started her phone calls with that same confidence. It began to wane about twenty calls in. If someone called the salon asking for a name she didn’t recognize, she would yell out “Wrong number!” and hang up immediately. It would be five seconds, tops. But these law firms, wow. They couldn’t just say hello, it was always “Thank you for calling the law offices of Larry, Moe, and Curley, how may I direct your call?” And when she asked for Gertrude Fronch, the person on the other end would be way too helpful. “Oh, there’s no one here by that name that I’m aware of but let me take down your name and number in case we just hired her.” Or “I don’t believe she works here but we would love to be of assistance if you can explain why you are calling.” It was an entire song and dance conversation with these people, and it was exhausting. Also, there were way more law firms in New England than she thought! “Yeah, a lot of low level drug dealers that need lawyers,” a little voice in her head teased, sounding just like Allison. “Excuse me, but I am in pain management,” she thought with a smile.  God, now she was talking to herself. 
After that first day, Patty limited herself to no more than an hour a day making calls. A week later, she was questioning her entire strategy as Vermont and New Hampshire garnered absolutely nothing for her efforts.  She was almost through Maine, and that weighty feeling was back each day, when she called an office in what seemed to be a small town in the upper reaches of the state. “Good afternoon, Law Office of Haggarty and Sons, this is Cheryl, how can I help you?” “Hi,” Patty responded, already mentally deciding that this would be her last call of the day, “can I speak to Gertrude Fronch?” “Oh, Trudy?” the woman responded. “Sure, one sec, she just walked through here.” Patty dropped the phone like it was burning and then in a panic picked it up and started slamming the button to end the call. She disconnected and collapsed on the couch with her hand over her mouth. She hadn’t expected at this point to actually locate Allison, and certainly wasn’t prepared to talk to her over the phone. “Oh my God,” she whispered, even though she was alone in the house. “I found her.” 
It was easier than she thought to ask Diane to borrow her car. Diane had been spending some time with Neil since Allison disappeared and Patty had to admit it was good for her brother. He was spending way less time with Kevin after the initial first few days after the cops came to Kevin’s door with Allison’s backpack and grim looks, when Kevin demanded attention and catering at a level even beyond his typical self-involved narcissism. Patty begrudgingly understood up to a point that Kevin believed Allison was missing or dead, but when Kevin started going to the bars and using the “my wife went missing and could be DEAD! Or MURDERED! Or EATEN BY A BEAR!” to get free drinks from sympathetic regulars and attention from women, all within a week of her disappearance, Patty lost all sympathy. Kevin was who he was and she couldn’t spend any more mental energy on him. Luckily Neil seemed to reach the same conclusion. He was going off with Diane every couple of days and was vague about what he was doing, but she followed them once to the local Unitarian church where she was pretty sure they had AA meetings. Patty didn’t want to pry but just hoped against hope that he continued on the path he was on and didn’t give in to the black hole that was Kevin ever again. When Patty approached Diane, her cover story was that she needed the car for a couple days for an hairstylist conference in Hartford. Diane regarded her for a moment and pursed her lips. “I imagine this conference is pretty important to you?” “It is,” Patty answered. “Kind of a future defining conference kinda thing.” “Hmm,” Diane responded, thoughtfully. “And you’ll fill the gas back up when you bring it back?” 
And now Patty was getting sweat all over Diane’s steering wheel as she tried to stave off an impending panic attack on I-95. She pulled off the highway into a podunk gas station and splashed cold water on her face in the grimy bathroom. She had been so focused on her plan to find Allison that she never really thought about what would happen if she did. How would Allison react to Patty just showing up out of the blue? What would Patty say to her? What if Allison’s new life made her happy? The pit in Patty’s stomach twirled around in a pirouette at that thought. Patty was miserable, but Allison had done what she wanted to do and escaped Kevin. She had to be happy, at least mostly. Maybe completely. Patty still didn’t understand how Allison could sit on the couch next to her and tell her she wanted to stay and then leave without saying a word, just a note with “You’re better off.” Patty dug her nails into her palms and closed her eyes. She didn’t come all this way to turn around now. She was scared and she hated the feeling, but she was going to get answers, no matter how painful they may be to hear. 
