#keyword: used to
whimsilica · 1 year
Pacifica Northwest and Samantha Manson: Society Enemies
(preface: heck if I know if this's been done before, it's been years since I watched Gravity Falls, and I never actually watched Danny Phantom (it's on the List ok))
They were sat at the same children's table at various Events because they're both Girls, similar in age, and weren't supposed to bother anyone else.
Pacifica laughed at Sam and whatever her mother had forced her into to "look presentable", and at her burgeoning recycling tendencies and vegetarianism. Like sheesh, girl, get some better hobbies. Pacifica's mother would kill her if she ever rocked up with opinions like that, and there's only so much makeup can do about anger lines in your face.
Sam thinks Pacifica is a stuck-up, arrogant, selfish [redacted], and hates every second her mother makes her play nice. The Northwests are Older money by several generations and never stopped regarding the Mansons as "new" money. And also never stopped shutting up about it. Sam's mother has spent the better part of four decades schmoozing up to Pacifica's mother, so those two are the kind of friends only rich socialites could be (toxic). Sam, for her part, would rather be out and about. Gravity Falls is a *very* interesting place. She *definitevly* does not want to spend more time than necessary around Pacifica, let alone form the kind of friendship their mothers have.
When the Mansons leave the West Coast for Illinois, Sam says the worst thing that has ever been said to Pacifica, straight to her face. ("I don't care. See you never.")
YEARS LATER (but not many)
Sam and Pacifica are not preteens anymore. They're teenagers, which is worse.
Both have been dragged kicking and screaming through both character development and hell, and are, for some reason or other, at the same Event, without their support system. (The support system is in town, they just couldn't be at the Event due to Reasons)
They see each other. The room temperature drops. Kill Bill Sirens sound.
(Both do Not have the time for this nonsense, there is a supernatural threat in town, and here they are forced to rub elbows with the useless rich)
Their mothers, in the meantime, exchange snide remarks about how the other's daughter would be *so* much better a friend than the crew the own daughter is running with. (Pacifica and Sam decide that they're gonna keep their friends/support system as far away as possible from the other girl's posse)
Pacifica is aware of the supernatural situation, but Mabel and Dipper are on it. It's gonna be fine. It's gonna be fine. It's gonna be fine. She thinks the Manson girl, for her occult leanings (it's fairly obvious if you know what to look for, and Pacifica made sure after Weridmageddon that she does) (urgh, Mabel and Dipper are never allowed to meet Sam), is antsy in the exact wrong way. Pacifica is pretty damn sure Manson not only knows more than she lets on, but is also involved in this.
Sam, on the other hand, also knows what to look out for in occult terms and symbology and is very perturbed at what she glimpses from Northwest. Northwest, who does not appear to be worried in the slightest. Who keeps sending challenging looks her way. Sam has the cold realization that whatever this is, Northwest is in on it.
The Pines twins and Team Phantom are doing their best to figure out what the heck is going on with a) the supernatural threat, and b) the other teens running around doing supernatural bullshit. The Pines twins have identified Phantom as an entity thst can overshadow others, so they're steering clear for now. Danny and Tucker in the meantime are somewhere between sus and worried about those two others who keep dodging them.
(They all laugh about it in the end. But for now, they're teens who do not communicate across team borders for various reasons.)
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got a worm nibbling my brain. can someone help me find a piece of obscure media?
webcomic/indie comic from the 2010s. basically a sci-fi short story about a young girl (with red hair?) who was being raised by scientists as part of an experiment. she receives a haircut/has her head shaved, in preparation for her annual brain scan/testing. it is revealed that while her body is human, her "brain" is artificial, made of computer implants throughout her skull and spine. at some point her biological mother (also a scientist on the same campus?) encounters her and is repulsed, viewing her as a machine who has murdered her daughter.
it was very poignant and it bruised my heart and i can NOT find it anywhere
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dicennio · 1 year
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enlightningbugs · 8 months
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liness, sketchless brush test/palette test headshots from 2020
This style was nice. I should do it more often. Actually, I liked the Byleth color scheme so much it later became this poster.
