The Challenging And Rewarding Task of Sourcing High Demand Nurses During...
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kellichristina · 3 years
Kelli Christina is trying to make a difference in this country while promoting cooperation on problems with proposed solutions. Like so many other issues in this country, someone must fight for changes; problems do not resolve themselves. Let us fix all the fan collections and celebrity networks for two parties: 1. Celebrities 2. Fans. Kelli spent a couple years researching and running investigations on these fan collection problems to accomplish something. SOLUTIONS that will work for positive changes.
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kellichristina · 3 years
It was an honor and privilege to accept an international impact award on...
Thank you ABC15 and Go All in Media Live event for the international impact award on my newest best selling book "Riding the Executive Roller Coaster-Medical Staffing Cases" in 2021. I had a blast in Phoenix Arizona and at the event last week. "Riding The Executive Roller Coaster-Medical Staffing Cases" hit international best selling book in the spring 2021 in four countries. The book is available for purchase on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, IngramSpark. 
 Author website: www kellidenneheychristina.com
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kellichristina · 3 years
Go All in LIVE media event in Phoenix, Arizona 2021. Thanks for the Inte...
@ABC News @ABC15 Arizona @Go All In TV 
What a amazing media event for authors in Phoenix, Arizona this week. Thank you Go All in TV media and event. Nim Stant from ABC15 had a vision and she wanted to create a unique event to honor the awarded authors in this country.  It was an honor and privilege to collect an international impact book award and trophy for my new best selling book "Riding the Executive Roller Coaster-Medical Staffing Cases" in 2021. The book is available for purchase on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Ingram Spark. 
 Author website: www.kellidenneheychristina.com
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kellichristina · 3 years
Curating Career Life Stories: How Did I Get Here? Ep. 113 with Kelli Den...
Join me for the career reflections of Kelli Dennehey Christina, CEO of two companies and international bestselling author. A journey where doing the hard work pays off -- success, promotions, new opportunities -- then the bottom falls out and she finds herself homeless and working three jobs. Not one to stay down, Kelli learns from her experience and uses her strong work ethic to reopen her business plus give back to the community with a non-profit she started. Kelli shares her “rollercoaster” story in her book and coaches people who are “flatlined” on how to build themselves back up. What’s served Kelli best is having the ability to move forward, she has that go-getter attitude, she’s willing to learn and willing to go that extra mile. Her words of wisdom are a quote from Abe Lincoln: “You should learn something new every single day.”
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kellichristina · 3 years
Best books to Read- LIVE Interview with Chance Post & Venture X Studios
Best books to Read-Riding The Executive Roller Coaster-Medical Staffing Cases
Thank you Chance Post & Venture X Studios for the LIVE interview on my new international best selling book. What kind of readers will enjoy the book?
Readers that enjoy legal, courts and cases. Government and authorities. Readers that enjoy drama and interesting stories. Readers looking for an inspirational life story involving falling, losing everything, and rebuilding over a period in life. Do you have what it takes to rebuild and get your life back on track? It is an inspiring book on rebuilding and lessons learned along the way. Rebuilding is a step process, often going one day at a time and one step at a time.
Where can we find your book? 
The Paperback/Ebook version available on Amazon Barnes &Noble and Ingramsparks are featuring the hard cover and paperback copies. Author website: www.kellidenneheychristina.com 
You have had some excellent book reviews from top book promoting companies. Who reviewed your book and give us some details. This book has had many names: novel, memoir, crime drama, soap opera, inspirational testimonial- ABC 15 gave this book another International Impact award 2021.
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kellichristina · 3 years
LIVE interview with Sandi Masori Book Strategist Http www ExpertBook...
Thank you to my publisher Sandi Masori in San Diego, California for the time today for a LIVE interview. 
Sandi Masori has been a wonderful business connection and blessing to meet in life. She dedicates a lot of time, energy, detail and attention to her book projects and authors. Wishing Sandi huge success with future authors and book success. I enjoyed our time talking about the publishing business today. If you are looking for a top notch and ambitious publishing company here is Sandi’s contact information below. 
Sandi Masori Book Strategist   Http://www.ExpertBook4U.com AS SEEN ON TV- "America's Top Balloon Expert"-  http://BalloonExpert.com Subscribe on YouTube - http://www.YouTube.com/sandiballoon Books on Amazon - http://www.amazon.com/author/sandimasori 619 339 8024
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kellichristina · 3 years
Living Legends New York City 2019-Carnegie Hall
Fun pictures from a Living Legends Event in New York City 2019. Carnegie Hall event and met some fabulous business, publishing, filming, entrepreneur connections.
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kellichristina · 3 years
The Chris Voss Show-Riding the Executive Roller Coaster-Medical Staffing...
This is a fictionalized book based on real life events and court cases that went unnoticed by the public eye over the period of a decade in this country. The author plays the primary role in the book; the book covers the trials and tribulations of professional offices at their highest and lowest moments .The consequences of handling business and professional issues in the wrong manner or even illegally can escalate and destroy many lives along the way. Too often bosses and employees learn the hard way about employment laws designed to help businesses. When business goes terribly wrong, you can expect attorneys’ offices to explode and many court proceedings to follow. One of my greatest wishes in life is for business leaders to learn employment laws prior to trouble, lawsuits, and mass destruction. This book follows the long path of success and falling in despair over lawsuits and loss; it includes all the important life lessons to be learned along life’s path. Our jobs and well-being can affect our families, friends, relationships, and love life. This is a life story rolling through some good and bad experiences and all the people you meet along the life’s journey. We have a lot of survivors and fighters in this world who can relate to the book’s title, “Riding the Executive Roller Coaster—The Cases of Medical Staffing.” Life can be “up” and “down” like a roller coaster; you just must hang on for the ride and keep going. As a woman in today’s world, Kelli Christina attributes her success to her hard work, education and determination. With 20 years of specialized medical recruiting experience and 10 years in business management, she is currently the CEO, owner, and director of recruiting for KD-Staffing. Ms. Christina created KD-Staffing on the idea that “recruiting is an art.” She has perfected her skills in this “art” through a number of managerial and leadership positions since the start of her career; she became a restaurant manager and a boss at nineteen years old. Before she started a career in recruiting, Ms. Christina obtained a bachelor’s degree in business, hotel and restaurant management from the University of North Texas. With 30 years of career experience, her advice to younger generations of women entering the workforce is to remember the importance of education. She also advises them to be strong-willed and to never give up.
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kellichristina · 3 years
Thank you media for sharing false reported information with me and allowing my response. 
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kellichristina · 3 years
Press Release on my new International Best Seller "Riding The Executive Roller Coaster-Medical Staffing Cases." Very exciting book award categories 2021
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