Some hours later, Patty was sitting outside Haggarty and Sons law firm in Orono, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible slouched in the front seat with her eyes widening with every person that walked out the front door. It was approaching five o’clock but no sign of Allison yet. Patty sat up slightly as the door opened again. “No, that’s a brunette,” Patty thought with disappointment until her breath caught as she noticed the tell-tale hands shoved in the pockets of a winter coat and unmistakable gait of Allison McRoberts. “Of course she looks great with brown hair too,” Patty thought as she hurriedly started the car. As Allison pulled out of the parking lot in a nondescript gray sedan, Patty followed at a safe distance several miles to a cute neighborhood backing up to the woods with similar looking townhouses in varying colors. She watched Allison get out of her car and enter one of the middle units, and could see a light go on through the drawn curtains. Her heart was slamming in her chest. “Now or never, O’Connor,” she said aloud. She turned the car off decisively and got out of the car in a hurry. She closed the distance to Allison’s house feeling her heart pound with every step. She found herself in front of Allison’s door, and felt herself knocking with a slow “Thwock…thwock…thwock.” She heard footsteps and focused on the door handle turning. 
Anyone on the outside would say that Trudy Fronch was settling well into Orono. It was a college town so the locals were used to transplants more than one would expect in northern Maine. She found a job pretty quickly in a family-run law firm with Bob Haggarty and two of his boys (the third boy had a little problem and dropped out of law school, the locals would say as they tapped the side of their noses and made sniffing sounds). On Sundays you could usually find her at a cafe near the university at a table eating a scone and reading a book, early enough so the hungover college students weren’t up yet and dragging themselves in for brunch. She lived in the Stillwater Village townhomes and as far as anyone knew seemed to be single. The only thing people really knew was that she had been from Massachusetts at some point in her life—no hiding that accent. She kind of winced when you asked her, though, and Mainers don’t pry into anyone’s business who doesn’t want to be pried into, so by all accounts Trudy Fronch was fitting in well and only slightly mysterious. 
Allison McRoberts worked hard to appear as nondescript as possible in Orono and knew that even with some mild interest from her neighbors, coworkers, and locals, for the most part it was working. It was all an act, of course. She went to her job at the law firm and found some comfort in her paralegal work. It was interesting and it felt good to be employed. But there was no joy in it. She smiled and made small talk and ate cake at Bob’s birthday celebration and there was emptiness behind all of it for her. On Sundays she would go to the cafe and pick at a scone and stare at the same three lines in her book as her mind wandered.
There was a relief in her freedom from Kevin, of course, but it was outweighed by the loss of Patty. It was a different loneliness than the years she spent facing every day in her miserable marriage, but the ache of it was constant. So many times she would think of something she couldn’t wait to tell Patty and  immediately realize that she couldn’t share anything with Patty ever again. She constantly felt like she was on the verge of tears. She would close her eyes and think about the comfort of sitting on Patty’s porch with her, even in silence. She thought about what Patty would say when the only decorative touch she made in her townhouse so far was a Barbie doll still in its case, propped on the counter in her kitchen. She could picture Patty smirking, “Nice touch, Allison, but maybe a little too on the nose?” She smiled at what she would say to Patty in response, as innocently as possible- “Oh, Trudy made that choice. I would have put up a sign that says ‘Live, Laugh, Love.’” She thought about Patty all the time. Not having her next door was torture. She hadn’t wanted to leave, but it was the only way to ensure Patty wouldn’t get caught up in the plan she had put into motion and dragged Patty into. Also, she had to admit, both Neil and Tammy were in her head about her negative effect on Patty. She felt a little thrill when she first heard Patty tell her with a tipsy laugh that Tammy thought she was a bad influence on her. But then Neil said that Patty was so different since they started hanging out—that she was worse. Allison felt defensive when he said it, but it stayed in the back of her mind. She was the one who got Patty involved in all of the illegal shit she did as she planned to kill Kevin. She had put Patty at risk, and as Tammy closed in on the truth, Allison couldn’t keep doing it. She didn’t care much if she was caught, but she would never get over it or forgive herself if Patty was. She had to leave. She had to. 
The actual act of disappearing had been easy once she realized that she had to do it. She told Pete and Kevin she was going on a hike, and then dropped her backpack just off the trail before a huge drop off that ended in thick trees, brambles, and rocks. She doubled back, put her hair up in a hat, and called a cab to take her to the the train station in Providence. From there she bounced around like a pinball machine—train to New York City, bus to Albany, different bus line to Burlington, and then finally a rental car to Maine. She found her townhouse online and her paralegal job within a week. It was all easy, except for the part where she had to exist in this new life, without the person she cared most about in this world. Without the person she loved. 