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dumbhirano · 10 months
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aroaceacacia · 10 months
if anybody wants to do some casual "Putting MCC VODs On Archive Dot Org" here is a little wishlist
- technoblade! so far I have only found techno's mcc highlight videos saved on archive (in a large cache of all his videos); because of that there are no techno mcc vods on archive that I've found. he has 11 vods that need to go up (0/11)
- in general, because youtube streams appear less volatile than twitch vods, they tend to be saved to archive less. i would love someone to upload smallishbeans (3/26), ryguyrocky (6/15), and mcc pride 2021 (3/25) vods in particular, but any youtube stream is helpful
- the simmers are in pretty dire straits, probably because they're more on the outskirts of the mcyt community: vixella (0/9), kryticzeuz (2/19), james turner (0/8), drgluon (0/14)
- the captain himself has a very reliable vods channel but I'm a big believer in backups. he's currently at 7/32 - most of the needed vods are seasons 1 and 2
- niki nihachu has only 3/12 right now and she deserves better imo
- fwhip is sitting at a pretty 1/11 vods and could use a little help
- the admin stream is the single POV with the most vods! while im now uploading each new admin POV to archive, there's still two seasons' worth of noxcrew streams to put up there (6/37)
btw im not trying to force anybody to upload vods, this is more of a "hey if you want to do this, as of august 12 2023 there are 676 vods and 96 highlights videos that should be backed up to archive and heres a few places to start".
currently just over half of mcc's extant povs have been saved, which is HUGE!!, but theres still a long way to go - and it gets tricky as this is an ever-evolving event. i am like sisyphus, keeper of spreadsheets, eater of gigabytes, uploader of vods. mcc is my rock. but every little bit does help and go a long way and its appreciated. i see you and I appreciate you even if it's just one POV!
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myrkkymato · 20 days
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Ellie, my love
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windslar · 2 months
Pose Player should have a search function.
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egberts · 10 months
not sure if any of you have even been here long enough to remember but i did occasionally just outright rp as john egbert on this blog in 2012. and everyone played along! it was genuinely very fun and social, with replies and asks and other blogs all rping as characters. occasionally we would even go play games on other websites or host massive chats on MSPARP. i'd share links to games and it would crash websites from how many people would join to rp. lowkey miss it but also you'll never catch my grown ass rping publicly again. talk about embarrassing LMFAO
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gender-trash · 2 years
incredibly funny how a bunch of people interpreted “ao3 was almost certainly scraped as part of the gpt training dataset because it’s a big easily accessible body of english language text, so you can prompt gpt with surprisingly vague stuff and it will autocomplete with snarry underage or wangxian a/b/o” as “elon musk Personally is Currently scraping ao3 and training an ai to plagiarize fic, going to go lock ALL my works on ao3 IMMEDIATELY”
its. its already in the dataset. how do you think these things work. “locking my works to registered users only until after the scraping stops!” my dude the ao3 team just needs to like add a robots.txt and check the useragent and stuff to prevent this from happening in the future*, and theyre already on it, but not only is the existing body of work presumably In the Dataset, the model has ALREADY BEEN TRAINED. that omelet isnt going to get unscrambled
(*im assuming that everyone gathering datasets for large language models is being reasonably Polite about it bc these are both very simple to circumvent — if this assumption is false then ao3 might need to graduate to Offensive Measures but also we would definitely need to bully the culprits off of hacker news)
anyway im not taking any Stance one way or the other on the “ai art debate” (other than maybe “none of you know what the hell you’re talking about”) but we’re definitely going to see a whole new world of copyright claims against the big art models and ml researchers developing new tools for “removing” stuff from a trained model, and i for one think that it will be SO entertaining to watch
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pancakeke · 3 months
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google search sucks ass 90% of the time even with boolean operators but people have got to stop lying by telling me duckduckgo is a good search engine that works.
