#kieran stans and having no media literacy. name a more iconic duo.
azelmaandeponine · 4 months
Some clown: "It's cathartic to have Drayton taken down a peg in writing/fanfiction because he's a manipulative prick and needs it!!1!"
Yeah, how dare Drayton want his school club to not be toxic anymore /s. (Also he was trying to help Kieran?) Like yeah, he can be manipulative. But considering EVERYONE KNEW he was manipulating the player, how manipulated could the player really be at that point? So, manipulative? Sure, a bit (though it’s debatable how good he is at it). A prick? No.
Once again, some Kieran Stans proving they have no media literacy.
Also, it was way more cathartic to take down the edgy toxic bully making the League Club miserable and make him chill the fuck out.
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azelmaandeponine · 2 months
Wow, I sure am glad the BBE4 kids have never done a single thing wrong in their lives!
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azelmaandeponine · 4 months
"Drayton is an abusive friend and an all around shit person"
LMAOOO Kieran Stans are on a WHOLE DIFFERENT LEVEL of reality. Like what are they on.
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azelmaandeponine · 3 months
Today in shitty takes:
"Drayton bad because of fanart where he trolls Kieran".
One, Kieran deserves it after the crap he pulled.
Two, fanart??? Isn't??? Canon???
Kieran Stans learn media literacy challenge.
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