It had been a typical Tuesday at the law firm and Allison was home deciding between chicken cacciatore or spaghetti and meatballs when there was a slow, steady knock at the door. She was immediately nervous. It had only been a little over two months and as easy as the disappearance had been she knew she wasn’t ever going to be truly in the clear.  She half expected to see a police officer, or Tammy, or hell, even Kevin, show up on her doorstep at any point. “It’s probably just a neighbor,” she thought as she approached the door and took a deep breath as she turned the door handle and pulled the door open.
Patty took in Allison’s new hair first, even though she had already seen it. The brown locks framed her face perfectly—a face that had gone wide-eyed and open-mouthed upon seeing Patty standing there. “Hi, Trudy,” Patty managed. Allison broke into a smile that flooded Patty with relief as she was able to let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding in. “Oh my God, Patty!” Allison exclaimed. “Come in!” Patty stepped into the entryway with the kitchen directly to her left. She noticed a plastic case with a Barbie leaning against the wall on the counter. She raised her eyebrow at Allison. “Oh, yeah, that’s just an idea that I had and um, it’s like kind of a memory and a joke and um…” Allison stammered and trailed off with a quick shake of her head and a gesture with her hand. Patty had to bite her lip at Allison’s awkwardness. It was comforting and grounding to know that Allison hadn’t lost any of it with her new persona. 
“Wait,” said Allison, suddenly. “How did you find me?” Patty watched as the fear dawned on Allison’s face she and spoke quickly to reassure her. “Don’t worry, I’m the only one who knows where you are. The police officially labeled you a missing person but they aren’t looking for you anymore. I think Tammy’s suspicious, but she doesn’t think I know where you are. The last time I spoke to her, I didn’t. She has no reason to come looking for you.” Allison breathed a sigh of relief. “And Kevin?” Patty hesitated. “Well, at this point he’s mainly pissed he has to wait five years to declare you legally dead and collect insurance. I’ve also seen the same girl around your house lately so I think he had a pretty quick grieving period.” Allison nodded. “To be expected, honestly,” she said with a shrug.
There was silence for a moment. Then Allison asked, “So how did you know where I was?” Now Patty felt awkward. “Well, I had your name of course. And then Sam was able to tell me you were probably somewhere in New England.” She hesitated and then said in a rush, “So I knew you liked the paralegal thing before Kevin messed it up for you so I had a hunch and I started calling all the law firms in a few states asking for you and then I found you at the place you were today.” She paused without looking at Allison and then added, “It wasn’t a big deal,” with what she hoped was nonchalance. Patty snuck a look at Allison, who was staring at her. “Wow,” she said softly. “You really know me, don’t you?” 
Something seized in Patty with that question. “I mean, I thought I knew you, Allison. But you told me you wanted to stay, you made me believe that you wanted to stay, and then you just…. And the note you left for me said I was better off? How could you think that? How could you possibly…” Patty pressed her lips together hard to cut her question off as the emotions of the last two months and being here in front of Allison now threatened to break her wide open. She didn’t know if she wanted to break down in sobs or yell, but she felt like she was teetering on the edge of losing it completely. She hated this vulnerability. She hated it. Allison was the only person in this  world that could make her feel this exposed. Allison, who was—Patty looked at the other woman’s trembling lower lip and realized with incredulity that Allison was also on the verge of losing it. “I’m sorry, Patty,” she whispered. “I’m so sorry but it was the only way to keep you safe and I was ruining you anyway and I couldn’t keep doing that to you, so I had to leave, and—“ Allison put her hands up to her face and started to cry.
Patty’s instinct was to go to Allison and comfort her, but then part of what Allison had said hit her and she stopped with her hand on Allison’s arm. “What do you mean you were ruining me?” Allison sniffed and wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her sweater. “It’s just some of the stuff Tammy said when she had the video of you in Vermont, when she knew that I was the one who got you into the situation. And Neil! Neil said how different you were once we started hanging out and I just started thinking about all of the risky situations I put you in and that if he saw it and Tammy saw it, it must be true.” “Oh Allison,” Patty sighed. “You listened to my jealous girlfriend and my idiot brother? I was beside you in Vermont because I chose that. You didn’t force me into doing anything. I’ve been alongside you every step of the way because I wanted to be. And of course I was different after we became friends—Neil was used to me being miserable!” Allison looked at her hopefully. “Are you sure? You mean that?” Patty was suddenly aware of their physical proximity. She cleared her throat and took a half step back. “I am. But there’s one more thing I was wondering.” Allison gave her a quick nod. “The night you told me you wanted to stay, you never answered why. You had gone through so much to disappear and be done with Kevin, so why did you change your mind?“ Patty didn’t realize until she asked the question how much she needed to hear the answer. There was a little beacon of hope rising within her that bloomed as she waited for Allison to respond, scarcely daring to breathe. 