I have been use ddg for years. it's also super broken just in its own special ways.
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sergle · 6 months
Hey! Can I ask you for some advice? I want to get my friend a gift, but she's the type who will not accept expensive gifts, she prefers to treat herself. But, she DOES love cosmetics like nail polish, and I thought, ohhh, I know who to ask about that. So, do you have any recommendations for good bang for your buck for the gal who has everything, nail polish-wise?
HMMMMM!!! That's hard if she's The Gal Who Has Everything, if you dip into a brand that you know she likes, then you can't be totally sure you're not buying her a polish she already has... you're going to have to break into her house and write down the names of all her nail polish No but like. As a nail polish girl, the first thing on the table is that this is a rare occasion where I don't think a gift card is a cop out at all! Like, if there's a specific brand she really goes after, then going that route would just allow her to pick up a future release of her choosing, or specific stuff she has an eye on. If she's a nail polish girlie but has a brand you DON'T think she's frequented a lot (mooncat, ilnp, starrily, holotaco are all ones with catalogues that I like a lot- mooncat is probably highest quality and ilnp has the most range and the best deals) then hitting some of the polishes from there will mean you aren't risking doubling her up on some product. As far as picking colors and finishes, that's the fun part, that'd be up to you. The last option, also, the foolproof one: get shades from a collection of polish that is a New Release! And pray that she's not buying it at the same time as you. lmao Bang for your buck: I think one of the more fun things I've gotten for myself was gold leaf/gold flake? that shit they put on ice cream to justify the price hike in expensive restaurants. It's very very cheap to pick some up, and it's fun to use for nail art! You can also get her Tools and Basics that are helpful, like unusual magnets if she uses magnetic polish, glass nail files, cuticle pushers, stamping plates, or maybe a cute nail mat. One of those silicone ones. If she does gel (or is inch rested in it but hasn't done it herself) there are some pretty affordable gel kits by beetles, w the curing lamps too, I actually got one for myself one time. (but I don't do gel nails anymore) (I don't like taking them off) (but if she's a long-wear nails person she might enjoy doing gels at home) and if you do this, then you so need to buy her some buffing powders. That's like the number one reason to try gel, is you get to use those cool as fuck powders that don't work on regular nail polish. The Twinkled T ones are great. Buffing powders are how you get those really smooth glass-like looks like this:
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and a tub of that shit is like $12. But it doesn't work on regular polish! I think that's all I've got. hope that helps!!
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lilies-are-azules · 1 year
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My exams are starting soon, so in one of my silly moments I did this as my source of motivation, but also because one of my exams is the same day Op.4 is out...
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briviting · 4 days
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did you know. did you know there's a sample used in "the p.atrick star show" episode 3 "lost in couch" that is the same one used in the opening titles for the game "g.regory horror show: soul collector" on the PS2, released only in japan and europe.
it's called "mystic insight" by notable composer dick debenedictis, recorded sometime in the mid '90s for the oft-mined "symphonic adventures production elements toolkit", which also includes "manhattan chase A", a string-heavy piece utilised in many soundtracks, including by stewart copeland for the level "gulp's overlook" in "spyro 2: ript-
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Y'know, while I love to argue (I'm an Aries sun, leave me alone lmao) and try to do so in a fair and respectful manner and it rarely affects me in a irl negative way, I think the circular arguments from anti-aa people just going on and on and on without any actual logic or critical thought toward creative freedom and just basic respect has really affected morale. Just in general. It's like you block three people and four more show up with the exact same argument.
Like I want to just indulge in my hyperfixation and have fun and enjoy my time here... morale is so low, I can't even get hardcore in to the drawing thing I usually do when I'm neck-deep in a fandom. I want to change that. I'm so tired of feeling mopey about it.
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eerna · 11 days
does anyone know any videos that analyze the architecture of the ruins throughout TotK Hyrule?
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