Seven Snippets Tag
Bro i love these even tho i can NEVER pick between my babies
Anyway @late-to-the-fandom tagged me in this chain on my other blog but I'm doing it here because I got all SaSi fics at the moment B)
No-pressure tags: @i-will-physically-fight-you @glacierruler @prince-rowan-of-the-forest @lily-janus @groovyghostie @vinbee631 @girlboypatton be free to lore dump !!!
If you haven't done a writing tag game b4 no worries. This one's prompt is to put seven snippets (or as many as you can find) that you like from your WIPs or favorite fics in a post and bam! you've done a tag game
Because i'm Me(TM) i gotta set a requirement for myself for fun so it's gonna be whichever number that snippet is, it has to have that many characters talking/mentioned/in the snippet/etc. for fun! this is not a necessary requirement btw
Hit read more to see the snippets >:D/\
One Character (from "Brothers by Blood")
A inky one-way-window, long and thin like a serpent, spread across one side of the room. Faint shadows moved behind it. Left of it was a matte metal door; scuff marks on the floor showed where it would swing inward. In the center of this room, a young boy sat on one side of a white folding table, rigid in a matching folding chair. His curled-up poise could have been mistaken for that of a panther: lean, scared – ready for a fight. Layers of black, baggy clothes were his tattered fur. Bushy brown hair was his ruffled mane, lined with old streaks of violet meant to distract from his sore eye bags and heavy eye liner. The boy seemed sweaty, despite the cold, and smelled faintly of cleaning chemicals. He fidgeted absent-mindedly with his chain necklace. Shivering. He glanced up at the clock, squinting, and snapped his head back down as if out of fear of being caught.
2. Two Characters (from "The Prince and the Snake Charmer")
"Sorry, just-" Roman paused, steadying his breathing, "-just a bit jumbled up in the head." Janus nodded in understanding. "That's alright. It might take a second before you can think straight again." "I'm not straight, so it's not a problem," Roman replied on instinct, immediately turning bright crimson at Janus's startled reaction. "I mean, as in thinking-wise," Roman covered up, "I don't think straight ever, y'know? Like, because I'm dumb, and, y'know. Dumb, like really, uh, stupid, right?"
3. Three Characters (from "He Who Holds The Ruler")
Roman nodded. "Y-yeah, I mean, I guess. My brother Remus has a boyfriend. They more so…don't care." Patton nodded and was quiet again. "Maybe you should try telling them over lunch," Patton suggested gently. "I'll be there will you. I'm sure they'll at least try to be understanding." "Yeah," Roman said, nodding. "Understanding." Patton sighed sadly, but smiled reassuringly. "I'm sensing the need for a hug, I think?" "You never have to ask first, you know," Roman mumbled thankfully, hugging Patton around his side. "The answer will always be yes."
4. Four Characters (from "Kingdoms for a Mind 1")
"I would not phrase it as a 'quest'," Logan commented, "Maybe a 'reluctant onus'?" "Oh, hush, Specks," Roman snapped, "You'll get used to our adventures! It 'tis inevitable. With the same ease as the sun rises and falls, you shall soon fall in love with-" Virgil cleared his throat. "Wait a second," he began, looking to Roman, "What did you say about King Dolion 'disturbing peace'?" Thomas started fidgeting with the tablecloth, looking anywhere but at them.
5. Five Characters (from "Takeover" — Zombie apocalypse AU)
“Well, it’ll make great fertilizer!” “Remus, that is disgusting,” Virgil complained. “Stop kicking it!” Stepping back into the garage, Janus made a face. “Dios mío, this truck looks terrible.” “Agreed.” Logan said. He spritzed Lysol on the chair were the zombie once sat, stirring up a wave of dust. “Even my abuelo would not drive this,” Janus muttered, squatting down to look underneath the haphazardly off-balance vehicle, “And he drives the worst AMC Gremlin you will ever see.” Out on the lawn, Remy waved Remus away from him, demanding that he take a shower. This most certainly prompted Remus to ask if he could "join in." Virgil practically fled over to the garage to avoid getting caught in the crossfire of that conversation.
6. Six Characters (from "Kingdoms for a Mind 2")
"Forgive me if I'm rude, I've not seen anyone in months," Hypatia said, taking a seat at the head of the table. "But what are you doing here?" The princes glanced around at each other, none really wanting to explain. Janus sighed and put down his spoon. "We're traveling," Janus said simply. "Though we hadn't planned for this long of a trip. Running short on supplies." "Mainly medical supplies,” Logan said. “And enough rations for everyone,” Patton mentioned. "And weaponry," Remus added. "And sanity," Virgil piped up.
7. Seven characters oh god (from "Takeover")
“Crazy Dave’s not here to reinforce us,” Emile said monotonously. Roman sighed. "That game isn't even good." "Says you." "Well, do one of you have a better suggestion?" Logan asked, slightly exasperated. Patton leaned forward and rested his chin on Logan's shoulder gently. "Could maybe ask Janus…" Virgil wondered out loud, glancing outside, "He's a mechanic at his abuela's shop. Could maybe, with luck, possibly fix the truck." Logan nodded, writing it down quickly. Remy raised an eyebrow. "That's all peaches and cream, babes, but that big-ass zombie wedged in the front seat?" they asked, "Who would be insane enough to even touch it?" WHAM. "I'M BACK, MOTHERFUCKERS!" The front door was kicked wide open by a tall, broad-shouldered figure in loud a punk jacket, which could be described using both definitions of 'dirty.' His grimy combat boots, covered in spikes, had left brown sludge on the window. A name-tag on his shirt, from when he’d worked at a soup kitchen, said, 'Hello! I'm: Remus EVIL BITCH OF THE WEST'.
Sorry for the length. This was fun though >:D/\
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