Allison had run the gamut of emotions since opening the door and seeing Patty standing there. Joy and excitement at first, then fear when she thought she may have been discovered. The worst was seeing the obvious hurt on Patty’s face when she asked why Allison had left. It was overwhelming to Allison that she had done anything to hurt Patty that badly. And for what? She had wanted to stay, but thought she was doing the right thing by leaving.  But here now, in front of Patty, feeling the intensity of her gaze as she asked why Allison had wanted to stay, Allison knew what a mistake it had been to go. And now she had a second chance. A chance to be honest and to repair the damage. 
With her heart thrumming in her chest, Allison spoke her truth: “I wanted to stay because of you.” Allison watched Patty’s eyes widen and it was just enough for her to summon the courage to keep speaking.  “My feelings for you made me want to stay.  This isn’t just a friendship for me, not anymore. And you are my best friend, Patty, you’re the best person I’ve ever known, but I’ve recently discovered that I am absolutely in love with you, and it’s so much more than friendship, for me.” She paused with her head down, hardly daring to look up at Patty, until Patty spoke.
“Allison….I….I’ve been in love with you this entire time.” Patty raised her shoulders with her palms up, tilting her head. “I’m so sorry I spent fifteen years ignoring you. When you left I felt like I deserved it for refusing to see you or know you for so long, and—“ Patty’s words caught in her throat. Allison closed the small distance between them and brushed Patty’s hair back off her shoulders. She used both hands to cup the sides of Patty’s face and traced her thumbs back and forth against her cheekbones. When she met Patty’s lips with an intensity that even she wasn’t expecting, Patty responded with an equal hunger. She tasted of the mint gum she had no doubt chewed in the car after her last menthol. Allison noticed how expertly Patty wielded her tongue and the implications of that sent a shiver of desire up Allison’s spine. Allison had never felt the kind of certainty that she felt in this moment with Patty with anyone else—that she was exactly where she should be, doing exactly what she should be doing.
Patty hoped she would remember to keep breathing through the kiss. From the moment Allison had said she wanted to stay for her, that she was in love with her it felt like she was going to float away like a balloon in the wind. Was she breathing? Maybe she had died. Maybe she had been in a car accident on the way up to Maine and this was a coma dream. But her lips were responding to Allison (Allison! Kissing her!) and the rush of blood throughout her body let her know that she was very much present and alive. Then Allison made a noise against Patty’s lips that was between a sigh and a hum, and it was like every fantasy that Patty barely allowed herself to have for months burst free in her mind and almost made her gasp with the desire to take Allison right there in the kitchen.
Allison clearly felt the charge pulsing through Patty since she broke the kiss off for a second and looked at her in a way that gave Patty no hesitation about what to do next. She gripped Allison’s hips and moved her back against the kitchen counter, pinning her with her body. She traced light kisses down Allison’s jawline to her neck as Allison tilted her head and made a “Mmmmm” sound. Then with a sudden movement Patty put her hands on Allison’s round bottom and lifted her up onto the countertop. Allison had worn a skirt to work that day and it was riding up as Patty positioned herself between her legs. “Allison, I need to you tell me—“ “Yes,” Allison interrupted, breathing hard. “I want you to do anything and everything you want to me.” Patty didn’t need to hear it twice. She moved her hand up the smooth skin of Allison’s inner thigh until her fingers found panties. She used her thumb to circle the telltale wetness as Allison gave a sharp intake of breath. Patty slowly moved the panties to the side and purposely refrained from allowing her fingertips to make anything more than the barest contact with the part of Allison that was now moving insistently toward her touch. She shook her head at Allison with a smirk on her face. “You said I could do anything and everything I wanted. And I want to make sure you never forget this experience.”
“Don’t worry,” Allison responded shakily, “already one for the books!” Patty smirked again and got back to work, pulling Allison’s panties down and off her legs in one motion and then using her right hand to sneak under Allison’s sweater and push her bra up and off her breasts. Allison hurriedly took the sweater off and threw it to the side as Patty unhooked the rest of her bra and cupped her breasts while alternating kisses on her neck and nipples. “That feels so good,” Allison murmured. “Wait until you see what’s next,” Patty responded. “Lean back.” Patty dipped her head down and flicked her tongue at the place on Allison she knew would get a response. She wasn’t disappointed. Allison jerked like she had been zapped by a charge of electricity and let out an “Oh!” Patty pressed forward, her tongue alternating pressure and speed based on Allison’s increasingly loud and demonstrative reactions. At one point Patty thought she heard Allison saying “I knew it, I knew it.” She lifted her head with a “Hmm?” but Allison could no longer hold a conversation. Patty let Allison twist a hand in her hair and shove her head back down. Seconds later Allison arched the small of her back and drove her heels into Patty’s shoulder blades and as she shuddered from the waves of pleasure coursing through her body she came calling Patty’s name over and over.
When Allison could trust her legs to support her, she slid off the counter and took Patty’s hand with one word: “Bedroom.” Patty gave her a look that was a mixture of interest and arousal that set Allison’s heart into arrhythmia. They crossed the threshold as Allison shed her skirt, the only remaining article of clothing she was wearing, and she focused on pulling layers off of Patty while kissing her greedily. When Patty was as naked as she was, Allison pushed her back on the bed and straddled her, feeling the heat emanating from between Patty’s legs and feeling a thrill looking down at Patty’s porcelain skin and soft, heavy breasts. She leaned down and kissed Patty more slowly, letting her hair drape around her face. “Want me to tell you what I like?” Patty asked.
But it had been 15 years of Allison being responsible for her own orgasms in moments when Kevin wasn’t home or definitely asleep, and she had learned a few things about her body in that time. She figured the things that she liked may be the things that worked for Patty too, so instead she said “Tell me if I do anything you don’t like, but right now I’m in charge.” Patty couldn’t hide a smile, but as Allison slipped her fingers down and found Patty slick and ready, the smile turned into a little gasp as Allison entered her with two fingers and began slowly penetrating her, curling her fingers each time on the way out and going faster and with more urgency in response to Patty’s increasing moans. Allison only slowed down to adjust her position and introduce her tongue, tentatively at first as she tried to remember everything that Patty had done to her just minutes before, but with increasing confidence as Patty’s legs pulled taut around Allison’s head and her breath came loud and quick. Allison slipped a third finger into Patty and was immediately rewarded with a full body spasm as Patty panted “Jesus….Christ….Allison!” and then came with an intensity that left her quivering and unable to form any more words.
The next few hours passed in bliss as they dozed in each other’s arms. At some point in the middle of the night Allison noticed Patty was awake too and quietly asked, “When do you need to go back to Worcester?” “Well,” Patty responded, “considering I borrowed Diane’s car to get here and told her I’d be gone for two days, it has to be tomorrow.” Allison made a noncommittal “Hmm,” and propped herself up on her elbow, looking at Patty. “What do you think about coming back up here this weekend? I have enough money for you to rent a car.” Patty smiled. “I think I can work that into my schedule.” Allison smiled too. It was funny how quickly life could change. She had been facing a future without Patty when she had woken up the day before. Now Patty was in her bed, they had told each other how they felt, and the possibilities before them seemed endless.
“Patty?” Allison asked. “Mm?” was the sleepy response. “When you come back this weekend, maybe we can go see a movie?”
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kevincangifhimself · 2 years
Chapters: 7/15 Fandom: Kevin Can Fuck Himself (TV 2021) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Allison McRoberts/Patty O'Connor Characters: Patty O'Connor, Allison McRoberts, Neil O'Connor, Sam Park (Kevin Can Fuck Himself), Kevin McRoberts Additional Tags: some people make their favorite tv show ships just sit down and have a chat to cope, Slow Burn Summary:
"But they're parallel." She stops for another drink, realizes that Allison hasn't followed her point. "I mean, parallel lines, they don't touch, that's the whole point. They're always just, like this." She sets her palms an inch apart, two fingers awkwardly clinging to the neck of the bottle to keep it from spilling, and it doesn't look parallel at all but it'll do. "Parallel universes are like that, but universes. They don't touch, ever. Who cares if it's there? If you can't touch it, it might as well not exist, right?"
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thesocietalmisfit · 5 months
Allison & Patty paint Allison’s new room
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kpg-1126 · 1 month
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Kevin Can Fuck Himself (TV 2021) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Allison McRoberts/Patty O'Connor, There are other things going on, but it's about them, i'm not trying to hide the ball Characters: Allison McRoberts, Patty O'Connor Additional Tags: I'll tag as I go - i know that's not "the way" but it's a small fandom, Some OCs will pop up, some not so original to this story Summary:
If "Kevin F**ked Himself" was one possible post-canon scenario, we'll call this another alternative, which gives a *little* more credence to the cast and creator commentary on the finale (you know what I mean). Not too much credence, mind you, but enough to cause trouble.
Hat tip to a certain short-but-devastating KCFH fic that acted as some inspiration. After which I let my rom-com mentality take over . . .
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thelonecalzone · 1 month
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Demand something personal.
In Chapter 7 of Somewhere in the Shadows, Patty asks Allison for something difficult as a sign of devotion. What is it?
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armeniuslaurant · 1 year
Catching up on Kevin Fucked Himself and seeing all of the shared headcanons : O
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heytheredeann · 3 years
Isn’t it lovely?
Tags: Episode: s01e07 Broken, Feelings Realization, Introspection, Canon Compliant, the bathtub scene            
Summary: Patty isn’t very good at being gentle.
Notes: Hello! I'm tip-toeing into this tiny fandom trying to get a feel of the characters so I can hopefully write some more fanfiction, because I've fallen in love with these two. For now, this is just some Patty introspection during the scene in the bathtub. The title is from "Lovely" by Billie Eilish. Enjoy!
(Ao3 version)
Patty isn’t very good at being gentle.
Even with Allison right in front of her, miserably sobbing in her bathtub, arms clutched to her chest like she’s trying to make herself smaller, her attempt at comfort comes out clumsy, a bit of teasing with a veil of insult, and it doesn’t seem to help much.
Still, she can’t help the little smile on her face, thinking naggy ficus with impossible fondness, even as she tries to amend her words, to make her joke a little softer.
(Because Allison deserves soft things, and though she might not be the best candidate to provide them she’s there, and she wants to try.)
Her honesty comes out a little tentative, but it isn’t all that difficult to put it to words, to finally voice a truth that she has been noticing for a while: it’s nice, having her around. She’s grown so fond of her and she misses her when they aren’t together and she doesn’t need a reason to want to look for her, she just does, and— “I’m saying—if this is you broken—if this is you being broken—stay broken.”
Allison gives her a small, soft smile, so fond that it almost hurts to look at, twitching on her face and digging in her cheeks until she can see dimples—and then, just like that, she’s invited to join her in her little tub of misery, and it probably says a lot about her current situation that her hesitance is so short-lived, that she’s more surprised than anything else.
She drops in the tub with a yelp, accompanied by the sound of Allison’s laughter and joining in because she can’t quite help it, and it’s so ridiculous, so uncomfortable with the edge of the tub digging into her back and her legs sticking out, but—but Allison is warm and close, offering her another impossibly soft smile that leaves her staring with her mouth half-open for a few moments before she smiles back without meaning to, something beginning to build in her chest without her permission.
Allison’s head finds her shoulder, stealing her breath away and leaving her struck by the realization that—this is so easy.
Allison presses herself against her and she fits, she fits like she’s meant to be there, like they are meant to sit together in an uncomfortable tub, and Patty somehow doesn’t want to move, now or ever, and—
“Maybe we can die alone together,” Allison says, like it’s the most natural thing in the world and—shit, it might be.
Because letting her head rest against Allison’s is ridiculously easy too, and if she closes her eyes she can picture it, the two of them together on a porch, trading dubious jokes and just enjoying each other—
She thinks she wants it like she hasn’t wanted anything in a long while.
 (Apparently, the easiest, most natural route can sometimes be the scariest one. She runs to Tammy as soon as she’s out of Allison’s house.)
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kevincangifhimself · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Kevin Can Fuck Himself (TV 2021) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Allison McRoberts/Patty O'Connor Characters: Allison McRoberts, Patty O'Connor Additional Tags: POV Second Person, Fluff and Angst Series: Part 12 of 1000 Songs Summary:
You're a little drunk, something that's kind of common these days. You're a little drunk at Patty's house, which is still a bit unusual. And you're playing with her hair, which is something you've never done before.
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kpg-1126 · 25 days
Sooner or Later - Chapter 2 - KPG_1126 - Kevin Can Fuck Himself (TV 2021) [Archive of Our Own]
Chapter 2: I just found me a brand new box of matches
Summary: Patty tries something new.
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thelonecalzone · 1 month
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